f j NEWMARKET ERA MAY Departmental Hernial A Cow Of lift It She llVER LETS I AMD WITH EACH ISSUE Era Is Printed rU At Homo FRIDAY MAY 161800 Toronto Despatch 14 1670 Ja40 Morgan On on for pcdUn who woto of tin lfew trouble polltlettia tut licro A of Count met of York tan In llill ltdy out by Corporation amount Tin now Union to hit Monday a electric through will hereafter enter from Front HI- Lobar brother for Mr merchant fiot a IVnltcnlUry for Unco Of to The new Act leveling rceuUMton of births drift pats at the bit teuton of Legislature and now in is of W The Sccrclaiyofthclfovlncbl Hoard of Health ha copies of the Act together with blank form upon which to make returns to re- through- out Province- Herewith we publish a of the various of special the gen eral public Hwtton ll burial lo delivered to the In which to of the duly to diligent and to notify Die proper lo the bo placed In email prepared and adduced to the by law to register If arc neglected division required toucdlu a lilt of to lljfj to the for trara lor rtgbVratlon of by parent or other therefor wltifn of 10 IfoiHM for rejjitlratlon of by prao attending at that no birth be legist ted the content of the If his con tinued for a longer period than year from date of lection the altera tion of Ihonsrno of any child shall made only by and within ten horn data of i0 that all be thirty days from date of celebration fnr the registrar A death by the person re therefor before the of the body medical practitioner thill fortljwhh the of death lo she Jleellh Officer In tin cite of cities and villagtand lo registrar In towrtbipr Ho for burial or bo can legally ti0crlifi4t according to thoforu by Ins elltne by in the cite In when rcareit divitioarcsUtrac may I sice to bo by of the municipality This to facilitate speedy to of con- and trinsportallon of cooticious on trains Section iVjwli that no poison In chariot a permit iLfrtiu until be bee the Such and supply registrar with list of ibe burials and the of all per- doling the previous flection i7 Provides for falee late me tits fivitlou Provides penalties for returns to acd for therefor by the Section tie of for each on prteenlation by division registrar the of to Treasurer of tie Special attention is directed to llor r to inclusive According to interpretation of the take put in burial obsequies until certificate of regis union has been procured Without being liable to the of Act position take- mil alosg by Qr the to en prohibitory lienor law the of imperial Privy He doubts rejatdltj tIIoo by ii the effect be cannot Mbit silling- In aod ptwe ecu cat prohibit uuufxta4 of in lLa nut IteEUi dieiihtiiu to raiw the ProIulA othv bat iby do theycu JbeWctalcrc im 3J wit to it Prf for 4JtdlMicj On more than one occasion we have called the way To ronto authorities were Ignoring county right and intercom n regard to the new court house and alto took occasion to nam them of the trouble looming In near future for county and city councils In Inn Star find the article the tenor of which goes to prove that Toronto beginning to that the county that will have to be when new building becomes to be occupied by the judicial Counly of The term of agreement forth In the Act of the Toronto to the construction of a house must he or the county will not be bound to fulfill ill part of the condi tions without compensation This what the Star says complications which may yet arise In connection with the and city buildings to bo end What with claims lime liken In of the whkh to the origins act of authorising their con- to for within foor nop coal of the vor what proOJti lobe spent and disputed tire en tho and as to future building tbo whole of piomlics lo than A wllltO pliant on bauds If litigation and city buildings flnlshed therowlllcoilnlnly bo a arbitration to at a settlement of to the of tho out the provNione of Ml of tho building wee to bo for purely city purposes but to bo reserved as court And for such purposes aro of Joint judicial of both and city- ft now that Division Is to bo in the tail portion Aa court In fr city court In which thooountv tho county will claim oily the tbat court without pay In tin way with other which the county costing three times than it ha vo done to fur an county it con will for vi A must piy a rental A county of m alter told mo 1Mb thet would bo trouble Wo do not vanl to no into the build ing stall lie arc vo and it hot us half up a building for wo shall lo pay mora than a proportion of which build- IngshoaMeost The bull Jinx will have rented certainly a rent lo county for it J Mr Geo flcnllb Sir acd Mrs Fred spent our In the city Mr John continues very low and his recovery Is hardly Iter Mr of was Monday friends Mr Will I was In town on Monday on old J Mrs of visiting her Mrs J this Homer fit la her sister Mrs of Oak this wct Mrs James sho wti vlsIUng her for four Mrs visiting her ton Mr Montgomery at or couple Mrs and llerlln fs here on to sitter Mrs Mrs John took forlhi better on Monday and of IS entertained Iter P Fletcher wheeled on Monday and Is spend a fev days at home Mayor away last Friday on account sad den Illness of Us mother Mrs left on to take up her abode at Lake for Mis was hero days week to her grandmother Mrs John Mr Jos was In town Hit Ho has opened a branch photo at Tottenham Mr and bride Caldwell Toronto were In town attending lbs funertl of Dr Miss and her piece Miss Myitis Millard went city on Wed- to sjend week or so Mrs J Marker Mrs who visiting her cousin Mies for left for homo on Mr Clark returned horns on Tuesday from Toronto ho wee for without soy change n his condition Thorn peon who for nearly four has aoxpti a oil to a Christian circuit JCinUn and tho family Town last link Mr 1st JJpaty of the makes to to Mb on Monday and fjchomberit on clay night plftoe WHAT Hi of West have convention day at Oliver Ja announced to at a at Que on the Inst Politics arc very warm down In sister Province It appears by from Man thetnoIca than are oat tor tho three however to remedial Initia tion his at lion Mr promised If he to power to abolish tho revising iMfrlilers and to cut down tho fund provokod on cays that Kir Mac kenxle Howell accompanied by Hie Don ald and Mr Fleming loft for How York for Premier returned to from morn Tits of Mr Liberal nominee for In papers and Independent for East Mr his in tho iqti the of Manitoba fc It ts announced that Mr Clarke WallaceOrtnKQ Grand will flak at on and at Tata op Friday behalf of Mr McNeill at on Saturday in Dr and at Mansfield on May in of Mrs rented her storage for her left spend threo months or with her Toronto and Chicago for she her General the Meth od let Missionary Dr left Toronto on Inst for Columbia Do will annual ol lth British Columbia and and lbs with thers gatherings Mr A Uriels formerly school Holland Landing now near irrilei 1 and looking tint Mr loots and his opponent ovsrlooklcg lbs There will a tight Patron undldste dropped With odds realty In favor of A Co candidate Maggie and at Kingston on evening May Gils The a con of Dr Carrie of fknysi and hat of filling the pulpit the Church at Hols a High Rcliool The bride Is a graduate the General Hospital trained extend Mr Woods of of Mr VarnD of this Town has a Geranium Plant which high ft wide and over a foot It Is at about Its best now haying over blossoms as many buds It Is CO heavy It four men to carry It of to coo It and say the the like It is tho sprite and admiration all pass up and down Mr Wool his of snug for this Floral but he wont part with it and he chal lenges any one in the Dominion pro duce Its as well as GoTrn was xcrj helpful tocher P Lloyd J Ufa J A Irwin Wei- ley Hois Milne Williams J A MoLeao Miss I Jttehardson Basle Geo Mita Miss K Miss Butcher Mies J lifts A Goo Mies A I Pike Geo Haloes Potters Harper J Stephens Clark J Grant A Wilkinson Denols Hubbard Miss Miss Us Walter Boiling Miss Then If Cunningham W A K Hill P Miss Trench Mrs Aurora Thornpion Miss Mm Miss Mr Mr Bice Miss A David son MltsM K Evans Miss J Miss Kelly Cody J J J McKay Holland Dunning In addition Mr Boss Mist Thompson Arthur Wells Boy Mr Thompson Iter Mr Adamton Sown A special was held on Vedrts- evening Present Mayor Bees Hunter Vlddified parsed the Court ell to a Watering Cart and borow for and Bridge Coin that lenders bo accepted for Pine lumber at B ton Hemlock at provided thai the lumber If carefully trimmed at ends David Millard excavating on Timothy lit at Ale per yard for waterlog streets at per while actually at the work On motion to the report vae changed Thoi Hunter The ByLaw Com Instructed to lo ralea by way of loan for Installing an Light Plant In town The Under of Woodcock to at pir was Council adjournal AURORA neck P- Mr 1 to of King to fit Mario Mr of Wojdtoin coca- plc4 Mr pulpit A of went Id a tor a ran Mr threw op on tho A offer of him net ting coal- lion were to noil onother cda of all hsttotiko it VIVIAN Mrs Gould and Mr who have been their patent hit and Mis Buck returned to the on Tuesday Mr a beef Monday about for he a price We is about to commence Vhat roght have proved vecy accident occurred In Mr A McComuckj week It appear Mr riot at work allowed hi foot to come in contact wiil a tunning taw and received a very bid cut Hi one contortion Is I might have been worte Mr Nathaniel wear a the cause being an only While a couple of people were returning from Albert on Saturday one tide of the became the striking the hones heel and ft in rapid motion The occupant were thrown out but fortunately not hurt Farmers arc through and arc now Waiting for rain to bring the fruits of their labours fair of On Sucday the of May in the afternoon ft man by the name of Julius J entered the upstairs apartment of Michael Baker which was under lock and key by in the bedroom door open What was wanted Is not known MIts Baker held of the bed room door It being her sleeping apartment Mrs Hannah was visiting her sister Mrs Stephens last week Mlti Borden was the guest of Miss Randall Mr Dennis was calling on friends understand Mr McMillan has left for Brazil Our S wai well attended Ian Sunday but we would like to sec the older people turn out and In the good work BALDWIN and friends of the Baldwin Church arc mak ing arrangement for a TeaParty on Thursday May and a big lime may be expected Tea served from 5 to SilfCt Esq contented to lake the chair and a fine program mil be rendered Addresses arc to be given by Revs of Sutton and of Newmarket solos etc by Mies for- ton Irwin and Miss Winch of The public arc invited to share in the of the occasion and a big crowd will be provided for ii3bepitmjeii8 HE S to to be Wo purchase only ttii for Mr R J end i form to Hod Mr Tallica Admnuu On Monday Mr him of four candidal for Toronto and aland lo bill The candidftlo Kail To- Mr Wi4 Ifce lh will by an mao of bit parly Toronto faave fiOttlaftUd Mr Or It for Id nomination Manitoba J warn Iho if lUy to jua aacb a bill I w HI and tout to will tempt moto my and Unit qctz- may avu Jf bo tree bow Mr oci of Hit new tikitltttk be acd all Ma from if bill baa acpM by the Ii cot la Ittu Town Monday Bptoodld for If wirt tig locals A flic new arrived iba Ku will put into working Public lJiraty cloud the jeas on hand have and the Council gfants year ihe at Ifatioir- Oat was entered by Cut Tuesday about oclock and the cafe blown open noise of the on the but not time to catch the burglar who es caped a cash box threeceitt IcUcu and I This an age when pur- itso fof Mr mid a for wbrth s lire Ait if cbfcttft The and dy lest week Mr J of dtalJoj with lUrxr the school Improved of good on being by stck- kit year belter than bat property would dd to Pew seuistn In live IfrKiikpiUlckolRiOi wind coricoliDg tbo Kotrtno Jasper Both both dsyi Qalt the iUxd i Ucg It In ftor of Iikliu4i Id J If Utter tl bt VnAcbj ted if m of j irk tilt tU a wound up MriCould of preached an lo a targe con elation Sunday evening Mr Hill and family Sunday at Mr John A Spent Sunday at POINT A big day is promised at Park on Monday the Queens Birthday- An attractive program of games and sports for prizes including running and boat races or men and women boys and girls and the com mittee spare no pain to make the celebration a success Bills are out KKTTLKBY After a good reil the Indies Aid of the Christian Church commenced work on Wednesday of last week meeting at Mrs Our school kids had an extra holi day last week the teachers attending convention- One of Mrs Ceo boys was taken suddenly ill one day last week and the physician was call ed in Present prospects of an abundant apple crop The trees are like huge bouquets A friendly game of checkeis played here between the champions of and this pace resulted in favor of to Mr of has been in this vicinity for a weeks Seeding will be about this week The young folks arc enjoying the holidays and leisure hours by angling in the pond and creek Mr and Mrs A of Street were visitors at Mr Cooks on Sunday K CITY A lift st Hotel this scd the resolution of lbs York Cooaly XbecSctrs J Kettteby VfoePrciJ Mill P liogin Ex Cora Two dab Id tbo following io City to or before lbs retain Jute nasi for will be fixed later by for Town JUloQ uslebti will on s f tts ire to list of not more tbea SO pUyer II outride tat tsycr for Km or cor n tin In pike ihe Is tiUiiiLi will In lotut v eatUfscry or AH ruiy be the iiulut CUM SWAMP WILL O THK WISPS Owl has moved from his usual haunts in the Swamp and has to the solitude of Prctonn a suburb of Baldwin If you wish to sec scribe get on thar when Mc Kay calls out Freetown Every pondhole in has its usual and frogs and nhip-pOOr- night is made harmonious indeed to the weary sleeper The youthful mind is considerably exercised over the fact that the Queens Birthday falls on a Sunday fret sonny youll get your holiday never fear I Are you ready What for Why to give Win Mulock I the farmers friend a good honest support Liberals are feeling hopeful and the awfully blue Lib eral hopes arc away up to too in the hade Tories arc cold down down below zero Everyone teems possessed with a mania for culling down trees this spring Do they aspire to become rirals of Gladstone Perhaps they may in physical but not in mental power Kven the Owl must try his hand the downfall of it few small trees Get your muscle up The residence and ground lately vacated by Mr arc under- goinxondtrful improvement under their new owner hit Hes the money and tis money that makes the mare Mr Aino Wilton wife of bailiff Wilson ha a number interesting which ii a silver plate brought from Ireland by her grandmother mote than hundred year ago Mr Allan Howard Union St has a gatepost more than three hundred years old which like Aaron rod budded this spring Nothing strange about that as it is only a patriarchal old elm Wild plums in blossom on April Some folk are bragging about rhubarb pie the last of April Pretty early for the country Mr French the jolly baker of Sutton and his amiable wife base made themselves an absolute ne cessity to community in the natter of staff life at least Baldwin merchants arc making a strong bid for the country wiih well assorted stocks Sutton mer chants claim they can sell as cheaply as Newmarket tradesmen So they cat but you bet your boodle they dont sports are happy en joying good fishing illegal perhaps but whats a fellow to do it an ill- mannered lunge grabs his hook Throw him in again No never Henry the potato king of the Swamp has been figuring how much he made by keeping his praties through winter He finds a deficit Phew Hot aint it It works the sand right out of a Some people not easily satisfied with the scribes contribution Their cry is more more Like one Brown Lpard a great lover of tea and tobacco He would toil and lave for fifty cents a day and on Saturday evening would hie him down to the corner store and spend half his wage for tea and tobacco After laying in a liberal supply of each the query would be And what neat Brown A little more tay please Anything Well sorter belter lay in a more It may be I cant get out neat week The townline between North and is in a bad state Its corduroi it Bump bump bump you go Hadnt it belt be improved What you gentlemen of the council it be done be a wire policy we have vote Its absolutely to try and change a from Ihe error of way by argument only get mid and use swear word way some of era do Theyre tot in their opinion and the11 slay sot Jemimas pliitcr more you try to pull them off iheie bound to stick the faster It will our aim to nuke our column more inercio fn future by a of the of scandal Adieu friend till end bye Mr James Doyle a Ralegh wis killed by liht Council liar to of the the Mosquito band serenade village every evening During winter hay sold at a ton But oh What a difference in the Sprlnst New like rain is very scarce There it an abundance of how ever Miss William of is vaiting with friends in the vicinity There will be quarterly services in Free Methodist Church next Sunday Wc understand they have purchased the little Methodist Church at Elm have mov ed to Baldwin Judging from the number of blossoms there will bean abundance fruit season preparations are being made for the celebration at Morton Park on May It ban boon our aim coming known Reliable Dealers ouch goods can with confidence recommend good on their merits alone We permit no exaggeration and cheerfully refund money if goods are not as recommended BUYING Rfl GROCERIES Choice California per pound 10c Good Dried Apples do Choice California Peaches do Egg Plum do Beat Cured Meet do Beat Corn per can Prompt delivery and fresh goods BOOTS ft No wonder we aro busy selling with such prices Ladies fine at Ladies ISccdle to Oxfords turn so Finest Dongola Kid Button at Mens Strong Solid Leather Work ing Hoots Mens Kid Lacing Hoots Odd lot of odd sizes in Childrens Slippers HOLLAND LANDING The have formed a fool team and arc practising and open to a challenge Communi cations addressed to Captain William Cook trill be attended to arc all Ihc Mr Muloclc and Dr Strange were here on Monday Several from and other placet were present The acted as Chairman I and Mr both delivered lengthy afterward a com mittee formed for this polling division Chicken thieve arc on the go at present Last Saturday morning at oclock thieves visited hennery and they evidently thought would haye a load to take to the market hut the of one of the hen gave away Fred awoke and dispersed the thieves in short order with only one chicken missing Unfortunately the gun in the house not loaded or would of had the pleasure of carry- in a little lead away with them The lime they make Fred a visit he will give a warm re ception One of the thieves wore tooth pick hoots and the other common boots as thcr tracks were plainly seen on a flower bed Mr Piper and Mr Rood also lost a number of chickens the same night Mr of Toronto was visiting her sister Mrs at Royal a few days last week Miss McDonald and Mr John of the Scotch Settlement were visiting in the village last Sunday Mr Mann of Toronto is visiting at her fathers Mr Geo Rood Israel had a valuable horse die last week overcome by the heat while working in the field The League of Christian holding an At Home on Wednesday evening The neighboring leagues are cordially invited A Baptist JOIHS WITH LEADIMO MfcllBEfiS OF tub Faculty Praise of Catahriial Powder who uses Dr Catarrhal Ponder has a good iroid to for it In these columns a short lime since was quoted favorabe opinion of three members of the faculty of Hall great Baptist university One of the time denomination is to be added to the hearty endorsement of this rem edy by the Rev Anderson the in- successful pastor of the Wentworth Baptist Church Hamilton this medi cine and does not hesitate to pro claim its good properties Just at this particular time of the year this remedy is doing a grand work in removing that dreaded trouble to Fever One short puff of the through the blower supplied with each bottle of Dr Catarrh 1 Powder diffuse this powder over the surface of the nasal Pain less and delightful to use it relieves In ten and cure Hay Fever Colds Headache Sore Throat cases usual Gen- In the liquor held at recently the order of Ihfogi was reverted fitly It is the man thai tell the liquor i fined ted Ihe buyer gee free but this case the purchaser fined dispenser dear convicted at of in the second degree for train- wrecking to life J companion r Piatt and pleaded guilty to the to forty year 00 This week we Special Sale of Goods You will save money to the values Beat at goes price All Wool Serge All Wool Mottled Tweed Effect in length of each pattern cents for Crinkle Zephyrs all colors Scotch Zephyrs worth at Linings cheaper than over Double fold plain Skirt Lining Venetian for Capes worth at Try Mtiddock at per pair See our from to Ladies worth at 26 14 60 00 25 THE IVJADDOOK GO ii WIR SILVER Has purchased entire slock of Dixon Co flohool ftl T A which Is I J I I j iko all snd j A It a girt a by lo a or ft u to Its biting tbi Its en bond tried by Strut J Ad thta to Coorl J- I explain will tia Vol C Toronto are a j fcldi IT 111 sjcia iuu tritd mi ACRE FARM come and for buying ate SECOND Practical Business from Busi ness- stock includes Light Wagons TopBuggies Kensingtons and Standhopos Part of the stock will be brought to Newmarket for CEIITRAL COLLEGE sale Mr Silver can afford j to give bargains in buggies as he bought them for Cash Horses SecondHand Carriages taken in exchange for new goods Wm Dixon is one of the old est and most reliable carriage- builders in Toronto Sil ver can show rigs built by him that have beenrunning around Newmarket for 2J years and more ties to a teed lsa si wearily for of bis Its lo time tot for slier hit Kindly run your eye along the T J I lowing and see it is not some thing you the price you will find we Since opening here webave bought for CASH ONLY and are we can do the best tfifl to for svirtlcjlifa W Leading AND House FREE Crayon Ink Portrait Willi every Cash of furniture AND SPKCI EH CALL or Vcrk JOILV NEWMARKET A SPECIALTY Ctrl SALE MHIXDEOi sUc tiro A ONE CLOCK With eiil tor a Of TWELVE PINK SEATS ft lea Itii i will OR nay a la ICC lb lb U around value in Grocery Evaporated Peaches finest Apricots ami rcc Extract Vanilla 5c bottle French Prunes very fine bottle I Botes Herring for Cook in Figs 5c lb Sardines good quality an Sardines in Mustard cinfur tec Morions Preserved can Dairy Cream Baking Powder a cans lib each for 35c Sunlight Soap only bar Soap bars for as Mince Meat pickaxes for Japan Tea flood quality CcrTcc lb in pail for Castilt Soap bar Our Japan Tea at lb or A TORSE fi Lilt TOWNSHIP OF At lit lo IIU Tomb- til of Cctrl I It SO 1 wfctltt It MANSION HOUSE Saturday May 30th 1096 IC AH A- for i is he value you car find for the price Boots and Shoos Misses Children and Boys for Spring sail show extra Fine Value Styles and Quality Crockery Department in See our new ritc Printed Sets for also we have some handsome de signs from up Dinner Sets from coup China Tea Set piece for worth for 35c If you have broken piece jour good Toilet Set come and if cant match it as we a lare odd lot for that special purpose A SIIH I GROCER JSiyJhy Int Dirt AffiilKh 1 fciKij its liLl ion I If Ill fcIilJtaautf 3 jit til I i Wtil J VrXtH ittr IK ja i vj HO ISM to I i on a a a a a a a oca 0 to DM a a on a OtS a a IS CJ a 1 IN U liU Cuter VCvlll lk 1 in Ji Mini itSd trmtHif I I It IS on OK J IIS bi Oil 1 IN its u til a a a i a a a a a d 1