Newmarket Era, 1 May 1896, p. 4

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it- jA 1S96 Tired but Sleepless a condition gradually away M Howl and enriched by Ifoodi Bar- Ma condition will poor I felt MM not night and the I could any good I reed ml to try It I hill two I began In Ml ell and weight my life rift Hoodo Only True Blood Purifier Imminently l ho today Dl only not lo and ti tho fl DISEASED LUNGS BY TAKING Clicr AYERStI mi AtA I IMntM ir J tin f v J I ihiVIi I irJAii Electoral fit WriiV Viilr v THE PERFECT TEA nil Tilt HI lid f TO IN fO NATIVE fMjflirt I f tut t In Mi I Baby It irclinal Food IUMPI5 INVALIDS The lit I fovl isunciuillclhyi The AjM by IK Kerry Watson MO His and by Co JO Tin on of work vim Immtdlrtolj of our Jciua by of tiler from tin Jlli driven retired to l the Itmo On their re urn from lo Inel- of wtnjlclo lcin llk it pot ting from nine from Uthe iu of t ml to him or him for I to It Mel of tlic recent session presented a in of ilic dote connection of the moving spirits of be Govern ment he of Mr lo the of contracts hot on frequently finding id May to swell election fund the one payment of ova a of a million dollars un til the pronounced its The thus On motion to go into supply Mr urged the to the positively that would not ay the Goodwin claim on the canal without a reference to the courts Mr intimated that his own view strongly the but he declined to bind himself to re fer it to coujts Mr Molock You fear that your wicked partners may overrule you Jiir Richard called on the leader of the House bay that the money would not be paid before a judgement was obtained from the Exchequer Sir Chutes Topper had declined to more than Mr Dickey had Sir Topper contended that it would be atttutu for the govern merit to give a pledge Mr believed the Mfnlstcr of Justice should have his hands upheld in his desire to refer this mailer to the courts and fore moved that in the opinion of this House the claim of George Good win recently refused by the Auditor Genera shall nut he paid by the government except by authority of a court of law Mr pointed out that in the Opinion of the engineers this unjust claim would on the whole canal to quarters of a million dollars The government opposed the anient calling lost Mr McCarthy tainted out hat the AuditorGeneral could he overruled by thou members of the cabinet who are members of the Treasury Hoard and he added government must give an understanding to refer it to courts or the Supply hill will not pass out of this door Mr Mulock made the same slate then the government capitulated Mr Dickey rose and said In view of the fact that legislation would be blocked I say that will not opinion whatever to en to he paid without a u Ibc OIriH Mr On tin iiaiU that govcimiJint tht the I lc lo l Sir Hear licAr that l was a vote of want filei in the The then went into Supply CLEAR SKIN by by ullA0r4riacU AT WHIG if lis WHAT HE WHITE iftht to run in io Jtu differ ent ij iht I may be like who to can hate a nomination for Tun Framing for Kelly Ontario Mr- fionlh 11 J Whitby York J JJarry lellur merchant York Mr farmer Wot York Dr It To ronto fllmc Dr J liorcti Kail Mr Dr opened at Montreal on day by a of lar In honor of lb Opposi tion leader of En that one deed rnoio than a 4tty It out tot in of the lio ad may aogiary of victory Liberal wilt on tho of Mr iom of lloutenaola who to Montreal vrorlhy of OKU tot and tho of to do thorn honor altera wnddene of Mr awur- retail of of Or MOST OUR MAIL mail Our brings us every day dozens of letters about Burdock Mood Hitters Some from merchants who want to buy it some from people who want to know about more from people who do know about it be cause they liiivc tried it and been cured One of them was from Mr Gillan Street Toronto Read how he writes During the winter of blood account food I ate In the cold Weather AiobUion in and were in vain My my boweb i a inactive my lumpy and my paticd Jo For months I And every description but received nrihg by a 10 try I to result After rhrcc fell when the botftf va finubtd in decree luc up dale iufj jIvi r I poor ajlfcrijijf humanity lsijjwrg dLor Gnu St It been announced Dr hat appointed Registrar for of Ontario in twin the late If Ferry I of appointed Italic of GrIcrton for tendered an aatlcreepon at with Friday on bit return ttQzn tilr Cbaftu Top to lead out of tbo party bad go for of North number the to band Mr J having plant of bat entered ihU venture with of It to of ftny political ibi the to Which FJcih la than An of Malady From Farmer WetftHUtt Perhaps there li no more beautiful n Nov than Winding way the centre of the valley a beautiful little fiver while nettled at the foot of the mountain which rite on Cither tide to the height of hun dreds of feet ii the romantic looking little village of About two and a half miles from the village resides Mr Fred J Fielding one of the most thrifty farmers in tbii of the country Vour called upon and found a very genial intelligent and apparently looking man In reply to our Mr Fielding Vci I was near to deaths door at one lime hut God I am a new man to day You fee he on that pump in the kitchen beneath a well about feet deep which the 1 of all went dorm last fall in it to clean it out and only a time at the when I took with a pain at the hack of head and a burning tcnsalion in my throat and lunge such as by the in halation of brimstone A sort of stupor was gradually corning over when by a I succeed ed in renaming the kitchen once more A lighted lamp let down he came extinguished thus showing the accumulation of gas had caused the trouble The pain at the back of my head continued to trouble me and one day while working in a hack field I suddenly loit the use of rny eye right arm and left leu At times could not speak but towards evening I began slowly to grow better The next day at about the same tiae I was again the tame manner I now called in our family physician who told mc that a blood vessel had hurst in the back of my head He left me medicine The pain in back of my head never left me and I continued feel miserable About two months after this attack while sitting jn the lost office of the village I was sudden ly seized again and getting out my horses and vagon started for home 1 had not gone fat the lines dropped out of my right hand and I again myself blind in my left eye and the right arm and lei leg The horses now carried the house the of barn My fit think ing I jin on to the barn pid no ft perhaps minute when she sent one of the 10 sec was keeping me Ac ihi time was unable to hid to be assisted into the house Before bed lime to some what Mid felt fairly well the next ffltfi i t bin was again sciztd during the day ihc tame manner and the report reached ihii I dad Neighbors fljikn out expecting it mi true As the I had tried to me no I ill I would iry Dr Williams Pink 1Mb arid by the iLrc I had used six the pain my head and good as new I now ceased using them for about a I thought 1 felt a recurrence of the pain at the back of my head I and got more boxes and used It is now about five months since 1 used the last pill and I have never had a recurrence of the attack besides I feel myself a new man I am years of age and have always worked on a farm and enjoyed work better thin last Sum and and am positive Dr Williams rink Pills cured me I keep them in my house and when my wife or children have any sickness our resort is to this medi cine and with the very best effect Dr Williams Pink Pills arc offered a confidence that they are the only perfect and unfailing blood build er and nerve restorer and when given a fair trial disease and suffering must vanish Sold by all dealers or sent by mail on receipt of cents a bo or for six boxes by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Ont or of and refuse trashy lubiiUutci alleged to be Just as good at of J Kcie ton of John at Holt Lite Geo Keller Sharon In evening that John I Kcsicrhad died In SpoVarc brought and to the where everyone him for a friend It not until that Mr Keller had any radical malady when ex amined him and learned that taken an uncontrollable hold of him Kvciy medical and devoted attention were applied to the auffcrcr but the continued lo advance and It became evident that recovery lail of however Hie family to tiy Christian ftnd a month a Mr Spok ane for that by Mti daughter Mf Mabel For a while some improvement a vtHie but it war only temporary and Sunday afternoon death came The wire to lwhlon Monday night and yesterday afternoon at a oclock vrcre held at the Church Nativity by the rector J McConkcy which church the family all old and leading The naive of the church In the of and profuse of deck ed and choir A large number of floral been to Ihc church by timing friend and thebicrwa covered with similar The rector announced thai would be held at a day lo com memorate life and of the deceased The order of Odd and the of attended a arid of the cortege ever here the remains to the cemetery for interment The oldest and of the deceactd Miforrned the lat sad offices the pall bearers J A White thaler K Harnett and 1 Hillings John Davis Ktitcr born at Sharon Sept 14 Hi boyhood was pasted in his country until Ihc age of when he came 10 the United States and was employed on the Kiic canal He afterwards to California where in he was to Gordon who with the four children oflhe union survive lo mourn he of their husband and father The family came Idaho and located in Jcvmlon in where they have since resided con tinuously The character of Mr was a vigorous up right and honorable one His a career of continual usefulness a man- hood term of and perseverance To a personal life led In quiet and unob trusive manner he added a pure kind heart and an rectitude in all his to his fellow men With his there was mourning in many a and crepe at many a home- in Bonn Ciiaii as Soon as First is Cask or in Oirt Tiiukk What a of St Say For many months I have suffered the most excruciating pain from rheumatism and had of permanent relief until South American Cure wai brought to notice 1 procured a bottle of the remedy and to my sur prise received great cm fit from the first few doses In faci six hours after the first was free from pain and the use a wrought a cute It is the remedy tin kind in St PO Sold at Henley Pharmacy It staled in Washington that the Spanish Government within the next four weeks will put into execution a comprehensive system of home rule for the Island id Cuba to or lb 11154 in boar of a the that Ubbral kfotllU to III to bat hi iLj pportQDlty to Lend OH lr tU ipjrtltiUi Donald A the at lllgb In vnatiU- W KtnUi of bo of col lo lo ft at into IT aniseed tot bludiiata Acd id The following problem is go ing the rounds A man purchated groceries to the amount of thirtyfour cents he came to pay for the goods he found he had only a dollar a three cent piece and a cent piece The grocer had a cent piece and a dollar They appealed to a bystander he had only two dimes a piece and a penny After tome the change was made to ibe a1L How tor or Tkooblk South American Kidhky is a Quickly Eradicates in or us Stacls is an alio of kidneys to obtain hold in the The of thai that Icidi serious complications which too often end fatally The jxnnt of South American Kidney Cute that it drives this disease out whether taken in its incipient stages or after it has more neatly approach ed a chronic condition The medicine is a one easy lo take yet ihorohly effective and whit is encouraging to the patient the of its me are made feat almost immediately As a matter of fact this medicine will lieve digressing kidney and in hours tale at SfcRVKD Right A railway the other day piled the space next to him in a carriage seat with bundles and when a gentleman if any one was going jo occupy it replied Hut the bundles belonged to man who was in smoker AH right said gentle man I will sit in the scat till he comes and he proceeded to remove the bundles Pretty soon the owner of the bundles arrived at hit and bo began gather up Mi effects- the genilcnun at once put a veto on ihii villi Ihe remark You tins take these bundles You they belonged a man in the smoker The fellow got and abusive but the gentleman was inexorable Finally the conduce called in who delivered bis dictum as follows If the bundles are not claimed by anyone on Ihe train then by coming round to the depot and identifying ihcm we will give them to The mans face was red be could do nothing So the laughter of the he tut bed out of ibe car juit as train pulling out And he meekly round to depot for hi huh din max day TnAwnptoft and and for or Is canted by lion I ras man adrende He Advertised the flood arid it came through all right The fellows oho laughed at tdvctiistnggot it served right time advertiser bit been- prospering while the other fellow ii being tvailovtd up In a Hood of disaster Win Awn of fray Kalis J ohm Scorr or Ham- a WkivKhowh MlHIS- HAS USED AoHEwa Catarrhal to lis The cautious conversation that chataciciHttc of and of those who have years of service In ihc church gives weight a rd influence to any rccom- Ifial make on almost any matter When find a ccifyrnan of the of the Rev John Scott Hamilton one them A good matt tea he churchs most la stomach ifvtr ItUtaaiidbyUio of wu nnvt been finable to rid of In web tie it 07 of W Out of liouhle sad itif One llt- H1 stinove lump wild cathartic A abort of Pellets vill cure lion pennon It curt you can leotly to the tod In slate on me of Ibo Dills Thats the wont feature of Dr iitver make Dr PJeawnt an to remember dtiiguiug talk you Into come- oo4 lie money on Wad Thats ralberfJl Thats why you had Utter riotUko Whenever Iheyare Irltd they are alt In to a free lo to any Ska Worlds Wipentary If V Pa for fcz of Old Man to There are several was of a man of staying out laic at hut method adopted a recently married woman strikes us as highly original Her husband had this bad habit before marriage and called by his con vivial friends a jolly good fellow One day one of his fdends asked him 10 have something and the young husband Why the friend rnsrmge hasnt reformed you has it Yes it has replied the married man and he proceeded to tell all about it My wife rut up a little dodge on me just after I had stayed down town late since we srerc married Next day the said Im awfully afraid of latch dear When you arc nut at night I cant sleep Wont you have a and chain put on ihc door then we can have a pass word and when hear you repeal it I wont be afraid lo open the door for you I agreed to this and whit do you was the word she pick ed It is irrepressible re- I tried it once Imagine a man vho had out with the boys to repeat ir- I vas afraid that if I it again il would be a case of stay on th front sloop litl morning Im a reformed man Via tin ht Phil pot of was on the charge of man- sauher in with the who was killed a fIMng wall which the prisoner had unprotected Mrs Shlhhi VUalhir 0 I or lroube it Drug AH it on a guaran tee It Incipient It a the beat HOOT Wood fKibaSIS andtUat- the and cares lesion eta W els JALAMTUAH occurred hue last Friday morning The fire started in Mr A The lieing from ihc north was favorable to it spreading to Thos Hills and ffou there lo Rob ills store and the GN Telegraph office Mr Syphtr hotel is totally destroy- nothing saved insured or Thos dwelling is a total nothing saved no insurance Hills losses shop and stock valued el in sured for rCoo Cause of fire un known At a Glance anyone can C l tweta of dear pure irl laundry cups youll I now the when you it it with for flreitcr Comfort Si a CM IV lets speaking favorably of a proprie tary medicine wc may rest assured that it Mr Scott tells benefits that have come to him from the use of medicine he is able to speak from an experimental having used the Of its benefits he lias testified over own signature One short Ihe breath through the blower supplied with each bottle of Dr Catarrhal Ponder diffuses this ponder over the surface of the nasal passage Painless and delightful to use it relieves in len minute and permanently cures tarrah Hay Fever Colds Headache Sore and Deafness cents sale at Pharmacy WAKlEtlTriiatwutby lo a t Add Draw A WANTED to 11 jar if A to Apply TOOLE V Oat Vet or VtL At lOtftif VAWrANT Of Mrs Private English French and Music reiibMf Miss Atkinson FASHIONABLE DRESS AND MANTLE IKnif Silting It of Mil ft MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES Call fc ICE TO Iftlll IT NOTICE W in e ICIj w BUSINESS COLLEGE OoIIu Tores fit J HARRISON BUSINESS COLLEGE TO WAX ica DAVID LLOYD K Oon4cjr Quf do Ml allocs this Tine liny Olficc to outdo us either in of If you ny kind of Printing done ice what work 2nd terms you at the Office order Our pro I AKTKtwVOUHOUUMtMiLK i Cat l lr Fife Fire I Mr TO THE FARMERS OF YORK COUNTY York Mutual Fire Insurance IjlOKMBU for benefit farmers now a chatter from lbs 1 and la prepared lo wrho policies on ibo aytleoi farm I muring practically losorlog Al cll coil and In ca there profits then profit will retain to and loilKkhoMers on of A Apply to or call or writs to Church Toronto li J snd ficrry GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY a DEAD fact thai Go Do Good Work and do not Break Collars in Turning f We take your work as late as and return it A trial order trill convince you that our is superior to any other Boys Youths and Mens Suits Large Assortment at Lowest Prices WE ARE DOING I ill a a I ft Jig TO HIT RENT KBwr i ac4 yqU El A1I0AKE ARM FOR SALE I frCoa in a lo J A CODY Residence For JrUlUaicictkcowoii7ti fcriUhCTi CU7 Saltier JOBBING HOUSE Tli a When an animal i all tun a coat and a tight hide any one knows Mood is out of order- To keep an ani mal economically be must be good Dicks Blood Purifier la a vlicre tc from isS votild It tonca up the of Lots worms and other life blood away for Milch CovS IV JO for OF NEWMARKET Building Material AND BICYCLE REPAIRS 1 with Shop Desirable Property For Sale fi the Mr ecu for HOUSE AMD STORE TO rOOKTHKKcrpiwtl TWO TOWN LOTS r l it its old to ro a flUf J HAN 11 If v f On I For Sale to Rent cere am far for Io ill I t- i-fetftrct- I All Colon lie- Bar liir into All Wheels re We will a al ihe very jilUru Call ar4 it THE CANE SONS MFC CO FARMS FOR Ktccalcrs a Ifcs fciMisiitiUfiatiULrciltiiiirU acres Weil half lot cor- acres half lot jib Rait lots id 3rd con Kin icy acre South half la 3rd Kirg J acres 2nd con of lot in con of 1 J- Mil l fl Yqje But- J iU 114 YEARS POWBER a CO iri HORSEMEN Sale km IS THE Township of King County of York l km tftfjii tcfjr 1OVir OF HE Salunlny Hay rifkuIoficcDKLx tt i to 1 GET YOUR IT A1MD CARDS PRINTED AT THE FOR SALE 1 tor to j chilli i- 13 IILACK4lCif It d a I fcAlhTlKU

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