pU mL THE NEWMARKET KHA Friday GEO J at want REACHED suBscaiBsas toVEME THE KHOW TO UTTER FREELY cfofacifiNCB ABOVE Ait OTHER LIBERTY is basis 11 CAPITAL NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER VST No papers tent outside of York unless paid in Vol Single Copies J Cents Newmarket Ont Friday May 15 Terms Strictly in Advance within or St SO at end of year iasuo Branch AOSHfRAr iLAft0AOTKD Allowed on it want DRAFTS ED J A J A W IOimj IN THEIR MEW STORE WITH A COMPLETE CO took of HEADY MIXED PAINTS AND PAINT RUSHES ciiyncuBS alahastik OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN POLES IAWN MOWERS A LAWN RAKES HOSE BARREL CHURNS DASH CHURNS BOWKS IUM ASSORTMENT OF GARDEN TOO A I fttoetf Ineliiwtffl ftp On or about June ve remove our immense stock of Stoves Tinware Woodcnware Granttewarc and Sporting Goods to the large commodious building one door north of Hardware Store known as No Millard Block Pearl or pacific of Monarchy Provisional Government OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT A REDUCTION 10 PER CENT OFF Roofing and General Repairing done promptly and properly The loo bluer be tween or P they ore called by their enemies spa for the exact truth the overthrow of the inonaicoy be obtained teal king and have and navy Public a great army improvement were neglected roada became Impassable while the king iccutcd a laice loan from England and squan dered vast of the revenue in The political feeling here is at about j loam and on Hula dancing Kalakaua was not a bad man He a weak vain man and easily in- the nine heat it in the United States in The the 48 to Main Street Newmarket A FT J STOVES AND TINWARE Repairing Promptly and Neatly done J A ALL AM GO for to I- mi FfirjKllllonOjurl koiOfti A fcC J WOODCOCK Main ff 4 Lay this Paper down Please it with our advertisement on top You tee we expect to he at tin ton you will render ut favor In any case you will always find and the leading remedies that have not lost medicinal qualities by standing a long time on our shelves together with a Complete Line of Toilet at A MX 10 tut it AJ it KLri totlciiid MM of feafe OKKIOB TORONTO Atutn nearly In If a Br ft of JUck It BRADFORD WItJotlUre or of NEW IVI A OUT AND Dullness of will continue it in all iu of the trade will no effort to have things done STILE SPRING It OP At Pharmacy in 10 t4 J wIMvm Chared Discounting Farmers Notes AT RATES At I lot pi- Toronto Ertlu Co wltii the PASS THROUGH FREE IV to Aiftatfllfiictd For of In vblch i6y tr lh 317 p i I In AH the Latest Styles in Footwear at the Finest Cut Prices SEE OUR STOCK OF BOOTS SHOES claim to have lie Complete Stock for you to choose from in Town No Mistake Go to the Boot and Shoe Store Sign of the Bed Boot PIP Mala INSURANCE J AIIAHTE1IO A J BUT I OH lit AuiirauttCuuthuUi TO LOAN AT Lira AflSUKAHCK CO CANADIAN COMPANY E GR00ME I Wood On W lOR TURNOUT I d 1VJ -UAVITAL- AND DOLLARS i far trcAIatUc44L0ftLd tide MRS If SIMPSON Main AVERS Hair VIGOR of CtUfrLQldiBk dcitd M WOOD A will to do will rtotlt fcutj PO LIZZIE JlOhn her frccu lx4t Ld fcoin Toronto of of PulU VffffA vicios el I All liquid dLflE urn told ya to J A A A 1NHUHAKCK til Vil Autilc Vcwiarilzcl ittthi Alldic4ticfdoJ6tiUctttdtfniitiiuiic4 to to nd alio of A little two years ago my hair began Ho turn gray and fall out Af ter one of Hair Vigor my hair restored to cow and falling out An occasional application has filnco hair in good condition Mr used Hair for has restored hair fast becoming gray back toils natural color in tars CO 10 tftU Vttuitu A I 4 A i fcf Ik If you want to preserve apples dont Ciiuse a break there i the ItlOn good for work vhen the lining of the throat and lungs made raw or injured by colds and some of Which nth n4rd o THE Cleveland OLD DESIGN on the Roads P Afctnt v heal inflamed mucus mem branes time to take it before serious damage lias been done A 5ocent lxttle in enough an cold cull Ihe Government Provisional and refute to To the cause of the of monarchy one mint have some knowledge of the history In the Inter part of the eighteenth centuty a powerful of Hawaii known captured American sailor named Davit and Young The latter was a boats if on the frigate Eleanor the former on a little sloop the Fair Anitrtcan latter was captain and crew with the exception Day is killed and its cannon taken on shore young and Davis being gun ners were spared to manage the ar tillery for Kamchameha who at once began the Conquest the whole group of islands The no Ameri cans were his generals they married the daughters of chiefs or princes and were given high offices After several years war all the Sandwich Islands were conquered and Kamchameha declared king over all lie was succeeded four di rect descendants known as III The na tives having abolished in the year the tent by the American Hoard of Missions came to convert them They were kindly received by the natives but by this time the islands had become the rendezvous for whaling vessels whose officers and crews were lawless men and they objected to the restraints of religion and decency The missionaries however had come to nay and in an earneit man ner began the conversion of the heathen They were often threaten- by the lawless sailors who re garded their upright lives as a land ing rebuke to i heir own immorality in spite of all threats and dan ger the heir ground the respect and confidence of the kings who remain ed their friends and the cause of Christianity advanced until all lilands were brought under its sway Missionaries who came to the island young men raised families child ren grew old and died Children born on the islands up died and left children natural horn Hawaiian the same as any Ameri can citizen today is an American- The business interests of the is lands soon began to at tention of the world Americans engage in agriculture or mer cantile pursuits These dots on ihe surface of the assumed great importance and the English always jealous of any advance of Americans in the acquisition of territory began to turn their attention toward the is lands As the American Congregation- and Presbyterians had succeed ed to well the Church of England from purely political motives it is claimed began a religious conquest of the islands ftorn this time on there was a struggle between Ameri cans and English to control the rul ing monarch III gave the people the first liberal constitution All the stem lo have been friendly to the Americans as were probably under the influence of Young and Davis and their descen dants The ami missionary parly in time became the antiAmerican party History shows how England has sought in the past to get contiol of the islands and how she objected to the annexation of them 10 the United Stales during the Forties as the trade at that time was increasing in pro portions that alarmed her The direct ended with KamcVumcha v After one or two short reigns David Kala- was Tho a man with many weaknesses he seems to have had an idea of jus- lice and he tried please all parties and of course lie tailed By this time sugar and rice plan tations had become a source of great wealth in the and Americans wills pluck and energy were peopling the country and setting the cream of its industries The lands had previously been divided among common people in a way that was equitable lo all the made on flor the American Congress to the contrary notwithstanding Under the old kings all land was invested in their name as lands originally in deal These kings distri buted hem somewhat according to ihe feudal system to chiefs great of what are still called crown lands At the suggestions of targe lands were for the common and these lands in acreage marly all the veiy toil on the islands They were taro patches and rice field worth five while one dollar for by bad surroundings He was constantly in need of money his annuity was greater than the salary of the President of the United States I found himself- ham by the constitution which limited his power and declared his intenlion of giving the people another constitu- lion which was in reality a return to absolute monarchy Great excitement prevailed and a revolution was threatened by the people whose until bowing to the popular will permitted the constitution to stand It is said that at this time the kings sister Princess was in England a guest of Queen Victoria studying royal life She was very indignant at her brother yielding to the wishes of the American ians and on her return to Honolulu a revolution was precipitated by some of her friends to depose the king and place her on the throne- The Amer ican settlers on the islands went to Ihe rescue of king and the rebel lion was put down King KalaVaua died January 1891 and was succeeded by his sister as queen The queen was thoroughly In and sympathy from the first she displayed intense hatred for the American missionaries alone she might have made an ex cellent monarch for who know her say she possesses many good even her political enemies deny ihe slanders against her character Hut the queen was ill- advised Her race prejudices were aroused interested Arsons The American missionary was held the light of a moral pirate who had left his conscience at Cape Horn and come to rob and plunder the native as Spaniards had done in America and under the guic of religion In various ways she kept her sub jects alarmed by threats lo deprive them of their constitutional liberties her salary and income from crown lands exceeded the salary of the President of Ihe States by twenty dollars she was not satisfied She was advised to he a queen in splendor as we as A crowd of evil designing friends were constantly about her ad vising her 10 do what they should have known would he her There were nearly two thousand as well as many at this time living on the islands who did not in the divine rights of kings Many of these had thrift and honest toil accumulated property to millions With them it was a business proposition Should thcy in order to maintain a tradition born in the dark days of barbarism arid cradled in ignorance and yield up the hard earnings of their lifetimes Among the other schemes to re plenish the depleted treasury of the queen and who had held some offices under the king After the Jttety had been driven out of the United iis backers and supporters began to look about for some place convenient to America where the gigantic swindle might be resuscitated The Hawaiian Islands were regarded as the most convenient place Mr Evans went to Chicago where ho met the capitalists willing to engage in the enterprise An arrangement was made whereby the Chicago capitalist providing the franchise was granted were to pay the Hawai ian Government the sum of five hun dred thousand dollars per annum for a term of twentyfive years At the lime the lottery bill was being agitat ed in the another bill as odious to all and known as the Opium Dill was brought up The queens cabinet was composed of men who inspired confidence in lie minds of the people but they did not prove sufficient to check their headstrong The legislature like the Parliament in Crom wells time session until the more respectable members were com pelled leave for their homes to at tend to their business They had scarcely left before the opium lottery men taking advantage of their ab sence hurriedly passed the bills known as the and Lt23 her cabinet and appointed in I a of to of respectable people of the hi and excitement at lis height- hihhinded tramp ling on the of people many bom on the islands A Committee of Safely formed and citizen began to arm themselves The announced the wu goinxlo give her peoples new The constitution and signed but the filled to get the signatures all her cabinet The document never is that it for the disfranchisement of all not married- to native and that only the properly of the whites should be liable for taxes The Committee of Safety organiz ed and formed in companies Arms were concealed in a hardware store and on the morning of Jan Mr John Good now Captain Good Mr and two others with them to the armory of the Com mittee Safety On they were attacked by the police Captain Coed fired and one man Mr knocked another down with the butt of Mi whip and they escaped In the meantime Mr- John Steven United States minister to Hawaii who was away op to this time returned to Honolulu after the Committee of Safety bad been form ed He inucd the following request to Captain of the State Cruiser Britain fa initctitz I to frnd rem under command for lb of the fftatca ri anl to can Joui Envoy of United had already anticipa ted the request of the and issued the following order Jan 1 5 or notion Bins You will of tit in Hon fcnJ ltrd in tho cur ml rofcrty American and lo in pre prudent inott bo men rd m action cot folly by the of affair by of may foicnicsl to rights of will at the rtciAeat in tLo Very How to whlijr as past In tosta to miH Whit can Freer king I If broken Spring hi Hit A over Ind Her verdant cast Her I wlng of morn From villi Brewed In hero ardeilng his roll And the fcirdi had It off rtkiy knoll For early carols In air ry Hill ihrcit an3 care Ah thou lovely virgin Hail To thy apply Ar0 bid cut hop in prayer thou still boar on That Gel Love Bski The Public Library closed the with a balance of on hand books were circulated during the year It is our sad duly this to in- form your readers of the death of Mr Wallace which occurred on Tuesday the The circum stances surrounding his death are very lamentable A year ago winter he received a blow on the knee while playing hockey but paid no at to it unlit hit fall when it be came to serious that he I Specialists for a time could not undcufand hi but at last pronounced it cancer of the bono It became worse till in Decern her to bed and rose from it Deceased was in bis year and white clerking in the Stan here many friends MOUNT KING CITY The annual meeting of the Liberal Conservative Association of the town ship King took place in Megans Hall on Saturday and of May the several polling plac being fairly well represented Short addresses were by and J Stoke after which the can didate Strange the meeting In the fan place he took up the and dealt with it in an manner after which he announced his position which appear ed to be acceptable the audience on the much Manitoba School Question of all lie said he wanted the electors to distinctly un that he was apposed to schools in every shape and form and had he been a member the House of the vote was taken on the Hill he would of voted the govern- and moreover he was in of leaving the matter in the hands of Manitoba to be dealt as pro posed by the commissioners appoint ed by government and have lie matter removed from the arena of the Federal government it never have appeared The Dr concluded an able address and the assembled electors were able to breathe a little after hearing the announce his stand on this much vexed question which the usual cheer was given for the Queen and three roaring cheer lot Dr Strange the candidate the meeting was brought to a it a Va CuMrb Council at llillirilra the Cor bills tain land not five hundred Kctex the winy American to the men who procured lon on sugar and front kin2 British to bear He told to be The decent ami respectable of Hawaii saw tbe danger that men aced The realiz ed iliat ihe race just rescued from heathendom about lo be to all and a land today filled with churches and school about to become the Monte Carlo of the Western Another class of Americans looked on ith tlum at of afftiis those had at stake which were in jeopardy A parly of Christian ladses on the queen and pel her not to the Jt if ihe they prayed and lefe would veto the but signed then almost soon as they were gone The alarm and held and dis guised to Avert id finandil tufa The United The troops were landed and ing die day divided into small A part were placed to guard the United States Ration a small sent to the Consulate and eight the home of an American resident named Hopper As bad no tents the minister se cured quarters for them a royal lit has probably been more lying in print and out of print about the action of Minister Stevens and Captain Willie than about any other subject the days of The day after the of Ihe troops the queens cabinet called on Minister Steven to ask the aid of the United States marines in sustaining Queen the Provisional Government then course of formation Minis Stevens answered 11 Gentlemen those men were lard ed one purpose only a pacific purpose and we cannot take part in any contest I cannot use this force for sustaining the Queen or anybody else This remark was made and this assuiaoce given before the Queen had been deposed and her cabinet knew that the States troops would not interfere in the affair in any way Thirtytwo aimed citizens of the Committee of Safety marched to the government building and took pos session of it The constitution had not formally promulgated and it is said was never signed by all the Cabinet The ministers lied the guard went to the police quarters and the queen was de serted by everyone save her marshal Mr Wilson who through all her ad- has remained her iruest friend It is said that Mr Wilson warned her against an attempt to promulgate the If you do it will be your ruin he de clared but shall stand or fall with you If Mr made this assertion be kept his word To his credit be it said he was the only friend of the queen who in the hour of trial displayed any pluck Hut he had not a soidiec or a policeman to aid him and thirty two men seized the Hon Hole chief justice of supreme resigned his position when the trouble and was it member of the Committee of Safety and later on the organisation of the became its president After the failure of the effort to annexation of the islands to the United States and defeat of ihe project to restore the queen the pro vincial Government became a r man government A constitution was framed Hon Hole selected as president the term of fix year A choke could not A serious mishap befell Mr I I while returning from his fathers last Thursday with a load lumber Coining down the hill front wheel dropped into a rut Mr- Ross was thrown forward and had hi foot bad ly crashed between the busier and the spokes of the front wheel Had his horses not been very obedient the injuries would have far worse One f our allowed to gel of him a day or two Miss Kin Hayes is ill ttiiheiy- in her face Some of the go fishing on Sunday An example should he made of them The Cheese Factory commenced operations week ft ought to make butter come up a little in price Mr and Mrs John Graham and Mrs of were of Mrs Martha Terry last Sun day SUTTON t it t made Mr Dole a brave gentle- He is a statesman be corruption while dignified utterly devoid of my of the iov tMily which to often men who great He easily approached open capable of at the head of a much country than Hawaii of teas than year the population is Ins than The picnic tln year will he held at Mr ltd Virginia on the roth of June Mr Harry the returning of ficer for North York was here on Tuesday arranging for polling places in the respective divisions The here an Monday of Father Morris of Newmarket and Father of Cannington al this period of the campaign is causing some speculation Mr Michael late of King now of Toronto arrived here from Bradford on Tuesday where he has been looking the interetts of Mr and is now directing his attention to this section of country The Reform meeting last night in Mr interest was held in ball Reeve the chair The meeting be ing called to order after a brief ad dress by the chairman Mr Mulock took the platform and to a large at tentive and appreciative audience ably and fully discussed the leading politi cal of the day at the same time a full account of his stew ardship as representative of North York and also explaining his stand point on the political questions of the present time Tho audience was a representative one ard a deep appreciation in mailers discussed by the speaker The meeting con cluded with cheers for the Queen the Hon Wilfrid and Mr Mrs Angelmc Elliott was up before Messrs Treloar Cole and J Pa on a charge of assaulting Mi Mary of the same It appears the alterca tion was about the division of a pit of mangolds and Mm Hint onehalf of the lame and the defendant forbade her her share until either her husband or their landlord Mr was 10 in dividing same- Mrs Ham persisted taking her share and commenced with a pitch fork Mrs- Elliot prevented her from doing S3 by knocking the off the fork- This continued for some lime until steam Rot up to a pressure Mrs Hint alleged that Mrs struck her with shove the defendant tilt Ant made the with the fork and the only held the in front of her lo pro tect her person After this a lion took pUco appropriate to a meeting case it with evils Cot of JcIirvmi From T J WoJ- cork behalf John in- jurlca airbed to have Mr on roiJir drifted Meyer re fcten Con I in from iMlQte hint J a vathojt Con- at clalittcd ihricllii co Detain for filling calling J drift from Ath Con- at Geo Jlr rail Con lir at Minz washoui en I fillit J I bai3in on line Knntiy re- to to mirth hill Vat A lib on Town Lit to CqIiiI oil Con at S3 W iMlrudfr to pj the fcillr Ji ittruilol to Mil hi The to ft re- to ill bridge li CflO- 10 criterion Con- S3 arJ way allowed Si trci act to Of John i for tfU Over fot fuftber of rei iirig Hair to after lice Deputy fihiccr iuat the of 1 Km to A- of tail arJ Mr Joboton for quel svai lulrofUd to IPhllip llatij tbo appeal County On in with A By tin ptiJ jrehititla at lir La to al Italian en tie SOlh Jay May ai In Is Us ally Caused a or tub AUKCAH CORE Positively Relieve ir ih One may be deceived the of weight or in the that causes unpleasantness in convenience lo icany men and women Attributing the trouble lo else this may be evidence of affections of ihe eventually may develop to serious trouble That sue- American Kid Cure gets at root of kidney trouble kill Ihe cause and having done this cvmptcte is soon reached It is worth repeating that Auierican Kid- for cure of this Irouble It doe not pretend to a it is a in every kidney And it quickly For talc 1hAiuiacyt KBojuitwo dollar Bank bills are fa circulation ifld per ions arc yarned to of we Jul i95