Newmarket Era, 24 Apr 1896, p. 2

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Oboes A Allan Movies Bides Co For Rogers he to IfaVEftLCTSlH AMP WITH EACH ISSUE Vbo Eta la Ml Hops HI MO SOUIK Ibli of labor Wlonl- pjjon bit Ottawa opposition lo Iba Bill report la current Ottawa baa bit no- willlogoess to sanation any mora men till altar A aooordtd lha mains iUaos Governor took on Itat at Winnipeg FRIDAY APRIL 24 Our Toronto iatht Era April and Hon Dr Hon- Ottawa on rpilori a ihfctfl giant for dead Meat project A fa vorable km returned war entered city for for Hon W very HI as tcn In Hill herd on 12lh of May Political now to candidates forth of the city will Ji In ft of ptnt and lb iking but lb Dominion of till frlcndi nd of Hon will tender Toronto Col Dr and ftntlieuclal alto and Intentlcn to en death mo Mr WI ft jew J from Ihtrtob IbtetticUiJchibo ll gem ni A to a In fcichwl both wiib jo flyiog tod of on of not by flogirtd work dopittmt boa- of la and jablio An willy Tbft foomtMO1 ami lor lnilraotoo day nd is I SUTTON The of Mr J Wfet had a Friday About four loo a upon the village accompanied by terrific lightning A bill of entered Mr reatdence cavort- cd about the roomy tearing dotrh the and dashing out through the all The family iblnklost bouse afire jumped from their and ran out Into the yard crying Apart from the fright and the damage no harm done wtinUr for Almoin In Ontario In Toronto ftrraoganjenli wlih tiovcVornant for hit Mr atop la order to Liberal for to at general election In AhO Howell announced in the Senate on a tat that the general would he held on June June 16 The trill be made returnable July and the new will auuv to meet on the same day fit As way foteihadoncd in there col- umna ck another Cabinet at Ottawa one of the political of the put week The teuton of Parliament which closed began and with ft Molting and scheming de layed for weeks the for which Parliament was convened until Sir Mackenzie Howell feeling that be was being knifed in the I oust by his ft tends denounced the conspirators as a licit of traitors Then follow ed the of Canada High Commissioner to the Cabinet Council as the coining Us to lead the patty of coercion out into the land of J but not to take command till Parliament the lransfe- of the Premiership from Sir lo Sir may profitable to contractors and and protested but It will be at the expense judging from past experience both of tho dignity of the economy in conduct of public affairs A very general Im pression throughout the country that Sir Charles Topper Is an extravagant departmental officer ambitious to a full of brag and bluster and now to give him full reign as Minister where be can the authority of dictator his created strong misgivings in patty circles for the future In this connection report has It that the present LieutGovernor of Quebec Hon is to he invited to accept a portfolio as the right hand bower of the Cumber land also that the On tario wing of Ihe new Cabinet is lobe by the presence of Chief Justice Meredith Considering bow- ever the attiiu of Ihe latter in re gard to sectarian school while lead- log the In the Ontario Assembly for many years it seens difficult to reconcile his wellknown views with of Sir Charts In retard remedial legisla tion Another new lo Minis terial life as likely to join the is Mr Hugh J Macdonald of Winnipeg but he too has declared again this same remedial bill that Sir Charles Topper was ready for and has dur ing the past six months declared over and over that he would not re enter ihe Dominion Parliament His acceptance of a port- folio however will not materially strengthen the or the coercions in Manitoba during the present elec tion campaign It is also understood that Sir the friend in days gone by of Uncle Tom McGrccve is to become Sir Charles successor as Canadian High Commissioner to and Hon P takes Sir Adolphea place in the Ministry The other members of the Bo well tton will in office in- of noto riety Of courte preparations for of arc inactive and common report about finlsterial quarters say that nomina tions for the general elections will take place on the of June and oiling on he Meanwhile Sir Howell will leave for Eng land to attend the Cable Conference This appears to be the program as In dicated by horn Ottawa yes terday authority Joi eminent of lla Mis John of and famali Mia Is wtll at lb lb and anaotlialntcrttt In phItaDtlirojo A from Ottawa aia Howell On evening and re 0nitodtdllr at his r It Is annooncorntnti of Ihla will bo In both of Parliament today Preeldcnt remark about awopplng comes In her Tin Ontario Government has appoint ed to dUldo the various Ontario Into Council by lb Act pitted last assiloo Dean of Victoria and of and to York and Ontario mast mat If ay aodOatoVir lit mil Miss Marshall has been quite 111 for a few days but is able to out again Mr J 1 lost a fine last Saturday It was sick tor about two days with inflammation The Misses Jenkins invited a fcer of young people to spend Thurs day evening of list week at their home The entertainment consisted of games vocal and instrument al and refreshments the small hours of the morning the coin dispersed having bad a good social together We had the excitement of a run- away the other day A span of hones were left untied and gave driver quite a run They vrerc caught about a mite north of the village Mr J I was here on Sunday Mis sister from Brighton is staying here for a while Mr I has bought Mr Col I woods home and lot and is going to build a fine residence changes arc going on in our village Prcd and Jack Prpber got home from the North on Tuesday Mr I bay tented part of the Oldham tailor shop and opened a Jewellery Death visited the family of Mr J the of April and took away second daughter who was only sick days with inflammation She Was In her tit year The remains to Si Johns cemetery Mr William Cordon Is working at the factory Seeding has commenced In this vicinity Mr John Broad and Miss Jennie Graham were the guests of Grandma last Sunday passed over this sect loo on altensoon the barn of Mr struck by lightning The- flames Issued ftt once from If pant of the building and the heat as that nothing A hone cow and a calf belonging to Mr John on the place were consumed together a of feed Ho was offered hone will feel the loss ft good deal no ol British Chartered South African Company received today despatch from dated April a Is most There are three miles ftnd friendly natives have jived In toon In nine whites and thouiand have been killed The rebels are running short of The new arrival Robert Pollocks is a boy The sermon the late Mis Goodyear was preached last Sabbath in the Christian Church here to a congregation of mourning friends and relatives by tin Rev Mr Chldlcy Newmarket and formerly at Kemick Jlie Methodist Church dispensed their service so that all friends might have an of ai tending the funeral riles of defeated The buri al place at cemelcry The remaining ice disappeared from Cooks Bay between Friday night and Monday morning Seeding commenced last week In these parts Pall wheat i looking remarkably well The grass never looked so green at this season of the year where a few weeks ago snow- drills were piled high Suckers are in galore thern in creek affords great past- lime for the kids As a of County traits In ftdoorood last Ills Honor Crown Allornay Wawut Blobardsoo Win Pater Kills and appointed ft to wall on At tor ny0 en with of aecorlng to who may upon to try and of petty cues under recent to Criminal Cod This to county will trying Otnatftl Toronto UK Itiitar that A Vf watut at Iba for a the Topper It exacted ibit thy will Ma at Wtb kit will Wood up He Aiiniu 10 in M Ibo Dill iulbutu ItSIvit of Myjuiiby I has gono to Button for a few vlall Mia la vlilllng vui I lu vialtlng Mr a Toronto la her Mr Woollen are a few In city Mr returned ihli Wtsk fiend In the city paid to Mr returned day after Councillor of hi and ft call Ada daughter of Mr Wis from on a villi Invito friends fnat to tilth birthday Dr Holt and Mr attended lb Mils in Bradford week Woodruff Hit for horn on Wednesday inallng her eUtar a villi A 10 lb city yesterday having spent with town Mill baa returad from Irii nd It making Imr bar Mr Jl Diction UiilierrIekoii of Mrs If Can hick to It after ajoding her Mr J write I I roy letter from Mr rjeolal teller of expects to duly In ft day or two Mr ar lo prttcb Etc being an axebsose of work with Mr Walker Mr of over fatter latter weak Mr on for Toronto tie soma of goto U ttoiuuii VllHama of lift or a ft shop on Burls Huh for- ictrly of Urn fined to Led col an Ja grlpp Ltd anothtr bid tut Hit In a condition aod regret to Ltc f ft leaden Jcbu an of tie Lid died that day fcui widijykiiwa IxAb In lha by xUbr aooooxio- lit IL IVjidy Lxra for tad I for liuwtit Aouvr Once more our burg is putting on its springlike appearance and with a few exceptions we can of as tidy and neat village as found north of Toronto Young Mens Liberal Club ore commencing operations for com ing campaign and expect by their efforts to Influence tetany of the voters here Quarterly meeting Is to be held in the Methodist Church a week from Sunday Nearly all the sick of our burg are better again and the ate conva lescent Come what is matter with our Football Club ibis year Surely you will not be behind our sister vil lages Although not being young enough for the game slill we are lovers of the sport preparations arc being made for Arbor Day here a week from to day and no doubt the schoolgrounds will present their usual handsome ap pearance in the near future What is wrong with our brass bawd When may the health inspector be expected to make his round Who was ihe gent that got left Ihe other night When is thru wedding coming off People would like to know who Lid die is ay two or three innocent parties are receiving cold looks and being blamed we believe for or tain ankles published remind such thai they ate a long way yet and no doobt think that arc not able the items The say A still tongue makes a wise head KlilTJICIJy About half past five Friday evening last one the heaviest downpours rain over this district that lias been known lor The cloud seemed sweep earth and for a short time we were almost in total darkness The water ran in rivers in all directions washing out sluiceways and away bridges For a time it appear ed as if Mr milldam would be washed away but by a timely rais ing of the gales tint disaster was avoided The electric display was fast and furious but heard of no damage been done by One day last week Mr Alex Terry had the misfortune lo lose bis best cow it getting choked with a piece of a turnip Sap buckets were collected last week run sweet but fast Mr Hiram returned home from a weeks visit to relatives in New York on Thursday of last week Our bicyclists are frequently seen out for a tun these fino evenings new ones in vicinity this Spring We now have a couple of bicyclists Miss It head and Miss Walton an amount of repairing going on here this summer Mr is raiting his bam and pulling stone wall under also giving it a general repairing throughout and adding a ahed Mr Joseph Rogers will erect a barn with an under ground stable J If is going to taise bis bain and a stable under and otherwise remodel it Suckers we lato gelling up our mill creek on of much ice in the swamp but they got up this week and were made Into meat usual Seeding commence this week dried up and in very good Mr Clark who got his leg broken ego ho the splints a couple of now and Is Improving quite fast J Is to Seeding did not commence as early as was expected a few weeks ago The rains have kept the roads and fieldi very muddy Mill Maude Morton returned borne this week after having spent a few weeks with friends in Toronto Quite a change In the weather on Tuesday evening It appears that wherever here is stater Ibis Spring suckers Many bate been caught along the roadside Mr David Draper and daughter attended the Horse Show In Toronto last week Mr J Mania gave a good address in the V F on In Mrs Frank infant girl has been suffering from inflammation Mr and Mrs Sweet have moved to Morton Park where they intend to reside during the summer A large number from here attend ed the funeral sermon of Mrs Chat Goodyear in Keswick on Sunday morning Mr and Mrs of market were calling on friends this week Mr Cherry has moved to his property in York Tp During the stay here he and his family have made many firm friend Messrs Banbury Bros liverymen lost one of their best drivers on Thursday of last week Mr Barker Mr Snider and Miss left f r the North West this week The thermometer in the shade on Some small boys and some not so small seemed to take enjoyment from annoying family named Morion was broken and largo thrown upon the rcof and other freaks indulged in The tables were turned when a number were summoned lo appear before the Mayor and legally Mr Buckles young son a bright little fellow of j years was sud denly by membraneous croup On Tuesday ihe remains of Mis Thompson daughter of Mr Win Brown were brought here for rnenl Mr Cannon has purchased Kentuckybred stallion whose colls are among the class of drivers to be found anywhere is bred on both sides from the fastest stock in the world so that Mr Cannon rnafccl that he has a valuable stallion Mr A Roto hat put an addition to his house It makes quite an Im provement The snow fa all gone and the wheat looks quite green in this vicinity The farmers aro taking advantage of fine days Some slatted seed ing last week A at the church gate would make quite an improvement on dark Sunday nights Rev Dewey of Mt Albeit preach- sermon In the Metho dist Church Sunday evening PINE ORCHARD Fall and clover are both looking well Some of farmers have commenced work on the land were pleated to ice Mrs Van in our midst last Sabbath an absence of several year Mr K Hall remodelling his dence Mi Bert Reynolds had a bee on Tuesday to replace part of which the freinct had torn away home on the corner the occupied Mr Mule- John and family of haying moved I here Death has again visited this burg and removed Mis Phillip from our The bereaved husband has the sympathy of the whole neigh borhood PLEASANT VALLEY List Friday at pm a terrific thunder storm pastd through here accompanied by a very high wind No serious darnygc is known of in this locality Spring plowing has again com menced and the arc being stored away again to rest another year The funeral of the late Mrs P Fog of Pine passed through here list Saturday on the way to Aurora for On account of the bid rends last week Mr Scott did not come up from the City consequently we had no service last Sabbath evening Thanks to for manifested In last weeks issue Has somebody stolen their bell while the sexton was duty r Miss Harriet Glover Is home on a visit but Intend lo go away soon again Suckers are up and fishing is all tbciage Mr bad an accident while going along iovd his team took fright and jumped through the fence Fortunately no serious dam age was done A small wood bee took place at Ml Pleasant Church last Miss Annie Moulds from Mos quito Hollow Is spending a few with her brother Andrew in Kim- vale- The Canadian Band plays every evening now free of charge We an inquiry In last weeks issue from Mt Pleasant asking where is located is a quiet little Spot one mile and ahal northeast of If you pass ed ugh it once you would alrays remember it COLLEGE out for at Uraa- ft ELLIOTT Leading furniture Undertaking Mouse TfetaadbMlofijeif8v FREE It is a source of great satisfaction to us to he able to state that ever since coming to Newmarket our trade has been Every reason why it should People are find out that the man who buys the cheapest can sell the cheapest No buyer gets more snaps than and you benefit by every purchase we make No old goods nere no trashy goods here but the goods you want are here at tho price you want to pay a A Air Brush Ink Portrait With Cash Purchase of Furniture AND SEE SPECIMEN or JOHN a a poor garment in nock Boy Fine Suits Suits well trimmud Good Serge Soils Serge Suits best farmer 5J A SPECIALTY Night calls ftUcncd Mr ft Af satin linings superior quality Mens Stylish Tweed Suits Summer Weight Special Line Tweed Suits tail ormade worth 10 at Mens Pants Rood Mtns Cotton pairs Fedora Hals Mens Stylish Stiff Hat Hats stylish Mens Tweed Waterproof Coats with long Cape worth at DRESS New Screes double all boh every shade Figured Black Cajhmere all wool purchase Henrietta its worth s but will dear it put at lively Mottled press Coeds the newest ihing si JlbcV Vtnctian Cape Goods special 1 Cotton Croponnes at Cotton Crinklis Cbambrays We guarantee our Cortel The Corset at is the belt in Canada Parasols at Parasols Shot Silk STAPLES The Heaviest lo Ontario at Bleached Factory worth raj at Heavy Cottqnade worth Table worth at Table Linen worth at Fine Belfast Table Linen at Prints fait colors at I 1 colors fast do Lace Curtain per pair- Lace Curtains in cream or white yds Ion Good Union Carpet Sec our stock if you need a Carpet the prices are easy and the Goods the best Windoir Shades complete at Curtain complete at fo 5 5 ih Jr Ufa or ur- Mr an lit PUo Tomb On tit art tor Hi retldtscfc A til tf Jb Jilt lo tta fcoiunwircirfciiipvcaiiaKtaara fill Wm ana s7ttfaciral in ttra on KJtr atd ftt If avisrktt Koran All will a prOMbl never in a better position to serve you and remember one dollar will do as much at this store as one and a naif will do in Toronto or elsewhere If you cannot get out we vill be glad to mail Samples Veto HOLLAND LANDING Suckers are week The old red mill brick chimney took a tumble last Tuesday evening at oclock- It lucky no one was near it when it fell There near it a minutes before it came down Miss Murphy who was spending a few days wild friends the city re turned last Saturday morning Mr and Mrs- of Richmond Hill spent a few days here with friends this week Mis Williams of Toronto Junction is visiting her tiller Mrs We understand Mil Beaton is very ill with slight hopes of her re covery The of in the Methodist Cburcti was fully on Wednuday the Inst After ihe active and membtri pledges read Mr Turner of Sharon addressed tne meet and showed how the J was a stepping between the School and Church Hie elected President Mr Walker VicePrw VicePrei Miss Parsons SccyTrcas Mr List Wednesday evening the first meeting JuU The topic The Joy of Saving ttkci up one of Miss by Miss Wilton of Voic St Noah The farmers in this vicinity arc busy seeding are pleased to hew Mr is getting around Mr Wiit of Mr spent List Sunday with Johnson A from attended a party at Mr Tuesday evening and report a time Miss Harriett Glover has gone to spend a month of Mini market it Another train load toba Cattle for the English shipped Three hundred families driven out by floods arc be- inn cited for by the municipality of Three River Henry an educated who was convicted of horse- Mealing in was sent to the Kingston Penitentiary for two years and half The situation in South Africa is very serious and it is feared that may be captured by the before reinforcements can reach that place The Countess of Aberdeen while driving on Wednesday near the River was upset out of her carriage owing to an unseen covered by flood water Her Excel lency escaped injury as did also the other occupants of the horses were drowned A fire starting on the second floor of the brick block of SpotTord Co- which probably would have resulted in the destruc tion of the entire business portion of our Iohd was extinguished by Dr Smith in whose dental office an explosion took place Monday after noon tit IS rf4iii ttaUitVtulif KiiKtLiLd AiHr lit lb lly per flvthi Uc fclcdrpM i f I HIMl Of a it a 4 IS OH a SO a J fi a I ri LI ICO est w it SCO 0 Oil a I to a BIT a a a CIS a OH a Hi It Miss Ethel Atkinson FASHIONABLE DRE8S AND MAKER Ha of It HIDES BUTCHERS AND FARMERS lb UtkCt In NOTICE 10 to liw irf tQlliff Jt Desirable Property For Sale m tie Votf tfl free frn ftH NEWMARKET PUBLIC At It iiar an iJCiccf ore I or Sale of Farm Township of King County of York UHDKHacdl tow is drQi ha vUl OH Saturday Day of Hay boor or All teeth filuta float II tilitifrccriTctoieocid tt La tt l4 to 4 ltti lit IM to lt Vie k MA ltAitS CORH FOR SALE- PONY rut r Fire IFire TO THE FARMERS OF YORK COUNTY York tor thd benefit to has coir ft from 1 rd to write on tho fttm n4 proper this joa ri flli retain to tot A HOME In profit will to tot folly Mllclicd oo i Apply to or or lo 14 J is a DEAD sure fact that Go Do Good Work and do not Break Collars in Turning your work as late as and it Homing A trial order will convince you that our ork is superior to any other Ajwit CHINAS X Oar of iIjo order in force in a while in few departments but all the lime and in department Tbli explains why people after going around to other houses invariably come back to us for the only Genuine Bargain JUST A SAMPLE OF OUR PRICES Long Clear Bacon per lb only Roller Hour per Id Mens Sox Worlds Tea per lb 5 Shoe Salmon la Men Shirts Our Factory Cotton beats them all We are shoeing in and hive without doubt the fin and cheap have ever Mens and t of Tv Clothing for Spring We can make you for up a you have been paying BARGAIN HOUSES 71 MAIN STREET AND 10 HURON STREET Kindly run your eye along lowing and see if there is not tome- thing you want the price you will find very reasonable and as to quality we I ask you to come and examine Our facilities for buying are SECOND TO NONE Since openiog here hare bought for CASH ONLY and are satisfied can and do ive the best all a round value in Newmarket Grocery Department Peaches lb it Apricots A rcclb- Si Vaniib bottla French fine I Boxes Herring for ace- Cooking lb Sardines good quality can Sardine in Mustard can for Mortons Preserved can Cream Powder cans lb for c Soap only bit Soap bars for Mince Meat a packages for quality aoc Coffee lb in pail for Soap bar Our Japan Tea at lb or lbs- is the best value you can find for the price Laundry i to 1 fcfcvo Keen I turn WHY NOT FURNISH YOUR KITCHEN 111 Shoes An tut bin hit ft It bo to GRAN It costs no iore than Tinware NEWMARKET MONUMENTS anil HEAD STONES ALLAN Big Assortnjent in All Styles 0 Boots an Indies Misses Childrens and for Spring ire nil show extra Fine Value Styles and Best Quality Department See our Printed Toilet Sets for worth 5360 j also have some very signs from Dinner Sets up China Tea Set piece for Set of for If you have broken some piece of good Toilet Set come and e if cant match it as we bought a odd tot for that FARMERS I I lib Ca BUSINESS COLLEGE HARRISON THE LEADING GROCER A A ft BALE t LA to Draft and jitctii 0 i IIS is FOR SALE It j iiiiirivifltlJEJtL iiri J A A it w I I a iilihi

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