Newmarket Era, 24 Apr 1896, p. 3

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Si 1 m rr 3 NEWMARKET ERA APRIL v- ABOUT Irish young men In With ho la bold an VrnECiooitM buna attest badly A or abont Ua net bM alMa AniiKiiiAn Received CO A Depot Tht car fiia win of from factory Utter from lq lolbKaa a Crash ft on alter- pooo cblmnay toppled weight la Ibo lil no mar at ibo Taw There was very ascot lima In Wadoetfaj aTanloj being iba annual Taffy Poll jonng at- tor tog lUl oclock Warhimo- young In lh4i4iwlk in Of on Aoertoo Imttuctcd down and i AiioiifeRGoiiiiAiHT Someone from Oily known li In and ftDti to tin I to anonymous not lo to and atto to the VhRYaSATISFACTORV The and at Factory ara aucli tl6tbat are baa and at of to at of 1700 mora and regulation of firm for good work Into of lug for of doll A J for Vcal In flail on Friday J J hi chain of tlrT Lloyd a9dlarnocanfaatlngaahorn for of ftd4riuta alio bo and or- to of our rMrJeis hear regret of iba death Dr ton lata ihb In North on Lorn SI yaara ago rtcthod at atltrvvard In front of and on from Trinity lily Ha went family to of bit In a and racllit Ho a In had for object and mm known men In North Dakota In of teara of will bo an to to relievo tick aQllcted a and yoong a a filtltr if of Dr J of and another of North Dakota to raOnu Iota his thcrn Total a W a good that J A Allan A bandit old that baa given cat for ait olghl w A Bitting of In today not bo largely attended Only Una of Mayer Rob atdihirhahaircldedforaouralyra lateral under con- Another Ihli lumfiiQf room examination of boiler wbloh for thai not to mo much and icoouUaUi an our frtondi la kind up alone Mr rooting a now Driving at rear of Murrays fa In on baa torn and la rebuilt In a mora manner Mr N fl at tho of The new delivery to activity of iwji Wo have boon aarnpleaof at Mr cay that bo under Ma for atl work In rapidly both and Aurora contributing and It Ifcoa jrmaneot InilltQtlon The Friday and final thaw a between and of whom over SI ycaraot age meet forrtceptlon of report and of Gotincll flrat ovenlog In May over of vrita- How Styles Do Change It hadnt been vtry long since foot- like this was all the Our grandparent will perhaps it And how prices loo hive made it to Pine Kid Button Hoots for They are soft and pliable Not very the suae quality of shoes would have cost Laborcaving devices have also made it possible for us to sell Furni ture at prices that will astonish you We received our fust carload day which is now being got in shape toihow to our customers in a few days You will of another New Department with toon We will undersell Toronto in these goods the same we undcnell Toronto in School Dry Goods and This still far ahead- of what we were and the blight intelligent shop- per it Some wonder how do it others dont wonder at any thing Commercial travellers wonder and stare in walking through this store They no place of chits in Canada can touch They must do the trade We No dont want to but we do waut and toon have llyLiw or no if light I We believe in giving our customers the of we can get and the lowest price possible with it Sor ry it dont alt The Diets tiortjtnt the we ever had football Uatctall and In great Uriel at A Liberal a A- concert was the Xlootn of HI on evening of last progrtta which a pleating took Chief Warden of Toronto presented Silver Cup width won In winter by It a a pretty trophy and the qulu delighted Your Bell The Hi Into forco day no in what two ago carry a bell and bo long Whn putlog any par- aon or penalty for roni from to will help to pay salary If ho will a it a nolo of many who do not tarry a League The debate tail Monday evening llitcnod to great attention and proved to bo In Uniting aubjoct that women not vols oven on groat moral Miller and took and Mr and Olive Walton negative waa given by Mr J In favor of by to There wai a good attendance I Secure your Mangel and Carrot at old and Pharmacy a The removal of the fonCo In front of ia an Improvement are hav ing great fun catching wuk Another tenaol located over tbo Toronto Jobbing A Allan have ready to go out soon aa tho ground wilt permit An Overcoat bo- longing to Bradford to waa found in a on last It will ba that of the as of Ian year you bad your dinner in woodihod yet If not ita merry the lawn mower commenced at North formerly occupied by old appeared Paint la with work Alderman Bennett our for a of En gineer Warren arranging to clean Upper neat burnt wreckage In block la bo up Ska3 for At A Blum 1 only Small Parlor Mo I W Milk deep Valla per dot Co 14 for Whitchurch at at and Eut at Will Jamca Todd KloRTownablp died lad land worth willed It among her bat not to alley Mr for waathortofplintof a Baby Dot on behalf of aa a toktoof of Iho canto roars From people who Water and Weather Proof Ready PalnUay ft beat of For at A Ifext Friday Ii AibDr Day Com meet this morning pto now Co now April nit For a4 an At a a I a tTlafllMuUCalaDiLIjtiiGtclLtLl awiip DTM Tub MARKKTConaidcring the It too many In Bottardroppad low tipcat lb Eggs aud This is an age when pur mora than for tbolr Mr J Millard baa to who pay caahfor20 worth fornlluro at Life- size Crayon and Portrait to of Assizes The Spring At- for County will open at the Toronto on Monday next before Mr Bo far dokoet la Ilcaloy murder John Venal municipal cor Edward with intent to murder George Herbert procuring prohibited medicine The direc tor decided to operation on Monday of May Tbo drawing over all milk routes been Mr Pino Orchard and Mr John the Union route at of Mr re apiOlntui for Tho proa are for a largo output Methodist Sun day Boy Mr took for text day to keep It holy and heart ily by congregation morning inlor will V aubjoctlnlrodnocd laat f un ci ay morning glory of Lord and it fa ten will t0 A and rcllgloua autocrat era welcome GosiKb The well again Mr In chair and MIta a a recitation and by Mr Warren Wuley and ClUon chief torn of program Mr of To to a returned from China who com jar od drink habit hereto opium habit Ho both aa and degrading and to avoid the of and tobacco Open meeting next and good program provided The attention of out and par ticular to of Mutual Corn another column a homo no the director a of which aro men known throughout county whom J Hill reeve of York J coke John P P J fllator and Warden of County J a practical and loiur at man manager Wo have no doubt bat that farmtfa of York will in company very largely Stuck Fast- Saturday rnorn- Iho milkman coming in from fit had a trying experience on Town Lino Tho wagon fait in tho and ho had to take off full load Ixfore bo could get the wagon out Council too that Town and weal pot Into a belter of travel People tell that Town Lino fs wornl to oomfng town a con Injurlona to our people and not bo allowed to continue complaint alto made about and cents The Libel Suit On Tus day lael before ftalro gave In va libel cue a waa arranged between Defendant la to pay colli and tender a writ ten aprfogy Mr honestly bo Moved In the of flysheet it printed but he heard the produced in a wrong had been done Mr in This it tha wo of the of of evidence adduced daring Investigation waa contradictory bat It not to wondered at all lib Butler North York Teacups The anneal of Ataoclalion la to bo held Model on and Friday and of May A very uterttiog program has bean prepared and which cannot fail of a great luelp to any In who It carried out- Tecbolcal j are assigned to Hill A J To- lfughtfl Toronto A Da and J New- market to by from Mr J fltepben of the Rev Awe of Aurora and Chairman ol School Board On of May a will bo En Town to which everybody J J has to give an on for and to bo followed Jib of Toronto on of of there two talented a crowded bonis and Mr Tilley A meeting held on evening May at oclock at Hotel King City for the of grouping cluba and arrange fng for deciding tho competition at Hit meeting will bo for and final Adoption at meeting All in York County eligible for membership and ate solicited annum for each club and remitted to P King P wilh the description of tho club color later than May entitled to t at the League i- and it ia that ahould La a full attendance Still in the kid for w on April Reeve Deputy Councillor Hunter Cody Btlfrf Em and Bob lire John breaking do If J print ing roFJro Mit chell poll booth Klwtrlo Vote fit J Wo Canadian Robber Co Pay Ho fl breaking Frank on Lockup John lota do and to corporation Iho of flight Heat Power Co with refer- lighting waa on flto of Sold of to on account of fn furies received through falling on tide walk referred to Finance Com communication of Chief of Fire Brigade whlatlo to bo changed lo point to and aleo aaklng Heel referred to the Tiro A Com Clerk reported of vote on Light By Jaw ByLaw Coin loatruetcd to a tops as may consider ad toward repealing and annulling contract into this and Light Heat Power Co for lighting Town by Clerk waa to Iwooplcaof Ontario Hop for of Council A Uncial Commlltoo of Mayor CpancUlors If an arid appointed to alder of Electric Lighting and report at next meeting of Council Mr arrived and took Xho recommended that fee for Livery LIccnta to per annum and ByLaw amended accordingly Tho Cleric for lumber usual Tho By Law running Bloyelei finally pseud imtrnctcd to pay returning turn of etch for taking vole on Elco trio sain to Include ox pence of amiable etc Mr If anything was be ing done about Watering the Tho Mayor now Carl would bo till of May Mr Hunter thought It time the were In circulation and two or weroaaked to look alter Mr Hunter lo know what about Main alrctand Mayor not out enough yet that had offered to pay the of taking vote over if the By Law Is defeated for Light Tho Mayor tald that a Com had been appointed to look Into matter of arrival Mr Widdifleld stated that if a wee put down on end of a of about ten Mr him that it would bo continued to by Council Whitchurch it Com was Infor mally at It Mr Hunter wanted to know what hid become of Com lo report on the alteration to Council Cbambir Mayor replied that other toots had engaged hii attention The Mayor of a tower alone Mala from North American Hotel to Timothy and to creek Ho thought time opportune aa on tbo West aide required a new drain Immediately ensued general opinion being that a Corporation aouer bo on local im provement plan It was that should pay one half and the Corporation the remainder Tho matter left the Road Bridge Com to see what could be done Council adjourned till next Monday re Cairo April received here today from the front say that there has been fierce fighting at Omdurman near Khartoum the headquarters of the Khalifa The exact details of the en ligament or its cause are not known but it said that 500 of the Khalifas bodyguard have been killed and that a general feeling of prevails among the Khalifas forces This news is considered favorable the advance of the forces upon and believed indicate that Ihe jeatousies which have frequently been reported as existing among Khalifas ants are bearing fruit The work of sending troeps to the front supplying them with food and ammunition building the strategic railroad and fortifying is be ing on with admirable prompt ness and machinelike Ribbed Vests inch all wool Serges all colors at SPECIAL IMPORTATION of CREPONS a a DAINTY MUSLIN Ana many other lines in Summer Fabrics that no other house shows Fine Choice Unions per cents Good Raising per lb Christie Soda Biscuits per box lbs Flour for We keep nothing but best goods and you can always depend upon the quality are showine the greatest values in Boots ever offered We will just give you some prices that will start you thinking BUI rr All Good Cooks Use Old gtanft The York County Departmental Stores HE NEW ft Open ma few days The first car load arrived and men employed putting them together The goods ft will be sold below Toronto or Books A o NOW BETTER A 0 Tho Largest Stock of Fancy Goods we over had and Only One Dress of a Pattern CI Mens Fine Laced Boots sewed pegged sewed and nailed Men s Solid Leather Plow Boots 90 Boys Fine Laced Boots a a a I a a a 90 LadiesJ Fine Kid Oxford patent tip pt toe patent tip Ian Kid Lace or Button J toe patent tip Fine Kid Button Boots patent tip Oxfprds patent tip j this is only a small list Want of space compels us to stop here but you can rely on every pair of in the Store being marked at the lowest possible price some of the goods worth double the money is ready for a BIG RUSH SEE OCR NEW PRINQ GAPE HEADQUARTERS FOR GOOD CORSETS from to inches and prices the Infants and Childrens Vaiils Big Stock Now of HOSIERY The COMPANY Customers are delighted with our Premium Canada a have jour punched in ii and teach Jco you receive Hart HUGHES And One Price h 111 ig BAKERY vvVvv flour Whutpertciket ISuAwUu II70 tea tow Wool per lb too Ctartreetdptr OH ii OH DC 13 w to 1 000 OW CO COCO cow ie on on a COCO CM i LADING me J A W ALLAN 8t BE IN GO To the lovers of Ham we can They cannot imposed iih the arc i NEW STOKE WITH A COMPLETE- KThe latest development of genuine photography in colors was explained at the Royal Institution London on Saturday night by M the diitinguhhed French investigator JOHN l Windsor Who is Known Speaks Very Highly of Scotts took of Spring READY MIXED PAINTS AND PAINT BRUSHES CHURCHES OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN POLES AWN MOWERS LAWN RAKES LAWN HOSE BARREL CHURNS DASH CHURNS BUTTER BOWLS FULL ASSORTMENT OF GARDEN TOOLS STOVES AND TINWARE Repairing Promptly and Neatly done J A W ALLAN CO mildness and excellent quality Cooked faint always kept hind We have to our Grocery CRUSHED an excellent coffee which retails at Noipjrii in Calls Foot Maderii Orange berry and Vanilla are nrf flivors Good Pure Lard tec per lb California Peaches and Plums tec per lb new Good ice per bottle Our Grocery Department is complete all its Blanches This years Garden Seeds in Stock We keep Ferrys and Steeles Bread Cakes and Pastry made every day and of the Best Quality MOWER PLANTS FOR SALE A ROBERTSON ft lour a us a J to Year Ii ft Do 1 u of Id til Of community to bo of to the a lor bit to ttoalSl All ib6 ictioolf la York Hay In to lbtrct to For hi choke Vge Needed Many a good to the by not At of big tfblcb Mala to ft wm Main lw by of 15 or VO feet of but taken the out ion op of palling portion of the If it cot promptly the of various end of way will lilt for cer tain to attend to the at one The I quo the fcfcUg llocdky and in the of the Bridge CominUlw The work plaoand of the alrl n put In thai overy foot the by which ami iLettwal before the tec to SUITS has now over too bicycles The ice left the bay on night four days earlier than year very quiet in the Sao and the anticipate no trouble with him He living in hope that he may obtain a Albert Parker killed eight garter makes on the Con of Vespra last week while fencing One of the ep tiles measured four feet In length A Rankin was in the vicinity of Cooks Bay last Saturday and shot a wild goose which measured from tip to lip across the wings ihiee three inches from tip of to lip of tail and weighed pound Mr Graver one of the hardware merchants had left two Monday night caused by his horse frightening at a and running away His wife and son were alio in the riy and though I thrown lo the ground escap ed but slight lujutia One of lata trio Air of IS Willi of eertrfraitrrial 18 Mgii iTfry city town and In iiolc end Is probably iualuiJ ivItU a guaur pic any ttir tingle of almost Who a J of out of ten will bo to lie lie Of man therefore Mr usually to talk about politic or society wW There is a large stock to choose from and hit two of It Mo dcou In Toronto Monday be at followe to tbe of a I wy faulty It li tie apiltg I know of I It lait to llthli- It my away Have You Tried Our Dauntless FOR BREAD or White Crown for Pastry If it is manufactured by Son it is good Place trial be convinced Every sack guaranteed SALT BARREL OATS AND WHEAT FOR SEED Fetd Oils CeraChop of Mill Feed en hand CHOPPING EVERY DAY Remember the Brick Mills near the Depot there will be no difficulty you being pleased with the goods and prices MDOUGALL We sell no shopworn or shoddy goods here SPRING up tie acJ la a It to cLll44Ea like It and to if we Ltd of car I Ixo Lb- Jelly I a MTOOLE PAINTER Out bit VrcV0tiitt4a5aPaiiw vLt I I care fcUKi it em at Wltit to ft til fea t A WANTED VU VOUhO Oil J All the Latest Styles in Footwear at the Finest Cut Prices it STOCK OF BOOTS SHOES I claim to have the Most Complete Stock for you to choose from In Town Make No MistakeGo to the Boot and Shoe Store of the Bed Boot H rfiY itffiii r s

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