Newmarket Era, 8 May 1896, p. 3

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NEWMARKET- ERA MAY WHAT 111 A ABOUT TOWN New Block Mr the Architect If plant for Oct to of It fluKm Mr ha the In iy IlUUid will lit of nd lb Industrial to lad ih lt loo on of mi- la Up of Wbltohorch ft lilt from running ft largo Improve struck Pro And during pil ckrponUn Jfoirtoa J Holllofiht and Ji broth giving to on Cur Wednesday mom fog Albert fa pill met wllh ac cident out bit finger truck by knot of lodged fa Mi making will work A A herd of fit from the on were hen on to tbo for ft fine lotting lot of Mr iporI incut in a iuoctt- quicker find leu to of The The En oa The Jtlmnood ft May that W- Mi of Pith Qc of I ftn cut of dtHfottloo fr of flT or Council trill otonlng will lo provided AH MfdliJIylaftndtO ftUnd Ho ftdmfi Ion ft op INK If r Jokn ft bo Pond And line took net half ftn boar to land It fto bo bad ft common lino and ftfratdof When landed 4oand to telly two tt Ho- The In by flit Choir ha flonday loopKfalV of mention parifcuTftrly Mr J McKay in morn in tnolng ond deeply presided by for next flunday aro Morning l my my welcome Mm Cody Hell Iftbt ofcemoou and Mi Wro Klwn by and Mm by otid Mr McKey and add re by Mr Adam ton who principally of in Liverpool native homo Ho proUbilloh will coma In toon lay vranl it by their Church it to program next who tbo In Town Hall Oft Monday and under aQiplcuof ibe Town Wand were wall pia4d with but eho ftiienco omiU oil both Oar who did not tbo Coo- it encourage Hind by a donation The playing well and a Utile financial Mr Macdonald will make Band a to town the juatler and ebow tbo that their la appreciated On J evening of fait week wan turning Itorno the gae away at tho work of Mr Donald and iho creek and bo pre jury wai except ft ankle It that ft private Individual re moved a walk lor Arxorauiodation but replaced It not made A a iba of the in the bad any from tbeprlvate individual and tbo would bad to good the Too a Saiur day morning very being a on Halt A of were on road in to Market John tivvUliubury up to and attempted to drive put Mr of tat Mr did cot turn out to a pttsagetrd the that ft Only that cue locked If wheel other there a and and a runaway but at It only broken in Mr8pragaiiaboay Vrluii a number of riR are on bo cotlderato la their driving About a ago Councillor Hooter tip Iibjccl of collecting taxes halfyearly and Town Council relegated to ft to report thereon but hi of it tine If It fa to bo in year it Io Law wat introduce year Car- pjrattco pi id Jit Iptereit on borrowed money tuti were payable in the of money the majority of rate I prefer paying way Ilia Chief could ft duty aj and many out of enoptoyiUOt while June they are ftll luy to that matter ivil hi loan and give it St Pauls Church The Guild of met and moat and tbo work of Anglian In waa alto an one At tbla Church work over at pm A Mar- Woo wilt bo bald out at II oclock Tbo Appeal of In aid of the North wail and UrUlib Colombia will read next fJunday evening Serenade The Town Band made III flrat appearance on evening Id openair and played following Ma rob Annual Mayflower Ireland March Wfttfalngtoa rain coming on Interfered further playing greatly appreciated and will bo very popular might add thai playeJ by the Hind by Mailer Jack tn ft great favor Ho of band coming Panics wanting Coal at A The opening of new on Timothy HI attended with great meet- on night and all day tun day well a Uanqait on Monday night ftndlboreolpti very The Band waa great attraction all of tbo gd hai jiaatly painted and out adapted for the delighted with the change and Way been hero for about four farewell and new lady may be exported on of out week Fact The very latest thing in fabric la Toronto are for thirty ft yard but A offer- at of patronizing a Sanitary The baa in Helloes which will bo potted all over Town all ba placed a condition ready for next Friday after which dale be will proceed to enforce of the ByLaws Bond of Health bylaws All to be thoroughly and Ji all wells that ate need for drink ing to be emptied and cleaned that have not been treatoi glace let July last all to bo removed pot toon than two allowed to accumulate months Owners or of not tags will bo predicated titer next Friday CM Beau tiful Canada la taking immmtely of IK secure Parts a Vfcay Bicycle at A only them aro I A I in four town Up The activity of Worth End starting of Mil again which will giro to ft pew gang of men for abog all weeks Band or of the uaataetllog last child to woods of tho Cemetery to pick wild flontrs On were by ft ma chinery at Factory all overhauled this week and la Ingoodotdcr to operations next Monday morning Who Is to send the milk this 1 Veav Manager of fltandard Bank at Bred- ford write thai for of In this doing Bank will attend to their wants after tho of the train The next Monday evening Is Journey through to bo taken up by the President by appro aw with lovltod The laying of new tltodraln from cellar of Block is almost completed It Job and an eye aoro for several weeks but It to bo hoped that Main street will not he torn op again for years IN Mr slock of a largo carriage firm In oily and a rigs to bo shipped hero neat for sale Ho to sell the in to low that will bo an object to buy now If you haw to borrow money Mr shipped three cars of fat cattle to tbo city this week and Mr two cars Canes Factory con in to ship nearly day Office sent a car of school duke to Montreal this vicek smaller shipments to numerous points This is an age when pur get mora than for their money Mr J Millard has made ar- to supply who pay oath for worth of a Life alto Air Crayon and Ink Portrait freo of charge a Mr Isaac baft decided to build two vacant lot at of Prospect Avenue and Timothy fllroel were week and will 13 under tho of for the Cellars ycatcrday York The formers In I of held a at Hotel on day evening which largely attended and enthusiastic Officers were tiled and for campaign They tho outlook was better Conservative in Division ware to hold a mut ing at Murray last night Tools Hakes how spades trowels at A a Morton Park Sunday Schools and octettes whan making arrange for Hummer Outings should visit Morton on Lake flhnooo this and wha complete arrangements have been made for enjoyment of Mr Mortons an will bo in column of this day will bo firtt anniversary opening Of Park and atepi ore bo log taken for a there Ho doubt a good people In Town will drive up there for the day Public The annual meeting of Library took place In Cornell Chamber Monday evening Itaunls to report but the bad not been audited and report of the Librarian not being rneelEug adjourned till this Friday evening at then to race at Heeding Rooms when officers for the ensuing year will bo elected All members over age requested to b Council met evening acd Councillors flfllftnd Following J Collins Alex repairing coats of for referred to to paid if correct Petition of T J Woodcock and Gibers Main to bo from fit- to Hallway lino and sldoalrcils to depth coat to bo collected tbo properly Prayer of tit Ion ftnd loCnlrodoM ftByJiw to ciiy petition Into effect Monday June 1st set as the Court to the aid Court Mayor Rote Councillors Kvea and Hooter Mr Hunter moved that the and Water Com bo to put In threo Valor and Huron fttrct Hunter thought they could bo In for each Mr Cane thought thoy would KO to each motion to two stand on hydrants or near thereto at a not exceeding that the at act forth In feats that a building thereon to watering cart In as well as cor poration property l l dirt from Main at bouaedfn lot at Water alto dirt from Timothy If not By to re tho Plro finally pataod It as That Brieve shall Of 3 to selected by three That Brigade shall ft ft first and members In Bote Co and mam In the Hook Ladder Co After the first ejection thai full of thoaclictin of Ha members and ahall own regulations Bach Co shall a Captain officer as they may determine shall appoint 1st and 2nd but Brigade privilege to re commend said ofllocrs War dens Firs Wardens aro not entitled to any remuneration and rnuat be a of Brigade Firemen to be subject to rules as Council may pact Firemen to bo to of Wardens while on duty Iho bate full charge of all and bo for its safe keeping alio report number of Ares done Brigade cannot supplies except In of great and then to of net Brigade Is to remuneration for Council to grant SO annually to Firemen Firemen not Arcs mediately after alarm founded Katie to flro apparatus to bo taken out of town In of Firemen to at least each the Any and be by atilit at a flro or to keep at a resectable distance from the firo to ahall be liable to a fine of from to 1G collected shall bo for ex clusive benefit of Brigade Fir Wardens ahall appoint watch men to look alter all salvage to paid by hour for All Firemen are exempt from atatule labor tax 19 All other repealed Tenders for lumbar were frO I It- KIrion and Vm Cans Mfg Co and referred to Road Bridge Com Mayor reported that aide- walk pec I Ave In ft dangerous condition Council adjourned at p cents as Ladies Vests inch all wool Serges all colors at SPECIAL IMPORTATION of CHAAtBRAYS DIMITY And many other lines in Summer Fabrics that no other house shows Fine Choice Lemons per cents Good Raisins per lb Christies Soda Biscuits per box Flour for keep nothing but the best goods and you can always depend upon the quality a8bsrtlihi85J3 AT THE- IS v I County Stores DDKS IT We received a letter from a Furniture Manufacturing Company who write following words In view of vhtch have reached we would be glad if you would us if you our goods at or near the coat price I WHAT DOES IT WJEAN lb in no ft A Wholesale in Toronto be would rather not cell us goods it him from Helling Seven in Newmarket Four in Aurora and other dealers in around Ncwmarkot for miles WHAT DOES IT IVJfEAN A general iu Clothing and other goods complains to the Wholesale Merchant that we dont know enough to make money our- fielvcii and wont allow any monoy and that the violesalc trade should not us goods WHAT DOES IT MEAN An Aurora dealer in general goods gives the Traveller from a Montreal Wall Paper Factory lo understand he cannot place an order with him on ac count of his firm selling that Roche in Newmarket with whom they cannot compete WHAT DOES IT MEAN purchase of the of Mr Jos Gower for Spot Cash over worth to run as a department among other departments of the Depart mental Stores of Roche Co WHAT DOES IT MEAN Low prices iu plain figures for Dry Goods Hardware Clothing Drugs Shoes Millinery Mantles Carpets Wall Papers Hats and Caps Hooks and Stationery Furniture Groceries Crockery Provisions Fruits and Confection eryall under one roof with Steam Heating Electric Light DOES IT MEAN going to the township Hams Bacon Bacon Heat Sliced Dried Clarks Canned Corned Beef and Our cent Corn beats any at that price 0 are the greatest values in Boots and Shoes ever offered We will just give you some prices that will start you thinking Mens Fine Laced Boots sewed pegged I sewed and nailed t Gaiter Boots Mens Solid Leather Plow Boots- Boys Fine Laced Boots I Ladies Pine Kid Oxford patent tip toe patent tip Tin I all Kid Lace or Button toe patent tip Pine Kid Button Boots patent tip Oxfords patent tip Tin CO 99 this is only a small list compels us to stop here but you can re Shoes in the Store being marked at the lowest possible price some of the goods worth double the money Want of space on every pair of A Little On the subject of Hardwire Wall Medicines Furniture Cupel Window Shade Cumin Lice Curtains Chenille Cur tains Millinery Canes Corsets Gloves for s a Men and all other Mens Wear Goods Groceries and tin Oil to the of Roche Co just up there to your light Head in iheie is a in it for you lo lo lutAirWtiV ChtiUr been for lb and trio and Pro- lko a fowdayi of ibt Com- h tut Friday bad wish of po- tix has the draft of prepared which will to of througb which the od l to od for lino A How York of tu a lino will run from Port W dine ie of in ht thai uoltti our would uu her aald tbal well the Town our wero on of bench lino to Point bat la ibbto tot the of laid branch not bo Parlitmeat but for ibii branch Bond tot no that our pp will oonlribote pro- he a from that aamo For three wo will tell at big ovcrylhiog the remove on or lit to Ho block door north of Hardware and would ranch remote part the than io look out A a a Have you seen the Floral They are jut lovely and Mr- ft keeping up tidy appearance of tbo fate property Main tlrtet look tetter after atrlng fill air The interior decorations at On tario are a great in appearance Mr Bolt Hewitt Is do- log an extra fine job Tho la looking very nice now and Tho barefoot boy bat and have Hew did you bread weigh AndortOQ to that doty on Tho Upper cleaned out laat Friday and complaint It made be In natoroi Rath walk around come Dew of If out after dark Wblthurch and Hoi Landing crowded out Hush at Hughes orday Thay In ad- but goaraoleo their an average low as can be beta larger than a ago show that this fact ij 11111 Mil Ink op3 for wheh a char done taaka rather about JH Mayor fe f tor and Tha town foil of The fa Ooly weeks from KfU Thursday la Day crowd In Town it aeon cow Her year than At Chatham Mc Donald was sentenced to fourteen yean penitentiary for anon Dorchester May Lightning struck and burned a large barn and driving shed three miles east of here this owned by Mr Robert Sutherland jr The hired man in attempting to get the hone out of the stable was seriously if not fatally burned Aberdeen proposes present to Point Roman Catholic church bell one thousand pounds in appreci ation of the service rendered to Aberdeen at a recent accident that nearly resulted fatally He has pre sented the three men who rescued Aberdeen with twenty dollars each Mr Justice Meredith hat handed out judgement the act on brought by Mil Dale Weston against the Weston upon a policy of lite insurance The society defended on the that Dale had been behind in dues when fie died and therefore a member in good as re quired by the bylaws The judge however finds that the widow is en titled to judgement and directs a reference as to the amount Chatham Ont May During the thunderstorm this afternoon the barns on the firm of Mr John For syth concession Chatham were struck by lightning together with contents completely destroyed The buildings contained of wheat bushels of oats tons of hay pigs and all his agri cultural implements buggy etc Mrs Forsyth and her were the barn at the time and had a narrow escape death by tht shock partly covered by insurance Barbie May a A half negro gave his name as Thompson of Aurora galloped into town with a darkcolored bene which he per barrel WMt4 Wheat lied Wheat Urea 103 Short per tea Potato per Wool per lb Hay per ton Beef Hteeoperlb pair wlr Clover per L It l I I v J SI w 0 II 10 w 15 CO a CO a oil zzo a 0 a a WW a a Oil a Oil a a a a a a ROUS a id i 0 There is a large stock to choose from and there no difficulty about you being pleased with the goods and prices PINE ORCHARD PICKINGS Our school sports a bicycle now Ho nice Mr Campbell of Marie ham is raiting friends here How Frank do smile oh yes sir its a boy A is absent these the Queen City whew he is his country to the best of his ability as a juryman Mrs Hannah sociable quilting bee week It was quite a success being attended by alt the principal ladies of the neighborhood Mr Freeman has returned to his home near where he is quite extensively into farm ing Lehman and hive their fat cattle to Mr of Aurora Prices ate low and the dont have the huge grin on his countenance he had a year ago when of his beef cattle Old Mr had an accident with his bone and rig on Monday The vehicle and the occupants had a very narrow escape however not much injury except to the buggy bad been struck with COHIMCSbY a cyclone We sell no shopworn or shoddy goods here and the us cur THE o i fi fij Underwear for and Children Boys and Girls Kate TAU CORSET COMPANY OUR Canada is scattered a this district With 502 single or accumulated part a ticket when horn ii WI HUGHES Kyi v by H ajd 1 local 4apoatd to to ah fllillratulWuaai4- Another fruit season has and are constantly getting in something new This week we received a barrels The Is very nice We alto received a very large consignment of Oranges and Lemons We can assure the public very price as are in a position to buy in car lots which gives the track having luge refriger ators for storing all our fruit Do you lead in the Ice Cream Why of court we do everybody knows that Haras raw and cooked kept on hand Our grocery is complete all its branches Try our Blended Black Tea also Hysoni and They cant be beat Graham Wafers in packages Good Pickles foe a bottle Vanilla and Lemon a bottle Dread and made every day We milk in our JJxead gives it excellent eating qualities Try it Give us a call A ROBERTSON OF a A f MSA ff A csis Abstract Staleroent id ii jiiUUreOrtct Public School Accounts for the year it icclui T ACTS pones op skim lri to JS2 wQ mm Have You Tried Our Dauntless Flour FOR BREAD or for Pastry If it is by Son it it Place trial and be convinced- Every sack guaranteed SALT PER BARREL OATS AND WHEAT FOR SEED Feed Oats all descriptions of Mill Feed constantly on CHOPPING EVERY DAY Remember the Mills near the Depot SOW SPRING GOODS IVING EVERY WEEK MOCK d KM at llcua at once tried to sell for 20 He finally agreed to take The buyer John Mainprise communicated with Chief King who came to the station if here to de liver the Itotte con duct caused suspicions and the chief went into the station to wire Aurora for information negro leaving the behind A posse of took but did not capture the thief In the the hone held awaiting an owner the tbe bridle conUictd tttae of ft J AllAIaOOf Laundry lie EVERYTHING IN GOOD WORKING ORDER Home iIVgon calls for end AutoraCsJI Tuesday end ltsJ a all Call Vedctiry and deliver P Proprietor Kind That Cuuos to new yHiiii sjtrtSa 0AP All Stylos at iinoab Cut OUR OP BOOTS St claim have the Most Complete Stock for you to choose from in town Boot and Shoe Store No to Sign of the Bed Boot

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