fty qwy 1896 No Oilier CO AVER Ho it I utfd Id action A Admitted fit DISCOVERY Excelsior IT IS NO PICKLE alniply treat with and lay them away In n basket or box IAY A VHKM TMKY I- A lull Newmarket hold at THE Ik A TO Ml ill l its 1 an Iff I ifO tuff it Irt of I lb Ml Remember I hey are priceless J Take care of them no one will take of them for lb Lot my ted my j liiH 1 fear for week tit wljii to lci bo appeared In no ledic of Ml to beat ton of of bo to hit only Only when and of with and did David flgbt for fllora of alttin may matter of It called upon lo flbl aro which cor ruption In our city and town all world 0 bring Into of Boiler can human or Yvako of MqIp It moral of our wuntry Willi cannon and rifle Wo leader end Wo at 0 to with good no convert no to but Anvituon who It to think depreciation In of farm proierty to Ontario It recommended to rctd following para graph Vilron Now York Star following In recently told on farm con frlttlnflot In Iho town of Pavilion void held inorlKaj for A J farm In wat aold In County Savlnt Hank ln Iloohcilcr for An other farm of owned by wat iold to for on a claim of ago were held an J King Met at July all Mr J empowered to tot who ably following won paved A lionet opal con A darken arc you need Windows If yo Spectacles or Win Wil- cm- SCI Jtd con A Oil con It ilioini repair coo Jolm Jllicort ftll John rwd nJ Iaon mm Well On loll ml con A 2149 re- pair con con A culvert J Lloyd coo for Geo culvert con good 14W A laid cedar It A to hoist ol buggy alio to wife from road SO trig Holland river It repair 16 It AUioton cheep claim E 25 10 repair Weil provided Albion yva like amount to prepare to animals in the village ByLaw to til- on and Clergy to ready for next meeting Councillor delegated King meet- to bo in Toronto to divide County of York Into County Council Act at King City Aug UAH for Twenty Largo Bam In tot If Found Mr There arc very few troubles wide spread and none mote difficult to eradicate the system than The sufferer It racked pain seem frequently feels that even death would be relief Among who have found much of their lives miserable by this dread trouble ft Mr of and having found a means of ideate from Its agonies lie It that other sufferers should profit by his lence Mr ft in the employ of Mcuff Bros mllleit and a for integrity among all know When one of the the Inter viewed him Mr gave the Tacit of his illness and recovery at follows has been a from rheumatism since about eighteen At times he con fined to bed but obtained no re at day nor night from the paint he was undergoing Again he was able to go a haul and his em ployment but even then frequently walked about In on almost doubled up condition he would have another and would bo forced to lake to Ms bed During all ihcic yean he was almost continually doctoring but obtained any thing more than a relief for the large sums he expended in this way Having failed lo obtain relief at home lie went to Simcoc for treatment but received no permanent benefit and soon after corning home vi as bad as ever It will be read ily understood that he was seriously discouraged had come to look his case as hopeless Finally he was urged to Iry Williams Pink Pills and after hesitating al spending any more money in what he now considered a vain pursuit of health he at last contented to give diem a trial BY the time he had used a half doren boxes there was no longer any doubt in his mind that he was steadily improving and the treat ment was then continued When be had taken a dozen boxes he found himself entirely recovered en tirely free from pain and from all stiff ness of joints and he it now able to do as hard a days work as any man in village He has now been free from his old enemy for so long a per if that he fecit his cure It perma nent and is consequently an cnlhuti- admirer of Dr Pink Pills and all who arc suffering to give them a trial that they will prove quite as efficacious as they did in Ms case Dr William Pink Pills strike at the root lo the disease driving it from ami restoring the patient to health and strength In cases of spinal troubles locomotor ataxia sciatica rheumatism las scrofulous troubles these pills are superior to all other treat ment They arc also a specific for the troubles which make the lives of so many women a burden and speed ily restore the rich of health lo pale and Men broken overwork worry or excesses will find in Pink Pills a cure Sold by all dealers or sent mail postpaid at 50c a box or six boxes lor by addressing the Dr Will iams Medicine Company or Schenectady NY of imitations and alleged to he just as good The army worm has done far mote damage to the crops at the Model Farm and vicinity than was at first anticipated of the Soul call us and get our prices ATKINSON Jeweler and Optician Main Si- Newmarket Letters Come come day by us that this person lias cured of dys pepsia that person of Had Blood and another of Head- ache still another of and yet others of various complaints of the Stomach Liver Bowels or Blood nil through the intelligent use of Burdock Blood Hitters It is the voice of the people recog nizing the fact that Burdocfc Blood Bitters cures all diseases of iho Liver Bowels and Blood Air Colborne It mi or J Oct During prior Co my wife tick ill lle with yfoknt Her tint it felt like burning vp down And so LcUc iliat he could do to lhat live or could not rest ry to her fclads ija JiLliLcs and treatment tier but yrcw until I Burdock Blood lllllcrf Stork Son of foe pi Id It was ever la my life- Mrs four out of of other two for a every suffered lluC k fcjcd mo Of in and i3d a to Or hit commenced against the township of for services as medical health officer during an The ill con test the Cukes Constipation Liver Dr Liver Pills are the most made and cure like SicV Headache Con- jitpaiion Biliousness all Liver cents a viol- Sold at Pharmacy A Mack hear of about los weight a Rood deal of attention as it lay on the sidewalk in front of Mr John Browns butcher shop It vac on Centre road Kep- Eel about seven miles out from town Richard Lingtry Two to finish Atlantic J so A terrible railroad catasitnplie took place about two miles out- of this after oclock iliw evening resulting in the death of people as far as can be learned and the wounding of others A loin left here bearing a special excursion and had reached he of the Read ing Railroad it struck by the down express from demolishing two and telescoping two following The engine of the Reading train became a total wreck killing the engineer and fatally Injuring tbe and the car behind It alto was thrown from the track and many of Its occupants killed or Dolek at and bat the are asoj to tot ibtfi ecu- tori For for ttxAvut on llmtr and warmth and now they hate yarn which fibro and coat and rests with or tea tli to a cloth It htz stolid tin of Hi wood it provider hat a world wid as a tor It Is so that its pica Jo a and yl i from a- long stormy From Death CtiRt for the Heart Saves or a Lady dent or the Northwest His Wonderful Powder a of istrbra When heart failure overtakes a unless the action of the heart can he immediately accelerated the vciy svont results may follow Tins is where we hear of many cases of sudden from heart disease elements that constitute Cure for the Heart are such as in this particular im mediately without producing any Ihen continued with a little patience the disease be comes banished from the system J of W says very plainly that Ihis remedy saved her life She had been much affected heart failure finding it almost Impossible to sleep or lie down for fear of The best doctors skill these North west Territories was of no avail She A local drugUt recommend ed a of Dr Cure or the I tried it and with the fjiat I immediately secured ease and after lading further doses of the medicine the trouble me The fact is knowing how serious was my ths remedy saved my life It he a lo suppose that Catarrhal Powder will only jrje milder forms of catarrh It will certainty do Ihis with wonderful exxdition as in the case of Mr John of Bridge S it will cure the cases of catarrh This catarrhal deaf ness but after tiling one of this remedy lie was to hear as good as ever Painless and delight ful to use it relieves in ten minutes in a little lime permanently cures of aij Mr- Morrison a yards- roan killed the Stuart street yard Hamilton The cornerstone of the Cilvary Baptist Church was laid Thursday Young a horseman struck by a train at London and killed Ah oil vat of the I agio Oil Works at Jcney City caught fire and five men were killed Mlts Pool aged the daughter of a Chatham Totrnihlp farmer Jumped a ferry boat rind was drowned The Pope has received a present of an elaborate typewriter In- laid f ivory and silver with Papal arms upon It An train ran into an excursion train near Atlantic City and killed A large num ber were injured An Imperial Government transport bottom side Up In Halifax harbor and deposited her cargo at the bottom of the sea ICi Mr John A Toronto lawyer has purchased on behalf of an syndicate the Mikado gold mine near Hat Portage for cash Grain and fruit in Co were seriously Injured by a hallstorm which appears to have done the most In the vicinity of head of cattle by Mr of the near were poisoned have died from ill that neighborhood within a month Arlhur a Hell tele phone linemen while working on one of the companys poles on McGIII St Montreal came in contact with a live wire and fell forty to the ground When picked up he was dead Italian armoured warship was struck by lightning on Wednesday end caught fire- The flames threatened the powder maga zine and it was found necessary to sink the vessel by discharging lor at her Tin Hereon Kiohkv Disease Stomach Conquered ii the Three Great South American Remedies Safety to the sufferer from kidney disease is in driving the poison from system Pills and powders while they give apparent relief and deceive the do not the disci hard randlike that gather in the blood must he diss I veil if the system is he of the potion and it is only a remedy like uth American Cure that will do this Mr Michael a wellknown resident of svsis a vic tim of kidney disease so that at times he could not lie down or remain in any one position for any length of lime Where other medi cines accomplished nothing he se cured immediate relief from South American Kidney Cure The sore ness and weariness after using the medicine soon left lum and today there is not a sign of the trouble in his system There is no question of the magical character of South American Rheu matic Cure This remedy will lhc worst forms of rheumatism from the system Mr Robert Gibson of Pembroke suffered untold misery Doctors blistered him and applied every known remedy but did no good of South American Rheumatic Cure Mr Gibson gave me instant relief and half a bottle cured The nervous prostration thai comes to many women can be quickly over come by the use of South American Nervine This medicine attacks the nerve centres which are the fountains of all health and the ban ished from these the can soon be built up Mrs Williams of wife of the well- known manufacturer of that town suffered intensely nervous pros for years and teemed beyond relief of the best medical I was under medical treatment says this lady for two or three years but my condition only got worse- read of the wonders performed by South American Nervine and tried a bottle One bottle gave we suffi cient relief to encourage me to con tinue the medicine with the result that it was not long before I was com pletely cured The five hotelkeepers of Pickering appeared before Major Harper at Whitby on Friday of last week and were assessed each for having violated the local option by las some ago They were also reminded hat the law would be enforced hereafter MM a OP the rcoc things them fit ivWtt the lhc other digestive loo much to thepi that cannot be expected to do fisch prevent the n4 of the Ixmtlj bring J and fix BY-LAW- NO- for tbo for he public or of tfco or Vestures percent per ftnoura In menu It fears the of ttto Pit over period the to bear by lutarrnerfU of both Wcricii loirplabo in year if tor the other Curing to AnnufJJnbtpcclBj rate JercroronplUhfrtteftttepropeTl of the fcjfiijtny fltbteo4 UthgI jut of in fit the And lly Health cornea II up from tho Utile of health Jteataiit They ore for nothing In the hot lo keep ihe the free from ted the liver go their IuiIium They arc very gentle In their teflon and or Other They do not of rthey merely help her No ever becomes to their When the action become and vlg- Ihe When have eaten much one When constipation and head Hallo to for hefvnc1pty ortoi to roll- for tbo ycarliJ It of debenture debt Of Lb Municipality lo ltWJ or Intercut if by the of rollout I hereby authorized to the a tor lijutAivl ivelIuri3rclIoiArf bo known Iwrorttnetit not IhtnOiiO wlUilhctVjrpotato of by Mayor and thai be with in lit from itaentiontd for thij to ecao tut aciie rcginttie the Pellets for of ruurtr of day or iTvoof with at it a n ltCntumrr follow lat It to a an In AodvO name lo Dont let a at talk Into write- trra ihe mak more on the kind why he lell them why you better not them t aimoJ be thotjijior ffhoVoiooofthoXcoplo Willi no aloft at wo heard and oar wv will lei ted For fcooi of our land fcipt lo In the titrate will worthy compound will to lo paramount yet Though Which to there none That the of our nation Aa the trade In drink tie at projperity been larded and plotting and re corrupt From that from thou itching To treat been tic ha land Kite by tippling Our aacomb to its away 1 Parliarneot a btrroorn away I We cannot lo While afojl mil fn your In morn of yojr Ye men and out tool faith In I buoyant Your record will cot rayed Than ho I root ot trade Forget not that vie have rafted to honor Will natch you iach action all noted of I be levied by all In llfxertottitxHAi lhj ratOlo Habit- to rated In Of A ji r on the of ate over arl of ch for rom the ti3ebefitire4hftvo force of atutcd by thy quail BOOK AMI MEW Our new Bake Oven Works complete Our new Baker knows how to do the Work 0U1I BREAD IS ML Office tbo of lx for to run ihtAlJyrw iLkeJTect the Fir it of tbla lo I for tbo of JJetori IhetMTox rovhfora of and ifo lie day of hour or Nino In Ihu Poll will bo ibeUtuJJpe the Toll in tro raid ihe for the votu and JJepuly or the iown For An Ward Jakn It turn- iltv on Mon4ay the day of tho of In In In writ- th to fcltt- auruln i oftf of lei luruiiiotli or the ptilnjr i tin of fcltiul at In till t oelyik on di of A the of for NOTICE lb wlll the of the Town of NOW inrrkitin tbu event or the Of tbtrcto one In Kita la ihoKfiibtoe Of July thoboyr dty IbfLlii III vot Of lLe tbo bo J i Imlruc- ltl 1 nib of July Wo to MowiBtAi July The part of Montreals Exhibition buildings were swept out of Cue early this morning fire imc4 in power house of the MoDtreal railroad to the north of Quite a number of electric car The loss will be about North July Charles Corey and Miss Kate both of Boston were drown ed in Niagara river between Grand Island and he Canadian shore aboye Niagara Fills they had hired a small boat for a row and in the rough water the became and capslsed a on Grand witnessed the and reported It new- potatoes entering the market the prevailing low prices outlook Is not of new potatoes raised In Ohio was in Rochester recently for a bushel Probably new potatoes never entered the mar ket at a lower figure CfJREp IN TO Dr Ointment wi cure all cases Itching Piles in from 3 f nigh I One application brings com fort For Blind and Bleeding Pile- it is peelest Also cures Teller Salt Itch and all of the skin Sold Iharroscy An exchange warns fanners lo look out for man who is around endeavoring to tell the right to get re out milk than the cows put It several such lhrotightiif counties snd should one lb wander into your vicinity the grand bounce or the bulldog be an appropriate for him It yoy are not in a make neighbor the next best thing to do Is to male a dollar go further than he is this way if you are only making a month you cans pace with the fellow who Is making fcliog fan cut acroistots and come out fh Mm or ahead He will spend Just became he happens to have them where find it to spend cents The young who lives within his means no matter how small stands a far better chance of tiling at his ease in after life than one who Uvea up to or beyond his Income no bow large ft uiv be It is the habit of portion of one that leads to competence and wealth Our lead Will feci it their duty car fair May of JAnWfW ami J Till I La as to hells kiagilom to BYLAW NO rcC dvHaie by of r Till then will clouds of fume it 3 Oil fcinoer cot fihtll oer ram- their id Ibtlr triumph or glid victory Town Li of JiiC 1 IE A of to 114c for cf Tin it Twenty jtsATii J- of that any to In tbeUbif tun ttf a Twenty by both Lfdl lOM by fcfoal for of tub the of go Mr Geo of lot to con while from his llie look fright away a pine Mump bending the flietlattiagi a con of John Smith of CooVifown hid raftfor lune to bis It appears he patrig on a log near the barn he jell to the ground great violence broking the humerus or bone of the hi arm very loir tn fact almost into the j property tlfttv to iurpwjoribc for th Is tbu of tUalurc Of tu of the jarkct by of the hereby riHlulroJtolirJCUniufiof tiil tlaI be fMtiLJ5uHi0 arl tni fxom it ILL date In tl for folio that to fl riiroiift of Jqsiii4ftitalbFi of iMUtfriT4i sty Tor the an 1 at lhaitj it of the fur Of Treaty from lit to fc day of to by of to vote for uatotof fbcKWi fltribopxovJUJor lajou Act On Mo Is oclock ifat of 1 J aaafurttJ4 Mltvtulbu fal ill other fstO hy ex So vioTcOlb hour of Mm the Of litOT Of on ex al at live tfClJ Way- ID on Tee fcMakti fit Of the 1 Vex At O live r y I ou at iicCti of tiouttf of r of in J tbaIiIK ti law ia la ot of if it IMmo rota triUr In WVH tfhajlvf artiaut of W No Newmarket Laiindry EVERYTHING IN GOOD WORKING ORDER Why Wagon calls for and AuroraCall Tuesday and deliver Thursday delivers all work Bradford Call Wednesday and deliver Friday Proprietor Oppoiitc House Curtains done equal to new Social terms for family vrasbins- la July- GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY r iii tJj TRY OUR IAIIS TUBS A NO ft Sons OP NEWMARKET Building -rf- REPAIRS We fiitt4 up with oar of lit fcitrfs in GkfrufDg And up All Color Forks or Tut cz Keeling Converting Into toumtlca All lforo kuoq to my atylo of 1 will t of the Call and CANE MFC- CO Ltd write lHcrjLtrftQ iloktf to i- a IVbsa iM 1 to The potato pitch is said to be very succiisfull in vhcrc a ground On con- Whitby titled a vcy large while the the from one woods to another Mr JJrock IooV a job than he for after fcilin the old make thirty- nine a in length craved cut of the of the vanquished Mr had a lively time for a hut he whole in tow MUUMK Children a a l Sliioksiiiith Goal SALE Affile A- HARRISON BUSI MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES TOR YEARS IPQTOEK BEST FRIEND SALE IN til lioaclils Point 13 ft Ofti a I i i f tf Li El it- I a ion a lb on to let SALE Klcxli Entlcsliri to J CODY tActrOt RENT LLOYD PASTURE TO RENT Arc A wMS l la luck- Or ftho at CO LTD BUSINESS COLLEGE Newmarket For ale J I Jfenitcrro WARMS TO W ihtrcoa Lilt ill alio A Vara faisi cos l la alyovl of itl V a rug ill fclrct HOUSE All STORE TO LET bit wilj TWO TOWN LOTS Ito lCtif7fif tut a jV Power Kc fciUr IHOUASPIliClt UHUaJlALtf FOR SALE Kitora l J a l Li is lot Wo isl a ail with oc it ivofrfita a fft It Itt- t if a r til Sqii End Tannery tu III Its Tallow l D A V I Y It til jfllljjl is tmo to Your Photo BEST WORK REDUCED PRICES Dont wait I Dull weather dont make any difference i iM alio siijr outdo in either In done tec at he Our ftf