vv t W Jv NEWMARKET ERA OCT -j- Ik of II Mineral Itemed IU3S fludIOSVOFirEKI Signature of E THAT THE FAG81MILE OF- IS ON THE WRAPPER OP OB life Jtc to men be choicu for the ftl The fie Toronto will be completed next je d will in volve fltccmcot with the City the relative amount to bo paid Jb the annually on capful account fltid for maintenance There frill be another ltd- o lo the amount County have to pay County In Toronto Goal and from they will have a white legacy to Id re flic and Judfcfout of and other wc name are to our hey involve now nude may of that will be felt for to come Ibaf hod fegIn ppMT4Qoo A Toronto pitch Another out Weak of County and ry oa All pt w expend tome time ago on hit ft of Had that It very to typhoid favor It thai tttoui among part that if It would No cure yottn found lor aod vet- cefnary hayobean waruod to tli ani Jio flrtl and arc ttoht in or pay or or do Ia ax that a Ponoty haatweo today to of tii iwD a fa tiJODjf will loQotUygatfllica not after Jan rOBItOEfltS WilCI YOU HAVE IT But it will buy a pound of Brown Label feI DISEASED LUNGS BY TAKING AVERS- pectoral 1 a ftreld lWaiMIl in I wbitl fttttn atlijca wiii and Cherry at Xotlda Ui fin of Ml- My ftk tliC lliM not Wo rteaU tliu Itvdne I than he Cor pHaud Our I tin l Intended to In- oft to proyc of Wc haw In Hit lthl iIiokoo1 and It iirio who failed ii with and lip if the than ft had tatted fetter ltd a mora van The hook of fi of life It the to that common anddltorttlon It Imprest forcible value Of and prudenw and cation all it again upon the and that are folly- A of TO WORK AffO WfbMffO rhoHgffvrlutof ft Well Known Could Mot About Aid of ft Stlok Again a lmn TriE a Ik mow County Cm J Of try flOae in kr MoskW alio Ei Kit 1b ttrt4vcio it If f t Wit Icllhinilo PCOiit4ftjrfHtS1- HAT WITH R It Lai AT DRUG YHARSOF SUCCESS A SURE CURE Cramps Cholera Abulia YeBf spices NEWMARKET A Full Stock of the Best just re- ceivccl Hell BRICK SALE 1 red buck it The time for the appointed by be Ontario Govern raent under the Act of hit to make returns forth the number of districts into which they had divided the several counties of the Province expired on the invt and from enquiries made at the Parliament buildings we learn the to the has and the rcaiiangc mem of tho Council divisions would be completed lime for holding in January next the rhe Act un der which were AtJroinlCd in columns me it was Ihrouh the Legislature our renders I remember that it provides a material in the number of County the being made to the population of the counties on a fixed Under the Act County bun divided into County visions and at ihe next January thy the division Ml fa called upon to rvpicsentaiiws each division Ac in of the rum- iiissiaii for Yorle the North into four a is made one division Aurora the Aoiid fiiliiiUury Landing a and and a 12ach these divisions will represented in the County Council by two The AC funic that where a division is to elect as is case in this- County each ha Votes In may cast or different e or he may votv the rtht side dale CUuie7 of the provides he Warden shall on or before the 15th day of November appoint each County Council division a nominating officer who shall set a such until his is enacts that this inau- fficcr shall two dice of place and hours of and also sjive such notice by j and rcqoir Mm w conduct the nomination tow obtains lor ordinary Other provisitia the out and aho it it of the clerk in ballot In of lit iniryjrianl to be dealt or the neat two years by the Count it is of the that our very best auoi Then is perhaps no business or any man could follow thai it more to the health par- tKuLrlyin the winter than that of A workman leaves the shop with his clothing wringing wet from and a cold wind chills marrow him a ready mark for lumbago sciatica and kindred troubles A moulder re quires to be a man of more than or strength and to continue at his work must Always be in good health for the moulding shop is no place for an invalid is by no means an uncommon ifltriiun men of this craft and once the dread disease has lanced a victim he seldom shakes himself free from it aain In fact some people declare that it is tabic but that It is not we are able to testify by a personal interview with one once afflicted with trouble but who is now in perfect health thanks to his timely the famous remedy There few workmen better known in than twitter known as Charley for he has lived in almost continuously since he was three of age and he has now passed mile post Mr sValdrcn is a moulder and has wott ed at that business for a years and besides being noted as a steady work man he is a man whose veracity unquestioned It is a well known fact here that Mr- had to quit work in January on ac count of a of and for eleven weeks was unable to do a tap Knowing that he was again at work a reporter called at his residence one evening to learn the exact facts of the case Waldren when spoken to on the lib replied quite and had hesitation in crediting Williams Pink with his re- Cover I am not one Mr neith er have been snatched from deaths door but frirn the day when I quit work until March when I start again I was confined to the house tilth sciatica It located in my hip and would shoot down my leg to font and was Very painful I could not move about the house without the aid of a cane and only then with pain- I was Malty useless far as doing my work was concerned was never free from pain and ft made me feel Very much depressed for be- that I felt strong anxious to he about I am a member of three benefit from which I drew pay vi The Three J ink the Iron Moulders and the Ray mond Benefit Socteiy came to see and everybody a Cure didnt try he half of them it was not stole hut I a great remedtiS I had been in die habit of for lumlxgshnt found 1 Hi Infidel acquaint than for Anil- poWtcltofl for to of ih Am ft tot ihe of a Ho will liberty soti Ex hat ftl Ho And to jrort In poko of lb by ptboucc0 A by llxj of the 1 iu formerly Of nd Mr In for to an made Act ll towct and After w ibd clerk If to MilDatliltclllcooA of til All a turn oat tfjtt In Court wJH a with of for raido of f ilia Jto Bo Mr EYL0M TEA Lead or mixed lux for lb It fAlt Meredith to toy ai nobody We are ntpfnury rata at Toronto At county to of been too much or ilifi IimIio pent And to to other will hereafter follow ibo J at if mail for At recent fair At colt a pumpkin Life Ibi Ltd Hi Fair It over tour liiyli wa alto another bo fa North tAlrbafooQr authority to a prize nut year owe lo to giro ft half a ao tutor fair oily bat fcooa aWa to hold A a j ad Mr With half Toronto tf Wke a decidedly better And the before handing over half Aollllon of tiiurjey towards that would minion Montreal ft behind Ago fair para- reference to fiodod hai fl good And not barroom in any of raffia town of Mr founder of town Air all land wblebibatovfofibtiilft and ihtntoof to each deed had for aU If wo rightly fa not wireol Oar nadofiUodioK bai far at that portion of town of river And harbor ft ft la had no control that portion of tbo oorpOrotLoa fa eluded on of river maintainor arc flV A 0tS Of AMERICA CURE- BUT of a weltknown of i For roAQy I afflrct- and times Almost tried I thought iictOTcd tor year without much bene- Though had lost confidence in I induced to American Cure Id my delight the gave me more relief tnan in Air aid two have curtd me at Pharm acy Charity ever findi in act reward a no trumpet In the receiver A COLLI WOOD HOW AStKRtCAtt VIS- The father of Merchant of tells this of his daughter I doctor ed mott physicians in Cohingiood without any relief corning to my daughter spending nearly five hundred pilars in this way A friend influenced to try American Nervine though I to it with little hope of being any good When began Its she was hardly to move About and suffered terribly from nervous but taking a few bottles she can now run around as other For stomach troubles and nervousnoss there nothing so good as American Nervine For at Pharmacy Best for makes clothes dean white with the least labor remark lasting and cleansing economical and iv Every Day Newmarket GRAND IKUiNK A driver bat it brutal to bit h rse is not likely to be amiable to customer do PWB tiKH PROS A VOR Jf have inquired into the you will at flimhcrnf friends who find as for instirancc because of kidney They Ihlnk healthy until they undergo the medt test and they fail in this one S uth Kidney Cure will remove not alone the early symptom but all forms of kidney by dissolving the uric acid and hardening substance that find place in J Que for three tears a complicated of and spent over ioo for treatment got no until he us American Kidney Cure arid he says his own sig nature that four hollies cured him Fur sale at Pharmacy What are the fruits of infidelity I We are sail acquainted with the ruin Christianity and know of Its power to work resolutions for good in human society But the fruits J In- fidelity arc of a different nature Hastings the wellknown Boston antiInfidel tells us of the evil resulting the circulation of In the following from one of his Grape Shot leaflet Within five minutes walk of place I now svrftc tbef It cm- ployed I am fold a quirt In ffiiv man who has long been known infidel a disbeliever in and the bible He had a -son- quiet studious yung man Wm naturally followed his ay thinking One cay this man packed his bag dynamite and on ihe i at office of Sags- Broadway handert him a demanding million two ihousand dollars nd failing lo hc money dropped his blown pieces himself while were killed or wounded and building was wricked by explosion December the head and Ihe were by his parent and his remains awy Said his mother to the My son was always I arn that he never harbour any bad feelings toward Sc ihelimitatiinnl He was regular in his habit and was a freethinker and believed in no hereafter I never knew him 10 handle explosives and it is a great mystery to how he learned them This it infidelity gone I The early christian training of a mother may make an infidel a peace able and orderly but when his children and his childrens child ren grow up look out Who are anarchist dynamiters and nihilists Atheists or infidels a roan without Bible or Christ or God hav ing no hope and believing no hereafter And infidelity spreads especially where the bible is or prohibited and ihe papers dynamite in France Spain Italy am America the goes it safe and the intrcwJuction of inf the Pacific island people win Today tlromi tin- influence of the book of book- ihey arc civilized and Evil and evil only are the infidelity 8 EVERYTHING IN GOOD WORKING ORDER Why Not Wagon call for and I Aurora Call Tuesday and deliver delivers nil Bradford Call Wednesday and deliver Friday Opposite done up equal Special terms for family ashing and a a mm m a I w Lead Packets only Specially Selected Black or Half Pound and Pound Packets At all and cento a pound DAVIDSON HAY LTD WHOLESALE AGENTS TORONTO Id OwaC f J J 1 J rf if i I I You wont feel the W even out all day you have your clothing interlined with Chamois Because it is a complete nonconductor of heat and cold and preserves the natural warmth of the body keeping out every breath of raw air and frosty Whats more the waterproof makes it impene trable to the driving sleet or an all days rain Prepare to enjoy thorough com- fort outdoors in all weather by seeing that this popular interlining is put In all your ordered cloth ing and only buy the readymade garments which have the Fibre Chamois Label It only costs cents a yard and Hill provide healthful warmth of which nothing can rob you OH TWO TOWN LOTS i ARM It do svonder that rub bers which are not the same as the should be uncomfortable It mo ney to employ skilled makers but the result Is a satisfactory tit Each year new are added to lit all the latest ihapw and Rubbers axe uptodate are honestly made of pure Dont Draw the rubber light elastic durable ru extra thick at ball and heel They Fit the Boot lido let No 1- tri la A lfl coliliticii jpl J flinr0t- l OLRT Appil a- it in a If J A It CEYLON la lb In IMlMWf BiL or A- ON- CASTOR A For Infants and Children SCHOOL REPORTS Pink After using iwo hs I an snd using I hem When I had six I was hick work I kept on until I had finished the and never hotter my life you noticed any recurrence of trouble since queried the report er have not he replied suffer a twinge since Mr Wild ren has worked in all the moulding shops in the city and was never his laid off as long as he was from the attack of sciatica He hardly knew what it was to be sick and is of that tough wfry nature that he can stand much greater strain than most people would inv a Almost in ihe can verify his Mr Siid as reporrer ui to le I only hope poor did may notice my get did Dr create build up the and thus dive disease from the In hundreds of cares they have cured Other have failed tho eithihin the caio that they xe a marvel among ihe triumphs of science The gen- are sold in bote bearing full trade Dr WI Pill for Vie Protect you from fmrvsuion any pill that not bear the registered trade mark the box Vila or or utair holt VlIaoUooRls Jioux- Kay Oil flr IK Oil- fiiy 8iwai Jr Ill fiolbeiUnd iltbtPi6tUr IVialo Up- aid Kay Jck Hodge Caw if Albert Sara ttobt El Bulla Pars I No tiD Part I No Willie Rostra Roy Laura Slain VMat Bmrt Grief or misfortune lo be indispensable to Hie nt of intelligence energy and virtue And in oxa to One short puff through the supplied wilh each of Dr Powder dif fuses this the surface the Painless and de lightful to use it relieves imiantly and Catarrh Hay Fever Sore Throat and All Fur sale at Phar macy As a rule it is only crook ed people that a man does not favor not Down for Eigh teen THE BUFFER IKGS A JUKCtCOK HEART Not an exceptional case heart but very listresfng was of Mr Law of Toronto June- tint On who was obliged 10 be up in bed with ii because of smother- that would come him tnevcr he altemped to lie down Ho treatment had done him any good until lie tried Dr Agnew Cure for the Heart and here one dose give complete relief and today he enjoys the peasurei of good health as other people do Heart will kill if not cured For sale at Pharmacy- WANTED SALESMEN OF W TRY OUR Sp Building Material ff Hit 4-lfs- i ii PASTURE TO JOUiisr In in iaVj tot BlcCk- ikj fl THE CO MONEY TO DAVID Rwtatfr CYCLE in of ail A ia a met Every content to do wrong weaken your and corrupt your heart Sawing Diseases Ointment relieves in one day and cures tetter head ulcers blotches and all of the it is soothingr quiet ing and acts cure of aJlbab cents For sale at pharmacy Mas and a Or tan nil 1B Jftirtljf upn t tvfr to yia pi and and tiiift in he i in IMlKGIltGH to bit ba on totter tow Mi ibo tbOfHCUftl prices It jor Iit let PEPPIATT T fcni MRS- lOL7 SAW j ir RENT- A diil For I 9 ytciica flaadto Hart ma Tiro Into o Ail should t We to to order any of have a Call and tea ft THE CANE SONS MFC CO Ltd it Notice to Creditors NOTICE Ir ccft1iiWi Yen ijluJ icit to ll ftMM or or 14C ciUl tE If uj tiioi y iud TKClVlTUetffiMllQICFCirUl4 ftBHWMj 40i8l f A the the AeMa its Bowels Kidesyj and canylr fradtuiry all ihc ifc use le wtftHi VlsliO Bali Sercfula Fluttering Of atdCetral J Htic l BITTERS FOR YAR8 DUNN AKIN FARM FOR KALE to I El not Baton line FRIEND III CANADA tueTut ba to Itcw it4ai trintttt tcjj lei NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS We do any Office to outdo us style or price If you wait any kind of Printing done sec fthii and can at ihc Kka before you order Our pro- MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES SI I men a days wen of an trail of a fox One shot at a the ball fchod Ms the but no i are Jrt iTTKft fcauiLaiia rt u jo was in Co- Ikiu rir lata FOR SALE The hall hvro lf P P UsiMi IS Mr Will Ki- of ihe if stoats tti bid ihe frJ Co and made by the provided by Hand The ancl very respicable and WANTED SALESIiBir FOR I SUNLIGHT SOAP iyaC J if fa- PL SI ia 3Ft A Coined A Coined well worth fettle A LEVER BROS ltd JAIiL ti Mir WII ALLEN NURSERY CO Mrs French and Musicjj J h fc