Newmarket Era, 29 May 1896, p. 4

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rhtre Is no about it a w use lip raoit IMP or i UK most process And best it In world It la a twin bar for wn- vcnlcTicow Tills show Twin Bar CURED BY TAKING AVER ftfllFlcd or tight fail aw I nil IAU And I Free from rhWftij My fl of lo cut lit vcanwr THE PERFECT TEA IK fftOMTHgTf COP twi ll lb If not It CO DISC Excelsior MONTH IT IS NO PICKLE You treat with Villi si ItVC and lay them away ffl a or box LAY DOWN A SUPPLY WHCH CHEAP IXsV full IctwiOSllMS rfibut For flftlo AST A fir tor lor NESS CLEAR SKIN SHIN Complexion An Lwillx BOM AT oLTrmail Our mail brings us every day dozens of loiters about Sonic from want to buy it some from people who want to know and more from people who Jo know about it be cause ihcy have tried it and been cured One of them was from Mr J Street Toronto Read how lie writes Gen KM eh During the winter of my Uood on Account of the food J cold t And ucCcM til my efforts In vato My bo yellow my became my Jrd my tile w gortc lite days in and I tried received benefit a to try am to tin to lllO After tiding felt fifth J trJ froavtbtt to date I pleasure lit It J lesson Way aat aod thai I away bat my vordi ThGdlKbrlioI which for t of the lo of all Mtat of Iho by to for or JTeiftl If Ihtrtfora approach with a to understand If wo the and to word thill be able W avoid soma set of at more oily in lb gift flplrlt at and a or of bit pnid at and I to with trill bo by fall of all aril all and of fall will watt abd ttllt bo preached to all world fircat flml of at the lima the and If It to ice that with now vigor alAya for there it a help from a hither the Iter under of the guidance by till- Join from lit wmTK In JmI Toronto a an- hit J hat ac cepted tendered him ao opponent of In lo Mr K A from Mr Joioph Martin It much tilt ilia rort wired to ptperaln that ho It to join McCarthy Mr a tiling never lilt Til number of A Villi to a by by Indicate city A anticipated In Booth The Libera aod antiremtdlalContervatlTt have Hon John that Kid- Mr Miller a Patron will their candidate At day of election political par- lie ate mora Tub of It now Ills honor word en Iatt from Lord Aberdeen that Her had been of Br and SI George will twoHIr In Canada now other befog the Jato Pott General thin a year iho Ontario to allow ladle to practice at wet Law floctety It fa iliai Mitt hat finjihed wetting on her final and Law have lo determine whether to her a or net Tbo to before proved tech an Holt adding to of ihe will to beyond Dr aril- to idto have turned to bo iho weal venture which thatrnaa- tine baa aver Iff opining will with a young man life hit at a citi zen hit religion life and bit New City and million in one nearly thiol hundred hotter every day and at milk that ft three hun dred and 1vo million pound of in a teoKt And rturw In reality which John hit reached upon lion tad bod fed fu an article on Feeding a City Like which ha hit written for trie pottlble hierarchy of beyond the mark in Ittulog their roandenieot that Thereaction may pro a different effect from an- ticlpatlofli the that two old and with the aod to J hire that they would for him en the but that would be Orel lime they ever voted with the patty How It atlcei Mr Well the fntlcucu to vote for An We believe yea we will vela for your the French idol tbt lime- from the of and York the fa locally ft fit Mr I poet hat a bard time It finding a candidate to oppose fa Ontario The Torita eon twice have aa yet failed to In lhefljil place Cot K V bat at nomination did not of ihe party ruled It and called another muling Prom law that aaaecoUaga torned vat Ho ibrte can- Grit and had that In wbaooafict ha op to be bad patrontgt Lti noutte for had ban He yitrtpfOQ dropped all bfa being the aUtlng and threw up for job Bradford of a piper ftltct the following of a operation ihoclikint of that in I tig worthy Ho A hat our let lather r to the ho at and by hie and tongue hit an order foraavenor worth of dtye after to fifty worth of tmkeft by and unit order tOMi op at the bank In a fee of tho received have are two noted for ihrewdnertt and tho worthy Warden of ff EWMARKgT Tctllmooy Wl ft Ho In llwlth Admit tint l4rlilt ft Ho ftble There nothing in life sadder to sec ft stricken Willi para- Alive yet dead to the duties and activities that belong to life ilic paralytic until a recent period doomed to the re mainder of Ills dais in a pud helpless condition But since the discovery that wonderful medicine Riven to the noId under the of Dr Williams Pills stricken villi this incurable disease now the means of regaining health strength and activity Hun dreds in various of the who were bedridden Invalids have been rcitorcd health by this incomparable Among those who have been thus fortunately restored to activity is Mr Allan J- McfnihJ a well resident of Nine Mile Greek P I M Me- Don says In the fall I injured my back and the year succeeding suffered great piio I had no than four physicians mc at times but without any benefit the end of the year was forced to all active work and was falling into a con dition of helplessness On the doctors encased me in plaster of but it did good My limbs kept getting weaker and weaker with a I witching motion and dragged my when I tried to walk Finally I lost all power of and all jKwcr of feeling from the waist downwards and I was as helpless as a piece of wood In this half dead and halt alive condition I laid in bed for eleven months not able to help myself in the least Physically I did not suffer much but menially the of those long weary months cannot be des cribed I was at last told by the doc tors that there was no hone for me and that I was doomed to pass the remainder of diyi a helpless half lifeless piece of humanity Provi dentially soon after this I read of a case similar to mine cured by the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills It gave me new hope and my got me a supply of 1 lie pills the use of a few boxes I found that life wot slowly returning to my limbs I con tinued using the pills gradually getting stronger until now after the use of thirtytwo boxes I am able lo walk about smartly and can do light work and I feel that I am gaining new strength every day- Words cannot express the thankfulness feel at again able to go about actively through terrible ordeal and I sincerely hope itat my may hi llie means of bring ing back hope to tome sufferer Or Williams Pink Pills strike at lte driving it from the and restoring llie to health and In cases of paralysis spinal troubles locomotor ataxia sciatica rheumatism erysipe las scrofula troubles etc theie are superior in all oilier treatment They also 3 for the troubles which makes the lives of so many women a burden and speedily restore the rich glow of health to sallow cheeks Men broken down by over work worry or excess will in Pink Pills a certain cure Sold by all dealers or sent by mail postpaid at cents a box or six boxes for So by addressing the Dr William Medicine Company ville or Schenectady J J ware of imitations and substitutes alleged to be just as good James who small grocery in the post office Glasgow go by an cow one day last week Ijui fjr the prompt and plucky aid given by a by would certain ly killed The gentle man was rescued as soon as but not his face and breast were badly cut and his collar bone broken tr Outsell Wh A vis ft CUSJ stfl tt 111 j Why is ft gatepost like a said a passerby to an ant- No potato gardener the other day ply he they arc both put the ground lo propagate a Ark Our Mind OF Dr Catarrhal Powder While Protestants and Catholics are wide apart as to certain remedial just now they find common meeting ground in Dr Catarrhal Powder Take Ham ilton alone This medicine has been used by Presbyterians the and Rev John DI by Episcopalians as with the Rev If and Rev by he well known Anderson by prom inent members of the Church and by the Rev Father and many of Ms They tell Ihe of the great good this one medicine hat done The story come most prominent clergymen in Toronto and It Is unlike any catsrihal remedy simple and pleasant to and quick lo cure It will relief in ten minutes in Hay Fever Sold at ffJwy Got In the Court of General lions last to Kings too ilaryfof to sens teal convict who jiUueg m other on head It Stick of wood and cut open Henderson James Charles McDonald then put dock to be sentenced- for shoo ing for burglary and llufl Kach otic re plied when aaked that he had ingso say The judge he would not be duty If he did not a severe upon If criminals learn will severe sentence may deter them from crime Henderson and McDonald were sentenced to Kings- in for yearn and yea is A important with railroad companies is what terms shall the bicycle be transported Millions of dollars arc invested and thousands of men engaged In mating and wheels Each year It teems as If the business was overdone and yet the demand greater ever The product this year Is estimated at to 50000000 The bicycle from being used for amusement and recreation has become almost indis pensable as a means of transportation The the doctor lawyer the merchant and man of business clerks and laborers men women and children alike find the wheel a necessity It fitst traveled along at a moderate rate of speed but lately it has ihe fastest on the turf and now not satisfied with the hone it is supposed to the Iron horse not ftilow going freight train or even a mode rately fast passenger the fast- the tho State ex pi 10 lis laurels The Company are to run one of their against this famous train some lime in May The machine used be geared at inches of the pedals send It a mile best record of the train is a mile in seconds Three revolution of the pedals of the sextet a second means a distance of a mile in seconds or nearly no miles an hour The bicycle not only pro poses to beat the train but when the or his machine tired it is proposed that railroads shall the wheel free of charge The wheel Is finding a place in govcrnmenl em ploy in he mail in the police and even In the military ser vice In fact if the bicycle keeps the pace it has set a few years longer we shall be ft nation of wheels Star cranks and Wednesday May I witnessed a A The problem of the flying machine has been solved Those who read this article are reading of the fulfil ment of a worldold dream Men have thought of flying since Daedalus spread his fabled ago Perhaps before that No man has as yet really flown hut on May a machine did With that machine men will fly These are facts At not far from Washington on the day men- honed Prof Samuel P of the Smithsonian Institute sent up the model ft flying machine driven by a small steam engine The machine rose feet and flew steadily about half a mile The fuel at this point gave out the machine gently sink to ihe ground The was re- storked and a flight was made as successfully as Prof the inventor f the telephone was a wit of these flights and hem over his own signature very rcmarxab Prof aerodrome on she Potomac sliver Indeed it seemed to that the experiment was of such that it be made public The aerodrome or flying machine in question was of driven by a steam engine It re sembled an enormous bird in the air extreme regularity in large curves sweeping steadily up ward in ft in a spiral path spirals with a diameter of perhaps too yards until it reached a height of about feet in the air at the end of a course of about half a mile when the steam gave Out the propellers which had moved it slopped and then to further cur prise the whole instead of rumbling down settled as slowly and as ii is possible for any bird to do touch ing the water damage and was immediately picked out and was ready to be tried again The flying machine carries a small steam engine of one hone power The whole connivance pounds Its light steel frame work holds extended horizontally three sheets of thin canvas one above the other The length over all Is fifteen feet The engine tuna two propel Free meeting In Jas Robinsons bush midway be tween and Union com mences and continues for week A Suffer for of Mr Neil Morrison St John My daughter Mil Gregory has had rheumatism so I during the last year that she was unable to help her children or attend to her household duties Everything im aginable was tried but to no purpose I was at list recommended to gel South American Rheumatic Cute- One bottle cured daughter with in four and I take much pleasure giving recommend ation Sold at Pharmacy One day la week Mr John Pollock of Cooksown met an accident lhat a very painful one and might have been ft one He bad an old gun which hid charge standing in it for a long time rid he thought he had belter which be did with the retult that the different of the guo came sunder The barrel flew one way stock Knottier and the hammer a and in Us barrel struck him blow on ht forehead making a cut Inches long to the bone and his medical to a number of la cider to the edges cclchntlun oil Ihe Queens ray In Colli girocd to rVy C JCdwird a moirIpg irom the a kick In the abdomen by ft colt on s At Ihe KxhlbiiJon Saturday night Mr message over fifteen thousand miles wires and the waft tc- Ip four hi miles A terrible cyclone passed portions of Iowa and Illinois on Sun day night doing an immense amount nf damage Fully one hundred deaths have been It Is feared the fatality Is much larger West Tp S Association has a Convcotion it the Church Couttons Hill June A splendid program been Issued among those to Introduce topics arc ipo worker from North York Rev Amos arid Jackson The of was by Croon Monday morning The known though more houses ele vators limber etc wetc ashes The fire brigade were powerless and lireengines from Kings ton and sent to their assistance Pleven ago Joseph a of was kill cd In ft collision on the Grand Trunk Railway In Toronto His mother then began nn action for On Saturday lira obialried a verdict on appeal In her favour but Trunk gave an appeal to the Supreme Court R- of Gore Hay Man- Island killed a fine bear a few days ago had a fine fat sheep which he intended bringing to market but bruin took a fancy lo it and the consequence was a disarrangement of plana all round The bear killed the sheep and Nickel killed the bear after a big fight having finish biro up with an axe after using up all his powder Two young men from Kssa named Gartner and Harmon went to Col well last week to fish and after their horse the harness in the together with their overcoats and robe started up the stream In about an hour a boy came and in formed them that their rig was on fire They immediately returned and found the rig and its contents burned except the running gear They borrowed a set of harness and placed a board on springs and so managed ride home They have no Idea of how the fire started Chicago May A siorm of wind ihunder and lightning struck Chicago at a oclock this morning The wind at limes attained the veloci ty of a hurricane and the lightning was incessant Over an inch of water fell in less ten minutes which amounted to a cloud burst The were unable to carry off the water and as a result basemen is all over the city were flooded In the of the homes one church and ft bain were blown down and totally wrecked No fatalities reported a number of perrons in jured Trees uprooted by the score o Hot With musty You cam Six Hours I take much pleasure in slating that I have been using South Ameri can Kidney Cure and found relief within six hours after first dose taken became sick in January when I employed several of the local physi cians and was treated by the Pall of without receiving much benefit then began using South American Kidney Cure and have found great benefit and am at- merit if not quite Have not been taking any of the medicine for seven weeks and feel as well as ever Mrs A Young PQ For sale at Pharmacy Treasure of the Shah Of all the sovereigns in the world the Shah of Persia Is said to possess the largest treasure in jewels and gold or naments It being valued at The chief object of value is ihe old crown of Persian rulers in the form of a pot of flowers which is sur mounted by an uncut ruby the aire of a hens eg The diamonds in an other of his rank are laid to weigh almost twenty pounds There Is fttso a jeweled sabre valued at Another thing that the Shah prats is a silver ornamen ted emeralds whose equals it Is said sic not to be found in the world In the collection there is a Cube of amber which tradition says Veil from in the days of Ma homet and insures the possessor bodily haras The other day near Orillia a young fellow whose father had died ft short lime ago and left him a farm and implements decided like many other foolish that farming was loo hard and lhat anyway he was just cut out for busi ness that It town business forget ting that it takes as much real busi ness to properly conduct a firm as other calling the catalogue He accordingly sold the land and putting the proceeds In his pocket he bought a and suited out to conquer the world feeling it in his bones he was a Napoleon of finance was the first place and when it became known lhat a greeny with a pocketful of good Canadiin money was in seeking a channel in which to he was soon surrounded by a bevy of shirks who held out every seductive offer Imaginable to Induce him to part hit filthy Nearly busi ness man in town suddenly wanted a partner and invitations out tea poured in fail and to Mr Greeny about this time a birper from who bad of what was going on In OriUia telegraphed hire to come im mediately holding out inducements fca paper the verdant youth it impossible to resist and he took the first train out of the town chances tie that tie this lime proceeds of that farm has changed Children for it the the of live till the of penury or re- fineraent or of or est of arc not cot jfrhspj til of them arc and Salle And ftUfjp rony of ICQ lu and hit nfl about their dI Impure it lUfif and fee man of con- the other Ilia that of til the one Vtry It thtoojb other aod at dyjMpilt and bid Wood all at It la a in It cornel on cover of a y- It Is the all diseased but It can be cured If It It will care all the that lead to not to care con of it a fttexc at which fi Incurable If you cents lo and duty will lend freo that exactly whit Jsmi I for Wash J For an Pot and whitest V Rest for Every Day For every use about the house Surprise works best and cheapest v try Jill SII do what It la liundredsofexwi Worlds At- Buffalo V I MONEY TO LOAN DAVID LLOYD for Ileal K4U14 CooTtFstrtf of Mil ifa Qooes or fttyica tor AwciiIoti Toronto Singing and Violin Teacher all Voice Votooft Tented lAtl4 Met It Willi Tin j i a ijv TororJoO tot In order of called rsrf II tfo Goal FOR SALE VA li NOTICE MR J A HAS of ftctt or col ftitcf MR it Ia IK HOUSES WANTED 1IJIK will Draft and Horses Will at fftOlt to Bon ftuaHarU wwM- r A Have you tried our Special Brand of Flour Daumlcu for bread While Crown for pastry These are leaden others proved by the demand Increasing daily Car load Windsor Salt to arrive this week Beit only pure id on the Market Suitable for all purposes SOW Newmarket Laimdiy EVERYTHING IN GOODWORKING ORDER Homo Wagon call for and delivers all Aurora Call Tuesday and deliver Thursday Bradford Call Wdnccday and deliver Friday EMBURY Proprietor Curtains done up equal to new Special for family Fire Fire TO TUB FARMERS OF YORK COUNTY Mutual Fire youratroaz on ibis A COMPANY to rirct sgtnt or Toronto J a to Herein GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY P i a to 1 S 19 a CO CO Si- 1 to fc 1 I w a J J a 01 FCOC S8U1 a BALK OH TO TO LET North to A CODY Eur Oat it Jr to PASTURE TO RENT CASE fa FACTO ft i r For Sale ts It is a DEAD sure fact that Laundry Go Do Good Work and do not Break Collars in Turning as as and it lake your work Saturday A order Kill convince you our ork is superior to any other Town of market of for it AlllitbflQrcf 1st All ID to liAVIOUXYO ftjJHIUFflCrUBIHO I OP NEWMARKET TRY OUR PAILS TUBS Building Material PAIRS i Id ccsrKtloa fit let Wo Live of ill In All JUfiHic lib Ctitiir HOUSE A1ID STORE TO LET LU rOQKTlIEJlcr TWO TOWN LOTS la yictcfj for to crier I fin iLi I J Mr to THE BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES WW tjl Mtie4 flunlomtiCl and It IcsiiCdiJI laLllo to tfilcUjiiUiio into fro All boal4 prepare- Wwatft Wo will ft llo try pit Call sri it TOE CAME SONS MFG CO Ltd NEWMARKET Miss FASHIONABLE DRESS AND MANTLE MAKER ft Leo Ayr a JA tL LVflU It totuwr ft IrfJoa fciltf lQ I lot UUMti Coma 1 Mrs School English French and Music TOOLE Remember I they are priceless Slake care of them no one will lake are you if you jSpeclacl or any to in lliii line cither In it- or price If any kind done sec what and can at the 0Tcc before order pro- terms you BUSINESS COLLEGE Win of Soul I 7 FOR YEARS BAKING BEST FRIEND IN CANADA UCOy FOR SALE EyeGlasses call on us and gel sour prices ATKINSON Jeweler and Optician Main St Newmarket i art la IK t IV9KIS lOKJlK MONUMENTS and STONES South End Tannery TO IlCKTO I A iV A J iit it Br I I a vj j 1

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