Newmarket Era, 8 May 1896, p. 2

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-ir-V- It Co A- ffiuh Co A John Hell Iforlcn for Con WantolX To Wtnud Kt he NEVER LETS lH WrJKACII Ufa ft Printed tit in FRIDAY MAY Our Toronto Despatch A JVwto I MO Count with bronchial and Hon in In to Into for County Coun cil election mo their rattling Hon clerk of died on Sondfcjr Ho Commons Hon lis to trca- Ms Intention of Joining Hon Mr win- at pftunl of at Ms with Intent to kill On list- In ho St Hon W hes tut and In Liberal Convention for io- I for Int Toronto to riOmlnli Is to meet The Jury re led no till J K Vcrrsl civic l Topper his lono4 At on with murder showed hit Cor- q Todd v of of from vicinity iJnt In properly by to Its ton or figures True he to parly la the but he does not tell the that during the period covered by bit the nstional debt of the Dominion has been Increased from to the annual ex penditure Increased 10 HchMnottmc for fancy the debt charges of a of 5000000 of people r2 and a goodly of this large annual was for contracts In public money squander with their plying hack into patty ejection funds part the price paid them and then read tills record of party coinpalion made by the high of Manitoba coercion the reader will wonder If Sir Charles memory or if he fancies the cor ruption And Carnival which the courts and parliamentary record during the yean have forgotten Ilia allusion to economy and prudence In management it only of a piece villi the whole production and pre sents striking evidence bis faith in public credulity Sir Mackenzie Howell has stepped down and and Sir Hart has taken his place as the head and front of the new Cabi net The followin the lion of the a worn Into office on the of May His Excellency the Premier end of Topjxif of A- It An ten of Marino John of John Hag- of K Works A of It JJickoy If Interior IIujIj V Jt of l Prior irtloMo Sir Frank Without prlfcH poufoio ttio If So far as concerned it will be thai the only change made is the appointment of Lieut Col- in place of the late Pre mier The from Quebec however is marked end retire and Messrs Anders ard become their The Toronto Star calls it the dynasty Sir Charles the elder is Premier Sir Charles the younger is Solicitor Central Hon MrDkkcy a nephew and Hugh John Mtcdonaid is a partner of Stewart Tupper It looks like a fauiily compact Commenting on the Cabinet as a whole our The parlys such is inconceivable and all is likely to be the fortunate can happen to those who have to long in charge of the Canadian Government It will at least rid us of these selfimportant braggarts and and give ibote who are proud to wear the of Conservative an opportunity themselves from the lalnt of belonging to a pVtf vhlch no longer represents but is little bet ter than a the seat of au thority On Tuesday list the new Premier address to the of After a personal allusion to the deep consciousness of the gravity of the before the people uid a hide touch of l loyalty thrown In by way of to the follow of William Prince of that he bis not forgotten bis Sir Chutes proceeds to invite comparison of the io parties on their the iride question dc- considerable space thereto but he has only one abort way allusion to the Manitoba difficulty and declares the of the Government was prompt ed by a regard for right by the constitution Hit Pre it a of pctxltd companion but travels around Oliver Joino Under of May 2nd Sir Oliver has addressed fln open letter to Hon Wilfred In which he intimates compliance with a re- quest to enter the Federal arena in the present political campaign and in the event of Liberal and the party desire he will be pre pared to the of Ontario and accept ft Cabinet position in a Dominion Government Mean- while he will render all the aid in potter towards securing of the men now in office Inyicvr of the fact that issues of it del icate troublesome nature In On tario have been adjusted in the past by in such manner as to remove friction and the as surance that he has faith to believe thai the Manitoba trouble can be adjusted without the coercion of that Province his letter will far allaying the fears of Catholics towards the Opposition while his well known icnliincnti in regard to Provincial autonomy wilt as surance to that Pro vincial Rights will not be sacrificed by any Government which be may a member Of a good many Liberals will not look with unqualified upon the transfer of Sir Oliver Toronto lo Ottawa but the fact that on the trade question he has unequivocally declared that lie is opposed any sudden or radical change in the tariff will tatisfy those independent Liberals who joined the National Policy parly in defeating the Mackenzie Govern- Under all therefore it is generally con this open letter of Sir Oliver will materially strengthen the Opposi tion in ihe existing campaign SVItHK ABOUT Till for North campaign by a mooting at Aurora on night It is Commit- County Ho llcltor to upmost of Iho courts matting the county rtspomihle for tatej at rail wayrcililDca at Toronto Mr Is Hit- Ho vas renominate at a rally convention at iity last Ho will bo by Mr tiraLarrr who wa by Patron end liberal Mr Warden of tho county At political of Controller Wood at Jlroekville on J4l Mr McCarthy an Mr J wai Politics are KsttlDg spprotchta All supported llAnitot a has oabohalf of the argued in Toronto a rctcrvo a lo wLcthcr Chief Julico the trial as ho id in that jury cot In a for rain Mr view of the Chief should not Lava charged way A raxM to Star May rb ibal James HI iStictit ppntod of Kiaon atd Kd of of lata mem of who up the on bill paying In Sbfs pttctLoeil fashion call the roll and pay iLcm off at a a- contractors do Is ry May Yesterday afternoon the licit hum was killed by a young horse that be leading lit lied the halter round bis when the animal bolted and ihrtitf him against a tail fenced May Charlie who his father to Chelmsford a few met a terrible and fatal accident in the will is hieing fitted up there under his fathers Mr Adam standing about ten feet from bis son at the time of ihe accident with his turned to He therefore eaiictly describe took place as he did not actual see the accident But he suppos he was putting a bell he ac customed to the work on a pulley about if inches higher than his the driven pulley being seven or tight feet diagonally belt pulley and the neck Mm down with terrible viol ence and dashing the pulley ghastly ih and In quits Hot Father sits la 111 lunft of Bradford in left lo In Manitoba Mr and a friend city itch her over PatUrconof filing on In t Alfred ferry at fltindfcrdvlUs If Vm itm In and lira Millard of Id it ylttttng lilts wrs homo over by a Mri of Victoria vfiHluu her brother Iff this of Toronto A Allan a of days this Thompson of Is Mrs and of on night and Mrs parents of Mrs for on hero at J JJmllh and Job neon attended funeral of lit James at Tuesday and from city on flat- and sjnt her Mr and two daughter of Bradford of Mrs Arthur Lawn on Mrs of John hero Sieoki on Monday morn Mr A of and his ton Mr Wallet were In Town on Vedre4ay on old friends Mr Dunn left tor Montreal on Monday a asdlipn- druggist for one of Arms In tho city Mies Maud and ValtiL over friends fn Au rora family intend to to Mrs of Mrs and of Toronto hero over Sunday on of serious of Mr of Woodstock Is bora this weaken accounl of Illness of Ms stopfather Mr Mit chell Wo plciccd loreirt a for Utter In condition of tho latter Mr ton of Tovn Clerk who petition of Tel ler In Ontario Dank Aurora has thrco months Icato of abitnca to his health Mrs and stilr MM of Toronto sHnt a short Ibis wk atT A yongofhract lo for tins in about two Mr fi I Caldwell of Friday In town homo of his sitter on Protect Ills brother Mr Aaldwcll shows no particular bis return Mies Pox very low at of on Union at About Ihroo weeks ago she had two tints tumors removed at Toronto Hospital six altogether and has been gradually getting weaker ever sine factory was not blown for a afftctoJ her nerves more hopeful for Mit j on a viiiit for two or previous to living for Brooklyn where accepted a in a Just proviOQt to leaving Toronto sho In City Missions winter with an addreii aeompnitd by a tho Friends Church on Pembroke Dr and Mr Macron- aid of Button were Town on Tuesday calling on old friends who re number iho in its run by Mr Win at Iho foot Main will no Mr tho client and who illy It is some year sfrM Hit In and remains buildings and fteci faavo COO- fcidtraUy NEWMARKET ERA Mi M MOUNT Sibleys residence notth village by fire at an early hour other morning The family and were got out No Our I jail band in or der again and the arc tooting all over the village OAK The hate commenced atactic- fool- ball but no regular has organized as yet Our bishop and the major verc visiting in vicinity of Richmond Hill on Sunday Kail is never better Our very farmer He Colonel has been with a four hone harrow the vy make a sweep Politics ate the topics of ihe day it is Strange how they talk Miss Mclean iclumed on Monday from a to her grand in Toronto Key McDonald the Church q Sunday last and John both finished on last but which had the opjvjit unity of first a mailer of considerable spate The entertainment in the house here on the evening of Friday May promises lo be a very en joyable one Considerable literary talent hit been Mr Richard wen is In a of worth Mr J Kelly of Into vacated by Mr liodtna Mr Valentine of SutloiV visiting hero Over That fop buggy Mr J Webb ft coll One of our sports the other by meeting a smarter Some of the finished seed- this Mrs daughter arc up from the City spending ft on days in this Home of iho hunters finished seed ing last week Dr of VpHcy tip quite trsclicc short he been he paying attention to a critical case South of the corners- Mr A his purchased a fine driver ftnd Is training it for a brush at cither ever he meets first The political meeting itat here very poorly attended Not a Strange meeting hat accounts for it arc pleaded to sec Mr Stephen out driving find understand Mr J Hill able to bo out walking after Ms Mr V Stringer has rnorcd South of the corner and for Mr Randall is to be CouJioy Mr It rig through here on Monday laden with beautiful plants Out of scribe lOoV a stroll lo tec that well beaten path mentioned in ft former isiut the Valley and after Journeying for a snort distance found lis crrninui on the lop of a hill had heard there ft star to be teen further on tic continued our and to our there was not only a star but a con as well and is his best smiles Nancy Webb of vicinity parted peacefully away to her rest after a number of weeks illncti on Tuesday the She asked for a drink and having been given It expired almost immediately She has been a long resident of this place was highly respected a kind mother having a family of nine three torn and daughters Two som Waller and Albion departed this life a short lime before The remains were taken Aurora cemetery for interment The community will share in of the remaining relatives in their loss Mr bad the mis fortune to lose a good recently The family of Indians inoved bway from Mr Rogers bush where they have been the greater por tion of a year to their home up to put in their garden plot free leaves arc out one week earlier than last year Three or four new bikes were de livered in this during the past week What a mind lo see the furni ture arranged around the wall once more Mr Robinson our enter prising nurseryman has returned from a visit to the farm he represents where he has been looking after stock for Spring delivery His orders comprise about trees and shrubs II Proctor has got his saw mill filled up and is sicing off lumber by the Matter Stephens while fool ing around Mr Proctors saw mill accidently slipped falling in close proximity to Ihc saw while in motion but fortunately hough it was a close shave Pall wheat i looking well in this vicinity at present Mr J of paid a visit to his farm here and was calling on friends last week Mr Cornell intends buying another car load of hoists toon Mrs Neil Motion Is visiting friends and relatives in Mrs Irwin has been spending this week with friends and relatives in and A large number from ibis neighbor hood attended the funeral of Mi- of Ravemhos on Monday Many farmers will finish- seeding this week Mr John has been suf fering from Mr John and family have gone to their new home in township We are sorry to Mr Ward as he and his wife have won a large circle of The early fruit trees blossomed and other trees are leafing out and the whole of nature appears to making rapid stride toward summer A large crowd attended the on Sunday evening There was a business meeting held on Monday evening for the purpose of electing officers Mr and Mrs of Jtritain paid a fltng visit on Saturday We notice bicycles on the roads now Some of them hive no bells be careful and ring bell With potatoes tt sec big lha gardener make a fortune provided he enough are pccd to hear the hoot ing of the Glim Sir Atop once more Mr Aithur of Utile was calling on old friends list week There some talk of forming a club here housecleaning gardening and seeding everyone is busy There are two organs in he hill Stilt here Mr Wm M P put fid lie village list uk by Mr of Sharon Mrs sho for ir KESWICK HcAttbur Kracs has been decorat ing Mr He the con tract of Youngs course on the Lake Shore Jbe vhilors arc commenc ing to arrirc Some Mr Shepp3fd firolly arc here and re pairs are going on at Nor- Jckon patted through on lo Ukc out new on Shore He he had driven a conception In len lire of the no to the Mr John A is building residence opposite Mr a this tide of Queens- for for the coming Dr Mr of Aurora find and of MOUNT Seeding slowly but Mr filled Rev Slurgeoni acceptably here on Sunday Sturgeon at tending the fnncul of Mia baby The friends of this vicinity extend their sympathy Mr Hoi- born and family In their laic also to Mr and Mrs The arc of two holidays Miss Merchant paid to Win Hamilton latt week Mr and I J Stephens were rainy friends around Saturday a number of our have the bicycle The Messrs Williamson of Vttndorf In this The Ottawa Council has reduced the number of from to May Saturday the old Agricultural Hall burned the ground It is believed to be fully insured At Cincinnati a fivestorey brick structure filled with people completely colapcd find fell burying the unfortunate inmates beneath its How many killed is not IE f 1 rdbcrticryiifa tv With Mens readytowear Clothing and to fitock will for ten hold Clothing which fitiould induco every Man Boy Mother to visit department You Know our FARM VANTED It 0jl4hxT0P I Oath Business itit in w VIVJAN Fishing stems to be the order of the day especially fishing for votes No doubt Strange bails will he used in some Mr Isaac Cook who is working at spent Sunday under the rcof Mr Mcleod our new hotelkeeper has now in running order Quite noielty was to the this week in the shape of an imitation of a jaunting car deserves great credit for ingenuity displayed in its manufacture Mr John and family moved to Monday of this week The social circles will feel this loss Mr Robert McCormack of Toronto paid a visit lo his parents of this place this week Specimens of racing gigs arc on exhibition at the corners every night They rank from the old ancient the very latest where the jockey is elevated above the horse think the former is the safer Mr John Megan of this has undertaken the contract of building an extensive structure for Mr Simp- eon of Several of cur local sports suker fiihing Saturday Judg ing by the time of their return they mint some their arrival home lie careful of the commandment regarding the Sabbath AURORA The Conservatives held a meeting on Monday evening which came to an untimely end by the alarm of fire in the cast end No more untimely than the enterprise they bad in hand will prove on the of June The alarm was given by an old gentleman who taw a light in the freight room at the station and its glitter on the paint gave ft the appearance of con On Tuesday the Young Liberal Club held a meeting which had the ring or victory In it lo the echo Mr one of his happy ad- drcssct and Mr Davis P P quite surpassed himself in his stirring eloquence and enthusiasm Resolu tions were passed fully endorsing Mr Mulock Mr and the self sacrificing patriotism of Sir Oliver in consenting to lake a part in the Commons Three whose ties of friendship were strong here have passed ra Nancy Vebb con of King Mrs Phillips mother of Geo and A Phillips here and Miss Mary The residence of Mr J A- Pere grine was offered for sale by auction on Monday but no sufficient bid was made Farmers report seeding finished in most cater and everything looks A Mr Montgomery arrived Monday to look after the dairying factory for ihc season HOLLAND LANDING The Hum cancer made things quite lively here last Friday evening The fairly filled The program consisted of vocal and violin solos mouth organ and violin duetts and several selec tions by the band We arc to have to record the death of Mr John Little v ho depart ed this life Saturday evening at oclock Deceased v as a resident of the village for a number of years and leaves a wife alio two and brother in Scotland to mourn their loss He highly respected by all and will be greatly Missed by the many fiicnds he had in the He has been failing for ihe past eight months and medical skill did not teem to benefit him owing to his age heing Ititbiithday Funeral ctr- took Tuesday afternoon list to Christ Church cemetery here Rev Mr conducting the ser vice 1 Mil Beaton still continues very lotr with slight hopes for her recovery Mr John Chapman of the Ontario Pump Works in the village last Saturday and reports business good Visitors over Sunday last Johnson of Toronto Mr Levi Met calf of Tottenham Donald Cooper of fichombcrg Mr Geo Weight and- Tommy Valcjlyne of Sutton Mr Geo West of Newmarket has Moved to Mr Joshua Goodwin resi dence opposite the Royal Mil spent Sunday last with friends In Mrs- Slangier of Is visit- fog her father Mr David A the Cou- fetid Tew- SILVER Has purchased stock of Dixon fe Co Toronto who retiring from Musi- includes seats Light Wagons and Standhopos Part of he stock will be brought to Newmarket for sale Mr Silver can afford to give bargains in these buggies as he bought them forStOt Horses and SecondHand Carriages taken in exchange for new goods Wm Dixon is one of the old est and most reliable carriage- builders in Toronto Mr Sil ver can rigs built by him that have been running around Newmarket for years and more IS Summer CO Ceylon Vests cool ond regular fat Solid Wool Tweed Pants the kind at Mens Panto kind at Mens Uluo Drill Overalls with bib the kind at Mens Tweed patterns well and trimmed Mens Tweed Suits patterns tailor made regular while they Mens Scotch Tvqcd Suits vcro bought to coll at but will go quick Mens Black Vorsted Coat and Vest cutaway coat best Farm ers Satin lining would to order j thoy go at Unlauudricd extra heavy cot ton beat make at Strong Brace per pair Special Sale of Mens Hats SALE fit A Co KIGHTOAY CLOCK PINK SKATS tot lAta or VasM fiiunitinc AND Undertaking Mouse A LifeSize Air Brush Ink Portrait With every Cash of CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN Or Work it NEWMARKET A SPECIALTY to 1SS Vho Tomb Jilt it AC A A f fct lit Hit wu lit to tit iir Geo- ANTED- Mill rag VERY best Boys Strong twopicco gl Halifax two worth at Nobby Tweed Suits regular f go Suite sizes to at Boys Fine Tweed short panto regular price but to tltcrn quick Youths long pant Suits to patterns will leather price while they lost Tweed Suits cold in lots of stores at 900 but wo bought them away down and they go at Special Offering Boys Special Offering in Boys Boys Strong Braces Boys strong ribbed a bargain lot Mothers let us fit out your boys will do it to suit you Clothing Sale Starts Saturday Morning Bo Hero Early THE M GO I CHINAS is such a thing as paying loo little for an srticle- Paying to little it cant be good Saving in the price at the expense of the quality Extravagant Economy Dont go to the other extreme- only safe way is to visit us where you Good and Cheap Some Prices arc too high The find nothing that is not thoroughly Clear Bacon only Leaf Laid Our Famous J JO a Rolled Shoe Salmon lb Have you our Factory Cotton If you a Spring Suit can suit you without fail both in Quality Style and Price in or nude lo Order have jji and find odd lines that were aged will clear out very cheap HOUSES MAIN STREET AND HURON STREET HE LEADING J A W AN WILL UK FOUND IN with a Stock of Spring READY MIXED PAINTS CALSOMINE AND PAINT BRUSHES CHURCHES ALAUASTINK OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN POLES LAWN MOWERS LAWN RAKES LAWN HOSE BARREL CHURNS DASH CHURNS BUTTER BOWLS FULL ASSORTMENT OF GARDEN STOVES AND TINWARE Repairing Promptly and J A W Sl GO AKI3 OK to icrsrl3 IS At win Ycf Kim la wtj v t Li is mm Roachs Point Lake Simcoe ii M J loilaciciifi liJ lit I Kitia Iujt to Wi to Til lift licit PUBLIC NOTICE I7 li Kindly run your eye along the flowing and if is not thing you want the price you ill find very reasonable and as to quality we ask you to come and examine- Our for buying ore SECOND TO Since opening here we have bought for CASH ONLY and are we can and do give the best iall around value in Newmarket Grocery Department Evaporated Peaches finest ice lb Apricot 15clt Prunes 5 and roc Extract Vanilla French Prunes very fine ice Extract bottle Herring for Cooking lb quality on Sardines id Muitard can for Mortons Preserved Bloater C2n Dairy Cream Baking Ponder a cans lb each for 25c Soap bar Electric Soap bars for Mince Meat packages for Tea good quality Coffee lb in pail for 25c Cailila Soap bar Our Japan Tea at lb or j is the best value can find for price Boots and Shoos Childrens for Spring we extra Fine Value Litest and Best Quality Crockery Department S our new Toilet Seti for worth also we have some very handsome from up Dinner Sets from coup China Tea Set piece for Set of for If you have broken tome piece of your good Toilet Set come and if we it bought a odd lot or iLft of in lcr bifcLot J 4h lift THE LEADING Timothy I Artists pre l It til Cue ft fro FOR SALE All Hi it FOR SALE- i- i llrkdta M 1411 on a OH a a a on a Oil It a on a IS r IIS a ij ICO 9 a lils ISO fc it J filfltKtHtMdmiiK 1 SIS A C iiiiiHKi mini III jw iilf 13 ijf Hi ib- on a tot It 11 aw i U M

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