Newmarket Era, 25 Sep 1896, p. 4

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j I ERA For end i For cleancit awecltst clothes SlrflftllStGtl for Day f For every about house Surprise work best and cheapest jtnfidf wiieir HAD day a nay It No Older Itlodicino AVER of Rector No Mood ddno tint Into tried them 1 la If aquU tic AUgUStA at Worlds Fair boxed K8 Iff mi 0 Si- 1 o I a AIm I And fond to moil shrink to drink Gilt dim grimly tall old of Model Wfrl wo oer rttlt ho Ittitl tho oil li hctkr for that And allba With dob mo mo dob J ho faint btari la friiplrtd Irctn How with polntcfi In hind boldly wo Aland feel at toll along lliolranafoimloiof wand And when to ibo tho call a no Vilh to calmly the Till children dfiponto with ell a and And then to of young folnitructin and aMllod flnKatrflWon board ntal and And llfo Lot pig but to With manner la and fecit flourlih children aroiuro And prevails a pig on tbo board f lemon la ant the ara Hal long long In our memories that pig will Till Una will all of And W6c to day that pig la no Tho talent iai grand and tendering do no a many such one vcll can originate Another fair Jaurlet hat bland by our w no command am lo govern land wo an oer wo And youll And bad bo to a largo crowd at In thai city to the Harry a My and It Alton If Ontario man airtight on ftono track- Wat with of fa Again ifOm that clly carried at Industrial In a Sedan chair Dent Hamilton presented alker by or on from LI wear them A Mir pre from Federal capital Oliver evidently made up Mi to Ottawa baa for two yoari owned by Met ill- from now A Homo TboPopotlnan that arjaUolaWy Invalid and to Oath olio unity- Our mailer con- baa written a now mloaet for Iho which bo to Amercin admlrera and given of Mo- Ho now at Ma beat and that will meet with greater popular favor than JiU a in which our million aold a year It tho Oral mln- by and by Ihofamoua planltl for and will appear In laauo Tjia flrat of ment to all and bo known aa ft lalarrcrab It fa and a decided majority of de- that It bo terminate within 111 thirty limit Imngry ml ibwofa would not bo to but Ottawa lately that a weak lids to In their a Indemnity Instead of than ball amount influenced a much larger number on the left of Mr on rllit THE THC Hi the p t M Ml l IN ITU i a Lot For tut lU It jh perfect ccdIo rix It it pit pit I li flayiraftl and ft toSTEELTHAYTEHItCO the end Liver Acidity Of StomichCuringBIII- of the SUn Dropsy Vision tUco EiyilMlfcjScrofula FiutftrJfl7f the the 4 Il9 JfW or aulght wo I row all daylong In unity la air Thus VOMDlft If wink WHAT to Hon J busy hi desk dyt netting the bis down Ane and J if Crown The that Col lb JMo J Mr to bo of Crown Jnde Mr Williamson Col of the Fair iS6d a to effect that the one lodge bo In all fcPtodioa and that judge car faro This la jutt what it be and Fair should do likewise It it enough far a io bin or lmo to work got of lienor of tba petition is re- In ability of Jltrxjmrso to verily Hen Mr Poller i0iih to create a mild by ion Frcnjler certain held by of his colicaud ro- In in tho long ago re- trade and commerce Hon Mr in sort or bantering way tlio lor I am informed by of find that he ideated lo find that the lion for York Mr baa began to of the Trade and Commerce aod that ho he wIH fiKfttly and from repeMio certain grave error into which A recent addition to tho Grand Trunk In this city is Clift who is at Chilham Mr was formerly a policeman in the great city of don is a fine looking specimen of Englishman of the type so often seen In the employ and ho makes so desirable a class of citizens his advent here he lias been a warm advocate of that well medicine Dr William Pink Pills and through his endorsement dozens of boxes have been sold to bis friends and acquaintances A Courier anxious although not surprised to he for Mr warm eulogy of the pills called on that gentleman re cently Mr Clift willingly consented to an interview and in the following told his for being so sincere an advocate of a world medicine Some fiyc years aatdMr Cliit l my daughter Lilly began to droop and fade and became disinclined cither for A doctor in London was called in and he prescribed and a general rousing up as the best medicine to effect a cute My daughter did her beat to follow hie in structions but the forced her completely and she gradually grew worse One night I and my wife were by a cry from and hastening to her room- found her gulping up large of blood I for a and he did his to stop her hemorrhage but admitted to me that her case was very critical She drooped away to veritable shadow and for weeks when I went to bid her goodbye in the morning as went to work I feared might not sec her alive again This went on for a long time until one day a friend recom mended my daughter to try the effect of Dr Williams Pink Pills She con sented to do so and in a comparative ly brief period a decided benefit was perceptible She persisted with the use of the pills and gradually rose from a bed of suffering and sickness until die one again attained robust young womanhood For the last three years she has been In excellent health It was Pink Pills that virlu- brought her from the mouth of the grave and preserved for me rny only daughter iw do you wonder why sound their praises and recom mend them at every opportunity Of Williams Pink Pills strike at the root the disease driving it from the and restoring the patient to health and strength In cases of paralysis spinal locomotor ataxia sciatica erysipelas troubles etc these arc superior to all other treatment They arc also a specific for troubles which make ihe lives of to many women a burden and speedily restore the rich glow of health to pale and cheeks Men broken down by overwork worry or excesses will find in Pink Pills a cedain cure Bold by all dealers or tent by mail at 50c a or six boxes for 5o by addressing the Dr Wil liams Medicine Company or Schenectady of imitations and substitutes alleged to be just as good The Central House which it be remembered was destroyed by fire time ago bat been replaced by a brick structure lint would bo a credit to a much place McQuillan the proprietor bis been granted a license and is now prepared to cater to the of the travelling public Mi Hill has his fine new brick and Is again doing business of yore Hit son New ton s very courteous and ac commodating after tele graphy and post office department In connection with the store BRADFORD At a joint meeting of Firemen and CiHaena held in the Fire Hall on Monday night last to the question of a paid Fire Brigade it was unanimously agreed to leave as they were at present The sudden death of Robert J Thorpe on Thursday last a gloom over the entire township and the grief stricken husband and family of five children Including an Infant of about two week old have the ayrnpathy of Avery large circle of relatives and friends After a lingering of about a duration Mill Jennie Moore died on Tuesday evening the Though confined to the for some three months she for at least three quarters of a year prior to that gradually declining in health and strength apparently a victim of the disease consumption She had not neglected the prepara tion for the life beyond the grave for the could say I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have commuted unto him that day A beautiful wreath of flowers the and Christian Kndeavor Society testified only in a slight the respect and esteem in which deceased was held The annual Harvest Thanksgiving Services In connection with Trinity Church was held on Sunday Sept On the Wednesday evening a tea meeting and high class entertain ment was held in the Town Hall The Holland landing Dramatic Club the Hughes Family and Miss of Sharon Miss and Miss of Newmarket were among those who took part on the program- With Health la a World of With Disc a Dark Gloomy Abode a Grill American to Many a AVI front their trouble and in- of Internal organ iff Ieottalljr to of cm erudition of blood Vox the radical cure derange- la and all with and comfort tilcertllona and ait and cure la Spum or depend It ifae Tic caret find cot ted For til and Dr Favorite record of ever a quarter lit firut i I GRAND TRUNK What X-T- with ana mt a be FQe I We Wed and it OR I I I I W FOR ffALQ OR TO I ait two jtAr a4 lUci Utter In I Hula In J HyJj Idea SIS Huh to One hundred and were hurt forty seriously in the cyclone in Paris France Harry Huh- belt Ax- ton the in a matched on Wednes day A We should have early a view and a high aim and stick to that in all ft llio general election which list fihU ruruincnt lUfd Khool will la coercion and II Liter on a took in of no coercion was nd Ha ton 0of aald it worrit Wo wade in good It it ac curate Oar tonUmporfirita ate now and and ckcawill ot to for tratli of will to Mta- URE TAKE THE BEST y WITH CURE iJoiu who Ihxo money in a had bet try it jolt Hon Id Mil tor North vcro which iwrneby iarty CO The North a fcoti all the It ahould bo but had It the in this Hiding iiot it f Tim in for no to be a successor who to pay hi OJVJI It la all fa ftuta AT Remember J I they are priceless Take care of ti one will lake Tho fqr aro the Windows Spectacles or kail on us and get j prices L ATKINSON Jeweler and Optician 58 Main St Newmarket School English French and Music of the Soul t one the evIdow chrittftnlty Than or cue of acaptica thtir infidelity bracing ImL after giving time to an Invest iitloQ of of Ibo The from lliatory fu one of the Qfapb tract of of fta4well aliowa in the concerning it full of Egypt full Egypt tola in her it It bo of ft any above nation and to day that ft cannot hold one end of a can that through own When in her long line of royal 11 m There be no prince of the land of x ud for than two Egypt hat not had a an king there of worthlppod In Egypt I Ihofdoll and today the broken amid the of there la not an idol in all the land of The Mid The by the ibaJl be driven away and bo no nd the plants linn known the and Ml lb of The of of old they be Who tut an could thM to a weatern piper It very well to the metier with a remark in caw no harm done ho fact retnafna that the This ii VioTafcd and hut a It didnt create tithe the that filOntrera action In burning the Lai ing4 end then polling Lord ho duty by to an act by both of in Canada iiriy to be troubled by Aberdeen violations did the torch and the time of the ahiifllo money aipeet of Itqnor in he In view of the statement made by Mr that vote on prohibition will be carried fa the legislation will follow to give effect to the electorate from of liquor now amounts to over millions per It takes to and the It be ing forced upon are to be raited which oil by prohibition Will country approve of a axon on to make Sevan millions la a moral financial hat no bat if the people ore not fatly op to thfs view the money side of it way materially afoot the remit The leadening of criminal following prohibition will soon offset corresponding gala to the Provinces and Railway Company arc about erect a building at Five Penitentiary had an elaborate plot foot to titape but were caught When found they had several knives used to cut bars They had tunnelled their way an empty cell and four of the bars on the window had been sawed through John Atlas who was hypnotized and buried alive the State Fair grounds at Narragamett Park J On Monday afternoon as from his grave Thursday afternoon apparently but Utile worse for his hours sleep underground- Five physicians certify to the uinene of the test The latent advices from Mada gascar the island within the French protectorate as in a condition of anarchy While there appears to evidence that a dynamite attack wit intended upon castle while the Cur was visiting the the feeling of alarm in England is sub tiding The Soudan expedition be dervishes in force on the Nile and after defeating them heavy loss seat gunboats on to vihlcU had left practically A small force of British took of the city will hold It till after rival of all the troops a box tor uinLcrd pill At Sen croft Stirr piAiir to taks nil AH fat to Cure Sick and latitude Dyspepsia all troubles arising from liver disorder Baby sru lick her ffhco she win for WbwBhetoaalUaiUciuicoyit IAS A What joyful news to the sufferer from chronic rheuma tism of neuralgia That instant re lief and an absolute cure can be had in from one to three days by using the Great South American Rheuma tic Cure seems but thousands say its a fact and here is the testimony one For years I suffered untold misery in my legs for six months I was coofined to my bed I used all the ordinary remedies could lay my hands on South Amer ican Cure being brought to my nortec I procured a bottle and I gave me Instant relief A few bot tles completely cured roe George KiuKtvs Spontaneous unsolicit ed testimony is the highest recom mend that can given the Great South American Kidney Cure What it has done it can do again It is a kidney quick relief in all kidney disorders heats and Michael McMuUen Chesley Ont I had been troubled with gravel and kidney dis ease for eight years Remedies and doctors could me rto pain was so severe that I could not lie down or remain in one position any time I procured a bottle South American Kidney Cure look it the directions I got instant relief the soreness all left me and today I am cured of the danger trouble and recommend this won derful remedy to all similarly affect ed Tub Nerves We iiye in a hurry and ninetenths of our ailments arc due to nervous exhaustion impover ished blood or bad digestion South Aintiiojn Nervine is a it tones the nerves and stimulates di gestion Thousands whose lives were a burden to them are to day in excel lent health because they have testtd its power W Sher man of Morrisburg writes 1 was completely run down a great suffer er from and nervous troubles Tried every medicine in the with little or no relief- I obtained a bottle of South American Nervine Before half of it was taken I had de rived great benefit Six bottles me ray old self again I recommend it body so and cheer fully give it my testimony Register A VA A JotUeTiunMJayMi afore foil Vtir 11 11 La aacbEtaih A v Sod ul la ILt All ft- In A in life should be only in honorable callings be governed in all matters by right principle cherish deep sympathies develop moral and keep a clean re cord Above all need the vciy best spiritual influences need the the help and grace of God need the Spirit of Him whom God has highly exalted and given the name which above every power there is in the name of Jesus I What glory crowns it In its saving effulgence a sinners name may come to be a new name a name which no one knows but he that re ceives it the name of the new life the name written in Book of Life the name sealed on the forehead as mark of glory Cramp CkoieftA Aiulta lOOAL BEST STOVE AND FURNACE COAL SCREENED Also Blacksmith Coat Delivered to any part of Town WILSON MOKINNON lo flcrvaei Dr Four Kali in Their Is Point With Core and Relief Cemea in ililrty tea- Heart disease the heart palpi- flutters tires easily it indicates disease a days neglect may mean death Dr Apneas Core for the Heart is regarded by physicians as the greatest known remedy for the heart George Crites Customs House Cornwall says I had acute heart Irouble for a number of years I was unable to attend to The slighter exertion proved very fatiguing My physician recommended Dr Cure fof the Heart Today I am as well as ever and able to attend to business Catarrh This disgusting mem braneous inflammation affecting the the throat and sensitive cavities of the head was at one time regarded as and could only in its extension by the use of red- hot irons and the strongest of acid sprays The fallacy of such treatment has been conclusively ex posed in the appliance of Dr Catarrhal Powder It will cure the most stubborn cases is absolutely painless and is easily applied If Francis the W- Telegraph Co Brampton I was a martyr lo catarrh in lbs head for years I tried every I could procure with little or no benefit I got a sample bottle of Dr Catarrhal Powder It gave me great relief after using four bottles I was completely cured Piles Dr Ointment re lieves and cures alt of piles in from three to six nights Comfcrt one application cents Dr Liver Pills cure con stipation and sick head ache Never gripe Easy and pleasant Forty doses cents A HIGH wax to aim Shooting to hit how hit ifc at S Ilia l0 at He etoiaWSTuBft AOV A it J u- Kitty Wiitioiay iui JXricslii pbl- sliijL tit j tVt EO It uia day in is ia CMitv UCmUii ttVfSttaTirtt ii it AI lull lift BBIOK SALE lire J Goal TOR SALE lisSl iO WAN DAVID LLOYD it iiycf r If c a i it li liiwioiJ i i JSjj a an liRADtKY-UAiUtymOO- 0 IF A A a put t loiKL RENT- jJatrt WARM Kite Klc iij l a A CODY HO LET wTJItODKUTCOWESQ wtcoacv05tn5Cwo You need q Pall It can 13 to give such healthful that youll require an overcoat all tenon Just by seeing that it la Interlined vita Fibre Chamois No weight or balk will be added but natural and spring of this interlining will keep the garments proper shape and Its perfect proper ties wIU keep oat every breath of frosty alt or damp winds while the waterproof mates it proof an all rain or value at slight expense Only a yard Dont buy any readymade garments which havent the Fibre Chamois thoroughly enjoy the it gives FLORIDA GARDEN LAND CO- Qll PASTURE TO RENT Newmarket EVERYTHING IN GOOD WORKING ORDER Why Patronise Aurora Call Tuesday and deliver Thursday Call Wednesday and deliver Friday Residence For Sale Tt I Wagon calls for and delivers all work F EMBURY Proprietor Opposite Lace Curtains done up equal to new Special for family washing FARM FOR SALE Wit ft A aAdcftcdcsttsiuzi to trio DAVID LLOYD HOUSE AMD STORE TO LET us TBI fe 03 NEWMARKET TWO TOWN LOTS JO I tlitl 1 amd washboards- Building Wo fiitcl op with pari- of ani all irj All Colon airing Willi ClaaDloE Baric Ccjtte Ban lira Wheals Into o Ail Wheels bo another are alt prepared to We a at the very pattern Call and aw Is THE SONS MFG CO Ltd win NEWMARKET FOR TWENTYSIX YEARS LAROtBTGALC IN CANADA MARBLE JIB We any to outdo not alio in line MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES I t A I J A EI John of in jail cow Win it in SKclbroe to a butcher for is said to be an already ore or terms iinjison- in price If you want any lied Fruiting dor- hat work and you can get at the Era Office before you order Oct promptness is pro- jlj iJl In an between and on the force von by goals I I PICTURES A Colored every or every O veil fcoltlj LEVER BROS ltd -KST- For Sale- en Hi It CM will filter la JltIll tii ljUllcgt it ttxiii COIttOiUTION It liOUMO A W C4X irua ft 1 A i J AmaiJJ WANTED SALESMEN iwi cub J Arc top ItULACJEriiKK GlVeUdATRUIL CO IVANTEU SALESMEN bloc jti -J- i ALLEN NURSERY CO- VY C lira Mk ati tew J Oil WAYSIDE SONGS J DAYS A I iif Wo all lUiioUck ail aia 144 J L ir- iviS

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