Lj H m 9 r NEWMARKET ERA JULY Dinfoid A Co Co II Volcii J Wasted Trotter A Trotter Cow Click Hot to stray Win li I ion Millard for AMD WITH EACH Ex Printed nil at JULY 3 Our Toronto Despatch lift la lift Toronto to lh rebellion fa an pproprliUC6Ttmooy on hi Honor 1 I IS of of before slaJf and wk JUjtIi Ktcg la VlUtg Jaci mi of ftcUtgtorMUall of Monday on of mono H Hit reminded ft it holding with Hon Mr Jo fibrin Ontario to bo on the Ucnlof with Mr bit either J for Worth York or Mr UU for trill bo tktd to join Dominion throughout the City loo took In ill Win left for an KIoh up tod oofumlUcd to AHo Jobn of tbt Junction for look op Pigg citato on TO fclyt Mr- wodidtUi a of Km I York in that and a Can- on last by a Tin daring i on now com trading a Cabinet for Hon Wilfred Of lhafrttnUMtcot for In Mr majority Tapper Mr tad who Hon of of Hi toVtcno Mutt an at a oopyi blob It well adapted for tba pu rpoio It It olroaTtlloo In film- coo Mr Jott depot- Mr WWr old lint to bury In tbt Mr John Moore was Injured in the leg and by one of horse but It IrnprovJog garden parly hit Friday night Music by Band wit abundant over PIKE ORCHARD There a large turn out Sunday afternoon at the church to hear the of Mcsiri A Yule E York of Aurora Everyone well Mr remote wa Mr WWdlficM Sunday A number of people from vicinity attended a gathering at the residence of Mr M Homer on day evening it being the of a farewell to Mii Nugent who made the recipient of a of Poems Several present made short addresses expressing their appreciation of Mill work both in and school OAK RIDGES w Cropa arc looking Haying ht tnd Judging by the color of ihc It will not be long before the ft miliar click of Ihc binder ft heard Our It up a net binder he nil make hum noir Mr Geo Campbell has gone wiih the to their annual drill it Long Branch Mr John purchased a fine at the sale the late St George Mr- Webb our young smithy attended a Garden Party at Holland Landing last He says it out of Miss P teacher at Belle Ewatt Is spending her vacation at her fathers Mr Electron talk has resumed Its old rut and every person patiently look ing forward to better times Mr J Sutherland Is spending a few days visiting friends in Bradford this week People would like to know when the church here is going to have their Garden SHARON Is anybody to In now Ontario Ctltlntl our own J lis Ms ability on the door of on vartooi as as on the political and his moral violet Worth favored lis would to returned accla mation to The Ottawa Charles Toppers organ at the Capital this week denies that there ia any consti tutional obligation upon the Govern ment to resign before the meeting of It says The Gov- eminent Is not compelled lo cease the adrointllration until it has formal notice that is has lost the con- of Parliament Evidently our fails to comprehend the situation The truth the Topper Government never enjoyed the confidence of Parliament or the couotiy and therefore could not lose what they never possessed Under the circumstance the determination on the part of a moribund to take within reach only presents another phase of Sir Charles Toppers for public decency Possibly it may be true that with His Excellency permission the existing discredited Ministry may continue to office till Parliament gives its members a walkingticket tut the propriety of waiting to he shown the door after being told their room is better than their company may possibly be a view of the situation our not considered when penning the article in question dealing with constitutional obligations A vacancy was created in the Senate only on Monday last by the demise of Senator Reed and although all through the past year nearly a vacancies in that body remained un filled until about the time Parliament assembled but now so desirous is Sir Charley to for friends who are clamoring for place and position that a successor it is said will be named for the Senators seat at once If an ap is made it cannot be cancelled by the incoming Govern ment of Mr unless the appointee has not taken his seat Apart from the constitutional phase of the question altogether therefore with a Senate entirely Conservative such a procedure on the part of the Cabinet will not do them any credit and will be furnishing a precedent the Conservative party may yet have cause to egret Parliament is sum moned for the middle of the month then it will be exit Sir Charles whether he wants to or not but ii would have been more graceful had he the countrys mandate and stepped down and out of his own accord Hut Canadas great I Am loves office dearly and every day holds on to his position it puts do- in the pockets of himself and ft it hence the argument constitutional obligations It stated during cam In Wots York thai candidate Mr Plait was out on a petition signed by iho of voting Indicate that cither York petitioner did not play fair with PJall or have boon a of of naslta on totillon Hid ivinn cannot In car any and I Montague liavo the of freight on hi frOtnOUana tack l- too cant car for rclghtlog household any more will be a for tlio of tho at flrat but get do lion again to trtnury la aamplo of what country will do a is held under Liberal aoaplct AURORA A of farmers in the south end of King froit on Tuesday morning Coin on low ground was nipped Quite an army of visitors from the United Sates came to record their votes and have returned to enjoy the prosperity of Uncle Sain J A of the Office secured and mire in the bicycle race at on the 1st He would have captured jstwiih ease hut torn of wheels and riders in which fie ioi severe cum In his hands and face He lost by lets than afoot Day was suitably eel hero with games etc pasted off pleasantly Alfred Robinson I- US passed on Ihurcday of week after fa long and painful illness from cancer lie was respected by all Ili on Mr Iloakc formerly of place but now of Toronto and J P Hull of Toronto pi Toronto Industrial now known us Great Per Is an to which almost every Canadian looks forward with jtaiutabto anticipation It Is to year of Augost to of and a live on and agreed to their on the grounds from Thursday 3rd till closoof the week wilt now ho as good Any one a cony of Prize Ilst can obtain by dropping a post card to Mr If J lllll Manager Toronto A great program of Inttrcatlog attractions ia promised viy two vIjc and Mr A of lift Toronto under loatruclionc of the On tario Government for a two months tour of exploration in lbs gold region of Ontario of trip will bo properly of Ontario Bureau of miner The country between tba Metes rca and Minnesota the Koine region between and P ft Mini and Wall river territory north of Woode Will gone The new and the iron deposit on the Mat- tawln river Port Arthur and Hallway will also explored Souk little has taken place of Mloletcrtt alter Liberals accept Mr J J P for Weal Ontario who was by a In to tho of There no now and the was raffed whether could go back for re eloclioD before we lo his for an election to the Clerk of the The provides now that If a vacancy from death or of before the of the then any two can Iuuq a warrant to Clerk of the Crown for election Aa regards aouio other raised aboos reelection rntrn- II fa an fact that moment it and Csbinel accept oCce they moil bo re elected foreheycan eiilnlhe They would have the writs lamed moment accept and the would held at the date If lie oro by there would be lime ecoojfb for them to get back to the Home by the of July his Mr arc visit- friends litre The latter has an invalid fur years A number of the young men were away drilling In Guards at Toronto Junction which it very around here Mrs Wallace and little hoy of arc visiting at IV ioolcs for a few days Mist K Lemon of is living at Wesley Tooles for a time The Sunday School and day school had a picnic at Mustctrnana Lake on Monday which was a decided and everyone went home well sattificd with days outing and jxilato bugs there will be very little of any thing left around here Mrs Hopper was a few days with her daughter Mrs I Carman last Miss Grose of was visiting at Mr John Millers on Sun day Mr and Mrs John Moorehead of were visiting at Mr John one day last week What some would like know Who the biggest crank in the neigh borhood is Why the young men cant kick football without On Monday of last week Miis Lillian only daughter of Hannah and the late Israel pasted away at of years She was attacked with paralysis when a child became blind and ever has ken subject fits from which she lias a sufferer The funeral on Wednesday was con ducted by Rev Mr Little On Thursday another death oc curred In the person of Mrs relict of the late McCarty at the residence of daughter Mrs- Rodney Mr Herbert Lundy Almonte Mr Mrs Miller Mrs and Mr and family of Siouffville have visitors here this week and last Mrs Driver is away friends for a few weeks was kicked in chest by one of his horses which laid him off a day or two sidewalks are being laid down and they arc badly needed We trust none of the grant will he with held this year on the score of to called economy Mr Mary Richardson of spent a few days neck lit Mr Joseph Glovers The hooping cough liquitcfathlon able in our neighborhood Miis Mary Glover Sunday at the lake visiting friends Mrs Moulds Edna Ing of Albert spending her vacation with her A number from here attended the Garden Fatly at Mt Picas am week report a good time Mr Dunn of Albert was here la it week moving a barn for Mr Mahoney Mrs Martin Rose visiting Morion of Gum last Mr Joseph Clover Is kept busy now attending to hit tin A number from here are thinking of taking in the Keswick excursion lo on the July On Monday evening last the Lib erals of the pail of the banner Township of King gave their member- elect Mr a gtand demonstration here The electors towards evening gathered in large numbers at and as the rhades drew on a procession was headed by the Schorn- berg brass band in their drawn by six horses Mr Stephen Arrnitagc handling the ribbons Then followed a hand driven by MrViss Dennis the carriage con taining elect alto Capt Arm- strong and Reeve Norman The procession was decorated wilh flans and Arriving at berg it was found the entire village was Public were dec orated Chinese lanterns and was general rejoicing Halting at Harris Hotel Capt Armstrong was appointed Master of Ceremonies Speeches were made from the hotel balcony and a complimentary address presented to Mr Mulock to which he replied at length It was a grand demonstration KtTlTLKHY The Indies of the Strange felt sure of the success of their candi date that they got a very largo flag and had it hung out early in the morning of election day Constable Robin- son had to inform litem that was against the rules to show any demon- HOLLAND LANDING this week after the excitement last week elec tion and garden parlies everyone was busy The Methodist and Chinch maiden parties cleared about each and both were well attended Mrs Smith and daughter of were the guests of Mrs Lloyd a few weeks Mrs M J Parsons of North Hay is visiting at Miss Parsons Miss Mabel Rood this week for Toronto where she is visiting her sister Mis J Mann Mr and Mis McAfee and daughter were visiiing at Mis Roods one day last week Mrs Wm Lane who has been seriously ill the week we are pleased to hear is some better Miss who has been timing with Mrs Shields returned home to Saturday Many of the members of the lip- worth were very much disap pointed on the evening of the Metho dist garden party when Miss Annie of Richmond frill did not appear to take part in the program as promised Several improvements are being made on Spruce Farm residence Miss Luck and Tate are visiting in the city Mis of Toronto is visit- ling at her fathers Mr Mr Stephenson spent Tues day last with friends in the Scotch Settlement Stanley of West Gwillim- bury spent the The pasted off rather quiet A and others at Newmarket and Aurora celebration Mr Geo and Miss of Bradford spent Sunday last with Mr John Mr Murray Newmarket had a valuable cow killed at crossing by the cars last Saturday Spring crops ate lo king well in this vicinity Kail wheat will he very fair Day rather short on account the dry season Mr and wife of To ronto paid a flying visit to his parents where he has not been for years I le is the guest Cassy and Alien- SCHOOL REPORTS or on or JVM Four boys were drowned at Boston Monday afternoon 15l A boiler at ton Tex killed people and injured a fourth The fire yearold son of Capt Win Fee was drowned in Ihe at on Day Margaret the youngest daugh ter of Mr of borne fell into a cittern at Lake pott on Tuesday evening and was June On Friday afternoon Watson a jean whose home Is at met with ui accident which may prove fatal He was doing stable labour when the team he was away He was thrown out of the Magna on a pile atones Hi was was to it General and Marine Ik last lime of Saturday Night Mack rovlaw of recant election Campaign tliody real tbla election tbesat bishops will navor with as tba and ab- cat atnia fh tual cltlt to conviction political Itsna and It la no to tor ion who in patty same Political gal their from iitty and itroclioui to a to bla I Civil raptoCcal nation or will walk plank with a Parliament who accept the hate or will I tun that a government con veoaHly shun back asked Into prlvat Ufa Finally and Tory liav thai and a up at my ib rtiolt civil autf roorback or iougiuabl are tba Iriaut arc A terrible mining catastrophe 1 occurred at Pa on Saturday hire he Is at I night when about too men are aiin- a my con4itloo to their on election day by hoisting spent the day down the river or doing having a tendency to create public excitement He then took down the flag carrying the tackling all away The of the ladies have since been sere but perhaps Mr Robin- sous actions saved from into worse trouble I Icecream was served all round at the Temperaice Lige oh Saturday night Mr Dan Elliott of was visiting in ihe village over Sunday list Miss of Toronto came up on Saturday and attended the School picnic Our drove out in chariot drawn by three gaily dress- teams to Aurora on Tuesday after the election to do honors to the winning candidate Mr They were greeted by rousing cheers Mr J was teamster for the band Some one lost a swarm of bees a swarm was seen heading for the swamp coming from the direction of the village Several the boys assist ed our band on election night Mr J Sinclair of Toronto was calling on friends here last week Mr and Mrs John CoOk went on Friday to Mount Albert to visit bis sister and returned on Monday It turned out a fine day and the school picnic on Saturday was fairly well attended by both parents and children Every one enjoyed the outing and the football was kept roll ing by the boys till darkness inter vened Vet Alfred of Trenton is home for a visit Mr George and of ibis locality commenced cutting and slacking grass ibis week They intend cutting a large area the present season A large number from here attend ed the Presbyterian Garden Party at litiay on of list week Mr Jesse returned from a visit to hit brother in Micrr There was a largo number drove to Aurora from here on election night to hear the tidings the day The members and of the Christian Church intend having a teaparty on Saturday July nth in grove meetings will he held Sunday nth fry same M aftcVDOon a holt Jr McMillan Baca Thompson Edna Pollock St Ill Flora Helen Dow el Hint John ftoUH Jr Edith by Arthur John Arthur Mabel Pollock Sarah Mo- Annie Farl Pollock Clark yoatph Fred PI liana PI Vara Clark Willis A Teacher a a Ill John Howard Chatlla Fred Boyd Frank Br Mary Looy Miry Jr Leal Heeler PI Marl Mary Mary Mortimer Floeala too Ada nay Viotor Ma KESWICK Mulock fiiq the re cently elected member for North York guest for a short lime of Aid 0 at his summer residence on the Shore on bis way to where a gathering Of his many friends place last Fri day evening in the drill shed Ihe band met Mr on the way A number were present filling the drill shed and speeches delivered by the member elect Warren Cote Treloar and others Though not equal in magnitude 10 lite recep tion Mr Mulock received at Bradford yet iame earnest warmhearted feeling towards the new member was manifested the same appreciation of his services in parliament which will now have a wider sphere of usefulness since the votes of the people shall guide the destinies of the and not who lately ilk iOflKkS Well weld theia well boy Wall weld them well together And of hall gather boys on heather Were all pi one opinion Were all of opinion From to j All over this And if they want bay can give done iny do I helped make gerrymander The gerrymander groat commander oar great commander I am great I Am my our togelbtr To one harmonious iny To salt Ml of weather Then bio bhut for Tapper toy Blow loud blast for And fear a sapper boy And feast a and in abund ance The whole cele brated its natal day on Wednesday The fust Dominion Day was En 1867 hence the Dominion is old Keswick Sunday School excursion to and Sirawbeny Island per steamer takes neat Tues day A cheap trip only has an excursion per steam er from Jacksons Point to the following day Summer are putting rn their finest days and now the children will take a turn at the holidays which tomorrow July 1st May enjoy them as only children can Mrs Trios Mahoney does not im prove She is under Dr Forrests care and receives best attention possible Co have a ve randah to the front of their Fall wheat harvest commenced here on the of July breaking all previous records It Is said that one of the Keswick fishermen caught a lunge Cooks Bay last week that weighed lbs Mr Amos of Newmarket added a cottage lo Orchard Beach The population will be greatly in- creased neat week Mr the on the lake shore road has ordered all the camper who have purchased lots to torn out neat week and do days statute labor Judging from the procession that passed through here Dominion pay there mutt beers tremen dous crowd at Morton Park Everybody around is going on the excursion neat Tuesday It is the cheapest ever only to and all children free when accompanied by parents The magnificent steamer will take the crowd with comfort Splendid on board Boat leaves Roach Point at oclock and Morton Park at a returning at p to It Is expected that Rev Mr Spen cer Junior minister Queens- will preach In the Metho dist Church here on Sunday morning deii- Mis Win Terry brother from To ronto her a for the time in year The friends of Mil John will be pleased to heir the ha much to be able to go on a visit to her daughter in Ifonday evening Mayor Reive Deputy and Cody awl Held Following bills Co Z- A oil Chamber do Vrrreo do carl- log It account P J or calling weed on Hash referred to Town lor sop- to Town Hall wi referred to Com and to bo paid It cot- Met A fleld to taxes overpaid on property of was re ferred to lha Cora A from calling to the of tho Flats next and adTliahlllly of earn as a IC9 play ground bat was taken presented between Corporation and Co The attention to part aclaaseagrod by bat struck out hy their solicitor In which Co to keep In repair the or which they pro- coder Timothy Mr that was a very Important that It cot right to town money and Co back on us In of break Tho Agreement referred to the Commit on Hub way to alder que it loo Mr Hunter wanted to know Com was In fere work to on the yesr Mr that owing to work on aocoaot o flood ho had to get together again that iho bo Mr Hunter tho would not overlook 91 a coaploof year ago In reply to a ibit ho hid not received any tender for Mr lo provide for purchase of Light Plant ahoold a rw- reading as lo hurry It Ho alio another bo to borrow for a term of year to pay for the extra damages by the flood the due the Tlcn otbyalrtct aobway and the purchase of lot dlacotiloo lha being Light By- Law was not scad a Ittoo other wu not read and both to voted on at time Mr Cane a pabtlo called miller and decide whether arc or Incan descent lights were or at all as at Mr Hunter aaggeswd that fall abont cost both ayatems and food to pay all liabilities bo ready for rncetlog ByLaw instruct ed to a ByLaw to raise by of loan a son of money over a of all year to pay off certain lia bilities Somo wanted to the iraooot 2000 other and other but the motion pitted through in blank Mayor waa to call a meeting on lo matter at after held a cession to f Have you our and Boys Sulfa We Clothing Trade we have tho last two weeks never done large a Suits for Men of Good Canadian Tweed Suite for of Good Canadian Tweed Wo cleaned out a line of Double Pold Tweed They are the now thing and very pretty Regular price 30c they go Boot and Shoo Trade never hotter We are telling Ladys Fine Oxford Shoes at Ladys do do at Mens Lacing at Girls Strong at Cut Prices FOR VJKLUd I tact ALSO TO HUNT MILLARD Leading Furniture AMD House in the balance of A Air Brush Crayon Ink Portrait With every Cash Purchase of Furniture CALL AND SKE SPECIMEN at JOHN NEWMARKET A SPECIALTY Klehtcftltt to At 125 fin Hid lit A It of Mo J la Attar iLi lt Jcta it to IH4 PvWa r- fljfrill But On lobar LCD Jo Summer Capes Colored Laces- Summer Corsets We have a new lot of Wide White Laces Blouse Setts Belt Buckles Lace Mitts Past Black Cotton and Ladies Cotton and Light Wool Underwear fee Extra Value and Cheat FORGET THE PREMIUMS we are giving every or accumulated purchase amounting to 509 M HUGHES tot Kit A RED AND WHITE COW til It a XKKASUfjACKa JfctoaabiHisehjeiis King at Loch tills con I coo J at J Van- stonta5lt con machine Geo Oil con Kail culvert coo I re gnat T It Kiavcl grant 3rd grant 3rd ISO 10 lb con re grant 3rd cop Granger repair con- W con repair to coo A ope log pit coo C to fliU con John grant coo snow coo til con 150 A colter Geo Riley repair lownllo J grant 1st coo Terry sower pipe fright Philip Rots repair coo Geo aWatt coo 1160 Goo Weal repair Gambia Road Mat It Hart Riddle Register J Lloyd repair con Us A cedar W Proctor cedar Lewis grant shovelling aS0ail ornllDe Wm Andrews repair coo 157W snow 1367 J Web- repair 13770 Ma tower pipe J repair Henry grant coo Clarke 1791 snow fcoig grant road re- Ballard re pair to gravel tools ADCamp repairs Road 1360 Rob ertson legal advfco IS W so- fond dog tax Alborl Boats repair A to A The agreaccaot to a bridge at Jas was ratified to or at Interest air to claim for dam ages report neat muting and Cherry were Jo- to examine to Iji- and report Reave waa to retain la proposed te lle of of King of at Joly Tho Tomb at KflHeoaTutliy Mint UAtOikZr VlUt aged jeers acd Cetosrr clt Hut fitosrt the Marx tCsrty iUXttitf- her lata Oak July lit lohtrca Into of her son Aitx Pete JtBoHtbaarshpKb reiki Interred gf NORTH NEVMARKET BROUGHTONrPhmB orders will protal at lea til tor it- a bay Mare it tJ It qCjsto HEAVY DRAFT HORSES tot Old It Uccte sale- -FOR- OF VALUABLE REALSTATE of HE Exertcra its On Saturday 1iAtt TOWN OF NEWMARKET AtlloUf If GOOD GLEAN til OM Mil fcrcr djtl A viiii By ll of a boat a Forest rites ate raging in northern to iuj at tit at Its A tiUC ill VOTERA list is I Jeter a i r to clear out all our Summer Sh We our Stock at once If you Hill only and ace our Boot and be puces you Fill buy It a living at per to you They arc all the Styles in Womens ChiMrea Mens and Itoyai Call and ice and Fruit 0k quantity as cheap as the tar at at fa price CO UST a 111 U JLicJfrflJLF It to vet 1 ttrvfi fc4t14U Is to Lf Teas and Coffee We fcae a special line of Japan pound and our regular a or the best quality for the find Crockery and See Dinner Sets good at low Toilet to ST A I THE Main InvJbj Wo will Not bo Goal BALE Iff to 1 HAH it Hi Nov is tho tiino to Your Kioto tnkon- REDUCED PRICES Dont wait Dull nuke any i lUKi lt IWL lLJ Cut lea itisUi iLxt till iiK MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES Willi