I j NEWMARKET ERA OCT J tilth ftittrMpttornt tat ILVt MEDAL si w s fill scat 4ta U I ft A In s1 ill Ms l its it a Met toil t TO OH TO Jit AT- day Co A Wheal Film Dl6 wvn to flolt She Sou WITH ISSUE Era lit nil fit Ufa no fcOlMI MUM FRIDAY OCT 23 not CD od coed and re j con for and and do The nd of ftltontolbt to Hon Slfcoo of iboichooiqcatloa not then bo not ftfloopt Athfituggctltoa a corn lo bit ftftw A taw A dR- HI long fell Ait An ffenltw Tory bold ftD Of It of wotoBlioo will bring to Tuff re oh of bye la Booth In Aectnsbly by dc1h of Hon op no victory for Mr J A I MO majority Hit Mr rccc flctt ljcwllon ioDjoI3giiUtQroinoo Mr lo ifclfyfn well Bel ted Sad Joseph Cell 2nd Jot Sod JobaOoTrItD 2nd Joseph Boll Oaf Joseph John Our Social tth4 Oct WlddlCM Jclkt4 of ar1 for 1h A Hire wa lx lo lft Vaj ipll4 to lb AlWfCrfr warrant for ltiMolKllrIt of toed forllbcl ndihor6jQtcbriOftrlutOuc of Jllhfo Ml uric Mr Com of fa roicb bttllbbut 11 in will ah iM flrt Km J veil Imp la juv I from for lilt hUltlp llr flnj of J t jb lb for Co Ktllt reported revived lLat Oliver Qovtrnur lo a In It that of Ontario will to t expiry of prcttnl an J will by Mr if bo of the rumor by Mr Jusilco will of cither Mr Mr Witt ion or Mr J K Ktrr All of Ihico mo well i fgftdlng of In tblt low In a leading editorial the Toronto regarding the outcome of the Conference between he Dominion and re- held at ThoMmltvba to tinted A on lime tbo two friendly ratals irdtM to ftfo to In of fit Lot to be nor it the uottcttrlrLO tLiricUr of to bo Bo ftr ft to country it bill In trokiui in by Sir Wo required Kit mAt to ij ertiuet It oilttnpted one Hot iill it Wo do not ihH it and wd Into not to it to dctrittint Ccnerv ptrly The til indeed bun by It prUeul Mr be to the of ord flr J it or bat Mr bat to credit that bo hit to to in not to Sot it record of iaif mi f lUii Oppwd coercion from the Mr ihe riot to attempt end to extent ho tbo of ptper til At ft meeting the Liber of Woat York recently linn J on wilt bo to lion of ibo Ontario to looking to of oar minora to bin an- Star part of op ftdoflos to fortify irty power but oven ouch low people of province will not to quarrel with any proper will draw capital and men to thin country promote piofllafefc and help Til Ottawa correspondent to ai Mr lo In carriage of tbo in To your ho elated on that to whlc bio attention are were by the Administration wllblntbobut year without pubHo tenderf department la tbo root tele one rat political Mnalder- Into tbo lotting of tractt In every Instance a contract Kill Invitation and that avail opportunity to tender- two or more tender lovreatp mat thetn will lo fact and given an opportunity to reduce their offer In of for Mr lulxk not to act upon offences that antedate general election Fair- FULL OF PRIZE WINNERS WHAT WRITE AbOUl- Toronto tftsfj valuable and In gold field wilt find a valuable for Cooler Toronto Mr Loom Elated at a recently Unlock Inform iiim tbt any partlmooy or paring be to aMe to Mine the pott by men A a valla May or Juno to of Her Victoria to city council The motto lob a national acd harmony with pur ple of the No people of Toronto will a grand of the affair If of Mr at it ruAituttiM that to the Wr tHU of a lUl avartd alut half a M atrati thai rvtUjawcaLilootorioaiJ tecer Win Kcilh 2nd Norman ley fitnlo John Darling Brood Marc John it 2nd 2tflFiyHOBoa 2nd Win Spring Colt 2nd and John Lady tJeot Geo and Martin Lady Driver Mia Meyer Sherman tfiwt Martin Pony J Woodcock 2nd John Tale Pony A Vernon 2nd Jobu It of Cart Jag A Carriage lllton John 2nd Will wo 2nd Brood 2nd Bitot old Yearling Abb 2nd Win Henry 2nd Abb- Gurroy i firooJ Mare Filly Scott 2nd Yearling Filly Scott Spring Colt and Pitch 2nd Scott MareWin 2nd Glover Filly old Scott 2nd Brown 2nd Crown Yearling tod flbtarllngjiam do Item lit and 2nd Joe do Eve Lamb and con Wro- flhearllng Ram John 2nd Rynard Ham Sod- John Aged John 2nd 2nd Lamb John Rynard Aged 2nd Ram Andrew 2nd Raw Lamb An draw BcU Ewe HI Andrew Kay Andrew Joseph libit 2nd Bell low Tig John J lit nd 2nd Bow 2nd do ftnirD Hoar Bow John 2nd J How li J OP tiny Docks CfoadQ 2nd 2nd 2nd Vm 2nd and 2nd Black do Brown I at and 2nd let and 2nd Ooodo Ho a dans do Bantam lit and 2nd Winter Wheat- JotophBell2nd Bod 2nd Wheat i 2iid Uriah Young Blx 2nd Uriah Young Two llowd Win John Bell 2nd Hell 2nd Black Winner 2nd 2nd Uriah Indian Cora 2nd Lloyd Beans 2nd Bundy Collection Garden Blanker OilUrt 2nd Jo Blanker John 2nd Bod Cabbage Gilbert Johnston 2nd Peregrine larnipj Uriah Young Joseph Bill 2nd John It Tabic Cole 2nd Belt 2nd Cole Chat Winner Blcrnuel Diaper 2nd Blanker W Bloyd Cole Foes- Pomp Jamc4 oo Crock W Bo J do do Ltrooa John Blanker Holla J fl do lb Crock Batter do in Johtaton 2nd Warner 2nd Cole 2nd Lloyd Maple Watson Bread Jo Blanker Factory John u Piece 2nd Bod Co or torBam 2nd Mr Cotton CotarlldDoobtrol 2nd J 2nd John Foiled John i 2o4 Johh Corrieaon Rag HogBam 2nd 2nd John ConiewQ 2nd AI 2nd 2nd FillyGeorge A i Colt Jo BuUGIIbut Bull do Cow do Peter Intlurri old Peter Heifer Sod White Lloyd 2nd Pumpkins 2nd Mrs Winner TUoSiuaili Lloyd 2nd David W Btephena 2nd Lloyd Mammoth Winner it i I Potatoes Joseph Blanker Hebron Joseph Blanker 2nd Any kind Blanker 2nd Joseph Bell Grey Turnips Win 2nd 2nd Stephana White 2nd Uriah Young Carrots Uriah Yoong 2nd Joseph Hell Turnips prise Campbells prize Wm Beets Bell Carrots Brlgga B 2nd Uriah prize 2nd John Long Red 2nd BtephenB The Judges had some trouble from fact Dumber of the entry not made to correspond with of Apples Watson Wright 2nd Frauds Lawrence Applet ruts Cowlesoa 2nd BnowAppltaO Cola 2nd Duchess Oldenburg Watson Wrlghi BpyJas 2nd Peregrine Island Uriah 2nd Mrs Chaa Winner Waggoner Apples Cowletoo 2nd Watson 2nd Uriah Beauty Peregrins Crab Winner 2nd Wagon Win Farm Wagon- do 2nd A Open Boggy A Uriah Wool single Woollen and Wool Mitts doobloknlUedMi Wis- 2nd Francis Lnndy Cole 2nd Uriah 2nd John Pillow A 2nd Hits L Fisher Afghan 0 Cole Woollen Mrs Wall PocketMrs Botcher Bait Cola Cot Mrs Jawncee Work and Botcher Bridal Bocooat 2nd IJtoor Pencil Drawing by child Draper 2nd Jaa Painting 2nd Mia Winner Tea Pot Reynolds- Mica Woollen 2nd Young 2nd Mr Rot 2nd Ml IB of LtccaC W Colo 2nd Uriah ji 2nd Mra Butcher Tea Tray LfncnO 2nd Woo tie a Bland Cover Reynold 2nd Fuller Holder- Reynolds 2nd Ira Apron 2nd Francla on fiilkMIsi Reynolds Sod Miss Fisher on Cotton 2ndMlu Woolten Piano 2nd Worked 2nd John Bolton Holts on Mlia Reynolds 2nd Mlsa VoolUn Lamp bade Doubtful 2nd Butcher Roman Embroidery Reynolds 2nd Colo Fool 2nd Mm But 2nd Crochet Reynolds 2nd Miss Work Mrs Batcher and Outline Work 2nd Mrs Drawn Work Reynolds 2nd Miss Fisher 2nd Wootleu Mia 2nd IlBhcr Crayon Pollock 2nd Colo Oil Cola 2nd Jas Pollock Water Color Doubt 2nd Pollock Pollock 2nd C Colo Painting on China Mrs Winner 2nd Mrs Botcher Painting on 2nd Miss Reynolds Lace any Kind Reynolds 2nd Doll by girl under Jamea Ay la aid Noil The paragraph list reference lo cattle not correct Evi dently assay soon after being 33 prizes were won and at least head on lha w bare been informed KESWICK The first snow of s u he tunny ran of June and during the bight iherc fell four lochei of mow the country a appearance but before Sun day night be rriintle of winter had Good pews like good are scarce Failures are more frequent thin fortune Truth Is sometimes stranger lhao fiction from Its Old Mrs Glover of is still qolle ton but somewhat better The Fall Fair trill soon be a thing of the past for year Qucenivlllo and to hue laken the prises for fine and crowds which have with the of the lair Good management comes next Most farmers hive their fall plough- ing done and their potatoes dug but a good many have their apples gamer yet The former light crop and latter the abun dant ever known In Ibis section of the country I Mr met with a very painful accident one day wis fn the act of shoeing a hone when It turned ugly and crowded him the wall breaking to Mr Din Smith has returned borne Mr J of StoufMlle was In the on Tuesday Mrs Chu Morton has been ill for tome days Misses Maude Morton and Alice Winch are visiting friends in Toronto from here arc attending Fair We are very sorry to record the death of Mrs Wilton Brougham Mrs Hell Mortons mother Mrs Morion has been caring for her for several weeks Mr Morion at tended the funeral on Monday De ceased has vuited in this neighbor hood on several occasions and won a circle of friends The entertainment spoken of last week in our items is to be in the form of a Social on Nov roth Quite a number are intending to take advantage of the season month- MOUNT ALBERT flour was burnt down art Friday morning between a and oclock When the alarm was given from an adjoining bouse the whole village lit up by the flames which bad already burnt one end out of the building The fire evidently started In the furnace room About a bushels of wheat and barrels of flour were In the mill Mr everything No Insurance on contents but on the mill A lot of farmers had wheat there waiting to be ground The burning of the mill is great loss to the village Rosa coal house had very narrow escape Mr Anson Jones was married on Wednesday to Mrs Morton at win Mr Dunn was married on Saturday to Miss Woodruff second daughter Mr Wood ruff Another wedding is booked for the near future down at end ofT bed a good bis Council here last Friday and the entertainment in the evening was one of the best ever given in this section Conductor Solders lecture was a grand success Proceeds Quito a number went to the hot supper at and report a good time a3beviiceheils A Bargain Wave in TailorMade Clothing a WEEK I Buying for Spot Cash from the best makers in find in enable to completely opposition Never could good Clothing and the not no high charge for common goods HEAR pair of Mens Wool Tweed Panto well made at 1- pair of Mens Neat Stripe Patterns wool tweed Pants worth 176 at 25 Gents Fine West of England hair line Pants regular price at 2 Gents Fine Black Stripe Pants all wool tailormade at Mens Tweed Suits or double coat cell all around at 0 our Mens all wool Tweed Suite tailormade neat patterns our special at Black Worsted Dress Coats and Vest with stripe Pants to match ail tailormade fineit linings and a perfect fit our price 1275 made to order you Gave t See our Mens Fine Dressy Overcoats at our immense stock of and Ulsters pieces of Mens and Boys Underwear con ceivable kind aa cents lo each see them Hens Hoys Underwear KRTTLEBY three inches of snow covered ground when out on Sunday morning the first of the season to whiten the ground jn this district Some have commenced taking up their turoips owing to appearances of early freezing up Many think we had our Indian week it seemed verj much like it but was about or four weeks earlier than usual if such it was Mr Robinson of this village hat two spring pigs the past sum mer one which has taken first founds Township who died last month ate si Oct left real estate worth 300 in cash in notes and in 111 rttibrK so rs liu j j Miner flsdrow houtchold goods Toe yll divides estate children lit v wiMHijKJ Oct so a wtii agent who absconded from Oak Lake last week with of tampan was arrested last night near All the money was found yards tie J XT f Wahctroo UNION STREET Snow fell in heavy flakes last Satur day leaving inches on the level Miss Coltrnan of Markham is visiting with her sister Mrs Rose We understand that Mr Robt Hose is about to retire from this com munity and take up his abode in the city He will greatly missed by his many friends A number on this Street took in the hot fowl supper which was held in Newmarket Christian Church last Wednesday evening A number of our experienced hunter left last week for ton Miss Joanna spent a couple of days week in Queens with her uncle Cunning- haw Mr William and Miss Josephine are visiting relatives in one is busy digging potatoes and picking apple While grooming a hone one day last week Mr Daniel McDonald got a severe kick on the head which him unconscious Fortunately there was some one in the stable at the lime or he probably have been trampled to death AURORA- at all the county shows and the other two firsts and a Mrs J has been quite ill recently but it recovering nicely The orchards in the contest are being judged this week Mr Webb and Gibbons are judges There is still large quantities of apples out some having to many they scarcely know what to do with them building operations in pro- stress on Jacksons Point Mr Burling is making an ad dition to his house in the form of a neat kitchen Mr knows what is a great convenience to the cook Big slaughter of fowls last Saturday to supply meat for the harvest home on Tuesday Mr A Terry of Newmarket very eloquently filled the Christian Church here last Sunday in the absence of the pastor- Our football club went out on Sat urday last lo and played a game with the team of that place but not having had any practice since the fore past of June they were in bad fettle and were defeated to The Harvest Home in connection with the King Christian Church on Tuesday night was a grand success in every particular Sumptuous supper served in an excellent manner and the program surpassed all previous efforts Deserving of special men tion were songs by Miss Leonard of Mr and Mrs C Scott of Newmarket and recitations by Miss of and Mr of also both singing and reciting by the Misses Lush Proceeds about route A W rdtfttt gravel or Wu Joel ltd Jol for ioin work en cat- fch ceo ie StUltr a Std it To Isrob killed killed I Hint sleep kilted It a bonus tor killed cioKbt ilnua sheep wore to tie tills tod iwottlds or to Mr Votes was or to Jos lUtdsllsal It vlswsrs ibitr ses Western put of tots tod St Clerk was to ratolreri its Collectors a to ftrivel oa ton to meet of IkpatnikfrwMlntiracM of suodita on lloo tot to LIU was frttaec4 to Sib lot Ihles was sirccud and 1 was to to- VcVes for kllllci- Council reocl at jioof Hay Oct On Saturday last a melancholy and fatal hooting accident occurred near Cal ender on the Grand Trunk Railway by which Miss Soales a young lady of years lost her- life Her brother Andrew having returned from hunting was in the act of hang ing up the rifle which he thought was locked when the trigger caught on the nail discharging the content into his sisters side She expired six hours after the accident from the and hemorrhage Have You Invested In Stocks SHARES FOR SAUTin Cospirits CROWN POINT DEER PARK HILL TOP GRArjD PRIZE ST ELMO and other Mines on application AROBERTSON Main St market for York P Standard iho expended ih t no iyil Bill ire Urge 1L0 3rd of for K ViMih FARM TO LEASE seres QMIIiatar Air ply to axtny i ValaaUe Farm on YongeStieet For Sale or to Rent sdacr Co- Jiirrlitir MRS at a2ctrio bUtHXH J Boll yn oldJohn do far It R Sod Mot do f to do UspUUrci do J a tits tail hi COLLEGE CORNERS A man must be exceedingly stupid as well as uncharitable who believes there Is no virtue but on his own side Trouble a thing that will come without our call out joy not spring up without ourselres- Sin has many tools but a lie is the handle which fits them all A friend of yours has unearthed potatoes which weigh about lbt They are not quite as large as some reported but we hare something very large in the cabbage and squash line Mr J received two firsts and one second and the Silver Cup also HJ two firsts and one second at Fair A man long ago came home away up in While trying to enter the and let down on his cranium then he cried out Dont hit me so hard were a good time That was a line snowstorm Saturday Ian the first lo cover the earth with its spotless mantle The revivals are going on at Raven- shoe Church We hope to see much good done Mr Ed took a day at Straw- Island Miss Maud Culperwell intends tak ing a long Journey the near future for the good of her health AH those who have root belter hustle there not much time be fore chit fine weather will come to a close We saw Mr and wife of Toronto at Fair The Feast at ibePreabvtMian Church was well attended Indigestion and colds are pre valent this neighborhood An attempt made to wreck a railway train the King of Spain and the Queen Re gent Sin Sebastian to Madrid The remains of Waller Moore once a typo in the Rawer office here were brought Montreal on Sat- uiday and interred with military honors Mr John Davis the veteran hunter left Friday evening last for Sault Marie for a seasons hunt with High Constable Ruth of that place Mr Wells of the Queens left Saturday for Algoma Mr John Scott left on Monday for Kaslo to look after the busi ness affairs of the late Alex Scott who died suddenly at that place Mr Willis Sr and Miss Nellie Willis returned Monday from a visit at Sai O Fujimori and two Japanese missionary student ad dressed audiences morniog and even ing in the Disciples Church The into the acts of was adjourned from Monday to Friday next Rumor says none the charges so far have been substantiated On Monday Mr McKees team ran away on Centre street and dashed across in front of the P Tickit Office whtre they to the rinht and into a fence which was left in a con dition as was also the sidewalk lurncd and leaped off the bank and took up the street at a terrible rate but escaped a number of rigs along the way The hay rak on the wagon looked worse for the fray At midnight Monday Mr Button night operator at the station dis covered in Mr Hulls storehouse The alarm was at once turned on and ihe men were promptly on hand but a heavy blowing at the lime spread the flamea so rapidly the whole upper part was destroyed The were kept from injuring A building altogether and only a little at the peak of Mr large storehouse was injured Those were only or feet on either side Had it not been for the dampness of the buildings and the heavy rain falling it would in probability hive swept all including the station house This again the work of an and evidently the same person who set lire to Mr some few months ago it was fired in a precisely tins was down at the West doorray but at the East before If the culprit is caught he may receive Justice AH the storehouses had heavy lots of grain Mr Hulls having or most of which the property of Smith Bros Toronto The balance is fairly Mr has tome damse by the fire in the torf The daughter of Mr John of settlement near was fatally while her were absent fight ing prairie fires A German woman named was also fatally burned The of Aid I at Belleville was to- tally by fire Monday the total loss being estimated at AW who was chairman of the Executive Committee of the Town Council and aged about was in he store at the time the fire and perished in building CAUTION CHINA HALL On account of the hard for the benefit of lite STALLnRDft HILL Have decided to put down the price of meat Choice Beef from tip to per lb Lamb by the quarter and per lb Pork for 25c The above nothing but very choicest meats that can be procured No old STALL ft HILL Ihe leading Shop North Wet Corner of isrkel flown and FOR SALE El JOSEPH MILLARD and J a whole r of the most fcej in site how it There times Leading AND House I A Air Brush Crayon Ink Portrait FURNACE STOVE CHESTNUT FIRSTCLASS Call me I Central Lumber Yard fjEWUARKET WrttiD flyfiaz the of Their of which act With every Cash Purchase of Furniture AND SEE SPECIMEN or Work NEWMARKET wiil prevent of the put foraliult while tut that needed It thai entire and apdviUUtT the life n a v day after Dr A which jcudlreciljupc AT forces completely the and totally the wailing debilitating A TV which the root of alt to with abifldACCe healthy red It the of flesh healthy Co tatU aia4iiicd Kefa I at eced IE J Choke New Figs Natural Figs BIk Basket Table Raisins Selected Valencia Raisins New Citron Peels New Orange Reels New Lemon Feels CHOICE STOCK Honey hive cry Co gHKKPASTK A Unit taistHarll- I J basOf I tetter It crew a try I wmI4 Mr xe I I reedidceaJ lefcrt I When tococahat4 ORIGINAL KIDNEY PLASTERS ill I tltltO iJjwi lt7 relief fclltiy at an I wwt mj I UiWheJJi ar5 liimca the a CO or Uaai Fo M or Ja Lthjli I 1IuUr IJuufiU4 wo r lt its l4l taIfc4cikfuaJ la a pt ORsiSQOGErairGrdlVO ito J Hot ticket a wo Tito Alio of Ran W A io latd iUiLi It J A- tf Sew dataller J in Iter I at tit LADIES MISSES CHILDREN S BOOTS SHOtfs AND Finest Quality New Styles Prices Right Crockery Dinner Sets Parlor Lamps c A Urge variety and one is the ii J All It icy Jane Hither a it Kin on June a leaving an at lh hill roicily children ho Tomb sSfftskvziiJ Loading Only First Quality of Spices Kept Japan fine As lbs- for Ji USIJ ssuis ii a ifiifji ST I laud tee t irdca sttipr til tl tVti Ha jf i I j f XL I lS4- Oil Oil CO Ob to Oil I All eg It SCO SCO It OH a a J a eg a a s a si si IW