r A NEWMARKET ERA JULY 17 1 J bod WHAT OH Church At the 1 following lb lift Jim tatty oUfofifcetJ Growth Sat why Mr Sucb jrowth of lax- ley fc fii flrrj An A rtotoygh work lh of College It In of In paper There were of young lit muling t Monday bur by lie- Norman of and V of were o CM Dili m loll of In to the Ion Campaign Township the month iKo or JUllr doing to I bo Hail no lor Hid land cat town- to by whoU for Mob fa loniiir to A with Milk Aim fltldt And of of do now by or by In iroipccU of to waving on wild floiftit deck to- fi lo wblH of and of ftKcetoood All alt I In tit things Hut to of tho to be held hi gtoandt ot Morion to Aug 2nd Ilia will in addrciUl will given by of floctely r for July Olb Atlgotl 2nd f by wliwu of Park aio Iw well known to oinmlttoo a lal flit and looking or Id and of and tako to Morton talk you will The Hew Marriage Act On fit at of at coma Into act provide a mar- of par- ab Hating data en which j that they aro Cadi fall algfaUta of that bar lo A Of liitM by and ho will to and of the fcaturoa of law at tbo of thoculnlilcct folly at their notified lo iho acl by at Iba form Villi bo Illegal after of tal month A It attiring to think how largo per of ait oat of ibtlr Toon back to tho long hot da how to to f of l only for a block or al a tftto OH bat to cool tbo aro oo man forethought or for flna and add comfort of lbs of trim lo plant as you dot bo to atagaof bat I at planted by comfort to ihoald toward adding to beauty of and comfort of It no to roam al will and leoaa Ibex fa no for with hardy buyer U to fatr About of bat Tor well at mm of zcort A can t All per- In or WoMKiibooU lb a 11 toilocti will au at tbta Maw The Coal lime baa WUlwn A ati to life for of at Land or cold t Let for Honda of lb by of took pit wall color lb Jalttr by Band A Hot The on Sun- day iwdIoly and I inn fa ftt on If Monday bat went up to On tba In acta In to go lo On evening of Hit week teem a with at the and aoor lo In of A to to on Coming home from ale on aod tha boy In a of Church larg asrmoa to Orange- by apprwlalcd Race All three of lbs bar rotlCcd torn oat for at harp The will end an Next The Era Job I mint flnbt4 York pg and book will to raid for nail weak Til new a a pick or I no for i Co A took and to of daring o applied for at to Wilton to of zoom neat Model Terra Garden Tarty The Christian Patty on Cbafi Uorxtona a great by a at well various kinds Town Hand provided program At got In work firing melon and ran off kept till afr rnldnlhl The used by J A in btrdwaro a bold aittmpt to on but only pattfally It from Ibo front and knocking Hewitt aodOlia In vain atemptt to It ilia finally flopped on fctiWt before rablog kat by Mr only tba bfiik- log of fcomo rig Another dolhr was lail ft in foil bloom to tbatdoyctaor A lalnad a crowd down town avtolng with flna It a Paw to row along roads and lanat Mow la tba lima to destroy If ripen Ingot fa to Gooperaarapreptriosfor a big demand Farmers Into art fecCreatn at Central correal day a I hit band in a Ha for oyer week leading oca of oat of band and a knot in tore iht flub off a finger An Match tba tai tried and tingle men of took place on on fnetday afternoon mulling in a win by mm It it to hoped that tin will bo oollQoe4 vigor and interest follow ing oScb1 Cato 1 b Stewart I Lloyd m49 fibtdlinrn a TytlerBo Stewart Lloyd ri ire 9 The Sunday s at Lending Park on afternoon and report The rigs left hers In prooettlon ten oclock After din of vsrioni wiro pro vided weis on the In the Match between and Holland Lending the boms team won by a score to SI oclock when party re turned boms A Bio Hollow The for the It with will for tho rnatocafo da The Is making a good to Front Tho need of a trunk Main lit it very who will have to tear up macadam loput In a cellar drain A flno of tend In a lotkt The IfoOitVne W Mr Cane of It trill bo one of on thi likeC Mitt left for on oa her by Ernie will the holidays with her tba was on with bis If you want to buy now Is the time The and Undertaking it offering big to They keep lha and beet selected of Toronto fn hoots on op on ooroirn not make look Parlor Built op All other proportion A will yotr John Word comes from AUeodale through the that anew role baa boon made by as to baggage do- article checked bo entered In a book and to faeadaarters The entry show the article what It Is mads of what condition it it In what In any It cornea and how It has of A aUiroelationt baa Intro- for tho convenience of man who bo of a ykkceper Thai L V nni that a black leethcr with split bottom corner broken aod a hat been Ink Ob for a breeze I next Council tomorrow kept And It Kbi only till ROACHS POINT long Cook thick will neatly nice man Ten or new have been put up and ate on Hie boy more fun In the In and out than En any boat on the nicer you have your bathing on when you go put A young man got In the Holland one evening week The at In landing a lb lunge one evening week about to commence In vicinity ate looking fine Kail wheat and arc above the average but tim othy and clover arc on tide well the hum of the thresher J Mr John can be teen every morning at oclock gathering up the milk cant en to Newmar ket factory He reports that It pays milk to the factory Farm ers patronize this industry a little more- Mr John has his dwelling house by rais ing higher and a new sum mer kitchen to it It looks fine- Mr James A Rose has erected a new house this summer Mr John Held of was the con tractor of both the stone and brick work and Mr of Holt was the builder of the wood work while Brooks of Keswick is putting on the finishing touch A palace- Albeit is a quick of rural architect Mr John of it putting up a new brick building Talk about hard limes It looks like it when we tee to many of building this summer The bear Oh I where has he Rone James and Albert they had pulled on him when they had a chance but the hideous monster shocked their nerves till ihey Miss Annie Stewart of is at McDonalds of Raven- shoe for a few weeks Miss of Queens has retired from this community On account of her popularity and in fluence she will be wonderfully misted by her numerous Mr George of drives a fine team and buggy KESWICK tin Post Colors Silk vorlh for for Black and J It Ladies Curling Tonga Towelling Vido Cotton Check Shirting Ginghams S S Dont JckDi MtUy under I tba It trip and afford a or liU old at and topi at leave at oclock and at at e topi J not bod to lot do Jrkto Will by oclock and cold wilt bo provided tot ttarc row or lor by boar nil In will boor tbo fcftercooo will popii VquA ftt iljjtlu WM SeMiiiVi Jiorout tbe Kay tew ftll bet pooptft till over tbl ol it hum to believe ibt wjII oily cbjJfnbi price otly llucb SlKuMiV Wlitft K Co to ftotoicccoiiDt uuiricta ftunolueuieot or ftU Uoy doll d Ctoiblcj tUohUrod J mi Wit till HI Woyd bTrlftr b r Tylorb Yytlir J tft4 fi 1 0 St Pauls Church In the OSout 111 coca tutor it it imp ffii tbl to ft ilk Alt thoy rut wax f into Id Kit AlllDjy fiul of tftj to for highlit bod wad lUllxtoo tirtgth tad not to by Is tea oC iwll lift tlMbd took for to lift tit tbt Uib Ea Uoom til Mi of St it In lovii K nd ftrohomo villi Mr Joi Mr week Milt Toronto Mr Dr Jltrrtt Milt frlicdi la Town lor tod too of villa Moo- Mill of if It vitlilo for Vtlttr llQDtcr fi bit Mr m- Mr Hub Toronto llooirti of Lit A wtr by St ftfttroHDflfltrtt of Tout ton of lit Edwin of St for with tbt of Toronto latowoytiUrdtyoo Wood A tbo Mr and iron down at Aurora elected SlooJftr UU tbo fQfiictl of btr IUotlr4Ud Wit bit Ibo foNwlog York ton of of or of bad beta vit au of o liktnlio of ibt Hot of ted iht lore tbt variety of apIaMvbuoaU odtr tool Kit It J- by fact a from today City Hi Of AttUicto Jo of and pluck btilncit and fall to tba ay to to tbtpt to It a of of tor torn- ar Ira l Viol- tttidMti WiAttwHWolarF A Dont Wait Buy Kfov7 that bo v All Cooks Old COUNTY STORE DANFORD ROCHES CO I J i lb New and Fresh this Season Mow and freuh and Fresh or Rod Crown Wow and Fresh Blue Ribbon or Blue Crown pure Pimm GENTS PER Wood Rakes Harvest Barbed Wire Scythes Wide Heel Machine Oils Cradles Complete J I 1 8c- J jL per lbs CO 5c per gallon 6- vorlh 1000 On i7iurJay he nth imt Mrs peacefully away after a months deeply mourned by an husband and a family of seven Mule children who will miss the presence of a fond and loving very much Death is a sad thing under most but particularly when it comes to one in the prime of life and lifes bright all before her The funeral took place last Saturday morning from the residence the procession to the Christian Church Keswick where a very earnest and impressive was preached by the Rev Daniel pastor of to a large mourning relatives and friends The procession numbered about carriages the burial lairing place at cemetery Deceased daughter of the late John and sister of Squire York of Keswick and Albert York of Zephyr She was well as an wife and mother and for deeds of kindness and sympathy in limes of sickness and need Her presence will be missed not only in the circle of her own family but in tho wider circle of her many friends and acquaintances This makes the third death almost within a year of three in the prime of life their homes side by tide six the late John Pollock who died March a year ago this last Match and twelve days after his only sister Mrs Walter and now Mrs who is a sister- inlaw of the late Mis York Surely death it no respector of persons and in life we are in the midst of death To be able to pass through the valley of the shadow of death and to fear no evil should be the chief aim of life Mrs death was peace and trust in Jesus Avery successful Sunday School Excursion last Tuesday of the Kes wick Sunday Schools took place at Strawberry on board the hand some steamer Another of the Sunday children on board the took place the following day Had the pleasure of meeting The Owl on Dominion Day in his rambles around the thoies of Lake Being an old school mate and esteemed friend we had an old time chat and a renewal of acquaintance His pen has become a miliar pleasure to all readers of the under the nun plume of the Owl Mrs Polls Irons and Handle 59c Leather Belting Cheap Grind Stone with Frame 49 Brass Kettles and 50 Cut Nails in small lots lb- Wire Nails in small lots BARBED WIRE PER LBS The Heat Hardware in Canada close up at oclock Roche CLEARING OF Never in the hihtory or the Merchant Tailoring of Newmarket have prices been low fl the and notwithstanding this you can for the next lew weeks secure a light Summer Suit or Trousers greatly reducer price I do not carry any over and want to make room for new Fall Goods fluit tt B HUGH IN THE BALANCE OK Summer Colored Laces- Summer Corsets We have a new lot of Wide White Blouse Setts Belt Buckles Lace Mitts Fast Black Cotton and Ladies Cotton and Light Wool Underwear fee- Extra Value and Cheap DONT FORGET THE PREMIUMS arc giving tingle or to M HUGHES While from viHago town and city y on ihe hreJ of I jke Siracce and fanners ia the vicinity fire at the harvest Fall turret has commenced snd promises than an average yield in these parts Other crops also are loofcinx veil The last spring and this sum mer has been all could be de sired Surly holds her own with lards both in climate and inductions the soil as well as ier institutions laws and government and now we look for better things and greater blessings upon Dominion at large she bis cast off the old man bit incubus of and traitors and his declared herself in a vor of pure and free gov ernment Surely under leaden like and Mowat the country must Honesty is the best policy Truth and must prevail touts and the go down The Ettmal pro claimed It as well ibe history A severe shock of earthquake was felt in Ontario County Markets J a3 tutu a a Oil a ON a a Oil ftH tf ft JI CO ft a Hi a tuu- lUTMtMM 10 a CO U a OC4 a a 4 OfliSf liiSi Aim lltllll The Canadian Pacific Rail- war cattle sheds Toronto junction were by fire Wednesday Itktt4t ti VocJlb Deck i I I J a a it flw to SCO SOI ICO It ICO on Oil ON OS OSS w SCO so on so in BYLAW NO- lei i v of a the or til to tec of at lire CCniUIA a T itlvrtaM Ivy tbvKUlatfOJ roju14I to rtr of iLe I trciini tv coriJi itetujvf by it tit be kfVU f ltrvvittit J viivi by if In jvi the for tLH to of tic of Of Ntijil At J the tnn Of of jrtil tLuu of I Tor the of ftfvftci J oft tv u lift m tbT laciv ts a or tbt tut- to rurl Utvfetrt tb mteiLilfav4sA4CtUCluicLvc Till till i ca j of tfyuailtr a it UvTouD i Aivbt of of ibv of Amu J of Met oclock ta tic lb J MUCat tit fcftCfTKr i ilDitt iitiuitiitrf tbt tiwftfv frt -ti- lt lu Avitt t ltx- tic UP Of of c of liyuv la to ca by of tt tfUu itJultLijtiylif NOTICE 1fiutxvo4icatijttlLc a llyfAw by of of Of jtuto ii or JuJy aJ At bU i J ftetp2fo DUMP Should lay in a Supply of our CANNED GOOD We Carry the Best Brands of Salmon Lob sters Sardines Sliced Dried Beef Corned Beef Sauces Tomatoes Com Peas Apples and Peaches And the Latest Convenience Condensed Cof fee no bother nor no waste Evaporated Cream preserved without Sugar or Chemicals and handy for Tea Coffee or Fruit Try our Goods and take Comfort DAVISON I id I Best Quality Lowest Prices You can thoroughly enjoy all your meals if you use Dauntless brand for bread White drown for Of Chop and Low Grade Flour to be disposed of Choice Hog or Cattle Food Call at once and get quotations Oats OatChop Crushed Oats Corn and all kinds of Grain and always in stock at right prices Si SOW We are Without Doubt I he Leaders in Low Prices ami We aw going to keep up Our Reputation for Selling Boots and Shoes Hats and Gaps Gents Furnishings and At a Lower Price than any House in Newmarket Remember MoneySaving People Buy their Goods from They know where the Cheapest Goods arc the Store and ycu will see your Neighbors dealing us Ask your Friend where he Bought Suit or Hat or and see if he does not say he got Our Stock of Shoes and Clothing was never as at present and at prices that will make you wonder and ask the question Where do you get such Bargains Fresh Groceries at Right Prices ft THE LEADERS BAKERY FRUIT FRUIT FRUIT J This is the Leading Depart meat the Day us We received A on Morning Denies GoweberiitJ etc The past eeVs we have been receiving a have a of which will sell at ice rfoicn The following on sale this Pine and Illicit Red Bice Wear Cabbage Potatoes Cucurabert Choce Watermelons New Apples is veil with Fresh Goods New Goods every Spices arc strictly pure We keep Cream Sodas Try our Corn Gie us a A A Special Olsf I Binding Twine We selling the Very Beit Qualitymade of SPURE IVrANILLA Warranted W6D lfee EXTRA REDUCTION IN Nails all kinds Scitbei Hoes Spades Shows Bobs Paint and Oils The Best Oil aJw White and Kir