Newmarket Era, 29 May 1896, p. 1

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iii r NEWMARKET ERA livery Friday GEO JACKSOH GIVE THE KHQVTO UTTER SUBSCRIBER TO OTHER LIBERTY BABE sua orris I AND ADVERTISER VolXLVIINo Single Copies Cents Each 1ST No papers cent outride of North York unless paid in advance Newmarket Ont Friday May 29 1896 J Terms Strictly in Advance I within mos or at end of year BnANCn Interest Allowed on DRAFTS ISSUED a ait I If J A W At AN fit IN THEIR SWOBS WITH A took of READY MIXED PAINTS CALSOMlNB AND BRUSHES CHURCHES OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN POLKS LAWN MOWERS LAWN RAKES LAWN HOSE CHURNS DASH CHURNS BUTTER HOWLS FULL ASSORTMENT OF GARDEN TOOLS STOVES AND TINWARE Repairing Promptly and done J A ALLAN CO On or about Stoves Tinware June we remove our immense Wooden ware and stock of Sporting Goods to the lare commodious building one door north of Hardware Store known as No Millard Block pearl of Pacific York 1 Tin jo Rebellion of and- How it was Put Down I i OUR STOCK AT A REDUCTION OF IO PER CENT OFF liavcirouglimgp Roofing and General Repairing done promptly and properly 48 lo Main Sued Ncwjnarltcl A Loan on If MM A WOODCOCK Main 1 AHO uti Lay this Paper down on lop You ee no always expect to top trust you will tender us slight favor In any case you find and the leading remedies have not toil medicinal ly a long time on our shelves logellicr villi a Complete of Toilet Articles at IIwJ for I aj if 1 if jr up turid 000009000 to 8 to 10 ilUI atoaiMifcii nil Aik to c4 W A Ilracti or t J Discounting Parmers Holes BRADFORD AT LOWEST RATES a J a AnliUOt fell oOcaI Mlib Hie THROUGH Fur apply WiTCuItcw la ted ud IttililfittrntifCfDfaU ronit4o lbs pm IVJ A HAVING JJOUOHT OUT AND of McCautcy will continue it in all its branches of the and spare no lo have things done STYLE STARR SPUING All fclio Latest Stylos in at the Finest Cut Prices OUR STOCK OF BOOTS SHOES I claim to have the Complete Stock for you to choose from in Town Make No Mistake Go to the and Shoe Store Sign of the Boot I Vlri Lift A CO IUKBLY CANADIAN COMPANY -OAPiTAIi- AND 000 DOLL uhuir E GROOME o T r THE FINEST TUKNOUT laTowo VKItMOKSLIVEHV lpcr AXd ltealdtccid door SIMPSON Main Iipcr trd to J Maid Lite Co tSYAUU8HKlbi- All WMWW Ma WOOD UKNKV MKitUbU iLc ii if their fltc PO AUOTIOSKKU BONUS YEAR I refill iw 10- Pet feet til Itltit P will A LIFE SAVED CHERRY iciti cd ffotnl 1 of llCKXXMOnUEAIJ A- TERRY Vfl OF of VdCcIUfd Vtt o Hot Heidi ftcrocri of U Of IS iKe I cot ire I Ave Aycrs Pectoral Vittrlcir oil itilil lUlvitt If Suckltj a- J Hi IF MAHUIAOB THE Cleveland Worth One Hundred Dollars ENVOY GENTS Any doctor will tell you that Professor Hare of Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia is one of the highest authorities in the world on the action of drugs In his last wort speaking of the treatment of scrofula he says It til ha it U kltca la IO to He also says that the should be the oil of cod- feeling of oppressed ihc people of Hawaii the over- the attempt at in The expected that Cleveland restore her to power She 1jc even tent her that lie so She represents that she in secret communication with and her private exhibited in court that c had received a from her great and Rood friend Cleveland President of the United States On Dec Willis called on President Dole and In the name of the SUtei asked him to the of jjovernment to the queen who he had been wrongfully deposed Mr Dole for virion refuted and then fol lowed a scries of movements on the part of the American minister and officers of the manofwar which certainly mys terious At present it looks as II had aitempted to the Republic into abdicating in favor of the Monarchy but finding them men of were forced to back The Queen and her friends for a year past had lived in the hope that the United States would bring about her restoration to power and finally like the farmer in the resolved cut ihclr otto barley The police of the republic were on the however arid a close watch kept on suspected parties The fall of was led by Sam a aided by an other Robert Wilcox who having been educated in an Italian military was called the Ha waiian Garibaldi Among their most prominent supporters were Charles Guile a white man and If Richards who it Is claimed had assurances from Captain of the Champion of English aid Other leading per- were Henry Lane Carl John Wise all halfcastes Will half Marshall and srhite men There is no question but there were prominent white men engaged in the scheme and is boldly that officials were thcrn Just how the arms a en unit ion were procured is not known Some My that a wealthy sugar planter on Islands furnish- the outfit They were evidently however procured on the Pacific coast arid brought in on a schooner to Rabbit Island off Kaitaua where were to the little island steamer were landed and in the sand a few miles from Honolulu The number of lo the of restoration have been limited from four to six hundred oclock on the morning of January was chosen as the lime of the and early on the after noon of the the leaders lo muster their clans Bombs were made be used at close quarters and some of the were buried in the yard or pahale of the Queens residence The Winchester rifle and revolvers were taken up and cleaned and recruits hurried to wards their headquarters During Sunday the a number of resi dents and tourists out walking were made prisoners The rebels look possession of the signal statin and destroyed ihe telephone but un fortunately for their flan some of ihetn teemed whiskey and ihe party became drunk and began filing pistols in cowboy style News of ihe assembly of natives reached town and Deputy Marshal Captain Parker and a dozen native police were sent to search the house of Henry where it reported the rebels had secreted arms A squid of the insurgents under Lot were concealed at Jterlcltuanns house Brown with his force reached the house and the deputy was read ihe warrant to when be was Interrupted by the re port a pistol In was followed by a other in quick succession mingled with the heavier of Winchester rifles ran to the yard where ihe battle was raging From iheir con cealment in ibe shed the insurgents were firing on the native police who were fighliog robly J Castle Charles I Carter and Alfred Carter who had followed police came up just a the fight commenced Charles Carter soon fell pierced by two bullets from ihe insurgents both wounds being mortal Hall a native police lieutenant was shot in the body and another native policeman hid an arm Caller was taken into the house but died two hours later Alfred Carter for a surgeon for the wounded and and Parker left to call taking with him two prisoners Lane They the premises under fire The native policemen and Mr Castle re mained n the house with the wound ed where was still kept as a while a storm of bul lets rained at them At one of the native police shouted In Hawaiian tint the firing ceased ihey would Mil In less than an hour CUtr relumed with Dr Walters but ibey were firrd on and driven back Central Church this SeventyFive Dolhis JOHN oil 1 ig precisely such a preparation evening was filled with people Is chimed put of throw into ihe church when J Louse ihe and scire the gov ernment building before the people could recover from the panic It was known that the President and most his officials attended this church and it was supposed the heads of Die government could be swept off at a blow The minister was In the midst of his sermon when a man entered and went up to Mr Edwin whispered something tils car and went out again be gan at once to glide from pew to pew whispering a single word to a man here and there Each one of he spoke arose and went out They were members of the citizens guard preacher went on though a flut ter of excitement began 10 fill hit audience So many went put that alarm began to spread Judge went to the vestibule and demanded of what it all meant and explained that the Royalists had arisen to overthrow the government Just then company of National Guard dashed along the street at a double quick and congregation rose and left the preacher knowing it was useless to attempt to hold ihetn longer closed hi sermon without ceremony During Sunday night with a large body of insurgents started from the vicinity Diamond Head to Punchbowl Hill which is just at ihe back of Honolulu Marshall Hitchcock fearing move early on the morning of the dis patched Captain Murray rnen to head it off The rebels were found concealed behind a stone wall and coveted by a heavy underbrush of A heavy fire was opened on Murray hand grenades hurled at his men and all forced back Reinforcements were hurried to their aid and for an hour the raged A piece of artillery was brought up and opened with shot and shell until the mount ain echoed with reverberations The dense lantana concealed the ants from each other At last ihc rebels were located in an extinct crater and it took fifteen shells to them but at last ihey were driven out and seven of their number trend erred Then they began corning white until had surrendered 1 his fight is called the battle as it fought on the On Wednesday the insurgent were again overtaken at a place called On Monday Diamond Head had been bombarded and the rebels driven out At lltcy made determined stand Robert Wilcox commanding in person Tuesday was spent is searching for the enemy and following up false rumors It an active nervous day Troops were hurried Road lo ihe foothills and to Diamond Acad a few prisoners were taken and many guns were picked up thai had never been used being found in a fort near Wai- At Wilcox and Lane had probably about men located among ihe high jHUks where they hoped to hold out until they could make terms with the Government The forces of the massed at this point and the conflict raged for some time atlong range but artillery and long distance guns of the Government drove them from their hiding place Wilcox left ten men as a coyer and went into valley Two natives came in under a white One had an ear cut off with a and they led the to where he third lay dead with a bullet in his brain Wilcox and his forces then retreated into the mountains where they were reduced to the direst want supplies being entirely cut off They hid no or tents and were compelled to on stones or in caves On January and Marshall were captured They were found a ihicket and- on being summoned to surrender came out dirty and ged their torn and their faces scratched Marshall a was the only one who seemed cheerful The war was now a man bunt The rebellion was broken and the only question was the capture of the fugitive Robert Wilcox was taken and sent lo prison and then the hunt for Lot Lane began He was regard ed as the most desperate and danger ous of the rebels but was easily cap- lured was said at that time to be one of the finest specimens of physical manhood on the islands lie was over six feet tall and well proportioned herculean strength His father claiming to be a descendant of kings of Ireland and his mother had the blood of the in her veins The Provisional Government- de cided to arrest ihe ex Queen the chief instigator in the Bombs and arms were found in her yard and the confession of those captured were sufficient to im plicate her Marshall Hitchcock and AdjutantGeneral were sent for at Wednesday and a warrant placed in iheir hinds for the arrest of Mts the exQueen and deliver her to Col Fisher commanding at the Executive Building They left at once tor Washington Place the Queens residence in two back There were a number of native gusto around bouse who did not even challenge The mistress io of Louse bid no Visitor in on hall to meet Mrs Dorp J thus has been rated as a strong woman and her captor half that she would resist but she cool ly received the summons Any other woman would have swooned or given way to a flood of tear or Imprecations of rage with a queenly dignity and the stoical Indifference a she answered All right I will go Going to her dressing room she herself In black and seated by the side of Brown with Cap Parker fn front was driven to the Ex ecutive Building With this rebellion ended the Ian hope of monarchy in islands The Republic had proven lo the world that it was able lo put down any in ternal Insurrection Over two thous and men were constantly ready at the slightest notice spring to arms to defend liberal government The exQueen was confined for a long lime la the Building in a Urge airy apartment in the second She was treated kindness and her lady friends were permitted to her She addressed a letter to the President renouncing any claim on the throne of the Hawaiian people soon after her arrest and before her trial After a few months she was re leased and returned lo her home at Place where she now Uvea surrounded by splendor and elegance but shutting herself up and refusing to communicate anyone save her most jntimate friends She says the Republic cannot over thrown and all she asks is to be per mitted lo live undisturbed as plain Mrs President Dole has pardoned all Ihe political prisoners The wounds made by the revolution and rebellion lhat followed are being rapidly healed and all look forward to a long era of prosperity in the islands While Mr Ingram wis com ing from on Sunday night his horse took fright at a and ran away throwing him out In juring very severely He Improving nicely medtcalat tendance SUTTON It is said that potatoes are selling for St a toad at Baldwin The Manor belt has arrived weighs pounds and Is a daisy Mr of is build ing a at SuttonontheLakc All along the lake front signs of ac tivity are very not i cable In fact the village Sutton is taking a back seat as far as activenes It concerned- Lyman a Resident Suito Now A GUEST OF A fortnight ago Lyman Miller of was to jail for 60 days for stealing a natch If the charges now him me trues Lyman has a good chance BUS FROM OUR Beauty covers a multitude tins of never quit from I en- spending the next few in It is alleged lhat be is a bigamist and an attempted murderer Two ladies one of whom says he shot her with intent to kill claim him as husband while a third young lady has passed as his wife for some time Hoe was this all Miller so it is alleged by his lather has two wives in States but these are sub ject matters for present prosecu tion SHOT AT Af I HER Seven years ago Lyman and were married Bo Grove in Markharn township They lived rogcther for five years and their married life was not serene Two years 9go says Mrs Miller he shot at her with intent to kill and then passed out of her lile She swore out a warrant for bis arrest but be could not be found and there the mailer stood After levying her he went up to Sutton There he became acquaint ed Josephine Conn el I and after a brief courtship were married at in township This marriage did not turn out very hap pily either Rumors reached Mrs Miller No a of her husbands previous marriage and shooting and she questioned him and hands mere boy lb ere on SECOND WIVE LEFT HIM His answers were not such as t- allay her fears and she refused to live with him She lefl one month after their marriage and Miller was free again He did not remain so long The matrimonial instinct was too strong within and a short time after he was pressing suit with a Miss Robin son also of Georgina township There is some their relations to each County coosUOie Boyd who investigated the case heard two different stories The ladys father said were mar ried her mother said they were not At any rate went away to gtl married and gave out the ceremony had been but Boyds investigation Jailed to briog any proof to light They lived as man and wife however and passed as A CAVE AWAY lhe facts came to light after Millers incarceration for theft of ihe watch Mrs Miller No I nee com municated with the authorities and the of the shooting and the second marriage also gave over letters which hid passed between herself and Mrs Miller Ho a nee The old warrant for the shooting was and Boyd was sent lo investigate Ho interviewed the various parlies and subpoenaed len witnesses including the who had performed the ceremonies the best men and the bridesmaids Miller was brought from the jail to day and taken before Squire Wing- Geld He was for trial At the Sessions on Miller pteaded guilty and was tent lo Kings ton for AURORA Mr John of who has retired from farming has moved into town Messrs Irvine Co who have been carrying on a boot and shoe business here for the past two years decided to move lo Toronto Junction They leave here next week Mr Arthur just north of this place had three sheep killed and a number worried dons on Sun day night Mr is rather un fortunate in this particular as this is the third time in about a year that he has met with the same misfortune On Wednesday afternoon what might have been a very distressing accident occurred at Snowball 3rd concession of King While Mrs Davis was driving to Ibis place Mr Vm Edwards accompanied by his son Fred was driving a young spirited team just behind Mrs Davis- The horses became unmanageable and ran away running into Mrs Davis rig completely demolishing it and throning the horse down which escaped with a few scratches Mrs Davis fortunately escaped without any bones being broken but is very badly shaken up and At time f writing the extent of her in juries are not known The horses continued their mad course and next ran into a huxtcr breaking his wagon and demolishing his harness and finally run into Mr George Garross wire fence where stopped Mr Mr Miller of the Mansion House is having a well bored in the hopes of obtaining a flowing sell Our cyclist complain of parties broken on Ibe streets and consequently resulting in perfor ated tires Miller Dixons Hill bad a valuable colt so badly cut by a wire fence on Monday lint it shortly after The says The milk of about cows has been pro mised to supply ihe cream separator in connection with the creamery On Ave there are in course of erection three brick resi dences for Mrs Frank and Jos Hoover Mr John Bray is a fine resi dence on his property east of the Congregaiionr church The Toronto Fruit Vinegar Co intend building an addition to iheir works here for ihe purpose of canning fruit On Wednesday evening of last week a democrat load consisting Mr and Mrs Julius Mrs Geo Flint Sr- Mrs Mrs J A Mitchell and Harry son of were coming from Toronto and when on the sideroad north of Marie- ham Village between and Sib concession they met a rig a bright red landroller at tached behind The team did not notice the roller till ihey were in act of passing when ihey bolted into the completely upsetting the vehicle and throwing all the occu pants out All were more or less bruised but are now improving nicely The ran about a mile and a quarter before they were caugbt Advertisements work on Bradford has a8 wheels and are run by ladies Sins are down father to son but debts go the way A friend need is generally the who strikes yews for a quarter Many a man who is a good shot in this world hopes to miss fire in the next The milliner would soon be swamped if she didnt know how to trim her sales Forrester jr of has over hogs and cholera has cot Into their midst The doughnut seems to be the only nut that can be gathered every day in the year Martins shingle mill at Hillsdale was burned week Loss about No insurance K A northern exchange asks Why do most authors wear their hair long Because barbers cut for cash E A section of the front of a in Buffalo collapsed burying a score of people in deaths are reported The C P Company will take no part whatever in the present elections and all officers and em ployes are free to vote exactly as see fit Mr Geo of Eden near was killed while en gaged in splitting stumps by being caught in an opening which closed on May Companys extensive woollen milts at Rapid City Were- completely destroyed by fire today The insurance Is only 3000 Wihhheo May The farmers elevator 3t was completely by fire tonight with bushels of wheat The loss is about little insurance The of Toronto Junction has been reduced to less than a total which would require a rate of mills in the dollar to meet the expected liabilities As the result of an investiga tion it has been ascertained that onethird of ihc children rte of the principal grammar school in Chicago had never seen a live sheep or hog Chicago May Four people were kilted and one injured for life by a fire which occurred his morn ing Mrs Malm was preparing breakfast on a gasoline stove when the gasoline exploded and set fire to the building The which the of Marlborough was presumed to ihe new Czar of Russia at Moscow last Saturday is iaid to have cost two thousand pounds While the jewels which she wore exceeded thous and pounds in value George McKay a young mm who has been employed a farm near Georgetown for some lime past drove into Toronto two weeks ago a horse and buggy which he had He traded the stolen properly for another horse and buggy Detective Duncan ar rested McKay on Tuesday He was brought before the Magistrate and sentenced to one year in the Central Prison the cabled j a her but now a 1V0 A Baa Stilish Is ib I lUl coed BBILOHfl Car lolpiit Sell Swiff Scad This is a Sure of Dr FOR AT Takes No one cars read the daily papers without being seriously with the fact that a large number of people in the present age have within system the evidence of apoplexy- This is seen and felt often in a trem bling and uncertainty of ihe limbs and frequently in an unpleasant dir tiness and lighcness of the bead He is a very unwise man who knowing these symptoms to exist does not promptly lake measures 10 have them removed We know no that been to remarkably success ful in this particular as Dr Cure for ibe Heart Primarily it Is a heart cure but it is equally effective in what it to some extent a parallel apopletic symptoms Id a season when unusual heat prevails and excitement often runs high we are doing a men and wo men by letting them this re markable medicine For sale at An accident of a somewhat serious character occurred at more tannery Acton Suodsy The water tank supplies the pipe of their tire protection equipment and which was elevated upon a trestle work above leach house fifty or sixty from ihc ground down a The debris werl clear through iron roof below a section of the supporting with it tank contained 100s There is more than the pro verbial grain truth in the following criticism of the limes by a shrewd farmer l We let our timber rot a buy fencing We away our ashes and grease and buy soap We raise dogs and buy We grow buy vegetables and brooms We let our manure go to waste and buy fertilizers We catch cent fuh with a 4 rod We build school houses and send our children away to be educated And lastly we send our boys out with a gun and a dog hunt for cent bird May Mrs Walker aged has lived with her soninlaw Mr where has been cared for by her daughter for ihe 35 years This morning Mrs wished to give Mrs Walker a dose which med icine in a flat vial beside another same shape and sire containing carbolic acid which bad become a daik color and very the By a carbolic acid was swallow ed by the feeble lady Trie mis take noticed at once and medical aid summoned but all too she sank and died in an unconscious state about two after taxing the doit KiT An old Indian chief of Wash ington Territory availing trial at Juneau or murdering his nephew by torture supposing him to be a witch chief hid a disease affecting fats right teg which had gradually eaten the greater part away He dreamed that bis nephew had bewitched him and on ihe of this he pro ceeded to inflict punishment fit crime- The victims were bent close back and in this position be was bound lightly to a tree An iron band was then placed around his face sinking into the nose and covering the eyes and this was also made fait to a tree so he was unable to move his head in any direction He vis left in this position lo starve death He lived As days Crimes of the kind are not smoog ibe Alaska Indians The of the dead man was by the chief and now with two of bit other staring captivity A Jr

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