f j J- NEWMARKET ERA OCT A A A Blare to P to for She AND WITH EACH Era it at Homo i en rum soiui wta OCT flfcl naoUPfOtlncIal On- ft to SAh Etch and retooled to tend If to CODS on I Ttl tn oat ftdllloo for tier CO ocr principal a pro- giwn J A of J fk-i- of It Ford of Troy of Toledo of Dr Poll of J 1 0 to- nd Alfred to belt held Town Our Toronto Desiiateli ih Era Oct 1Mb Ittt Fire to no Dun ten doling of flrw of lot mi J Ilyrtt Word from Dominion to b tad fix op 1K0 of for on lot at- itmjinjiobayooaUrlll of Hamilton to on TbiokiilvJog nd pirt lo raofcoKJolt In f oal deer differ- Horn for next electloo that Choir to mo Jilr xpKtt4 spend week lath Oily liberal Jtf 1ut paitbd a that alt per- sol holding inamUra of Do- or abstain aollM la political It la aonoonccd that doling of on bit trip to the filr will flpeoW fait Friday and floater Belfry and Cody The chairman of ard Com- a report rocomni ending I rubber and Bobber for of BH- to ai next meeting That tho In of Aaso- and report at soon On lo adopt that aiportenoo of tail two firei abovo Vben giro their It only that town proper arllolw to alcbneai or injury Report adopted Mr Hunter an of for labor In connection with tannery flro Ha explain that 111 I earn did not anything for nor men pot on by firm from to for whom It beoaino to after bail Is to be complete wcclt and to bo a fine looking building finlahtd Jor Irwin Saituday and Sunday In the village Mr I It attending High School A number from here attend ed Fair on We are to have tome kind of enter tainment a the ball month KING CITY The Rural Deanery will meet to day In All under the of Rural Dean Invitation of Rev C Sydney Goodman The meeting will commence with Holy Commun ion in the church at a and close with evensong at p when a pedal aerraon will be by the Rev M Little of Holland landing There Kill be and devotional the day County of match thus far are V at Match 50 and on2 o 3rd Tie AURORA lit Match on a and Aurora won The deciding game will he played as as as the teams can decide up on a neutral field for lite match The Director of Agricultural Society pleated at the of rhow on Tito day being to fine drew a large of people about two being on the ground The at ten and fire ccnU admission the exhibited was fine the dairy produce fruit roots and fine arts were all excellent but the accom modation for thcte things could be Improved upon Altogether was best show ever hold In Qiieenarille and no horse racing The concert in the evening was well attended the hall to suffocation Receipts 87 The Presbyterian ladies cleared about on Tuesday with their hot Mr David had two gentle men visiting over Sunday Mis and ton of Bradford arc at Mr this week Mr of Newmarket Is visiting among Ml old friends In vlcinily Mr Love has sold his milk route to Mr Morton look charge of it on Wednesday morning Master Gordon entertained about of his friends on Wednesday afternoon his birthday It Is reported that bags buck wheat stolen from barn of Walker on the faun near and the Protection So ciety has the matter in hand HOLLAND LANDING KRTTLFnY- NT ALBERT out an l Mini jaullco will vrltbtn lion Cameron tits VrovIocUl In in villi A lc4rti from 4jpUzyoI Duion tod nd A Item Oct II Mr Is or in Interior without itcDtbey U to Atuubly by lie Jirwdon an Mow bid ill boron will a very woi wd flco up flghtlnR flro dragging mod flrcmeo ft The ftcoouni 1 no lioto end burnt by at the while In cue and tA thrown out of ftoootinl being oat an another pair lew lie bow Mill bo loit A JyL4f mm then to for local from then adjourned till Council met Monday pur- adjourn went Mayor Deputy and and Mere Tannery flic Jet Tlioa J conUUo amount j Pay flhwt No It Iay Light Ho do tlio Canadian and The Royal Temp his its here on Friday the Intl In the even ing a Free is to be given in the Salvation Barracks splendid program by workeia from Aurora and StouiTvillCj assisted by and Chair to he taken oclock A collect ion will be taken up to defray expenses It is hoped our people will not let an opportunity for an en like this pass by without fill ing the hall refer Light payiaaoif bill brick day Property Corn was Instructed to bavo to Water Works on jointed CooBcltadtourncd OAK RIDGES- Mia John wife of the Bishop who has dangerously ill with inflammation is recovering Mr Hell it down with typhoid lever Mr Win Thomas has tented a farm in Vaughan arc busy their potatoes They arc an light crop this year Mrs McKcnaiOp widow of late is ill with flight hopes of recovery Mr John has been another daughter dod For HO The Ottawa lb4t Topper Mr J5- and to Id with to tbo Conservallva OppoiHIon add thai Bit and Footer will alto pro villi Maritime Fro- vltictito wrvlw down by ittti quite tbat Mr ton will bo appointed Interior 4hnoct lojmcdUUly Jos has at Capitol for torn statu for tbe devote lo at od tbat period may writer polities holt new fully In a gold mine In which bo a A from Puis dated Oct It ie at FrtltbCtpLtoilbuFrtQCO Jlutsla and Jlrhiia Lira arrived at an it Ie expected tbit power will Forte a vigorous nolo do- adoption of of Turkish then a for- thtr states the Forte lit wu to with of above power Mraoglo taken week down in York qauttoa tbat tbe Order- been ByLaw galea and tbo market by corporation of Toron to certain of York tbattoU to collect feu longer and to pay the ol luseu Bat these people ire In wrong bylaw farther tbst the agree ment between City and County before final and until dote the work of Is up to personally Inform ed by Solicitor bo bad no as yet of the passage of lbs bad It looks as If the to to pony up and pay a fcne Court Jadg intnt on of Qocnin- or on tLdr active rights in regard to Tie one and Lot decision fa that most of te Is defective to sustained we pivbtnd the juduul Ibis dwl- givis the oyer in InlsGd rivers and but along tbe lice lands of public to to and as a lbs of therein belongs to the the of tbo tot boUy within tU Fctlnou can only of gcntiraljy over all Can- adaaLLOt for gtni foe looalitlw tUr Alto tLtr one decidedly totLoFrvThiOc4 wrivJ tie Ft U to MCMILLANS CORKERS Mr has completed the painting the Presbyterian Church here and did a very satisfactory job The Sacrament of the Lords Supper will be dispensed in the church here next Lords oclock a Mr an old and much re spected resident of this place patted away on the after a linger- illness of some four years The funeral service was conducted by the Mr Sturgeon assisted by Rev Mr Percy here on Wednesday of last week and was a very solemn and impressive service Mr Andrew Young is seriously ill and although slight hopes were enter tained of his recovery for a lime we arc lo say that he is some wh improved as we write Mr and Mrs and Miss Draper Toronto spent a few days with Mr and Mrs Ross McMillan has been somewhat for the past week but was able lo attend the show on Tuesday Mr A Evans of the Royal Hotel Newmarket spent over Sun day with Mr John McMillan Miss Alice Winch is spending a few days with Miss Maud What we would like to know Where the correspondent of College draws his boundary lines AURORA- The remains of late Alex who died of heart failure in Kaslo arrived Saturday evening and were interred Monday when hug concourse of friends follow his remains to the burial Esq P Toronto as Rev Dr Henderson conducted missionary service and even ing to large congregations in Church Mr who was pulling in the new fire alarm system got a very severe fall on Saturday- When at the top of the electric light pole corner of and Wellington Streets he misted his hold and fell head first until he struck a guy wire which yeised his position and somewhat broke his fall- He dropped on feel with such force as to break a broad plank in the sidewalk The shock was so great that his condition was quite critical until Monday even ing He is improving but unable with the A number of persons attended show and report great success UNION STREET The fair at was well at tended from this neighborhood The concert in the evening was ftnc Mr Win McKtmie met with an accident last Saturday evening on the which might have re sulted more seriously In driving borne Mr McKenric met a rig drawn by a span and as the night was dark he gave the team all the road but they ran his rig and broke one shaft off knocking Mr McKeiule out of his rig and some wh shaking him up The parties driving the team did not Hop and as Mr horse ran away and left hint he was unable to follow them Mrs J of North Hay was yutit of Mits Parsons a few days last week A great many who attended the A meeting last Thursday evening were because the differ ent officers occupied greater part of the evening when it was announ ced that our friend l Know All was to lecture consequently he was unable to only a very short time As il was gave a very enthu siastic talk and was listened to with attention We understand he will be here again in a short time and we hope the officers here will allow him at least an hour Mr Artt has erected One residence on his fatin We under stand he will occupy it in a week or We also hear the house vacated by Mr Frank Hodges last spring will have a tenant in a short lime Won der who it is The potato crop in this vicinity it only fair A geotlo of occasion ally reminds tint cold weather Is not far off Potato digging la In All sites largo ones arc unearthed but arc and arc a long way being as plenti ful as last year S of T were treated at the lodge on Saturday night last wilh peaches and they were highly predated The have secured a large number of fowli and an abundance of other provisions for the Christian Harvest Home to be held here next Tuesday night AH that is now hoped for is fine weather and everything that can make a success ful harvest home will be complete Large apples have been bought and shipped from the surrounding district but Ihc business hat received a check owing to a strike on the P It which has about stopped all freight to WL Ho but we hear there Is a new Medicine doing up the surround towns and country Shall ex pect to see the old and reliable Ka- buss shortly on our streets under a new title There money In it all It requires Is well exagger ating Mr Joseph Rogers Is having a well the vicinity of his new bam and stable for convenient water ing of slock t Mrs Shropshire has been sick and quite low the last week or two VIRGINIA Quito a number from here attend ed the Sutton Fair last Friday and report ft good lime We pleased to that Mr John Kay was very successful at Fair having obtained near ly all the prizes on sheep The list will speak of bit success at Sut ton We understand James Lyons was one of lucky ones in Sutton Hist Florencc Way of Jacksons Point is visiting with John Doyle Mrs Stephens iv visiting rclaiives in Messrs Ed- Arnold and Peter Doyle are time on the pent jury Amos Kay of Port High School came home on Friday to at tend the fair The Roman Catholic congregation intend bricking their church shortly J A Mighty Bargain Wave in TailorMade Clothing THIS WEEK V The docs not appear to have effected Mr Hugh Archi balds potatoes Ho found one weighed four pounds Mail advices from Mada gascar say that rebellion is throughout the island and some of the French have been kill ed in the ooen roads Ont Oct A fire occurred here early this morning by which the large tan nery owned by Messrs W Co was totally destroyed The fire was fust noticed by the watchman shortly before midnight At that time it was in of the build ing He immediately gave the alarm but the firemen could reach scene the bad gained great headway and had broken through the roof Fanned by the strong wind from the northeast the flames soon enveloped the entire building The letchhouse a hide house and a number of stables were alio destroy ed residence situ ated on the west side of the tannery was saved hut not before it had been on fife in a number of places Mr furniture was badly damaged by removal How the fire started is a mystery as there has not been any steam on In the building for a month The tannery has been undergoing re- Sours and new boilers were put in days ago Messrs Co expected to commence work again about rat of November with a full force of men This firm has been unfortunate being sec ond time they have suffered by fire- Eleven years ago their tannery wiped out by fire toss la I mated at between and 000 There is some Miss of Toronto is spending a few weeks with her cousin Miss Miss Newmarket spent last week visiting friends on the street Mils Agnes of Raven shoe is visiting her sister Mrs A West of Newmarket Miss Mary Glover spent last Sun day under the parental roof A large number from here attend ed Fair and a good show Rev Mr Walker and family were calling on friends on the Street last week Mr A of Sutton is visiting at Mr Albert Mr A Terry will preach Sun day morning at Union Street Christian Church owing to absence of Eld Messrs Samuel and William spent Sunday visiting friends in Albert We are going 10 send tome of our expects from this street capture the wildcat that is molesting the inhabi tants of Vivian We would like to know what has become of Cor Surely he is not minus news in busy village Mr Jack Peter has moved into the house lately occupied by Mr A Love What might have a serious accident occurred at Dry Town Church when a horse belonging to Rev Mr Walker broke loose and started run away Fortunately there was a crowd of boys outside the church and prevented any serious results We would advise young men who are loaded with tangleleg to keep out of the church yard while the service it going on RoseBud VIVIAN Potato digging is in its zenith and reports say they arc only an average crop but not in size as one nun says he has a which weighs lbs As exaggeration is a great device in description we are of the opinion it has been here to a great extent The Misses Buck have returned to the city to resume work We are pleased to see such a large attendance at church on Tuesday evening As this is the first meeting since they were stopped caused by pastor Mr taking his vacation we may expect wonders in the congregations as they proceed I would advise all the people to for get their old ways at tending and turn out every Tuesday evening The pupils had a holiday last day as our teacher took in Sutton Fair Mrs Scott paid a visit to her sister Mrs Quanta of last week Curiosity thinks It was fortune of Montgomery es tale of New York which occasioned her visit May success crown her strenuous efforts Methodist Church intend holding a Harvest Home next Tues day evening Oct composed of fowl of all descriptions and Other delicacies too numerous to mention Now boys is the time to appease those rapacious appetites aod enjoy the concert which needs no other ad vertisement than that it will be given entirely by home talent We are sorry to see the Chinese custom of putting feet in boots about two sizes too small becoming among the fait sex around here Why some went to Fair in this predicament and the pain caused by so close encasement oc cupied their attention to they saw nothing of the wonderful sights and afterwards when asked by compan ionsDid you see so and so The answer was Why no Where was that by experience is the old proverb We think one of our sports is paying dear for his as it dips rather deep in pocket to keep two of on the go Billy share up I Walters dry goods store at Whitby burglarized early Tuesday morning in and a quali ty of clothing stolen News from Nile expedi tion confirms report is a most fertile province The new The Methodist church at Siracoe was burned by Incendiaries a Montreal lineman was killed by catching hold of a live wire The telegraphers- strike on the C P ended last week and nearly all the men have gone to work Tbe strike was illadvised tar Hon Ross visited the in connection with the reopening ol Central School and spoke on educational matters tar Geo G Moore of East limbury who died last July left land worth and in personally He willed it to bis wife and children The Archbishop of Canter bury was seized with apoplexy after the services commenced at Ha warden Church Sunday morning He was carried to llie rectory where he died in a few minutes The contract bat been let for the Q Manitou North Shore railway to tun from handsomely to the cost of its re-con- Cuxiftnt w Pacific railway The directors of the East Society were fortunate in setting the date of their Fall Show on one of the brightest days of ton consequently success smiled on their efforts in every direction The energetic secretary Mr Wight had two able assistants in Messrs Turner and Kavanagb and nearly entries were booked in good lime Every department of the show was Wrly well sustained hones and ladies work being excellent An im mense crowd of about people gathered on the grounds and were entertained by numerous selections from the Queensville Band AH the prominent municipal men of the Township from the Reeve down to the Clerk and including several were present A number of people from Newmarket were on the grounds also some from Aurora Doc of Sutton John Martin of and Gra ham of the judges on Carriage while Dr and Harris of and Geo of Sutton judged the Road iters In the lady driving there were four competitors and the com petition was so good they were required to drive each others horses to the delight the crowd that sur rounded rime- Johnson of Newmarket won the red ticket The judges on Draught Horses were Jas Cherry Me- Mullen Ballanirae and Jas Palmer Richmond Hill We only noticed about a dozen or head of cattle on the grounds consequently Uriah Marsh of New market of and Scott of Sutton had a light task There was a good exhibit of sheep and about in each class and judges John Fuller of Hol land Landing and McDonald of StouffviUe About in Poultry were shown and the judges were John of Bradford and A of Sharon In Grain no less than J2 shown together several hits of Indian Corn Beans etc making a fine exhibit judged by Green wood of Sutton and Jno Moore Queensville The show of Fruit was splendid both in quantity and quality and Constable Turner was kept busy keeping peoples hands off The judges were Luke Gibbons of King and Myron Silver of Sutton Hoots and Vegetables were quite up to former years except in the quantity The sizes of some of the latter were surprising Quality was good throughout and A Haines of Aurora Todd of and of Brad ford were some time giving their de cision in a few cases judges in Dairy were Mrs Al fred Dennis of Aurora and John Newmarket had no easy There were crocks of butler and baskets and in a few lots it was hard to make a choice it was so good There good show of Imple ments and Mr Fogg made a nice dis play of harness Toe judges were E P Snow of Bradford Tait of Sharon and Robert Manoiog of New market There was an excellent of Ladies Work one that has reason to be proud of In needle work the quantity was nearly equal to lhat shown at Newmarket Fair while quilts blankets etc the exhibit surpassed that at New market- Miss Reynolds Mist Fisher and Miss Woollen of Newmarket were the principal exhibitors in needle work and Mr J E Pollock in fine artt These two classes were badly mixed in ihe prize list Mrs A Haines of Aurora Mrs A of Newmarket and Mrs Bradford were one set of judges and Dr Howe Mrs A- Cane and Miss Keilb all of Newmarket were another set The in some of the classes was very keen and il took a good while tocomplete their work The Era reporter to give the names of tome of prize winners but on account of the Hook being misplaced Ibis became impossible The gale receipts were upwards of and the directors arc be com plimented on their The entire absence of fakirs was noticeable In evening a Concert was given in Soutes Hill the of the Ag Society and oner were turned away so conspired to male the Show an The ladies who supplied meals in the building on the ground hid a very satisfactory for church pur poses while Ihe end yards were eroded to COLLEGE CORNERS Some regret that the time is pass ing for summer pastimes such as picking da illies and chasing the butterfly and enjoying parties and shows We will toon have merry drives and which is the healthiest of all outdoor sports Surely anyone can not fall to enjoy themselves report teeing a while bird following a flock of black birds Per haps it was a white black bird Mr Andrew Is very loir with heart failure and old age Dont you hear that Nor- West wind whistle It makes one think of the nice warm coat fire Passing down Queen Street notice that the painting of Mr John McMillans house adds much to the appearance of that vicinity Mr Brooks of Keswick is painting Mr John new house- It Is fun to learn to ride a silent Bleed Of all the acts the back jump ing act is the hardest which some times lands a on ihe foremost rudder of his and very often lays him up Snow was falling in very fine crystals one day last week We tome our young men blow about what a fine time they had while using a grog which makes a man feel if the earth flew up and hit him on ihe cranium It lakes little to please an empty head Mr Christopher is storing away his boats for another season We are pleased to see Herman Sherman of Roachs Point getting so many prizes with his fine driving team Mr of this Street has moved to his new farm at Roachs Point where he intends to the future Miss Hannah Myers of Queen Street intends taking a few weeks vilit in Markharn Wo are sorry to chronicle lhat death has once more visited our midst and summoned our esteemed friend r Wright Deceased came to this counlry when a little boy and after a few years got married By cartful management they gathered together some properly and themselves a comfortable home He was an intense sufferer of rheumatism and dyspepsia for a number of years As a neighbor he was always willing to lend a helping hand and was loved by all who knew him He leaves a widow and two sons to their loss The Trends and relatives have ihc sympathy of ihe entire community in their bereavement Buying Clothing for Spot Cash from the best makers in Canada and in tremendous enable to completely exterminate opposition Never could you buy bucU good Clothing and tho price not as high come charge for common READ CAREFULLY- pair of Mens Wool Tweed Panta well made at 1 pair of Mens Neat Stripo wool Pants worth at Gents Fine West of England hair lino Pants regular price at Gents Fine Black Stripo Pants all wool beet taormade at 50 Mens Tweed Suits single or double breasted coat sell all around at 10 our price Mens all wool Tweed Suits tailormade neat patterns our special at Black Worsted Dress Coats and Vest with fine stripo Pants to match all tailormade finest linings and a perfect fit our price made to order you save 25 Soe our Mens Dressy Overcoats at our immense stock of Mens and Boys Ulsters J pieces of Mens and Boys Underwear every con- wen i them j CHINA Owe our thanks to a discerning public for increas ing our trade which has doubled if you are looking for J J Remember we lead all competitors JOBBING HOUSE mm Tires arc in many pari of Manitoba and light can be teen in Winnipeg Condie the night agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway at Oak Elation Selkirk county Manitoba disappeared on Tuesday with an containing mote than Dominion Express Companys fundi Mr engineer of public Works Department of Ontario Government has from an inspection often miles of he and Parry Sound railway from Scotia station The construction of the road is progressing rapidly and only eleven miles of rack now remain to belaid to join the eastern and west ern road MALL statu OUSETORKNT- ere feUX ASTRAY la tut ifc LEICESTER YEARLINGS to ON SALE CAUTION too or to tko FOR SALE JOSEPH MILLARD Newmarket Leading Furniture AMD Undertaking House Ho en For nij to FARM FOR SALE TowciUpcl I j All Ivpl For to October lboHltWcsQ aro ab j MIPS to clear out all our Summer Boot and Shoei lobllo Atc- New the tat bill let ad ball roUastcic IO PiKCtt cm ail let VJctcM r u I ltd PaLp at til a Distal We reduce our Stock once If you will only call and our and the pikes rill buy It means a living at lean cent to you They are all the Newest Styles Womens Mines Childrens and Call and see- SUGAll and Fruit Jars Any quantity as cheap as the cbeapeit A LifeSize Air Brush Ink Portrait With every 20 Cash Purchase of Furniture CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN or NEWMARKET f tile puttier 1 loltfl icurttiatii lie til i If a ALL lor taUrrtlccMo to A SPECIALTY calls to at 125 Tho radio a Orchard- aire a tut lfa a CeiJiKOfoODOa iba Oct lid A tba Rar J- B to Tho Tomb lis Job bit L at ill Q1Uf a4ii at led IkajAula ad U P da Rar to- ul Iter CO IJtk Bimu ntc fbctaaj0lft ijcd Him at liflttt at HAM AT GOLDS Have You Invested to I i to J or Teas and Coffee have a line of Japan at and our regular line at a pound pounds lor is the quality for the you can find Crockery Chmavaro See our Dinner Sell for good quality at low prices We aV your inspection Toilet Sen from to Notice to Creditors XT OTIC K ft JObu tit to aVaat Ct require to ted tfca lo ibe with Co ICtb ioiiiltr 1t lit I ct ibe it aaj till lbc 111 the fcl AH an FOR SALE CROWN POINT PARK HILL TOP GRAND ST ELMO and Miner furnished on application A- ROBERTSON Main St P uU lbs by doubt and ftlur Iba nil hit git cf lbs My iri On account of ihe bard times and for Ihe benefit of the STALLUD A HILL Have to put down the price of meat Choice Beef from up to per lb by the per lb Pork for The above in nothing but tho very that tan be procured No old cows Trie Coictr of GOAL I BEST STOVE AND FURNACE COAL SCREENED Coal io part of VILSONMcKINNON THE LEADING GROCER Cor Vain and We will Not bo Undersold A RED HUM- OK A Goal FOR SALE u tr HON UUKKN VIlfOItM UK ft A fcatj Hit lo ilxcii li CO It fcs iJ7 astray- tca lLjtr c a filial lit at J tale LLiijiway I rAitDfiaicat Kf rati A l OR SALE Lard STORE Now is the plant if you want Hyacinths Tulips etc for Holidays COM J FURNACE CHESTNUT Lumber I