Newmarket Era, 28 Aug 1896, p. 3

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rf l ft AP NEWMARKET ERA AUG 28 Tll At IS OK I IT A On even- op jail inill rlgtrQio of VtaonMvcrina hid not goat rnsoy chin mi one Jmgo on oiling MlUTM According to lbs on of tongvli Wow lot Id sound tod giro Rood your- All he Town mil Tuesday ht whom In- to to n and Mil atari loam now and not wall for It tit factory to conoctad as all pro- I motions aro now and now formoi M4rjekt At Kit bout of Xfa u advanca of billing on and fits on Four and told at Hon of North talesman a Utter fljo Baud will EUl Jd 1 Coun- Oil it on Georgia Council North Cwlldrabarf Coonell l Monday Court The neit held on of not not will la ftltondnot docks for Fair Play A person fit on colling of ft limy without Church In to of Mr- rejl ii to JrnUr Mr ft on iho nd will And npooCrntDl In him will In rtiiHnoiictf to think Trail Stocks It yog to Mr thoJtoytl Hot Nowinirktt en it In Toronto Wo In only ftll Inform ton Murphy A- Co- Mining Toronto Sumcriuic Now The Era will to ftddreit In or from now till Jan for Km Toronto WitMr ItM for Km till end of for and for tho ri mo for Trade It looking op Jlltltttort In jrtrd Weigh fntgM If cart n xti big of ill Kiln Monday ftlUinoon In chair and Jion t own ftildmii a fcwlo Klhtt Mr Mr rending ami a few of from Mr Moora of To- routQ Open winl buy It nj offering to lha and of Ho Id oo Holies op own not look Parlor Boll placet up la A call will Millard York A ho of abora Iton It to In Methodist Parlor on to matt for annual this Town lbs of tha has It It that ovcry will aial effort to pfutnt work aud aro ThaCocnmUtoi to put straight similar In ho for and pieces io Factory pointer aro fctoplog their work up aa last has apixiar- aiWxUtt Job It thai will plaao a take 1 platoon Fair flroond on afternoon and An fiittratin game may opocUd a lias played and won two lints It admkiLjn ii adlmo ladUt Tho look for a litllo mora than oor over and tticm a JrJJCHTUI Fri day two of attached took a Jolly load of rtiMDi tho day was spnt at Hollow load took tho outing at Iho of An and of books taken rig acd lid by Mr fitoiiffera was inuijo and was oclock lift In and after midnight outing A PREeKrATIOIfpMr A of Bank of at and ion of this Town to tin Tho Liitowall Mr of over years Town ho has mads many and his removal will much regretted lo circles a number id friends rati rooms over the Bator- Jay Mr an addicts and Si as ao of kindly lorhiiu- by Mr lua A our The ago demands special and training order to win cots In any For as a farioor or nothing bo wore than a bright courts In At to for young women loo It such a to enable them to ocooomlotl and aaooeiafol of lha Homo and to All many now open for them as Correspondent For a training wo know of no which offers bettor facilities of modern than Central Jlnalntu of Toronto now year In this gins on 1st on sod after which data may enter and iroixiut which wo hat a seen has just been by tho Principal and Proprietor Mr II If oro lit Ms work aud In your own wrfto and obtain a copy County Croats have down soft all lines of bay and meeting of Cans at oclock neat af- member Is to bo Sore Mr otto of Aid borres on a maty nail and It ran Into foot soma distance making a Ho Down to The Coun cil decide tonight who will contracts for now tenders ata below tbs Work will Monday lbs boat been down already eight floa hero last Vcdociday Oct of weighed lbs which was from Mr for wIUU to Pianos prices paid Lf A the other buyer Is to bo at Howmarket on Hal or day to buy heavy draft and Mom k The Office Co la putting aoothar to Han wing their factory Work darn Is slowly It will nearly to fintali Job In ft sab- and it will likely bo many bo oat of again all teuton why atompa bo rsmoved now Dont Shoot ire lot plover the but lbs wjll have to polecat In of neat month or lbs will bo them Ho person can kill or shoot them between half anhoor after sunael and half an hour before a penally not Jc linn and Tho penally applies lo shooting gamo oat of Br The paint ers and celling who been at work past two weeks lhair that the church will bo cleaned ready for services Sundsy special ro Opening will not bo held however woeka until six or Memorial Windows sro pot In and decorations on which cation It fa expect that ArchUfahop of Toronto bo present Tkufkkanck The at at near last was not fts largo as antici pated but report a llmo Albert and Kottloby well Among veteran whopotlAanappeatanco wera Walton of Holland It aw wilt of Aurora and of Albert disappointment that no brass band was no this had Its Induce In number the are iiuuiaroua in and Town regarding the ateoling of fruit and If la not brought the Mayor It will bo a A Iho mean work but that deliberately atval fn Charles Qocsn informs that two out their orchard and stripped a pear as high aa they a para- aot and basket of They ate fauowu by being tho operation acd will be its tub- of yuo Hi goesljr for time to Fruit It pretty dear It is of and farmer that baa ceo would f giva a a of or ptuuis that is to pay for them to deliberately moch silence Quit a of on Town outside of Jiunts allowed The con stent to lift and We haw heard of several horses being fright- on ft occurred causing ft lors veil ftt personal lujury Mr by Mr ttftl- was Melting along at camp Mr lbs Unas the one of them broke As ma obliged to puU the remaining lino and Hint it lbs corner In so doing Mr Parks who has bun invalid year out and shaken op which will him a bad back escaped with a but rift was left avaock One vu coi all to Township athould avutls tot ftUoflng gipsies to BOUNTY A pec meeting of York County was Monday Toronto thou wntwlng Norman It was decided to ftpJol of In of York Itwhloh county was ordtrojto pay in damages an amount that would boy whole along which roads pais How a could bo by taking away ft acres for road purposes mora than his property is no legal men can aolve Another mailer of tome was alio Homo tiros ago Miss Jane of To- died leaving the of to the county money lo nsod to an infirmary lu connection with Jndualrfal Her brother and slater James Allan who both reside In To ronto now forward and al that their relative was not In a fit condition to a will that undue In floeQco waa After coin a cuts Ion County Mr to claim The deceased left an citato of which Is bequeathed to Inatftntlons John Allan of la left real estate in of that Township and tho MitEt Your Obligations la like when every man no what hit occupation is more or leu in debt Individuals should caution lo making promises of of money This is for the that perhapa promise of A being relied on by Is the foundation tor a promises to pay and when A fails to keep hit gationl it makes distord and not to say bitter disappointment for all rest Make your calculations to that there Is a reasonable of being ablatokoep them Many ftro about matters of this kind Thoy do not Intend make trouble but act as though they thought that pay op the first of month would bo alt right if kept within a or two months or whenever they had men cancel do this Decks do not permit matters lo dreg along In this way Prompt nets is everything particularly in times tike present wen desires lo bis obligations promptly but no one can do those to him finally prompt In payments to him A man said to us last week that ho had of a hundred dollars that was owing him on tho of July The man was good an farmer bis promise man had goes among certain of those to whom ha was Indebted and promlaea to July The first slipped by lilt of month tame and with the hundred dollies Ho drove fat lha debtor merely laughed at bis proJicsmeot re marking that he did ft few days made any difference lint he has not the hundred dollars and the man made his promises In good faith was obliged to around and borrow sum from among bit friendswho In turn hid made other to pay a pretty task Jail now moral of Ibis is do not a promise meet your obligations you have reason to yon do ao but ones hiving your word to have the money by a time procure it ftndkep word and relieve the man who loaned you the of olcg from oca to another and apologising for not to keep bis promise A hundred dollsrs In payment of ft debt may pass through a before night in settlement of tub man upon lbs state ment of Ho down Its a Mr bis pel pup It was running after shoep and Mr it lard popped over Mr Walter had a bad break coining up from Aurora other evening A puncture In his hind in a general A of paint has Improved the appearance of Packing under the skilful touch of Mr Holt Hewitt end brush manipulated by Mr men a making a vast change in the appearance of Mr Manning wtaft wooine rain on Wednesday ground was very dry and roads awful da Hew on Huron and various sidewalk re by the Chief this week Mr If fixing up lontmeot adjoin lag lbs Marble Works and a new Mr Morning while work log at on bad a pitchfork ran Into hit Tho In- Homo on Tuesday to pay the monthly accounts Ilia a downright way Education Dipt has dillydallied with this year re port Pour Kltelrlt Light rep- were fn Town night looking after the Town contract Hillsdale Items crowded out till week Ink Oroya Tho long ft over Town acliools open next will ftlto bo hero Labor Day ft from Monday Toronto Monday Market last Saturday of people Hew wheat is coming in Campers ftro getting homo better attended next Co meets next Wed eight Town Council meeting Hat Wednesday oven log Jtccy4 and Hunter Itoadhoaao Jtlckwood end Following bills Pig Co Martin Grant laUr do Tenders for new Power House wers as follows Browning Mason work 0 Thomas work CM 3S A A May Carpeater work and Painting do do SO A to Cvmmittoj to re port at Kiil Meeting of Council on Friday evening The reported in of erecting a hoist in the Town Hall the purchase of scales for weighing hi and the vacant Market Stall lion taken by Council Is vltillng In City Mrs J Is spending In the city Mr Frank homo from Moot real on a Is visiting her sister Mr Is from after a weeks holidays Mrs James Grant of Ingtrtoll fs at her fathers Aid Cody Mr of Toronto Is vlsllfng friends and relatives town Mr J Jfolllngebtid spent four weeks of his vacation over fn Michigan Miss kit on Friday for an extended visit with her In London Mr sending ft week with frftndsat Thoropn has left for after ft visit at Mr Clsrenoo Caldwell of How York was hereon Monday to see his Invalid father and Mies Toronto visiting this week at Mr- Misses of are visiting vtlt friends town Mrs Ceo Webber and Miss Hull of Toronto with Mrs V J was friends In and Hand ay Mill Mult of It vlilt login Tovn ifilh her Murray Mies Bclby to Toronto alter pending two very months In Mies Clara Manning went the city on Monday to a situation awaiting her Mrs Vcrner and ton of Toronto spending a week Mr and Mr VylhoU town and Travis on and re turned Tuesday Mies Laura of Toronto spent past in visiting at Mr Cyrus Miss Allco Bluest has returnvl from Toronto where she enjoys ft visit with her grandmother Mrs children of Toronto spent a few days with Mrs Belli Hot vcck Hill a week to with his Hendry Rev M of Hell visiting at Mr on of last week Mr and Mrs P Phillip J villi with their Mrs and Mrs A Hendry tho pail week Mr J and Mrs Amos of Toronto oyer with their aunt Mrs Mr Is down with fever ard Mr Feci Miller of Newmarket took his work last Mr and Mrs daugh ters from Frank ford Hew York are a coup of weeks ftt Mr Chat Brnllire Pickering J and from Newmarket on spent the friends there Re W Mackay A Bonder- land of llle a unanimous call to The call a very dealt ftblo one for Huffalo on to Jry and a settle ment with of In Philadelphia Mrs and of De troit who Mrs Prftyter and other friends for two weeks left for Toronto Mr left for yoslorday drive Rogers marc in the races there to day Two weeks ago at Toronto won money Mr Prank formerly of York now of Toronto In Town en Siturdsy friends went north lo visit up In of Toronto who fafs been visiting her the Misses Farm home Monday was accompanied by her Mary Trent Mrs of Toronto formerly Mrs Trent of this Town was over Sunday with Trent was calling in friends Jo Newmarket en Saturday Mr J II Lewis formerly of Em hit a situation stenographer with P Co wholesale grars Toronto writes from to ISO words a min ute and holds a which several eth ers were compelled to relinquish Mr Edgar of ion ol Mr of this Town and a graduate Newmarket High School has en titling him to ft certificate as Commercial Specialist Mr Frank of Sharon another of our paired the same Mr aE mill us Jsrvls of conquering Cc4a in al yacht race that It tech AY a IMA mm At about onehalf Regular Prices and must go not at our price hut at your fill ATTRACTIONS OF ALL AH good goods only odd longtln aSbertlMlijsofo o is giving at his- J fTil per yd Bolt only each Ladies Kelt worth for for Outing former prico L00 now 3Cc Factory Ac cold by otliera at and our Factory generally ofibrcd a Snap at A LEADING SPOT I I have a lot of Tan Goods which 1 am clearing out at and Below Cost also some other Lines at the same rate I have a line of Mens Extra Fine Boots which I am sell ing at and Extra good value Nov is your time as these Goods are going very fast Dont Miss this Sign of the Bed Boot ft Staple Department Wo celling or CO yard The regular value ia la Downright Cheap of inch Come am Flannelette at cents per it Dont buy unless it German for came to direct from Germany We will open on Tuesday 1st Sept On Monday of AukiihL we Stock- Taking In tho Hardware Department we are selling Oil Scoop Scales c Wo offer lb Platform inapected by wo offer some Bargains in Scales for use Iroof Safe Letter Coffee Mill dcacent Electric Sundries Store c in GO Are again prepared to supply Pure Spices of every hind and of ike most Aromatic Flavors either or Ground also White Vinegar and Cider Vinegar of Extra Strength and Flavor They are bound to keep up the reputation of their Goods that no one using their Pickling Materials need to be disappointed at the results DAVISON r ihis Drop in Prices is a HEARTBREAKER -w- iv are row ih very licit Side Men tub Aug about oclock villjgv by a fire which caused losi of four lives and endangered a fifth life The burned owned and occupied hits a widow with whom resided her daughter Phillips widow of the late Bernard Phillips and her four children Visiting her also at the time were Mrs Spencer and the latter two children Shortly after the occupants of the house had retired for the night nEght an alarm of fire given Mis Phillips and Mrs Quaife with maternal solicitude at once ran up stairs to try and assist their children lo They were not seen alive again however and it is surmised that they were overcome by the smoke and losing consciousness perished All the other occupants succeeded in getting out with the exception of Mrs two children who both perished in the flames Jesse Phillips daughter of Mrs Phillips was burned so badly hex lit in danger building being of frame burn cd so rapidly that the brigade could not save it and con6ned their efforts to saving the adjoining dwellings of Mr and Mr in which they succeeded Jessie Phillips youngest daughter of the late Mrs Phillips died to day at oclock from burns J ft BAKERY We Received Gars of Fruit This Week It is surprising where it all goes to but the problem is solved when the puces are right customers not to put off buying Crawford leaches as they are in two weeVs earlier than usual and also are a very small crop this year therefore not last long We hive been advised by the growers to this effect Plums Tomatoes Very Low this Week GROCERIES Did you a Sample Package Pood left at your door this week You can packages from us Bags Windsor Salt it is Hardware Paints and Oils In Clothing only joe J known III I i Marks For Trices Oox will surprise you lb Hive tried Worlds Tea in it extra m value To be had tt Bargain Houses 10 HURON AND MAIN buy ii in cent Out Spcos arc Guaranteed Strictly Pure and the lbs Sugar for lbs Kedpaths It Quality a received lyiiftNorib York boy l I at nights the lower half Jioaihiw cot met poor childs body being frightfully thin b hi He ft nephew of tDtiui Uo Cob Mitt Cody cf the iLc Kiodtrgiiua a Coo t cn if from fi of on the Kin III filling il iijcUHr for ibeic in work burned- This rnakci the fifth victim A ROBERTSON CLEARING OF Mr J J had seven chickens devoured by a mink or some other animal on Tues day evening This will bo a Month of Bargains our We Sell Mens Clothing at Cost We will Sell Boys Clothing at Cost We will Sell Boots and Shoes at Cost We will ScllMens Furnishings at Cost Perhaps you think we do not mean this Well just come and see for yourself We have to clear this stock by the end of the month and we have taken this means of doing it Do You Want a Suit of Clothes Do You Want a Pair of Shoes Do You Want a Nobby Hat iA SALESMEN The work in the shops at Detroit is rather and men have been discharged It is thought that another batch will be aid iff soon Opt Carter ter Head suicided on Tues day of last week by taking a dose of laudanum He left a note cm which were the word Do not bury me alive Keep me till Im dead A loaded revolver was him and it is supposed he would have shot himself if the laudanum bad not taken effect Financial difficulties ate sup posed to be the cause of the rath He was years old was a his wife having about months ago leaving no children He be long to the and Societies and was also a prominent member of the Orange Order very popular among his associates being of a genii disposition and kind obliging neighbor whose loss be deeply felt by ihe of and vicinity tifi ft to ALLEN NURSERY CO Sll Never in the or the Newmarket have prices been an low this you can for the a light Summer Suit or at I do not to tarry any over or new Full Merchant Tailoring of at the present and next low weeks greatly reduced prices want to make room TORONTO CO J IS Mi A Hi 9 J luiaauUlp to KfO wo or Ecot3coifc4KI4 t 91 FOR SALE Anuntetcti v Mutate- A all K4 Ircjt ttr ti tiQCvlc4t a Si ititiitl IS CO a 1 tr loo it tea CO it a Itct a CO fceVIj a 0 IS CO lUy ica SCO a rCV W ircwi i mitt CiS a lv Ufllll IVIODOUQALL I I U IE CLEARING -or- BRICK ill iro4 ft to ion orocto Mrs Baylys School win IBX English French and Music ranvtuir UafllVLIrlHIttlMIMillllli tilt I IU lb 1U tff it a- a 10 a AM a It a El a I I 111 ONI a Oil II IS CO If- su I L I And Other Summer I w j a a I CO a G ISO a a a J a 1 AT J for til require In Qwis in our large stock See Lot of for In 4 Alio a with worth of buy In or or ftetoiuu picket a Mi- ii

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