Newmarket Era, 16 Oct 1896, p. 4

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A A r if then tk int I Ride lor ictat Ctfcadt- Ifrtt Via till p HUM if tilt TORONTO cm Hair natural color and It Mrs V A an two years rnyhnir of hair to IUS original color put An In good condition Mrs Jf a I have for years and- Una restored back natural color Jr If J Ayers Hair Vigor hi TRACT OF is 896 t IBM J feat boner branch upon the body The country a change and the thousand of dollar now annually ex pended In in By all means let have a ijcnoficcifOK To Tut will ftiih lift lift proale to Hit In a fci Ij from nd tin H vlilbh Art moltr com wd jfiOtilily fn lItcbi to In not lo Aft to that not I Ileciuto Idi ja to bo In i4 with It end not to yield to coilcmr S IJc4Vli In will to or And of not Can no trait of keep Solomon from tailing Into tin folly men to koto of And work Into judge on a I Tilth whether It to good or whether it bo feet It to And mil I vork ft la TO A entirely too much for hit Dominion and a fax country cart without detriment to the public acrvlec but Is lo bo continue J by all make the body elective and thereby directly to the people the Confeder ation in old Canada v6rJfTeny met go THE in native ef avx lit IVarl to a Boll KG AT fiCOiTB IIIU0 US COMSTIVUUOIf The present constitution of the Senate has resulted foisting upon Canada a body of men who teem to he wanting in that fine tense- of and true appreciation of public duly which its founders an ticipated and the country bad a right to taped The very thing which ihc Fathers of Confederation toughl to avoid by changing horn an a nominative system has resulted un der its operation Previous to Con federation Ontario and Quebec had an elective Senate and public opinion favored haviiui that body directly re sponsible to the people and when objection to a change was at the raiificnion convention held in Mechanics Institute building Hon Hon WANTED tout or good diet SALESMEN Of la tub I Mit ro- NURSERY CO MONEY TO LOAN flrttUiafsi DAVID LLOYD Real Ill r S lUCecMirtUMUf If lit hey ate priceless of litem of them for are you Windows f of the Soul Spectacles or EyeGlasses call on us and get our prices ATKINSON Jeweler and Optician S3 Alain St Newmarket William and others as sured their Liberal friends that an had been which the Districts in at least then tending or Con servatives to the Senate would in caie of vacancies continue 10 have representatives nominated views in harmony iih then representing said Dis tricts and that in making appoint ment from the other Provinces re spect would also be had to the rtl views of Provinces by giving them representation in proportion lo their political statu as indicated by elections to the Commons On this insurance the change was hut the sequel of intervening years has demonstrated that political parties have ignored this unwritten under- Handing in a most flagrant manner and by to doing public confidence and respect for the body itself has been weakened Look at the situation as it present itself the Saturday before pro rogation During the long years that Conurvatives have been in the ma jority since Confederation by ignor ing the unwritten understanding above alluded to they have nominated li to such an extent that enough Liberals in the Senate to make up a quorum of and Sir Oliver Mowai bad the utmost in securing promises from sufRcient Senators to remain at Ottawa from Saturday till the follow- Monday to ratify Supply Dill Thtlc men had taken good care to draw their sessional allowance of one thousand dollars and mileage for less than two months service and the country had the right to expect them to complete their part of the contract but instead of this leading Senator had the intimate thai it would be serving the Liberals right if the Senate nullified the work of the whole by failing to supply a quorum to ratify the Supply Bill be cause the the Commons pre vented the passage of tbe supplies the previous session is the kind of talk that was indulged in by men ir responsible to the but whose pockets jingled with the solid dollars they had taken from the public treas ury for the of specific It was not only partisan to a degree but it was undignified to wards Government and an insult to the had only three months previous declared want of confidence in the patty that had violated a undemanding by nominating such a preponderating number of Conservatives to the Sen- ore as to make such an appeal as made by Sir Oliver Mowat necessary Wo wonder Liberal Convention Ottawa two or three years ago de clared in of remodelling that body Jus become a byeword and reproach at at present commuted and when taking the promised plebis cite prohibition it Premier Laurie and his colleagues would also take ihc popular tense electorate on the question of Senate abolition or mak ing it elective or to remain as at pits- constituted he would be doing the country service The answer would be overwhelmingly In favor of change And why If the Sen ate is to the power of approv ing amending or disannulling the action regulation of the popular branch they ought lo be made direct ly responsible to the people A life ruminative Senate is with Hie spirit and of our institutions and a mouldering A of by wto COHSTAHT One Who Thus for Relates Her Which Will Visible lo Prut Among the vicinity of Maltawa there Is none belter known or more highly esteemed than Mr and Mrs who have been this section for the past fifteen years Mrs has been a gread sufferer for years her affliction taking the of dUzincss and vio lent headache and the attacks would come upon her to suddenly that she could scarcely reach her lcd unaided and would be forced to remain for or four days unable to lake nourishment and suffering more than tongue can express She was seventeen years of age when these attacks list came upon her and the doctor who then attended her said than in his opinion her life would not over a few years at most more than a score of year have since pissed during the greater part of which it Is true Mis Hanson was a great sufferer But that is happily now past and she enjoying better health than ever she did To a re porter of the Mrs told adding earnestly thai she hoped thai her experience prove of benefit to some other suffer er She said The spelts of do ziness and intense headaches would attack every three or four weeks and would lasl from two lo four days each attack and with each attack suffering to grow more intense I had good medical advice and tried many remedies but with no beneficial results In the spring of appetite began to fail my hands and feet would swell and my heart palpitate violently I was ut terly discouraged and felt that I would not live much longer One day ray daughter urged me give Dr Wil liams Pink Pills a trial but I had laken so much medicine with no ben efit I refused However she went town and got four boxes and 10 please her more than for any hope of benefit I agreed to lake them I did not find fitst box do me any good hut by time I had the second one my appetite began to Im prove and alcep I then began to have faith in them and as I continued use found my self constantly getting When I had finiihod the fourth box both myself and friends were surprised lo find that I had not had a Headache for more than six weeks action of my heart had become regular and J could sleep soundly all night was weak howeycr and decided to continue the use of Ihc pills which I did until more boxes were used Since then I have been stronger than than any time for years and have not had an ache or pain I can do work have a new interest in life and feel ten years younger I feel thai Dr Williams Pink Pills will do for others what they have done for and believing this I glad make my story public in the thai it will be of value to some sufferer Mrs Hansons husband and mother both present and say that look upon her recovery as miraculous They further said that many and many a night they had sat upkeeulrg hoi cloths on her head that being the only treatment that had helped her before she began the use of Dr Williams Pink Pill This great remedy enriches and purities the blood strengthens the and in this way goes to the root of disease driving it from the system and curing when other rem edies fail Every box of the genuine Wil liams Pink Pills has the trade mark on the wrapper the box and the purchaser can protect himself from imposition by refusing all others Sold all dealers at cents a box or six boxes for beta a lb lira at ft preliminary he filed by the spirit Jebo Doryjibtsveik Premier Ilea scd of its of from for lb A will for fair muter High lht to In vfckVxJIi fat bo3l llio J htm dilution of by on of to ilia looks fltidi them cor- tod of ftu Tun fclitt Us for 1M1 wmplitntot In hear yocoo Major dumb dumb It wwk negro under Ufa lm- jo ft and due fug wqIIoj Ho from Windsor for in It recited In Toronto Hut fart city on for In of the North Toronto hit ftd 9er6MtigncdtorhYf4 in which dill 1 tint ho of likely thoforetild will for for Oiler ft Co entered th defalk At In who It gifftit Mr Edition to fllr Tapper Topper and Hon John la of In Hound to bo through for ml of tblt Hon trial will iploy QUI of Friday lut In a of points of a homo for of Ontario to of iii matter bit Bo giving child a dueMion It tit dfiw of focal tat for At out wo been lawyer and doctors by knowing that find em ployment country A for a a bat lien It to who want it therefor We girls arc going to have a harvest home festival What I to show big and things No such engagement rings and photographs Failed Core Alii Amentia Kfdcey Cora a a A Young of and Forma This her testimony was sick in January I em of the best local and vis treated by them for kidney disease until autumn of the tame year without receiving much benefit then began your South American Kidney Cure and derived benefit almost imme diately feel now am quite cured I have taken no medicine for tome length of time and have not had a return of itchiest symptom of the disease Sold at Phar macy a colored was and by one of for conduct and another of the Children Cry for put- will buy P SI fi IGtiT I pound of delicious TEA Simply throw your a Quarter and Its Yours ONLY FROM ALU QUOOEnO TORONTO trill two aro reared for end for to who op wen It Kirk wan Parry V If It nay J P Stnrgeop Iorl It Oilllfai It trio J Park Head Jwcr alio bo from provincial Wardra al Parliament men did down for and thereby thai Libera we neurit to con loo bordering but thing cornet jo right Hero not by no tomato la to examine Into or and took their very but dt3erinlned only of tha at found rolyjjt bo faolt- flndlog therefore It ilea ply a kick at combination An Ottawa that hat decided It wilt not hold on at tin late Hon did by rttiloke deputy of depart who tbty public aM laicj ft down as a office of Deputy it a pittol appoloi- jun and put It it felt that Government cannot the from of their deprartmentr ualuilhay ai men thoroughly In aympatby with them and who do not of treasury out of filr in item roatonaUt nolbocongpocdct men ready to betray to two or ago that Ontario bad attached to ell approving of York County Council by- taw for abondoning to pall lit of our to are Order at Ip rooom- of Council adr purtoant to of too tW of Act of Bylaw No of the Municipal Council of Corporation of County York aw to abandon York roadt and tamo to minor County of York Honor 816i Clark tbt Rod to to and Wo art glad too that and art fulfilling by in Ottawa remark ft boir tfct chest over Cocfodftraliou duly bit It to faithful to Basalt at muling of who are appear ftoor of the and Id about work In to alpi at a at or In ail performed by or Twafollvwlng timely adopted Ontario alt wo civil Ottawa bo it It time Federal failure to attend to and tht ot by a officer hall to for removal from That dibit by of tbo civil which to pay by of I t I beyond their a Canto for removal and giving of order upon by or previously to do by In writing la tippling or of liquor by a public during or office hour thill bo a for removal from fie with Rood It when a wo- lahhuperfeclbeillbber ftce and and mike teen felt Bull or follow turn to the right reme dy the promotes proper a toothing nervine It correct core and ait delicate rnicaceu peculiar to the For young girl women hood at the ctitltal of and run- down or overworked to that there a trill kelp you FEMALE a wit IrouUtd yen alto Pj4 trip la plraUon of of heart lot tit tired pbjciii ao nun te ease ltd failed to relief After much I in a veil tar rKwpork a rvuowo 1 bee rtftcrtfl 10 tenth py ywr yvortte Preset The development in Cana dian railway the branch of Canadian Pacific with elec tric ccrvicCt line extendi from Hull a of Oitana Aylmcr where it connect with Pacific Junction ex tending or up the of the from Hull to Aylmerhai been Inied by the Hull Electric Co for a of year that they are to handle all through arid local freight delivered by cither the Canadian or the Pontile Pacific unction Rail As they arc ihc only connect tog Jink with the Pacific Junction ft can readily be that- quantity it amounting to ca per day mottty handled at night leaving the day for pas The locomotive Is of particular in being the first of the kind operated in Canada It weighs over tons and n with double each axle being equipped with a motor A all the wheel are driven full traction advantage obtained from the bar pull of can therefore be exerted equivalent to the power of the average or ton When a man to get even with anybody by going to and gelling drunk be always remind ut of a fly trying to get even with a sheet of fly by wiping its feet on it mm CEYLON TEA Hold Only In fad by A tttfd health tor tare Idea vsssss tiffins A current recently that a general of election bad been arranged bo It auiborilattvoly denied at Ottawa Ointment relieves in one day and cures tetter tall rheum piles head eczema barbers itch ulcers blotch and alt eruption of ihe skin It it toothing and quiet ing and acts like rngic in the cure of all Sold at Pharmacy ft at Ottawa tit at Mr of Toronto It likely to bo appoint ed to In of Sir David to Find Health Without Took of a Friend Now Proclaim It Prow American flaved My Lift Mi writes l I been very much troubled for year with nervou debility and dyspepsia Hid treated in Canada and England by some of the physicians with out permanent relief I advised about three ago to tike South American Nervine and I firmly he lieve I owe my life to it to day I can truthfully that I have derived more benefit from it than any rnent I ever had- I can re commend it and wilt never he with out it Sold at Bemlcys Pharmacy A IMING HIGH cot tight way to to hit better tew to Lie ilea are ptoteatft welly work at reduced your taken Into our and let your Oil PIOE I give my consent my daughter marriage to you your g man I want to know what your pros for the I am to thjiquestion now ir There are pills and pills lit Pills lead in demand The Je borders on Hie phenomenal Sluggish liver bowels are the precursors of many physical disorder These little won ders remove the cause They are entirely vegetable They act on the liver and without to the system diet or occupation never They act pleasantly in a vial for as At John ORoutke a boy about fourteen years old killed while stealing a ride on freight train in the yard Via lbs lia Court A Full Stock of the Best just re ceived BRICK FOB SALE ttslilrt 4 Seat Thomas Sheman to the London says that of Ihe American is due the of bank- fog facilities and high ras charged by the cross road Mr recommends that the United States follow Canadas Unk ing system The Canadian he do not clamor for a league Canada has not only enough money lor tut makes American bankers jealous by whit she lends and they try out The reason that Canada pull no heavy bank capful to branches in every village A simitar stale of hi in United States Vat made im possible by lift proposed ard of For quick and For tvvecttit rod whitest clothes GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Youll en the Winter through Its varying moods II you have interlined This won derful fibric is so that you never notice its presence in a garment till you get out Into the wind and cold then you realize that you arc cosily warm even- lightly clad is a complete nonconductor of heat and cold the wintry bbji can penetrate it cor can the warmth of the body escape through explanation and the fact that It the whole story and easily proves that for health comforts sake you cant do without it 6 of pore Thuitiit Elastic Modelled each- year fit all the latest shoe Extra Ihick ball and heel here They Wear Ilk Iron Q ciHfc ss a 1 j u t Ji A PERFECT BLEND A PERFECT TEA PURE J fr i si I I fc rf J J BALK OR A GROWN CURED WiO PACKED BY QFIOVERB TEA THE fitT AT Alt GflOCtfiS LOO W0 Black DAVIDSON d HAY LTO AGENTS TORONTO 1 1 1 i 1 TWO TOWN LOTS Newmarket Laundr EVERYTHING IN GOOD WORKING ORDER Homo Wagon calls for and I Aurora Call Tuesday and deliver Thursday delivers all J Call Wednesday and deliver Friday EMBURY Proprietor Cpposite Curtains done up equal to new Special terms for fa mil washing TRY OUR PAILS TUBS Clothes feSOHjf OP ft0fe0O Building Material CYCLE REPAIRS We op Vf all in All Cols V tests J luuio J Tire WW into All C4urrcirx We 10 tocrir say fiaBifle 0jc Call THE CANE SOSS MIC CO NEWMARKET FOR TWENTYSIX YEARS it Mrs Baylys school English French and Music Art record five ord My wife to have all ARBLE WORKS in MONUMENTS and STONES ALLAN all the ehrete in th of Kington up at to ten cents A few while out driving Wen of from the an Vc thrown his z PICTURES POR I J in 15 A Colored or Soap The SO fi If LEVER BROS- ltd iv- u LTD Till lllfflUOD a a of J A CODY i 0 LET Mali aitikt if J I ton KSg PC iNT- to It J JL FOR ytrfiUrA Ap FLORIDA GARDEN LAND COi PASTURE TO RENT rACtKafnitehcf cakkb SuTllli TO RENT- rft to or UltA t Newmarket urns fit float fit SS We do sllon 0Tcc to outdo in lice cither in price If you want any kind of Printing -c- what and terms you cm get at the before jou order Our promptness is pro- Ar J a Ural gweviciin V1 lWl All SALESMEN fill I stVil r i I ALLEN CO Y WAYSIDE SONGS it I TO rlt J f Kin

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