Newmarket Era, 10 Apr 1896, p. 1

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f I ft THE IS very AT SUBSCRIBERS E1T 0 v Vvv vvv A- GIVft ME THE LIBERTY TO TO UTTER AND TO ARqUBa8LY ACCORDING TO ABOVE- ALL OTHER LIBERTY i Single- Copies J Cents Each NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND York unless paid in Terms Strictly in Advance within or Si at end of year Newmarket Ont Friday April Interest on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED at in i- year of with of wit of to it without remedy for a world It It them health It flndprttotio a ftlkyt ggjtorj Boor Cord and and of fioid qaa doci not or any other Cartotla food thottomaoh healthy a in onotlto It not Dont any oooto you anything on that It and will floo that get ii on wry a Before Buying Bicycle SEB TUB For Sale also the Wheel ridden by myself last High Grade Monarch cost for SecondHand New Tires J500 Full Stock of Sundries to Street to of vrappor for TIf J Of on If for of Kit o Ilrckcvtkl WIDDH-IKM- J Main i I- j llOlitKNUOOD Lay this Paper down it our on top You cc always expect o lie at the top and trust you will render slighl favor- In any case you will always find and remedies that have notion their medicinal Handing a long time on our shelves together with a Line of Toilet at Searrsp AJo JAcir- A a ituwoy lolO wSt1 a OFFICE up vid Fond A- marly A at BRADFORD thereon WM thereon t if Discounting Farmers Holes AT a fcU Leo fcl the Tell 1itlM with ItiO PASS THROUGH FREE to E E fainter W IN Canned Chicken Soup Com Tomatoes Desert Peaches Solidified Jollies Mince Heat Pure Honey California Dried Prunes and Apricots Bread of Finest Quality constantly on hand AM AT CLOSEST CASH PRICES DAVISON a GO The Bread Producer A LI more Bread the Barrel and belter than any other Flour on the Market FRIED MANUFACTURED BY NEWMARKET i of vIe til WOOTTKN Mala PORTHE FINEST TURNOUT VKIIMONUMVKHY ud Life to CO CANADIAN COMPANY AND DOLLARS 10MClt8 door North nlUOTlOAIi A 3iOJtr tt- ltd ted Astl Co- W villi rlv J CURED BY TAKING s I fcfntcll or Kill vat ice- t it to feuu- j f BONUS YEAR J A WAV CM 1j York CfrtttLlutQB A fit MRS SIMPSON Main It ti IctLtlr tiro liiliii AM I hinds f Free from Eruptions lilt A to Tici oitca the trout A Admitted at thQjtQWte AI tKTittT IKK Lam lUUttAlrfur to do lo lattt OfdcfJ tint utfv3 Hawaii Pearl of Pacific a Y J0Jt AVTliOX differ from holiday in the Statu In intelligence morality and Honolulu favorably corn pare with city of its in Amer ica Hawaiian Holidays and How are Observed The holidays arc in vidua friend they provided for number and arc arrange mingling of American and Asiatic and religious observance Jan uary Is a holiday being New day Is a ho day in of the downfall of mon archy Is Chinese Hew Year birthday Good Friday May birthday of Queen Victoria May Day June nth Day July Birth day of the Republic and American November of Indepen dence and Chiiit- mm If all holidays are kept as the will not toon forget the eventi they celebrate I left on December on the Steamer Matt for Honolulu and has surprised to find the steamer crowded with people of all possible ahadts of complexion and stations in life all for Honolulu to the holidays The teacher from Hawaii the clerk and plantation manager fforn Maul all boarded the for the capital city a gay parly of fair and dark ladies and were on the deck of the steamer as the plied the waters and guitars and banjos brought out and instrumental being the order until a late hour By daylight on the we were at the dock in Honolulu day Stag baby growtSa The babys mission growth To that little bun- of love half trick halt U3 Mroam every ounce tffroi of added iUQ4Ld0i40 lit ft HOARDERS TOR TVENTYSIX YEARS and comfort I Fat the signal of perfect good nature baby Scotts Kniulsloji with the fatfood baby can was as warm as one in July Men went about In white duck suits and straw hats many of the natives were bare footed and so far as the weather was concerned there was no indica tion whatever of Christmas But the shops displayed the usual amount of Christmas toys the churches were decorated with Christmas trees and it only lacked cold weather and winter to make one sure it was rnas indeed When evening came on I walked out on the and found them all lighted up and the shop men a thriving business Fort meet and Hotel street and other principal streets were thronged with men women and children so that one could his way through It almost reminded one of Fourteenth and Twentythird streets New York during the holiday trade Shop windows were filled with toys trinkets- and holiday presents some displayed with most excellent taste Articles of bright colors seemed to attract the natives roost The Haw aiian loves the beautiful the gaudy the brilliant He does not always dis play the most approved of tastes in the selection of colors for blue and pink red arid yellow arc liable to be mingled promiscuously in the make up of his or her dress An incident attracted ray attention which will illustrate what it is to be in a tropical country during Christmas holidays I saw a great throng of na tives gathered in front of a confec tionery shop on Fort street seem ed to be greatly excited and talking rapidly in their native language the object which attracted their attention being evidently on the One put bis as if totouch some ob ject and suddenly jerked it away again as if the creature was alive and had bitten I pressed forward to get a glimpse of the wonder and it prov ed to be a square cake of ice That ice attracted more attention an thing on exhibition that even ing In the centre ot it was some California fruit and the natives stood around it occasionally it with their fingers until it melted entirely away which was lite in the niaht Christmas was celebrated here mure as Fourth of July than Christmas I he Kanaka boy does not know how to celebrate if he cannot make a noise and firecrackers are his hearts de light He discharges them by the bunch in imitation of the Chinese and not singly as the American boy docs All night long on Christmas Eve the firftcrackers were popping they continued during all next day There were services in all the churches and Sunday schools similar 10 such services in the United States on Day The native churches had their Christmas trees the different American and the Euro pean churches their trees and appro priate ceremonies The Chinese and Japanese Christian churches in im itation of their white brothers also had Christmas trees and devotional I attended the Japanese M Church Christmas tree The hall in which the were conducted beautifully decorated with a Urge fern tree in one corner ornamented with candles and tinsel paper and loaded pretty presents The entertainment by singing by the The music was jar but the words were not Then Kifcasiki one of the Japanese workers read a chapter from the Bible in his oho This followed by prayer from S an opening by A a hymn Yes Jesus Me by ibis by recitations In and by several little boys a boy not over twelve or four- visitors and all and the was well crowded with visitors The of the church Rev delivered an address to his people In Japanese and he was followed by Rev Peck of the Methodist Then four young Japanese went through audience and distributed little rolls of paper about the sire of a pipestern When unrolled each per found to have a number on it there being a corresponding num ber on each package brought for dis tribution Some the presents were quite and others cheap The calling off of numbers of packages and distribution of presents caused quite a little flutter of excitement as there was considerable incongruity in the directions they went many grown men drawing tin horns or sewing baskets while some ladies received cavalry spurs My was a set doll dishes while Mrs Jenkins from New York who was on tier way on a missionary tour to Japan drew a boys sword I asked her if she proposed to lake Japan with sword in the way Mahomet established his faith Hawaii truly a missionary coun try influence of the missionary is fell on the in the stores shop offices Asa consequence Christmas is a holiday almost as sa credly kept as the Sabbath and I have never been in any land where the Sabbath was 19 observed Honolulu has saloons but there is little visible drunkenness I dont remember having cen any man un der the influence of liquor except a few tutors The enemies of the pre sent government contemptuously call it the missionary government cauie most of the officials and heads of departments are the ions of mis sionaries During the latter part of Christ- mas week a rumor got abroad that President Dole was going to begin the new year by granting a free and full pardon to all the remaining poli tical prisoners lie had pardoned on Thanksgiving Day hut eight of those who had been the most dan gerous rebels in the outbreak of Jan uary still remained on The as the prison here is called The rumor proved to be well founded President Dole who hone of the kindest wen I ever met had determined to set free the remaining prisoners who were Chas Seward John Bonier Rob ert Wilcox John Si Wise Joseph Clarke J and John At nine thirty on New Years Day the eight prisoners were called horn their cells into the prison yard and there heard their pardons read with great interest The govern ment was represented by Minister Daman AttorneyGeneral Smith and Jude J A for the Board of Prison Inspectors The attorneygeneral read the pardons and made a few remarks in kind tone which were answered by Major Seward with sentiments of regard for the clemency extended by the govern ment the others showing their ap preciation by grasping the hands of the officials A targe crowd of in terested natives were gathered at the outside nates and when the Hawaiian prisoners emerged from their confine ment of eleven months they were greeted with loud cheers The Republic is stronger today than ever was the universal opinion of clemency on the part of Dole will heal ihe old seres and we will soon be a united people said one of spectators This statement was borne out by the royalists present at Pres ident Doles New Year reception the hearty congratulations and wishes of a happy New Year and many of both to the head of the Repub lic and the Republic itself SUTTON Tho Presbyterians have purchased a new organ for their church The English Church was lighted for the first time Sunday evening by the electric light There was a largo congregation and alt were perfectly with the light STOUFKVIIXE Miss Laura SiouiTer has gone to where opened a millinery store Mrs J Stock while walking in the yard on Monday afternoon slipped on the ice and fell fracturing the bone of her aim near the wrist BRADFORD Bros of Mount Albert have opened a wholesale flour and store in town The old drill abed building has been taken down and the material hauled away by Wilson Mr Frank Kirkpatrick pur chased the brick residence of Mr Adam on the hill for The Ladies Aid ten cent tea re cently held at the residence of Mr Lukes was well especially by the younger portion of the com munity It was an evening peasntly spent by all present Proceeds near ly IVrfnws ORCHARD PICKINGS to have faga Ss renting to c4 and alto Hi Met at Hem- Heroin In chair following bills paid CHrkoblMkimlth bill Cess twrcn poiijf and Kjvycr do Hell Mo Worthy awiacl for gravelling A Votli to In of Frank Brown for con C vy to a Husk to govern ibopriwot and Hirst employed by laU Mr to to exist among and to to was to defraying iheiprau Sbs that iho to lb of It toll York roads thsa ad Job re and King Local Board held a when It nn moved by Cherry the to in- pact and report to Bond day of April at rnvllng Council bo held at Harris Hotel of April Linton Lundy is now a citizen of Farmer Kenny disposed of his fat catllo at very fair prices Mr Lance and Mrs Allen Tool arc both so sick as to require medical assistance Lehman and were with their sister Mrs at on Good Friday Mr Daniel Lundy of Vandort was with us a short time this week visit- ingNhe scenes of his childhood Mr Freeman Tool had a very suc cessful wood bee this week a party Numbers of young people were present front Sharon Vandorf Mr Albert and other small On Saturday a8th Mr Peter Shanks of Lloydtown was united in the bonds of wedlock to Augusta the youngest daughter of Mr George Brain of Township The ceremony was performed at Grace Georgetown On Monday evening the entertain ment in connection with the Meth odist Sunday School took and the program presented was coed The flag drill by four girls the two little girls the reciting of the Misses Agne solos by Misses Lloyd and Winters and a short address by the pastor Mr Robinson formed the chief part of the program Another very in teresting feature was the acting of the parable of the wise virgins which was very impressive NEWMARKET lVJARBLEWORCS IK MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES in form It just what lie cannot get in Ilia ordinary food and helps him over weak places to perfect growth teen ycart of age delivered 1 the President Doles New Year recep tion just referred to was held in the Council Chamber of the Executive building and was one of the most important and magnificent events in Honolulu society the writer has had the pleasure ol witnessing President and Mrs Dole showed that courtesy dignity and the same time demo cracy due from the heads of a republic and leaders in society Mr and Mrs- Dole ate in the prime of life gifted with strong common sense and what he reassesses executive ability she hit at a of society Mrs Dole a graceful and beautiful noted for kindncis of heart and is as much admired as her excellent him she is one of the few people in this world whose head cannot be turned high by political or social posi tions and honors Surrounding the President were the staff of Colonel J H Major George Potter Major P Captain J Captain M A Kinney and a number of representing the beauty and of the city mak ing altogether a brilliant company Among the distinguished visitors were the foreign ministers and consuls in the Doling the ifternooti Mrs Dole Mir Paul Mrs La and several other ladies received the of Honolulu in A- ball Refreshments were served from twelve to two and from three to five hundred persons the principal butineis teen of A Spring Fair is lo be held on the show grounds on the of April Rev Mr Toye started for Renville appointment on Sunday morning but did not reach there on account of bad roads His horse got down in the deep snow broke cutler and badly corked itself The tea given at Ihe residence of Mi S on Wednesday even ing under the auspices of the Womens Missionary Society in con nection with the Baptist Church was a success will present quite a dif ferent appearance in the near future- Slrcet lamps are forthcoming which have been a longfell want all the slaughter houses in the village are to be removed from our which is strictly proper and inaccordance with the governing Boards of Health the roads leading to and through our village will be gravelled this summer and in all probability a Bandstand will be erected last but not least comes the railway let it be soon I of World Ho low oat or worn in and lam wait Xhsinoitfalghty and by mgto ia tio way nd hciHcz to ear- to Irritated torn la grippe and tha of chert Bold SCHOOL REPORTS oa or ivti or 11 CJataLiHic Polateer ilr HI tartan An- drew JrIII John Eddie An- Br Recti Jr PalrUro I 07 EASTER Mr G was killed at Ottawa by jumping off a rnoving train A man bought a black fox the other day for cents and cold it or Smith Gos bank at Forest was robbed of the being blown to pieces William Albert sentenced to years one week St Thomas for bigamy aged about was murdered half a mile from Holland on her way homo about to oclock at night On Tueiday night Mn John ston of aged was stiuck by the coder of an engine at ihe C P crossing in that city and killed instantly The city of Sydney Australia has fine of upon any person convicted of spitting upon the floor of any public buildings or upon the street Not until we bear the old fa miliar buzz of the festive mosquito and feel his teeth grating against our check bone can realize for a cer tainly that spring is here A couple of lads tried to red one Sunday night recently and for so doing they each paid into the sidewalk fund of that town the sum of ten dollars Although about three hun dred men are employed in bicycle factory at Toronto Junction every a night gang has been en gaged and on Tuesday all night work was commerced In the sculling race over the championship course for a between George and Wallace Ron the former won by a length and a half gave Ross seven of a start Spring freshets are from many parts of the Province Several bridges hive been carried away The Toronto Perry Corn- panys leer in winter quarters at and a number of other vessels were damaged SO HI Jitney John timer Fred Boyd Herbert Boyd Boyd George Howard fihtsr Grew Acnis Frank Hopper Jr Peag I Part Tablet E ltd I Kjjjsctr Miller John Miry Br HI Bert Travirj Art Roy Etbil Smith Jr HI Ron Gonitsca George tceD Miller KM Lily llClifiWillie Gilti Walter Pi iiaWa Gblrl I Rogera every day Arnold Art Gier The Grind Trunk Railway bis decided to change the color in which their passenger coaches are painted ind make A new uniform color The work of repainting will commence at once In numbers of car have been already changed from tbe Tuscan red so familiar ail over the road to a darker shade a dark maroon This will apply to en gines as well VJaira In Eoglitb to the which credit lo much more advanced in Aler lbs benediction the of gift This novel Jo a la lo the ipctlsl ft-faioatUCtH- I In the evening a concert was given the lame building which was at tended by a and appreciative and in way a lUC- cer The A diets of tatiisber rendered Oaths whole in OmboxTwo Doses or SoujiiAmex- KlDHEV Ctf WILL GIVE LiEr in the Most Cases or Kidney It is fallacy lo argue ones self in to the belief that when it comes upon us roust be en dured Usually can be removed if one of the rceari aod Much is borne by those wto troubled with ThediitrttlitziciiikeR But In South Kidney Cure medicine that kidney and nothing though roihicg Is nearly of psrifyicj ril rreril Itl poprdirit IttoscjcaHed its tyiteci a iceiici like at time and wo lltco and remedy for recorded that ara lbs by wcrda has recalled cuke it We ask la give a Mr trial SEAntE Wash April a The rush to Alaska is on the increase By Saturday no leis than vessels with a passenger list of fully men freight and supplies in propor tion will hare sailed from Ibis port for the gold fields lo the north Alas advices yesterday say that enterprising Sitkans intend to drain a lake back of that town and to gather by the waggon load gold bullion and dust for has brought down and accumulated in the bed of the lake by A tunnel about feet will be built and It will tun water the Isle bottom believed to be paved with gold to a grea depth A Kb Things promise to be brisk in lacrosse circles this year although at present it looks as il Bradford and Orillia would have the Northeastern district to themselves Midland may have a learn but hardly likely and seems altogether dead lia Timet Commandant Booth stated in Winnipeg that he had been appointed take charge of the Salvation Army forces in Australia Kith headquarters at Melbourne He Kill sail for Mel bourne via England immediately after his fire well meeting in Toronto early in June a CUSS f cMabiU3CiUtabiaetbeuCuSuis Aurora hid uncol lected taxes at the first if the year and by the waterworks account we see they have a deficit for of tt2o Waterworks dont pay them so much better than ours do Our taxes however only amount to about MarkKam Sun stock pipers of the counliy are farmers and others to pay more attention to the breeding of good horse They af firm that market is illy supplied and that prices are certain to advance The low figures obtainable for two or three years caused breeders lo be negligent and ihe supaly has been greatly reduced Never paper a wall over old paper and paste Always scrape down thoroughly Old paper can be got lets a sure ii to be found lis Relief is sure In At Captain Shlti Reined I I bare tilt Otvi Care ii jia Hi at will stilly lit3r of by damping saleralurs ard water Then go over all ihe cracks of the wall with Plaster of Paris and finally put on a wash of weak solution of carbolic acid The best is made out of rye Hour with two oun ces of glee dissolved in each quart half an ounce of powdered borax im proves the re- An old and experienced cook gives this advice lo wives re specting boiled beef Always buy a piece of beef and corn it while cooking by putting two of salt lq eight pounds of meat and boil slowly for five hours or until ike bones will drop out Take out and put in a deep dish and put a plate on and press When cut in slices and see how much better it is than beef corned in brine with all the goodness out of it Mr Archibald McQuariie near Maple hid his residence burned to the ground about six oclock on Wednesday morning of list week Mr McQuarricbid risen early and made a lire after which he ttarioi for Toronto He was not long gone when Ihe fire broke cut Scarcely any of Ite contents of the house were lived and firnily barely escaped their liver There in surance On the A defec tive flue is supposed to have been the cause The Daily a despatch from it laying that an ancient arid beautiful script copy of Gospel dat ing back to recent found in As It is written on tbe lineal and ihinDet of vellum which is pVlpic The lie lor the bh arc In gold of liahand fcay to loi- of the precious f iii

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