Newmarket Era, 22 May 1896, p. 4

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I NEWWASKgf ERA MAY J Jl ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft V A Qa will ft ft ft ft ft ft ft for imUU with Wi over world ft for to a taut fit l Ay Mil hi For Slomacli and Liver for cur la it J Are he Best all AftiNtff AYERS PILLS I 111 CUP IK Midbvlbcm jrtiiici ud J u to DISCOVERY In Tixx rejected It of Miner Iho of feu of oar Of ilitw cm Judged wilh thru by oar TUil wAjtto It to Oar of iu ptnboUo IcibiOBt ndfitocsiooa5 ttwwl- Vloo74rtprt0t4dibt of God which to by with lt Hob ud torn- 1lKbn Mid bit wealed word- that did J Dillon wftUlKaro God over lilt through leader fttiiS All tint In- meant lh for polity find o W at w iho influence of the It of titd then ft The no will to far cat mm irboin nothing intko bettor Thou from find of tad I Ltvo a ib4 od tarett to loso JVlelt tie to to fcnpottlbtoto f til Altai by Hut It lift J bill victor for him Af fected with th9 of ox on to Cltrka York And with Appointed officer bo hi tine Aid nuncd la hit And now report It to In candidate In West York Ur mod At homo I of tho UK TO Till WaU that up kit thirty four cADdidnUa in Ontario in Are to voto legit- And twentyfoar protection does for our neighbor Aorou will hay of a dozen of of ia of OtUwa tilt Hon J A JlowcitA appointed of Court of Another provided for- It find If 2OOO0O tip of Wilton AVar otk to Anybody upon thoewth world haAROtalonA for rainy of prod cm of Hi pole And bo retolro ItaAiU without any In and dilr mined nothing foe granted ro- to Manitoba A deputa tion on Mr nomfneo for Weil Toronto to hit in to Mr Antwtrtti that lift form of lfon without to party On thlftUtn ho with and Wallace Out of four Toronto can dlditc and Wl York on potation whom will beat ftiwAtpfog by propotcd ex hibition Toronto ha boon making big effort to rtoogolUoa to a fn- to of Privy had appointed enquiry Into thai and it reported It would bo considered lAckhind4 pro- to la probably Inkndod a Toronto in whero at In Hold to on Important plank in Government Tho Premier la a It palling wire for ill they ma worth Excelsior Egg Oft IT NO PICKLE You trut with toy a or box LAY A VHEH ARC beck week Walter Sinclair a convict from from Central it tbo third to French of Warden ilnco ho undertook lutltalioa An enquiry bo respecting matter A in a Toronto avail ing ppur lot week IbAt Dr wu likely to In Liberal inter tat ma cindidAtA for either Center or Toronto The it now Ijowirt he hi not even Approached for it another thi elector hay lot of politic to acre Four id it ire how field eminent Pet And Three of them will left polling day that tore Meanwhile however keeping up end the elector are re SB THAT TAKE THE WITH CURE Tappets to lie in hi Win it nticucJ lo Sir Opposition will roor eel talk a in act Mill bo bo A of HOW A CUMbKRLAHD CO S IT A tad ft of Following of to When Help M Mr Tucker who lives about two from IxcVpoit one of Ihft known men in lhat section- He engaged in business as a lob- iacVcr and dealer in flour and tall and in has a fine farm During the past three years Mr Tucker has been an almost constant invalid being victim of a com plication of troubles following a se vere of la grippe- Recently he has been restored to his old time health and having learned that he gave entire credit to Dr Wil liams Pink concerning which so much has been said through the press a reporter interviewed him in the matter and was cheerfully given his story for publication Mr Tuck er said About four jem ago I dear will yon coco Mother It ill rJcn not to well I Fat dear fithir do yea heir Ho nil liltlf child In trembling And mild If turned on a elate Bidding her for ho did not Poor lllilo I ThOQgh the tried to item Ay tin In a tone do come lie Alitor thedrnnken cot I hit ho At her a blow Telling tier Again to go Into ttreat In cloth I end fee While lie of her woo r la there for Awful thing I drink leavee a tin g beyond control to life death to Yea help If wilt flbt rae with ell their will end Help for little wo meet Lonely and on There help If ell will write the wrong ind the tight in y The remedy needed Inhibition A J T with of millions- of persona to It is for fird worl Ha ever known It is it It thjiii health It their In it to ia rfo and s a medicine A eunoont to take piece fa Toronto on tholUt end Wod In Jane the of the the To- meet larger than year end the of out tide to ibau on any la lolonblecerUfoty that the cad An4 in French It fiat a q1 Daring rainy yciri of power John A he to hold Cabinet In bat Sir Topper appears to In faarmouizloglbtfflChapltAadecUnet tobooomoACoUcigae with end by And he hie tbAa Iq the J J lid am of the for of an to ibothciori of get ting a pledge from for tbe coming The etuuted tocandldiUtAro yea In favor of theprohlbilloaof the In fntozlcitlog If to the will yon do All la in with the otter member of who prohi bition to tho Introduction ind en of prohibitory At the opportunity Wo not heard whit in York Wirt Ontario hue to about yet CrtOTia tho of add Pretoria opion fir an food fnd heathy and pat It not told la folk Lanacfey EVERYTHING IN GOOD WORKING ORDER Why Hot Hem Tuesday and delircr all Bradford Call deliver Friday EMBURY Proprietor GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY tun a exit for Curtains done up equal to Opposite House new Special terms for family washing Dont any to tall you cortide tUfc it and nrizr yon get feciiao every Fire Fire Fire I TO THE FARMERS OF YORK COUNTY Fire A- I for to no 1 a from And pftpared to writ on the en firm and property By in this yen arc And there are profits return to ind en this A HOI 1 Apply to or write to Toronto J Mr I vary In hti of fitcrcttry of Order of People do t ho- r not tiko Action till After of he he num l Owiog to the money for the militia not having voted at the of he Dominion no camps be held this yew until the end of August or the beginning of September WXatoicat to A the Booth Mr John retired from the content Hiding lie who find hive hick on him ihe fitld to Mr end iTr ell cum end beet axA One ASTHMA VJSSSI I 14 fiHOi A His Baylys Private English French and Music IA en in ion for Mr who term Mr ttr ana Mr it Ate a ha hie re- to ccnurvitlveeeud Mr fe of DAVID LLOYD w for iife Lai tir MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES GUI to promUid At to the in morn for en to hie The who At doling la no more guilty of bribery thin the Premier who All before polling to boy with It it ADnoancod Mr Alton riil in Winnipeg next he will nut even Int lie will Qek Vin den returning If J it ii to on the lime it the privilege will A TICK WANTED kT UUite Oil UliUU iJJ equities fvV ujU4 la Jell hive on to the the Jaxy prltoctre not being fit for thit the food tup good i And John of Dr ion Jed And John JiUBUwi2depcuaiseby the title of hie the dote the for of Toronto they thequlityol the food better thin the hat there tide toil They bo the the ee iJiiiitofwAr ttjj At the truth unite tCUvtl Mil to toWuid Ayd had a severe attack x pe luch left in a fearful condition had for number yen before litis attack been a sufferer from but the la it took a iore acute form and to to liver appeared not to its usual function and my troubled and there were as eH which baffled lie tort I mcivdy called in in the jf my Prom the km down my as cold as bowels would Woat and I great My case from bad to the medical treatment t under going ami got so bad I forced to give up business I could hardly Anything got hut little sleep at and as you will my conditiom became one despair My father urged me tibca to give Williams Pink a trial but I wit so that I had 0 left in ny However more to please him from any hope results I began to use Pink pills The fit beneficbl re- Aulta found that the warmth and natural feeling began to return to my limbs my bowels ceased to bloat and with the continued of the pills my appetite returned- I slept soundly at night the action of my again became normal continued talcing the Pink I had used in all fifteen and I have not felt better in years thin do now- I did some hard and Has able to it Kith a strength and vigor which surprised me I consider Dr Pink Pills not only a won medicine but also in the of what my other treatment cost the least expensive medicine in the world and strongly Pink Pills to all in need of a medicine- On William Pink Pills t direct upon the blood and nerves build ing them Anew and thus driving from the is no trouble due to either of these causes which Pink will not and in hundreds of cases have to health after all other remedies had failed for Williams Pink nod take are al ways enclosed in Ihe wiapjcr which bear the full trade Dr Pink Pi lie for People May be hid a Aula or paid on receipt of cents a box or for fa tddjeub3 lh the hie Maritime Provinces tear he Annoanctd intention to And other centre Fancy- fill Topper At the Pavilion or icy with vAtive nominees of Toronto end three In York all opponents on Inipor tut Toronto have a with i Clarke IK Prof Editor And the of coercion Ar- on the time Tin cir cus be worth end And fa whet tout ho ft led it Kir city An Texas May ihe city of Sherman was visited by the worst cyclone in the history of Texas about five oclock this evening The pith of the destroyer was yards wide It struck the city at ihe west end of Post swept in a westerly direction for sev eral blocks and then spread spent its force The track of the cyclone is a gruesome sight the devastation being complete and frees houses fenrcs and everything in ill pathway The loss of life wjil probably icadi with as many more and wounded The City Hall add store room for mally occupied by G been turned ino temporary hot- and bruised mangled and bodies are awaiting Idemr ficoiion Hundreds of homes have identified Eighteen untdentiJjed dead are the City Hall The rioutty injured make a Iwg list and many of them are probably fatally The Utter verified by of Toronto known rim fail lirryere of oar who ere liYue who hive toned have now a chinos to J lbs a Toronto AtfoQidAdtitt will yon no He every cite He to red ford tens end May children fthoold aUo tike note of thliAd Acs on It to cure children fn apart from the letter below It la Toronto Jane 1691 To J Hernia Toronto Oat Dam It la with the greatest pleasure I to iny yoar and a this yon idd my to carta- In cue may ho an on to other thou who up hope of ever finding relief I hire been metered That Might Have Avoided the ok Da- Cure Promptness is the first essential in all cases of sickness and especially in heart disease Minutes may mean everything The use of an medicine may the saving of a life where the use of that possessing little power may simply leave death to take its course One virtue of Dr cure for the heart is thing that it gives relief almost immediately whether the case be that of organic or sympathetic heart disease The numerous teitiiooniaU received by the proprietor of this medicine bear the strongest testimony to this fact 11 1 would not have been alive day bad it not been for your medicine is Ihe cheering refrain of a large per ceniage of the letters received by the proprietor of this remedy sale at Identitys Pharmacy a DEAD sure that Laundry Go Do Good Work and do not Break Collars in Turning En SO On CO ti ff J tf fr- a a 1 1- id y r is ww FOR SALE csltlriUcx ttr to J A CODY We lake your as late a Xhtircdy and it A iria order will convince you lhat our to other Laundry May Mr Henry of this town died very suddenly this afternoon of heart at the age of years The had been actively em ployed as usual attending to Mi busi ness until a few moments before his death He was one of hese prison- en who were incarcerated with about wren in fcdaogerom j being compelled it rebellion of in the Northwest and would nave shared t not bo the same fate as befell Scott bad it daring riding bat roar been for the arrival of troops in sw jra from preceding the day let for Forest One May William Archer son of Edward Archer of the township of kick ed by a coll in stable on Thurs day afternoon and died this ii during be moat hot cared lix I hive no I for lit mad find Eoyttllas well rcr may wta drlicd to up on Murdoch tho this city yours I bay great verifyiog ths above Murdoch July Toronto johnny to his sisters young What bate- ball dub did you play last roan never played a of my Jifc Why do you ask Cause faeird ma tell sis that you were a splendid Who Used South Cukb A friend indeed is a friend indeed It way to test our friends is to try It is so with a raedtctfe So many medicines arc but found wanting This is never the case with South American Kidney Cure if it is kidney trouble lhat is the ailment It does not cure anything else There not a of kidney trouble however be it ever so digesting quick relief will not be by a little patience altogether retrieved The proof of their execution A widov brother and sister are left to his loss lc pudding is In the eating of it and ATTRACTIVE HOUSES jbatMM is what thousand tave used this medicine For at when a ted l ff dike temperance society it a the world Is the abstaining w it in Siberia whose are strict teetotallers every day year one Regular- he to year all the inernberi of dr in ihe parish church and everyone takes a solemn vow the to drink no wine beer or spirits from the morrow following day for the The clause from the mor row is introduced in order to give ihciji si for their values in ibe shape of whole day of drunken carnival As soon as they leave the church they begin to indulge in horrible Bacchanalian drinking which I continue throughout the day until Milter man nor in the it sober is by considerable physical Bo Youths and Mens Suifs Large Assortmenl Lowest Prices WE ARE DOING TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE up ftsd x4 lUs ud It onto Wt and IJltlf all de- lflillkjltl6 Lilt a of life ad to it T r ftomcthly it it ft will fEHAtE and Rev Chas Rector St Matthews and St Parish School Found Great Relief from Dr Catarrhal Powder St Manners Church Hamilton holds a warm place io hearts of his people not alone because he is a faithful initor but tor wort he has done for of Hamilton as principal of St Matthews parish As he has sent forth bis influence church and school so in a wider way stood- of that wonderful medicine Dr Catarrhal Powder by telling thc people of Canada bow much it has helped him There is something unique in this medicine that secures favour wherever it is and which just now is making a host of friends because of he certain relief it gives in cases of hay fever a trouble that afflicts many at this season of the year As a cure for catarrhal trouble no For sale at The minister who would awaken his for their clonal good rauu open bible en ough to show them what is in it y ViUUiir SAVED UY rt liter Per Liver or Kidcey Dreg SBILOHS l It Incipient It ceo Met a dr ROOT nil lo fttidcuei B Turns Bad Blood Into PASTURE TO REN Kill Appit Newmarket For Ss L A cwiDpimLa ivk HOUSE AMD STORE TO LE eta TWO TOWN LOTS Hut it- 4tiit at t ItMl ale on lh la THOU AM FOR YEARS is Air Rich Red Blood la flOt Blood using f to i- Id ivtiitxj of hurt U4l bOLC CAM Ihitr in- 4iJw I It i the Iwdvtttionth model all lire Some iougioe ibit this quite be ft pre No other remedy possesses such perfect ceaniint- and properties as It 111 only cleanses internally but it heals iipplieil all ulcers abscesses scrofulous sore- leaving the skin clean and pure as a babes Taken it removes all morbid effete Waste matter system and thoroughly all the organs itc tcdy restoring the stomach liver and blood to In this way the sick become well the weak And who have that tired worn out feeling new lijfor and buoyant health and spirits so that led lite If appetite is poor your energy pone your will restore vou full of if i I V 5taiyViSiiV5Vi AMU no j TO OF LAriocarSALC in CO tut i TRY OUR pmia tubs Cloth AMD CYCLE Remember they are priceless Take care of them las up one take care of them for Eyes arc you the Windows Of the Spectacles Soul or on us and get for lour prices I Main St fiitUi t tftfultttut cur fifp Its either in or you my kind done see what and get at the Kin Office you order Out pro- Ajj v tibial lie- E AU ilb fit IblticcaKbw A SALE to A iU XEE into io We Kill fc ptisilj iL viy if i CO L i I BUSINESS COLLEGE BUSINESS South TO lull r Ul- j

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