J i ij r i NEWMARKET ERA OCT 2 j WHAT IK The of to wmin Hi tomorrow cull to a torn Four dm 1d Com to ftodll At regular opening Ml Jul llont report both waiagrcU St The Rev Of To- ft at TiiinVlglvIoR fltrvlct of to held About of On Oh lit a wm In at of to two lnfftnU CuRCThe Monthly will beldtta qotrUr lea finl A oog I to A U At regular meet InxUti Monday a ruolatton of ai fc J hi Wo An ad order from Mr Adam A In ft Tut iruHC At and Toronto al two Iter Mr a daring lit an tint dar ing bit lei Rood tamper wUl tocondaoud by in It The Ho- Monday iflUi incnl Jo Wo ty ai6fpal manner In did them to perfection but under In hope of a to iho Tonn ImUi ft a and a Jt all favor of It about llino our pooplo by lento a Many farm en of of who advrllid to to at Dominion day Mr got a Mr net day hi had been badly burl a kick from a boric- Ho foil hi not to ktop bit be i not Ihit amaa and to mike It JijUttiltDg for llw noil Public School The following In form at week A OS Jiff I to be Volma Viflwn j Ford CO CO CI 0 Ton tor Ktbtl Wilton In George Pepplatd of to hit and lo two fo Kotlon Mi go tin with Jt to jfooog en Id town to nayi aro bn- lo until to want lo buy now and fi to buyer and but tilled of Toronto in tbli CO up on up our own Malta will not you loott Table Tailor up AH other in proportion A will convince you One of big- edict ifltC brlb York for mby Ii anoounuA to tike plica on ibo on the For commit column and Iirg Mr- 1 Know whit good hoc and a grand opportunity Many of Iho vebletts and othwar now and nrnik Ing this a worthy of attention of a nolo of tod rnij opportunity THE Fair Farmed give jour ttbit by bringing to Town lo will not tow by it When other can ft ill to do and from iii mo of everyday wort Will ill forgot in Tueiday about good a and wont I inch a crowd Comrdy Co both Too cent Concert in on and Concert Town Hall on night Farm Produce Spkndid mar- lut and big crowd in town Duller at ICo atartol all at J and from to a and a pair Large of sold Gto8o by tbo id abundanco pick at and bag a good ratoy at and odo load at SSo Pall CO loo by Uriel tich Onion pock fie each white at 50c for Pear a Who is This The Aurora of A fanny Incident her on A young drava down fcoui in frlcndi pro- op with hi way and op Tyler and to end ot ilrtil Owing no way oat ho of Iho lied to took off and and depositing them In the boggy climbed oyer lb fcnd aflild Mr John Bio bo ho night In a atraw iUcV up la Iho ho foe a long to flnill took Iho and afitr a auoucdtd finding bit horn rig and clothing whirafio hayloft bo fort It to got oat of town The following report of Inspection tire In the of roado by tor lor on of by Chief Hunter wit ipoclodJono and fttatod ai at with not night per votod to which In my opinion A ml aboat foot of bote and their fixed pomp which through about per a 1 Tut alarm of No box at corner of p 6latamiitlo root another rol book ftnd track and two line throw at Hoe at J 02 thrown with fa report apply Throe roelr and of and ladder track with wllb in alarm from pnmp at ball Wight pat rob GO mm Em by loflrohalb of excluded under onder for as Id being follow nylavr for ago of Coal OH and fully piid men to la flro hill chemical fire glnMr for doty pomp room at mora to that off rttcrvoir for direct record to bo kept fn flro hall they up of hat for dan In Ibe Q road at Toronto on Liz wile the dl who who alternated lo making paco be bid to rid whole diatanoe The akin to marvellous if ho bad ridden 20 wilt Over a but the fact that ha bad to tide in a blinding of dnt his way hero and there through strangling of rider over a road with Jolti make ft a truly has quit a reputation a a track rider and has beaten all teat gun to atnattur tank at time or during tho iaan P Grave alio on a won the prlu Death of Mr Saxtow After an of due paralya during tin any to family ended hi about Friday men Ho can out from London fing- Ian aboallfi year ago and after work- ina abort with undo In to bo in a frame on corner tow by Toronto Although aaUo did a prosperous At rime ha taken ill he wa erecting two brick pre destroyed by fir Hit winter one of which be to hi eon and funeral at bis on flynday ftticcoon by Paul the c Uui AJ It In in or to Temperance Hall last Friday a and in- In coo with and during conn of hi marks referred to of on by recent abolition of bar Common Rev 11- gave a addrtif remark of chairman on removal bar In of and would follow at one it not ao- a walking tick at ald that if would old by ldo on lb Canada of two year Tb fcotn liquor Iraffio between and eight million dollar per an- but It tvrcoty million to col lectit at tarn time coat country war fatnlnoor Then trial of criminal an largely attributabl to liquor traffic It l that trade wonld If w had to our fnport C9 million of Canada then cam Act our million dollars Out of of barley in only million went lb York County by majority hoped when Dominion taken County will do better Tho gentttman then a of Ibo Templar It a- lion In baring now a of do- partmentof upTafntd lb tick and and on amount lha total abeUnanoeylodg in Church The Rot A I to prtich neat morning and Cut While Miss Ethel wa IIppcd and took a off St fa doing If- EmcuHvc of York Count rott on Saturday lut In Toronto and decided to bold in Hill Iho and Oct Ed reprctentol th Back from got from Niagara on lbr oclock train Saturday looking for outing warn to get home though a good York to pull op t A Sabbath aflornoon tba waa by from Collin aod of took be an a audi One day last Mr Irwin In wood abed up armful of wood a higher toll fell top of her knocking over and with neh a near by that b rib her ago ho la doing well following fait for quarter 2nd Vfc IeT0DU Sid Vioo Vita El York J- Treat The IlatfYeMling Meeting with friend on and Uooday and unuaually good Jo Haw and fit both trora among on morning flnnday and Monday noon war Orange followed by meotfng Nearly of pall hard hero pail two from Umber limit of flrmon on mora boom to will koop factory going to foil capacity till open ordered by tho law Win on lb day mat with fatal at week hating decided to go on with building wa on the Interior work for now ha formerly by and will bo fitted throughout In modern with fin plate front A only No Cook Stove with a for A a AMP Sabbath morning at clow of the popular who wa about to hi do- for Queoaa University prouatod by flohool with a hand- and Chair and following addrati member a foci moat are tailed upon by your aod removal from our at for a time In no untiring and you put forth a You Lava aorj0cd of your and mean to aooompllab end bat been froUIal of than had for Daring your School boo Increased in to spirit and Wa to com appreciation of yoor erTl and hereby pro- tent yoo with Chair a alight token of our and for you Wo do not hop ony tore ward for your faithful but Imply yon with a mark of and friendship pro- with Kiogaton and alio during year that to by a kind PovIdenoo- and when atari hall eel at may they cot a behind darkened melt away of on behalf of School by Howard Ella and Lehman Mr taken by aarpri in a word mad a anitabfo Social Tea the damp weather Aid at Rot Lawn on aTeniog Retncn wcro and credit A Bio Cavity When the end of raw adjoining factory of tho Specially Co wa opened It found tbat repair war It week or to Job SpRAtHED One day week tret with of her door to gel when her foot lipped and foil her foot to lb A Racket a disgrace- dtatoibanoo at Worth End night and had lo bo ent for key was trouble- An Information oat on Monday Crabber but bo Ml Town bo New Car The rail way men very in much the baavy rafn Tuesday of flow In the temporary dam at noon nail day flooded nearly completed and now f placed in a from Sunday regular ftcffcowaoojoyod by a con Invitation waa tho road rendered and remarks of all hi with foci The choir for tho and 10I0 by Woodcock mention Many ox- a pica ant variation from regular A The receipt at Depot week reached JBO car of which were loaded Umber for Factory of taw material for tbtiaxtenalto wooden warn factory arrived In on day loaded with atone for the now rail loaded with pole for corporation that cam from If aatf near import wcro made up with a ornlo cart Court In the Police Court room hero on Jak ion of How market charged with Franklin Pratt of on night of by throwing a pall of and child while driving Id La Newmarket Jo trial hot pleaded In hi define that In paulng rig on street Pratt drew in upon falm and tbat catling eon Lenta of pall On complainant ho did It to bono off fafin practfeally deferred lilt Oct 10 to allow tbo tie on IJrJ Tweed Dress Goods Tweed Goods for Allwool te All Wool Shirts and Drawers worth for All Wool Shirts and Drawers worth for Mantle Cloths and a OS Thursday Friday and Saturday J Farm Stock Implements WellBred Mares Horses Cattle Carriages Harness Blankets Etc Etc AT NEWRHARKT Oral And following days A Nice Stock Trimmings of Dress Goods Dress and Mantles Jackets A ID At am AMD On WcdaMiay about twenty of the l Christian vi tit J of Eld on for a took tlm had in roclal Mortatloo the folio ff log to Prosier ret a by Mr E of School tbt and aod tetcheuoIthaNawmitktt with yoo you to a rcoogol in your our for fcod raiftitaud ill fanltb hat put rooad with ud tic od I iibfot Hot do anpittiite our but Ho watt in which you faavt school by your prtitoca and Although wo cannot to riward you for tocsprtttio at Icatt our ftppf of thtrforo pout ai a tod inttntutoof our high for you it a worker In School may lug of acd tiout4 through tht iy your form to to your with ho to you ttill Join jou a fret life fthtitver a fed raty At to you andtbtt finally in the of Him whom lo aod jolt to co laay tut for aod Ufa of oar and fulcra tilDg- of Clau of aud A- KvERYDOoyWho 4ttr thouldhaya guards for Mia by in at for out or Drop and tea it Electa ic Light There arc seven up pole tod tbfi for now and tbay to a com plete of tho of tbo town tin by dynamo and other for tho It hero to- audit work It not dtlayod Id ttatiOD It Mill aftrifat Fair and It tiro and and a of to temporary and artry It to tt luto lit by wtk Up Your To yr6 it atlo fo How bit got to it do rotor to Mr It fciod of of will bo A new fancy boot bait to many down Town aba beat of to garner your crops your the that fall will boa one and the motor early Our flaw Ball to lut Saturday to torn aod got left of Main this ft to and ttoltaiy nigh mast to rely Egyptian ihoio who bad Town with mwtiflgof wiU fit Mr Thuiediy Oct datlp ni flytwvltrn itirough town on Monday it up to litre end a good coining in just for UcKJbhon block and in A Full Assortment Of the lor at fouod at UcCor HighClan Tailor Ink Towa text ylr TO you jour I both 0 and NOON iHK OF lG0AL BEST STOVE AND FURNACE COAL -SCREENED- Alto Coal Delivered to any part of 4t FHS -AT- STORE Now is Ihe time to plant il you want Hyacinths Tulips etc for the holidays mi Owe our thanks a discerning public for increas ing our trade which has doubled If you for Remember all JOBBING HOUSE iH to tavta fcttto it it to IUt 4to- Mr of appro With a clot iota mm trtbotf4 with littlt by Mr fry Mitt Coatu Toronto favored tbta tht and the Win- hioktOpahoot roWatght a teg a Choir tug I and pcotoda op Bib tot I Town met eighty W adjooraoot ted Cody aod potted he hid de livered tho Corporation Light aod I en pro veto tot tod Till Ilooltr watering tfdevtlk cartiog T on freight ro trie A Light W Go do5 Pay J J Light to havo J to bill Eltctrto Light Co W far to trie to bo if cor rect Light Coai brought which adorned v of raioi tor to Stat beld fttl preset- otdtr- followt JioohTrftTiM I Boot lumber Jawb do Horry 1W W J at Chit do A do TorLoy tod before the Council fa of Ilea to with of and ft alto a petition by of of EG nut pit- uotoi la to forznitloa with fito of Bchoot Act a Law ftppdiottajt Irwin one of the tbt id Into Cooocil tOIEtit QRAPEB We choice consignment of Concord Brighton end morning price of Tha beautiful and i OYSTERS hat more first thti We cur HORSES IMPLEMENTS- I cam Heavy Marcs Hinder Good Order yean Team Heavy Mare and l yearn old Fleury Cutting Bay Gelding yeard old I Mill Black Mare old Bay Mare 1 old Yearn old Hay Mare yearn old Aged Mare and Colt Span old Block I jay Marc old driver I Jay very 1 Saddle yearn old Very Fine Gov- uith Calf by her side will be hown at Newmarket Fair I Very Fine Cow in Calf do do due to Calf in weeks Very Cow due lo Calf on the ol October Fat Cow Sulky Plow I Hay Tedder 1 Sulky Homo Rake Cultivator SecondHand new Wagon new Farmers Wagons Second- Hand in good order I Delivery Wagon Heavy Team Harney Setd Single Good Collars New hi ill treed lb Scaled new lb Scaler new Spaded Shovel THE 01 i fruit IM VftM tvuitti f BsUCrt3t ticvVJi4 y QUINCE Quinces in the fruit is Choice GROCERY Em fee for Etc Vlenct yells 1tejr are fire ts call A ROBERTSON Who is from Horde Road Cart Gray -rrC- Notice of fclio Snaps which his- Mi mm mm urn io 1 have a lot of Tan Goods which I am clearing out at and Below Cost also some other Lines at same rate- have a line of Mens Fine Hoots which I am sell ing at and Extra good value Now is your lime as these Goods are going very Dont Miss this Rare Chance Sign of the Bed Boot I fist 4i Pair Standard Bred and years old Any Farmer can make money by buying these 1 Mare years old the kind to Breed 1 Heavy Mare yearn old 1 Pony Cart and TurnOut Hew Top Nash London 1 New Standhope Gray Sons build by New Sons SecondHand Fancy Cart nearly new Family Sleigh or would good Livery Sleigh Seta Light Double I Single 1 St Heavy Team Heavy Stable Blankets All Wool Blanket with Circinglc3 to match English and Every Article will Positively Bo Sold Without TERMS OF THE and under Cash over that amount Si Credit on approved noto joint GOODS FOR LEAVING Tilt Sale Commences Sharp at Ten ai Li