A i l I j T f f if 4 NEWMARKET ERA OCT 1896 III vIco month No J of it Co FOR A Hock of la tad wood Church Rev and m by Some of our local art ficUlnjj for Tirt It ry year from Nor tixoola hereon fame ware A booty I erected of JHocb Wo bur hit li to iMkct over Ij Flit A meeting Club Ffldty M oclock All hiving the Club will In for meeting Jiaoui A public entertain incut Co overtoil by Junior league- Admit Ion a Cot Sick Toronto lino In Toronto an by Mr Kitty of to rearer 1 Iho of an Imuran from ibo of contend tltat a codicil In to for fiM of ii The Mat alkndano Im and provided a good lk York a bit llilfry a and reading by Mitt Wlllaofi Mill and Ml Hon- day The con Monday at of from Held ivat to lvoni amoytilol In Alann a mIo ltd for Weary lotbadtlightof Mr Aurora will patch a J paitor having to prcab In A Our IjI r done iu of At bait down aro Meek dryiirf and pitting or of to to ISnjfliiiil that ami every to bo not only Lot ptrVd of may Mr and Mr of put Lit tho flat ary Ohorcb if muting trdeooa on Oat of m and by Regular meeting next lb rcildenoi of A Judgment In the to lta at on al Council Thank sot vim Aw iIn to a fryi of lb an to that way by at Dinner evening ibtra will bo a of fit morning atcttfi in I an at Canon Bunny Toronto will bo of choir will pro for on I apcclallv decorated re bvti of v it thai public ara Spring Filly Geo aa York flat tail read If fmUad of It A claim Itt On Fat IniU id of fa day for appcala to bo any In at al oclock Int after which pt Jttt are following by the IV on tba Grammar 2nd ICO March V It A J Iron J WIddli A Flanagan C A K ii Fouler His Timothy Hi a iitirbcr of al car work corn- HteLil ilioMilwav have tor- irtrul with iaiij around and In constant that hurt lima boy trying to to it and fun a lad urns J down aud faqtainoM near loilbfhtl by lhear panto over it The lad doubt ivhote foot liao badly Jammed a log for from inovtui can Pasty The at ft teat great or daring day It tolrxk tho door and bo It that a woman four pain of got away with them St afraid of Wng caught and tbtaw hole An of Homo along and picked them InttltQ- lion Keeper Kavanaib and to firu The woman ft lot firm not yet decided whether to an of of lifilng or not It it prJtlng bow quantity of milk out that It delivered to the Factory which that farmtrt aro thle and aromakiof In their of milch to up flow of at a formerly wart nearly dry Monday than ISchoctowero at tho factory Mow Hut tho of baa advanced than It In early part of by keeping op of product will a very fair after all and data good effect In another year Mr Cor- baa popular with ae patrona by obliging and product J J Whole town lit up for flretllm op night and on lory Our opinion Jij a great It- take baa on Park In from the of tbo town lo evenings bat end light bo from Victoria Ave to Church and tight at Church cor rnovod to tho foot of Victoria Ave new It to bo ntitTuteday by which ovarytbint will bo in to it at Light Station In with great there are going to cold fiogora it done ft certainly will not for the let of Hot Swpeii ly the annoal taction with witl form of a Hot Fowl on evening of noil wuk nd from Lection therewith we bate In will bo a great of thle church have of tailing a laden with to variety pood to foad a crowd fiapperiarvadliotafitovlurvfaictt program of and bo wbicb following will take part of tit Uchn AJ and Martin Sharon Hit Mr mioiturt and A I oppor and a all diaw a full bouse Of Hawing etc Frank tnotto button fad of Wye man VAi in week Mr- Walker ebeuxea como In J bo and Ian Saturday lata uii lor Flowing atNobIetoo month t r-t- the gvug a Of euetvae wnk llonc4o bad a tfala oh Mr Fred of wool it Tannery Ur Wat it the pond for fjpoclel- tho Water- breakwater be a gvol adttiiumut for Tba vj Oidcre are Factory that inafciog a big etfort wuwUiiiway tight weeiuj- S- are completed for hold ing annuel Contention of York In Newmarket on and Friday and The and are being dleiriboted in Hiding have them baa out- an program and baa been fortunate a array of talent evening will be la the three In the The Aral evening la Her Toronto and the evening Key Canon Green of gentlemen are able and well gf Doncao who will take charge of Conference Primary Work aa well at a of Primary Union In To ronto and hit reputation of Primary Teacher in Ontario Thoeo who will never forget her at long they and Prim Id York make a effort to attend Convention The every TowoiblpAstocia tlon In the Hiding piomlaed to t tend and lake part at well follow ing workert York and A Yule of Aurora and of Boon of Tine Orchard Mr I and alto John President of Provincial Aeioclatloo A Union under the direc tion of by a good the at and render rptclal to be prepared for the The will no to alt tent lo Mr Pretty not later than and the people New market will do their faomu wltbcbeerfalocu work er it no of the cordial a welwme at Sunday School They boon week to fit for Improvement of otber one cent of fact very have to the flLanclal burden of carry on which fa the factor today la moral wofaraof the riling generation What young of age be like it were people of that Id with work not only by turning out well lo every by log the tight royally CttRlttlAH J Boll lo goJ audience waa well Terry will noil day Nice Work A mttbla monument wm to King Oily Cemetery on A Allan and a fine granite monument to Cemetery today of ha Richmond Hill Cemetery A the regular meet- the Monday Mr Adam Sharon gave a paper on l4 Charity for whlcbharc4etvc4a vote fell that treated with great ability and the order to forward the paper WQikn for publication Produce There a fine market tail and the beat day Batter told readily from lo lCoandegt were firm Chick- ier gotaofo per lb and turkey from to from lo per bag applet from of I per buret and per bethel Chopper Wont chop wood but i chop about thai reqnlref chopping In the and do ft right a In Some of the firemen to the that the in hit The Co held a mooting In the Fire Hall on night and after the general Clipper Hoc- lion bald a In the room and went While tbut engage the Chief qoletly locked door bad or jfrenco jumping out of window A Sorb Deputy Wood- cook hat been a tore ever the Tannery fire flume Idea of the but al fire tan bo formed from of re Quittance were on Iron bridge and were of getting to Factory without a round on the wet and muddy ground Mr Woodcock to Icid party by holding hit collar up to aide of hit bowed bead and run along the ttdewellf which ft on opposite aide of the road lo Are In doing the Aro the back of Me hand very badly School Hoard At the regular inMling hat evening all were preianl Acsntt amounting to were of amount were for now map re erred to Corn to The report of Principal enrolled with anaaerage The feet up to Oct amount to 0- and a confer with a ot the Town Council with reference lo of taking In portion of for pjrpoect The remove and do grading the Primary Orahoe A quiet ding took place the home of lira at on Wednesday when her daughter Mite to Dr In Iheprtieooot J Bell performing Iho The formerly at but for the paat two bat practices In California wbtrothe happy will make their futore homo The elegant to by bride tier Quite crowd at dc to off amid a ot rice will honey mo in To routo and South and expect to turn here for a few day leaving for California Tho adde con Aid ft down tick again Motley bat gone to Detroit on a with her aunt Mr Millard of Toronto wit on Vedoctday Toronto ft titter Motley Mr nd In oily weak left for land Jail week to her ton Clara tern a at Mr John Manning a of Hi Allan Lane John fltallaid for Orllllawaa hero on Wcdnwday attending Wedding Mr John of la Utter lie oat for a abort drive on Mr A Black hat of for a liberal treat of elder on Tueeday Dale of Friend rnlnfeter fa very low with typhoid feier with only hope of ot titter of Kdraond Klvldge left for on Monday after a hereof totfdayf MrllcamIth the at Canea Factory hat been laid up for marly three wceVt of a of and Bailey of Man were calling on Cane one day ft it week In entertained her at tea on on Lome Ave Mr la filling at la gradually gaining and lobe health again by Mrt Balaton Montreal In Town laat her tray homo after of her mother In Mrt for wckt Mr J A of ion of Mr Allan Cody of Hi In fail flaturday having Joel return from a fivo In Manitoba If Porter and her vlaltlog mother A Toronto formerly of The many frlendt of Mr Orchard Beach Lake will rrct to that ho hat been poorly tor put but It now ftuproting will at Union Hi noil morning win In the afternoon In tlo evening li away on Minion work Mr and Florence of Union lit Kail Toronto Friday Oct Orb for a trip and Franco lob a year a milch Tweed Tweed te te Dress worth Dress Goods worth to 40inch Allwool worth for All Wool and Drawers worth All Wool and Drawers worth In Mantle Cloths and Flannels a8bev1felpfe o jrncvii Good Goods at Burnt Prices SALE o I Mew Teas Are on Load in the ll Owing he objection against us for having a Furniture Department vc commence a Clearing Out Sale of the Whole Stock of HAL RACKS SIDEBOARDS BSDROOM SUITES SECRETARIES TABLES DESKS MATTRASSES HO Wool Spring At that will Explain Proper Place To hay it year dealer Wo K A Almost It was lico wit ft will to fiolih job bridge t by a crowd Work At flrtt which of to pOtUlM top tbo trick weight inittd tool pooled for then convoked to proper ord It Jolt to to si oat of work of lowtriag tho out BO mto work fauvy op By trot io for trolo bat to rlH bridge trtck to l It work lor Iht work woo coin not tbo boi tbo on tbo oro four trick which irttk tit over to ft opoo- plioto tbli from for tho W Ink I Ijmmtr girl Moonlit poorly ticbocDUrif mil Friday Nov will from Cbrlitmu MJ Jilnhjrci him mora crock than any other pal up Ho it New- market man paio with Coin hurt at tho on aud id in the- Ho lift daughter in Toronto with lypboldforer and it in follow W at tended a Convention at Hill on Mrr Jl Jar and down for the A dittioKOltbed geMlo- took dinner At American littltaQday of Mr- Oiler for Torooto who comber alto Li Gov Kirk They had bun Mr retort Point and weto to city Aid took them Jowji from here cor rpor dent of Toronto WctlJ lost Friday regarding tho member Witt Ontario aod bit turned lady left for homo to night at brief wblcb jail hit a will gladly of and her charming daugbtert Vc moil delicate flavored China Teas Monsoon and of Indian Ceylon The Teas dont neglect the lovers of Japan and they arc if to all the lime for make the best selection direct way of Vancouver and them the most fragrant pure and economical Thats why our cent Japan is the favorite over all others in this market DAVISON A r Hi I TORONTO Ii relUV iiJvl for fa in of A 1 J a av4 gJ to 1 wi WnBU4W for and now on a tho of bit health Jo Ton Hit calling is belter Mr Atlclttn in apioUd editor of amine of bis former arid a of other fricrdi will tender Mr a farewell en fialordav of yean ad a central who will in him great io hi fltH THE in Millinery Opening A GRAND SUCCESS delighted with ihe the ihe THIS IS HEADQUARTERS To Neat GERMAN MAN LES Scotch added to stock a nice let of for Boys and the Fine of Icons cot in a few days Sit our LiCO Tina ON Goods When Attending our Fall Fair Premium Card or for another when Mr Charier P Millard coo Jo Millard of tbta who baa a hero for two ft about to to be will fall chirgV of ibo Fur- of Mr A JJlack Mr- Millard baa a very eac a Diploma at the City Id for fa art of of a director Wo him ftooceit for York in J fa demand aa a bo bat overcrowded with a to of aod Mr well at Hardy acd AtfrttoltQraU in Booth whet a tltocg effort being by tbo to cf rry tba teat vacant by death of W It It flUlogtbatMr do what for la and will Kardidai fcitoio for bit from fall fa York which ha hoped to on Sunday morning as Sol and George wer chopping feed by steam power near Merlin coinciding went with the boiler and it exploded Gray died a few hour but Peters may recover SAWS AXES COW CHAINS HORSE BLANKETS GIRTHS PAINTS GLASS OILS AND PUTTY POWDER SHOT AND CARTRIDGES Oct fcUtU f J lxa on tiroj JO tula at itur TCUDar Oct will tait of iock lutjf riWtlu chared foe fa aa4 Bait In writing op fair reporter Sun It a JIU I I lob of a Colored yai Wheat per on OCO Wheat per fcufcel Rlfttbll 0 it IS tid Oil BottertrcUlMftb Oil OO Er Wool per lb flare Chick par per pair TorifJi wr Lb llMlllili OH HO on a a SCO a a CO J BOX STOVES COOK STOVES COAL STOVES EURNACES Siawauo and and Promptly and Neatly Done J A W ALLAN As neat and Nice or Suit They here in great variety Serges and Twills but the price and that than you ever bought good at before Leave your order the early aud avoid iioic BAKERY Oct ISA per tube Ked per at oca Sxovc Snam On band at Store CO 1 jo tit into A m holt While on Sat- gun exploded bit left hand to pieces cuttinx face route to the hospital he by thrown from ft Mr the Bo aod at Work aod a Bead acd bit lo all good latter ao floa pltco ont Mar atto a of ao of ratrkct two flot work mental dock made by retail a work ait two loeo iato targe a ictr 4f ft fibonarerioo-T- dot Wool lb Ha CtvSdtctwr jlr jVir eat i Oft Oil w Oil on CO w on GRAPES a on no a a a a I a CO a on We hive another choice and Grapes The itoek beautiful price is within reach of a a a OYSTERS OYSTERS The Season commenced this Quince in and ihe fruit choice GROCERY Careful buying makes easy selling- of the Snaps which iru is giving at his- our jo Extra Granulated fvr Yellow See Hew Valencia Ibis jciiV The ate net Gie a call a mi urn boot mm mm have a lot of Tan Goods which I am clearing out at and Below Cost also some other Lines at the same rate have a line of Mens Extra Fine Boots which 1 am sell ing at and Extra good value Now is your time as these Goods are going very Dont Miss this Rare Chance- fast Sign of the Boot a I