Newmarket Era, 22 May 1896, p. 3

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i i i fJ fill M WHAT IS OK I If Jos Wot tea a horn and dray af4 Into Ota Tit more enter CahfV Factory Eastern w bot down laat week A order it arrangs cblceryioMlo par Clothe- Tin VfiT Ontario Proclamations fi or on of rolling to like Jo Council at No CO Mr- At a meeting of on In of to Town for collector ACordlo appointed for SoHKTiiiHdFiwit Have In Jiip Jm lull With w for of New A tit on old oil In of All itiocktlosi and lilt wnitracUd on lift hit it of The for AjrocaUn total The high on flood blow of of on polio of fall to la On Saturday ouoiltAraIt9i on J but W for find ksood cod op bill tJmort fa Da Gluirlt forwy in order W If You Re- loo Cretin frteiert or OH ilPJni tt A NEWMARKET ERA x 1 ft on ftftornoon of and of Of 111 AlUil of Mr of mom of to 1iKir fttUtlitd ft at jerking 4 for by my of no til t v M- S The Minion- Auxiliary of ftt of en Hay After making rtODttfttoat goodi tut to North at Aurora on May a Ivan much Information JnhabHanli cutout Mi- t taking ft of at Xorooto puachod In bart on following and at A deal of Information flycn about the IN Inhabitant andlbawuttaifhfch M lha poverty and Iho AimuAt The Mayor and Alderman Ilia alt or on Monday ftnd ft nolo of to op tho a ran of Town Vaart bat tht gentjally letter for ikt of year Coin rnltteeliaanotatMinalllha palr It at the next tit log of Council Dont Buy A Suit you sec a The chief of ftfUr tbo flea ftddma by jt J Dally o fltooffvlllot and tbo of thaapfca to and of Royal oa of deduction of Jo tho In addition Anbury AralL6 capital and good Mr J- ocoopUd tho chair and tllti at uutiog While lock at near and trftTdUd at fait go from oat and of Main to tho othtr turned Hit cor at atrial and around by tba Church control on by driver ill who managed to In the Mr al io In but ha jainpcd 1 bread along bat so for Jimijo third or that tan ftway they tco for and bo toolbar ybapriouararlKht Pads vary It ft copy with and motto foil alio worth will bo to of who will mention this Pcd loud Co In to Toronto flrcn who hay bad inch great with half fttnlllldQlirg ultrcOlng ttoru reading and Rood Way In Oar Yard fa and full A will to landing Sot Suns To fit men of all Toronto Firm the first Of of tleiltd for 3 lit Urtnolimin nd 0 JUlUrd H for lion on lit JJiiiicbmtn IJUrk J lh a If Milt Arintltgo Anl J Movie To our big bargains arc In waro and Tin wire A a Fir it When the wind oclock on Monday by Alarm Wbfttlo how two afttr when whlatlo Out alarm waa by from ft of If flra to verandah in front of Laundry on oppoallo alda of ft vary wit dtMarod to and to promptly ottlogulthod With gala at lima had fro any ft would wiped oat wooden corner- At taut that alarm at wat on firo andaotnt of rati In that reclloci tiding Cant by roof of Mr on flro by from bit which vat also gulafaad AUogithar an ex citing few A On North Counter a In to ft patition nit proclaim ed ft Holiday It tba day of now and will announcing A Train will leave Aurora t at calling ai Holland auhing at mag fctimtr Citjof be to party to JH Lira only a walk trbarf wbera ftnd cold will bo will alio to and from tho Park of having Town it la ftQ will bo of tbo Of to do all in power to villi ft the boat at oolock and will two and ft at trafo Itftra for homo at p ra will a and tlckota arc only for a good crowd to go btoo with tba farcy at carry both for to Stay Hit Weather and Waterproof They aia proper at proper prico W Tub It the list day to n4 fa Co trying tbo To Before breeding Bradford Imported ftt account Of going on woknlght were 946 ftnd On Mr J P vu to attend Mating of the at on of next wotk The ware reported in good condition llaMlllj hating reported a boot aunt many to MlUJKRRY for ft roth nH to Tail On Saturdav four met pre it nil live of on Ibo of Mr It t t It by tamrntjy of i 0 WoydOa Utcoorn ftnd Pitt Citric tod 61 At A 9 Copper i Tin Co Ho Milk tich Wonder if the boy tulips from Ur Oil- ItTfii got hit I CoqooII l win on of to ftt on Uondty ftt Mor ion no ftdmUiloa Mr new It Aofihtd all ft loo on Mr work- on fell Into I ho creek Mr Inter hid off ft roof ftt Ulio It op for Mr on pwtftveTho ft loading ft and down A Tandem t Worth property to Mr It ftdmlrallon of who lino Mr ft nothing to for If daring Mums Light Dark Toronto Jobbing a feisty a roans Mil It In city Mr of ibi In Mr od or up city Mr on for to for r Another lady rider It added for Wowrna Eraot Mb a of Whitby waa goeit of Mm over Mr Geo it ftbfo lo ftllHIoonorotchea ftfltr or tin Id bid good tppatlu and Mr David of had leg broken Hit winter In town laat Prlday Ural ftocldint ftnd la gelling fttoofi noIy Mr Prank of Worth Dakota that they tret and far mer are not Mr from Car- that they hid cold and farm work ft very backward Farm It down In gocS bolter per lb and Bo pir Mr John left on triple tht Mr A Wilton and Mr ftooompsoy to on ft villi fjllui lir Mfi of Sftaroo Dr P Cook of Ohio In on of of hit mother hi Dr hat Jgii ft of at Cincinnati and obtained da- grtea In intdfelnt ft looking wall wllhgroviJcg Mr too of Mr Prod of Colombia of ftnd of with re cant and will In future ftttaob to hit great In lilt profauloo- The Household Per Every mother tod father too to the Utile oat cott child nitort all goUty Ilk flalUry for can had for little dt Co ftro telling the material oat Prockt thai no that one child thoulj be cuttr ftcoeLer Matt for the children end and Stocking for well nd Daby Carriage In for good children who to than ftUy la will found tod for lb ana oou too at Co wilt ftll They for on Ik low- tock to boy from ftO cUUtiort The Hoy fiacbeortof bay their arrangemanta oomplitid for their Concert In Town Halt on day an Irian Bon- Peed and of Idle and Mil Of Toronto tUo Mr have of Hitch lay triry prle In ft ft Ihftt by of Hide Idle of Toronto who It without ft wry that h of ft vary Her volet It tweet clear and foil and It bandied in ft ft pretty ftc-pcar- ftneo favor from hex Aral rendition It tout have been ft of to Idli locotetbo of the our her tinging All ion of lu tinging who on evening will to glad of to pottnUy of ftgain Toronto lot tot May yt Idle ft of gait ftnd power bit ft of nearly three and with it Mr Mill the greet ptalfavoriie Mil Idle won lb In Toronto and nd a linger Dont fill to her Mil the gaveftu of the Death of leg and power Sui Round or lOortirt Toronto JoLWs Ink Bttft Monday It ft holiday Where are you going 1 White on night Juno Holiday June Muikokft Town Regular meeting Monday Member all present except Councillor MM A ton charity J Collin It A labor A oOo Cray breaking J W Jot labor W Wtrten help ftt W Plating Co dog J a Pay No It A D Com Lockop ftoooont The that be on Vtdcdfty Mr Hooter repotted that ft now Too can be pit with plot and Uttenad for A motion to ad virtue for tender of installing an of light ftmper or of JJgbt W candle power for of 8 or Mr Woodcock that while lit lb ion tbt a prlvftto corpor fttion ftt tamo time he con- oppoiillon to loading the town ft farther Debenture Debt the new will mean ftti oooal ootlay year then A bill read ft firat To borrow for lerrn of to n Light Syetera took place on whither Council weald be willing to ft tender of the town Into further debt The ftcooaot of Hodge Co referred lo Fir and Water Com am- mounting to to be paid Report adopted Tho Printing Com wa to ByLaw Ho print ed ByLaw lb The Property Corn to proceed wltb erection of ft for the Watering at per report ThePioanoo Com wa to with potcbxie of tbo lot ftt Mr Hooter wanted to know what the about the Office Co The reported that be had naked each or four time that printed be to each one in paid at onto they will be placed in court for collect too Mr Hooter It time veto belter looked He knew one tap where were Cling from account two of them ftt getting water for nothing The Re Id that be Lev the finoter a report Mr ftikod ho dog lag wereltiOeo XL replied only Mr Woodcock If f in- xpector he lay find Council adjoainod al HARRIE J Wilton who await ing removal to Central Prison to tcryc a nine months for larceny made an to escape on Sunday Jly tearing up four bed he made a rope fed long and caught by Gaoler to scale the wall The large flour mill owned by and by J Stewart was totally by fire early Wednesday mowing A ejuan- tlty of flour and wain was consumed nothing being saved is ihought Ihe fire originated in the neighbor- hood of the boiler The loss is par tially covered by insurance SUA ROM boys have new football and have reorganized They will no doubt toon be champion player- Mr Stevenson kindly offered them for their name They think he is just the man Mr P passed through here on Tuesday en ville Journals in other sidings there were not wore in the House And I to too if he is on the other side of politics For every motion he has moved was for the benefit of the farmers and whole country are going to keep him there till he gels for us what we want No Strange hands need apply HOLT The Public School Concert held here on the evening of the was a grand success in every respect The large schoolroom vas filled with an appreciative audience who liber ally applauded the well deserved of the various derformera The choruses and kindergarten songs by the pupils showed careful musical training The favorite Oldham Hand rendered a number of selections in their usual way while the Sanderson Orchestra by Mr Carlcy with the autoharp took down the house and was repeatedly recall ed Mrs McLean presided at the organ and Mr John reeve of Hast preformed the dutks of chairman in his usual happy manner The results were most gratifying to the and its teacher Mr McLean Mr Albert Blizzard has moved from Holt and will commence farm ing in Muskoka Better have re mained here Albert Mr Charles leopard has sold his handsome team of chesnuts to Mr of Toronto for a liberal consideration Mr Charles Travlss been improving bis property here llesides building a new picket fence be has repaired the verandah and put a foundation under it Mr J Atkinson form erly a college chum of Mr Charles the A College is visii- ing a few days at the residence of A 1 1 1 Kolfohio mm At mmVj inch- all wool Serges all colors at SPECIAL of FRENCH CHAMBRAYS DIMITY Ana many other lines in Summer Fabrics that no other house shows Fine Choice Lemons per cents Good Raisins Christie Soda Biscuits per box IDs Hour for g Wc keep nothingbut the best goods and you caiVahvays the quality Good Cooks Usk Price Carters Little age Dr Chiles Kidney 3 Dr Williams hi Is Kidney 5o 35 IN Our Pills Hoffmans Headache Powder Syrup bottle Soap tale per box Chases Ointment per box- Dr Chases Catarrh Cure Dr Catarrh Cure Halyards Yellow Oil bottle Dr Oil Perry Pain Killer bottle Ready bottle Dr Fowlers Wild Straw berry Co 35 juries Chase Cochlear bottle Pectoral South American Nervine Compound Syrup of bottle Iron and Wine Paines CelcryCoinjjuid Hoods bottle Scott bottle Ajers bottle A Hitter- Scott Cod Oil it i Dr Golden Medical bottle bottle Pliiter each Mitchells each Moth Camphor Palls lb jnce iZ I I CO I I CO I BO J 65 J CO CO JO TUB YORK COUNTY DEPARTMENTAL ff STORE PLEASANT VAIXIJV- f fait of Toronto preached an excellent sermon last Sabbath evening to a house Mr Scott is expected to commence bis work or the Sunday service at p During a game of football last Tuesday p at School Master Kennedy had the of getting Ins leg broken Since the sheep bytaw has been passed the cattle seem to lake pos session of the highway Why didnt our Council treat all alike Mr President of the County Sabbath School Association paid a visit to the Union Sabbath School at Pine Orchard and also the School last Sunday Rev accom panied him to the latter According to the announcement Sabbath evening the Pine Or chard C will in future be held in the white mtciing J NEWMARKET JET Have you tried our bread White Crown for pastry by ihe demand daily Brands of Dauntless for These are leaders others follow proved Car load Windsor Salt to arrive this week on the Market Suitable for all purposes and only VIVIAN want K l Hi Mr John was kilted In Co tannery at Colling- wood by being caught In the There a very heavy storm off the English coast Wednesday and there was much damage done to hip Pin Two burglar confined in the Sound jail have made their ihe woods and the Ontario of Prisons is to investigate of their gaining their Two children of Mr Michael were burned death in the fire which destroyed their fathers house at Messrs James of Toron to two railroad employees were drowned at Port while out boating A young lad named John Rosa of Township near Chatham was instantly killed while working on his fathers farm A land roller ran over him Michael Horn Mark Tompkins convicted of waylaying and robbing Tucket cashier in were each sentenced to twelve years hi the penitentiary A freight train the Trunk left the trick near on Tuesday nighL A who It is supposed was a ride found dead in the wreck the body were found a temperance pledge signed J Cook and kit of shoemakers tools- Mas so A net and fatal accident happened on Monday on ihe of Mr John Johnson township by which ion Adam about was killed While teaming horse ran awav and erf Was Crops ate badly for of rain Between heat and wind the citizens are greatly troubled they think this might jusily be called the Plague of Worms planting has started again No discouragements it seems in the low prices The Jaunting car seems to have dropped cut of list of curiosities What new invention William The are for grand fruit crop if the worms do not be come too greedy worst Push firei that bai occurred for many years past swept through these parts last Sun- I day night It originated it appears between the and and crossed over to the ruining thing in its route Mr was eared with difficulty the ire coming within a few rods of it while Mr miles disUM was alone saved by the timely change of wind The people worked like heroes and deserve great praise especially those from a far for by their untiring efforts the fire was got under con trol We understand Mr McCor loss to be about rod cords of wood Excitement ran high the fire Sunday night Some even bad their belongings packed ready for evacuation if wont should come The cowing of mail si greatly looked forward lo it fair in lfr attire Be careful of jour Our hotel many changes for and now pre sents a very imposing appcarncc Hie public wilt now be sure of accommodation when puling here on Suodsj bore a travel stained their faces They the poor who losing so ouch lie gent wills the rig is in it with the guts hue fl has commenced and we are constantly getting in we received a barrels Pineapples- The stock is a corigotatni of rtffrr- Another fruit season something new This week very nice Wo and Lemons public very close as we are in a position to buy in Car which giver inside tuck hiving a large ators for storing all fruit Do you lead in the Ice Cream everybody that Hams raw and cooked kept constantly on band Our grocery stock is complete in all tranche Try our Blended Black Tea also our Japan Hysons and Black They beat Graham Wafers packager Good Pickles roc a bottle Vanilla and a Utile COLTS a calk A yoronts til ill- ftljliaiirf ipUAiU 1 I Kill l It on Hi is It I I SO its to its a I ii II fl II tsi I I Ml a Hi I a its 1st its a lie it ij ffp Bargains in Mens Suits i show MENS SUITS bought on Tuesday at less than JO cents on the DoIIrj TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE in Boots and Shoes you some prices Wh are showing the greatest values it ever offered We will just give that will start you thinking Mens Fine Laced Boots sewed pegged sewed and nailed Gaiter Boots Mens Solid Leather Plow Boots 98 Boys line Laced Boots 90 Fine Kid Oxford patent tip toe patent tip I Kid Lace or Button toe patenttip Fine Kid Button Boots patent tip 99 Oxfords patent tip Tin 7j Remember this is only a small list- Want of space compels us to stop hero but you can rely on every pair of Shoes in the Store being marked at the lowest possible price some of the goods worth double the money TOMES nil j j l rjaJ 9 iAAtitjFAGTunio RUSHING have the Goods prices ThoEJCOnSETCOMPAfiy our new lot of kid and Taffeta Veilings for Ladies and Children Girls GOODS C PREMIUM Canada is scamred all this district tVnh every 500 jingle or accumuhltd one 3rd pet ticket when buying us HUGHES Words Set You Thinking Extra line lb- ice lb- Canned Corn Nice dor Fine Orates I hi i if rid lUti iiii rinai I a i a if Oil fl it j an j vi IS CO ICO as ID W St Ok a a a a a WW a a a a a I t5 a on they dont have the force thru actions do You villi find cur Goods arc not puffed up When buy from us you may sure of a hundred cents worth for every dollar Potato only ice a pZ Side Meat fifitclass lb Cured Hams ice lb ice lb roc each Lemons only roc dor We hive a stock of Hardware vhch under price com prising Hails in Cut Wire and Hone Shoe Forks SpadeJShovelj Paints and Oils Machine Under and Pans and Killer mired ftoods are to at about Prices We are now sorting the up New be told Big Stock of Boys Straw Hats CLOTHING ETC AT RIGHT PRICES BARGAIN HOUSES MAIN STREET AND 10 HURON STREET AT THE GROCERY I a 1 a a I Sugar Hams Bacon Dried Bacon Kfoat Sliced Dried Hoof Clarks Canned Corned and w Our cent Corn beats any at that CASH DAVISON 1 i a

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