V-V- i i V NEWMARKET IS COIHO ON It A The chair ww by J Iran l Murray ftl Mr in reading Si CovetqiJ very Convention ftokf from vcilfr- ificllut and oil Union for The John died la a of Willed to of Jill to hit ptiw Now fJooih Aod to hit M of if giving bun flitd for by ili llOalWHlC liter limn en Hi for llcpubllo km to k or of Jackok- Since ft out tor In our old on to Hit Anal for Ontario toinoKOW In A The mow waji out bright and lo aIojI four ItiebttoC covered our tipcat majority IKOpI took work fctnilly or indifferent out flan day and all could not retrain from laowbilHiifl ftl tbo month of atatoti for flah In and Mark through lieu on an official Ho two ml w who will on for kit weki that the lf If aWCtod from Aah tijuuntr it I itunj 1 1 I Aj Society The treat North York alter the Hoard to morrow wilt to iy prlnca at iMfl fait and alto all other claim Ataxia tlon and to prevent to from will a loUsin hi on and Saturday of each wk Mr Norman of Aurora preached twoyery to good choir did Atitbeuta In of the fear parti carried and thofray Kettle manipulated of the or gan 1 worthy of hi tlichoir Into aueh good that too for to evening potior will ihofjuiidiy car quel paper hi Out An entertainment In Cborch will bo held Town Hall Wednesday tb day of Produce Butter took a drop Saturday wMIt went up to Any atnooat of potatoes at lOo per bag nor offered and per lb A CO and pee lamb to ffnd by garter apple ft barrel and offered no borert of Toronto who diluted will again day On Monday owning he baa to on dotal t gentleman North wait and Colombia and will no Impart a great deal of Information about our own country of which taken at door GmiRT Ufa held a court later day Interested Mr Charged with violation of the Market ByLaw that ha off Market In ha claimed that meat cut tod cold ho brought to Town till There among the juit The Convention week atan At meeting tho church AIM when ad were by Br Toronto and the Do election of for the VfcoMraJJwllwr Hill Wiley do JiofkeMra Tor Janet meeting will Toronto Junction neat March and the next annual meeting In fliouffrlllo The of the End outgrown premlacf For time proyloua Co the at North Rod Tannery Mr had accommodation there nnfortonato drove htm olio where Barley hat now aeoorod old Gotham Woollen and la filling with Tali Ho will alio pot hi about and hat for a of water will palled and and building on Watot fit will for manufacturing Into and will remove the objectionable odor from the will of Town well fn who to put daily to work or The hounds trill Elma at on furcoon for fcion The paintr1 now at Hotel and an other week will about up Mr very rnd out looking to guuie Tho Bathdtoom on the filled up with all mod- tin will by the travelling public apptaraocoof the when will boa credit to tho and we no but that will thai a of pubhc fcctommolilioa A ciitiKrcltl yet to bo fitted up In the of The new railway Timothy Street oiling Wat on Wcinealay morning the Car li now on elding at the While men arc hero tome are bring made foundation of the High which they to complete to day when the all their trapping will or after in Newmarket Their alay waaiuutaatly agreeable nothing of nature or even wn- dud having transited doting lb tit whoogmx fron the foreman to the Arc an orderly agreeable and tidy of worthy respect ever cent The ice having partially broken Newmarket ppular young of new tod were ucitoj holy of matrimony i laat fo of CO relatives and ooatracttng wart A Terry ton of Terry of hud Molly Alfred of ceremony by Hoy It Chtdloy at homo bridal mother after a wedding nut of were ijijiijtcj and valuable about in oath The happy left by train tor Toronto amid tttecuitguiiryeboweriof rice and good Mr Terry baa pastorate of the Cbflatlao at and lo I in their bene Con- A JitUMJKASr About two a called It fa made I placing a piece of a on Calcium not to any extent Canada W- Wey the manufacturer and of it to Mr McKay the pJt of tajcriueutioj- After oclock latt afternoon the of the pupita of tie High gathered la wltneai lone with Mr McKay waa by and Oft be half Mr rough ton ft now Town for aubiorlbra tdlhalncandunt JJgbt If encouragement la given at Iwi coil than what tho Company wore charging fur midnight All and will renew their con tract Church and Church will cent Hall will bo Atted far wo can all private that will current again an In light a who not tho trio light talk of put ting It Now to do Hi while putting op wirci and every thing canto worked to better advantage after tho it working our people lake hold of it like they did the water ad will It la more to pay a higher for a better light and get the of It than to pay more and get no direct benefit I Bums Choice Ac at Pharmacy a Magistrates Court Squire Saturday and doing conviction from that the defendant clearly rlgbti by acting at he did to ConalabloHay age atoi with front wheel about a cot on grata to tbo weal of travelled track on a conning north and and occupied a position on the aide of the rig Hiking making rcawnablo allowance for all portion rig which bate on ine travelled allowance for much thereof aa defen dant have with feed entire travelled track of mutt have been occupied by them and hence complainant with in hit right when he demanded a portion of track on call aide of where rig defendant Alter with County At torney ho convinced defendant clearly bis and meat bold the proven It thing do to throw a Fine laid he would a much penalty bo bald the complainant not way bo bad daring altercation Heap peart to dogmatical and titer- live to a degree not commendable Thanksgiving Festival The lI Home Festival St Church an on- paralleled to fo charge of tablet that aver thing to the appetite and gratify eye abundance and that bo eiftol the Com mittee hot hampered by a but everybody doing tbeir The that and Met A their to decked by a of and the back ground wlnttrgrwo and lull ing and Choir Chancel fruit with Itavaa and on opposite aide of a nicely plow covered In a bed of vegetable and grain white the ornament with deaigni An apprepriata motto arch and the church very pretty in fcwplog Newmarket Depot Grain on the bat a of care fa report ed If can cm 10 grain will bo week will or eight log large A Sjriovs Mrt it a a pInfa ox week day era were aat down to dfoucrartor the had retired and aald wblch to laugh aha pul a mouth Tho lodged her throat For- but effort up or down next you like winter I mro Thepoitomoeiaroattho time flooded with and from Toronto flrma Hap- porting local bettor Ihnci at homo Mr ft moving to rear of In A load of Royal went out to Ml Albert Fri day to attend lot Council and take part In an In Wheat fa going up I paldfn on Monday Coring a apodal run The Jompla thought to bo It It that a now milkman It going to In Town Monday and that there will bo a drop In York got month SUCCESS Hot Hopper In Church on Wad- evening together with tho proved a drawing card filled everything that bo chair and ft SO after ten oclock loforo program were made by Italian end chairman wera rendered Mliaet Terry of Mr Ikon of with violin obligate by Mr Martin of and Mr of Koawlek duett by If and Inatrumontal by clarionet and by A of and capital by of Albert Tho choir rendered two good Want of apace will permit of a ex notice Works two wocka will fn connection with race at of Specialty Co Tho and are all being done moil auUtanllal manner Folly a Ihootind feet of forming tank for the water Juatbeforo It la conducted to water by meant of boiler and all boiled with of iron Inch and are lined with four Incli and groov ed making entrance to thoroughly watertight two and one of which to tot at run giro a united force of coming to Mow- market the Arm hat In factory to nothing and cow machinery but they will aeon Ihlngi In good and may look for tome re- turo from Invettment In every department For the Best Winter Flowering try fa Junior The Lecture Room of the Church well Tuesday night and the Junior a great auo- A aplendid program provided by and though no eooorca were allowed it folly occupied time till after which were Rev fl an excellent chairman and in alluded to fact that a cot io tbo filck Children To ronto heart name of Junior child occupied cot and aye been greatly by treatment and of en couragement to children for their alataoco In a benevolent enterprise York tang a very touching lad which wat gem of the evening great Improvement In voice culture and will make a The Play tonga and at on other were greatly applauded and Bell very Leah In and duett following with great credit Harold Mc Kay AodIo Robert gave an Id tho arena of with and Mice Model Teacher gave latter of a humorous nature Si fet fegl a at fo Monday of Toronto wat a Town For who to low latt hat entirely recovered I Mm J la tor a few day been a week city with Mm II Iter Mr Sparling of a couple of week Ma Mr and Mr A of attended wedding hero week Mr Bray of law of Mayor la weak Mr fa a of boll hat returned home after a at Hirer View Farm Mr and were renewing hero on had pleaauro of entertaining their from Mr Webb during tho put week Wo were misinformed al5t down with fever her of Miff whohaalccnirecd at Port Huron homo Mon day and are Ing for a few at Mrt appointed a delegate by Provincial Convention at week left on Monday for to attend ho wedding on of Mfta to Mr W Kaoiu City Herbert Vllton and A of Montana formerly of arc at Mr Btcona for a couple of Millie Howard from Whitby College and Mr Wakefield How ard from Toronto College ware homo a couple of Belfry fun eral of nephew at brother of Belfry formerly of town Browning of Cornwall and father of Browning at one time a patter In on the of month entered on bit hundredth year He hat preached op to be ing tho preacher in world Mr A Terry hat prac tice In dental parlor after an all during which time Mr took charge Mr Terry lendcl to pend tommer In Columbia but only got at far aa Hat and had to return homo ac count of lllneti Tweed woxtk for Tweed Dress Goods worth for 40inch AH- wool worth for All Wool Blurts and Drawers worth l for All Wool Shirts and Drawers worth for In Blankets Mantle Cloths and Flannels A 1 BARGAIN JO GOLD Kvcrybody Good Times HUQH18 Big of a I l9bertiseheita rushing have best goods In lovrn x for for 1 and for 1 50 We hi and ft WOOL MITTS CHILDRENS FEATHER FACTORY YARN SHEETING UNDERWEAR COTTON HATS FANCY ETC ETC K- Hundreds of Beautiful Canada given away as Premiums iurVm or proved ttv it vu ibit o The km very win bat A iirltd mm very by a very wU od Oil ordlctry II l I did itivlco fctd to bt44 tMoUudo The Market At Bar- Hit wtk 217 offered of lit liillicga prtviou Six were bat only at Th lo meet at on io sod io to of telling of York ftOWpUd lbr tbeOoardbol boforoleftfiog cold for kol lo Mr a lwmea tod worthy of of wero to him be- ho did not of for tho of the mete oi Albert bat ko wbt a ft would been fclloo tbo put few one woo fiotd HO coit for with milk mod and flcod ond for to factories milk from croktnhad bun and two mora and for thtro ato to bo who will to tblog and and milk aopplled lo fao- tit too great a lemputho for Every cbteu factory hue a Bah- cock and milk a atill bo tic- lory lo qnallly f milk and not and then ibero bo bo for or waterlog keep will bo for It- and e all alovrbg Fair Town meeting latt evening lcpoly and and Following p4 cover for dynamo to lilcolrio carting It Jl Com J It freight to bo charged to Royal J It re Com Mad- dock Co for J Smith carting for Light Com Fay Sheet No ft Com Fay Bluet No Light Fay No Light J Allan ft Co ft an parity W to- to tbo Bridge Com Bailey CO wl referred to Light Cora of Vaeoom Oil Co referred lo the Electric Cora waa heard reference water old factory signing a contract take water for one year at per 1003 gal Ion it agreed to pat a meter Report adopted Mr Smith of the to place their In Hall for aw granted dob giving article to relieve Corporation from any the Finance Com a which waa to a grant of for Reading Room Mayor aatd thai already SO bad been granted Library year While not opposed to a Reading Room under proper at the aame time did not meet with approval ho In It re Hi and that It would bo money thrown away Reeve fn favor pitting grant nut year for the Library Report adopted Electric Com a report wbeh canted a good deal of of five or id of lighti wire changed and one additional light making a total of 23 waa adopted Mr Banter bald to move ibo lamp at Bagte hotel to to tMoeup Superior Mr Hooter alio tho abort pole Niagara St wire to Inteifiro it ado Throe for Hose were then open- id and a representative of the Co a heard Afler it de cided to boy Red at per foot delivered The Com School re tor Id that ibey were to the tame bat re ended thai an appointed Report and appointed arbitrator On for a now Branch on the of boy tog article however Chief Hooter no lit at I6 The from lot tender of Stewart or of Boon at each Hooter what vta being doc contract for Light ing he bad not had lima to get ready and the lo at p n Tables cent worth Dinner Wagons worth Secretaries regular Mantle Cloths ccnte were laid Ginghams cents were cents regular Sash Ribbons cents were Mens Tweed Suits were Mens Felt Hats cents were Mens Shirts and Drawers cents Regular American Horse Blankets worth Cow Chains cents regular Hog Catchers cents were Lot Mens Kid cents worth more Black Silks for One piece Fancy Tweed Drees Goods centn For Dr Williams Pink Pills cents for Ladies Fur Capes marked down Dinner Set for Oak Side Hoard for 25 BedRoom Suite for Carters Liver Pills Dr Chases Pills Crockery Bargain Table on 2nd Floor Every article marked to get rid of money loosing on this Table Window Glass at reduced prices Putty down in price 1J cent Wall Paper cents Tinware in the Basement I cente 1 Pi J J Go 17 Good Goods at Burnt Prices 121 know A VONUK TORONTO far la la ft MQHadt a trjA ft GOAL I BEST STOVE AND FURNACE COAL SCREENED Blacksmith Coal Delivered to any put of Town WILSON St Toronto I6M a a Oil a a oh a It Arnica per a ttay per ms I W Hi 9Uo fr Torkaraperlb ft f New Season Teas on the Lead in TEA SO The Fruit Season is almost over for another year and for the benefit hose who have not Grapes for or we sy we have a few Labels It ft- The is limited and wont hit lor received New The Choice Stock an Fine at a The City Mitch only roc a hit is an Extra Good Match Every match sure Sugars We are giving Extra for and lbs Sugar for Root only each There are only a few left- Come early before ihey are all gone Our Groceries arc the Cheapen and Jit in Town A THE j i We any the moil delicate flavored China Black Teas and of Indian and Ceylon fea Ve dont neglect the lovers of Japan Tea are 16 all lirne fat ye the best imparl direct by of Vancouver and give them the most fragrant and economical ily our cent Japan is the fa write out a others in this market DAVISON CO mm KING CITY The into the made by farmers and merchants in the neighborhood against Crowley renewed before IJicVey at King Wednesday- of the of charges were dis missed and these two Mr claimed that they were altogether out side of the issue as they had nothing to do his duties as a The first charge was that when been accused breaking open and tampering with of a ball door he told A P Car ley that it was a lie and if he reported it would split bis head with a chisel admitted this and was fined by Magistrate Stokes The other that In the of Ma- Brown the former gave a la warrant to on Browns for 50 a by accepting for and Brown paid Cross- ley on guaranteeing that he would be called upon to pay the balance The investiga tion will be resumed on Friday As neat and it Nice Black or Hue Suit They arc here in great Variety Sergei Cheviots and Twill Every thing but the price and that Lower than you ever goods at before Leave your order early and avoid the Hush Next to I- Store inter Mr Richard and Miss Mary Ann Hayes brother and were while driving over a Grand SAWS AXES COW CHAINS HORSE BLANKETS GIRTHS PAINTS GLASS OILS AND PUTTY slam assOatiVaaB POWDER SHOT AND CARTRIDGES T US BOX STOVES COOK STOVES COAL STOVES FURNACES and Promptly and Done J A W ALLAN St Careful binbig makes easy selling of Snaps which fr is his SPOT GASH BOW STORE have a lot of Tan Goods which I am clearing out at ami Below Cost also some other Lines at the same rate- I have a line of Mens Extra Fine Boots which I am sell ing it 50 and Extra good value Now is your time as these Goods are fast Dont tins Rare Chance Sign of the Boot