Newmarket Era, 11 Sep 1896, p. 4

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f m SEPT lit Io luting earning properties economical and Every Day I You dont mind raw weather when you your or interlined with Chamois is the simplest and protection from cold and wind that you can have cuts next to nothing Is to light you dont notice its durable and body to a garment and never to the natural healthful warmth of the body in all wea ther without the comfort it gives Only a yard for the fibre Chamois label on ell garments and no of hero week of life of David Throughout 1ito found ft inn floral noil Irt forth of hit for luting found wholly with wo mutt not Judge go but from true light which thine from whole Though the the are better Altai to giro view of n proper fcttji lift mciti to and the condition of life work Imperfect do great good If Ihoy repent of Ihtr lojudjaol by whole lift end not by mail of good or till by flowing of the lit end noVby the cur- The Itttl one can do who hie fe to bin gratitude and known the of hie factor Wo are too apt to forget the In- power underlying In All fcJiouId God from their licrli They with their vokie and In public and in in form and In spirit Ho that bath a will find to trel for I to fact that Alton for hie old North loiUsd of the Ml iftl that iff UcOaitUy pi eft tit for The early of bit are nearly all with the gallant Iff Ok the Sad Hon tipeeker aonoaned that la with a resolution by Economy of the Home of the bar In the the JliltiaaeUpfntberlRht but outride world wH wait to If he of the bar ago will egaln bo atrrlng bating J titan DISEASED LUNGS BY TAKING AYERSt cctorali I a in I 1 It pill of lung JiMW liOWKMcwhW l I A a ijyirouUe Cherry Pectoral One WANTED UQlefiiot4 fill mi to to Saddle and Caffiigo Horses lij to Will if Hotel A MA HOI fjhno the of candidate vrero at Dennett and Cook LOTS OP a good deal of whittling to up from Dakota tbo claim that bat damaged ten million Of of HAS A iEGORO atonic Ik reply to a delegation at Ottawa in timated that rjulatte legUlbtionfor a of pro would be next ion Tor to Civil rvlco Dominion and Provincial out of politics If out of politic Jet them reiign their A vaet ma jority of the whole country will to opinion of the of General to give effect to by lb late Sat ft Night The Crown did not en the People It a rejected chief of the from wreak I ok revenue for Mb rejection and gate the will of the people b epeedlir effeot then might hate bad be an and from doing thing In the flight Intervened between the Tapper day and ihtf morrow of to the Government to know that a ml ma jority of of the Dominion have eiprctit from evident determination of fllr and Hon Mr to fatten a the GovernorGeneral of action In not allowing a moribund mfnfelreloOtfalloiprlngdayi to Oil with their perl June Grant an original and pendent thinker hit to the hie view declaring the court pur- the both con and right the that nearly all the newt heme ap plating It tbo Toronto paper about Columbia gold paid for at to much aline in fact purely ad matter ally the inter view leading men who are to have taken In the mint ferring to tbl fact the Whitby The leading and appear to bo that tor money or in mine will aeelet a horde of mice faU lb everybody who not lo through the A v i wit pat in circulation a short lime ago to the Government bad of the privilege of Lake to an Ameri can Angling Club Hon Mr Hardy on being Interview in to the ru mor replied that the report without foundation Ontario Gavernmeot had been to lake wlilob le to be on tbe continent but tbo bad been The tbo fear all along had been that the Government at Ottawa would take fo direction but if lake be a motion right away of Civil fierrico men at Hon Mr clearly defloi4 hi ald I object no officer holding viowa in favor of one parly or the other and excelling tbo of francbleo but if tbe man worn party and teen on public platform or taken an part In or actively and effectively promoted the of a candidate of hi that man baa taken official life In bit band Every man have a right to bo but when the facta are Lira bo be opportunity to to a poli ticly of to Government noti fied Turkey tfattt anewer to de mand of former for Indemnity at a rcult of burning of Kbardoland not If Great ltd the Untie- would join malt Turkey would bo come from to the that Uackeotte will not Canadian representative at the IbU coming fall but Sir It Sir will a trip to aod whin the be of dull of of Trade and Com that he will High St wltb we learn that the present Federal hie with drawn the from ae with view of their by or park ad fata accepted of the On tario Cabinet tbe would now ha benefit of the a and tbo Indian tangible aid toward A It lb aland are old only poor and rock for wandering to derive help from m A of who made partisan during election bating by a of Common An Ottawa patch that It generally all aide a number of servant took active on Id of Topper but the Committee only dealing wltb whoie tlran After the defeat of Hon the of examination but Mr dtiiroua of dealing fairly with pat ran opponent In vice TUB OP len find SjId ffAtt Fete Class Fruits Etc 1 AppUi twelve Afplt kind Apple QrccilRi twelve J Win Viokr A py twelve If a In the body will find lodge In that and ore driven at trill Increase and multiply and grow Into a to Whether the be local or gen eral It la dangerous Gcod all over the body Is the galnt Debility of any kind a lo Golden Mtdlcel per cent If taken In the early of the that it whole a hearty condition The tuber cular thrown off by the lung and the pure rich blood lug through them the ana and alroDg and Consumption marked by wutlng away of the t31Iy and vice A watlng of lbe fleah on consumption Doctor Golden In- duces Die of healthy flesh It appetite and of the organs for the of It is a puri fier a tonic and a powerful curative rem edy all In one bottle- AH who wit tend and thirty one In to and duty to Medical Aru- Buffalo will receive of which tells oil about the Golden Disc Jul two Ktngcf Vilnler Apples any other kind Fnll Apples twelve Fall Applet twelve Fall Applet any other Appier 11 Apples twelj Alexander Apples twelve 1 Apples given by at Watch Chain given by A Aororn vriao- Golden Appier Crib Applet J 19 Wotor twelve given by Jobbing valco t y 1 M Vfnlcr Bod Aurora vnlucl At I it w CO CO CO W W CO BO CO to CO w CO w 1 CO w I CO w CO CO w a op CO CO ICO CO w CO Ml CO SO of VMlctlei not 1c- than of J 1 1 if r THE What ft So- I fami at tho xm ii jxrfjn do well I YIjo wailicr la and every family van la on telling vryiuy atoot and or atcd for one It la that good cheap icon pat on tin Mound City fllla bill With I you cm aod dry for a family of ten Id two wetting Ac at people fee tin ork they want one You can more and make It quieter than with any hold aitkte on the market I leal that any lady or can make from to day home You can get fall by City Co fit Mo help then you can money awfo faal A Next to the sunlight of heaven is the cheerful There no it the uncloud ed tunny smile alt tell of that which dwells within Who has not felt its electrifying influence One glance at tins face lifts us out of the mills and shadows into the beauti ful realms of hope One cheerful face a household will keep every thing warm and light within It may be a very plain face but there is some thing in it we feel but cannot and its cheery smile sends the blood through the veins for very joy There is a world blessed magic In the plain cheerful face and we would exchange it for all iho soulless ever Ihe fairest form on earth riKUTfCA tut It A TO THE IM IT roe lU nth ica y it lit I lo of lb ftsl STEEL CO tiud CI fit ttJl put ARM FOR flnVclu4rm la fci to a- FOR SAL AMOK of fulcr FLORIDA GARDEN LAND CO PASTURE TO RENT itrtsfaaOiH llewniarket For Sale It la air the Court of vrltfcb rtil at tbro do Court Jed available lo take his work THE Bear CURE Kit I mi 17 ftU Ccniamptioa 4 tt tut 4 BOW AT I til Remember they are priceless Take care of them Tim will take care are the Window Spec Soul jcall on us and get prices ATKINSON Jeweler and Optician Main St KS The estimate the of killed the a1 Children Cry for Children Orfor Children JOoi of the to in hot one from tbo only who won a auy of the Wondr how it not fully Lin for to tbcvo of ll militia Mr lord to It to drill in city o coil of to Uo tad rural to drill had appropriated for of watt of Lkt and COO appropriation 1895 total to for cow Liberal to pro approprialton- mad the for On a new to did any lor of and de fect remedied new hereafter bo Of tbe should a of of Hon Davie promotion to fa Ibt aa In capacity bead of a eoccfaafof Mr Davie playtd of Order and it la l matter for tbat now be placed entirely at delator and at iniu on Mr Davie uadoa on bleb uade bia into a of lime io ability moot of prcQU4 by and The Three Great flooib American Core Edward of Centra BC One Side AaWell Nervine of Avon- more Ho Die From and Cured by Sooth American Itlitit alio Cart American Kldovy Core ibe Only tor Wont Forme of Kidney Dictate To do all that one to do it commendable in these- days of broken promises The application is apt in the case of proprietary medi cines In the three Soulh American Remedies are found specifics that square up to every claim and promise The Edward Kurt Surrey Centre was taken bad last Aug ust with nervous prostration later developed into of one side Her husband writes She tried man remedies hut only in vain American Nervine was mended and I glad say the result after taking three bottles was astonishing to myself and family Wc believe it worked a wonder for Mrs Purr and we cannot speak too highly of the remedy As an aftermath from an attack of typhoid lever of became victim of most painful rheumatism and neu ralgia He called in the best medical aid but got no relief His words we I thought I must die and many thought I could not lire till morning the pain so seiste The doctors said I must go to the springs but I secured a tonic of South American Rheumatic Cure from Mr Brown druggist of Cornwall The first dose gave me relief and after taking two nd a half bottles the pain ail left me now I am as well as ever There is no in the me of South American Kidney Cure It is not a pill nor powder but a liquid that immediately dissolves the hard atonelike that kidney disease doing this ft be comes an absolute cure DJ Locke Sheibrooke Que says he spent En treatment for a complicated case of kidney disease but received no permanent cure until to use bis own words to use South Kidney Cure when lour bottle cured Hawkins Chattanooga SAVED LIPS the but rtmtdj or a tvtr For Liver or it Price Store CURB sold on a tee Hearts Incipient It i beat Coagh Oaf Only a eta Boot fa Die KARI8 ROOT great purifier ardclcr- tolhocompleiloo and carta palion els 0 Store- There are two kinds of people in this world Those who talk with out thinking and those who think without talking and they make each other tired a Guttata VLailarx43HL A Good Wind it J of wind I fir it me ud mill my well If but it it all right aod with little the all like It and am a of a to pot up mills on which I can mike profit there aw many fox whom can pat op mill fall dont why act have a mill when they mate It for leu any one ceo get and com plete or he mill by to lo A Co and there can be of pot op to any locality by that hie energy to do It- A I that double Jifcrd let of Vktoila Hi Yet to Ulii or to HOUSE MID STORK TO LET IGJC Dwell J Trocar TWO TOWN LOTS Street dnHatljr Ht ctr urn tMCKfi0Si AffCLt f on on Ho kilUrcQuolrf In SKoll8Uor I ran id The of got leaders from the insurance companies and then insured In a body for each accident the Town Council paying the bill Soolc to All I read Jo Standard that St woald gits plattd book spoon lo stamps I cent tot cat and it to my friends aod mad to two lakicf orders for the spoon apoon is a It cannot allp Into in a book on aooattblfig that vera flnt Invented an a by aaodibx tao to la a Spited to mall of i2 Bowels Kidneys and Liver all tfe at wae Correct log Acidity or StotatebcujtegBm wants Dyspepsia Hear Co pi Dryness of Dropsy Dim Salt Efjdpelas Scrofula or the Heart udOiofrtlDsbUHy ill and crony to fcafpv do not us id this line l We ny to outdo either in style or price If you want any kind of Priming done see what work and terms you can get at Era Office you order Our promptness is pro- n ifca AtOaitliiiclla tu tie fcnuliCf it a Ml variety Dark Class Etc Wine home Any homemade Tomato plot Preserved pint pint Preserved pint pint 10 II Canned rA ltti eft en i i 1 1 i Collection of cot ha Mixed Maple Molar 5M plnt Iti ftiKf or Comb to of 120 it Jewelry or other HomoHade lb loaf given by A a Ho or a valctd 20 Sot Co Toronto Cake cooked one down Powder Cub given by A- IfonieMao one made Powder given by Pore Mfg Prort tail Toronto to of Class Dairy Produce Crock or Firkin not than lbs a Water Jar fit by Co veiow at isrf by American Italian Co Toronto a t1 Crock of Hotter not than 10 a talked at lOlbi in lb given by J Albion Hotel Toronto i lb Baiter 6 Crock of Holler lit by Kobe 1 and Toronto by 10 in tvro by A VaUon JrofUl mi Toonto or of Hotter lb Halt Hall Dairy fclun Bits at CO to too w Etc tit It CO I to CO 60 I CO CO to I CO CO ICO 60 ICO CO to CO 60 CO to CO to CO 60 ICO CO CO a 4 a a tfti CO SCO CO to a too a CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO Class Carriages KrMv Dot a Carrtifiti and Lt i an not than Carl be for ill front of to be from any to glitn a CO a 111 fad CO CO CO CO co tar or a Class Agricultural Implements CO CO Kitrai CO CO a co a CO Class Mechanics Manufactures CO CO CO IS CO Collation of a akcbau I Box Cigar a of of and CollvAion Fret Work Window Frame of fiftwing for family J toe to tawing for can 11 Organ I plica to lb Oca- Grouis CO CO CO CO CO to CO Class Domestic Manufactures SteOAn Knlttol 114 Spread Quilt ton Quill sills Babys long Wool CoatM Wool Bock It Wool I I f I I Class Ladies Work for J dfiiittd 1 Idtal I lay The on Satin la Cotton lvn Work Talis Cover Toilet Work Five Oclock Tea Rat fai Work 13 Collection Plain Wool Work Piano Scarf J 16 Worked Whitk Holder Colltctioa Colldotkn White Linen Table Doilica in White SO Point cotton Table Centre aa Netting 3 Dared 21 llllo Pillow any other kind Apron tied Genta Caw ii Pair Worked piano Stool by Si A OrandfiUr a Bet of Table Linen SO Five Tea 1 Tea aa Eel of Table Mali or Cover Land Pin Ccihlon SS Carriage or Sofa Sofa Pillow cottoncct lei thin half down Catittt by Doll by child Scrap by child under tool lit it Worked Halloa in I lean or cotton it Teapot Heifer Class Fine Arts Etc Button Oil on Oil Fainting on any Pair tics tn or Satin or Bilk oil or lr in Watt Color lardacM 9 Water Color any jbact Knell Plain Crayen Craven fikafeh exhibitor iat1 bo a laemUref lbs tii 2 CO CO CO CO w It hi CO CO CO 1 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO to l i i 1 l CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO l CO a Pi a 2 2 S CO CO CO CO CO co CO CO GO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO to to CO CO to to 0 to to CO CO I CO CO CO to CO CO CO CO CO 0 CO tetLinfaftato OTHERS too You K wow that are eya Do an J jfitweil la to tirc5tlcayllitUbeni2ttcr3prfT to yoaCTjear it conjtd Pa ihitCartcrta a a Hit no You CatorU Its t Dr Burnt la curly aid tut Ctrtaa i I that other tare liitdeidlT riftt IhtraaWSl ItU wtibcai linrfalcsa Do you that ftVCC30 Caltlrla are a no hfa forfeit that hue of at Newmarket Laundry EVERYTHING IN GOOD WORKING ORDER gateoaiae Home Wagon calls for and l Aurora Tuesday and deliver all Bradford Call Wednesday and deliver F EMBURY Proprietor Opposite Lice Curtains done up equal to new Special for washing fJ OF NEWMARKET TRY OUR PAILS TrjBS ClTIESFIltS Building Material RE w We flltd a in hfaohico iti aid all All Colon and Pert CtfSfl ileriit Ban sawaaarai Wm into All Vrhels iiK3 We arc alto prepared to wake to order any We a at ihi the very Call it THE CANE SOUS MFG CO vain PUBLIC NOTICE for At lt to tt tit to Ml fill 1 ILij it J TJ WO0ICOCE A Notice to Creditors lo iM fiuivit itttlUhll tin 1 of tit da or RettiLcrIfcS J to Stiller to lit lit i Hi 1 ttt Si tztitw fc1r3 ttt lMllClwCf to lll Hit lit fttiiu tall to itfi iuk lci 1 Al 1 to tj til to itit 10 Ihl 111 CO QU4ttUd tttJt wtJiHfltt tit tt itill Am IJAYIU years BEST FRIEND fl IN alius AD lit tta to It it there no will cat either toot or of buckwheat aad towing it on any of two years in meets- kill the wire by fur- with nothing local ALLEN NURSERY CO J ilia Flow were by Sunday and has not The loss will aw about PICTURES FOR soap DIP iia A Colored Picture for every or Lifebuoy Son aMolurci wo Addraa LEVER ltd aJ iij li 1 a pi

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