Newmarket Era, 8 May 1896, p. 4

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j NEWMARKET ERA- MAY Catarrh in lie Head a It result In Mis of or Until or if to conBumtiOD ad following Km sufferer catarrh or four d4 that arretted lor near Do to for Chan at In tho head at km almost detracted About ah com taking rills end loco tint lima aletdily improved OUliai tab pi Hood and la on bo road to a cannot too Hood i and recommend It Ontario Hoods two Only Purifier Prominently today fl to lick Oyers PSI I troubled a villi tick I tltdAttOOTtuftrmftCdlts lor faking Pills I A loz of lilt feted from wa mm Kilt Ms Awar Modal at Fair tiin ia THE PERFECT TEA Tut THC A A Hay WO on mo A inner Tktr bid on now to farther on hut subject No It I to God Cnt How fmiiOrUnt crcfoUy cor of given JnM ftabjut of our earn two for oar week At flrtt fight It my la psihtpll 0 1 men ftkouM hi fttiJ I ho Incident of Ji not to wo JH M the lowon to extent ftl I JaUCilCifj ho Join IrailtJ only in who went down to Mi homo with our only when our and our wholly Thfto la great hcio tor parent and for that likely to and liny folk In anther to than Mote WHAT UK j- pointed to of Ontario fnaovrdanco7lh paired lait for Council ollon will hold their flxal Jn To of It la will bo all holiday- that Hon and Hon If J will a tour of Manitoba and tho Wul Ottawa next wotk If will permit Word from Winnipeg that hli Cabinet will follow In rounds remedial bill will likely bo burning Tin Wanda tho I for hath On Oil who It look ft the After ft Major aopport of don Wlh will not a Ho I to ha appointed a of a fruit farm which Dominion ucnt Intend to fn salary lowd and thrown in major know on which tide hi bread buttered and to iwaltowcdTuppcr wrcion hill a ho really It Hut ho ha killed noil who come out In THE CASK OF OF Potior Tola tier That Her of no of Recovery Hill wife Mr Robt of not in my months ago looked upon ai one Today a no luces of Iter fornur con- ji liulc won der that her case hat created a pro found In the called upon her Mrs Hill to the her and for publication and she told with conveyed to the listener better than mere word could do her deep gratitude lo medicine which had brought about her reiteration health strength feci the said almost like one raised front the dead and my cue to me little short miraculous About a year confined and shortly after taken with canker in the mouth And fcrcd terribly I had good medical otlendancc I did not to get In fact other set In which seemed fait hurrying to the grave grew weaker and weaker until at I was confined to bed I fay for three months My bowels were in a terrible condition and at the doctor said he could do no more for as the other complications I had consumption of the bowels My limbs and face became terribly swol len my heart became weak and my blood teemed to have turned to water I became simply an emaciated living skeleton At the doctor told me that I was beyond the aid of human skill and that further attendance on part would do no good One day sometime later friends stood around my bedside ihinVIng every moment to see breath my last hut I rallied and at Ihe urgent of a friend it was decided at this apparently hopeless juncture to give Williams Pink Tills a trial In than two weeks a slight im provement had taken place and from that lime out I slowly hut surely pro toward recovery until as you can see for yourself I am once more a healthy woman It is impossible for to express I feel to wards Or Williams Pink Pills which under have restored to health and family and friends I feel that the world should know aV J Traliti ma ft iLclxit fjiLlrjf iL Vet o anemic It it pit Up I tut J CO CURES Jr atryUJtaH Mini rf IT TfT W tit- Melt It It told a BOLD AT News of a bloody battle near Province of Santiago Cuba has been received Jen Nunez tried to prevent Gen Calixto Garcia from the Canto River organised a strong hud column and ordering gunboats to proceed up thft river tocooperate with him left MriniHo to intercept Garcia The latter made a junction the forces of Maria Rodriguez from combined insurg- forces attacked as he was and him Nunez lost over men killed and for the column have been destroyed Nunez retreated to and Garcia is now without opposition The Can- Jialtalion had an engage- went near with the rebel bands of and Varona The fight was a hot one and the rebels over killed and many wounded The Spanish loss was one killed and lour wounded prominent Constnative J a op lo Hon ox hi arldrtfei to electors of after hearing In bad to way rctjcctingrcm6lal legislation thus Clares Ida disapproval of am to the of on Maui tola fjaution at I am fully con vinced that no Do ifllulOA on question provincial education can bo on an And I cannot help thinking Out of legislation will conflict with find became fruitful of i be il barn Them t the ground Thj at -1- in in the north cor ner of the turn and itr rigin i un known Mr away from home at the lime that lives on a farm and every too for thai matter have the of piece of ground It need be only a way comer at fiitt a place for the child to dig make plans increasing gradually to the acre of corn or potatoes or turnips or whatever it may be as the child grows older There are few farms that could not easily spare it and few children to it would not be a benefit You One Of arc suffer with wea nerve faUrLing every toon auy It to Avoid com- purifier lonlo Pills prevent VIC story so that some other suffering sister may be able to And health the medicine which I believe will never fail The experience of year proved that there is absolutely no disease due to a vitiated condition of the blood or shattered nerves that Williams Pink Pills will not prompt ly and thoe who are suffering from such troubles would ovoid much misery and save money by promptly resorting to this treatment Get the genuine Pink Pill every time and do not be to lake an lion or remedy from a deal er who for the sake of the profit to himself may say is just as good Or Williams Pink Pills make rich red blood and cure when other medicines fail If not attrzcilvc there it somethings ronjf am he attractive the nil make effort It y I Of beauty I Pa a matter of health bloom and health bringing beauty A clear eyes- red lips and the ldlly goo feeling nfll even a homely woman Half or the women one arc invalids Pall tiro to heed the of failure to help needed by mojt delicate find little troubles Ignored until they dominant Is- allowed every to and gain settled teat thing alout the checks the and akin flabby fleah which ajpnrancc of man who from Dr Pltrcca cured thousand of evlferlng ivoinen It la a oerfceted for troubles peculiar to them It the the and In a rational nit- build up the It will bring buoyant health It will put lido pile in sunken places It does with the humiliating and to much dreaded by mod ttomcu thirty ycarf it has by Dr Chief Consulting to the Invalids Hotel and For tAi ha has Voall It It no fun A everything fa tip Ida qulot look Mound foil gloom Pom to diningroom is mother And It I vlth that change IhAt busy rest Instead of to Aid marching proudly the street Hut ho mutt to tho In or irJnUra after all It must Jhit ho la than hero boy a and gttfo aro coming Aa It la very cheer srilh merry And help our labors to To have our homo both clean and neat And all around and licit nothing good can Without a labor and tub and think upon the coming aoono When all la and and fair or anyuherca AI la Dr prescription for Infant neither Opium nor other fiubslonco It for and Oil It fa Is thirty mo by Million of rtncl prevent vomiting flour Colic troubles cures Food and and fclcop Children illotlitra fW m SCHOOL fi The Twin Bar WITH IT8 Twin Benefits tS Labor Comfort If you wish your Linen as Snow wii it I OLf I Li III Horman Vtcd Boyd Howard fihlef Hopper libra ay J Lama Hector Br Maria Mary tilbury XL Jr- Fred Tablet Ada Vt Fiesta a- Jtonio Fair- ffIHWUBwll Jr Jr JJiuola I If Alio I It is It is I try core a iii and ordinary compounds which com mended for llie cute of al most every disease lo which human flesh is heir disease 3 all know is caused by an poison in blood and on only he quickly and effectual removed by use of the internal remedy which will neu tralize if and thus iii iirital- The inrelicnti of South Cure have lon known hut some of the latcu vorVs us being to quinine is to an absolute specific ihe fust dose of the remedy gives relief and ii at once begins the chemical pro fess of the acid of the blood Jt usually cures in one to three days Sold at Phar macy Ham ilton Rev oi Hamiltons Dr A leader of he in Canada is Wade rector of the Church of the Ascension Among the members of this church arc numbers of most wealthy and fashionable people of ihe City and beloved indeed is their rector In his family he has used Dr Catarrhal Powder and than pleased with the good results obtained The satisfaction has been such that oier hit own signature he has frankly said to people of Canada that ibis medicine is a good thing and gives the relief that is claimed for it One short puff of the breath through the supplied with each bottle of Dr Catarrhal Powder diffuses this Powder over the surface of nasal passages Pain less and delightful to use it relieves in ten minutes and permanently cures Catarrh Hay Fever Cold and Deafness cent Sold at Pharmacy April It has been ascertained that five foreigners and Chinese lost lives in a collision at this morning between the earner AVw Chary and On Wo resulting in the sinking of latter and tent their boats the assistance of Wo and hey succeeded in rescuing many people fl- A San flcat I eicr ilt would do ma any good Dreg fltorfi tha ted la IocUt oAlsfit Bold Been CLOVE fl will a o CMtbrlh an itslMien of r IfniF arell ltl It lt4orT Pen who CtlcrU CAMS tollh tJti I to il locHiJrtn ll ft to A and easy For clcanwt sweetest end clothes For every use about the S J best and cheapest a Fire IFire TO THE FARMERS OF YORK COUNTY Xork Mutual Fire Insurance I v- for io la now received A from Ahf write policies on on ftelUftl coil and in ibeo to ted not to It on itiU A to or to Chorch II J- GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY ted d It hire three they Cr When erne ft the cry tto I till eMWttiWlktnr Re- A if J a DEAD sure fact that tho Do Good Work and do not Break Collars in Turning to to Bay firs School English French and Music We take your as late and it A trial order will convince you that our work is superior lo any other Laundry l CD i 5 a I a j BALT Oil warm for sale- paln- Tub Wifb of Or IHskasb or iho Die For Mrs Mugger S For over four I was severe heart choking KelerJ feet and ankles and pain in left tide were my symptom doctored ton- ii3nlly without benefit and in fact had despaired of ever well Cure for the Heart was latt tried and my astonishment relief inside of an hour I have not used three hollies and completely cured No one can loo strong recom mending this remedy as its powers to cure are truly wonderful Sold Whoa Never under any lances point your pun toward a human be- Never carry to that i were accidentally it even endanger life a dog think hith way your is panted and if a comjMii is in flie you no mailer how mar or ho the game appears do not shoot until you know where he is a stray shot may he sufficient destroy an eye forever Never a loaded Run in a Never carry a loaded gun over the fence put it through and then go over Always carry a gun at halfcock if a breachloader never let ham rest on the plungers Never get in front of a nun if you are drop it so thai muzile will be from you It the cartridge Hicks the of a knife will probably extract it if not lake out other cart- a straight stick and poke il out from the even then do not get in front of the gun After firing one barrel lake cartridge out of other examine the wad to tec thai it is not as it it after a heavy recoil for should it get into barrel it is liable to burst the gun Never lake hold of a of a gun to draw toward you j Never set a gun up thai if it should fall the would be ward you Never keep a loaded gun in house Follow these rules be possess ed and the fields will afford you sport without danger Finds Simple Quick iu the Use of American Cube suffering from kidney trouble endured by men and women who are getting a little up in tears is often exceedingly distressing The annoy- acce and Inconvenience caused by a derangement of kidneys is only too plain to all have been troubled in this way How the distress isattimufromwhaiisknoirrl as prostatic troubles in ihe old as enlargement inflammation and ulceration of the prostate gland- any present or after un pleasant effect South Kidney Cure gives immediate and lasting relief in all such coses is a wonderful medicine for kidney rouble of whatever kind It a kidney cure and of nothing more it is a king here try lime Sold ft IW by person are occurred at York A negro long out of had diligently hunger fend against society sii7 a lying in the Up of a woman tiding in street car He the bag pursued and vith a certain fate ahead cut his throat The fashion thai depriving of pockety compels them to carry purses and other articles of value ex posed to the vision of poverty warn is brutal It is amazing that women right minded kindhearted and rational in all other things con descend to to it They arc of arc slaves of attyle that to idiotic ally ruled a and there was never time vhtn that claimed to be inlelHgent or half as independ ent not into temptation to be carried on the corsage of woman as of old the fable on the breast the log con taining the foibles The poor whom the of a womans displayed drove fifil robbery then to suicide leaving family to the mercy of the is not the of a that needs or euro only a pair of scissors cut a pocket hole or to rip open a team to make place for a peal that would conceal to a from the grace ihe garment MONK TO IJAM DAVID LLOYD of 1 j jo IJsztt Alto tat tot KUlil ted Hated Remember I hey are priceless JTakccare of them will take of hem for are you the I windows If of the Boys Youths and Mens Suits Large Assortment at Prices WE ARE DOING to let ri afJ1 la xn caKKatloa IcrSKllcaliri fcclj to A cony PASTURE TO RENT J JOBBING HOUSE Soul or j call on us and get rrr MM Suit you exactly Sir g our prices May The Shah of was shot and killed his after while entering ihe Shad The fired point blank At his heart Children Cry for lo J jfrtO for irsJIhGtfc A which to IT AaWJt TOOLE CARRIAGE PAINTER Oft IfitUeUi- VcrkOorutudiricrrAtf Atkinson FASHIONABLE DRESS AND MAKER ATKINSON Jeveler and Optician Main St Newmarket I bii to lie the A Pdid SJ Ills fcvo like irL He Newmarket For Desirable Property For Sale Town twl I I Vcwcirkot HOUSE AMD LET ifceUitct y yc on ts la P tit g a del put JOB We do not alio any Office to outdo in line- either in style or price If you want any of Printing done tee what work and terms you can get at the before you order Our promptness is pro- veihial TRY OUR PAILS TUBS Clothespins AMD VaSHEOAPDS fi OF iio Building Material t TWO TOWN LOTS ifco SI a 1 ncllira I Sale of Farm Township 0 a tub King County of York TTKUKHtLltyWrtvftcf ttia fcJi It 3 to iJecoJ t Satorday Hay All iL- till A We fitut3 up a consul for A3 THE BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES Complete fcrc C ccmiliJ ILf til rt WJitocMiekJ to let la of To- It It C At ita iLt II Adptt4lQ ltittd felAttilu MARBLE WORKS MONUMENTS and HEAO STONES ft ALLAH ftff ClCVa l4Tlttf nerds tluL fcjjlciT tc If rjtimf fa tierlU tiJiiic iciit tj titri- If ARtl Tour All New tap Pettier lit mfet9 DtT Sto Wheals Into fto All fltootd Ixforo Ve are fti to order cf lb of very led HJF VW CANE SONS Ltd Ail ftpd Uj to a fttiuw fi7 b lo to feud iiKcJrtd It to in fioWffcr Vci i r TWENTYSIX YEARS SUM MB TBAflSlMT TO THE MARK In all diseases that affect humanity there is some weak link in the chain of health some spot that is the seat of the trouble It may be the liver it may he the stomach perhaps it is the bowels or the kidneys most likely jt js the blood Burdock Blood Bitters straight to that spot strengthens the weak link in the chain removes the cause of the disease and restores health because it acts with cleansing force and curative power upon the stomach liver kidneys bowels and blood With good red blood health is assured without it disease is certain to come and Burdock blood is the only reined that will positively remove all blood poisons In ulcers abscesses scrofula ions swellings skin diseases blotches old sores etc should bo applied externally as well as taken internally according to directions lASJtiOJli to f rf Cup South End Tannery IB T

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