Newmarket Era, 12 Jun 1896, p. 2

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v NEWMARKET ERA JUNE ft A Co Dolt- ST Charon Cemetery At BURROWS AH WJril la aU Howe aoitaa aunaa BOO Our Toronto to lb Mr of of for a trip Ml Mr hi of flange curbing In found Hon Mil jtk If aiuy Hall A for grand mar lucrum ok at Holy away by It thought who gird of for Intfetd of Wot ballot I Hit of lh Inui lender bit ininy of A lo ko9nndmoiblgbty- In ftwfcy kit In of Win who for bid AH who bid will 4cf6 to Monday dry tor only on of Chi flro livid la io flr of It Id city on Hon- of Church opened will for gel up 4 Tapper to MA 1 posed tiling pipr Hi to do by met Monday til fa ftj Ik sees to BUI tor ro lull of To Richmond tbgToDibfpof for nonpayment beep J Of sent following to tbt tod bo not tltfi Mr P 4i Clerk for York It to North York to some of for torn of poli tic of city appeal ill going in party In West Toron to K tod Mr A it In- dcpondcnl for but Mr row Topper It c and WU fa fletd looltd foot think their fbincct good Tin Is making for Political In Men lui pitiil to wn tho project of in position that city If city ROM will port all bat not o shall prob ably learn Is not Vi Manitoba loitot agent at Toronto I Boot this week from avfaogtd for m- to Ms I lota from that will from a farming a dates for as follows Juno Joly of lbs of Toron to r d to confer of on Mr has wot In Jilt at member of Is taken to Mr Mr My All man loyal to In will also that Will dUiilrooi to The Next wttl be throughout the Dominion Dur ing Hie ten a en hvc been wide in poll In tit been nomination while in hayc withdrawn leading doting up it now to will not be ncaj io numerous as was expected a month for the veiy doubtful honor of being dtp tented in the will have its deterring influence and alter the phase of tbt con test w the earlier of the campaign the day of trial approaches however indicating we mote than apparent that the breach between the remedial and Conservatives becoming widef and more on tho other the Op position to the Government appears to be gaining in atrfngth ancfdUy coming more In under Sir John A in the leforc the country and hut not to day Sioic the election of hat fad premier Thompson and per The wo former are dud Bowel his been knifed to way for the now leading the remedial wing of the he has been the chtef cause of The last Parliament was the most chequered of any since Confederation and the session of tbit Parliament practically led by the present Premier of coercion stands in the history of this Iryasa record breaker in thwarting populsr sentiment by debauching peopled with of office and of those stood up manfully for civil and provincial rightg guaranteed by the constitution a result several leading Conservatives in that throughout Dominion have decided not to sup port the present lion add will vote against their power as advisers of Lord Aberdeen at Ottawa It if pretty generally admitted that Hon Mr Hurler will more than hold bis own fo while Ontario and the other Province will give against the of SbiCqoty and tbtr ao to This Is MX and pt at or ttsmUrs mors a card Hit A broom aftar Hit lbs Corner would awtop Of bat as to that warm their for wia patriot Hon Mr and now most thai will If this Is Govern Will dooml on Mr will ttaxt Is of fifth of lbs death of lata John A grave of lata Con fn was In ad dition to a arranged wreath on of yellow roses Plots latdoo thagravoby Uaodooild of Klneilon Ottawa and Young Consena of President of Klogst04 was was also present on the occasion prints fob towing in black type are and Hero Is docu To May it ptaaso and agents of are hawking about the com try an grsailng over of dollar to or CO railway Is this genuine docu ment you Order in- Parliament dftsolvcd and a rfghi to yon shall not to pro- foods for a political art for work yon do in not thai should bold to re you pro- Treat or oj allowing palillo credit to to to of a of deiperate arc under natural of slftbtt of people sci to know if your and if of the baa approval folly fat to an- aver will bat delivery of bis addicts at London last week Hon Ur all ml to tittxeS by Premier afur Ha Topper produced shortly bis Cabinet bad lit of tho great prosperity of depend polos of view tba of Cauda pstlon of Com- vhtn he In Lis salary of and when ha bad at Ottawa who ha was of his cot that I to say ha void of ability was reviving Sr Topper said most to prosparooa of Canada Topper faintly they moatbeptosptfOfe When ho was to- that he bi4 ton Mr Tapper an able lawyer I admit a salary of from ot be ha Js lather and when Hit thai bad 4 who 1 stpertnUoduU of at KUgiloo with of a Chirks Topper bad good can do so well for family toy and my without and aunts uatt la a prosperous there afternoon He were tilling a ttpilud ill cued feisty Vr P It of town ester Jay Wed id ay Ifrt mother of Oliver Is hero on visit fit of Holt la friends town wkt of Toronto beta on a visit lire Mr Prsd of Toronto In Town last catling on Mends Cent accompanied Wardens last Mr waa here on a with his mother Mr Peregrine and sitter of visiting at last and of wort friends here of week cot week from and other places she spent lbs winter Mrs Lyons of has mother Mrs It J Mills Mrs of Norwood Is beta on a visit with ton for or Mr of Tort brother of lata John Cook by Ills hero Sunday on amount ot tha death of Cook at of at flotton on formally attended Newmarket High School Mr Cook who la working on Mrs Tasks bonding In a la Grout match at Aurora last and recoiled a very cat on his fort head Mr had an at last wat boors homo from White owing to Mr A J Dsllry who went to Will famaport months ago got Ms course and hat aoepM a situation with Wood Co- by that Mr PO of list his final sw nation for both barrister and solicitor Wt join tits many friends him wherever ha may Qotto a of In this to attend Conference the Christian Church at neat week It will history of church fn which covers of In Toronto reporting tht Met an Pupils concert has following regirdlng4 Hew- market yooug lady The was by in and Chopins Vslsop Theeowero given ao doubt that fiat gool natural muilcat attrJbutti and that ait being at nets last the landing end In a tic each learn a goal Sharon team composed of men they played the The ball oclock end A from the South and the Worth goal The Sharon team kick ing In Ibli direction but they to nuke a goil when the up When both learnt commenced faying the landing team tcklng with the In they made a Sharon team made the goal through a foul and ft not be counted ISut ate to them another go whenever they like to name the day and bring league team which they aay they had last Saturday Mr Fred Mourning waa hurt at the match Saturday Wo he It Improving MIii Annie been the aaidtant teacher at the pub lic school five re turned home Saturday evening The lawn of Ihe Sunday School fail rather a failure owing to the rain which no doubt prevented a many from attending One of the norma known for yeara the tillage Sundny about noon Hall atone at large aa fell every aone the North and ly the fall wheal and alio fault This norm was followed by norm at four oclock a the afternoon the rain coming down aweepIngewiylbingUforeit carrying bridge aldewalVa alto the tali- in several which Hopped traffic on the road until Monday night when thty conatructed a road allowing to pan It will the corporation sever al hundred dollar owing to the dam age a are completely carried away The Reeve la attending County Council this week Great demand for window this week The Royal having about replaced owing to the atorm Sunday Mr bat engaged for the Summer with Mr of Weal Mr and family of Newmarket spent last at hit fathers Wild strawberries are being gather ed raspberries soon be along washing and shearing now There was a targe turnout to wit ness the baptism on Sunday but the water was so muddy caused by the heavy rain that it postponed till neat Sunday crowded out till our next -44- an and over VIVIAN point to supply of potato bugs hoppers Mrs J rckson of Toronto is viiiiing her parents Mr and Mrs McCor- mack The Jaunting Car has been laid on the shelf and William now sports a fine jtiv buggy which a fine turnout of our young sports took in the football match In on Saturday and course in their put up an elegant At Convention in May caused by the resignation of Mr Graham our worthy Mr A was unanimously as the candidate to Mr Reform representative Mr Mo has a large tnajniiy to re duce but as he pcjpular throughout the Township his many friends are hopeful of his success in the approaching elections Mr Joel Woodcock of is foreman of the sawmil here A great many of our men are already preparing lo fulfill the order of Colonel Button tobe ready for drill on the of June Young ratn should take great pride and in terest in undertakings as it is an indirect way of serving this glori ous Dominion Staining a persons character is a very seri jus offence and it would be safer for people who have had their onion beds on to keep mum until sure of the guilty parties A great many of our young people have been in habit the League held at Thursday evenings and for which they hive had great reaped But why they were slighted their late gathering a great many would like to know they as a League are going to manifest their charitableness in this way they will find their meet ings greatly diminish in numbers from direction at least Campaigning cartoons decorate the different around here Mr Mspes of has been sentenced days imprisonment for brutally his wife The passed quietly here except for a few debasing fistic ex hibitions from men under the In fluence of liquor If those people have 00 regard for should the place and I think it la time these were stopped They would bad enough for but In civilized they are ahameful It too bad has to said cruelty to animals but Ihelr Is a certain party not from hero a FUN FACTS AND FICTION FROM Dont expect any of our usual passages this week a gloom hat been cast over this neighborhood truly said Death is no re- of persons young and aged all must go when the pale horse and its rider passes On Saturday afternoon bright liltle aged and o years tons of Mis John Morton of Baldwin and grandsons of John Morton Km of North came to their death without warning After persistent coaxing their mother yielded consent to their spending the afternoon with some neighboring children An hour later she received allocking intelligence thai her darling babes were drowned They and their companions had gone to Heists pond and unconsciously chose tbe most dangerous spot for their bath where the deep current in close to the bank The young er getting beyond his depth his bro ther fearlessly rushed to his aid and both at once sank to a grave in sight of their horrorstricken com panions who at once went Sox assist ance As soon as the situation was made known help was at hand Af ter ihrce hours diligent search the bodies were recovered by Mr Yates but loo late for any possible hope for restoration of life the vital bad The lamentations of the distracted sisters and the but none the less poignant grief of the bereaved mother who is prostrated by the shock were hard to witness a Rachel weeping lor her lost children and would not be com forted because V are not our honored M P was received by a great throng at Baldwin on Tuesday evening of last week All seemed satisfied with his address and ex posure of the Government trickery He accounted for his stewardship an address of three hours to a house crowded to hun dreds outside unable to gain admis sion A large attendance of ladies who had decorated the church with bouquets highly gratified Mr Mulock A little Miss also presented with a hand some bouquet The hearty hand shaking and cordiality of our member betokens his confidence of success Unlike a certain member of yeaisago who used to kiss and their mamas too sometimes our respected member dont use that kind of toft solder but trusts to peoples good sense Meeting doted at by God Save the Queen Mr Geo dug out a of young foxes some time ago They quite tame- The lilrle rascals will lake French leave some and decamp Fruit tree agents are scouring this section for orders making promises that will never ba fulfilled Mr Jos Lang our local agent it a trustworthy man Try Baldwin path- master very selfish as he will not al low to speed their trotters on his beat Just as if he could them I I guess Id trot if I bad a fast nag and let the stop me if he could A leading Conservative of North Gsillicobury who never works unless theres boodle in the wind ha got a mote to I guess theres seme of the stuff somewhere Bui can be say for party What have they done for the coun trys good Oh yea I Passed lha Remedial Bill Yes and smothered the at coon it was bora Ripe wild strawberries were found on the Owls ranch on June Early eh Mr Thos Vales hat built a foun dation eight feet high for a new planing mill with sash and door fac tory This week he goes to Brock Township to complete a contract for cutting lumber there Rev Mr Black and nee Mtii arrived at her mothers John Morton Monday A toeing white Baldwin km the guct of Mr Vm a Grit to gritty he rxbcvct the Obis perfectly part of North York are great of Mr Jock and Interest greatly In Ms He should be proud Oh the in on election day will swarm to the polls end mark their ballots X So yours truly The hear Saturday and Sunday did much goods Bui the Saturday did conttderablo North of the and knocking grain and fruit A occurred on afternoon Two liuloboyi of Mi John Motion of thl were bitMng In the mill dam One beyond depth and the other to brother Ml both were drowned Fortunately there two them who nut the and located the The being In extent It would have to found the hid not been done- Willing hinds wcie given AgiappllnghooV wai by the aid of a obtained from the mill near by and after teaching for about two hour one of the brought to the surface At point the water very and this hindered the touchers to a While waiting on the bank for bodies of her to be brought to II4M Mia Morton and had to be taken amy from the The funeral icrrnon was preached On Sunday afternoon in Keswick Christian Churchy and despite the unsettled condition of the weather the crowded to Us utmost capacity There were two coffins being covered with wreaths of flowed The bereaved family the heartfelt sympathy of the rounding community The sudden shock had such an effect on the mother that she unable attend the burial service Mm- Rogers and daughter and Mrs of Jtoyd- relumed home this week after spending a day at Mr Con delivered a grand ad dress at the on Sunday evening This society hold ing a social on Monday evening on Mr I Mortons lawn Mrt Wilder of Is visiting at Mr Draper Mr Jos Connolly has his at the like completed The have commenced spoiling the roads There is quite lot of excitement election now Mr Stungc is to a meeting in Morton Park on Monday next Mr a targe meeting in Keswick Wednesday night The new blacksmith Mr Js1ie Is a We hear of no sheep being kilted by dogs as yet It is to hoped all the bad been killed- Mr of King spent a few days with Ms Mr Draper He was en route for on a wheel Several cases of whooping cough have been reported in this burg and surrounding neighborhood We see insny bicyclist both lidica and gentlemen passing through the village daily The excellent roads in this locality afford great pleasure to the wheelmen The fresh gravel bothers some Considerable ii aroused by forming of a lacrosse club here A grand union of public schools in the neighboring townships is to be held on Friday of this week at Patrons Editor York Co of dfiiiroaa by North for in I to fir will del of Dr not hat cut to I May It In my your is a platform at aoUd with rnyielr Jo to mat ters platform I am la favor of of CoDCwtta actual Parity of of Rigid fifmpUficaibo of lit latf general of moot Unci will Jt It Tariff for only as to fall as far as leu- wtu tot of labor of from at J which of Prcpaiattoaof acid Pro by at dots Iq of of to oxibty for municipal In ibaprlcolpla by potlattoa i dlasallceiloa of as ll a of teg aid lfarcJitcblxfAlr from aiatttl to tht oooctlloa or redaction of lbs of Iht ftbollttooof fit raalaUoaftoo and rigid thai no raoDty bj SberciiibaSia not Interttl abolition of lit of and x foe military With repaid to fco glad to sot lbs Sbteipwid with I ara at voold of a I am of to Ufa nd properly In Mo ana to girl eg tbal and I ury Id order to of Any economy have very attrooa upon sht of Sbt It cry many and that to tod Pol obliged to Sbt Cicada and States for prcroDtfto of orient smuggling of IdV country and generally loaccort respect for Brit lib latta shown that KathtHag from all parts of world vFslbta sign of offers upon all With regard to Royal Col- legtat fa that tbo ParHiuntnt had In lit of Ibis two purely at a for imparting IS hat largtly an ordinary Io Sown ibtCoo Act Is assign to Pro- It no pail of the Id my opinion ordinary fo on than oot and taking an fn to upon In of baa of thai ill can of College at a trifling In frith military Canada I at all influence In order to reformation of the on irdicaVyl With regard limit of anneal militia fear that for anotof lha aa static at tbo I am of opinion thai too void by Parliament tw th militia of Canada It wA op by of armlet known ai in thai tilllt of spent In battalions from tot with aobatantial than one lb Jo fact nearly of tha anneal militia being aborted by permanent corps tbt official data vho aro paid high for to gnat InJQttle with country and in order to pat ao e- 1 to this it will bo to a Into tho rnilitla aa to to their from voted for tbt of She militia of Canada regard to Sbt toattanublpcompanica and Is not think Jo- Ureal to loch a hot that etch mutt on fa That io patt a of fobltc money watted aid ai beyond any doait and an- other a for 0C4 may bo think Ilia fa onnoi- loaded that tbe of ijUm lwm tog a to doty of tore iluo to re of j partly in lit Wxhi lo attach- So In Great Britain I am of tbt ayataoa of in all of aa a sols a most abU etc I no vhy inch an oootince in oiocllon with lha of Com- mfuloer aifavtodmyuU and Toted on Shan est Parliament In like manner I of opinion that a oooromy lo in to tht coat of at Sana art too many Cabinet Ufa think One of of your platform has appointment of County bat this a fOuttoo Id Do minion has to mature prCnmSp do tot mttoeifrus an opinion on that point I bailed with of Palrouof Into she of It a mcl party ll man from and frw to In pahUa by of man ilea list federal were with a particular Shay to an opinion or shood to of acta of their so wool J thou to that by cry of not by rally l all the- pre sympathy the party lit of bait an the of to aupOlt iLcrtiw of Tito of men themielfts as indent largely to she Pattocacf Idcatry Id Us work of of patty Order flagged VfttMK I I 3 iJ fc I Our Wo no pains in gathering goods with our command have bought to very Our not loaded with old and a look will you that here not In Toronto to buy Goods at a We frequently shown bought in Toronto at a bargain that wo could match exactly ONLY our ia much lower Try Our find such variety of Now Clothing and neither in Newmarket or Toronto will you match our prices Our buying advantage the track and you by buying your clothing here Tako a look week at tho Nico Tweed Suits 1 thatwo aro at 476 GO vifjypav Hi the Shah of waa formally en throned at on Monday A8PEQIAL8ES8ION 1eou h lo i4tni at lb T Par to with MatDbt IS- A will yw nil Adore SI CfrrOarrdfe Eons WANTED ay crop Clove Hay a Hay Also to Rent Storehouse occupied by Cower JOSEPH MILLARD ttM oat Or RostMi Ulb6 OffftfcrTtc-ia- FOR SALE I HALL K wVsiawaai xaxx Kerch fcalf Wait tail I AHtutwi tiii i Chr aVVtfi It cat ac4 dM 1J of Leading Furniture AMD Undertaking House PHAniriflovD A LifeSize Air Brush Crayon Ink Portrait With every Cash Purchase of Furniture CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN Of it JOHN NEWMARKET A SPECIALTY 8UI- at radio lit Mr- To- Altar iba tfliii iJo I f So a Jttt It filter Mr- JlLo yoJtjMdoiftr lit Confer aTUiTkiiAtttaMiectrw Han J to atajTtijr JiKrME jcitredlr hi A Ur Actan to to Tomb cat tit Jifa I fa ISXL J Mil jrt Successor to JAMES KELMAN Mr Kelmana interest in the Drug former on by that gentleman I much pleasure in informing the public of Newmarket and vicinity that it it ray intention to keep io the Purest Chemical Perfumes c c Prescription compounded with the greatest accuracy despatch and cleanliness A of the public patronage respectfully farturct ttki to t4 I J a a JAPANESE JUCKWHEAT- 1fctA rofciUt fi tub it t tfcl Tacatca it aat a kite flctt itl TJtK CO Kindly inn your eye towing and fee if is thing you want the price js you 10 come and Our for buying are TO Since for CASH uiisfitd all around value in Grocery Department Evaporated Peaches finest ice lb Apricots 15c lb Prunes 5 and tec Extract Vanilla bonis French Prunes very tec Boxes Herring for a Cooking Figs It- Saidiret good quality 5c Sudines in Mustard tec Mortons Preserved an Dairy Cream Raking a cans 1 lb each for 25c Sunlight Soap only c Soap bars for Mince Meat a packages for Japan Tea quality ace Coffee lb in pail for JS Soap lit Our Japan Tea at lb Hi for is the Lest value you can find for the price Boots and Shoes Indies Misses ChiUitna Hoy a for will t a ra Fine Value and Quality J All dia Mill T OOAt AGENTS Watfctf4t ANTED Co GARDEN PARTY ititf0oV9UtifHtaruc4rcf tit i Ire Wit sc MI Reserve this Owe Jund For Society YO THE ity jay See our piece To let fcr with alio have very handsome de signs from up Dinner Ken China Tea Set Set is a se lf you la some price your Toilet if we cant it as we a odd lot fot that special A I H TUB LEADING AitsfAy AVi TO FARMERS- defied axtig It Sharon Methodist League tt Friday Evening Juno 19th lis fire A J lilt Ho utuLiUtciaiu Ait TO WAR sacjt bra DAVID LLOYD if BEST RED CAP AND BLUE ItlBBON BINDER TWINE I OH lull rss Roachs Point Lake 0 ill lii t lit 4i Ik UiiuvU lit a tft Li Now is time to have Your takea REDUCED Dont wait I Dull weather dont make any difference OK ED FOR SAIR Jim J- t4 Art

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