Newmarket Era, 22 May 1896, p. 2

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V Boa Toronto Jobbing Worth York EtoooJ Hell or Card of A Wants f to York he ra Printed ril en no noil FRIDAY MAY obi Our Toronto Despatch about Tito vcik Mr J lion lo Mr to of Hit wen for on lit of Wy on luioul to Hot yet A will to ilia of Civil I on of Va Jtfttlotm on trip to anil Columbia apical for ft sew trial of at Dai l About SO placed on tb Jbnlltvwtnoyof under of liquor bead wild Aiding a terrible wound from recover fill and Mr J Wltfp oglittT- id at lira At Hon and Iff J I of tba lit Mr Taylor to a that to ton i to Wit Oily bat In by t In lb and tin vent lack at old It It will Irtlm Toronto fftlo by of An York and Hut fu to took at tiit No A lo tboiall ft tttk bait now of it drowned In by of a of ltwi Viotlra for Three timet and out Mr Graham the convention nominee for West Ontario having de clined to aacrificed and unwilling to putup hU own to be and a on the at to trot out another date or be alauihter time the victim our genial friend the of Whitchurch Mr Wm who will Hand U chance of being re turned for the Ontario Hire at Joe Martin of Winnipeg of be ing appointed of Quebec Sir Topper After the way Mt treated fit previous conventions how the charmed circle fit on managed to Into becoming their candidate Is pan potent special Influence must have been brought to lcar upon our Vivian Wend or he never would venture to put up deposit money for a healthy chance of losing it A comes from Beg on log will t Knighthood for Joillw of Coat Gaorgf for fllr Don- aid A Smith KntKbtComodsr of urns order for ah- Governor Is At Prof Thompson in all will ooros to a According to of astronomers th is at rats of out hoar toss so generation cot ftboat worlds stopping a of muioUolorsrt nodes lbs aoiplces of held In Toronto on last and Iwo adopted fnorlog a of the of protoctlon a sarlff fsrrovenusonlx Tbls will sooOQr- to lion Mr Foster to mors tins hot farmers of Ibis conDtr inland to this trip the course of speech at Winnipeg the other day Sir with fill the find prestige lit position as Premier of the Dominion could give declartd it to be the settled policy of his govern ment to aid and encourage the construction of the Hudsons Railway This enterprise partakes of the wilden schemes of the States and this promise of Sir Charles Topper to it can only be regarded in light of a bribe to Manitoba and the North West with a view to influencing the of the elections now pending- Competent authority not unfavorable to the government politically pro nounces the venture one from which the country generally would never receive any return Sir Donald who has been appointed High Commissioner to England speaking at a meeting of the Hudsons Hay Company director only last year declared it would J be a great fi money grant given by the got for the construction of the Hudsons Railway as it would only be throwing it away and Worse for a government for such a purpose might lead people in England and in Europe generally to in- a venture from which they certainly would aevtt receive one penny in return Here we a man directly interest ed in the development of the Hud sons Bay route one who Is intimate with its possibilities and who has the greater part of his manhood life in the North Wert declaring that to the scheme would be throw ing away money and yet the Pre mier announces it to be the settled policy of bis Ministry to aid in lis construction When it is remember ed that this fs not the first lime the Premier has countenanced il advised enterprises calculated to bring dis credit on Canada England by la ducing capitalists to Invest In ventures the people not wonder at this Winnipeg to to la present political criils Provincial Hoard Health has been notified of an out break of diphtheria at Bradford May The nineyearold of Ross of township who Uvea about five mile from was In stantly killed about nine oclock by fi land roller he was driving Egypt May new of cholera tod twenty deaths from the here yesterday Per weA there were cast gad deaths Ewy stouter leaving pott piUd With scourge Who The chief topic of discMision In circles findjn the this week has been the of the Roman Catholic of Que bec to the electors of thai Province to vote at the coming election only for candidates who will solemnly en gage lo support remedial legislation imposing a dual system of education on Manitoba This was read in all churches of Quebec clearly the of tliil Province have decided to override the views ol the people of Manitoba as ex pressed on three different with regard to its national school system In addition to the Canada under the leadership of Sir Charles has made it part of their policy lo recognize this of the and to carry their proposed remedial bill through Parliament next session In Ontario however a de cided majority of the appear to sympathize with Manitoba and stand opposed to Federal inter ferenco with that Province in this muter find as a consequence both Liberal and Conservative candidates arc being pledged to oppose the Gov policy on this issue Whether this action on the put of the Bishops wilt destroy Hon Mr Jauricrs chances in lift own Province or not it at present hard to say One thing is certain no man has taken such strong hold upon the af fections and sympathies of French Canadian the days of as Hon Wilfrid and in the event of the people of his na tive province being more French than they arc Catholic he will be come more than ever a national hero It Is to be deplored however that a issue of Ibis kind lias been tossed into the political arena at this particular time hut those who are responsible therefor cannot complain if the people of the Do minion outside of Quebec deter mine upon united action lo oppose ecclesiastical interference with Pro vincial Rights irrespective of reli gious tests or creed At present it is difficult to predict what out come of the agitation will he or where ii will end but aggression on the part of those opposed lo ecclesias tical interference with matters of stale is quite within the range of possibili tiesand this is also regrettable man In In Ibis Topper Speak ing Montreal ray My history la history of Dominion of Canada toy Is the Malory of of Canada my history progress I ho nooilcr la lit did After rot men John A Geo jonatd Mackenzie Hon Geo lit own and coUeiguo from Island In bit esti mation alt small aod fen In Mil but of entertain a very largo ibccodUtlnuUbcd men a deal towards history country and no pari In mating Canada what It It today intklnjllhUtory for ten past has living In at Dominion and in alt fklluroof colly MOUNT ALHEKT P Steeper a man by the of Robinson jail last week for tobacco the Ho tons dotrn on for the lame for days The are to bgra an to the lke A man from Zephyr bis landing united They ran away and the rig all to pieces of In the village on Monday Their a political Wednesday In Mulcck The whole neighborhood on Suoday upon icaringof the very sad and death of a well known Herb It appears that for about a week he has been suffering from quinsy but was not seriously On Friday he visited two On Saturday he suddenly look a change for the worse and choked death funeral was a one He buried in Suttop Vioch and W Mor ton are friends and In Sunderland Mr Stogdill met with ry accident on Saturday of last week While In the act shoeing a belonging to Mr New- burn ho was struck in the race with the shoe breaking hta note and cul ling a deep cheek The Dr had to put three stitches in the cut The very strong wind on Sunday caused the air to be smoky and dusty The rain on Sunday did very good- Thcfarineraaie complaining of ihc ground being very dry and hard FACTS FICTION FROM OAK RIDGES UK On evening latt Col fyr- a political sod delivered ao address at Booth Mr Clarke and Dr also present and on sayi Truly art coming to top IS II liberal to By implication It seem our baa a arion notion that iho Liberal candidate will to ho coin ing to the top tbt ins as a of Con- North Ontario J with ex- approval of his supporters there himself if re l all at Icglr- At Co To- Utvody iftoIu Int Mr J Rud of the ftDlItcmc4ltl for ilchuUjid 1 oat Toronto if gov- of loUby dirtier moll Jjt hit to Mr I will try boy in toed tihtibti tbt kit lor to Ibt Other j4 li ftdiy lit I pipareJ to uy uy ttMlcooUiciIti for irty- Cbulu Topper to poJi of a to put Ritual death of John on Thursday of list was ihc The day previous he took an overdose of laud anum by he aid of a physician his On the morning of his death lie was out at Iho barn and when reluming to house he was seized with and died in a few minutes STRANGE Quite a fish arc being caught at the lake here lull wheat veil and at pres ent promises a good crop Mr wheeled out from Hill on Friday and spent over Sunday whit his brother here Mrs Smith Of Pennsylvania Is spending a few weeks her Mrs C Sinclair of Sutton is visit ing her aunt Mr Mr J Vow pent Sunday at The Sharon Ijoys have a Football Club What is the matter with our own boys The annual meeting of the Public Library was held at the Library on Monday evening May 3rd A very satisfactory report by the Auditors was presented and adopted The following Hoard of Management were elected Messrs A McKeniir J A I J ward Geo Dr Pearson J J A Milne and Mr J Power Mr and Mrs arc visiting in Zephyr Mr and Mrs have been viiilin friends in Weston during past week HOLLAND LANDING A interesting match was played last Saturday evening be Kasl Street and West Street which tolled in of Well St making a goals to goal Over wore present to see the sport Sharon and the LindKi iriid having a football match iere on the morning of the irjih We hear the Sharon team are so will have to get a curve on that morning Mrs of Toronto is guest of Mrs James Evans this Mr of Chicago spent a days this week at his laws Mr Miss Poole of was the guest of Miss Annie Sheppard on kit also Albert and his sister of Dollar on Friday last Thomas who has been poorly is somewhat better again Mr Mulocle was in village Wednesday last calling on friends AURORA The choice of polling booths here would not Impress the of stran gers favorably towards our town And il seems where a good number of Halls are that choice Such They are North Ward Grahams feed mill Centre Bonds tailor shop South Ward carpenter shop A very Urge number of friends of the laic Charles Lloyd of Whit church followed his remains through town on Wednesday and all unite In saying be was a worthy citizen against whom no one had a word to say Much sympathy Is fell for the family now left orphans thermometer reglitezed so Tuesday night but there appears or no damage to tender Politics uo high and both candi dates are in and out of town Mr sturdy work In the House fighting for the rights of whole people is now telling a his favor The factory on Monday with a fair prospect of success ship may sea but Is sheva Down where the dwell lover of natural history and having read much of theory of the of situ ated as I am in of tadpole I have resolved to the doctrine of protoplasm- After thoroughly probing the to the depths shall probably make known the results of My personal opinion at present Is that the old book is better authority on the subject Hat in These frogs in arc tcrii- scandal mongers In the when their work is done they sit around by the hour and exchange but as they mostly converse in Hog of which language am not conversant It is somewhat diffi cult for Owl to correctly in terpret Our Commissioners show ed good sound sense in refusing licenses to those houses that afford no accord in the travelling pub lic but arc only intended as traps to catch the unwary W Mulcck was greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of electors at on Friday evening They seemed thoroughly satisfied with llreir members explanation of his course and as he stands on ihe Patron thai class people will undoubtedly support him Grand show for fruit about here alio Mr Joel with his usual good tuck this year again snaked a large amount of driftwood from the river Enough for a firewood Many have already trashed their sheep The sheep seem like an old man near said of his wire She had been dipped three limes and only got and Inquisitive John the phrenological expert has query which he grows weary of asking are you married yet Hell ask- Poor John Arch Kiddle Baldwin is the best posted in political history of Canada of any man around In elec tion times youll always know where he He is a great or greater admirer of Sir Oliver Mowat than even the little tyrant himself in the city young men of these enjoy much greater latitude than used be he case Years agone a boy who had visited the city was looked on as a highly privileged being- Many years ago when Toron to was Muddy little York a long lanky youth from North York took a trip 10 city with his sire and uncle During his peregrination about ihe city he got lost Meeting a peeler he inquired Have you seen dad Whos dad asked cop Why dad and uncle Jake Dont you know dad- Everybody knows dad Whether or no he found dad and uncle Jake tradition not but we presume he did- Baldwin and Sutton are places of some importance as may be by the fact that each support a school presided over by a of the sex TeaParty at Christian Church on Thursday evening You are cordially invited thats if you have needful quarter The river la now for bathing The litlle shaven enjoy it Perhaps it would be well if they a little more modesty in ap pearing before the public in natures garb The lord for Is great among all classes When a man gels a Ut ter addressed to Mr So fi So how important he A traveller stopping at a looking over the register Col Senator So So John Jones etc Inscribed Taking the pen he wrote Brown TeUuswhH that meant demanded the Thats my title was the reply Your title and what may it be asked he Best bos bugler in tios- brass band the have some wore of those breezy letters from W of Brandon Theyre better than the Owls preach Some of Swamp widowers arc- surely on the took out for a house- keeper Else why that cut clean shave and general fa ibtlr get up and get t One of our youthful benedicts nothing like being a Happy rihl you are my boy When tootsy gets colic or tooth and you to walk floor in dishabille knock sentiment out of it Mr- John Hughes was engaged laylngihe 5 feet bis work and got out ft in Mad ho been In it it the time no doubt It have ended his life A call Several from here attended the meeting in King latt Tues day Tories down here are not feeling to blue as The Owl reports in Gum Swamp but wo shall sec which feels the bluest about the of June Another dish washer adorns the home of Mr Chas Thompson On arriving from Toronto- one evening last week Mr discovered that one of his horses were sick He promptly called in the Vet and saved its lift Mr Harper purchased a new driver from Mr Thomas one day last week The foreman this section of St had the misfortune to lose on Monday night endeavoring to drive it ihe ran Into p wire fence with no railing on andfell and dislocated its neck Mis Gregory who ran a splint er into her band over month ago la laid feared W performed Our Public School Is of baring football match with Tern- school on are far more numerous this season than last Between and pais through our burg every day Mr Williams has been on fire the past week and great dam age has been done to fences Some gel offended at what our Scribe has to say do not fear biro be la a kind hear led fellow al ways ready to encourage you by a kind word to the which Is unanimously spoken of as a clean sheet Mr John who has been a few days is bo out again- Mr John Sutherland after a long search found his colt up near Mrs Street and her daughter of Toronto were the of Thomas a few last week Mil rill have to be POINT m 4 Summer visitors ore beginning to anfviitndour population will soon incrCise lime expected at Morton Park on AH the Point will be there The high on caurd the water to lash the shore in a terri ble manner and considerable damage was done Mlis Kemp of Sutton was the guest of Mrs Sun day Orchard Beach has a new sign and it looks well The new cottage of Dr Youngs looks very neat and pretty and from the appearance of the lumber of ft two or three more build ings will go up shortly The Dr and his wife expect come up next for the season We notice Editor and wife at fast Saturday He was just as last August except that some flooring had carried off Last summer somebody stole a Itather out of boat the shore It Is a pity the good name of locality be disgraced by such petty pilfering Connell is getting along fine with his new house at the south of Saints Rest It is a good size two stories and double verandah on front sailing yacht has been un dergoing a thorough overhauling at Ernes boathouse and looks well in Its new coat Alderman has commen ced to fence in his property fronting the bay a fn td a V a It has neon our aim since to to bo known the We purchase only ouch can with confltlonco recommend and sell good on their merits alone We permit no exaggeration and refund money if goods are not as UYINQ MAKES EST The rouble with ihe human is he is adverse water as a filling wanted oik It wd Practical Business Training CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE lfs California pound Good Dried Apples do California do Plums do Beat Cured Meet do Beat Corn per can Prompt delivery and fresh goods BOOTS ft SHOES No wonder wo busy selling shoes with prices Ladies Oxfords fine ones at Needle to Oxfords turn Kid Button at Mens Strong Solid Leather Work ing Boots Mens Kid Lacing Boots Odd lot of odd sizes in Childrens SI This week wo start a Special Sal Dress Goods You will save money to famine the values French presold at Henrietta special price AH Wool Serge All Wool Mottled Tweed Effect in oho length of each pattern were cents for Crinkle Zephyrs all colors II I- CiLiAs- JMiiy4 The band and a number of friends Mr Kohl ihctveol bis departure for Manitoba Wednesday of list band a number of during the evening Mr in treated ihe to icecituu lemonade and good things which coupled litel chat a veiy wijoy- Mis J- dulls and IJoyd paid a visit to the fthter Mil Kitchen the post The football club have at last got into practice Mr Dale had a die in the No cause be ac count for coir turned out In looming ap- all The heirs of the and wife re moved the from the Christian graveyard to the cemetery this travelling our con us have the best graded and turnpike roadbed they find with ihe exception of Street and Callow of Toronto spent few days here with friends They were up attending the funeral of the late Dr of market Mr of preached in Christ Church on Sun day Mr J I P Meredith a com- traveller and well known here us a hurried call last Saturday The on Sunday gave the farmers considerable extra work pulling up fences on Monday A perfect land storm could be seen nearly half a mile high over the ridges to the South of us during he wind on Sunday afternoon A bflaht glare of light could be seen In the sky Ihe East of us on Sunday night which supposed to be a building burning In Town of k el Mr Dale had the misfortune to lose her whole flock of goslings day last week They made just one meal for were nine Mrs I- Webster has geese that laid eggs and brought off whole number alive Not a bad hatch The sad news of the death of our former neighbor Mr Joel late of ihe of Emmie reach ed as ilrougV the last issue of Mr was a native of this locality and a ion of ate Jesse He was highly re spected here widow and re maining family trill have their sorrow shared by their many friends Mr and Mr Angus Williams of Newmarket drove our Mr Cbldley and family on Sunday last and attended Edgar Hughe of Christian Church on Sunday last Also Mr Junior and Mr of Glen- Did you ever a ghost Master Tommy Street declares he saw one While on to Mr- Clark- on Saturday and while passing the of the Christian Church ho j a ghost stmck out ahead keeping lis distance In front of him- He up it not of the usual white order but dark and did not take the trouble to walk but floated along in pace When Tommy reacted Mr Clarkaons gate his hair had so elevated that he did not stop to pull pin from the pest but hounded and was toon knocking for at the door of the almost out wind Tommy bo Ltd of ghosts bat believed there a but La it no Key A fire started this la plan- m Ism of Scotch 20c at cheaper than Double fold plain Skirt Lining Venetian forCapcsworth Try the at pair See our from to Ladies Sailor worth at lb HADDOCK 25 CI or AMD ft il A L MR SILVER has sold during last Buggies and still lias to MIKADO finest Family Trap in in Market Buy at Your Own Price I SILVER Prospect POR SALE MELOUEOH sUso flfoccUTCf A- ONE EIGHTDAY CLOCK Isnro dial for a Pot TWELVE PINE SEATS for or to jotikpji There is a large stock to choose from and there will be no difficulty about you being pleased with the goods and prices NB We sell no shopworn or shoddy goods here 15 friuinlinc CARTER to iht W4ttWorfct tit Veto S9beHi3eiieiiiS you to come and NOTICE LET Kit lit your the j lowing and zee if here net ionic t thing you the you find and to Our for SECOND TO j Since opening Here have bought for CASH ONLY and can and iie the belt all around value in Undertaking House A LifeSize Air Brush Crayon Ink Portrait With Cash Purchase of Furniture CALL AND SEti SPECIMEN or it ftllLliAttl NEWMARKET fis A SPECIALTY 12S Street Hit Hi Tomb a 1 lilt- A Iowa tin MR J A HAH trl I tan Reserve this Date Juno 1896 For the Society For Sale alia Bargain tot tie llldlsiiUlVeiclJL lit til ipiL at w to VAC havitrkce will hi tocieir all Utter per- l vfl On Tucsaay May 2Cth mo FARMERS IJ ktl IS Town of Nowmarket of fee June 1st Li la lt lRYTBUliKCOTT 1 fcM term m Vf COMING a Hilt a tilt to JOmi yi u ah LLOYD ftiKS- OK tmis4 Chun i J iLs sickew Mr ircru a lc mm it4r4 to twrclu Heavy Draft Carriage and Saddle Horses A la alt ilil Hi- sins a Qlaokmitli Goal FOR SALE Pa Grocery Department ice lb Apricots lb and ice VmiUa French very fine ice Kit act bottle for 5c- lb good quality Sidines in Muiiitd can for can Ctra Baking cans Jb each fcr Soap only hit Soap 1 bars for Meat for Jaiun Tea quality Coffee lb in pail for 5c Our Japan at lb or lbs for is best can fird for ihe price Boots and Shoes Missel Childrens and for Spring we Fine Value Styles and Quality l5i ILU WW aiwxtkit t WmJ- A tt iowAsiiip HAST LLIMBUHY MANSION SHARON Crockery Department in S car Printed for worth 53co alio ho have some very new ffOfi U Dinner Sets from coup Sttjo piece for Set Howls worth for 25c If have tome of your good Toilet Scl come and if we cant match as we bought a odd lot for that purtie fit A THE LEADING mm mm mm Roachs Point VOU PIGHIGS J1 ficLli4 to Saturday Ma AM lScyiaJfciUvc lt aCtiL A tiiia if A lift -i- a j Ak

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