Newmarket Era, 17 Apr 1896, p. 1

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AW THE NEWMARKET- EI Hording GIVE ME THE TO NOV- TO GEO JACKSON SUBSCRIBERS lfBKmy COVS All OTHER LIBERTY YORK ADVERTISER No papas tent outside of York paid in advance Vol Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday April Terms Strictly in Advance within mos or at end of year W Interest Allowed on AT ISSUED Another revolution of the great wheel of tune brings us face to face the Spring of 1896 and consequently New Styles of- Garments for Cote ptilGE our own Special Importations were In a position take advantage failure of a large wholesale Woollen House in Montreal which enabled secure a beautiful selection of the Finest Fabrics ever Imported Into Canada original prices cut in lo domestic woollens got on the Inside by direct from the I Wrnchti Bella OF EVERY Gct of our Oil never Gums pail wnVlRual High wo give ouch oar attention and to any anything In nporllnit Those- Tiros are Fully For oar I SUIT Of CLOTHES MILL PRICES AND Q A Main Street 1 an you should not let pan Our rocs as it always has and is money for you reputation for a of prices j Main St IZ AUK IN OF- Tiro An ouiUTiioNt rtAKUJHriKAo Mobile to on ketOnt Iffcoiittr JUtlllCf J WOODCOCK so Main Lay is Paper down our on lop You tin always to he At tin lop and you will render favor In any you will find CHS and the leading remedies ilial not medicinal by Handing a long time on our shelves together with a Complete Line of at ted Jlfiivtliy fl It of JIKAJ Hi Ok ty A to I to d4 It CAM Ijur jOi to i loiiOp SI a a a fclcfc ADFORD of Discounting Farmer HATES current rlt Salmon Chicken Soup Corn Peas fiolidiflod Mince Meat Pure Honey California and Bread of Finest Quality constantly on hand am at CLOSEST CASH PRICES DAVISON Si HAVING OUT AT At Toll PASS THROUGH FREE JOHN 1 A- cud to jtfijifctr at o AltciMpMdlOftlltriiicVif end AND CONFECTIONERY of will continue it in all of the trade and will no lo have thing done IN FIRSTCLASS STYLE Wo N STARR Gent J MIq i5 OR IUHNOUT lr VKIlKONrfllVKItV CANADA CO CANADIAN COMPANY CAPITAL AND DOLLARS fixate ia JM two Standard Life durance Co- uruuiitu A J MRS SIMPSON Main ftr IE win It tarred to do el Mill IfiiJpt Clotty tj BONUS YEAR fcftUitll Ail J vflKKINeUHAKUlf A It lil fUlD A I A 1KKKY A LIFE SAVED CHtSHKY ficin eel fruit to tfiy J Itildirc HI- hit lay ft I aptIy ftd I lx4 my UIeW At he JUfttacr Remember J are priceless J Take care of hem no one J of hem for are the If you need Windows J Spectacles or Ayers Cherry Pectoral Award fjy6rl4y The bole or annojncc on John vanished qulcily on his wifes ho found matronly looking little body entertaining a or more of her relative John rubbed bis evident satisfaction exclaiming am very glad to you very glad In fact I never to glad before And around he went from one to the oilier hand and he an amount of travelling around you hare all me by this visit he continued I want to it present I should like you all to share but I can present it only to one to hold and to keep I am In lathers delicate posi tion dont pant a prefer not even In of my wife Nov who Is to have It It Is tome- of value void Give ft to me I Im the oldest I I need it more than the others ihese were the tries all around John and John being too polite to urge her claims in prefer- to cny looked the thought that Jflin was not a bit or he would have kept what it and about it tilt the folks were all gone and then have given ft to net Well now am I to do you are rJcces nephews cousins first and third all speaking at once all eager have what I have no there is one silent Why little dont you chine in think you chance vith all these or arc you so content with what you have now you want nothing more those tell tale blushes Welt I must hunt ing op a wedding pre ten perhaps this might not be now lo business is hut one way to decide this You will have to draw lots one draw ing ii have to iiornfce be fully with the result All light I vfis the answer John went table cut several slips of paper and wrote on one and rolling all alike them on a waiter and presented them first to his buxom cousin Mr Now you occupy so many I it is hut proper to give you first choice Ho ijt jojii until all are How Kate as you arc silting next you draw next lhouh I do not but lintu put you lait now fou I want you to promise to let marc with you you get it I Yes indeed Cousin John Id rather not be the fortunate re Indeed if I do draw I shall keep it if anyone else wants it Low in a decided tone In other if r one the here thinks it having and vnt lake it you will John said only thus Well there is no accounting for taste Maybe it may be your lot to have the The fourth to draw was Worth a widow gentle and an ample amount of this voids goods As she drew out the roll id If I should be the fortunate I will give it if worth giving the to dear little smiled sweetly in ac knowledgement of kind lion You afford to be itncrois said Johns wife At length all were drawn All were eager lo know heir fate- gave the word and quickly the sips were unrolled out of appoint escaped the lips of all save Wis Worth and little What is it I Do show it or tell exclaimed His A I Attic Goal ton SALE I rkil OUc of the Soul t call on us and jour prices fjyiOS ATKINSON Jeweler and Optician SO Main Si Newmarket the approve of Scot and women who are weak when they should be strong for babies and children who are thin when they should be fat for all who get no nourish ment from their food Poor K is starved blood Con- sumption and Scrofula never come without this starvation And nothing better for starved Mood than oil Scotts js codliver oil fishfat taken a me what it is John drew from pocket a Idler- he I cannot show it just now Hut don uneasy you shall not lose whit you have won In a few I hope to put you in possession of the prize- This Utter j are anxious to know out I Wall Borne ego I of vqq art of th I hive dtUrainJ to of Inform- Of her cor 1jV I j I At I of who viud of tiire will to cad ibis ralli stalker net rcit will not that I with to bear at acq Vry For several after the letter vis foMed and returned to John pocket not spo ken At length Mm Hartley to the John Fulton he exclaimed i you have deceived raej I think jou Acted vty In your own loo To pose on a confidence Wril as no mire of to be von think I am free to decline receiving the burden you thou Id iid itojoi6 on me I not to My I thick have Maple begin butbnd You think Mi I kilobit is tith Alt prfxfdttcfibe Hod Mi- lent Society of Sewing Circle moment of time taken up I can John lake Aunt If Kate I will certainly relieve John Oh indeed indeed I cannot arc you thinking about Men do not have the lean consideration for Hon can have her I only keep one ser vant with children too I cannot eland any additional care And John if you have any money to I had It before Your children one of Ill not put off going another day Take Aunt I when the have got to my name five cent alpaca Now Mary Hard you ought to stand to your word could if you choose Bui if you if a J you surely can You hayc no children and your is doing a good lien Nellie dear do relieve or minds We can take of Aunt no is your cousin I believe You know wc can 1 know you want lo kill Harry True enough have consideration enough for all women hut their own wives You knot feeble my health is and what doctor said about the of my being kept from any excitement As far as the money question is concerned I am willing help her Vorth you take her she is nearer related 10 you I wish J could If it depended upon me I certainly should but Rob ert would never Sons now adays Have too much consideration to suite inc- They teem to consider it incumbent upon them to think and act their mothers Robert will not have any change in our arrangements I believe if I should have Aunt Klin come he would go Hut as you say money I can and will gladly give j No one would havener AH had spoken except Utile Hay den Poor she was an orphan home vasin two rooms in the of a home hut the landlady was kindhcaitcd arid was will satisfied and lately happy in the possession of Dawsons was a saleswoman in Whiles and received len dollars a week She lived on that amount and had saved something for her wedding clothes which folks raid would be needed soon Silently she listened until all had spoken then villi tears in her soft brown eyes she Cousin I mm did not mamma live with Cousin once before her marriage Yes dear child answered Mrs Worth And mamma loved her I think Then il no one else wants her I do I will willingly have her come she hesitated if any one of you will bring her to me I cannol leave my business and can hardly spare the money it would take to pay for a con veyance Lou said looking timidly from one- to the other Exclamations of surprise came from all remonstrances from one or two but it was pretty generally agreed thai should take the aged rela tive She will be company for you said one And can mend up your clothes said another And keep house while you are an ay chimed in a third I will stand by you aid John Fulton Dont hesitate to send to roe Hut I will not for that I will attend to all the expenses said Mrs Worth And so it was One week from that evening poor Aunt with ell her worldly possessions consisting of a feather bed pillows a hall dozen of palchwork rjuilis a pair of wellworn and darned blankets numerous old pieces of cut glass and china remnants of better dai and of departed friends eight silver spoons not particularly arrived at humble home Aunt Eliza grew happy with the dear good gill and for several months proved no burden John Fulton and Mrs true to their promises came often and never weddng was fixed for June With the first approach of warm weather strength visibly failed and sweet face grew daily All day she worked at the store at night watched and waited on her poor old aunt She began then to feel her Aunt a burden oh no she never thought of her thus but a very great care Mrs Worth was out of town and John Fultons limited means were taxed severely Mr Johns failing health made a change of climate ne cessary A new baby requiring a nurse to go with the invalid mother and an to take care of the children at home increased Johns to an alarming extent Lou knew all this and she would not let know ho much she needed help The noble girl kept up a bravo heart and cheerful smile and carefully kept her anxious thoughts from all but Charlie Daw- eon cannot be married in June she said her lips trembling a little Oh you will not treat me so cruelly Charlie answered his fine eyes full of reproach And then the brave Utile heart and dropping head on Charlies shoulders forth lr sorrow And Charlie brave fellow I wanted to all the more sod right away 10 the burden pleaded but She would tot si extra cue to to true a heart Yet gently the put hint off saying will ice wait a little while But then Aunt grcfr so ill there was no for though is of the happy time One day she called and laid My darling good little Lou I I could leave you something to prove how much I love you Ive only the little things I fetched here You must have all all Ive got but poor blue lips so thin and lightly drawn quivered but Willies picture I want to take that with me Put It with me dear missed each other here maybe well find each other in heaven I dont just know what sent him off used to think ho loved me Some told him false I ihink But never mind that now All is yours but that Is Charlie downstairs Yes aunty do you wish lo see him Aunty assented and Lou quickly out A few more and Charles Dawson stood beside the bed want you to write will Aunt whispered feebly I aint got much but I want Lou to have what there and no trouble about it Can you do it That is profession aunty Charles answered Then write you know what to lie sure all Ive got and and all I may ever have Put that word in ever have Who knows who knows she whispered Willing to humor her Charlie did her bidding and in a far moments told her it was all Aunt Elizas mind was clearer than they thought She insisted that the landlady and her son be sent for hear the will read and witness it That done Charlie supported her while she wrote her name Frequently murmuring Who knows she soon fell into a quiet sleep A few after came day which iras have been wed- ding day Aunt Klin seemed pas sing gently away The low soothing tones of ihe man of God ceased when a slight knock was at the door Char icy opened 11 to admit a stranger to all A few hurried words of explanation and approached the bedside Aunty this gentleman wishes to speak to you Are you able to lis ten Charlie The half closed eyes opened with more intelligence in I hem than for many hours Thetranger who was a lawyer drew and told her he brought her from one who bad but lately passed away Willie Aunt Klin mur mured in a scarce audible voice Yes from Willie lawyer told and then producing a docu ment he read il while the wondering friends involuntarily drew nearer to watch the effect of the news on the dying woman William Garners will it was All of his immense fortune he had left to his only lore In the advent of her death to those dearest to her I always thought Willie loved Im so glad to know he did he doer Aunt whispered a soft sweet smile settling over the aged face Eagerly her eyes sought Lous Charlies They drew neater With feeble effort she tried join of each arid whispered ministers name- All present understood the unspok en wish With hands Lou and Charlie stood before the clergy man A little while more and Charlie led his bride closer to the bed placed her hand in Aunt and in a low Thank you auntie good children Had for jour sate I Aunt said her voice growing almost too faint to ft AURORA On Friday afternoon last Mr John shot a mink in the creek just back of the roller skating rink Mr Wilson who on the harness business in the Stephen son block and who made an assign ment a short lime ago removed to Chuich Hill Eleven yean ago Thursday of last week the members of York and Sim cos battalion left here for the North Vcil to assist in putting down the rebellion in that part Of the men who composed the company from here there are but five remain in town The lest are scattered all over world HEAD A party of about wrought a surprise upon Re Mr one evening last week and presented bun with an address regret at the removal of himself and wife and wellfilled purse is about removing lo Falls a residence hereof over twelve years The company left about midnight wishing the respected couple happi ness and success in there new home About oclock on Friday night the residence of Half was dis covered to be on fire and in spile of the hard work of the citiiens it was burned to ground There was some insurance be understood Slowly eyelid a Willie loved me Lou A smite a gentle sigh and Elizas was with Willie heard Aunt Who would have thought it said John ions wife I could only have said Mrs Pear dear just to think what might have been But how could one dream of such a thing It is just what you ought to have Hearts like surely meet reward here hereafter might 2nd Slid John Lous A meeting of the Officers and Ex ecutive of West Sab bath School Association was held at John residence on Wednes day March nth Reports were civ- en to the meeting of visits made to the different school of the munici pality by Messrs Gardner and to ascertain the feeling of Teachers of different schools in matter Joining the Association as also whether they to be connected North York or South Co Associ ation- The reports favorable joining North York Co Associ ation it was therefore decided that this Township Associilion join with North in Sabbath School work It decided that a convention be held at Hill in the t run Church on ihe rsl Thursday in June Mr Fountain of died bit Thursday was well known in ihii part of country hiving a amity Of sons Arid daughters the of whom a still resides home About a year ago deceased hd a which left him almost for a time Another stroke occurred fill since which time he con fined to his bed and yet another a short lime ago has resulted in hit death lie bote his long illness with patience and endurance knowing he vrould never recover The family hive the friends The funeral took at the Ktt- burying ground Friday afternoon A fe since Mr boy had the mJifouune to get his leg broken by having it jammed the white lining on the sleigh The little has been doing well under Dr Greenwoods and will soon be running around Ice covers the bay of Like i J while steamers and hive been tunning on Lake Ontario for weeks or more Mr has returned from the city and is visiting her fathers Mr Michael The races at a owing to the quantity water on the ice The stage boy from Sutton to Kes wick has become an well Son Daddy did you know rises about an hour earlier than it docs here The Chicago Father Ho get that fool notion Learnt it at school the sun in you 11 I they are leaching at school that Philadelphia is an hour ahead of Chicago I guess it is time sere took out of there and put in the A firm of primers in Toronto failed a few days ago leaving liabilities and practically no The firm one of which send canvasser over the province soliciting work in villages end small towns Quoting very low rates they are in re ceipt of of orders and wonder bo the local printers can have the to charge rates so high as they do As a mailer fact rales of local primers arc far from being eiobitant When city printers have a tariff or when ijius offer turn out mere somebody The sufferers creditors either paper sometime I both like every other re quisite in lite he who produces ii rales below the is if be tot local con- work for a is are the printers the type founders or of And iiis This I understand is the truthful description of the Abyssinian whose name his suddenly be come one of most famous in alt the world Emperor Menelelt is a man with hard features much marked by smallpox a eye that quickly lights up with He is generally like rnoit in a white hand kerchief lied around his head the knob behind and wraps his body in a of striped The always goes barefooted the highlydressed despising shoes pious according lohis lights His ad herence to the faith is about as comprehensive as ibat of early He his one legitimate wife but otherwise bis ways are as and is a legend he is a descendant of Qutcn of Sheba born to the of David lie his not a peasant leraper when aroused and on irorc than one occasion he has ordered prisoners of war be hanged by score after previously them by culling their right hinds and feet and their neck are ugly rumors that Italian prisoners are spared their lives but that the have been subjected to terrible Petty tie punished in by off an car or lbs nose and more serious crimes by the slic ing of and lips In very much like of the of Europe when were rode and texture lbs BUS STROM The concert at Carrie on be half of Armenian Fund netted Two hundred Home boys arrived Sunday on the steamer William Watson the victim of he boiler il dead Mr Alex a farmer near Kingston was gored lo denth by a bull At Strathroy the bylaw in furniture factory bonus was carried by a large majority voting in favor and only against John Williams while feeding the at the smelting works in Hamilton was overcome by ihe coal gas and before help arrived he was dead Codbrook Mr Stevenson a milkman and a boy named Carton were kill ed by a train while driving the railway track Canada is a cheese producing country millions of the twentysix millions of fancy that England buys annually is pro duced in Cansda Mr of Knox Church Acloo his accepted the call from Toronto Junction and at ihe last meeting of the Presbytery of his translation was approved At last week a man was fined and costs for rellicg adulterated maple on the mar- Vet This should prove a warning to those who feel inclined to make money in this way For a man signi fies end of a conversation and moment of his departure for a wo man beginning of a new chap ter for it is just when they arc taking leave of each other mat of the mo important topics of con versation Canada is far in advance of United States in protecting her dairy the federal parliament having a law prohibiting talc of anything pure rated butler or cheese from milk a healthy cow within its domain A committee of the Department of Liverpool ihr the spread of glanders among hoist in thai city is lo the importation of Canadian The commitle is about to ihc Government t take restrictive action upon of such animals Iirneiv who have in their hay realizing anything like per for it are likely 10 be disappointed The tendency of market is down week sold in Owen Sound for i where a few ags it in teens The editor of a inert cit paper was ill far day or two the was put on his desk The man become so to writing flashy that ended up wish trouble expected that he absentmindedly made the addition lo a wedding o- He now lookingfor work While Austin Stephenson an employe of the Hamilton Powder Company was driving an express wagon containing 100 pounds of the exploded The man horse and vehicle blown to The ground in the vicinity of the explosion looks as if a cyclone hid- struck there Trees were lorn up by the roots and houses in ihe vicinity were badly shattered Smiths Onl April One of ihe most diabolical at train wrecking in the history of Ibis province was that which was made last night but which fortunately did not result at it might have done When the CJP ex press which left Toronto oclock on Friday night was but a few miles west of the town of Perth bag gage and Iho passenger cars left the rails and were smashed The engine and remained on the track There were a large num ber of passengers on and all were badly shaken up Those in the second class car together with the and postal hid a miraculous escape from instant These cars were badly wrecked and while none cf en ihe tram were seriously injured the greater number of carry bruises and cuts as the result of accident April Denver yester day was the centre of one of worn that ever over western country East of here country is inun dated with water while on ihe south and west disastrous snow swept away eery vestige of animal life in iheir path At Pueblo cars were from the track and piled in ibe ditches Drifts rinse as high as feet There is of live stock 1 escaping Not a train is movie on sever railroads and ihe is the load lUt it handling Cripple Creek reports the greatest Ion and fatuities arc in ihe hills surrounding ihe where several hundred men are pro without any protection the norm Five building in Creek were down including three store and lodging bouse occupied by mud storm preceded by snow was a of led mud succeeded by hosu people coat The wont storm ever at In j lL J- r

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