Newmarket Era, 9 Oct 1896, p. 1

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im to ALL ERA GIVE THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ACCORDING TO ABOVE ALL Pflday LYMAN GEO JACKSON at mi ittt kit Mil cnAaxtcaiLU aliaiier NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND No papers tent outside of North York paid in advance DAKKDJa Vol XLv No Single Copies J Cents Newmarket Out Friday October 9 Terms Strictly in Advance I within or at end of year Interest on at DRAFTS ISSUED rf TOE J A W ALLAN WILL FOUND IN THEIR NSW WITH A COMPLETE- Stock of Summer Goods READY PAINT BRUSHES CHURCHES OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES POKES LAWN MOWERS LAWN HOSE BARREL CHURNS DASH CHURNS BUTTER BOWLS ASSORTMENT OF GARDEN TOOLS A STOVES AND TINWARE Jfomptly and done ALLAN GO Stoves of livery 1 Try Our Coal Diamond Pipe Varnish is the BEST Try it GET OUR I- OR J V on Hand A J an Kami li AltltlHrKIUhOMOITOIt Mont Mom to of Toronto up Mull ir BRADFORD J WOODCOCK Oil A J Discounting Farmers Holes AT KATES filter jit he PASS THROUGH FREE further i JQDHKLMUIT Quality 1 Lowest Prices IV III la 4 St Iq4 lit A v i in I to J a ij Kit 11 r hick 10 J E GROOME c Mil door Kf liwUKoM A You can thoroughly enjoy all your meals if you use Dauntless brand for bread White Grown for Pastry SO Of Chop and Low Grade Flour be disposed of Choice or Food Gail once and quotations Oafs OatChop Crushed Corn and all kinds of Grain and always in stock at right prices A T Our new Bake Oven Works complete Our new Baker knows how to do the Work OUR BREAD IS VERYFINE AMI CO Jill I a I I Ml it WOOD It for Co A fitter DUNCAN ICKNKM J A uU fNTJfrir CANADA LIFE CO CANADIAN COMPANY AND 14000 DOLLARS Control W STARR J TURNOUT In Tomb lr A I VJUUctd A tx HSIMPSON Main r 1OMrt ftUul K lciWr Jxiii- -5- I rMC4 or li New- fitktl Mill YOUR Children over years age Insured Females Insured without charge II llllCI A A w liquet Tomb s PYES ulnci t Islet of 4tilfCit fcr If your Sight Failing or your Eyes Trouble you come in and have them examined IT COSTS YOU NOTHING dr Oct VcICOcp iicj Kcsitir 4lcl fl At lJ mere I Ah i i VAHXAMr or lit KvHtace fisucfy la lu fit 1 tin Stomach and Liver the cure Per Gono 7inln At of ft la many For tl corning 03b nut IttftltcH now Thy chloj hit til from Oar oy of mail For Are by hy Wbftt corn tot I that lb with picking cry Of n In a Ufa iv r and tore a t Willi ft ftlo of King It it M A I a quit Ml It a small ragged that he a number of one Some of he men their Itcadi others on without the appeal Finally two who were walking together Hopped Why dont you to give you a one of the inert ques tioned boy Im to back to you the prompt reply I aint a The nan who had the ques tion laughed not altogether Ho it ironical emphasis hit To boy be continued here little man I lend money only on What security can you give Security bay help itiiy Then wo eager bright ened as the meaning of the void was ingested and he added I cant none only my word and my to work The man laughed a great haw haw Good I Youve earned your money little said as he toss ed a quarter to the boy and started up the street with his fiend you aint me your name nor where you live pur- cued the boy Not done with you yet said the man sharply as he stopped agaio Arc you getting up a in ihe interests of the beggars sir replied the fellow seriously it in the you Woth men laughed Well my name is John and live at avenue said the River of he quarter Mr John I house was large and handsome and full of fine furniture and works of ait was very rich but by no means generous Kith his money Ho hid given in this instance merely out of caprice now I Well well Mr laughed gtln as the re collection defined Itself more clearly So you arc the boy that nainl begging Yet sir Im him and Bernard laid the coin on the table Mr hand The man of appeared to be Well my little fel low he said I confess you taken me by lie leaned back in his armchair and regarded the boy narrowly while he slipped the quarter into hit vest pocket Mr liked to Investigate the motives o action that seemed strange to him Directly he resumed Now little boy if you dont mind telling me I should like very much to know why you return this money Didnt you hat I neve to see you or the money again kind of thought that a- way sir said Bernard but I didnt know as that made any difference see laid Mr you wanted to feel that you were and it isnt a bad thing to plume ones self on either Was that it No sir I dont know as answered little thoughtfully looking at his questioner It more this If hadnt brought you back your money you would thought I was deceiving you- Then spoiin somebody die would ask you someone as was real honest and and you of the rntan trick Id played on you would say No the other fellow then Id be tponsible Id be sponsible somebody suffer- in want of food and Id be sponsible want of food and Id be sponsible you mean and and Mr Throckton did not smile now His fine selfsatisfied face flushed as he looked at the earnest little speaker before turn He perhaps more surprise I now than he had been in his life He was touched too The idea of this crude little common street boy considering himself re sponsible for the doings of John Throckton The man felt hit bard- ebbing away and in its place there came to Mm a desire to do something Rood and worthy stills his money And what better thing could he do lie reasoned than to care for the child that had been the means of saving him from his own selfishness Mr acquaintances were considerably amazed when they learned that the brightfaced little boy that appeared so often in Mr company was orphan whom the rich man had adopted A friend said to him one day I wonder you were not afraid to assume so great a responsibility Mr Throckton as the guardianship of a child My little boy was my guardian first answered Mr with a smile New York QUrntr toi A strange case of accidental poison ing happened here the victims being children of Mr It seems had been making catsup of which the children arc very fond At meat time ate quite heartily of but the parents not caring for this delicacy did not then partake of it Some hours after the children began to grow sick complaining of pains in their head etc As they grew worse there was much redness and swelling about the eyes the eyes almost bulging from their sockets deleriuro itself lo be sure medical aid was promptly summoned and the children will recover It is believed the children were poisoned by catsup made from diseased tomatoes SUTTON- Mr Silver shipped a carload of Tuesday to The annual harvest home in con nection with St Church was held last Friday evening The church was tastily decorated with fruits and vegetables and flowers in artistic groupings He v Walsh of Brampton who has been in the Methodist ministry for twenty years treated the large congregation to a stirring and interesting sermon of an hours duration It was one of the most excellent sermons ever given in the church The rev gentleman who is well acquainted with the pres ent pastor Key A A paid him a high compliment as lo his integrity and social attain ments which was no doubt pleasing to the congregation fftra Id SCHOOL REPORTS tit or si fir Belfry Jr Cooper If Bel- Willi John Cooper Tablet Cooftr Harry A of AH that I ever heard of Sir John Murray rebounded to his honor says Frederick Hill in his autobio graphy At under his hospitable roof where often gathered the most distinguished men of his time marvellously kind person whose were good nature a love of good nature a lose of good humor a love of pleasant society formed a cen tral figure round whom they all gathered A pretty story Is told his high sense of honor An old lady who had quarreled with her adopicdhcir bequeathed tier entire property to Sir John When the will was read he found himself to his great astonishment of great wealth while the he mo tive found himself penniless Sir John made enquiries into the character of young man and re ceiving answers he quietly transferred back to him property Soon after this a lady call ed upon Sir Johns mother in dignant at what to her an act quixotism demanded Do you know what your son John has done Yes replied Mrs Murray with a happy ami and he would not have ban son John if he had done Selected BIO My Arc the Best ttvMf I tut AVERS PILLS Awards worlds Fair Wanted An Idea MR ASTOUFFER Singing and Violin Teacher for all Voloco Tooted TOWN AU There izease for those far gone in consumption not recovery ease There cure for those not far gone There is prevention for those who are threatened of CodHver Oil Is for you even if you are only a lit tle thin 1ukJCu The manner asking had amused him very Seldom did he give as much as a quarter to charity Meanwhile Wells had invested the quarter in a loaf of bread a little piece of meat and a little paper of tea and carried the provisions bom His home was a single room in a poor tenement house His father was ded and his mother made a liv ing by sewing on shins This week however she had been loo ill to and her money was all Bernard where did you get ihesc things Mrs Wells asked when her son came in Bernard told his story We must return the money as soon as possible said his mother Hut Mrs Wells was not to go back to her work Jlernard earned a little money now selling newspapers but this was needed to buy coal and food Finally Mrs Wells died and a of Bernards father a poor hardworkiogmao came forward and offered the little boy a home Ber nard worked for his uncle who kept a little store But boy was not given any money Once tor a quarter that he might pay Mr and Has laughed at by his uncle Mr has too much money already the man said Hes on of the richest men in tows and one meanest I guess dont want him to get any quarters A year Bernard did not forget his obligation Mr Throck ton Many are the plans that he had made for redeeming his word- One day when he was passing along a crowded street it his good for tune to find a of eye glasses that a lady bad dropped and the lady re warded him with a quarter sat out immediately for Avenue How pleased mother will be I I hope she know he thought to himself as he honied along a light gait His steps were not tighter than his was about five oclock and Mr hid returned from his banking house and was in his library He was not engaged and he told ihe serving man to show boy in 1 came to pay you the quarter Mr said Bernard into the splendid room holding out the money much blfged lo you trusting me I couldnt it no sooner Mr gave Bernard Si look Have you not made milake my boy be asked I never lent you a my knowledge nor do I Inoy Unas on the sir said Bernard one ye I do tawiiu jou A Cat In be Civil Ass ires Toronto on the the of Gould gainst John Wolfe and Thomas Jennings for illegal dis tress was heard before Mr Justice Meredith and a jury The plaintiff in March 1805 teased from a Mrs a house in County for one year and in the following November John a village blacksmith and County Constables Jennings and Wolfe broke into the house the goods under A claim of rS for six months rent The plaintiff asked for dam ages claiming that he was a yearly tenant and thai therefore there was no rent due The defence put in plea that plaintiff was a monthly ten ant and therefore liable for seizure for six months rent In speaking of the issue between the patties His administer ed a scathing rebuke to those who were instrumental in having the case heard at the Court of it should have been disposed of at ihe Division Court Among other things His Lordship said that if an intelli gent spectator to the procedure in cur courts were hear such a case in progress be would hardly believe ihis to be the Court the highest court in the Pro vince for trial of civil and crimin al case Although had occupied a portion of days His Lordship could fairly describe the case as petty The Jury returned a in vor of the defendants the ques tion of reserved A fire and panic look place in the Peoples Palace Theater in Aberdeen Forty persons were in jured in ihe crush four them faulty Some men are as amusing as they are inconsistent The other day I was with a friend the Public Library My friend found he was a day late in returning his book and was told he had pay four cents of a fine He refused at first to pay claiming that he was not a day and even after the obliging lady bad demonstrated to him thai he really a day late he refused to pay chimin that was an im position he had not been notified Eventually of course he bad to pay as all such unfortunates do at this exceedingly democratic and socialistic institution But after leaving the library this gentleman who had made such A fuss over paying four cents would not be satisfied be had dragged me ioto the tint saloon we passed and spent quarter on whiskeys a soda split But Is hardly as good a story as I heard day of a man at the House who spent ten minutes in shortening a telegraph despatch from twelve words to ten in order save four centi and then took filenc into the bar and in ten sec onds on Alii what fools these bet Toronto lMrr The largest liver ii Time The deepest ocean is Death The region where no living thing hath habitation is called Yesterday The highest mountain is called Success Few teach ihe top save those who sharply for the pass ing of the spirit of the mountain Op portunity who carries forward alt ihoie thai seize hold upon him The greatest desert is called Life and it many These are called Hope and Ambition and Love and Charity and Home And of them all home is the most beautiful Betides there many others small er in extent whence the traveller oh- refreshments during the weary journey through Lift A Young Man One day a smart young fellow with shiny shoes a new hat checkerboard trousers boarded a street car in a western city and stepped to front platform He pulled out a twist paper and lighted it and began puffing a concentrated essence of vile odors into the faces of these who were oblig ed to ride upon platform if rode at all One a plain couldnt stand it and stepped off to wait for the next car When he reached the station the young fellow was there before him and happen ed thai the two met ai ihe restaurant counter Got any sandwiches catted the roan to the waiter Hac gimme one And he tossed out a nickel and proceeded to pick up aod pull apart every one of the hall dozen sandwiches on the plate before he found one to suit him Tbe farmer who had been waiting for his drew back in disgust Fin ally be found something which fingers of another had not fouled and presently followed the loud young roan to the car He found every seat occupied including the half of on which were piled the young mans gripsack and overcoat Is ibis teat taken he ventured to enquire Seati engaged was ihe curt an swer a look meant to squelch old farmer who went into smoking car That afternoon same young man walked into the of the gov ernor of state armed with recom mendations and inducements an ap plicant for a position under the state government He was confronted by ihe same plain old farmer who recog nised bis companion of the morning without any trouble- Glanc ing over his papers the Governor Ho yes You appoint you to so If I should I guess I might as well my own resignation at the same time why so stammered the young fellow Because I saw you pay for a street car ride ibis morning and you took For a man who is not finical as to what becomes of bis body after death and who wants to economise in point of funeral expenses Mexico is about as good a country in which to off ihis mortal coil as any In fact it might be considered as quite ihe place for a gentleman in moderate circumstances to die for there it is possible to get a thirdclass interment including all the advantages of a first- rate burial without the possibility of your friends being a bit wiser for at least five years This it due to a in vogue there of disposing of the dead and while to the frugal man it offers some inducements like all economy it is fraught with its incon veniences One of these is that a cheap interment means only a lease on a grave corpse subject removal at its expiration and were most of us to die in Mexico we would rather pay a little extra and revel in the luxury of perpetual burial In some pans of Mexico the ccmc or is inclosed great wall which is nothing more or less than a huge vault persons being buried in its sides This wall is par- or off for thai purpose The graves or cells arc about two feet wide lo feet high and six feet long and are leased or sold outright to any who may have use for ihern For you can rent a niche in wall for five years after which you must vacate for another tenant Your bones arc then thrown into a house in a heap with a tot other bones unless you should have become mummified mean while in which case you are labelled and stood up against the wall more out of respect for your slaying qualities than any deference to person Then your friends rela tives can come and visit you If they had any inclination lo steal you ihty could easily do it as you will be found to weigh not over five pound However toe an extra you can gel another five years lease on your grave and for down you can gee a guarantee that your bones will never There has been no reliable soluticn as yet for cause of so many of these bodies mummifying and as seems to be a sort of kiln burning process that they go through the question might present to the speculation of clay workers In Mexico the sun is very hot it beats the livelong day on the wall of the panteon As the compartments containing the bodies are all hermetically scaled this intense heat is supposed to one of the causes in bringing about this mummified condition Whether this is the case or not they have certainly had a good burning when they are taken out and it is yet to be decided whether clay is sub ject vitrification in the right kind of a kiln Ihe platform of car You bought a sandwich and spoiled the plateful You paid for a seat in the train and took mine too aod if I should give you this place bow do I know thit you would not the whole admin titration contract for ihe con struction of a steel bridge the Severn River at Severn Bridge been awarded to the Central Bridge Co of The contract price is of which the County of Sirncoc pays Ontario Government con During a like amount for ibe The bridge of three spans of seventy feel etch and to be finished If SMkk SAVED LIFE the Liter eta H Dreg CURi d on a gra- ceres IndpleatConiaDspllea Is lit Care a 9ICO Dreg Store CLOVE HOOT ibsgrwt 10 the carta xS I ISC A strike of the telegraph op erators employed on ibe entire system of the Canadian Pacific Railway from Halifax Vancouver was ordered Monday night at oclock The telegraphers have quite a long list of grievances Some of he operators who ate employed as station agents complain having to sweep out the offices and either the floor or pay a woman to do it for item Oth ers state that their calling is degraded because they have to give an eye to the water tanks near ibeir stations and fiteup now and then to pump water for trains Thee are also in many cases demands for increased pay or that fcrmer rates have been reduced Several hundred operators left their posts and and through freight trains are running Children Children GLEANS FROM OUR EXCHANGES Try rubbing irons with a wax to prevent starch sticking Try ink stains from wash goods by rubbing yolk of egg before washing Nothing can make a man truly great but being truly Rood and partaking of Gods holiness Queen Victoria owns dress manufactured of webs It was a present from the late Empress of Brazil Mr Thos Irwin of Belleville and bis son William were droned on their way to iheir fishing grounds in The First Church rath line King held a grand tea meeting there on evening of Mon day Oct Georgia was visited by a cyclone which caused extensive loss of life and property The City of Savannah suffered heavily A returned explorer asserts that the new mining town of Ross- land arc today hotels all which are crowded and board costs The wild Canadian geese and turkeyshich were Introduced by Marquis of Lome in to the locks and forests of his father the Duke of are increasing in numbers a prodigious extent Ki A severe hurricane struck Baltimore at oclock last Tuesday night Houses were unroffed wires prostrated windows smashed and signboards blown from their fasten ings Much damage is reported On Sunday night last the famous wooden elephant at Coney- Island retort was destroyed by fire New York papers chronicle this fire as ire sensational event of the season at this famous summer watering place IQT The Assizes will begin on October The first trial on the docket is that of Michael who was found guilty of murdering J at las Assize The case does not go to the Jury and begun at In St Marys over wom en have pledged themselves do Saturday shopping early en ough lo enable business men of that town close their stores at oclock on Saturday evening The WCTU started movement Some idea may be formed of enormous apple crop by fact that the Whitby Evaporating Works bought over bushelson Wednes day last at a cents per The packers pay bushel for hand picked apples culled to suit the buyers On Sunday Philip Mack- of who had been for some considerable lime with lung passed away De ceased was in his year He- leaves a widow five sons and three daughters mourn his departure Interment cemetery All teachers having third class certificates should consider well if they want a class certificate without hiving study two or ihrec languages ihey must obtain it at the next examination will pay ihcm to resign their situations and attend some School Three River Que Sept A boy named ilitcen years was shot dead yesterday after noon by the accidental discharge of a gun in the hands of a companion named They were retiring from shooting birds on the outskirts and when near he ire topped to examine his when it went ihe bill passing through ihe body of who was ahead Graves 11 Sept While partridge shooting yesterday afternoon Mr Ben Wilson son of merchant of this town was accidendy shot in the by Patrick Shea one of the pari Dur ing a rush for a bird in a tree Wilson was some ten feet in advance when Shea tripped in some brush and was down his gun being discharg ed by ihe fall Wilson received the full charge of shot the hip result ing in an ugly and dangerous wound A successful farmer gave a note of warning ihe other day in re gard to the apple crop The short crops of the pail two years base had the of almost exterminating the worm The apples ibis year are re markably sound and free from grubs prevent recurrence of the apple growers should not allow fruit to lie under trees for any length of time is better to use ibera as food for stock than to wait I chance of a sale at the ink producing a plague of grubs The invention of envelopes is within ihe memory of middle aged persons and was the of a Brigh ton England or to make his store look attractive He took a fancy for ornamenting hit store windows with paper graduated from the highest to the smallest size in use To bring his pyramid to a point he cut card board into very minute squires took these cards to be small sized note paper and voted it perfectly lovely So great was the demand that the stationer foufcd it lo cut paper the sire to much admir ed But tine was one difficulty The little notes were to small that when folded there was no space for the address so after some thought Idea of envelope pierced Stationers brain- cut by and to grcal demand bo commissioned a dozen to ihem for Fiona such begin- urn came

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