Newmarket Era, 16 Oct 1896, p. 1

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J i THE NEWMARKET ERA GIVE MR THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO Friday GEO JACKSOH AT HI ARGUE ACCORDING TO GONSCIBHCE ALT OTHER 2000 SUBSCRIBERS not YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER No papers scot outside of North York paid in advance Vol Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Oht Friday October Ircjiitat- Terms Strictly in Advance within or at end of year at iuj DRAFTS ISSUED FAT Art AT ftni- to J A W ALLAN BE FOUND IN THEIR NEW WITH A COMPLETE Stock of HEADY MIXED AND FAINT BRUSHES CHURCHES OFAQUE SHADES CURTAIN LAWN MOWERS LAWN RAKES HOSE BARREL CHURNS DASH CHURNS FULL ASSORTMENT OF GARDEN TOOLS ALSO STOVES AND TINWARE Repairing and done c Stoves of livery Description Try Our BEBT Try GET OUR FOR KT SO WORK on A J A ALLAN ft CO i 15 Hull- in I VjDCJfKD of office 1aW iiii fid Attttu 003000 A If hi BRADFORD fif ril lip ids lUrJi l til i Discounting Farmers Holes AT LOW ilio PASS THROUGH JOHN or Hit with ft t i if itfJ CI t GR00ME P9 sat You can thoroughly enjoy all your meals if you use Dauntless brand for broad White Crown for Pastry Of Chop and Low Grade Flour to be disposed of Choice Hog or Cattle Food Call at once and gel quotations Oats OatChop Crushed Oats Cora and all of Grain and always in stock at right prices SON NEWMARKET OH CAMS tflOPi of Church li iW- JJ int of iho ftitt I WOOD Main Herat iAr AUGTIOKHHKS in llfiCJAKV Our new Bake Oven Works complete Our new Baker knows how to do the Work A TO WITH There arc four men in ho will ntvtr Silas visit nil In- many he ihDLfs will be to up ipym at the to prey on confidence of rural When Silas came to Saturday he came the of revenging himself on a man ho had met him on a former and bid relieved him of a tack the visitor money and the return He did not expect to encounter the fellow but made up mind ad minuter to the who claimed to know him the warmest reception the scoundrel had ever met with came in from Bunkum Bunkum Is not on the and one could go to a repeat ing rifle and shoot all the Inhabitant reloading But small as it Is It can boast of a citizen who out- nit led four of the cleverest con men In Chicago Bunkum alio renowned for Its hornets nests and the warlike and grouchy disposition of their occupants In hog lot hung one of these from the limb of a locust tree It was a gigantic specimen and the terror of the neighborhood The morning Silas left for Chicago he went out in the hog lot very early before hornets were He took with him an old green carpet bag and this he opened and slipped carefully around the oblong nest closing the clasp quickly without los ing hornet When he look the train in day he smiled with as be thought of ihc ihat would take place when the carpet ban was opened When arrived at ihe depot instead of going to the he sal down in ihc smoking room and wail ed His mission was similar to that of the confidence man He was in quest of a it ranger who would his acquaintance only rob him of his hornets and regret it to his dying day Occasionally Farmer would look down at his carpet bag As he did he shook glee- farmer had not been seated five when lie was ap proached by a fellow with a sharp in- nose and a checked suit Ab ha I thought as he extended his hand Ive got you I believe I know you said the individual me see you from replied To be sure Bunkum And your name Why course How arc you Mr Jolerableand looked down his hornets and chuckled Bunco open ere bag ihai mine would get to and you bet ii would circulate den fast Well If you did lore it It would slick to some ones fingers You bet your blame life she would and slick putty So you dont want tne lo it for you Im a tittle bit boul it in wheal whatever said Bloom- field Why can tell you Mr a good can pick monex off he trees here In Chicago Bloomficlda expression tickled He laughed and then said You can pick it off the trees in Bunkum too but you cant keep Ion p cause ft circulates too fist this time men were growing impatienl and noticed that ihcy looked more frequently and longer ine carpet baa He thought it about time to take hit revenge to he said gentlemen I reckon Id better be and Id like to leave that ere money you o as Itll be safe while I hunt up a place The men were perfectly willing to accommodate Farmer They assured that Ihc carpet bag and its contenli would be perfectly safe The Baptist Church is a thorough overhauling of re- pairing and cleaning Davip con buggy on Wed- evening of last week on Main St opposite the Presbyterian Church by being run Into by some csreless driver The at the home of Mr Rev Percy under the auspices Girls- Shelter Toronto on Tuesday even ing was a grand success A very profitable and enjoyable time was spent by present KING CITY Mr J of Sixth Division Court of King is still on the trail of a number of resident of tho locality whom he claims libelled him and so in isiued ihirtyfive writs for libel the parlies charged all affluent farmers and of the ship Mr C Robinson his solid- tor appied to Inspector Dickey for specific charges and this morning thtie were aupplied There are fi My name Gun ningliam BREAD IS Y FINE W N STARR win 11 or A is A AT ISTKtiT I aViiAUU A AI OR THE TURNOUT In VKItKOSiJ SIMPSON Main brvwV LIFE CANADA CANADIAN COMPANY OA1MTAU lift- DOLLARS Au I A A I i Wo Oilier Micino In d 10 ATI I It SO GAVE Mill LUCIilfCrD A J MISS 1 littior I of luJU A lS Chiklrci I A tV In W Insured I A- I i il YES If your or your Eyes in tnil Trouble you come them examined ft IT YOU Vi ir lieu Ma Sf rib fio fd lftfft4Cll t turtd I titatciiitatoff doctor I I la its Admitted t World Pel The diseases of thinness ere scrofula in children in grown poverty of blood in lu ifJU 1 I Mow Aurcf ftjeithcr They thrive on ji dr optician NEWMARKET Idea SSiHi leanness Fat is the best A means of overcoming them Singing and Violin oil makes the healthiest tat Scotts Emulsion of Vote itUi Fits codliver oil the taste hidden the oil is digested on the one of Silas hands in truth his own when I i visiting in a few years with Hanker a Oh I can never nifties You know whom I ii uh Hes ihe in never was a banker miles of Bunkum but Firmer was playing a so he I should say I Ho mean old Squire Jones Jones of Ha ha ha Strange couldnt remember name Ha ha ha kinder funny and Silas fairly danced with joy I reckon there haint a nice quiet tittle place somewhere where a friend can talk with a friend what he aint seen for nigh onto two This was just what Cunningham wanted Oh yes laid he in his softest tone I know just the place Its over a block here Then I reckon we might as go if youre sure its safe walking in the street with as much money as Ive in Ibis At the word money Silas detected an expression of eagerness and pleas ure on the face and the fellows fingers seemed to itch as two walked along Aint you alraidsaid he of be ing robbed you just bet your life the fellow who opens Silas valise will be Eorry and the Bunkum farmer inwardly Here Cunningham turned on a tide street leading his friend by the arm About halfway up the block turned into a dark and dingy looking little saloon Cunning ham spoke familiarly to the barkeeper directed hem a wine room in the back of the place The two sat down at the and were joined by three men One of them was a fat roan who tried to net to play cards just for fun Another one of the men wore a white vat and a polka dot necktie He did all the talking and after Cun ningham had whispered a few words in the ear he could hardly his eyes off the carpet big He was introduced to as the Board of Trade roan It teems Mr said that you arc care- less with your money Mr Cunning- tells roe you carry in your You I have got a lot of money in that ere carpet big I was kinder ihmkin of with it Perhaps you like roe to in vest it with wheat I think you could make a big stake until he came back Much obliged gentleman and arose Tisnt very often that a feller metis such kind friends you are In a strange and it ii kinder soothing to know that a feller his money with honest people I reckon Ill be back in about an hour And once more thanked his friends as he passed out of the room clewing door behind him did not leave the saloon as the men By a clever dodge he managed to slip the key of door in his pocket before he left the room He remained on the out side long enough to silently turn the bolt In the lock after which he slip ped into the adjoining rorn He did not wait long before he heard one of ihc men say Well that was the easiest snap I ever saw recognised the voice as lhat of Cunningham Then Bloomfield answered I Why you could rob that fool before his eyes and be wouldnt know it Hand up the grangers heard the sound of the striking top of the table Then he heard them prying at the foclt Presently he heard the clasp give and in another a pier cing rent ihe air Whack Crash I Bang The chairs were up turned and ihe table ws tumbled over in the wad scramble for the dour Then he heard some one say Great heavens Theyre hornets and the door is locked The howls and yelps which follow ed brought the bartender and the lo the scene The Bunkum f iimu seized opportunity to blip out of the saloon and as he was pas sing into street he heard the door trash in as one of the men on in side dealt it a blow with a chair Ovei his shoulder he saw a stream of hornets sail after the bartender Twenty minutes later from his re treat in the alley across the street saw his toe friends limping out of saloon to ambulance which had been called which had backed up to the curbstone Chicago InterOcean altogether and they say that was guilty of fraud in collecting more fees than the law allowed on certain occasions that he urged people into litigation order that be might fees that his office for dishonest and fraudulent radices thai he was untruthful and ad been guilty of extortion The charges will be investigated before Inspector Dickey in King Vil lage on October and if they be not then sustained by evidence the libel suiis will follow The tillage was gaily with bunting and arches in the expected visit of the General at night he of ihe lit up l h syri I red decorated honor of BRADFORD is Mrs Bailey of Manitoba the guest of her sisterinlaw Mrs The i of IliSbyterian hate c Mr light- very pretty An I S of the Settle to I to attend COdrls of the church for the ensuing year welcome His Excellency Aber deen who accompanied by Ms A C private secre tary Campbell and suite arrived on a Addresses were presented by the Village Council and Directors of the Fair The demise of John M tea another vacuum in the list of prominent residents of ihe Village of Dr Doheriy came to in amongst successful public school teachers both in the township and village The Dr was a graduate of College in medicine and practised his in the village for yean He was Coroner and Trustee the High and Public School for years and at his death was a member of the High School Board Two men from near Stouffyilie named Mordeo and A imbibed too freely of Markbam whiskey on Thursday which induced tbera to run their nag up and down the streets on the sidewalk and in the ditch without partiality After spending the afternoon in the cooler prisoners pleaded to drunk and disorderly and got off with a fine of a each and costs Worth York Fall The Orphans Prayer is creat ing a genuine sensation among art ists It is that beautiful masterpiece by a celebrated English who was any amount up to ten thousand pounds if he would paint another picture as good as The Orphans Prayer The gifted tried and tried again labored and worried and yearned but gave up the attempt freely acknowledging that The Orphans Prayer was an in spiration and no though or study or any sort of meditation could get from his brush a picture fit to be called a common piece The great his death through an accident in Alps and The Orphans Prayer remains as his monument It was a great worthy of their great paper by the publishers the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal secured enormous cost The Prayer for this sea sons premium for the Family Berate and Weekly Star In all conscience Family Herald was good value before we might say the greatest value lo be had in newspapers What ibis gem of a premium will do for ihe great paper it is impossible to form even an estimate It is a wonderful combination Ijit Wednesday night about oclock a defective flue caused a fire in Marvins houses which almost entirely destroyed them The con tents were saved but the loss on the houses was with insur ance The joke about wife waiting up all night her wayward hubby is an old one but it worked the other way with a number of married men on Monday night when their wives quite independently went off to an entertainment at Angus On way home the tig broke and they did not get home till morning and now its the mens turn to smile A few days ago a member of Fords family went down to the apple barrel and went to take apples therefrom when he beat a hasty re treat and ran upstairs idling his fath er that there was some animal in the barrel Mr Ford proceeded to in vestigate and found three making away with them Examiner cut hi A model poutry house work shop above is completed by J on their farm Tim touIiry department is underneath and is built of stone nail being be tween and feel high Tbe end to tee south to afford light Is composed mostly of glass set in tath There arc also ether windows or ventila tion and for the in and outgoing of the fowls The perches are placed at the end from ihe glass front and nests at intervals around the walls If an abundance of hen fruit cannot be gathered coming winter the hens cant complain that it is for want of comfortable quarter The shop above is neatly constructed and a chimney can be seen which shows that a stove can be usd for warming when working in the shop The wtole building will be a great con venience and already adds much to the appearance of the place and is the only one of the kind we know of this vicinity in is TOWN CARTING A tvUCH It is ready to make fat rfvta yea SIO si Im kinder afraid of it Ob not at ill not it Ira well in vested People only lose the money But of tome one has to lose money to keep the stuff properly in Well got much money to lose ifetied if I to The income of Mrs Gar field widow of President Garfield is a year from sura raited by Cyrus Field and from congress i 8kciU with Vitus Victory with lbs Aid Dr Cure fee lbs Hurt Dr Agnews Cuie for Heart cannot be over estimated says M a A man of and he continues My ailments were pal- and of the heart two bottles of your valuable cure and feel like a man I have taken bottles and bottles of other medicines without help I introduce it 10 my friends at every opportunity possible It it a great medicine In side of minutes after the fiist dose I had relief Bold at Pharmacy It is now Queen now sole people In connection with the opening of the new Methodist Church at Noble- ton the following services will be held Sunday Oct am followed by the dedication service by S G Stone p rn p Rev Dr Stone Sunday Oct am and pm Rev Ed wards Sunday Nor am and Rev locke On Monday Oct tea will be served 10 ibe basement from 5 until after which a public meeting will be held in the church presided over by Chester Massey of Toronto Rev S Stone and a large number ministers will take part in the proceedings The addresses will be interspersed with music by the assisted by Mrs Coryoo Misses Crosby of Wat son of Brampton Rev G Dewey- Mr Wilson and a number of well known singers Miss M Brown M of Toronto ihe talented will render some of her choice On Monday Nov Rev J the gifted chair man of the district will give a entitled Oce Another It will be rare treat ed of of the electric light plant at burn- ed out on Sunday Bin A BLUchi lBtstdyIslttnrsiinfrIIeri sat s3 PrlwKW eHILOU8 bi la aits lot KAEL8 WW fart elm joar tijwttj M fc il UICEtTJB ok fintir John Wag Rsm I Cop J t ion Rain hears lit Oar- tats bats P Dollar Yearling and Ewe Garbatl Rem Its Hill J ahtar- od icd Rim Lamb 8 iai A A Ewes lit tad 2nd A Ewe A J am T 2nd Joseph David Beltsy to ox Bear P W Brood Sow do Pitt do Simeon Lemon Sow 2nd P ton Aged Boar lit and Bros Sow Pig tat mod Sod Bros flow Pig do do JcMisO Hall Baker thi ted J Dark std 2nd J CspiJohn J Aginooart 2nd Hare Bier J aerrin Whit flirs J Owls Bros 2nd Good Bros Hue 2nd Welter Bros WJ Any otter J Hut Sod and Bayer all Bsjcratt Any other kind Docks 1st sod 2nd J Bros 2od kind W Rabbits Eli If Mr a farmer living north of here while out raining a horse on Saturday pitched from his and kicked by the horse He was found lying in ine ditch and his injuries are such that his re covery doubtful In his sermon on Sunday night Rev J Locke referred to the shoot ing being done on the river on Sun days There is no doubt a great deal of Sabbathbreaking is on about here and much of it by people who ought to know belter will give a public reception and outside pupils of the High School on Monday night next The teachers of the also the League of the- Methodist Church will be invited to attend The entertain ment wilt be of a musical and literary nature While Mr Russell was holding a pair of young hotter on Monday at the residence of Mr Wil son Stoddart they slatted off knocking him down and causing the rig lo pass over him Fortunately it was a light spring otherwise the injuries hich are a mild nature would have been serious A new feature in connection with the Bradford Fair will be a grand turnout of ihe children Of the Town ship and Village on the first day of the fair the children and teachers being admitted tree The children to meet at the Model School 2nd form a procession lo the grounds headed by Bradford Band where ihey will be addressed by the Eton John Minister Agriculture Hon Win MulocV and Hon E J Davis Pro vincial Secretary after which an in teresting programme of sports be contested for vis Foot Usee for boys under and years of age Foot Race for girls under and S3 years of age- Also a lug of war between the schools ten on a side Suitable prises seil be given for all the childrens events LI Sun on oat On the September Viceroy Hung Chang sailed by Cana- Pacific steamer China voyage of four from Van couver to Victoria where the make their final oil out wards an for an inn vie rilidcw- The ViCnoy va in high at finding rowds through 4 1 lie -rt- a rqi i fo a fi iltlvttrA but hi nihil 1 il if ill Fiwaidsd Ms to try Ores th Core and Gcaa to Hosts aid Goes J of up have been a victim of rheumatism for seven years confined bed for monlhs it a time unable to turn Hare treated many without any benefit I id no faith in cures I saw but toy viifc induced me to get a bottle of South American Rheumatic Cvrc from Mr Tailor in OVa Sound At time I of is hours after I bad taken first dose the pain bid all left me- itiec bottles and jtaiA what he rad on Oil- last his jurny and ih- Pacific Raihay scenery that he could be induce to of else The great he on his way across Canada the thousand mites of fertile prairie broad wheal fields and the enormous mountain ranges he said all to him and unlike anything he had ever seen imagined In describing bis im pressions of the mountains he outran bis and most of what he said was in consequence to the world The interpreter tbe epitomized all by saying lie thinks it far grander than all else he was so surprising and continuous and over- it is only by compar ing his sensations with those of his suite that he can be quite sure that he was not in a state of delirium As the great while steamer rounded Sea Point to enter the harbor of Victoria the Viceroy after long at the opalescent Olympic mountain across the blue strait turned to Count Li and said I would like to relurn here and to Banff Turkey and chicken thieves have been in Pickering Constable Sanderson of Wex ford wax set upon by four tramp he was his home late Monday night He felled one matt wiih a club when they took to their heels All four climbed on a freight train for Mont real which was laboring up grade at that point Sanderson reached cars together with the last man whom he grabbed by the coat In the Strug gle here the tramps black tweed gar ment and his shirt came away and the robber now in only his pants and boots dropped off and made good bis escape In ihe pockets of the coat were found knives of which were table and butter cullers with handles These have all identified by Rogers Sop who telegraph ed Conitable Tidsburry of East To ronto and stated lhat they been stolen from their shop on the lost Some raters and thtee double- barreled shot guns were taken at lbs aiine lime and the former Constable Sanderson thinks upon the the men A P Bis to lh Br tut a- la Its a John the genial purser of the P liner Atha basca says I Dr Catarrh for cold in the bead It Is very effective ppjr For it has no equal I hate tested catarrh curd wade Wttoa none to with It I mead it Gut Has and it Fhiruiacy J rf JJ

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