Newmarket Era, 1 May 1896, p. 3

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KS i i 1 fl fii fee OH ABOUT TOWN Cur Mr one employ Work ftirn Bike Mr Oil jut and rimi ftod doit bearing la loch lt Division Court Court Friday am clock wllh to I over wcro not It only A if lien Iho A U Another new ftM added hero hit and another to go through not uncling IM bid no iWy bio only two to A fJoou Reason copy of a l to an dozen donl rctton Km Israeli indium and It Ihl iip Good With hi char- and up ho It lolkti quit to tilt whether a litt to ho told about everything or whether In In order told Jt would hird rtilunt mail Mr Warren Market There goo crowd Market and church l1c voll filled with vrn active on to 17 lb and from lo dor fly rap gHoo to lb grown green on ton I and rhubarb art being The for which or arbor to bo en for of and mtpU leaf It emblem the planting minds of the child ren for tho emblem Id Mint hat never but no It the glinting a Hading and follow to Incited A Friday night by a In Mr ho and wife had got for he lo her Hot any reply and ho moonlight to the form of a turn around and out door lt JtNji from a but lhl Iheelrauger made good hie The hurdler entered the by lar which lefl In the wan touched and ho evidently after The Hand have the cervices ot Mr John and hie rcerry company for two i This company organization fit travel in and Mr name a of high quality always Among the It Mies Canadas and Highland Fling dancer The Baud boys arc making a for now for their open air and the Concert Co The is a worthy and all who attend are mora than of their Over CO Introduced performance Hose Go Regular meeting next Wednesday fit ttUI bo taken of All whoaroanr In Brigade should not fall to bo present NEWMARKET ERA MAY llttlo Tub Horse Shot A code on last In yreat attention yonoj vrcTf badly but manage- for Iho Town of roll on an of with while population by Town than being is an of In thoaitcis of til citato bat a ot In property following will bo In under Vail CO 82 Tile various The of the durational examinations for IbfOaroas I of PedagogyMay June fktoot and leaving OTmmtncoat6tO am on rhurcday 2nd of July at and Aurora High Mutton High form I At a in on Tuesday July at and Aurora High High Form If and High forms III and July 1th All candidates for the High School Unarm notify the by the of May Public forget annual In the at oclock Monday It moat promptly as Council at Mr of hit porch aleo being added to front of by near Model Bchooh North York A meet- eg friends and supporters ot in Ho 1 of Is for It will bo a hot In North York and It Is time division wasonthomoTo The have carrying home of wild flowers from for the put two ticoks Regular mooting of kit High Hoard saying that when iiuov lato In March It means bountiful crop vrlllUvcrincdthls year High In a now Foot ball Painters and hangers a a general for surroundings Tho Is good already and many farmers turned out their stock Prune your trees trim your lawn beau your homo surrounding generally ahead A lady dropped a bill of this denomination down last This day to buy a Tag for The Induitrfal Homo meet today to pais the regular A dog killed by cars at TIrnolhy street on Wad clay morning Br has the Hash lot nicely and is ready for building operations A car of slock lo Toronto and this of four or flvo cats from Caoea Factory of Taw- day afternoon Tho Boys Hockey Team around trophy at Gallery last The Corporation accounts are be ing In pamphlet form and retdy on Monday Mr Whirs stablei brightened by of ruldonco touched up yards In Town that not had louch a yet this The In will toon La around The Band pyla to play Town bridge on Ave li in a very dangerous con Mr had nail one of hi fingors while working a at factory day morning It will probably lay Off work for a of weeks Too being for a drive 1st Sunday Mr fvas and led to The animal wont hot finding no one was foUoitJcg It turned around and rushed out street was that of harness was broken A Good Act The four leading Into town at well as roughest to a visit by Planer lhoUlftnlngol this vrcck with pit Ming effect lo any Chief Andcreon and Mr J veritable man apparently and years of nri was In Town on and by a crotvd of than lilrntslr who attracted by the of a dwarf flowing beard Vandalism Last Friday Mr In order to add to the Queen two nurcory trees In front of his prcmlccs hours had was mean enough along and bark them It Is certainly very provoking and It is a pity that vandal could not bo pun no Sunday 9A Salvation The been rented by lb Army and Ills to on a eat JJnndli to A Fracas A North End melton Monday rooming as ventilated In a wal charged with Improper conduct not concluded when Friday night and morning thief stolo IB bushels of oats bird of Mr John on ya follow that again will lots Of Do You Know Her mean the young lady who so tat and at- It is violating no confidence to say the comes to our and ask our opinion and advice Long experience it easy for us to give sugges tions about slle color and quality thai materially assist patrons in irg Our Slock this is best it has ever been you know that must mean a veiy luge variety of nice And our Millinery Indies good taste and judgment say its the Lest we ever had equal to any in Toronto and so much lower in Pike We are hard today lo suit our Hut some people in town are because we up to dale in doing so We are telling Furniture at prices that We are busy in the Wall Paper Window Shade and Carpet Departments Saturday was a llig Day in Clothing De partment also in the Shoe Depart ment Wish we had ft larger popula tion The Office Specialty Company by employing 40 men arc a help to us who kicked against them and another Cine So Factory is what we need The Departmental of Roche fir Co Books ire idling fast sJ will open wop Free This is an age when pur- jet value for their Mr J Millard baa to who pay Cain for worth of a Life- alio Air Crayon and Ink of The an nual of for Korlh York held at the Division Friday itt J Wetband John Yates era and A J If tho Hoard and Loth in favor and opposed to a to Royal Oak Hotel at Ml also In to hotels ti Holland Jtray After the Board took action follow a traolcd J Harris J Doyle Trent John Jf and F liter to McLwd Vivian bote lately action awiLLiMbiay S a graded to John mo ad Ml and granted to J Todd and Tavern to who Action deferred vrlth re- to granting of Jcctia to Oliver at Albert lo and liter cento to Ram- King and Point Action deferred on of aud fiUjLeo Menu to Junta Wine and liter granted to W I Hugh had ailcnded lbre ecrof kui Tavern rantod to It A It and and liter J granted for month Levi iouijn W Jane ad TayUn to I Millet J Men t a to John Oogb Samuel Kit Vernon Hamuli and Stop to granted to Jami and Welti and it about p in when they adjourned Lmi Sun- day was fairly well attended Mid Hughe In chair and Murray at lb organ Mr Holler the cbalrrlady gavo readings by Mr and lie recitation by and an by Mm Kills The mooting bo In of P ladled PariioK- A largely Ulna in York for of who it a ten in Illusion Vent tine iniiileonfnorit moA lr now with due to who Know a good fttliclo to ft and Weather proof bad only at A a A Goon Act The lias cir cular that will out hli line Ho and claims at thin frfjicj actual by rough handling loaded from GomAiiy dtxco not an at and will hold and every for any to or any oth er by Any corn plaint clearly ft ft result of will employee from Secure your Mangel Carrot at the old and rcliVe aland Pharmacy a MKKTJKi It is to bo hoped that the genual will not overlook in the iWi Hall on Thursday evening of next provided to our charge by tho York chair will taken at oclock hen J J of Toronto Inspector Mode lichoola will an on or Reboot and SAW This is to be followed by Mrs Je of Toronto on Kindergarten for children who will au of KfadereaitenUethodi Both of will bo ottractivti The mealing will interfere with regular In the churches but thtte might fihorlentd lo or who feel it their duly attend an opportunity to hear Mr and Fri day the most in the week or school teach to bold their Convention thus the ii un avoidable Friday Mr of Montreal tooght nna horn here paying at high 9116 for a tier the fcfter noon and A In with on to tell Mr Marola but he not hero Ho flltcd a at day to and left for Montreal tamo even- Wanting milk cnocan on proper tiling at A Dim all In atock York The for Judicial County York In Toronto or Monday Mr J Kerr jr Jury of only thirteen VAugbiin foreman Irving and Andrei Toronto Vaoghan Car litiYiuuktt Johniton flldnCy Holland Landing and A It that Toronto and Edward of among that were but exempt the farmer a Oilier and latter an Atttator of King drawn hut ho waa ah address Jury and Instructed In their He reviewed lb dwelt upon tho that come beforo theui those Hit were very brief Owing to bad health Tut Latest In Oil cooking cheap cleat and on oil Call rind A Crootlfl At Ladies Ribbed Vests cents inch all wool Serges all colors at SPECIAL IMPORTATION of MUSLIN CREPONS DAINTY And many other lines in Summer Fabrics that no other house shows Pine Choice Lemons per cents Good Raisins per lb Christies Soda Biscuits per box lbs Flour for We keep nothing but the best goods and you can always depend upon the quality J or w Am Goon Cooks a York County Departmental Stores la next Monday Only Vrclation bai mdo well In lid a- wait on St iWU Hal Era KclDtor way An Aw lMor to vto for flftlo a ID I ll Open a The flrat car load arrived and putting thorn together The goods he below Toronto or Montreal prices Because have the Goods and at Right Prices See our new lot of kid silk and to Hosiery ihiV TndorTrcM for and Children end Ufa THE CORSET COMPANY STAMPED QUE OUR Beautiful is being scattered all over this district With ever single or accumulated purchase customers one part Be sure and get a ticket when buying anything from us in are showing the greatest values in Boots and Shoes ever We will just give you some prices that start you thinking WOW BETTER ASSORTED Fine Laced Boots sewed pegged sewed and nailed Gaiter Boots Mens Solid Leather Plow Boots Boys Fine Laced Boots ORE Stock of Fancy Dross Goods we had and Only One Dress of a Pattern If I jiii 1 Fine Kid Oxford patent tip 69 pt toe patent tip Tan Kid Lace or Button patent tip Fine Kid Button Boots patent tip Oxfords patent tip Tan ft Misses fl If IS Remember this is only a small list of space compels us to stop here but you can rely on every of Shoes in the Store being marked at the lowest some of the goods worth double the money every possible price Bkkiikvs Pharmacy Still in the kid for SUIT- iljero Leant fit How- for Council Monday to Mayor lumty tills puwd If Alkintoa to Wirt fcA drain o in account of Win A referral to Fire Water coin and for from Lot to Witter street was to com too of com we to for for trut to ring Clerk wet to dog lje ftnd the fnitruclcd to inform ogiit dog without tjjft fifwr The Com do of end were finally audita allowed to provide for by properly to Water lo ri Council in to tho property Main villi No action adjnrccd And Price ir yiour White Wfcut When fcitr to i ItoUHtQUtxrlb IotAVi fibocpiltJ pair Duciiper VJ a a a a a NEWMARKET TOWN OP fit BAKERY J JL of Receipt and for the 1 It CO 3 WW v a or 0 It a Oil a 0 I J- J a a on CO a a ICQ fbW the This is ylr true of tho from ordinary to the fcrtd from to tho and torn alio lircs each now orti In each in the manufacture and The bicycle lias wry ol are tho ptice end livery acts and V it hat and Il and Town IfUl Hall to foirtrfo pcn f W it KiiKJt tvhtrlcif fScboo Axourjt yii Tottu 4i pirate School Br potato fc Jjfl ia rt Las built up outlying glons by work at their work that could not bo by time to allow of It bai come to a matter of aatcHOl importance to amount town it ate lion toon the mow been daily lor nut- alto to a larger timber Of fair on than inform us the demand liiogrtMthatlhefactomj ate all order Although the wiuler a one a article thoroxnuet y8 oie- fotn of now brought to Town Jcpt at been ilia for the liite out tattoo on the with the For la choice Vegc labia or go lo Tin ft Will be litre jprtjtt lot All cloth April met at April all puiGl tho chair The following J council fco to tools Clark Ireland gravel 1 John Itao pick SMS Bios road machine AUaDj fuseial John account ISO A of child of Job a Beard Jh6 was author ted lo bay a died of lot which fichototerg lockup forrctrly a toy in of the The reflation llcit By- by Council on March and read a third time prepare a ByLaw ia accordances with the tlUEva from ratepayer ot for the a over amber the con will lo at bo for and Mr A giant not to ed 1100 made for repairs in the of farther will for rod purees until til ttui- the Council to in ft hue money to ho llwvn to and and ByLaw to our ard male- tain a Town Lino pit of between King and Whitchurch- After a of tho Board of hell It moved by Mr- by Mr Cherry that the take reaction at prcxot the to tta that they kept Carried I Kelt of Coancll at Member alt pretext iflMlInf and con- firmed from appeal- wilntis ro K Matin aid to I J Halter bill re to Win fiulhtrlat i and Joi were Council re en highway Mr change Labor and A at a to point Vtewtce and Valuator a and alto ceo to reduce commote and adopt On rnotfallCf was appropriated fund for Immediate rcpatra following Ordered A John Bailer 100 J Ed pafr to Bark do Mi on May CaibOn SjUa Trunk TT Tower ard In Fire Ave J I WaUr AttifiWM Water j Ave QiiC fc AiRi km 110 va ill me ANJJ liU tlOtfjhllffbBcLocEUeUJtur 10 J 71 Ditniurca ylWOj trj luucotW- Miti to to w w h Si Water out- BtlrtJtj lii J w and an to our a of ftUOwJf J ifl Total amount I ai ted or of good piece of we can highly Celling wood Mial cannot be surpassed with ihc number of are receiving as mildness and quality Hams it have to our GOFFICiC cr fje which at per in Calfs Champagne berry and Vanilla These arc new flavors Good ice per Peaches and ice jer lb new Good per bottle Our Grocery Department complete in ail its This years Garden Seeds in Stock We keep Ferrys and Steele- Seeds Bread Cakes and Pastry made every day and of the Quality FLOWER PLANTS FOR SALE A ROBERTSON lij KllidJiaril arrvarcf order i Us 1 Tutt to ai- fil the rollow lay it John J in Water I CO I sir IM Atkinson 1 3 CO S 5S Or re- at JUvUlca aud for roiulrol Act Lav tic of to to tie ail Wo tuiJtc1 ul rah of DAVID or iko mi f ftlus la of to the alia l In Accordance Have You Triad Our Flour FOR BREAD or Crown If it is manufactured by Sort it good- trial and be convinced SALT PER BARREL OATS AND WHEAT TOR SEED Feed Corn Chop and all of Mill CHOPPING EVERY DAY Remember the MilJj ihe Depot a SON J gcott 1- SPRING THIS SPRING MEDICINE and YOU WILL TAKE NO OTHCU SUITS AMI There is a large from and here will be no about you being pleased with the goods and prices sell no shopworn or shoddy goods here AURIVING EVERY WEEK AUIfclie in Footwear at Cut OUR OP BOOTS SHOES I claim to have the Most Complete Stock for you to choose from in town Make No MistakeGo to the Boot and Shoe Sign of the Bed Boot Store IT I 1

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