-w-wtl- ap TTS- NEWMARKET ERA AUG AralicczatnfV A Properly Cow Haloes A Co Farm for with cacti Eta to at no tut imn FRIDAY AUG 1800 Our Toronto Despatch ftttb In fair ft 1U fail it killing lilri A MM for month of J well- ISO Mi wujittljid Mi for 111 fxiif ii to hit ftod an Tin and ball to rniTM from on It Hi j thai He a- Mr In Hon Mr returned 3ay orQocfni of victory for will Hon- Mr lo fc to l itto Mr It It In fifaotitd lfi will nttiftro Hi of Mr whin the will rail in Mr taJ ft VIRGINIA mm lad lid tiff Mr Etui W fl tod wife at J Iwi con c me a Ml Mr Win Kill f QoeioivllH who a Jur Jautjli- lit IJLcplitni en Tlio flk1ait7 ozcofiloDi par to Irt pMCti fticrjr a PI to dfl- Very to dltUnoo A of per- t of In coma by Mr and nniUiMot it bo no thai Uom mob bo UNION STREET a Ihtog of the Mesiu and in tend Airing number of hoties to the Mr William Holbein list Sunday with friends in A number of people attended the Hand lust and on time Mr Albeit Latham Sunday In Zephyr Mr Maedonalda little boy ii Uom inflammation A man from DryTown had the misfortune to loose hat while on the excursion last School has again opened once more can be heard the merry laugh ter of the school A week from next Sunday Key Mr preach his at DryTown Mr and Mrs Hose wore called away very suddenly to Mark- ham to see her brother who is at the point death Constable Hill was around last Monday morning looking for some poor soul Wonder who it could be We ace the duck is spending movt of his lane picking up grain Think he will be in fine shape for Thanks giving VANDORP Hon J ft to tats ana the pro to bo provided by Idle soprano Mr and Mr Mat- groyopianlH A big crowd fa QUEKNSVIUE Mr George Wright who has been lafd up for tome time past table to be around and It attending to business at usual The Sunday Schools will hold a picnic In the beautiful grove of the late Mr J J next Saturday afternoon Aug The band will be in attendance Everyone welcome Mr Jos It away on the MusVoka spending hit holi day Mrs Hill upending a couple of weeks with her daughter Stephens of Virginia Geo Wight ft away on visit to friends at Milton Mrs has the guest of Mrs George Fogg the last fortnight Miss Flora it at Mrt McCauslandi Miss dice of Aurora it making MriWm her tlster a visit also it at Mrt J Mr and Mrt Hoover were the guests of Mr over Sun day Hull of Toronto also Ferguson and Miss Thomas arc spending the holidays at Mr Jamet Henrys out for bills for a garden party under the auspices of the Methodist Church to be held early in September October is the date fixed for the show A concert is to he held in the evening ROACHS POINT MOUNT ALBERT Infant too Monday Mr J Think it calling srlfoand tltUrlelaw and vat and Mcura and are at loZRtzhtvtt over a pfg and art going to Mills matter a J p Mr Frank and Oily Mich art calling on fere ton a AURORA Mr principal of High taken bit la lately vacated by Mr 3 Rots Mr la tafforlDg from a fall from a Ho wot on rear a load of manor howi landtag on bead and on Mr Con ft up cbarto of colling a to homo on May At of do bed oat made of tbo am Intra la not having out Homo Tit name Mr Daniel London It of under lion Win Mr flpry li a lib promluenl Mown A man and well known thii of having a of Barrio for many Mr Spry It one of ibo boat a be It of la Io now year bo bit career at a clerk lb bo baa country and well ever alnco llstrlct tbo mail over had with little country HI a pvlct will genorat favor io Province of Ontario at Mr Oliver St John Smith who died at on the Inst was for many years a resident of this locality know and highly re spected being a carpenter by profes sion and a workman lie devout member of the Metho dic Church and for many years a leader choir Hit burial took place at where he has re- tided for a number of on the The Hand serenaded on reluming home from ihcir excursion last week and the refreshments served by family were greatly enjoyed The lawn was illuminated a number of campers were present and a happy hour was spent in music and song The trouble nt the Sutton Cheese has alt blown over The Directors decided to let the guilty parlies on this time by their paying the charges incurred in the Inspector up from Toronto It is hoped that the warning may have a lasting effect The Methodist Choir of New market had a big lime last Friday The day was delightful and the boat ing and bathing was thoroughly en joyed though the water was a little cool Inspector Davidson and wife were the guests of Mr Dickson at Orchard Beach last Friday Mis II- and Mrs P have been spending several days at Orchard Beach also Miis Haines of Aurora at the Mc Kay camp Therpwasquiteafallingoffofvisilort Shore last Sunday The Inland going on to Barrio row a from hero attends at Wrlf A Winch btt from bat of it not AIM not worth tbo calling for nil flMn by iho A Mr titmihf wIlU their In A of ptoplft from lure Me In Mitch iota Mr J villa of Toronto finding VMtlon of It siding a with hut of tod hold At Point on eA Two on thttrwy homo from wllb iom on throwing out coming following Saturday up to JIxfcjThM not ytl the tor to over point to J- tbo coming North York honored with ho fid quitt it would giro gen- trol Mr Lid perlooM la and other u well a life training which At tho of io an manner Integrity ability and bit for jirty to and to ihUchoIco an and worthy Mr will the appointment to him and ho It may thai more than or dinary brilliancy with on lul program profit to lloilt the work of to making lor the Important of reform the with at another of prlta- to bo early la January next by fiir Topper In reply iti other than a ptotoni to draw larger from tho public the ptopoeUlon of and bit to for the carried Gut each voald only abont Jo addition to hat by talking till expiry of thirty bey tach pocket and aro men who Jo otout la the public preached at tic section on Thursday evening of last week J Several ftora here gone to Manitoba tohelp lake in the veil A couple of weeks ago Matter Willie Briscoe an English boy home with Mr from death When driving a load of oats Into the barn the he was sit ting gave way and he felt in front of wagon one of the wheels passing over his body Strange to Bay he appealed little the worse lor his ad- venture fc Sabbath evening the Rev Mr Williamson of Christ Church will take his for discourse subject of Christian science Mr Douglas of the north hundred acre from Mr Many fields of oats are so badly damaged by the rust blight that they will hardly be worth Those fortunate to have crop sown firfibarell right as the oats had commenced to ripen before blight come Visitors Mr and Mrs Maurice Foster Newmarket at their Mr I lion Mr- torain- or centered In during lift general wai mow faobl campaign cloud a triouphaotly for and in or an the Lib acd victory all llo Jrnora tape Id vie of fact until iL election been and the that tie all the diiOrdan in the achool to liberal Who non by a iiiy iLt krd of Joe in incntMA near or Ibo to full and feccual titd of the ifco gt tnici a majority or Boo bom of is beard In aHdlrtcttonit and of grain It in locality Mr Thompson left for with fail Wooding Monday loot alio wUt for a week or two Lin Ohio ot Toronto Io at Mr Joiepb Johnwno Mr Lock teacher paid bio Lock a on Friday loot Iter goto Tory to young people laet in the Mtthodiet Church Aggie Taylor Toronto homo her Mr Martin Taylor Junior Foot Cell play Ml Albert at pm The wiU bo exciting the tome have twice tbli Io each Several new are ojenafactu ring ropca Co to ibip loado John had a log Id wheal lonely ilia week tinea the cornet ever the tar board and friend Mr of lor a patty on at Mr Jbn A In and eereral Io An by lb pcopio and to enjoy iLicr Mr abort addnu alluding to ehown by tbe lidita at bad bore alio of young wtda a very ibeir for by tbo and they all Would look for- again I la La future sec mother improved in health coming here some iwo ago- The bible at last Sunday evening was in charge of J Dickson Esq A- and was largely The meeting was greatly enjoyed and after the lesson was over the company sang favorite sacred selections till after nine oclock Mrs John Bell and son of who have spent nearly four weeks at Squire Jacksons cottage leaves for on Monday to vitit relatives on the way home Cranberries are said to be very plentiful on the Holland marsh and picking parlies go out from Keswick every few days There was a large attendance at the English Church last Sunday and Key Mr Rutherford the new rector was cordially received In future service will be held regularly at p Mr Montgomery of Park- dale and Geo Montgomery of Sud- have been vhliln at camp this week Dr Cane of Toronto spent a few days at the Cone camp- About got on the last Saturday and took in the excur sion to The boat had quite an experience getting into the at night owing to the high wind and rough sea She got on the sand and it took over an hour t make the wharf Eight young girls from bareheaded and well provided power had a experience last Saturday They had a ride along Lake Shore while sitting on the bottom of a farm tragon While the horses were going at full speed a wheel came but fortunately no was seriously hurt The ftlay took an excursion from Gilford to on Tuesday under the auspices of the Good calling at and the Point Morton Park has been well this summer and the proprietor feels greatly encouraged The busi ness of last season has been more than doubled and at times every place 10 its utmost capacity and up to Sunday all the col- were still occupied and the campers were delighted with splendid of at the wharf A week ago last took breakfast at the Boarding House There has been some splendid fish ing Cooks Bay during past week Two ladles went out Monday morning and caught a whale ne cessitating the boat to land The excitement was so great that when shore one of the ladies jump out of boat into the water and drew the burden in The ladies are anxious to kp it but it it mentioned among the campers they get a laugh on about long Mr Roche and wife were calling on camper on Tuesday The two verandahs added to Mr at Orchard Beach make a great improvement the storm Saturday night seven horses were killed on the Saver farm on fihh concession of One of the horses killed said to be worth Mr John Grain to met with a out accident a week ago last Friday which nearly cost him his life They were finishing harvest at his place called and Mr Graham was tightening up the first bundle of the last load using carriers in the barn for that purpose He was standing on the edge of the load pulling the chain that tightens the bundle with all his might when the chain broke and he fell backwards upon the barn floor lighting on his back The Dr was sent for and after a thorough ex amination no bones brok en The internal injuries were such that he suffered most terrible pain day and night for more than a week and the Dr feared that something would eel in that would prove falsi However we are glad to saythat he is now considered out danger and on a fair way to recovery Quite a number of our young people altended the Temperance Picnic at Newmarket last Saturday and a most enjoyable day was spent Mr has given his house a coat of paint which improves the corners very much Visitors list Mr of Zephyr at Mr Smockems Mr of Vivian at Mr Jno Gross Mrs of Toronto lift an with and to all at Mr to kirn Geo It Improved at to to tit Dp raw Mr a weix broth Mr Hopper on ltlca If that In by hoar Ibat all op ay to boy hand loyt Daniel a young lad of Falls was drowned the whirlpool rapids The electric light and water works bylaw wt carried in LUtonel a small majority IC7- A package containing and other money the was stolen from the safe of Toilette station some time on night Mr J Henry a farmer living in was killed on Monday St Thomas by a freight train while 10 cross the track in front of train Reports from Cairo indicate that preparations for a general the AngloEgyptian troops rapidly completed and it is expected will be reached on October lath The Cm and will be received very quietly by Queen at but Wilt lliat has not received since and then it was only late Shall of Persia it going wild over the coming fho a British tramp tteamer from Cordova for Halifax was an iceberg on Wednes day and sank almost immediately The captain crew took to the lifeboats and were picked up by the taken to New York Nearly five hundred people left on excursion to Owen Sound on Civic holiday under the of the Fire Brigade and Band They were Joined by between two and three hundred from and other points along the route Aug Shortly after midnight Murphys saw mills at Murphys tiding about five miles from here were struck by lighting which slatted the mills on fire The mills a million and a hall feet of lumber numerous logs and tie and slabs also a boarding- house were totally destroyed John Thuilow of Allen- date was feeling unwell last week and oh Thursday while the were away to a funeral went Into the kit chen to take a powder By mistake lie took a of green The family returned than was expected and found him vomiting Medical aid was summoned immedi ately and emetics administered Mr Is almost recovered 1 A receiver has been appoint I for the of Geo E Reynolds general merchant of At Point one evening while attempting to kindle a fire with coal oil John wai frightfully burned about the bead frightfully burned arms and chest THAT LOl NATION Four of Ingest luting In Buffalo cm ploying thousand men nave down to lack of Port Aug The North of Lake Superior been added to producing trtclt of there received Empress mine lily Lake Suporior the first gold brick from the new mill recently erected the mine The result very gratifying to director Tell not In mournful num I green fruit whM is life cucuoibcrt salt and vinegar to suit Rut enjoyment rtnd not sorrow Is our destined end And nay just to cat that each to finds us fatter than to-day- The cucumber crop is fleeting green apples for no one wait let us then be up and eating Kith a heart for any fate Dougherty and son est of while driving to on Friday evening last were throtrn out of the buggy and bruised and shaken up The animal got frightened at a cow just vest of and bolted into the ditch throning out both occupants and gti Ifnv its freedom The buggy righted and animal to It was caught No dtmsge to either or tig An is being made the Surrogate Couit for probate of the of John Watson late of Klmc farmer srho properly valued at consist of land In various parts of King Township worth household goods j horses cattle eta book debts and farm produce The is be queathed to the widow daughters and son of deceased Aug J Mat ticket agent here has absconded leaving quite a shortage In his accounts The and Express Company are secured against loss by the Guarantee Company of Philadelphia but the different boat lines for whom he sold tickets will be out of pocket His relatives have made good the loss to the Guarantee Company hence will not take action to secure his and return him from the States has an electric street railway whose termini are the brewery and the cemetery We have long recognized the road that leads from the tub 10 the graveyard but this is the first instance within our knowledge they have been connected with an electric service Most people judged the old method of getting the liquor victim to long homo quite rapid enough but this is a fast age and wonders never cease Our last a big in Clothing Department When we that 9 Suits are marked down to 595 the it and ft consequence wo have had tremendous in Mens Suits the BETTOR TMAM EVER morning wo will offer another lot of Tweed Pants well at Tweed Panto that alwayo at for tailor always 400 at Mens Diagonal Worsted Dress Coat Vest tailor mado with Pants would bo alright at our price Mens All Wool Tweed Suits tailor at Wo mention only a lines but a look at stock and careful of values will convince you that hero not in Toronto is tho to buy your Clothing Remember we dont Cheap Clothing but Clothing Cheap Boot and Shoo Trade hotter than ever Our Prices arc always tbe lowest 25 tAt ALSO TO RENT JOSEPH MILLARD TOWN DAVID List of and Class Special Prizes for Horse Ring on First Day p pike In lliij will m liitlifjille to but and col ptiii In Wy i I a j a Jane of Toronto Mr row la hi lU and itj for of ted bit Jioo iho living a faulty of and wfao with to tiom to Of Rot a of from Chicago vUlttaf la North Toronto in alio la Intl jooogtit late Bella Evan boric at ChortU ili In fll- lip It ju a vlU audtwocbUdren Id Toronto ho aoglottr 8rDooa on bit la Stale Q Bbippard blaager of lb and to- tamo Villa city wV family will ret on iiiler of US baa a jammer will be at the A is on a Hi a few Barrel analog with aliunde of grain tod ouof bat took ibl of ibeulUof a of grown fa at Newmarket ft- lo were eel bo lawn and a ladie tailed vii our by Of od of of In o by Moore a well the duette by and Rtr addrue Autoes Elder A or following Button T1 for Driver in bariK4t or geld- a Farmer that In WA Lady for iirM around Inclf Sins p If of by Hex value for faoya by Montgomery 1u By Pony Jo or track in tor free tolobuicradvtrtif to will wra whether or not at p For to hi daring the day Class Imported Draught Horses lit 1 Brood wiiltaiidenMof hiving a foil 8 Filly old ecka Pair of by Spring Colt from fir CO CO Class Canadian Draught Morses 2 Draught All Plow Co Toronto al ueroi of having year i fltldlcgor two or Filly Boring Colt or Filly Cart any by tut W CO DO CO Toronto ID CO 3 CO SCO CO 2 CO a CO Class General Purpose Morses in blower givc by Ca Toronto valcedtW wiener to Wobtlin prizor By Society toed Mare with of had a foal year years old or Filly fifiprlogColt if CO CO CO CO Carriage Horses BtiHCA fl a than 16S Whip by at with taWcg a year or Filly or Filly Spring Coll or i ft Class Roadster Horses Bullion a Bullion a Span In 3rd litre cr 1 a foil J Jlcalhoai- Kcwmirkti Yearling or Filly Hoi tea bill on Day 3 CO CO CO CO CO 3 CO CO CO co CO CO CO CO CO ii CO CO 1 CO co 2 CO CO CO CO CO CO 2 CO CO CO CO CO CO 2 CO CO CO Held CO CO CO Class Short Horn Cattle Registered fiitt Dally lor Bull Bull ft year iii I i Bull toy era a Class Jersey Cattle Class Cattle I I 1 CO 3 CO CO CO CO CO S CO 111 ft- lit CO CO CO 0 frill CO CO Leading Furniture AND Mouse I M SIMCOE III EL KESWICK rt A LifeSize Air Brush Ink Portrait Willi every of CALL AND SHU SPECIMEN A SPECIALTY leu if At to ttt fcitco lo iti tit nil aMUtt ill fclvti Ikst fifltr til proceed lodUlHbt6 ri l thereto to lbt lOiaj fcira clrtd it Ifco rich a LLOYD center OttA3 Ifcl lh Tho Tomb lait cf Irt liar on Mrtl If wt 13ib Mr- lute tied llh If the Ji ttncttoia Hal Mr tiMiLiiiji UcPifzuoN At or puttTlTruftlH r north it- -FOR- a NEWMARKET A Full Stock of the Best just re ceived A Y Night Bell tlV Veto FOR SALE OR RENT if ruaEui Oa VdUir leg fiXLll OK STOLEN a fit lit 3YEAROLD HEIFER icy tiu REMOVED liulook TORONTO WE fica to Oicrtto House for Sale J tiLr hire lclU Ufttd la TOVN OF NEWMARKET Ji tiifvct A if a Lot No ilii A aortaUi let tl i Let Wcit THE i86 GOOD to clear out all our Summer Shoes We must educe our Scock at once If you will only call and tee and you It raeani a saving at per cent to you They are all the Newest Styles to Womens Misses Childrens Mens and Boys Call and see SUGAR and Fruit Jars TOR PRESERVING Any quantity as as the cheapest To ell itito wdJli ltOCJLtT ycrkltpCcDljp alort Clk OHca Klitfrl LUsltrLLt TtiCcjttjOiil Ai to Jcij ti4 iti iitTi for aji Kui7cri3 fcUaidilItv aiUK9it idiMUttit a tiLi cnl foU ail itti tf Yak l to aU to Its Vjiib t VUaicJ A aJIu let At l1 UJ if ay fettc lath tifLj at to ill tit Its itiTowntf VLUstc iti Castro to itt VUAji to Vm Uik noCXaihCctuctilLIUiUMlg tf It ill ld Teas and Coffee We have a special line of Japan at roc pound and our regular line at a or pounds or Is best quality the price you can find Crocker and Chinavare See our Dinner for quality at low prices We your inspection Toilet Sets from Jiooo THE LEADING GROCER Main oa4 Ms We will Not bo Undersold l A BAY MARK Valuable Farm For Sale UHW a la a ttrUa to to Iti facaf lHTUa tf iUiUiki kit- iki rtloa I to a la Mi GUM IP a Mil LTD a villi fcVAJfcyjitiVuVV iAUt atitUitr at RICHMOND HILL SATURDAY SEPT aitclca if Lid li WoaiivVur 1 ijuituti ictat IJitciij tc it litociC444loa ill la a Oaikijuc fc Tm to nil at tta Hie lull JUo VaaJvja OlhOK J