Newmarket Era, 29 May 1896, p. 2

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A Drew Gallery Farmer J A MattMcctlng J Edgar Bull Wanted Ham Smith Card Norman I cycle for Sale A- Fire Eicunlon he AND WITH BACH Era la Homo hit latin FRIDAY MAY Our Toe espatcli Hfniol Th Own Id KnloD lbs to llton and to lie Jin Cctorta now of ilia Niagara Hirer Bat onlay from bo of Btrtiom In of of people A net an- a candidal for lha Homo of In Toronto la lb of John Drown lata of who Including real In tin coo A King worth and a at Iowa WHAT UK TO bit an till 2 National for ill of At the in Colling on Hon Clerk re elided Matter end voted on the eon itr A the In the Homo Tin nomination In North York for place at Bradford on tho of doting oclock when the loftddreii a big iolltlc4l gathering The cor- Method is Birthday ai light royally in of the now Church vat laid in the when gave an Tea km tho Mutlc Hall the brass band enlivening proceed ing Football lacrosse and other took place In the afternoon and the day wound up with a good Concert Quite a number of tree have planted this Spring and the lumber is delivered for our new tide walkj which when laid will be a great improvement Our Orangemen intend the of July at Arthur The treat of the will be the Green Pease Patty In the Tem perance Hall here on Thursday even ing June In addition to the excellent tea for which the ladies of the Metbodut Church are noted an excellent entertainment has been provided Mr Pease tho celebrated tinker and reciter hat been engaged and hit contributions to the program be alone worth the price of admission- Mr Pease took part in a concert at Maple a short lime ago and fairly brought down the house Mr Elmer Davis hat contented to take the chair Revs C Cocking and Watt are expected to deliver addresses the Misses Large and other local talent will also assist in making this enter tainment an exceptionally good one Dont miss It Proceeds in aid of church funds SUARON Owing to the recent dry weather crops are somewhat backward but the on Monday are producing a very refreshing on everything Mr and Mr Peter Sennett of Little were visiting friends vicinity last week Mr Sennett was at one time miller for the late Reuben of Sharon Mills and married bis youngest daughter Football Team tried conclus ions with the Holland landing team on the grounds of the latter Monday The game resulted in a tie The Masonic held their regular communication on iuesday evening While taking carpet Mason ic Hal Tuesday Mr Richard Way lings horse which was tied in the shed underneath became frightened at the and broke away considerable damage to the rig but was fortunately secured before away Mist Annie spent over Monday with parents She has charge of a Millinery Store a Mr of Toronto spent here with friends Master Allan Towuley of Sutton West it it Col has moved here from Bradford with bis family Several of our drove to Toronto on Saturday and witnessed the race for Plate They report a large attendance Mia Charles Tench gave the a picnic on Monday which was thoroughly enjoyed by them Mr Montgomery of the Bell Piano Co Toronto was hue Wednesday calling on tbe Co tuner Mr Mil has had erected a t monument memory of her late father and tuotbev Mr and HOLT During the ttorm on the of Mr Harper Matthew ton- was hy lightning electric fluid knocking chimney and tbe ttoTe The caught fire in the attic and the out of the roof but by the prompt of the bora the fire was toon extinguished Damage about covered by Mr Richard Roiren ft at ptcient Detroit viiltfng hit ion Sunday temperance are growing very popular Last Sunday the program tpccl- attractive Mr I M Walton of gave an add res the Scbom- band gave several tclcctlons of sacred with read- togs and singing The District Division of the Sons of Temperance will meet In berg on Wednesday June 3rd Division here is making every prepar ation for the comfort and pleasure of the visiting of whom a Urge delegation expected who come from a and who arrive before noon will be billeted at the residences of the members of Divisions here for dinner Tea will be served at oclock in the Music Hall to he Divisions A ftiand entertainment open to the public will commence at oclock the talent being selected from each Division the district ROACHS POINT heavy rain lail Monday morn spoiled the fun Morion to a great extent and limited the at tendance Mr Cook and family of Toronto Saturday and took possess ion of cottage at the Hamilton farm for the season Mr of Toronto spent at hit delightful t unit home The shore of Cooks is lively with vlstors Monday people pic- iced at eleven at Bert Canes Cabin Trtvelts had bee and their summer cottage At Beach and a large company from Aurora were en- in similar operations Mr Van Norman and family of Toronto came up to their summer residence on Saturday returned Monday Dr and wile of spent Monday with friends in this vicinity Work was commenced this week on tho of exMayor Jacksons new summer residence FUN FACTS AND FICTION FROM The teameeting of the Baldwin Christian Church was an immense The ladies got a spread fit for a queen Chas our general merchant was ticket toller and as toon as a young man with a fair damsel in to hove in sight Charlie nailed him result fifty iu for the exchequer The cor- wants being satisfied next came the equally good intellectual feast Misses Morton and Irwin as reciters and Miss Winchs vocal were capital Metaphori cally Miss Winch brought down the amid uproarious applause by her rendition of Tbe young men keep winking at we But as she is a very winsome young lady faith I dont blame em for winking If I were a young and handsome raaa Id do the same that would by The Zephyr Band kindly gave their assistance three young tads of about nine to eleven years deserving high commendation for their really fine cornet playing Total proceeds of party Some other papers want the Owls contributions but our fealty and al legiance is with the Era Always choose the best is my motto A wealthy free and independent elector of once sold his tote for promise of ten dollars When pay day came did he get it Not much he didnt Be ing he took counsel how recover it Will his vote be for sale election eh John The power of the press have read of it thinking it referred to the printing press It aptly the teameeting the evening and it is a great power in deed by the young men pressing their sweethearts to their sides Of course their motive was unselfish only to make more room on the seals The frog industry is a pacing one here Their hind make most tempting bits on the bill of fare at fashionable restaurants Mr La Chapelleof this place makes quite a little sum yearly at this busi ness The many friends of the the blonde engineer of the will be pleased to see at his old post of duty this year again Some people about Baldwin take great care in fixin up about their premises Amongst others Win and Geo prem ises look as tidy at possible I know from their shy sidelong glances that the Baldwin young ladies wonder what the Owl thinks of them Judging by appearances theyre as good as gold but appearances are oft deceiving All is not gold that glitters But this can cheerfully bear testimony to they can cook like a French chef A sure sign that housecleaning is done up satisfactorily If calling at a the minis greets you with a smile and a cheery walk right in No need to Inquire housecleaning is done Boys be kind to your mother If I could only impress upon the minds of boys that their best friend it their mother would feel that I had not written in vain Though all the world them yet will a mothers lore stand by them Boys love your mother Tbe boys that have fast nags con gregate around the corner these nights and blow but I aint teen no fast rolling yet The social on Friday evening to dispose of the fragments Irons the feast of the night previous was a suc cess Mr Russell Morton ably filled the chair and a good program was given The Indies presented the with a beautiful cake in birthday Tug RIDGES While Mr Clark of Temper- was out driving on Saturday his horse became but fortunately no damage was done The pork packing business Is booming Mr Intends getting a bike Our fair school teacher has at last become master of her new whecL She now rides to school dally Mr Gregory has erected a wire fence It looks quite neat A traveller reached here on from British Columbia He reports timet very hard there but bicycles arc bought for about each Mr Harper has sold hit driver to Mr Geo Kaiser price paid was 80 of King The The heaviest thunder storm for time passed over here on Mon day evening Wc hear of no damage being done except a few fences and trees blown down The passed off quietly around here Nearly every one who look the holiday went to Sutton or Roachs Point Miss Rye Barker of came up home on her wheel and her holidays here The held Quarterly Services on Sunday last and are talk ing of holding a revival The Methodist was very acceptably filled on Sunday by Rev Mr brother of Rev Geo a former junior pastor on the circuit A couple of Mrs- children have the diphtheria Politics the order of the day Mr Win Linstcad has again secured mall carrying contract arc pleaded to hear that Mr Black is progressing favorably It is it will not be long be fore the present tackling can be re moved and a more one and that he can then do a little with the aid of crutches Getting the ground in order for roots and feed corn ii now the chief work The Queens was honour ed on the in its usual way feeling glad that had so a Sovereign and that we got such a nice shower of rain Quite a from here attend ed a garden piny at Lloydlown on Monday night and report a good lime On Wednesday June the of will have a garden parly on the premises of Mr opposite the Methodist Church In the afternoon football and olher amusements will be in order In evening an excellent tea will be served and sweetened by a plentiful discourse of music supplied by brass band which has gain a high reputation in that line will be the first party of the season no doubt there will be a large attendance On Tuesday night of last week the band gave Mr Jesse one of their comrades a serenade be fore taking his departure for Michigan the next day Mr in return invited the boys in and treated them and a most enjoy able time was spent When Mr J T Curtis went out to the stable on Friday morning be was somewhat surprised to find One of was lifeless The is doing fine The road leading from con into ihe village has now been put in good shape again It is a piece of road that is difficult to keep in good condition owing to the springy stale of the centre of the roadbed in the early part the year Our lady wheelers have quite a time breaking in their colts leading while the other occupies saddle A meeting was held at Chris tian Church on Tuesday night to appoint a time for beginning the erection of a shed Could not wait to bear the result Grain and other vegeiation have been about at a standstill for some time on account of the scarcity of rain and the farmers had began wear a serious face knowing well what another reason like would mean On Monday morning fast their fears began to vanish when the of Life began to be so gently sprinkled over the crops but as toper remarked when asked how he be liked that sample raid Ob its very good but would bate been better had there been enough to wet farther down A game of football on Thursday Evening between Kettleby boys and Mount resulted in a tie- each taking a goals Mr the contract build a new bridge across the mill creek on tho the present one being damaged by the heavy rain of April Potato and corn planting now in progress Mr Grant teacher in is wheeled to his home in the City on Friday after letting out school- He was accompanied by Mr There was no damage to any ex tent done here by the light frosts last week Miss was home from Toronto to spend the She was accompanied by a lady friend The Landing man gave this locality a visit the put week but took good care to aeer dear of those whom he had hoaxed on former visits By an we omitted to mention in our last issue that Mrs Jos Stokes of was in the vicinity and was the guest of Mrs The many friends here of Wilfred Webb are pleased to leirn thai he list aranged to commence the practice of his profession in New market Being a young man with the finest fox prudence and personal honor it may be expected that he wilt rapidly rise to a blah pc among the of his district Hew market may be proud of bating to worthy a to MAY AURORA I Some one said I would not enter on my list of friends the man who needlessly sets foot upon a If be were here- ho would find it necessary cut the ac quaintance of The apple tree tent worm amount almost to a and trees which carefully attended to are stripped of their foliage and ihe crea tures are seen crawling over sidewalks buildings and even ones perron On Sunday morning a number of cartoons of a political character tfcre be seen posted In prominent places They were of a comic nature and probably handiwork of a local amateur artist and were no discredit to his ability A lynx Is said to be prowling In a woods about a mile west of this town He has been seen by tro or three farmers one of happening near enough to throw a An other found of lambs he surmised the lynx had breakfasted Co boot and shoe deal- have removed lo West Toronto from whence moved here The lawn party at the Cbuich was compelled to move doors on Monday evening owing to the rain and It did not teem be a source of at a rain was what all were pleated to tec and it did an abundance of good A party of young people who were spending the afternoon at Bonds Lake were not so fortunate at at the Church bad to move out and come home in the rain fellow celebrating Her Majestys began to moisten himself internally and spent a few in the lockup I was said to he from Newmarket Mr of Newmarket occu pied the Methodist pulpit Sunday evening Some young gentle overlooked one of fine points of church etiquette at that ser vice It would not be well to mention names as tome would known Newmarket some Mr Maher who has been to ill it no belter in fact he a great The same may be laid of Mr A Robinson tail A toft answer wrath That is what Inspector did when Sun called a head Councilman M Warmer was before bis superior officer Reeve Johnson last on the charge of obstructing the sidewalk A fine of one dollar and costs wat the result of the obstruction which paid forih- Inspector Is hard after the lawbreakers Joseph of Whitchurch was before and fast Thursday for fraudulently disposing of his At the request of the prosecution he was remanded till Thursday May ai on giving hail From the about own McDonald and Watriner at the Council Meeting last Tuesday evening bad quite a windy combat one knowing little and the test the altercation got to hot that the Reeve had to call the noUy gen tlemen to order Of course far and near knows the great reputation the town of has for its thrift and business enterprise and one of the finest markets in Ontario but not many know that we have a real live called another Conven tion the third one for Wednesday May to choose a candidate lo oppose Mr J Edgar in Com mons Three limes and out Or else the chicken will have to be sacrificed Mr is the machine nominee for West Ontario Willie take a friends advice and drop it you will loose your money The concert in Dalea Hall on Monday night the hut was a success The hall crowd ed to the doors Mr George Flint jr gave a grand peroration on Queen Victoria and the British Empire- It was a master effort a credit for any mm to give He was frequently applauded in giving hit address dramatic part of the concert Trial scene of the Merchant of Venice well rendered Mr Macdonald as Duke and Dr A Sangster as did their parts exceedingly well but Mr S Dew- at was he star of the evening no back seat for him as art amateur Miss Russell too as Portia was fine and received great applause Our town is still on the move Three new brick residences in progress of erection on Aye and Mr John Bray it erecting a fine castle on Main St East It will pass in modern limes as John knows how to do it Inspector is on the war path for tagless dogs Right you are Joel there are too many curt about Bag them I HOLLAND LANDING The village was quite lively on Monday last A large number came here the from the surrounding country and all wend J their way to our beautiful park lo tec ihe football match between Sharon ana ihe Lmding Both teams play ed an hour neither making a goal when the referee called time We expect to tee the same teams have a match a week from next Saturday as the Landing boys think if they have another go at the Shtron boys will do them up We have some crack players in our teams We expect boys will be doing tome fine kicking ibis summer A number of the young ladies and had a picnic in the after noon In Park and amused them selves in games spending a very pleasant time Wonder who it was got caught in thundernorm I over the and family of Newmarket The Stewart and daughter Joshua Chap man Luck Murphy John Gray Frank Mist Sadie Ellis I Miss Howard Mitt Aggie Taylor Tate all of Toronto Mr Sep of Hamilton Mr Cooper Of Schomberg Morris hat started a bar ber In Mr Another woodchopir arrived at Mr CrfitedctcnV last Friday evening a it Mr A Tuesday Miss of Toronto is at Mrs -J- Someone enter Mr Brocks last Monday night at it oclock and succeeded raising two windows Mr Brock not being at home Mrs Brock got up and asked the man what wanted as could tec him It being moonlight but the was unable to ascertain who he was as the man never spoke Mr Brock called bring the gun and the man made hit escape Should he make another attempt to call around we he will go away a few air him Mrs Donald Beaton who hit been ill for some time passed away at half past four evening Deceased lived at this place a great number of years and had attained a great age being old A large number of friends attended the funeral on Tuesday afternoon to the English Church cemetery Mr McClurc attended the Grand Orange last Tuesday On Tuesday as Mr Motlirner was the hill from Mr Beaton In the funeral trior the harness broke and let the run horse which resulted In a runaway Mrs Millard and Mr Mortimer with Mr Mortimer anil all three were thrown out Luckily no one was seriously Injured but all re ceived a bad shaking up The was considerably damaged the axle bent and dash broken Visitors at Mr Allans Band ay Mr of Toronto Ii here for Mr Barry of Toronto ipso hit aunt Park Mill Lottie of Bradford It the gauUtUra Will Baton I and Gardner of Don- churoi ars hero a lifts Richards of Hie- with Mr J of with bit family Mr Millard was to eat for adrift but and Mrs Ed Cans with Mr Lakes at Bradford Marl in of wit vitltlng weak Mr sptnt Birthday with la city Mitt visit ing Robertson Mrs It a of with Edith waolwflh her on her to Mr tad Belfry At Hoist on of weak Mary t Toronto total with bar pttaatt Karl of fa gout of Mrs Lloyd As this Win was ihiRotaiof Mrs over Bon- day If in Rhino of Toronto of Mrs Bell was hero over on a of Richmond Hill It trail ing brother Mr City Violet of Toronto over lbs with her Mitt Bat- Mr J Stewart of Toronto of Mr the 2llb Toronto of Mrs Rota over Qoeent Mr and Mrs Alex spent over with fo Mr tod of raven- spent Monday mother Sinclair Art Goring tod Lake a laa- lut Monday Lena link it of Birthday holidays wish A Cbaaller Mr Gardner jr was home Belleville by a lady friend city Meatrt Charlie ana Ford of wort last alio Menu of was the of lbs for two or week Will John Mc Donald tod Bert Mr Beg Coke tod a from To ronto spent Monday with Mr and other Dr Campbell Is a of weeks Woodstock and lor of bis We to act that Mr David It able to again though feeling pretty weak Mr of Toronto hit wife and child yUllfog at Mr Mlu Oliver wheeled the city on on morning Mr LyaU of former flcbool over left for lbs city on Wednesday to spend a tew weeks mother Mrs Moons Mr of for merly la the Bask hire spent 2llb with la Chat and Ford Boiler were Bailer arid was and wet log wish bis numerous friends I acd to apeat for a or two Mr Frank as Broun Mr and fioia till Moiidty Mon day Ed Bury AcIod Ed from from liUtgiili la a sit prvcal Mr A A who hi fa war week IBxsfltrtry wck for carry- log with berths wlibss of Jackton attended Lift Int Co at of policyholders Dltlrlct Major and lro or tbreo children from BC ait biro on a vlalt sla ter tod ttfu Board of bat appointed Mr of Model School as tpproaebiog end Londy were over ronta Tuesday and making trraogemenlt for on A Tarry of Bobool will All the for Elder at am Baldwin at pm and Union at SO pm Mr Lehman of North York Ann attended meet ing of Provincial Executive To ronto let Friday Sunday ho lilted schools at and Union Newmarket ladies bad arranged to go o Aurora yesterday oat send District Meeting of Missionary Society In connection wllb the to Dtp A tn official vUitttBtooO villa Lodge Monday evening Thorn billon Tuesday Maple on and on Friday Tbs Order it looking op in ibit Among many from To Queens fn Nowmaiket wo not led following familiar faces Mr and Geo Mor timer and Clara Chat Montgom ery Jim lodge Art Low Ed Jolly Ed Well fiharpo Fred Carl Lloyd Our DREliS lr season Wo spare no in gathering stylish goods and with the cash at our command have bought to very great advantage Our are hot loaded with old you that here not in Toronto to buy Goods at a saving We are frequently shown goods bought in Toronto at a supposed bargain that we could match exactly ONLY our is much lower Try us Our CLOTH Men and Boys is just right In no other store will you find such variety of New WcllMado Fashionable Clothing and neither in Newmarket or Toronto will you match our prices Our buying advantages give us inside track arid you profit by buying your clothing Take a look thin week at thoNice Tweed Suits that wo selling at THE A May It it believed that soo persona were killed and Injured by the which swept over portions of the stale list even The loss of property it esti mated at Mt Mich May A cyclone passed over this city this evening wrecking about 50 houses and kilting six or persona and injuring several Dm May Nine persona sure kilted and several injured in a cyclone which near ibis city at midnight The ttorm struck Valeria a small to east of here and persons were kilted Most of those killed were in the depot of Great road which was liter ally blown to pieces A houte three from Santiago wat lifted bodily from the earth car ried tome distance and thrown to the ground a shattered wreck The en tire family occupants were killed The roads are almost impatsable from debris At Scott a prom inent farmer was killed a church at wat blown down and persons were hurl The Town of Granger badly wrecked The number of farm houses wrecked be tween Valeria and is very larjte 111 May A flood devastated Galena night at the result of cloudburst Danger signals called the people from their beds and the night wat spent in to save and prop erty Water in torrents from the bluffs to the low ground with the tudden of the Galena River turned the downtown into running rivers Tow boats did ser vice on Main and Commerce streets street is a scene of de vastation The solid macadamizing of the street hat been gutted to depth often feet in many placer May The most appalling cyclone ever ex perienced in this vicinity passed three milts west of this ptace about oclock last wrecking over bams many cattle and and destroying farm machinery fences and Iree Wonder ful to relate nobody was killed or seriously injured Four unoccupied houses used as summer vanished not a piece as Urge as a mans hand to be found A cow lifted by wind and carried nearly a quarter of a mile and dropped with a broken back Whose orchards were rooted up and not a left standing Mr Alex mourns loss of his Jesuit pear orchard which wat over years old The total loss it estimated at be tween 65000 and May Mundella furni ture wat burned to the ground at midnight probably from a stroke of lightning OMAHA Neb May Advices received here yeiterday are to the effect that Indians natives of British Columbia have crossed the border Into Momma ana Dakota on their hunting trips and are running off with cattle and destroying houses No cases of Woodshed have occurred but the settler are greatly stirred and have called on the Government for protection Troops and of Cavalry located at Fort Cutter Mont been ordered to prepare for active service and will be used to force the marauding redskins lo leave the country ACRE FARM WANTED of its J County but with County a Practical Business Training 84cb lb few La In CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE la ever articular op for A bam In foi Apply to ret at I A NORTH YORK will lo ftrnpintctlMu At 1 jot L to lit lrlb May night Noble firm occupied by Gregory was by lightning and burned its con tents During the norm on Monday night a porrion of the railroad track near washed the running of the Ham ilton train from by impending has broken out In The Canea have broken all restraint and are massacring and pillaging the Christians war ships are hurrying to the scene May This morning I Mottt ton aged 5 year was drowned in a cistero at his home Mount Vernon He had been playing around some other child ren and was after a time missed Search being made a little later he wis la the dead John Terry a farmer near Instead of celebrating the Queens Birthday like other citixent spent time In a runaway wife He came down Toronto Monday and invoked the aid of Davis or the discovery of ihe woman She years he said and mother or seven child ren but had eloped a youth of named John Moore The detect ive the disconsolate to the Union Station where ft found that the couple had gone to Saginaw Mich Their trunk how ever was still at the depot and vat Immcdiitcly by the husband his intention of being of the doped to fellow the own devices J fefdrif WIR SILVER has sold during the last and still has more to soli See the LITTLE MIKADO the finest Family Trap in in the Buy one at Your Own I Aye fit inaie A- Co ff ONE CLOCK dial tar a TsVKLVi- PINE SEATS I lb thrgb Dr HOOKAS New is tho titno to Your Photo token- BEST WORK REDUCED PRICES Dont wait Dull weather dont make any Standard Life Assurance Co- S Ami 1IWC03 Children over 12 years of age Insured Females Insured without extra charge II A Kindly run your eye the lowing and see if there is rot some thing you want the price will reaorabe and as quality wo ask you to come and examine Our facilities for buying are SECOND TO Since opening here we have bought for CASH ONLY and arc can and do rive the best all around value in Newmarket Grocery Department Evaporated Peaches finest ice lb Apricots 15c lb Prunes 5 and ice Extract Vanilh bottle Prunes very fine Herring lb Sardines good quality 5c can can for Morions Preserved Bloater can Dairy Powder is Leading House FREE A Air Brush Crayon Ink Portrait With every Cash Purchase of Furniture CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN fiIILIiARD NEWMARKET to aMBAisHnra A SPECIALTY Night calls aliened to as gJlOBOli MR MOUNT ALBERT OH J 13 cans lb each for 25c only Soap bars for pickaxes for Japan Tea Rood quality Coffee lb in pail for Castro Soap bar Our Japan Tea at lb or lbs for 00 is the best value veil can find for the Boots and Shoos Ladies Mines Childrens 2nd Boys for Sprinz show Fine Value Best Quality Crockery Department in iivfliy ropece Sets for worth have some very da- signs from up Dinner Sett from 5 coup China Tea piece for Set of 4 Howls worth fur 25c you have broken tome piece your good Set come and if we cant match it as we bought a 1 lare odd lot for thai special t radio Ki a Cavatcr csj a a ItiiTiara Ot War 3iu a To nab daa- to ct lata It at THE LEADING Main and mm Roachs Pointj LakoSimcoe A JOINT r WEST 10 EAST YORK Hall At til 10 alj iti FARMERS MOflTK JiltI ISJ lT J FOR SALB- ii ii- naOojuarratli It a Let tiura t j Sti fcualMMlaSM la Sib a Hi til a tar la tour la Will a luta in- Had CORK SALK this Juno For the Ag Society l V V Vfi- i4s ii- lino fci3 lis lit J iuttr

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