Newmarket Era, 24 Apr 1896, p. 4

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mm v NEWMARjKRT ERA APRK Weak Tired Nervous who til worn out rich and healthy by Hoods jcrnunont relief and following It known IhvtiuCoifrl for you trouble I it of rehired Hill A friend mo loUU I to a moil blood Mm CuQbcrUnd lit the Only Stood In fftbHo flood the time if you a It in time you were GRAYS SYRUI of RED QUIA lOK COLDS ABTJlMA oil LUNG AFFECTIONS 1111 KKHHY VATSOH CO IrONMWKJi- THE PERFECT TEA tut s to cup runny iLt bit 1 i Mocoooo Oft It f i il fctb CO Tv A ST A iu til ail i r LiL No Other Medicine a AVERS fettuuitatct a Vtll Known Wo fcua la Un t4 tauiiioiii He AyersiSarsaparilla BOLD AT Mr Dean niaijy jaii of a fume killed at station in Gait the of a Mis iisiioj over hit neck corn- ievtiing hit head from hit idy In uu ell to Sunlight fes Soap J will ana April IBM He to wo the found only c enforce for cor Tstt for It ft not h Id of Mil Ihto per both lo world Is com Low Iks of sililcnoo determined by our lifts htc4 thU Ihtrftlt from la tiishsinsdicf worlds lo0Drs In to of to si lo to- ho Xbtp lbs ihonliiK SH scll to riches to ciliated si Although In iho wmmoniij yd wo fndivMttsts by their outward sro or ot Wicked men rich very poor for It ftlltt hi whit ho IwoOlrt- hi or In which chnr or A yood mm touch Utter off man In of th not slh It a SGfellfoa from on form of Athr All rich man ho Milker thought nor for own WHAT Tits of era of ho so will Amiou come from Winnipeg Wont hut decided hl of end run i f Jlreiidon or four In fold si o lsri to by soother has fciven calling of Co to ratify Srsmciit bo Ivitia Co and Co which for of atari arch to io of tho pre brides TO MORE A An fluff In of Almost to a fiktUtou frtirt T the of the Hold the important the town and a man well esteemed through hat lie has a bright looking yean of named Freddie ho is a lad of roof average Intelli gence It Is pretty in that underwent a severe though means to which he owes nil is not known and a statement of Ihc may he he means of helping other On the of December Freddie taken ill and confined to his loom and his bed until March Two different were called in during his long illness One said lie had la grippe and other that his was rheumatic fevtr He was troubled with of Keit trail on Int of at a candidate for Com ment ias and Cook hit flfobn his to imdrntand that bo withdrew Patron would alio retire 10 as to nay for a to and 1VI- It now turns out that Mr Patron It to retire SCHOOL me ok vacu Maaisi Or CMOS 3 Class JttuUn fir IllClara ek titoro Albcn fir If Moody Jr Harry fiulton Harry Mary Br Pi Addle Jr PL Dora Urn- Jlautin pains through the muscles of his legs and arms after three or four days was obliged lo take to hod where he alt winter terribly from the pains lie became reduced to a skeleton was unable to relish food of any kind During bis illness he suffered a owing to trying get up sooner than he should Jtoylikc he was anxious to get out and enjoy the beautiful apring sunshine and for days carried out and taken for a drive This brought on the relapse The doctor was again called in and he continued to worse he was or dered once more to bed Things looked very dark as despite the medical care be did not gel any bet- At his father decided Dr William Fink Pills Soon after beginning their use Freddie began to feel belter His appetite began re turn and llic paint were less severe As he continued of ihe Pink he regained health and strength rapidly and in about a month was apparently an well as ever the only remaining symptom of Ms try iug illness being a slight pain in did not for era months It is over one and a hall years ago since Freddie look his last pill and in that time he has not had a recurrence of the attack There is doubt that Dr Williams Pink Pills cured him and both the hoy and his parents speak highly in their praise Dr Williams Pink Pills the medical marvel of the age In hurt deeds of have after all other medicines had failed They are a positive cure for all troubles arising from a vitiated condition of the blood or a shattered nervous sys tem Sold by all dealers or by mail from Williams Medicine Com pany at cents a box or six boxes for There are numerous imitations and substi tutions against which the public is cautioned A CONFIDENTIAL CHAT between two men or women vrtoM that one or both are troubled tome kind all hit rheuaatlim another a lljtil touch of another buy The la bad thlngr tilccplcamtts bit cot their bodies that find Mwl all In Ice liver or Itbeumatltin Impure or blood blood finds the apot In the body and a local aytap torn If the Impurity vhh rich red eojpuiclta the will have to feed Jf the proper anting to repair the damtre done Dr Golden a purifying a blood enriches a It in tonic cation appetite and fleih It does 110I pijle It It intiaea It will any baa in them In the blood Old Man to for Infantonna hit rtWKIIKutfcV- Oil M J A Jr Morion I I Ill Morton J J Ward MO A ISC HI Jr Ill J A Ibwik teller Mil an widow liv ing with her daughter on Wonky St one of and other containing medicine for in digestion dinner she took what was the proper medicine but began to feel quttr and after fainted Her daughter that she had the medicine sent for medical aid A doctor arriving the of the stomach pump and Mis relieved hut her is pro- SUTTON Ihc enterprising firm of Taylor itcured the contracts for erection of six cottages at Sutton- In all Hit re lo he in th same vicitiiiy firms having lor ihi- A Show will he held in St James on Thursday the hist under the auspices ihc Wo mens Auxiliary A prize Kill be given the lady who exhibits lie best collection of potted plants also to the who has the best display of cut flowers Mr J Davis- told his pacing ware to the for Mr Charles Tench his house and lot in Mr A Valkerfor the handsome sum of Minor Newton an aged indigent who has lived here many left on Saturday to spend the rest of his in the poorhome at Newmarket The Agticultuul So ciety will hold firtt Ipiiiiit exhibition on Iheir lair grounds licit the 3id and weather it should be the best fair of will be distributed in priies hones for rattle and for dog The Church six miles east of was by lightning arid on ftie The loully and ll8 It Messrs Iaihvr and went up to on Thursday lait to neKOtiilu for purchase of a steam yacht mission was a success and in the of a few days yacht will he delivered at whiff It is feet long and feet beam with a cedar hull and capable of carrvjugahiut pass engers A new engine and boiler of and eight horse power respective ly was put in Inst year It has alto a canopy top and awning sides and its speed is nine miles an hour It was purchased from Mr Robinson of for about though the original coil was over double that amount and the yacht is practically as Rood as new On Wednesday afternoon at two oclock there place a very pretty wedding in Methodist Church here Miss Sarah second daughter of Mr John and Mr Robert K Fair Barrister of To ronto were united in wedlock Some sixty guests were invited Those in attendance occupied reserved seals which were marked off by white rib bons The spacious church was filled with people to witness the event the first for some time which has taken place in Methodist Church The floral decorations were tastefully arranged on bath platforms while carpet covered the walk from the carriage platform to the church door Miss presided at the organ As the groom attended by Mr Bruce of Web ster of and Mr J Bern- rose jr of Bradford entered from vestry and took their places at the altar the bride leaning upon her fathers arm and advancing up the left isle look her place beside the groom She was attended by her sister Miss Bemrose and Pearson of also by two little of honor Hed Rogers of Bradford and Gladys Bayer oft of The was performed by Rev Hie Presbyterian Church Richmond Hill being thorough ly renovated was opened on Sab bath The Rev Dr the Central Church Toronto preach ed at both- to of of to it without ytta beat for and world over known It In like it It them heal It their Byes- I it w I and raeaic destroys prevents vomiti Dour Card core and n Teething c an Flatulency o acfrfgaa air Cgjtorlftd or any other atitmllfttci food and tfnt up in bottles onl It Is not cold to yon a on that It Is a answer Ce that y ct of wrapper f I Boys Youths and Mens Suits Large Assortment at Lowest Prices WE ARE DOING 1 J mm I Vhy oto k J A good should be in village Men of jjtxx menial everywhere but if which have a tendency to draw out our ic confined to cities towns the proper cultivation of the mind too often to that only out here there like Saul who happened to ho head and above his is wen above ie and is ten leader in the ctivit of the arena Self and Debating Clubs arc admirably adapted for the acquisition and the dissemination of general information All members in connection with thern they have any intellectual ambition at II arc compelled to read and to read hooks of value A few months membership will realize the utter worthless of the volumes of trashy paper covered literature which arc devoured by sons and daughter of this country of loving their baneful and en effects upon the mind a disrelish for authors whose works are written with a to leave the world better than they found it Here everything that is not really worth posseting is at a fearful count and like a coin will not pass at par The not only frets inform ation himself but the of the members are gainers thereby It is a joint stock company in which large dividends are declared every night of meeting These societies when properly con ducted having for their object discipline of the mind peculiarly adapted for moulding into shape Bacons man The conver sational ityle is usually adopted and each individual bringing to bear on the question consideration all the he receives in return knowledge of kindred himself Thus a variety of subject are investigated truth is disentangled the stored and an ability acquired to impart inform ation intelligently and agreeably to others A Debating Club is a to every village tint has brains and in it run a bi cycle There are always two sides to every and the acute reason may make worse appear the cause so that truth may be so mixed up with error as to it becomes the duly of every man to so discipline the mind that he ran detect fallacy and away bands of sophistry so that he retains only worth Every man should learn to speak to the public tar Not all can be orators but most men can save themselves form failures Every young man should learn to de liver his ideas intelligibly and welt for ideas do not amount to much un less they get outside the brain No intelligent man knows what position he may be caled upon Those him to the front will want to know his views and if presented i act and ability will ensure his popularity and often secure situation Another Hauhton Cur- ED OF Days Mr I McKailane Wellington street Hamilton For many I have suffered intense pain from rheumatism was 10 bad that could not attend lo business I pro cured South American Cure on the recommendation my and was completely cured in three or four days by the of this remedy only It is the best remedy I ever saw Sold at Phar macy Hit up dreary from many rill IhrutV film on With mid iin A Thai Irnrntrjiciit day cuod ardttOiO to One ftingl ihcro The his Ard thus t Aji od VCit In red Ah Jut I Man My tho by this Virjvl ItltrnLclof 1 In of delight Or rftiar Have plucked thorn from thy ihoociDdi lUltctcd TORONTO JOBBING MOUSE iiiiiiiHiiiibiiiiitifiiiiiiiiiiifiiijiijiijniiiiiiiiffiiirtiiiiiiiiiiijiiuiiuLiiuiiiuiiiuitiiiu GET YOUR ROUTE BILLS AND CARDS 111 or tub Cow inOoodEiealth Km CI eft t l I i I I 3 a FOIt BALK OR LUT wo RENT IT PAYS it w to Ac will tit til It Dicks Blood Purifier j will ike tatlct It WT t Jn a tit I I I I Men iuiuiiiininuiiuiiuiiifiiuuiiiiuiniiuiHiimuuumiuEiiiiiiniiiiiuiiuiimuumiuauium Cull SALE Coa in a m a i A CODY fitfOl 111 tied l I l a ilaa tr LIU TO DAVID Ki or lir tor Fit A Oil Is fir woaU lo Cure is In dtinRiiiJ Im only it will cir year clcAr fci ft Vte an April 17 Jai McKtill in on a charge of stealing a pair of shoes from cornbes Store customer picked out a pair of shoes in the store the other dry and in handing over his selection to par celled he had two odd shot one of which as a number kid and the oilier a number polished calf and both for the same foot and the mistake was not noticed The placed shoe in the and returned either style or price the store for more parcels but reaching the again ihe slices were ne The prisoner returned ft r TRY OUR PAILS TUBS AMI KlfltlUFAOYUnitlQ JO OF NEWMARKET Building ft to We do not alio outdo us in his line to the Mo kid charged for a No calf and tor he other fool The shoes re- find McNeill a tot A swindle which is evidently new in this Stale being with in many A wdnua boot agent in iMn and goes from houie to ts lor examination day a man calls to see if the books are and if they are he late ihernavay with Usually they are not wanted A few later ihc woman appears and on being told that he man has taken away the books weeps copiously says the has been collecting her books all ton pleads poverty and to on and accepts the coinpensation Wilson A7ir of Heart r Palpitation of the heart Is perhaps the most common symptom of ditittf and is defined as pulsations that arc by the patient It comes on in paroxisms of more or less freedom attack The heart may begin to beat violent ly it may against the of If you any kind of Printing done see what work and terms can get at the Office before you order promptness is pro- verbal Vo ft in with cor of Newmarket Residence For Sale I J fit J tit VlotuUSt erf A1IDJT0RE TO LET IhitllUa water TWO TOWN LOTS aHciUl a teres to I OR SALE illa a a wdamnilix i wMcblslX6lik1ciriHtirVit Vcrdtiitte tny a Lg tfiLii lofi3ffta ari a j if A1IKIKO it in All Repairing Tiki Tire an1 WttUt Urn THE Wio Whtrto into All I Vo ftrc alio prewired to to atU Whirl will the of very it THE CANE SONS MFG CO Ltd wane NEWMARKET the I THK BEST ALL PURPOSES Ill iJJcjjkUjtl ILvJ In ItifrcducrliQ til lit IftiJdoi Stile of fcidt te by its airrf A SCCHtfdr- la in tiio in hf the UIUdtsuicS fciitt Tit fa 1Altiki tot LI ft irtitQj ls I What are you wearing I On your feet this weather There style in as there is hats year the Graab 10alUrs and are all the jm are thin so to prevent clumsy and v feeling and to male them finest quality of J giubUr While and Overshoes are up to date in Style and Finish their oh enduring quality wear like Iron AyUJURlJILLvitbtrerjtfcUz fc I rca N Htm slower IS ltUi4 For Saleor to Rent iKti ittrt a ill Jpti ft Sale JOF Rabbet Ihe chet the vessels may in S and who were hit fall acquitted on the charge of murdering David near were tried for Ihece and found not 17W A While a contractor was with two up a narrow by of a pulley head Meek gave way letting the life down wiih Mr White was giving to his men from the bottom of the when the locVs gave and be fore he gtt out of the way the safe was upon him lie fell on his tuck in a portion lop of him crushing left tun He die the neck the become and the head ache or on the other hind the heart may be very rapid and feeble that the pulse may consist only of a series of rapid and almost impalpable wave Those lufieiing from palpitation or flullering of the heart ihould not de lay treatment a single hour relieve this trouble the hour and for reason is re garded by physicians generally as the greatest for the heart at Pharmacy Janet Kay for selling liquor license last to Police Deity ejiIMrcthCryfor QfjUdrcnGryfoi trtUs the iLo icri4 tfU Mittfiuu ft In All tl uJr Antlcj lis to If 10 JOf hi Out- a driver Alios B B Turns Bad Blood Into Rich Red Blood In jot No other remedy healing and purifying properties as It not only cleanses but it heals when applied externally all sores ulcers abscesses scrofulous tores blotches eruptions etc the skin clean and pure a a inter nally it removes all morbid or waste matter from the and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the body the stomach liver bowels and blood to healthy notion In this way the become well the weak strong and those who have tired worn out feeling receive new vigor and buoyant health and spirits that they feet tike work If appetite is poor energygone your ambition will restore you to the full enjoyment of happy vigorous life OF UMiEKtdlj1rtrLf til NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL lift To SvuUkf 13ib day of lt pel lme l lull I r TlfLLOYO Society halted TtorvJajr I nt A U l ti5 A TOR TWENTYSIX YEARS lis Baylys School WIUIUOPEH ON WEDNESDAY English and Music ft ca 2to I- towa j A A la A If Aor A la Id ith tf tUlU L JL- www I a J fa iiut U- I J v aIJ

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