THK TO KNOW ABOVE ALT OTHH GEO JACKSON AT HUNTING 180 BANK r I j 1 NORTH- YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER A Vol XL V No 10 Single Copies J Cents Each Newmarket Out Friday October 23 Ho papcia of York unless paid in advance Owe our hanks to a discerning public for increas ing our trade which has doubled are looking for If you Remember lead all TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE Terms Strictly in Advance within or at end of year CAPITAL Branch A OENEHALDAVKIJJO Interest Allowed on DRAFTS ISSUED it its AcriUia of Every Decription Try Our Coal Oils J If flAUUUTfclt La Mont i roan Remember they are priceless fake care of them wq will lake care of then for J you iced GET OUR FOR M cr as sib r as IftnJ q OFlIOKorir hi Windows Soul Ilifflilcr J WOODCOCK tf A it J Oil If you Spectacles on us and puces ATKINSON and Optician SB Main St Newmarket IJtirJu I 1- t j it hi 000 up ltV I vhMrnTtrrrf4 J L- dcor lunch I rtttiUilid hi tit curtail in llu Quality J Prices You can thoroughly enjoy all your meals if you use Dauntless brand for bread White Crown for Pastry TON S Of Chop and Low Grade Hour be disposed of Choice Hog or Cattle Food Call at once and quotations Oafs OalCliop Crushed Oats Com and all kinds of Grain and always in stock at right prices DEN ME St SOW NEW Wi AT LOW AT IIS fur i- A J- Life kr r i uvn ftl Toll THROUGH FREE fur lir itj J ff ih rtritiunt mm irtAjit ili Mr IrfKiL SAVE YOUR IMS GAM ABA LIFE CO CANADIAN COMPANY OAV1TAL AMD 14000000 Our Bake Oyen Works complete Our new Baker knows how to do the Work Centra Office STARR If your Sight Failing your Trouble you in or come and have them examined YOU WGQTTEN in THE URNOUT Ivt i I SiaiiiiaidLiiebiJiaiiceCo DR fc MM I at n iimi ft nam AjIJ If over 12 years age Insured Females Insured without ex I J A charge A- a it fainter c loJ Uter A y lit lO it to All ho IfcHrt Sew ilthH CUHE0 BY TAKIHQ AVERS Or Vi 1 It ic Aw it aw I OF At Aiutlrtu ttrt iirotlciJrDlTstrjrrkcJ ttvrfvr j or Silt l Free from Eruptions it 1 1 J J J tAthtf r a Avars tholinvet void lot Wfadlier at no a I f diet lira fit flip In Jtil wo A kind of To q iho Thai will ihlofft to their or rtitc intkc Oct J Wo Father Gild a frnfij young voice pjiaJnlymy wn a roan who had been 1ut bending his He glanced toward ihc door ii and at the A handsome fctn of about entered the liKnty ad vanccd lowitd the cable and ooJ father As they thus faced cacti other one could a striking resemblance The same dodged the same resolute and determined expression which Chirac- Mr ace and which showed what had made him superin tendent of the ft with out friends or influence to back htm appeared also in the face of his son This resolute was ih- moil pronounced on the onfl face he said Father I want to tend for a bi cycle loniht happy look that had com- over Mr Still wells face changed to a at her stern expression Well Charles you know how much they cost and at present I can illafford to get you one I know that father the boy re- had thought of it ago a year I hsve been work ing in spare moments and saving all I could until have now half of ihc of a bicycle Unless I get it at cannot have it this summer If you 1 1 advance me the rest of the money can and pay back fall MrStillwvll his up on liind as if in deep thought but under the in which his face was placed there came a pleated happy look Already ihc boy was thawing what was in him lie had not bribed for a hut he had set out to get it himself Mr did not like bicycles them as one would regard a cost ly toy Although he was secretly pleased the way his son had gone getting it he still thought it a useless expenditure of money When he looked up it was a grave expression and for a heart sank know what I think of bi cycles he think they ate costly and practically useless The you mike however a thoroughly business ne It is your own money you are spending so I will what you ask for and shall to have it repaid by next fall If fell differently in I would gladly help you to get it but feeling as do is you should buy it your own money as you propose I therefore ask you to well there must no mistake about your returning me the money when itcomes due I have thought it over carefully his son replied and will hand you the money then Here the other half now he continued as he laid on the table a roll of bills of various no mi nations How much that money meant to I How much self denial hard work and persevering effort 1 Per haps his father guessed what was pass- in bis mind for he drew the toward him almost tenderly What do you want my check for the full amount he asked Tomorrow I will write the letter to and in the morning you can look it over and inclose the check to the manufacturer then bade Us lather good night and left the For a moment Mr- Si well gared toward the door and away his work he smiled and went back to his writing with renewed energy had at stailon leaps with hope for a mo ment but it is coon dispelled for the other laughs and the both naTo their hands at him in token of farewell Charles- fa the agony of despair lets his fall downward and as he docs to it comes in contact wh a bunch In his coat pocket Again hope comes to him for he remembers it is remnant ot red flag he bad used to clean hit wheel and had Huffed Into bis pocket Quick as a flash he has drawn the rag forth and now wavct it la answer to their mocking gestures It old and tolled but in red Hill bright enough to look sinister and Charles waves it head The die away from be faces of the One of them starli on a run cars toward the engine Then there comet the slid You of Oh nothing Charles replied and he began whistle but it round ed forced and he stopped tune where Charles hid left ii but be too sud denly gracious I he exclaim ed I forgot the key 1 must go lo the bouse for it Youll keep your on thing wont you will only be gone a minute The agents house was almost In of the depot he tutted on a run to gel the key looked at the depot at liny office lis few seats for passengers Its view the tracks stretching away in the with a ncit feeling pride for were they not left in his Suddenly this feeling was followed by a tense- of responsibility Then without able to account for it tie of brake Charles is tick and Hint but be reafitet he must Slowly oh I to slowly it teems to the trains speed and at last it ceases to move A climbs down and runs toward the bicyclist for he wavet that piece of red above his bead with one hand while with the other he clasps firmly thy handlebar of hit wheel The is close to him now and grasps his wheel for it is beginning to wobble rightfully He holds it firmly for Charles It for moment too weak to demount Charles iiammtn out between his gasps for That it enough the knows only too well what it means He out the Information to an other brakeman who isncir the train and the alter starts a run for the head of the train with his red flag Will he be In time to stop the ex press A moment then another passed Surely he roust now be ahead of the freight Charles strength returns and leaving his wheel he rushes along beside the track On reaching a place where he can tee tome distance ahead of the train he notices the with the red flag is still running Then there comes the whistle of an approaching train The brake- man waves bis flag and Charles hears the whistle down brakes from the engine No 5 and sees No the heavy freight begin slowly and majestically to back Soon No comes view still moving but very slowly and at last stops No then to back and the two trains face each other the smoke from their engines interin meting above the length upon length of cars which might have been piled upon one another in one wild chaos and death Im in- r tr MAI it Vtttilcitf In Kitr Wans PM is- fin Idea growth babys mission growth To that little bun- tile of love half trick half dream every added ounce flesh means added- and comfort Fat is a of perfect health A I nature baby and Violin Teacher beauty Scotts Emulsion with a the fatfood baby easiest form It got in his ordinary- food iiwici and the woucr jWvk places to perfect igrowtlu for all lit Mil I- j wit ft l Charles noticed the number when he unpacked ii its The bicycle reptesented more to him than anything he bid ever pM- esscd How food be of it I The telfdcitl hard work and study he had given get it were all repaid a hundredfold when be over the the bright tie machine beneath him He never teemed to lire ils company When not rid- he wis working over it the nickel or wiping the dust from tie enamel The summer was nearly over before he realized The had sped ram him as the road had under bis wheel The he owed hit father seemed to grow larger as the time came near to it although he tod raised as much as half of it The thought of this money gloom to land scape as be wheeled the road at the tide the rail road track to tbe depot on a dirk day in the early part of September He that day the Ion the railroad made to on the aide of ihe valley The highway by a steep hit saved this de tour and fully of dis tance Wocri be reached fchtcb a building he did into conversation with the station master at wf bit custom but time this gave place to one of dread as the last feeling stole over him there came to bis can the heavy dull rumble of ah ap train Nearer and nearer it came but there was nothing in this of itself to cause alarm for he knew No well It always went through without stop ping he toward the door to tec it pass once As he did to the instrument began clicking loudly He paid no atten tion this he did not understand telegraphy and often heard it make as much noise when the sound had no import Standing on the platform he watched the train rumble majestically by A whom he knew waved his hand him and he waved back in response car until at hat came the with its fluttering The long train had hardly crossed the last switch and the click of the rails as the trucks the cars passed over them still sounded in his ears he heard his name called in an agonized voice from the station He rushed into the room There Blood the agent his face a white with one hand upon the keyboard the telegraph as if frozen to it Orders to hod No t8 Got back to late her No piss her here No has left V- station Nothing between the io The agent fairly gasped the but Charles understood him at once No the through freight and No ihe express between stations on a single track road were rushing together with nothing to stop thern I Charles turned as while as the agent while a look of despair crept over hit face Suddenly his eye his wheel and hope came him He remembered the long curve of the track and the sh cut of the road and how they came together again further on almost at right angles and then continued in parallel lines He thought slow pro gress the freight It was one chance in a hundred but perhaps he could head the freight train and slop her particularly as he had so much less distance to and could get great spec on the down grade He was on his wheel in a moment riding as he had never ridden before At first there was a smooth stretch ol road leading to steep hill which the road at right angles to the track and over this his wheel fairly flew With his head bent low over the handlebars he glanced neither to the right nor left but fastened his eyes upon the road which seemed like some white silent river flowing- by him with great rapidity It lock bat a moment or two ibis road speed he was riding but it seemed to him to be years He was now on the down grade and although he could not see the freight he knew was near from presence of the cloud of thick black smoke which his course He soon reached the crest of the hill In a moment he thought he could see the freight and knew wheth er he stop her or not At length the rain came into view and he at once he could not hope to head it but that by using all his speed he would be able to reach it be fore all the cars hid passed the place wVre the road curved in by ihe side As he started down the hill be put all his on the until the bicycle shot the at a great pace gathering speed each revo lution of ihe wheels be was going so foal that when he came to the level it seemed to htm that his speed tocreas- instead of diminished Now be is approaching the track lightning swiftness The road and the railroad began to converge Moments pass which seem like years He raises his eyes the train is direct ly ahead of him he will just reach before it puses entirely The engine has already passed and some of ihe more he looks down and puis all his remaining strength the He raises again finds he is shooting along the road be side the freight which is now going at good speed He cannot hope to this pace already the freight Is gaining upon him A is half asleep on one of the Charlei trues his hand sod tries lo shout but lo bis surprise makes tittle sound and that Is dtowned in the rumble of the train The and wave his hand in response as if st were a good joke his riding a train Would hi laugh ihinkt if he realized that that great mass of wood and passenger No was corning towards him force of a lornado The frekht Is gaining thry pay no attention to A short distance ahead the road and track diverge again what he do He with energy and del Ihe at last calls to fellow to look al him- seem to make out why he should 10 beat nam It Is so a Again father and son stood facing each other in library Toniht is time I was pay you my debt Charles laughing ly but first you must admit that a bicycle is not useless as you at first supposed No my son it is- 1 who am in your deb Mr replied for you saved two great and it is a debt that will be hard to pay Here is the money you handed me the wheel You see have not touched it and Mr Slillwell handed back lo Charles the identical roll of money which he had him on the night ol the first payment I gladly make you a present of the wheel Now what else can do for you I wilt be glad to give you al most anything The company has empowered me to liberally AH I for Charles said that toy wheel number shall go down on the of the com pany among the train with a history of what it did towards saving And so happened ihat in the records of railroad bicycle No has a place and a history Did William lose his life in the of Lake Simcoe Be yond a reasonable doubt it would seem that he was drowned some lime Monday morning He left home shortly after four oclock in the morn for a couple of fishing in Lake Simcoe to return Tuesday Since that itme nothing teen or heard of hi ci leaving Ihe boat home at OrilKa he rowed bis canoe which is furnish ed with and oars to Straw berry Wand where he landed and Company h operates KING CITY The meeting of the Rural Deanery here lait Thursday was very success ful There was a good attendance of Ihe clergy and the subjects dis cussed evoked much interest The commenced with Ihe celebration Holy Communion by Rural Rev Mr Rutherford of Sutton giving a thoughtful address At morning prayer was said The business the discussion of the appointed boo and the por tion of the Greek Testament followed The day closed with evensong said by the Rev Sydney Goodman with a very earnest and fluent ser mon by the Rev H M of Holland Landing A large congre gation was present There have been a few cues diphtheria in town Alf a boy nine years of age fell from a tree on Friday after noon and broke his hip Herring fishing the latest fad In the morning hours will be seen crowds of men and boys at the end of Bayfield street wharf and in boats on the bay It is said that fish are plentiful year 1 During the the Solvation Army has been a council war of officers in Ontario The public meetings were held in the I music Hall and the regular business and devotional reelings in the rows About eighty officers were present including an excellent band- An iitcresling case came before the police court on Monday morning Percy Scanlon while riding a bicycle on Friday collided with Bunker knocked down Mr Bunk er was injured by the collision hut very injudiciousy struck the scorcher hit walking slick Afterwards he laid an information against Scan- Ion for furious riding and Scanlon entered countercharges against Bunk er for assault and attempting to de stroy wheel Tuesday morning evidence fur the prosecution was put in and at the commencement of the afternoon session counsel for the de fence Withdrew ihe election to be tried before lb P and the case was sent up for trial defendant being admitted to bail in bands of The action against Bunker wa dropped for ihe present A and Paper It is little wonder that the pub lishers of the Family Herald and Star Montreal find business tremendously on the increase True merit tells in Canada as well as any country in the world and no one can deny that family Herald Star is a thing of rare merit would command success any where There are people in this country who have been taking Family and Star for upwards of a quarter of a and they declare that it is making greater in the way of im provement than in any year in the twentyfive Comparing it even paper two years ago no one could without teeing it lhat it could in such a short lime become so vastly superior to I We under stand the price is only One dollar a year and this year the dollar will se cure that wonderfully pathetic that is creating such a sensation abroad entitled The Orphans Prayer It will b2 remembered says the Boston News Bureau some months the papers were filled with ihe great things the Harrison Telephone Company with its of capital was about to accomplish as a rival of the Bell Tele phone Companies State Investigation showed the main asset of the Harrison Company was an exchange at Fort Smith Ark owned the Harrison International Con struction Company lain never things v ere promised for the whole The stun News Bureau is just by from Fori Smith Ark thai four years desperate lr exig ence this opposition exchange passed into ih hands of the western Im m CLEANS BITS FROM OUR EXCHANGES Curling Club will in- Vest in a new rink Member ship tickets are 5 per year K7 Hop pillows frequently of great comfort lo a nervous frequently relieves headache In Aurora per cent will be added to all taxes remaining unpaid Dec The rate it mills on the dollar from ihc residence of Arch while be was attending the Opera Entrance was effected through a win- don The Siandird Bank office at Bradford was reopened last week and the management Is to be congratula ted on the improvements which have been made While the service was process- in the Pickering church Sunday sneak thief stole overcoals from different buggies in the shed the rear of ihe church At a fire in Montreal Friday damage to extent of done Three fireman kilted by being entombed in the burning build- in several others wre John ijsassigud Underbill the week according to I there Were failures in tirii as pared in la pre vious week It is lumbering oration in lie woadi will much curtailed this coming owing to the slow sale of lumber wages offered are much than last year Police Officer of Montreal was fined dis missed from the shooting a man in the arm He said he wanted frighten the man knowing him to be a dangerous character The days of the milkman arc numbered is like ly to milk bricks A has been formed in Den- mark to freeze milk and send it over to the shape of bricks There will be sent from one hundred and ten thousand lbs per week all in ihe block On Monday morning three oclock the of Mr Robert Martin lot con was by fire and Mr lost all his grain im plements a valuable of fowl and other articles There was some in surance The fire is supposed to have been caused by tramps From present price of wheat will probably rule con siderably before crop ma tures India it shipping wheat from the United condition of the wheat crop in Aus tralia is deplorable If wheat as some predict will again reach the dollar mark it will be a great boon to the Canadian farmers The man who will go without subscribing for his home paper or gels bis printing done out of not only withholds his share of support to a home enterprise but reiardi the progress and advancement of the community in which he lives and of which he is a part If every one went oui town for their supplies how lone would the town Wilson Star This is ihc method adopted by Milton this year in the collection of taxes Taxes are payable in three equal instalments the first being due on Nov and the second on Dec andf the third on Jan who pay on time will discount of per while those who neglect t lake ad- vantage by law in this will have 5 per cent added to their instalments J of has issued a behalf of the Team to play Markham hum horn for a cup a from As team not pi a cod I of pAit five or ix etki St iTvHc is in the it arc not Michael has s- and ih breakfast after whih he took out hi blankets and lunch basket and left them at the house on the Messrs John Mclnnes J Steele Lord and several others were camp ing there but none of them saw him so that probably he left the shortly after seven oclock never returned to the Island for his blanket or bis provender Mr was even to rashness when on the water He was never daunted and fished through many drove everyone else shelter As superintendent of the Baptist Sunday School and leader of the choir as our most expert fisher man whose deeds with the line and book were wonderful even as an upright citizen and a Chmtizn gentleman Orillia loses in as exemplary citizen ViliHtir UPS J rtrr for SrvaU COBB J 1 It la it lal Goah is W 1 great ttiUzii t 13 13 eta Bell in Arkansas ard I was the he Harrison international h capitalized a afterwards reduced The was built in a most thorough manner and cost Harrison International Com over coo The Southwest Company secures plant at less cent of the cost Its is attributed to the fact that only one exchange an be operated successfully in any community and that the rales charged by she Harrison Company and month were fir below the cost of operating The Southwestern Com pany can use to advantage a Urge part of ihe but the telephones bells and switchboards will be stroied Southwestern Tele phone Company operates in the terri tory generally known as that of the Erie Telephone Company A Kin special states that the opposition telephone pixel in lhat city costing promoters sat sold out a judgement of to Ihe company Bell pUnt at Mr A F Dune mound in ihcr on firm of Mr mile ftotu Its lulld- if tin Mr A P a JO farm some iniki day ag in of ihc town by last ek ttlitncueuas on principal of the a moose Close by walking calmly into as a couple J azo ihe belt deckshooiinx province a mile and the deer burning also close by is a hut as a sportsmans home The Electric Light anil Power Co of which Air Fletcher is manager ire rebuilding plant They are erecting the shore of Gull lake where they have an abundance water for condensing purposes and are easy of access to the Grand Trunk fur their fuel order for an p engine with condenser boiler and was aeccred by the Oolite Compiny Lid of Gall This ample power base also purchased fiom Royal Company a 50 and an light Royal arc hiih whkb we now lo- speaka tl for the td push of i