Newmarket Era, 25 Sep 1896, p. 3

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j i- NEWMARKET ERA SEPT 25 OH town Mr who lOROJ ao- Jail again Occupy Church ibfc regular FcllomblpMMlng will at A lull at anticipated will bo fnitjil Mrvtn Hiiro wilt ft I Gospci The loglaat well attended Can occupied chair and Arming of Hesitation Italia and Mr Will bo chief capital by Too pain hat In tha north tide or evidently by A In of aorao loy will the Am tiny can ajfalnal a gnat a modal la to match alio tt of iha A Finn Joa A went at It on Monday afternoon a Job of clearing but the and drift hi up to bridge at breakwater a of dam and alio jond will an our cltlitna will point with to a clean of water Wo Jiavo to Nearly three ago Mr A a of prairie fool badly by alalia reached ha bottom deceived dim Jlbt J week 6f foot on Ibo ball on of being placed on tltoalop not awaroof aco nd to without About lleovllto mother of Mr jown it ankto picking orchard HEW Ok men a and a homo are working at bo new railway week and iorMf vory favorably foundation being laid SOful track blocka about thtttm sn- at tbo north aid I- half bnlll and on aooilt morn fog A down of men board tht railway car on and rent about town Saturday a and bo longing to Mr Chat during of wore Two young men wcro up Mayor Monday for riding on with north end fatter bylaw will permit and paid each Daw Lei others beware regular In with Lawn Church next Wednesday Tea from to Poisoned For three Abba been up with a wry tor hand Ho go ld fa a scratch and blood poisoning act In night and day Ho to week but had to giro It op lifted fa Improving MtriroDisT Church Sun- ay Joy of Tottenham Toronto who a Hang How old yon turned to good account by In a wblohwlllbo talked about to good ad vantage I J and wont to Pair with their anO had wonderful In elate Mr won four and Diploma or the bat of any ago whllaMrIIoagwonaJat and Brd report thai abow waa over held Id London or all of and the crowd were yp Work on the new Illation la and If fair will brick work by than ten brick- The ready to go tin roofing it la will by end or HI arolighUjind or with firing in that tboitraet will going by Saturday lobar MuOmlaoJ will probably two or three allor that before plant will bo fat opt Depot week hat record known for Newmarket and an air ol grounds No tban on freight and about M war Included between of pail timber for Canto Factory car of cut atone for tbo now light atatloo aa well atono for car A hardly enough aiding to work to ad vantage Included wood grain and march hay Two or throe cans rftriO light pole and being ground A car chipped to Toronto yesterday Bra Mr A making at Hotel and when ho will have moat convenient and airy public in town front door will moved to the centra of the new verandah that baa erected and a Acq window will a place hall from the front door Will run directly through the to yard wbeto a black will for tho convenience of Jadiea and gentlemen getting oot of their rlgaon Main internal ar- all being changed natr hardwood aro laid and a atatrivay will be of the being and will hardly know the place in a of toor4 Work Lovers of fancy wood work the Parquetry llooring at Factory before it in away It Aral Job of kind that they turned oat and who examines work that it a compute Cherry wood of loot to compactly that not a joint In hand come and unique aptly log Mr mathematical and arch itectural Tbi order that fa now almoat ready for shipment and eight hundred equate feet of for hall dining room and library floor and atKtut SWaqnan roll for bedroom floor would make floor for room It la now for Can would make a most attractive exhibit for York Fair day afternoon a pretty wedding bk Whitby at of the bridal father Mr A Mr Gardner Jr of Vorka and Mamie Victoria formerly of Toron to- ceremony by Manning of aaslatcd by ltev J nfiygutett at the and tbo warn and Monday Night The of Ontario la no term of tho Entertainment Co will be hero auaploe of North York on Repl- The Mr make up and playing o foil of grace andjower that from the fit ho central Aguro In a remark- abo for ft a excellence a mingling of power and grew lit all gclurttf and tbo reading of by a being and clear and the other num ber of excellent Company aro In no way Inferior to Mr Co from drawee character and In Greek MltbcaEclum ll 014 and pro- mite a entertainment ai the low price of fleo programi The and literary on Monday wat a The the church nearly filled yutobtr being preterit from Ftoplea Bo In Town aa well a road from The program wlv of a high tfrder of merit J very presided After during which read tho acriptoro Mr Matthew and Mr Fred Miller brief wldtettt giving the people lately come to Town to the High and Model a invitation to the league every Monday evening The program proper than proceeded by Mia and Mr of Bradford Mia Newmarket vocal duett with autoharp accompaniment by Mr- Hewitt and Mia violin by Mies and Mr A recitation by reading by Mr J McKay and by S were on conclusion of program and It was after ten oclock when were and oil felt that evening a very social on Twenty- two book for tho league Miaaionary Library arrived on Monday and were opened during They are of facta from the field extending from Columbia on north to Faro Booth America and from to Capo of Good Hope In the old world Tho book well IlJuatratad and if toy should bo will more zeal in work Sunday is the In all a very for parent to UII and to worker who much to children and il fc of Royal Colonial London Kngaopyof work fomarded to Inatitntlon a complimentary acknowledge moot a number of boon aold at the price day will to op now the to get one Up jo Date The officer who Waited on Monday paraded the on band fn evening and a big crowd atwznblod at Town Hall but much disappointment in Booth not being able to bo The crowd went to bur her only Two day night of wk a of belonging to Mr Fat got out of field and wandered to track near Howardi ataut half a north of Newmarket A train along about ten oclock and both of One killed other had a leg broken other Injuries and to put it out of ware working It a heavy to Mr of ho North York Agriculture fiocloty met latfatorday and apjololed judge for and matters likely toodntrlbnlo to com fort of exhibitor and vfaltor and tho how generally An ad place next when preliminary arrangement will bo completed On Monday or Tcrcday will to fix Wo might that a con would boa great Improvement to of the who building should apply on ground on Tues day at An action to pjmcot bond moantlng to lit bun t well 1 aobject two aril at County Court In Toronto ll week after a lot of oil In- lercaUd ro A jiliuliff and on and aaintt but tills wa In Ilviiloiikl Court Judc hit of Morgan and on of In favor of for ToNioht The a and Hall A good program It ad Mr the popular principal School hit to It la hoped that an Inter cat In raoyemint will tho by their aUenSanco will bo taken Market Market on of fait of were offered to Wyorpool cable billing lira were d at from to lb other holding oat for Moat- market sold at fije bat It only In York that otd an upward and ato of a fair average for eon milk for Newmarket Factory to keep op well and Micro la no talk y of It A In clearing up tome paper In came an old of green Which how the Wyr ago paper mod a wrapper for a moooy fetter In of Knight Kail Home and directed to at letter at Ocorge If Aug ar- lived I rid which the receiver bad to pay dic A potted In Quobw thla would arrive In lo- and ahowa what half a contary done In Canada line DRESS GOOD KIND- A Mon day to Niagara Camp of a charge of bono aUdUngiid him to jail to by a at lrloriualiuga They tried to tbo in Bail ih taking a i two aumtd and tan away at A the vaiaottto and company ha bad luKpiug la a to tba of highly do boy know what aonow tola and ar aomttlma forcod to My ay child grave word the to guilt a abooi 18 Fair Did you see the and attractlvo poster 4 that have been for Fair at off every lb tog in thla part of try ao ol Show will bo Director bound to thla tho atttactlva Fair over held ia York and parad Special which will fihow of one bo remembered of both day a Free Entertainment to bo given by a ileal and Comedy amoaoment aod with or dinary of Fair wjthoat ad ditional coat We no bat a profitable on part and crowd both day that tier bid day day the for adult la reduced to lo and for It will bo to by the Comedy firat to and yon will bo that you will gladly pay ibb day if dont look at any thing on Fair around alto addrcas by Mr Campbell on How to Horde which farmer be intonated in lo be at oclock let day Oct Gib lit Floral will bo lit by and another those popular wilt bo held at it ex- peeled that to iba lion Deere tar and Speaker of Common on farmer North York and of Work to doubly attiactlva year will brlog a lot of work that never Seen before demand for that a lively la taken In the Fair and fndica and fihow held Newmarket The Co ha to ticket at all Toronto to the day at a faro end and on the Sod day at Single Fare good to return tbo day aftc The Au rora our of ay Unlet taken to driv ing on In tho evening goln Into On ovening two young fellow were driving up and down and ran Into a and which hitched In front Mr Wwvarf- boggy tumid completely over and very ninth damaged fellow had not to atop and what darn- ago had done but will no doubt find out a their known and will In all probability called upon to for fun Mr Wms The interpleader Freehold tbo County Friday It appears that hie farm in to John claiming that duo for rent for amount and at time action with a chattel mort gage which ho held before barveat gathered Freehold Company an old elocution Beaton An in- order directed trial to whethtr under take crop under the order ho greater portion and Judge Morgan decided in favor of Mr with The Within the Ihreo month nomination of County Councillor will take place under tho now act On or the November Warden iho County la to a Nominating in each dlvlatoo Such fia a place where the nomination will be held from to oclock on Monday the Slat Deo and colic each place be given in a at last two before date There ia two week between Nomination and pol ling day fiiat Monday in January No member of Council of a local muni cipality nor any aaienor or collector la eligible for election a Co Councillor except holding office In township town and Tillage nomination will be a fornurlyon the laat Monday in December or one week after Co nominations Volvktkkrs The weather been too cool and sometime too wet to tho Niagara Camp a one and on whole the men will glad that op tomorrow and their night report come from Co No Newmarket of at tention to order and good and orderly conduct while Of duty Battalion did excellent with tbo new quite a number of being made but a tad fatality on morning last woak which a over tbo entire camp and particularly over Newmar ket Company While Co No York Hanger wa at target practice shooting at yard range Private of Bound who acting a marker shot through head A bullet twoinch plank or coyer board on upper edgo deflected downward to thoflldo throofcb earth cm and striking the marker near tho top of loft of the hold The bullet i clear through the and struck timber In the rear of the trenches At moment when ball htm was in the act of removing one of the discs wai not ImlantaueouH but surgeon in at tendance ld there wold bo no hope of recovery The wounded man was re moved to the camp hospital he lingered for about two hoar No blame can attach to anyone a the fatality of a purely accidental nature aod not have bun Had who Is feet two i in height a man the ballet would not bit but oven allowing for Ibis It could scat La that an avsl deal of kind could happen nor It that an accident would once in a million times The marker was in ifa proper when the bullet struck and tho men of No Company fired at proper time and according to order who a young man of between and 22 year of age had been a member of No Com pany of the for about two and a half years Ho was an unmarried man and both hie parents are dead Ho thoroughly conversant with hi da ties anJ he was a rather shot himself ho wat looked upon as a good man to act at marker FuftffliuHK If you want to buy Furniture now is time and Undertaking fa offering big reductions to cash They keep th and best selected stock North Toronto No goods in this boos up Butte on wheel 9 our own make will not make Extension Tables 3deaf Parlor Bolts pieces up AH other good proportion A call will convince you John Millard 51 OF At about onehalf Regular Prices All good clean goods only odd and go not at our price but at yours Heavy per yd Bolt worth for Ladies Belt only lo each doz Shirt Buttons for Outing Shirts fprmcr pried 100 Our Factory at is sold by others at Go and our Celebrated Factory generally offered as a Snap at a J have received another choice consignmtnt of Concord and GrapC3 morning ia and the price a reach of ATI A 1 10c Go IS SPOT CASH OY8TCR8 OYSTER The has consignment this commenced once more received our U I N Quinces are in ana fruit is choice GROCERY lbs Extra Standard Granulated Sugar for lbs Beautiful Bright Yellow Sugar for Sec our Valencia Raisins this years They are fine Give us a call A ROBERTSON i Thursday and Saturday This is the time of year hat merchants are wondering when they will get room for Fall Goods that are beginning to arrive We have marked down too much Stock on hand so have AND ALL LI J J And following days A Stock Nice Trimmings of Dress Goods Dress and Mantles Jackets and Gapes More Light Thin you ever taw by one A Blunt ft are ting filHoy iTli big pumpkin and are now being groomed for exhibition Com- it by fn vicini ty tbont Mi Silvers bom bow wtrt in Town or day ibe ttnttcar Mr ft of floert In ft or two bit too flight Opening it for lomorrow Mr todJod bit on week bit or lot o on CUtilng corn In Town floftltng Id honor long Whti Town fort at on a if ball the Dairy It dtwrttt bit with ft witdmill i lend to do hi own chopping In wit pot into Mr II on on tftrtmtdtto Mr bun A trmpwttiunlDtolhtIeknp on ion ralanUi to Ml of Town morning with ft it oommtaclng to Mr bought W Tho if one fttlrtct big crowd nut ft pact front of tho For you buy a Ho Cock In That We clip tht following from Toronto Mail of Monday Mr of the and On trio bit ftiood bit ot iboHnt tho towot and tillages through which the proposed will which a mote id of out townt YiUtgtJ follow Fori Ferry Ux- Albert Landing Bond Head fiction ton KmcarJiD Kimbtiley The givei of popu lation and In papulation adjacent to lint from which it will at portortber line practically new and afmi at developing Or creating a traffic now done by or laying dormant in the undeveloped re aootwiofthe country It that gets go by in above route but Co can and oner or later Co HI fiod out A population of in chief the by road and Co it loo of offered to provided that a granted for a running up to Point bat this not in charter or road and natter crop ped for to that there ficient time to properly meet require ment and also obtain chatter for road through the Parlia ment winter bat we ate still opinion an agreement might be made with Director of Co which would be to both corporation If road It brought to at at Aril wo believe a email will be raited by the which would to any time were commented on woipjrj our people do not propoee kink 10 benefit place in the Wo by other CO or CO of road between Kin cardine and art to be built promoter when here attarod our that the Hot would build at Fort Parry and 1 If oil be made to re before regret It Call and See Fall and American Mis Baylys School hit removed to Millard at the head ho accommodation for Another dozen Township East at Sharon on Sat urday for transaction of rogolar King day Temperance Hall Ketil Horses Wasted Mr Rocfi Montreal buyer who It grow ing to favor will bo at the to bay a of cart of chunky low berets Ladies Fine Kid Shoes buttoned or Oxfords Mens Fine Boots sewed and nailed reg i nailed splendid valu if worth price for 50 25 ALL WPS SEWED FREE I The regular meeting will bo held next Tuesday at the ifrr iloiley week earlier than at the regular date on Fair Pipe Varnish Leads than all For tale by A Owe our thanks to a discerning public for increas ing our trade which has doubled- If you are looking for 1 afore leaving lor or call mid inspect our Stock which is one of and in the country and prices arc tower than anywhere firdtchiPs trimmings and workmanship considered and we always endeavor to show treat ment whether you buy or not Strictly Cu MY TAILOR A Bad Boy A lad named aboal yean age the Landing before iQir I lit Friday for his Lad and clear- the that th boy a a liar aod He to fichl fcr three year and of fiiccdi ltd bound over tolha a ralativo So Barrio alio for Fall Fairs The following the date thou in our people far to to Oct Remember lead all compcfitors TORONTO JOBUING HOUSE of Snaps which is giving at his I i 4 9 8 SO 9 SI El FALL MANTLES Court On Todd Eaal ill I ciitTKid a tench of Mag- til J A with fin and Baldwin out ftboattha of October both Mr Woodcock or Hi He- tor After itfl tii tr a id lh there U cot which fteUoo V la The Royal in their will bo at Oct and and will dye Drill and Grand Finale c ahead of an Jit- in ana All 19l3 will Tho COMPANY atcv izfchiuJ a HUGHES Samuel a ftitner the Township of died Aug leaving a will valued at widow will the long ai a widow at her decease the tool and enjoy equal to SSL rtittftj m4 Uice1 TOM fi -AT- DRUG STORE Now Is time plant If you want Hyacinths Tulips etc for holidays GASH BOOT SMB I have a lot of Tan Goods which I am clearing out at and Below Cost also some other Lines at same rate 1 have a line of Mens Tine Boots which I am sell ing at 150 and Extra good value Nov- is your lime as these Goods are going very fast Dont Miss this Rare Chance Sign of the Rod Boot IT i 4 1 DAVISON GO Arc again prepared to supply Pure Spices of even hind and of the most Aromatic Flavors either Whole or Ground also White Wine Vinegar and Cider Vinegar of Extra Strength and Flavor They hound to keep up the reputation of their Goods thai no one using their Pickling need to be disappointed at results DAVISON

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