Newmarket Era, 25 Sep 1896, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA SEPT A Co lo Card of Man Wo WITH FRIDAY SEPT Our Toronto Despatch to fcVpl Altera loog trial Jala of Hew- to ark I of alalia at dUmoa4rtcat ins hotel and to Jail for sentence Wilton a from tba the foal km on tick here on the champion oil he world was presented by lb of Toronto with wii arrliat I7 and took place git an la the Cot loo of jar Jo of Mr killed blt oiling a midline la lb writ and appealed on the that lb deceased bid Ken contributor court baa appeal affirmed The Mayor to official that and after Deo will market collected la view of the abolition of A deputation of the Major Aid Ilallara and proceeded to to urge the of To ronto for a grant towards a Dominion Inhibition year J he appointed to fix tho aet of Fort William will Hoard of Trade to morrow bee It political elide that Mr If Cook la flooring for one of seat fa tha Jba arrived here from on vent to At of pleaded ijaitly to the then of a pair from 2uot City paper that Premier Hardy has notified the County Soli citor of the reached by the of Ontario Government on the York Roads The finding approves of the bylaw of the County he gates and then proceeds to advise the Council as to win it is yet done The decision recites several corn- plaints entered by some of the muni cipalities against certain provisions of the bylaw which it if claimed are grievances bearing with undue severity upon them In view of these object especially made by and in order that the may con tinue to be kept In good repair the Council asks the County Council to provide for the lion of the burden upon alt the muni cipalities In conclusion wo are told the decision winds up with a state ment that should the County Council be unable to arrive at such an ar rangement those municipalities which consider themselves to be unduly may apply to the legisla ture for relief The is the substance of the communication to the County Solicitor as given by the Toronto press but we are informed thai it does not exactly represent the fair meaning of the teat of Premier letter We ar consequent unable to enter upon a criticism of the decision until the document in full is placed before the Council We may say however it does seem extraordinary that even a suggestion should be in the direction of imposing upon municipali ties not bordering on these roads towards keeping up the payers of the latter corporations have to maintain all their own high- aid from the munici palities to whom a present is made of a good stone road Why people liv ing thirty milts auay from the Heads should be taxed to keep a atone road io no one out- tide of can possibly com- the member for York thinks he lias a pull in favor of his but we cant believe the Government will do an injustice to North York for the special benefit of the more southern parts of the county a long Int la to fa the called to waa a asrrattte aod aVff By bur crested la for ffoo Mr la the Commons fllcotfon for Kip- pUilag Mr aad Mr la which lb latter contest to boon hotly con- dorfog and la nfcrcnoe to defeated candidate which libelloai Ha bu now catered aettooa persona for among wbomlaaprleataadalsolbo gentteman ho bins ex Premier Bur Topper auiag but meat the bo- MUM latter rafoiod to of a large gritted the bad told faint to atep filr cooUodod that Aberdeen been that fate Government had defeated Informed him to lbs Toronto obaervca matter what of may bo pat a fool- aa tblt of Canada no Governor who can bo by a and axef tree to aboot ad era of political partita the tho Manitoba qceitlon the Is a Tory prelate We that he has at and that Hoi v ether and that of the of on echool It not too to that Archhtahop and hit attempted to tot op a la that It fa con government thai to have appro ved at Homo All with no word of from tho paper a hot hint that tome Liberal or eome friend of may go to Homo to of Heat tyranny in into Immediately Mr curler and follow- of tho fa outrage and all aerota country fa nothing aehcaand Tut 1IU1 entire by of Toronto Junction against the evening wee brought to a for do- by John King and retoltod In a verdict for paper Wo help thinking tho badly to fa the of fact that Ntu ex- to light any wrong deno by pobllcatiou of Item of which complaint fa addrcselng the jury arid Any paper may a fair and comment upon and nothing la of much nterut to administration of It may what It to being called to account If a report bo not fair A fair nod authentic privilege It la that ft apology dots retell all who an apology la mora can bo Tha half an hoar and verdict for defends diem I tied aces so wijjc A if to the WcrlJ gtice to that Mr BAItoo will eater the Minister of Jostle Eli Oliver taking soma port- Town last Monday evening Mayor and Cody Belfry and Hoed- home following Mile pasted Jesto Cook coder scantling 3I aide- walk AM work at Ifgbt wires work on BobUn do bill of J was referred to Com and that of to Com A rebate of allowed to Gardner on account of dog being dead but a recommendation waa passed that In no bo allowed on dog lags The of Fleming and J Ward etc were re ferred to Light Com and of High asking for referred to the Finance Com Com to a small platform of was placed to It Light Com Council adjooraod till vco log- HOILAND LANDING the her A dated Sept Victoria from early morning has been an of hem all posts f world being tba day her the fa A large at the la J the clou the Hon Mr Feeler long and oa the by a majority of thirty Topper tried Lis bond Gov cm tot had Si of a Mow bit Jlsoteaai la work the for the Admlciatratloa to Bag gar pot up IU majority will leach forty and to La a traitors are fast cut J I he apple crop in county this year is enormous one Imo Jo and a Tuesday nights frost cooked lomafco and cucumber vines Mir is visiting daughter Mrs Burr in the city this week Mr David youngest son of G intends coming home on his wedding tour from Gilbert Plains Manitoba He was married Sept cth to Miss May of Mr has taken up a homestead in Gilbert Plains where he has been living past or years He reports good crops up there this year and they escaped the We wish much joy and hap piness in heir new life The Holland Landing Dramatic Club were well received In Bradford on Wednesday evening their play Cupid in the Hitching We un derstand are booked for several other places In the near future The Faanfy and Star of Montreal away high up amongst the newspaper suc cesses of present century For laimeis and farmers families the Family and Star seems simply and from the enormous of fairness who lake it we should think wide awake farmers are alive to the extraordinary of the paper But the will bear close and will be found 10 be chuck full of Interest lor everybody Amongst thing Can adian that are remarked by shrewd the and certainly comes in for a large share of notice Sent night the bam of Henry about miles from here was totally de stroyed by fire with all its contents and the firming implements of two Loss about Insur ance oca Cause of fire unknown if tot is Doing lr a delightful Witt 0 DhlnS for a rip hit Toronto with hit raolhu Id Matter lion playmate of Toronto Mupbol roof lb la rMke Toronto It vlalttog Mr of for of ffMki from on wltli It Mr J crlltoftt d Joy over day at Iff Ibo week and Mr Of at JStt Ward entertained flatorday4troooa And ovooEd- Kg ill Wilton of Toronto Iowa yutexday to Anolo If la for a of on ft Mr Thowpion who hit boon la ibo O- a Irani- to Iba Cornwall branch on day J of waa In Town on Monday down to tend of Mm JJoan at Murray by Wlaa and left on to a In Mr and of Mr Gardner Jr on JUMon iVcttJ on Monday toapendft of In Toronto and other Mr of of bo on the Mr Win on the of Kail ilii very ill with lonj trouble Ida tomorrow It Much t Ma A few Thanowcry on Monday evening Crown who Ilio on a I wo or tell tit for her homo In Dunbar Ion Mr Chat fa hick from oily and Ho to of Hoi- ten Loon to life Mr Jntoph pan- wmb moved and to on Mr A fiood and wcato aorry of of ibU town fnforeni that alio picked from a lot of fti That la pretty for Cookilown Wo mo glad to lo by her Attendant that Ada Poller who fit At her Orlando much batter and likely to bo ail right Jo A ebori 1 1 mo friend Mr KA Klngoitn which how ft that draw MOO ont of On tario JJaofe It All a tricks Wo will find room for article In nut hive Mr ft of Carberry Mad bad a narrow from on week Ho machinery when tha took fright and ho was thrown by ft ftnd ft weighing 2W on top It No broken hot bo been a over It who for Charch at A or era And King City charge In order to toko ft thru year at Toronto Ha ft tall from ft near city which ha will bo to to Ha bat ftciil from fiaolt Mario Wo dip following from the Induction of WAJ w6ro tbo higher ceremony of re si and and and In marked a And In con- with formal wilQteyod by a largo number in after in ha largo waa ft gatheriog of ai only on mo bean In nocn- ben Mr Arthur a of con of IaU Bator- ay Aftor An of 17 In AM at bad at can ho ftnd vecy ho only thfcl vbeio ara territory It la bo war or more lie of mod comfort In WlUoa of St formerly Blanch fcaa wlthblm flhalMvu oek for London where a in a light Mr brother Will At and to for October wwu in next rrtptrt for fair ceil ycjr Ho Luc railway Day i In J ted WW tot It Sfcplilli PLEASANT VALLBY r correspondent his been a holidays and feels quite re freshed for renewal of Mr srhohiibeeo very aft ill Is gradually improving Mr and Mrs Hate of paid official Wilis the schools fait Rev Mr McCarthy a been China for the pan years preached at Pine Orchard last evening I McMillan Is Wilting at Aurora Mr K- has sitter MIu Scot who has been spending the put two at Mr K A Library Is befog but mote Mr J organized a painting class Mr store He lias already secured a number of pupils and still expects Mr John has returned homo haying spent a few days with friends in Mr is suflerinj from a severe attack of sciatica libbie Travis spending a days with relatives here Mr James has quit and is going huckstering again We with him success ire glad to hear Mr Richard is recovering from his illness PINK Mis and tort of spent a couple of this week with her brother Mr J Stephens Miss Gertrude is friends in Oxbridge this wee Mr and Mis of Ox bridge alio Mr and Mrs Wilson of Newmarket spent Sunday at Mr J Johnson Rev- Mr a returned missionary from China preached to a large congregation here Sunday even ing- Some not living more three miles from here helped them selves In Mr watermelon Sunday igbl of respect for the boys parents withhold their names Quite A hot tunc at the Public Library meeting last week on Wednesday weather quite degrees of frost morning made he chilly The safe of Rev Mr Reynolds was largely attended Miss fp visiting friends and relatives in Rev Mr Walker the new Methodist minister preached a sermon at the north church on Sunday morning Miss Mont of King who has been visiting friends and relatives in this neighborhood intends returning home this week Miss I Draper her cousin will accompany tier Mr J of Keswick last Sunday Our village is progressing Mr f is building a store and mil- finery shop at the North end Mr Nelson is putting a new roof on bis house and otherwise Im proving bis premises We are pleased to learn that I J has obtained class certificate Mr Charley formerly of place is visiting among relatives here Several fields of buckwheat still These frosts will be hard on Mr I King unloaded a car of cement at Sutton station last week to be used in the flooring of his stables in his new barn Mr and others are doing the work under the direction of J of Greenwood Any person contemplating using cement should call and learn the mode of us it Next Sunday is Childrens Day at Mount Pleasant Mr his this KKTriBBY Mr John near Sharon but formerly of this locality is coming back to work the farm at present oc cupied by the brothers Mr J Curtis and his mother toot a trip to visit rel atives and attended the Fair Mr has purchased Mr farm and has com menced work The Bros have shipped several card of matfrass grass to a firm in lately Mr and Mrs Jas Davis of Snow ball attended Christian Church ser vices here on Sunday and visited at Joseph Rogers Mr and Mrs Sydney Leonard of Schomberg were at Mr the past week Also Mr Spring and bride of Floss Mr Spring spent part of Ms boyhood days In this vicinity He bride were down on their wedding tour go ing from here to to visit her sister Mrs Ira Shaw We wish much happiness end sue- cess Mr and Mrs Levi Watson have pent a few days in On our way to and from New- market the put week we greatly ad mired the beautiful flower beds in the Glenville school grounds and Lbd neat and tidy appearance of the grounds in general Alio the excel lent piece of sodding on the in front and outside the grounds Alt this it Is said has been done by the teacher Mr Stephens and his We doubt if any school yard in our surrounding towns will surpass that Mr Stephens was out sprinkling Gtenville Rower beds at recess as we passed and by the thrifty appearance of we that work must daily occurrence cool enough of these times to sit by the fire Beech and butternuts arc collected and stored away to dry The light frosts have begun to tint the tree leaves The fodder corn is being cut and chocked as fut as time will KESWICK The Township Council was Ira- roving appearance of our village having Trail on the comer list week which was Tuesday of last week the Sun- a much needed Improvement at it Convention of the Brad- lias a very was held at Tottenham appearance for tome years past There are two or for the of Wo understand it bis not been announced yet who fs lucky man Rev Mr Spencer Is away this week on a visit at the home of his father near Rev Young who is about leaving for the city is fill bis place at Keswick on Sunday morning at instead of preaching In evening was in timated in- bat items At it is the last lime the public will the of listening to the Dr this we bespeak for him a full house Mr and Mrt of Bramp ton was visiting at Mr James Smiths a few days this week Dame Rumor says arc to have a wedding near Keswick In the near future VIRGINIA This liltlc villige was fairly alive on Thursday of last week- Great num bers of the from and assembled with ihcir brethren from to ceremony Confirmation held In the R C Church His Grace ArchBishop of Toronto as sisted by fire priests administered sacrament to about sixty children The ceremony throughout was grand and and remarks of the ArchBiihop though Intended mainlv for the children were well worthy of being taken to heart by every one present After confirm ation the pledge of total abstinence enjoined on children till the age of twcniyonc At the ctoic of the service complimentary addresses were presented by the member of the churches fn and to both of which His very feel ingly responded relating incidents that occurred during his pastorate here over forty years ago Out of respect to those of the pupils who were being confirmed the public school was closed on Thurs day Mr John Key attended the ex hibition and brought home a fine thoroughbred OxfordDown lamb 1 a beauty The improvement fever has struck the village and it will soon be like Auburn the loveliest village of the plain Any one wishing to sec a good market garden should call on Mr lines Lyons He las one of the and finest gardens in North York A few new monuments have been put up in the cemetery this summer which add greatly to its appearance MOUNT ALBERT While Mr Kiln was thresh ing for Mr Wrn Money on the con of fire from the engine took place near the horse liable causing considerable trouble With barrels of water and a lot of work it was got under control Miss Lily has opened a millinery store While driving down the big hill a span of horses ran away with Jean Opposite the post office they ran into a bridge and Jean was thrown off He got a bad cut in the bead Mrs Jas Miller presented her bus- with a fine baby gill on Satur day morning They are going to put a stone wall under the stable at Methodist Rev Dr Griffin from Toronto preached in the Methodist Church Sunday morning lo a full Annie was calling on friends last week Mr McPadgen and wife are away on their holidays Mr Geo Arnold is supplying for him during his absence Mr Donald Ross and wife have gone to the city to run a store Messrs J Roland and Wallace are down on jury Mr Arnold represented Albert at meeting of the S Executive in last Friday The next Convention is to be held here COLLEGE CORNERS The present moment is our aim next we never saw is a trite ex pression of a sadly fact Yesterday is lost tomorrow may never be ours All we can claim is now the present in which many things are possible Surely we nave made it clear enough that the only time to subscribe lor the Era is now I The fust paring bee was held at Mr Sedores A goodly num ber were there and report a jolly time Mr Wan of who has just recovered from a severe at tack of skin diseaie is visiting his aunt Mrs James Albeit Rose for a few days We notice two of Queen Street Jolly lads driving lo this street often The attraction no doubt is two pair of pretty blue eyes The peculiar sound we heard tome time ago is ventilated now It was the old tramp sitting fa the ditch in front of Jerry gate whittling coonie According to the present conver sation our hunting troupe is preparing for their annual hunt Look out for the bear Mr Walker preached his first sermon on the Methodist cir cuit at fait Sunday even ing to a large and crowd Agnes Norns of Is home from Toronto and reports a fine time Mr William Sedore was a guest at Mr Youngs tut Sunday Miss Lottie of the Like Shore is attending the High School at Newmarket Mr David is giving up farming He has leased both intends to some other business Our dude lays ought to log up a little more but cannot afford a wallowtall coat and No I cannot- afford such ridiculous That is too much for Puck commencing at oclock p This large District extends from on the North to King on the and from on the West to on the and embraces within Its bounds Sun day Schools with officers and and scholars The Convention was very successful up wards of one hundred delegates being in attendance which showed both ministers and laymen are deeply interested Sunday School Immediately after devotional ex erciser J A Chapman M A of Bond Head gave an ex cellent address on Punctuality In the School This was followed by Tbo Primary work exemplified and which In unavoidable absence of Mrs Cane was taken charge of Miss Keith of and made very Instructive and forcible Afterwards Ihe lesson for the follow ing Sabbath taught by Mr P Pearson of King and evidenced a deal of thought fulness and care preparation Then came a Conference and Sunday School Work which was led by the Rev Matthews in which be dealt with the alms and object of work and the of the Superintendent officers teachers and A spirited discussion followed each of the addresses which gave evidence that the Bradford District is thorough ly to the importance of Sunday School work Wo opened lots Nov Goods week and ABtockun equalled by any in Newmarket The newest are Tweeds Solids Plaids Sergey etc and they are marked at such prices that to ceo thorn is to buy them Nice Tweed Drees Goods up to all shades worth at fltoek of Black Goods north of Toronto Everything in Try Our in and Shoes always on increase ICS The stock at present is largo and very complete Try for Mens Boots and Shoes Womens Boots and style At the evening session to a crowd ed house Mr J P Belfry New market gave a masterly address on The privileges and responsibility of Sabbath School Teachers and the Rev Franks of put in a plea for increased attention to Missionary work in our Sunday Schools The Rev S Matthews presided at all the Sessions and closed one of the most enthusiastic and S Conventions ever eld In District DISTRICT On Wednesday morning the Finan cial Meeting was held Rep resentative ere present from nearly all parts of the District The Chair man presented a statement from the Treasurer the Superannuated Fund of the amount re quired by each minister and each circuit to be raised and which was cheerfully by the District after arrangements were made for holding tbe Missionary and Educational Anniversaries throughout the District The District is in a healthy condition and gives promise of a successful years work convKNiio- Ihe on Bradford Dis trict were well represented upwards of J delegates being present The first was a joint one by Rev W Baker and Mr Urge of the Students Missionary Campaign They pointed out the necessity of uniting in prayer for the work of the mfssionaiies securing missionary literature in order that the members may be educated on missionary work also bringing before our minds the plan of systematic giving Hey J- D Simpson gave us a very pointed and practical address on Responsibilities of VicePresidents Miss Keith led the Junior Confer giving us a beautiful cation of Junior work and Misi read a grand paper on Our Jr Pledge Two very ex cellent papers were then read Hist by Miss of Tottenham on Organisation and Spiritual Power the other Personal Service for Christ by Mr Henry of Thornton The following officers were then elect ed Mr Milter let Vies Mr Thorn Visa Mr Jos Fife 3rd Vice A Snowball alb VieaMlu Tottenham VicaMr K Bradford Jackson I Fox to G A Belfry Tottenham In the evening the began by Rev C Keam leading a Con secration Meeting The large at tendance gave unmistakable evidence of the and earnestness of our League members in the work The paper on An in Society by the President Miss V was very Two eloquent addresses followed the first by Rev J Locke Bradford on An Leaguer in the Church in which he slated that an Ep worth Leaguer must be a true member of the church a pillar of it must work side by side old and young the people cooperating with the old in their meetings To make our lives a success we must make a suc cess of our consecration to Christ The other on Wanted or the Needs of the World was by Rev A Spencer in which he pointed out veiy clearly that there never was a need in the world but God had supplied the want When the world was wrapped in darkness a Saviour was announced Golfaths have come forth there have always been the Davids to step out io the strength of the Lord men who have moved the world ate those who not able io be moved by the world but who keep step by with Christ need men women all at it and always at it During the afternoon the following important resolutions were presented and adopted Moved Rev Jno Locke Iter Matlhaarj oooitUutloo of provides thai Literary by members acd certain lieu I e for growth la godli ness to iLu and to give as It it that ooommeeds and as a part in work clauts for the little the trices and history acd tor It winter may bo snide prof table In av and lbs cumbers thereby etrcxiheccd In acrytoc all are a4ojt the came MS forth to aid li1rrljra loon a Girls Boots and Shoco Infanta Boots and Boys and TERMS why wo can to cheap Wo would refuse to credit to Queen THE MA SHARON Our football club went out to Zephyr a week ago and played them a friendly game for an hour each aide scoring two goals The boys speak very highly of their treatment by the Zephyr boys and purpose giving as Rood a time here The return match la be played here on SnurJay next at p An Interesting game is expected qubeviiXe At a wellattended executive meet ing of East Gwilhmbury Tp S S Association here last Friday it was decided lo hold the next Annual Con vention at Mt Albert on the and of Dec Mr A the S Secretary has pro mised to attend and the Convention promises to be the best ever held in the Township Those not present at the garden party on Thursday night missed a treat The ladies had the tea pre pared in their usual On account of the cool evening it was served in ihe basement The enter tainment was more than usually inter esting The solos by Mrs of Bradford Mrs Stephens and Mrs Leonard were all fine and greatly de- lighud the audience Miss Helen Pearson and Miss Marjory Pearson gave recitations which received en core Short addresses were given by Mr Mr Sturgeon and the ministers of the circuit The band rendered some good music Altogether it a decided success Proceeds expenses were paid amounted to Mrs Leonard and Mrs J Henry drove to Saturday to at tend a Harvest Home on Monday The heavy frost on Tuesday night finished up the tomatoes cucumbers flowers and everything left un covered Ice quarter of an inch thick- Mrs and Master Lloyd returned to Ohio on Monday after spending three or four weeks with her parents Mr Geo Fog is building an ad dition to his residence which adds gtcatly to its appearance The small boys at school have just learned that the earth is round One of them was wondering if it would kilt a horse to drive around it Look out for a Harvest Homo ser vice the Presbyterian Church next Sunday afternoon which promises to be interesting as well as instructive CAUTION it a Hid to FOR SALE JOSEPH MILLARD Newmarket Leading TORONTO a tohor a acini test train- Ieo lie and lor belt tbo aod belt or far SHAW Mr Elmer Davis attended the worth League Convention at Totten ham last week Mr Alf Ransom has been at the Boo for a long time has returned and is again working in the tannery Sara been visiting her sister at is home again Mabel Davis who recently passed High School Leaving Examina tion is attending High School at Aurora Mr John Ross was the guest of Mr A on Sunday On Wednesday of last week Mis Mary J of place was married to the Rev Edward J I of North Hay The ceremony performed by the Rev Alex P Kennedy in the presence of about relatives and friends bride was held in high esteem by all who knew her and a lovely marble clock was presented her by the Sabbath School where she had become popular The happy couple yill rnske their new home in North Bay after ex tended tour through Eastern Provinces Markets 11 ISM per Uriel SC0 a I test Eerie pes tube I 1 for Pus per lira per lb Potato ptr Wool per lb flay pertoa Beef Cbtcktaper pair TcrXcraparlb Oil Oil 17 SO i SO CO on on it on j OS a CO OS a CO CO a 0 a a Oil a a a COO a 0 I FOR- GOOD to clear out Summer and Shoes We must reduce Sictk at once If you will only and see our Roots and the prices you will buy It means a of at least per cent to you They arc all the Newest Styles in Womens Misses Childrens Mens and Call and see SbcHi AN WAN It ED its iB4rfrticc- fiiriTrr FREE A LifeSize Air Brush Crayon Ink Portrait With every of CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN Of Wert it NEWMARKET A SPECIALTY toil Tho radio JlftiJii fctr lut At lit hitir Ha J Kept Oktint Int to Jut- t Li I ti I Jtli w WAMTeKDSfcfAl wo ti- tilt OF ijflAHKS SUGAH and Fruit Jars Any chcapcit cheap as Teas and Coffee We have a special line of at roc pound and our regular line at a pound or pound for it the test quality for the price you can find Crockery and our Dinner Sets for allow prices We See quality inspection Jioco Toilet from 10 A SMITH LEADING GROCER Main Afj vill Not bo Undersold klcil ARM TORE ram OS la w icc GS a A I54tlaTta FURNACE STOVE CHESTNUT FIRSTCLASS Call see me I Central Yard NEVMARKET A Full Stock of the Best just re ceived A R Y B Night Hell Souili End Tannery TO BUTCHERS to lay Till Toronto at via THE SHAW EIITERTAIHHEfir GOMPAHY I A TOWN TutOUT SI to Ui aaajaieMal fcattJea li If 1 a a a a a 1 IPITIf 1 9 an II Oil a 10 a a a a on on on I Tit tut ill it ass a CtitiJi4eT eat imMh a a en to a

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