Newmarket Era, 18 Sep 1896, p. 2

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v rri- i NEWMARKET ERA SEPT W A Haw I loIxsCeo U IfoKlhbM Co arts GRAND Win a 3 roads If half a load more could be hauled la the tune It meant a bin living and be hoped North of Mr Campbell and secure roads than now bis suggestion it to municipal men and com munity generally of thli Riding to team that the of the North Society have through the Hon Provincial Mr Campbell tor an hour on firtt day of Fall commencing at on the Good On ac count of the vciy gtcat yearly lost to municipalise from notion one man one year an other done year labor fa be hoped a targe gathering greet Mr Camp bell on the above J I 1 AIIU WITH The Era la Printed at Home c itJ Kill DAY SEPT Mirths Ik to all now to o homo any hit of CanHft ImicM Jlli ftl bow en- teii which floolcty hit will Ivlki ftpjKir in Hod J pruqiil ftt of flur Toronto wu will Oct wunlr A f l 1 JUndt a 1 i- t I ia ihoCntv Vuctj IVUJiAtMoatM Wtt A of iIm York iLiCVgrdlK i Hie HI ilncltl to tO In A fleo dnitoa hi to M J4ivli KyiU4l Hid nulloMirli fllci ttt ioCbko lo fct monthly poliHilitd At Toronto hit on to Aifrl- lUtlf lo of ll hrmtn will hold Convention St to In ftl- Mr John Avid Are in At4C4DCuiof of on ft to Air of his by of Wbllo HI pitly dont Own way by muni Hi luiil a to tho J work one Icnp9cl4nu 4dUlo it by by Mr a by tho Piof in 4tttoo It ft to Mi ktlclooiriryinuebliDpfOiKt Ill to of ibU A fa 04 4 iU poUco Lit but It lr doubtful Co- of to to tbti ell Il of will prabtbly lb Of hloyctti to m lit with 11 cad The ai made in these column last to vttions made by the lion Mr Davis 4t his re in the changes in but only one of many to which illation made in hit thoughtful The provincial by him clearly the ihithchadata excellent von of the and need of Ontario and all who know the Hon gentleman have an abiding that the presentation of progressive of administration actuating the Government was one in which confidence be placed and afforded reasonable grounds for future encouragement parallel lines upon other features of Mr Davis the has to l His account of the of the was higlity In there were a institutes in and CM The in was about in it In the latter year no less thm papers were read veiling dairies were established in and the Province had been some parts by The result hat been to the standard of all over the Province The School at hid in it who were getting thoroughly to take charge of the cheese throughout the Province and the fact men bad gone from it to the old land to give instruction proud that we had of the most skilled dairy instructors anywhere The schools at Kingston and were alto doing In the matter of fruit stations the Government was doing all it could do The trying of dif ferent varieties or different puts of the Province would by private experi ment take much time and labor The spraying service no instituted Good Roads Department were all to evidence of In regard to the good roads Mr Davis said no one tell gala from that Wis larlo Intend to make special efforts to law this fail was wanton and cklifid bo to proveot of llit of again Oh next weak r Victoria will bare CO loijfior 4ny othtr tirilltb In with the wish of 4ny on pari belovsd OUt of jfuns when If will have an CO years everywhere will join In that Qnten may to enjoy pro- ration In honor which in its A from Vioolpi to the effect that fa minor of friction ernor and C4bintt Is at present and no one to wbtro bo If orders to bo signed yesterday 4b- and bid for days It Honor will not at winter owing a the of tail year great the est in if the by the Itrk Toronto- Is not fail to the and should be In every libiwy is and author In a racy stylo of while jjloueerigcntho lima a know ledge at and territory a good ring about lbs book the read It to endure retails which are to follow every noble effort a lively In p4r other night between certain notably between the present 4nd bit Im mediate piteoesior The car toons by representing Sir Charles Topper and Premier at two with a line fence between lbs former shaking his flat in a threading the A thortdlsUncaoff filrdoliAe represented as a tree while him stands ler with a three Unci manor prodding la the rear pArmer Tapper to In Parmer Expert tu to good an do ye yer a of my with his pitchfork at A man In who to pail a couple of Itttcia and bad with save a conceived ihe brilliant idea of cutting it In two piece and gumming on letter He is to be Mill waiting for an to the Department Ottawa that the total amount of freight which passed through the Canadian and United State Sault file in the month of May June July and August of the present year amounted to ton Of thli torn passed ihe Caniduin canal The canal passed four per of total Vim fib friends In City Is this week Mr It V of Ion was in Toms ana son mother of fa from on a Mr and Mrs at and week Mrs mother of Mr Dr to watt It hero from Toronto on a Mr favored with a by bee two and Dr Is to bo again and Is to his Mr of has with Mr Mr of J has re- a oonplo ot at Mr Alex of Toronto Is log for a few with con Mr ffrn Mr Dram A Homo 00 Monday to a their friend May Toronto with her brother W Jf I tit Mr J pent with her Mr Hi Mr Heap of formerly of spent ondy In ftlto Mr of Montreal Mr and Mr who billing In this vicinity for ft left Monday for their homo Mr and Mis offer attended welding of Mies May Mack- Urn lo on the th of Whtt- church last Vcdncsday Mr has returned from Manitoba her whom critical Via At- and and Mil Delia hate returned homo after spend lug a week retallvoi In market Mayor Cameron wife end Ml Lola a Dying through Haw Monday night Mlu Derma Wood Lawn go number on ioct- Arnateuenli of all kinds were In and a Mrs Daniel Willi of ha returned homo from How York City aha Loon daughter Mm Job Watson for two month Mrs J A Morton of Detroit former ly of hero lat wek on a villi end a call Mrs IT who ha been poorly for the yeata Is Improving Mr ha from her brother being In a fair way tor bai alto re turned from Toronto ht A bavo been ilown to line worotng appeal af ilr V ial it lbs which on for feats Conductor on It has boon of owing ilthtAtthandConTLos lUi has to bis loih Iff and Mrs Haras of spent Cedars his alto been hero the psit month and will her aunt until Mr Geo of hero a fayi Breaking of pliyod on Sib Jnlt vbick in of villa by to iff watohod the Dtsxtrtoa end carried away of their friendship Mr of Mr- I with hit child from Uicblsn nntil ihoPwtdenUat Jfo reports jntt now Winner grandson of Mr J Wftcdcr who ff preparing to Ro to China as a washitra for a alio Mr from who left tor homo on Monday another col a inn of ibEswtckafiic will bo found a relative to the Mr Fred tick sr at Greenwood Mrs Ifartryf cams out from with mm and ran old mill Iron on tone that Mr the mill at was then catted Mill street on account of leading to Ibis mill A relative of Lash la Windsor writes a lengthy of thunderstorms last and during weather on for years Nearly all farmers their grain in fleldj by being tbathooki Many barns So by and by lbs floods Many as they sea nothing bat star winter Fifty years ago Mr and Mrs Edward of Toronto their Being York tht was adsantsigo by their friends a of whom gathered at lbs residents of Mr one of lbs whera golden aooiveruty was celebrated spuhu vers lion l and a nephew of Mr j It Lambert Ray Dr Bara Abbs Prof and others Mr mado a re If of a half ago and illustrating differ tec start eg to mat lift tten and now lis referred to lbs when if re acd up their near ILefr log shanty was so mall that had an addition and aioond each tht bowled to wretched tha It then loci Aurora to Toronto while con lies horseback only and Mrs Peate at York Mills street and gave aocountsof lbs William Lyon ttacleoala troubles of 1637 j in of numerous colt amocx which way goli from their VIRGINIA VIBRATIONS Your regular correspondent Into the field another Era reader His Hems latt and it it to bo hoped that he be heard from before Such a plate as Virginia porter Mr Fry erected a large barn on his of the village kit Siturday Yates of Baldwin had the contract and did bis troik In a very creditable manner At the time noting It Is expected that Ills Grace Walsh will give confirmation in the parish of on at a About sixty children receive the sacrament UNION STREET Jacob Smith spending a few day fn the with her mother Mre Hamilton add Mr William McNeil on the sick hit Some of the people that have visit ed the exhibition from this Street ft was the ever held in Toronto Anson Intends going British Columbia for the Inter Mill Maria Hose has been spend ing a few day with friends In Queens- villc Miss Angus is visiting friends In the A number from this Street arc at tending the Methodist Confer ence Mr William and Misa Mary and Josephine spent last Sunday visiting friends In Vivian Miss was visiting friends on Queen Street on Sunday last Mr John new house is progressing fine It lakes Mr Re Id to hustle things Prayer meeting at Town now in place reading We hope he congregation will increase Mr Alfred Morris of Holt spent Sunday at Albert Hose What has become of Dry Town Cor times must be very dry there at present CORNERS The doleful hue of Autumn is fast approaching The stubble is resuming is darker color soon to be covered by the earth white man- He The bridge on Union Street is now repaired and pronounced for traffic About of Mr W Smiths turkeys through here one day week Mr ot this afreet was married last Wednesday under the new marriage law to Miss Sharon wish them many many comforts Re It known to all men that there are two more weddings booked for in the near Mr and Sells told their fine driving to Mr John Palmer Richmond Hill for the round sum of What Have I to take aback seat No not a bit of it Mr N Collegers stalk of corn is no where with the we found in Mr Andrew Youngs patch It measured ft a in and in in diameler Now Mr lake my seat Miss of this street is the recipient of a fine present Mr Richard Young has a small tree in full bloom There is going to be a festival in the near future SujJper for two ladies and a yoke of oxen all for and maids cent Borne say there is no barm in articles from one farm to an other at night But is a desir able A near man placed lira kiliens in a tea box carried them to his neighbor and set them in They were found next day scampering around to the pleasure of their new horn Mr Anson is about here for Manitoba in search of a new Home Mr Win McNeill has been ihe weather for some time are glad to see he i able to resume his daily toil Mr Nelson is laying in for the ducks that infest the pond on Ins farm Mr John R received prizes at the Industrial fair Mr Henry a prizes They proceed ed to to try their luck there AH those that have melon pilches better be on the look petty thieving is going on at present Johnnie get your gun I bear a coon warbling his notes going to and fro from your corn patch Mr Grant intends to work his fathers farm at Lake Shore Mr Judd who has been ex ploring what they call the Region of Lake is back among friends again He gives us an interesting sketch of his nip After entering the NataWaWka River then pr eceded to Lake then up the Metabicbonan which enter into then up the Riyer which empties into Lake Wahnapitae and the Lake Matsgansashing in which abounds various kinds of fish Then we walk ed to Maskinongewagamlngue of the finest lakes in this region there to Lake ihence to the great Trout Falls in River and then to the High Kails which are in The route became so dangerous he bad to return home on account of the many falls and rapids Wonder what has become of the Union Street correspondent Can he not find news in this busy world Mrs J Cunningham came very near losing a fine cow one Sunday night It in a well Luckily it happened while service was on so there were of men to help her out Visitor Mr and Mrs of were at Mr J Cunninghams also of King at Patrick Mines Kate and Annie at Michael Mr and Mr Peter at J Cowicaoni The Infant child of Mr George about tvro old died on the Inst alto Mr and Mrs Chcihy have the of the neighborhood in the their child from Inflamma tion of the lungi about four months of the Gvnl- Tp meets hero on Friday afternoon to for the annual convention Mr Aldorn and family left on Tuesday to reside at Toronto Junc tion arc to lose thcra Mr Kcnyon has rented the house vacated by Mrs Aldom and will re move the tailoring business there Miss was At Home with a number of her friends on Monday evening Mr Charles Pearson of Toronto has at Dr for past weak Rev Mr Bedford and son of Maple It at few daya with his fatherinlaw Mr John Moore and old friends Mils Draper of Toronlois visiting at Mr Sprague Rev Mr Leonard and Spencer the Con- vcnilon at Tottenham on AURORA On our streets may be teen two bicycle riders who always attract at tention One a little girl too tiny to reach the pedals at point if In the saddle She on them with the saddle up along her back and in this position travels with evident pleasure if not comfort The other a little boy places one foot on the pedal passes the under the bar and on the other pedal and thus he propels himself and when coasting he places both feet on one pedal raising himself by the handlebar They both are able to make good speed and turn without difficulty Chief and Constable and a number of citizen have been In on the case suit of Bailiff was ad journed for one week The Inspect or In whose hands the petition now is cannot proceed until specific charges are made and thus the case hangs The Queens Hotel stables are com pleted and make a way decided im provement In the appearance In a short time all appearance of the big fire will be gone Mr Wellington Willfon brought in a Curiosity It was an apple bough hiving a large apple and a good clus ter of flowers only a few inches At no one lime for years has there been many applicants for purchase and rent In as at the present time and all of the respectable clan Mr and I amity daughter of Mr Stewart Walker left on Tues day join her husband at High Bluff Manitoba The question of who will be tentative in the County Councillor the town and vicinity is not taking any serious hold on the public mind It appears as if there would be no local aspirant The was well filled on Monday evening to heir the laiorrc did ay evening to heir tne rr jri prepared by Mits and was delighted The child- UP Veto The barn outbuildings belong ing to Mr John Hamilton sr were fire on Sunday night Mr Hamilton has been making im provements on Ihe buildings this last season The seasons crop beside all his farm implements and a new windmill were deslroyed Fortun ately the were well insured Causa of fire unknown Total Ion not estimated Miss C Agnew of Lloyd town has opened a firstclass millinery in ihe villi e A troupe of passed through the last week They stayed in for a few day where they did a thriving business in horse trad ing Mr Connolly went to Toronto on Tuesday Farmers are complaining of the ground being very hard for plowing Several from here attended the Fowl Supper and lecture in Sutton on Monday evening The concert Wednesday evening drew a large crowd from this vicinity be time for paringbeas Who will be fust Persons burning outside this season of the year should be ex ceedingly careful as everything being so dry the fire would easily spiead and do great damage Someone measure his corn and Jet us know its length Several in East are crowing over their corn Surety bis township wont be beaten We were very sorry to learn of the death of Mrs Jno Was Although deceased has been suffering for some time aed at times very tow her sud den death was not expected She had intended going to Toronto Hos pital this week The funeral was held on Tuesday The husband and family have heartfelt of the surrounding community Mr Edgar Draper is nursing a sore hand- We have not beard from the Owl lately Soon be time for htm to hoot again old dame that has been in forming us of all weddings lately says that she knew of some more that were being talked of but since the marriage act came in force they aie off until after the act is repealed Terrible of affairs juit now A patent board fence is being ex hibited In front of Mr James Nel sons residence The Methodist Conference is over but we have not heard who Is sta tioned on circuit recently vacated by Mr Reynolds Rev P Addison of Toronto preaofc- his farewell sermon In Keswick on Sunday evening Mr Addison has been preaching during tha summer while Haying at the lake He left for Toronto this week His sermons are very instructive and have listened to by large coDgrega- Quite a number from here at tended on Mr A preached in Mount Albert on Sunday Mr Crawford of Butte City Montana who baa been friends and In intend ratunsicj KETTLE BY Norman ton of Mr John Lloyd fell off wagon while dc- a short but steep pilch close by mill on of last week The hind wheel over his head causing tome tore bruises but fortunately he was not so serious ly hurt as at first thought to be The Willson brothers erected a commodious shanty on the Hol land wherein can test and dine while culling twisting and otherwise caring for the grass in which they are so busily en gaged at these times The shanty will also be a very convenient for sportsmen spying for the much sought for wild duck or other game on the marsh Some sportsmen from Newmarket have been out this and bagged a few soasts of the wild duck on the Mr C Siokcj came over from Illinois to attend the burial of his sister Mrs It Graham and has since been visiting relatives and friends In this vicinity At a meeting of the members and friends of the Christian Church on Monday night it was decided have a harvest home again this year The dale is Tuesday the of October It was intended to held earlier but many wanted time 10 as to get their fowls fed up Doggie got his hair highly perfum ed on Sunday night Skunkie waa the Mrr Rarnsden has had the roof of the kitchen and woodshed re covered new shingles this week which will better protection from the fall rains and sifting snows PINE ORCHARD Miss Long who has such a repu tation for traioing children in Kinder gartcn Songs has a class and will girc an entertainment in the Temperance Hall oh Friday the inst No doubt there will be a full house Vocal and instrumental music will be given by Messrs A J Hughes and Phillips Sharon and and brother No pains will be spared in making the concert a success Great preparations are being made for a grand concert lo he held under the auspices of Sons of Temper ance on the of September A meeting is to be held on Thurs day evening in the Friends Meeting in view to organizing a Public A full attendance is ex pected Our atlcntion was drawn to the old fashioned carriage East Sun day morning No doubt the brides and lillics were blooming Mr and Mrs T J Spaulding and Mrs J are attending London Fair this week Mrs Frank Wilson and her sister Mrs Turner of Tresno are visiting at Mr J Johnsons Miss Sadie of Chicago and Miss Widdifield of arc visiting at Mr W Plasters MissOugh of Albeit is visiting Miss Trixy Brown Miss Adeline Toole of Buffalo has been visiting her mother Mrs Sarah Toole Miss Minnie Sun day with her aunt Mrs- Newmarket tin- opened lots of Nov Dress Goods this week and Retook equalled by in newest things ore Solids Plaids etc and they marked that to ceo thorn io to buy Tweed Goods up to 85c Fancy Solids all shades worth The largest stock of Goods north of Toronto Everything in Try Our Our in and is always on tho increase at present is and very complete Try us for Mens Boots and Shoes Womens Boots and Girls Boots and Shoes Boys Boots and Boots and Shoes v TERMS Thats why wo can sell cheap Wo would to credit to the Queen HE 4jV ffff is I KESWICK A few more about the Iwo men who were nearly drowned in Bay last were handed to us on Monday The rescue was made by A Mr carriage maker of and Mr James Smiths two sons Sherman and Joseph Mr Snellgrove was camp ing on the shore Mr Smiihs farm and hearing the continued cries of the drowning men he went to the rescue Had they been a link later getting there they would have been loo late Rev Mr Addison preached an able sermon in the Methodist Church last Sunday He intends going to his home in Toronto this week Dr Young intends stay a couple of weeks yet and promised if he is at all able to preach before he leaves probably on the evening of the Rev Mr Addison report some good catches of fish during the put or three weeks By way he and Mr succeeded in captur ing a fine fox one rooming Mr Gilroys dog ran one into his bote so Mr hitched up his team and drew a barrel of water to the place and Mr armed himself a good pitch fork While Mr poured water one hole he ether and had not long to wait Mr Addison good hand to spear fores as well as fish as he pinned him to ground just behind the head say he was a fine one Mrs John Wajs after a lingering illness passed peacefully away on Monday last Mr Charles and family of Toronto attended the funeral on Tuesday Miss Grose of returned home on Tuesday after a weeks with her sister Mr Isaac Morton Mr Morton accompanied her for a day visit at her old house Why are and Bible classes in Methodist Church attended so wall lately We answer because we have a popular preacher who is at bis post time Sunday Rev Mr Spencer finished his tents of on the Lords Prayer They were fine fc has caused a ai Galops water blockade of vessels Canal The most happen ing in the money ibis week iheadvaoccin the Bank of Bog- land rate from a to a J per cent Elijah had tbe side of his body ripped a circular saw at on Friday and died ao hour afterwards tar Mr Benjamin Gilbert of one of the known breeder of Scotch collies in Cansda met bis death Saturday by misad venture He took up a bottle of carbolic acid by mistake for and draalc some dying very Normal School for the of teachers in domestic science is to be opened in Ottawa John hit of Hol land died on April leaving an estate valued at rsso aged fifteen was tun over by a yard engine at Orren Sound and died shortly after cricketers defeated Sution at the Utter a few days ago During the match John Jones of had Ms tight forefinger broken Alfred Jacobs night fireman in Pelt is Bros hoop and staye mill fourmlic from Comber was killed Wednesday by the explosion of one of the boilers in the mill On Saturday evening Mr Ed McCann one of the oldest residents of the township of North Crosby was thrown from hit wagon and sustained injuries which proved fata in a few minutes Mr Gladstone has written a letter to tbe Liverpool Reform Club urging the of a mass meeting In behalf of the Armenians and slating that if desired it be him to take pan in the proceedings John McPherton Co shoe manufacturers Hamilton established for forty year are in deep water financially bank of Montreal hav ing shut down on them Their lia bilities are large the bank being the principal creditor The firm shows a surplus of and it is believed arrangements will be made whereby the business will be continued Markham and were to have played off their tie game for Ihe lacrosse championship of Midland district Mon- day but the team did not appear and the game and champion ship was awarded to by default will play Rich mond Hill a game at Rich- mood Hill on the and at on the aand iy or MANTLE To bar fat fa an xlra fics LADIES HOSE In 1 All boa to to facta re P will riairaVir every worth recall a This liii liKsraHtBMX8eLtry The COMPANY M WAHTBDAtott a i I wbwl9liicrtllWwcekMtjaii l Set fir to At fctoo A S HALL FOR Fine Pair of Mares 5 years old will exchange fbr Lighter Horses These Mares will neigh pounds each when in And arc just tie kind to breed from See ihetn Saturday at ray stable Street I SILVER CAUTION to to the iHiiiMiU jaw FOR SALE Of sir JOSEPH MILLARD Newmarket i LET JiDffilweiuiOHti UUcXJBBO TtifiHtQ BIS -AT- DRUG STORE Now is the to plant if you want Hyacinths Tulips etc for tho holidays Leading AMD House FURNACE STOVE CHESTNUT FIRSTCLASS Ciil and tee me I Yard Newmarket A Air Brush Crayon Ink Portrait With every ao Cash Purchase of Furniture CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN J01IV NEWMARKET A SPECIALTY 1S5 W0Sarf4HfIcaBiliacfllfci of VIJciHlAt if at to Kill Hat ikxoo vvlu TTbU la fc put Profit THE SHAW I A Perfect SEPT f aft FOR- GOOD CLEAN to Summer and Shoi Wo fedece our at If oil ico fccoti and prices will bur It a it lent jrou They ire ill in lliiutCbitdrcn Mm Call ted SUGAR Fruit Jars Any cheap as of at ij to til p Teas And Lite regular lint at 4 lt for the you find- Crockery and tut Dinner Sell god quality ftl loir pice ik Sen from lit ftiii t oft It Feu I xceti oft Mini THE Wo will Not bo Undorsoid KiUa fc J rc3f4 USING HIGH to 1o lo Hi ii tow t It t 1 IvJttjJ til It tt I JOR SALE NEWMARKET A Full Stock of the Best just re ceived VilMsl

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