Newmarket Era, 18 Sep 1896, p. 3

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NEWMARKET ERA SEPT VHAX IS ABOUT TO clip ilie following be Club on Monday and mi toll wild thai llio being lo a or SsooiTvUl l In Kind hands ot iliclftnmitkti friends League Social Next Monday lb to hi ft social and icoantlon Id Lee- luto of Iho In thai lbs and now students may a bolter op- ol acquainted of A musical program la Two Tuesday down for aroHgblPn whore It will not fee- tin circuit A Co baying the on now and Iho work aaroptdly Into The city Jim Hit Ink- hotel t a it B0 1 rein tod An bill lie fitted frill by Mr choir titer I by lut fully ncll xy Methodist The an ItofcpboaThQrcAtyrtUrattQof wiV elected officer or A VioJrc 3nd Mrta I Mm J P I Mil J appelated to Coll I ok wood week At the regular meet ing hit following wild for the or eod Flo Mr Won lpno and ItOH Hoghti Vlno Rood now fill it promptly Mimtakv Our sot or lo or at on bat Jl thoy got away Five uodir Slit nod The and not Major- the new of tfc4 fe for I hi of if la com Ibo aulitadby Wod of Asking of Friday lay lullt bun Mod by Dalit Sot IIU1 of Klo towriiblp a for i ritnoiral a Hi twm Win Vfiklnton John Weill Win Workman and On afuruooo iftor the at ex- Mayor flotibed into oat of yard villi ma A women driving and i y cina along joit thin and toofcfrlgbtattbe Trlvott lo and KrabWl bono by the head mat him ayd a ha down on with all It wight die caulk of the Soto lb calf of JIarrylUg kept under had lo lrivn to the a atttbdd to Fairs The following of tboto In which people are moil far boon ait to fltOPfflJlllf a BO to Oct ta led II 9 II It r WooJbildga ll lite II onto Toronto fail Friday Jacob Hop- aon a fanner In triad on of the alleged hating In July of yean The rIiI who la Miry Ihon under and servant In employ of elder email for her ego and liar The OwJok and to alio of cue by counul for the Jury brought a of not fcnd hi the look tho of addrtaiiogthojuryrnei and from The girl ho had known aloolntely nothing about many matter thitahe not allowed to K Cider MibbMr-Stepli- Draper prepared to apples on tho following it Fifty and under over ooo a gal a Electric At ilicCoun- ell Friday for Lighting vim adopted folio lighter flu Splendid Mar kit an upmrd J being paid for the ruling for corning largo Un told at and by the I Jr jsr and livecMekinaiS lo0- afOjuito a with year at vrbtn any could be big hot W 64 a It plentiful Cooking citing ppla IOj per Crab price grapti Mrj to a pack or by io a a quart or 3 for Vegolabtta at UNION- Tim Fifth Annual Convention of York taku Aurora on and of niKt Aurora an great preparation to intirlaln and ft la will be welt opine Ihi 2Jeibadlit Church when latOKira of and ttev of nYll ion of Toronto to tba addrail of the amnion In Cbarcb after noon in tho and In IKiju of all Hill to Am I The per- in New York of Oratorio of old farmer who went to bur for and Indignantly ball alter It fce to Ha that know what the ploy or tho ho taw enough to It There wire a lot old at front of bellowing to a Child and a lot of men them and out Wonderful You very argolog row ptemiiei he joat light double that bo did not when leuai today with rather keep bWa tho do not look Yt the which their i- They meet competition and air oUed of investigating which they do lba old farmer did gat angry and lobjeet to by ftu you will mill a great deal el jour If ootid not ft at email coil Fin J out what employee aro each day ltd nth week Kever the per It tho watit now and are the of it ji one iblog for a paper to be to a circulation hive ibfi fad your brain compile It with tit that fur and week wbot Ho by invoatljcata and thetn back to y will lot no glad giro of any for any each LarapalOop provided other light taken or 8 frJ to bo a very fair ill A who in one per month I light red qui ll down to month or only one cent per day rate that the old Company had for A to lo the Town and per- light to warrant ft an alb will be given it will bo off at oclock and at am aamo From wacan that tba of for any family month fa cheap coal oil to ray nothing and time In taking care of and anybody can afford it after once light will not bo without It at the The and wiring from which flrtl fa addition to the aboro tariff all pro fill will In the coil of lighting It hoped that our will gUo the gin- FuRNmJAL If you want to buy tbo time lead- log and ii big laductlom to caab keep and List North Toronto Ho iham good ia on wheell W lUddtooni floltea on whtcU tip not make you look Tahiti up Parlor placet 100 up in A call fas John H lriorar Field Booth in iho Hall Monday a renin ficpt Col of Iho Territo rial titan Ribs On Tuesday at Mri ad walk1 Into the being Ml open and falling down iho wai al once for end well cm Estate Solo At rale Town to the late four loll wai told the withdrawn on of the low offered bought and tot at North If Aim Mr Thomas off work for about a a hand It with a pimple bathe took of II and Anally after picking head blood ait Id- ha bad and It He a good deal afternoon and Dickson look organ and Mr Holler gave reading and Kaatoh gave and Mr ad The will program neat tiunday Completed Although all the brldgti carried away or die- pitted by the flood June tem porarily repaired at once work of permanent has occupied a good deal of time and contained a lot weak miking In all that rebuilt aummir have Right The Aurora Hit ia Mr Lloyd of while on on a and ay afternoon inn Into of fellow and bid a broken out of of He followed the op and In gelling They will now hare privilege of for their fun A Boom To the Trade it new material It fe cheaper than cat Iron and guaranteed not to warp or crack fiatnple a About oclock Monday night waijuel dark onough to atoaorotbody ahead of you a abort I filr Jam way and Mr boy the rather at corner wilh the that a front wheel on lolh a wreck The toon under control and the oeapid Injury though Mr wet thrown road The tamo night a buggy turning fa front of Vcraona hotel and another col Who The Aurora In i week A number of young fellowa from were down hero Monday evening and filling them with to make tblngi lively Fetch on the and two of them and locked op their more In their behalf and lata In the night tho bore were brought before who a flno and on each fn all to which we fruit will bo a tea eon which will bo of benefit to from our neighboring town time mailer In School and who married a daughter of town left Toronto on at Into the of Knot In On the preceding a farewell tendered to Martin by of St avenue being Ailed by a Urge audience Tin If the following it The war by Rev A ad addreei eipreeafog regard in which it hell both a preacher and on be half of congregation by a aplendld copy of oxd and ether Bud alio an addrm to It with a very baniiomo Ban Principal Wat lace and In brief their with congregation In the great lata lug the of and paid tribute to Lie work a that pelt of during yean to Knox College and hearty In and kindred or alio rceoioltfid opinion el all waa that the city a la pulpit force and power by Mr Martin removal and that wai a ponding Rain Tba beat of hit late congregation of ran go with Mr and hie to Factory The way orders ire corning in fall trade looking op week Factory areahlpplog three care woodenwara to Winnipeg one to Victoria to Toronto and one to Montreal quantity email fill from one to two can every week for la that a now under the ironworking depart mint order to capacity of manufacturing little aril da palte and continue lo In at rate of ill or eight care a day which good Tho plank platform In front of factory It being repaired week by a cedar culvert tbo entire length of the which a permanent job Model School There only ket Model School bat the clan already of a good record Following are namcaof Ihota who are taking the Mice Newmarket f Kiowa Eerie do Holland Aurora Ada Morgan Ethel Kewmarkat Marion Oak Button Mr J Newmarket A alloy i Martin Sharon A Millar Aurora i A A Snider A Aurora JtcUca Far hi Are you looking for a nor farm If to yon will find a fourth fiuo it will oollcd that the farm of lata on I to acid to roll properly la very While ft car- In bridging Job I at of bli now tore I on morning lUr J ii III by bunting of a in hie head followed by a of cm ito yary and a war yesterday Ballon who Toronto telephoned Mr to lo only lerraliandwae unable lo op to The pond flntihtd and pro- a apptaranco Of floe Co Ii a water tight fct high all the north end of running from Railway to tba Water Ho panto apared In making a Job We manager given In extent In removing tho from to thai when water to ordinary again Utile lake will prctcot an tidy end pro Indeed a credit to the town Socimy At a meeting of tho Wrictora of York Society hero ft waa to for enter- during both Fair to held here on Clhand7th or October noil and a played al Iho To ronto of hat Inn engaged A will during afternoon of each day of the The Bond alto appointed for Ihi Exhibition and namtdaulitaote to be employed on tbi ground during fair Tbi entertain In ll4in on end In the Town on loU Lett held under the aoiplcee of the It la likely may be from the Board of political to lion Hon fteoretary Davie and Hon Mr Edgar Speaker of the Com ell three being within and re being called to placet of irdat and honor In the country SfibL Adding To feme and varied and added a In all and ad it Library Hind Hall and Bland low prleei will aorprlee you a Shaw Under engagement with A now travelling through Canada will greet a Monday lent In the Town Hall In monologue duologues thou taking part will appear In from and with under colored calcium light unrivalled among travelling la well known to many in county and in Toronto at In of elocution at of fiteyeari a lect- In Trinity College two fn lit College and two Unlveielty Toronto la alt to In anything he line with Mm in hie the widelyknown Beta of whom day Might The of Rota Rota who In formerly appeared fn heavy pleoei well ehown by her double number a 8eeloThlnge and The Duel Tho ad million la aa to a foil particular tea adv and all masons were de layed for two week on now Electric Light for want quarry atone which comet from Longford A but load of people went Tottenham on Tuctday to attend the lwOdey water put into Mr A I on Soma been Healing choice from Br lawn The polled op by recti Main Street Saturday before Mayor by the contributing to Iho Town Tfaera an Indian in the Saturday he baring taken too much fire water Make a note the Hot Fowl Chrlitlan Church on the Slat October moot at the Bowery to morrow afternoon Froth and are now on the bill of fare rtpalring thi on Street The Royal preparing for open entertain ment on night of week produced quite n lively apv4tranco Town on Monday and ere going the new Block Thay will make of the York Fair thai re already coming in which about one week earlier than and la a good Indication a fine A meellng of Bonder School worker took on evening to mika local for the Convention hero In alteraUont going on at rear of the Royal hotel w REMNANTS OF mil KIN DO At about Regular Prices AH good clean only odd longtho they go not our but ftt yours OXH3SB ATTRACTION Heavy per yd Belt Pins only each Ladies Belt worth for lOo 12 Shirt Buttons for Our at offered no a Snap Outing Shirts former 100 sold by others at at and our Celebrated Factory A SPOT MOUSE Miefl who pant year and lately in charge Millinery Show of the Millinery Firm of Drake of Toronto during Openings is again with us in charge Will bo advertised in next weeks paper and we will show Exact Copies of Patterns ol a Celebrated French Milliner of Paris pieces of Millin ery that will be wold by ua at half the price charged by large city houses v Another Drop in Wo celling firatclacs Meat for per and Leaf Lard only per pound This is for Clothing at Lowest Prices on record and cell all kinds of General Dry at very Lowest Groceries Pure3t Spices and Vinegars for Pickling at Bargain Houses 10 HURON AND MAIN GRAPES GRAPES We received choice of Concord Grapes The price remarkably Ion lb or lb baskets Niagaras a good lime for while the Choicest Fruit is on the market PEACHES PEACHES Crawford Peaches arc have Varieliei ai a Price We received another Consignment of price About the but Stock Choice GROCERY DEPARTMENT Sensation i a coffee put up especially for Extra Good Value Try them in Japans or Mixed us a A ROBERTSON rfv A full range of in Black Navy and came to ua direct from Germany Wo a Stock alike not to be found anywhere no two Night 3rd October Incandescent TORONTO Hi a it fog Id Its Ji1i tli Kill it ll- tor at tine J GOAL This is the time of year that merchants are when they will get room for Fall Goods that are beginning to arrive We have marked down too much Stock on hand so have our thanks to a discerning public for increas ing our trade which has doubled If you are looking for Ladies Fine Kid Shoes buttoned or laced1 worth Oxfords Mens Fine Boots sewed and nailed reg for nailed splendid value 1 50 25 ALL RIPS SEWED FREE Ill BEST STOVE AND FURNACE COAL SCREENED Also Coal any pan ol Town WILSON MoKINNON Sari WANTED SALESMEN la tub fetr M ire WCM for c4 Wo TATOES NURSERY Whitchurch Cask At iheCoort Toronto lut lo to lmi by Orient J lid him looomniit For to Co 1 to If ltd tho lime day did not Uiwirto bit mm for bit f Kin lilt ball ftbaiDco 10 lo of not to inlclmtnUt QtlmH firo of ud of Crown A For wbta ooart Walitr vie lo ftffitotfri mild of loitotly lb lor veto to of by Or ikoi omi Of bio jziodioU to rbow be wu po collar tit Tl Clio viol to lory iboctly fito vbo If IK Friday Hooter 8otbt fillckwood Ho Com t OQDtlog to pitied Report Com Jog of to bo obarod for llfthli trio lutractod to hilt WO of with TboBpocltl Com Light Plant to all fiMiMry of bit cot tftitdy or have with ltlll1Tttl CCL it 1 per Icitti tig Wool per owl IV Ctitti fill it IS 1 CO Oil 19 Remember we lead all competitors TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE NEW Take Notice of Snaps which I J is giving his- SPOT HOOT SMB OH on 0 it Hi oil CO a a a a a fill Rci Robbie ihc Mveoyearold wis of Whs Sickles of South Qura- files vtfl drowned in a Mute pond of water behind his rubers barn The steamer of with board sailed fom Vancouver for Hong Kong Monday As of the audit of Mr Toronto the Stratford Council has bad repaid over by Us officers The Treasurers estate returned nearly the whole which had beta used for his benefit The r I I MM I Wheat pot lb Wool jAir cut CIS fit is Vi oil a CI 015 019 a a COO 4 SIS a Oil a to a a a SCO all a a SOI leaving your order for a New Suit or Overcoat call and inspect our Stock which is one of the largeit and beat assorted in the country and the price are lower than anywhere else and workmanship considered and we always endeavor to treat ment whether you buy or not IVIGDOUQALL Strictly MY 1 have a lot of Tan Goods which 1 am clearing and Below Cost also oilier Lines the same have a line of l Boots which I am at and good vtlu- Now is your time as these Goods are goin Dont Miss Rare Chance very fast Sign Bed Boot SALE K T tit si to it ijil FOR SALE TO DAVID lLO YD lU 5 GO Are again prepared to supply Spices of even hind and of the most Flavor either Whole or Ground also XXX White Wine Vinegar and Cider Vinegar of Extra Strength and Flavor They are bound to keep up the reputation of their Goods that no one their Pickling Materials need io be disappointed at the mult DAVISON A A i

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