Newmarket Era, 17 Jul 1896, p. 1

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HEYMARKET ERA irvi steam REACHED StiBSCftlBEIlfl GIVE ME THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY A on NORTH YORK AND ADVERTISER EAT paid In advance Vol 26 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday July Terms Strictly in Advance I within or JO at end of year Newmarket Branch A OEN BAH Allowed on at DRAFTS ISSUED an aid THE I I I J A W ALLAN GO WILL IN WITH A COMPLETE of Spring Goods READY MIXED AND PAINT BRUSHES CHURCHES OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN awn LAWN RAKES LAWN BARREL CHURNS DASH CHURNS BOWLS PULL ASSORTMENT OP GARDEN TOOLS STOVES AND TINWARE and Neatly done 0 YOU SURELY MUST HAVE If you still continue Heating up that large Cook Stove to cook what little is required these hot Summer days In one month you would save the price of an Oil Stove You can get them all Sizes and Prices from 1 cs to 2400 And I have about decided that 1 Mr Bethel READYMIXED PAINT DRY COLOR OILS AND TURPENTINE VARNISHES GLASS AND PUTTY EaveTrougliing and General Jobbing Right Prices A 9 iA lrrivftMiuMlcCi lo on l If la A to tor lUfwiotf WK on to J WOODCOCK f A J It nit A0 KiTtyfKciiiibCburtli if Lay this Paper down ace it with our You tc always to at top And you will render us favor- In any you will find PS IJ and the leading remedies that their qualities by a long time on our together with a Complete Line of Toilet Articles at A WKLLIVJADE GOODFITTING TO Mo lVi Next lo L Atkinson NEWMARKET by 1 may calmly Affliction lot And victory tote to in Not log lien Of To daily To lo a wo It lo matt Ho la fjaftlh And fcooo of to tiro at To Jf And fight with all to atand wmo wo Iba wo I IdUlty of Or honor f it lo on with our July A Birthday Dr ft Shay of lilted BRADFORD VLcrodcjtlUita led Hid Ugh wo a Discounting Fanners Notes AT LOWEST HATES i Toll wllb THROUGH FREE For It rrucLt ere itr eta lotlcua after p creep All the Styles in Footwear at the Finest Cut Prices SEE OUR STOCK OF BOOTS SHOES 1 claim to have Complete Stock for you to choose from in Town Make No MistakeGo to the and Shoe Store Sign of the Bed Boot J piped plain- vote entered pretty tough on ft dont you think to when he cant find mother once ft week Whcrei she gone time You have been hiving one of your headaches at Willie I cm tee that find grandma looked at the frail little figure anxiously Shca gone to her woman Club- no the Working Girls Aid It makes a fellow wish he lived in a tenement or worked in ft factory a his mother would to see him sighed Ihc wistful voice as Willies hand went down In his pockets wjiti as sumption of manliness comical to be hold and a frown puckered his face The girls are having some kind of a class in the parlor and maynt go in and if it wasnt for you Id be an orphan in an asylum and he done with it And Willie withdrew his binds sit down in the armchair and nurse knee I suppose its because youre the oldest and Im the youngest and and you know what they say grand ma delicate They think we can together and kind of sec to each other Whats in that box beside you grandma Its from your Aunt She li SOMKRVIIIK 117 Ma ft A J A CANADA LIFE CO CANADIAN COMPANY 000 DOLLARS E AlfeatfooEldtoaMbaLcUicf ftiuttl tii feho THE FINEST TURNOUT f MRS SIMPSON Main a WOOD Atswtattoo i ti i Hi y bundle tea Oft will rectify fmrr w j Children over years of age Insured Females Insured without extra charge CO let r IUKH8KU A t tic ltd AtfcrUridufcrOLl Wt4Jc4l ft d BY TAKING AYERSS I MKUJ for elf bt A JCUctn I hb core tc Free from My Oat of ul la fills Hie AI VtUllftiAIrrftsValuniAKftltftcU VAhAhT baby growth The babys mission To that little bun- of love half trick half iiiiftoHiutrxcUivuiie every added ounce fle9 means added hap- ted fit and comfort Fat the signal of perfect heaithj comfort good nature baby beauty Scotts with eas iest fatfood baby can have in easiest form It sup plies juat what ho Allt OticJHftwiuttt Mr a Singing and Violin Teacher col lot for all Voloos UK PriValO In his ordinary food Engllshi French and Music and helps him over weak places to perfect growth font M 4ift jjm Willie for however tint it will be impossible for cither her or to he with on that day Arid grandmother took from the box a dainty cap well as Aunt the wife of grandmother 5 first born took pride in ropkmg her always that the sweet old face bright skin and fleecy white hair was her inspiration despite the pretty gift saw that grandma grieved and felt that he knew why Had he been the day of her birthday he most probably have said the last Thursday in November for coming on tit of that month it was the family custom to merge ihe two Thanks giving and birthday into one Hut this year Uncle Albert grandmothers youngest son had sent a check instead of coming white Uncle Tom the bachelor bookworm had apparently forgotten ati about ii and in addition Aunt Eleanor Uncle man and children were declining And the old custom a reunion of all her children and grandchildren on grandmothers birthday was beginning to be discarded something that had never happened while grand father lived he and grandmother were in Ihe old borne Not that grandmother had suffered in ial comforts it was not that Willies head ached today and now his heart ached Had the been home from college or even had his two sisters been present he never would have done it but alone with grandmother be often laid aside his funny little grownup airs 1 think I will come and put my head on your lap he of music and laughter came from below where Union and were entertaining the An Then some one began to sing Grandmother tat up straight in her chair with hand wandering softly over Willies curls and her bright eyes looking straight ahead listening Oh no no no the voice declared over and over in as many different keys it seemed to grandmother and then some one closed the door like your song the best said he Sing one now grandma Grandmother eye and thoughts came back to the little face on her knee What I fin to you dearie Hike songs Ob Give Me but My Arab Steed grandma That was whit your grandfather friend the GottrrWr always asked for Dear dear I note who frequented our house the Governor alone Is eft and he must be yes he ft old now if a day But the song grandma Ob tat bat my A liiU And will It Utile 1 sang grandmother with now then a break in her dear old volet Now File begged Willie And the afternoon in her younger she had been taught to be prompt meats so now grandmother sat or ate slone This evening she and Willie were half through supper when ibe of the family appeared full of an announcement Mr Bethel had made And as long si I Ime to no be to grandmother l I have trying get Madeline to go me for she had South and even a hurried trip would Hut grandmas birthday object ed Willie Mrs looked troubled She had forgotten that Grandmother set her teacup down The giils and and I can have a quiet liltlc celebration she said Who will keep the asked Evelyn Suppose let try this Madeline replied grandmother a little timidly perhaps Mrs Bethel looked dubious She seemed to have forgotten that grand ma bad been a most famous house keeper in her day I not sure that you under stand the ways of servants nowadays mother she began they arc different from what they used to be Grandma gave a quiet smite know ing as she did that it was to her the servants all came for advice and counsel in llieir trouble Hut when Bethel reflected how during a previous absence Evelyn had run deeply into debt and how on an other occasion the starving family hid rebelled under absentminded Marions regime she concluded it would be wise to accept grandmoth ers offer And ihe said Willie anxiously the day after Mr and Mrs looking into grandmas eyes which atone showed the hurt her heart felt for Marion and had Just received invitations to join a country friends Thanksgiving house- parly and seeing their eagerness grandmother bade them go You and I Willie- she began then turned her face away to hide the tear that fell on her wrinkled face ft is not she thought that I would have them come not that but it is better to what now that they do not care to be here and then remember what I was before the world left me behind Is it that old people cannot learn to step aside gracefully or that Hut she was loo to her children to finish the thought old alone of my generation nay there are some ftw left Can it be they are Do they feel as left of the life of today And grandmother mused on will lo it she said rising sud denly and walking 10 the desk Do what grandma asked Willie There is the and old Col and writing at they tell me And iheic is Kelly Ann Van- and Iringle and I might ask Mrs the old Judges widow And yes there is Who have thought handsome courted would be spending her days in the Old Ladies Home yes it will be like old time life and man ners you shall sec how grandmother was once regarded They will all sake times they will all come on rny birthday 1 will send for she has cooked many supper for me in years gone by and I dare say she is not loo old to prepare one mote It shall like the old times the able groan and I have two of Alberts checks un touched and my own china and sil ver on the able- Hand me my pen Willie it has rolled under the chair They will I know they will all come And come they did every one Grandmother in black with the daintiest of her caps upon her snowy fluffs of hair and a pink flush on her faded cheeks received them with the dignity born her old- fashioned ideas of propriety With her stateliest bow she wel comed the Judges widow whose handsome dress was covered with of priceless lace and whose hands sparkled with rings while stout comfortable her childhood playmate now great- grandmother the met with out stretched hands Then with a kiss on either cheek she dear little Hetty Ann almost as limid now as at eighteen when she kept an as company waiting for dinner standing meanwhile the door trembling and almost in tears afraid to enter until found ihere by the anxious hostess The Governor bowed low over grandmothers hand A more charming hostess if pos sible madam at Bo than at And all the guests had as it lilted its cup As the gutst departed Willie looked up into his grandmothers happy face and said I like your kind best grandma for they dont Ireat a fellow as if he was always in the way nor yet as If he wasnt there which is worse And grandma who understood smiled Hot the tame day nor even the same week did all see it but the newspaper containing the account of grandmothers Cen Parly came to the hand and eye of each of her children and grandchildren How the paper got hold of it no one knew and great was her horror of a womans name appearing in print that grandmother was never told of It But knowing fond ness for rushing into print he was given the credit the more so that his own picture as well as the Governors graced the column while creations of the artist most probably for they certainly were not portraits of the originals appeared as grandmother the Judges widow and Miss Sallie There was something very near to pathos the article ended in the gathering of this group the oldest the youngest all relics of the society of a past day and generation in celebration of the birthday of one who though surrounded by a large family of children and grand children turned 10 ihe friends the who had shared its glories her Aunt Eleanor buried her face in the paper and cried We could have gone such a little inconvenience and how it must have hurt her Uncle Toms as well as Uncle grew as they read it remembering the of their and the gentleness of the mothers replies In the midst of a gay housepatty the paper was shown to Marion and Evelyn and they felt keenly the re buke in a companions hasty exclama tion Your grandmothers birth day How could you bear to be In a Pullman parlor car miles from home Mrs- Bethel read it then at the passing landscape with eyes that were strangely blurred is CVtJfJoyrfraW BOND HEAD A mass meeting the numerous pupils of Miss Longs kindergarten classes was held in Bond Head on Friday evening July 3rd The children from her different classes from Aurora Bradford Richmond Hill and including Bond lead to ihe number of about were present The given by the various classes with by the entire number made a grand program never before heard by the Bond Head people Miss Long de serves great credit for her care in mining these Music by Bond Head Orchestra Miss Long shall be En Newmarket in he near future to train for kindergarten fit tilt FUN PACTS AND FICTION PROM FROGTOWN Talking about crops of hay I guess this section can brag a little MrThos has an extra heavy crop Tom Graham ditto but gener ally speaking the crop is light Mr- Ben has ten acres of the like of which never saw It will probably yield nine acre In response to our request the council granted sura of twenty dollars for the Improvement of the south of Baldwin Mr Ben was appointed com missioner Under his economical management the small pittance went far towards the improvement of the road Thanks gentleman Well what do you think of Moilon Park says the genial proprietor the Owl I think big tap I Nature has done much towards mac this one of the most beautiful spots on the of Lake Simcoe for a days recreation Art can do much more The grove of young maples Is the finest in the country and the elegant boulders here and there come handy for one to rest their weary bones on The beautiful pavilion nestling amongst the shady trees reminds us of a good old Quaker meeting house A Targe orderly crowd celebrated Dominion Day there The most pleasing fea ture of the park is the total absence of intoxicating drink such a striking contrast to the drinking and carousing at Jacksons Point The jaunting car with its load of merry youngsters was a fea ture of Dominion Days pleasure Well now and yelling and excitement of election are all over And what do you expect will result from it Better times Ah me no The is deeply involved in debt With a depleted treasury the new government can but and save country from bank ruptcy But we hope at the end of their term they can hold up clean hands They must have no work Yes I voted for Strange and Id do it again says a hard Tory to me Ah you old moss back why did you do it Im a Conservative Yes yes youre a Conservative and yet not one in a hundred know their pol icy Here it is and a pretty policy it is extravagance bribery corrupting the electors making false promises at elections gerrymandering etc Theres your Conservative pot- icy it a dandy A gay old boy Give Pat a few CLEAHS FROM OUR and what do you think of it Big isnt it Yes big thats it Ant cut unit SHARON The much talked of football match between Holland Landing and our loys was played on the exhibition grounds Newmarket on Wednesday night Although the game was in favor of the Landing team by two goals one yet we think our boys played good ball and even the majority of the spectators acknowl edged that we had the best of the match Our boys need not feel dis couraged as Landing team was composed of six of their own men be sides five outsiders flu the two Rollings of King City two Wilsons of and Clark of Aurora Tbe result of the three games leave it still a tie as the first match played at the Landing was to at toe and much payed at Sharon was to in favor of Sharon and ibe yd at Newmarket was to J in favor of the Landing Perhaps they could raise that hundred cents now playoff the tie rived the Colonel a little tottery to be sure but none the gallant took Miss by the tips of her fingers and led her to the piano where removing her mills she One quaver jrg high sing to them she had sun half a century before I Cannot Dance ToNight Id be a Butterfly and Loves Young Dreams cut hit VIVIAN are farmers say the grass hoppers worse than ever before A small party conducted Mrs Robert assembled at Mis Woodcocks to celebrate her birthday A few tokens were presented by ibe guests which were And being encored again ard received and no donlt will she gave Sweet Alice Ben Bolt s as everlasting emblems of the memories bad not left a and Swee Alice that it dry eye to the room Nor would the evening have been complete had not Elihu arisen and addressing grandmother delivered himself of a poem in honor of ihe occasion which in lurn brought in teyeral lines of a sonnet that be had indited to her just fiftynine years before Then grandmother on ihe Gov ernors arm led the way to supper and iheid being gentleman short Miss SaHie Become smilingly ac cepted trot which Willie In imi tation of Governor offered And the supper I The damask china the the quaint boat- shaped the inasiive can- all were grandmothers oho and with them each guest had past cause be familiar The groined as grandmother had predicted beneath the of old time Meat of hospitality And when the Governor arose and bowing lo grandmother Ma dam to us gathered hue there il but one toast Pest every eye dim azjci wrinkled respect which she justly merited surrounding community And I think I utter the sentiments of all when I wish her many more years to enjoy that happiness which her old age richly deserves The cartoons spoken of in one of the late issues as decorating the different hive suddenly and mysteriously disappeared since the Where How When and Why are questions were ask ed by ihe astonished Oaf teacher has returned home to recruit after a year hard labor Elections are over and man countenances are to be every Mr John Woodcock a fine driver and now spoil a turnout Children tor Pitched Children for stiff horns of the and a six pence in bis and be gives a fig for no man A well known son the sod near here lately sold his beat for a big roll of bills and to have a big on a bender for several days during which he- blew out good bard cash Sutton whiskey must be loaded else why should be waken folks at in to get something for his throat or may be its sleeping out at boys when you are jolly tight boys May be thats the trouble There a temperance sermon for you Ponder it well Hooping cough is prevalent amongst little folks of and North Times are up already A young blacksmith arrived in Baldwin glorious a proud too much of this pleasure- seeking says a benevolent friend the Owls Yes too much pleasure- seeking and too much puppy love Judging what we saw at Morton Park our friend is not tor astray He finds pleasure in seeking the almighty and his a a plenty of it Excursion and picnic patties pass through here newly every day lately bound for Jacksons Point The scribe had Do minion Day of dining with three of the loveliest young ladie of Queen Street Even Wra might feel highly favored with such good fortune Oh never you mind woo they were Ive told you- enough A happy What makes Mr Mike Cain at depot look so happy and rub his bands to Joyful Ah Mikes a good and his friend and fellow countryman Mulock has gained the day Faith- Mike- A fair exchange is robbery but is ibis a fair The left bis coal in the pocket of which was a fine silk handkerchief in field Several days later he went for tbe coat and by some means silk had been into a dirty cot kerchief The ihief doubt thought that any old rag good enough for an owls nose To err is human lo forgive is divine- We forgive the ihief The men folk about picnic at John Taylors on Monday- a big The grub provided was excellent so jay tbe boy a recent meeting of the Public School Board sixty six applicationj were received for the position vacated by Miis Davidson The town of Cobrin in the Province of Grodno Russia has been burned Three hundred faouiei were desiroyed and two thousand people arc homeless July John Casey and Frank Barrett were arrested yes terday at on the charge of murdering John Brown at North Da kola Social held at White Lemonville was suc cess The proceeds of the autograph quilt and the social amounted to Miss Martin of Sulion bad very pleasant surprise last Thursday evening before her departure for To ronto In way of a presentation of a purse containing While assisting at raisin Peter McAnhura barn Alex Mo fell lo the ground broke wrist and was otherwise injured EST Plummets column after sev eral hours fighting on Sunday finally repulsed a Maiabele force The alter lost killed The British tost 33 killed and wounded The British Parliament has decided that India roust pay for the support the India troops sent to Egypt The decision will cause much discontent in India Mrs Mary A McLean of Tottenham is suing the Township of County for damage for injuries sustained by falling through 2 defective culvert Hamilton July A young ton of clerk in the pott office was sun over and killed by a early this morning The boy was riding on cars fell Internal differences in a family have given rise to a by J J Moore forSoeo damages for alleged slander by and Maggie Moore parties interested live in Scott Township West Council at their meeting en Saturday lasl a bylaw granting righi of way and franchise to the Huron and Ontario Railway Co between Brad- ford and Bind Head French woman who was confined in the at on Tuesday a temp ted to commit suicide by saving her ihroat with a lath until she had pun ctured windpipe It is believed she will die A convict says he was rent to prison for bring dishonest and yet he is compelled every day 10 cut out pieces of pasteboard which arc put between the o cheap shoes made ihere and palmed on the innocent public as leather Station July While John Stafford a farmer who lives two from here was out in a field to get ore of his horses on Saturday after noon the animal suddenly kicked him on the forehead smashing in his skull and killing him instantly Probate has grafted in the estate of Gilbert Shower late of StouiTville who died worth A peculiar feature of the he fact that the will of deceased was lost probate granted upon a cer tified copy which only bore signa ture of one witness Ohio July cloud- occurroU early this morning in this great damage to property Sheep horses and cattle were drowned trestle work and bridges and seven bouses con- terns and the canning and preserving works of Hen Bros were swept away by the high water Creek An minister while Mailer Henry son of Mr J Davis had Ml wrist broken on Tuesday He was in act of climbing over fence and doing slipped off tar The quick growth buck wheat arid its completely the ground fit ft to annual weeds It even been said to kill the Canada but iMs is more probably due to plowing thistle under lo as preparation for the the crop which followed Bui there ill reason fv Ibe belief that growing buckwheat the land of Wire Insects vegetables So we know there la that will eat either lb root or stalk of and sow- In it on any piece of for yens will kiU tie wire by nUUca for lta to in the Baptist Church at Sunday noticed that some of his congregation were very drowsy and slopping short in his ser mon lie said wrong with ibis building r forgot pail of heir work led ibree or four keepers aboe the floor The sleepers awoke and stayed awake Berlin Ont on ttrfoe dafeTening two bfi a gjd and McCuUough aged en were pUjmg when the former oMthelatteVtoclimbatrceand he would show him bow shoo- a irtiu climbed the charge entered ibe eh Ms left lung His recovery is doubtful ere about tojii worV one to on the widow and one child On Tuesday evening erf admittance Ml thrown pulled

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