Newmarket Era, 30 Oct 1896, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA OCT 30 0 fe That Plate lieu at Sat ft of find II fed You iM la of la a of iw I CANCER ON THE LIP MY AVERS for I Minn or it Aims In or I a I ierc until In a if nth Icati Hi fur it CMfllhilfV JisriM J- last Mill at si If Tut- Jjoig Jibor In mttolr how to to fit hcirp far Jtbovtb Wo ffhco declined to period oat of would Ho up coo to en n onto in dying elided to wo to that bit Our JtciOD cover portion of go tad rrbolo In of KIdri nd Iri I o to that id Koipol world din of The kingdom of God In 111 and a rock fc iho rock In alt can bo In but moro thai for tbo Holy ft to glorify proclaiming pIncii inon too may for lit of Jlio work of AtKnu for In thai no of heard It in A The tnadc in correc tion wiili the for carrying mail between Sydney and Port in Nova to plunder the public treasury not often the light of day While the General was making enquiries respecting the a friend of the laic Government and to a Mr Morrison had in previous yean this pailicular ly rcmuncuilvc contract to enjoy hi pull from the public chest work that could be done for Hut Hon Mr not say It was im- for him to barefaced plunder with his sense of public duty and he informed Mr Morrisons friend that continue a contact for for that had been offered to be performed for could not be tolerated Dili- inn the interview however enough had nam pited to lead Mr lo make further into the method of his precursors and especially of Sir Sir Mackenzie iioj4Va traitors astounding In this instance of mail ser vice a transpired that tbc contract had been held Morrison or his ton for years At firl it was enter into for per annum but under peculiar circumstance In 890 it was rrnewtd with the same con tractor for There was no public competition for the perform ance of the ttork papers connected with the which presented a state of t affairs An M down in that part of the Dominion was specially interested in Mr Moirison and be wrote lo Sir as follow Mr con for from IJawkB bury to for another year proportion of He alleges that the beginning the competition had been bought off and a 10 the for Mr brought the matter to the attention of Sir Mac kenzie Howell requested hit Ircacherou friend then at tbc head of the Post Office Department Sir to investigate but enquiry did not Amount to any thing On August Mr- Paint wrote Hon Mr that the work could be done for not teat and ted lo an revealed bad taken place Mr that above fa only a sample of the the Gorernoacnt will apply in Git WtlMCiMffii lUrraFalla by American Coro Bur I was ft great for jeara acute kidney and My sides When aim frit other known had been fairly tried and had failed I wis advised lo take South American Kidney Core One bottle did me to much good I pur chased tiro more I am belter than I are for five can Iff great cure Id and I light in comtnendng It to Sold at Pharmacy lvot ij to cur aiCao i i rw If tot fcc it WAYSIDE SONGS 760 FOR30DAYS A Mr tVr l A tfi Vo all A ldr vnra a all air SIMPSONS Nov is the DRUG SI ORE lime plant if you want Tulips etc for the IN of J cori f ef i tilcTtwitpjriloiiOaurlo JiiJi Mi lift J or or eliUUa cUIjoa let it Jit flr it J lit 10 r4 it J 0 4hrttv1a Blacksmith Goal FOR SALE to me doubt Mr Gillies meant all he said but there was in it for ihe plumed Knight and he replied I cannot to cootinae 6r Con would til only Here we have evidence of a let by a diriment of the late Administration for a service which only yielded With such leakages as this is it to be wondered at that the Department his been such burden to the country Bui what cared Mr Gillies Later on he wrote the De partment saying this line he this year it will me Richmond County politically ill Sir kept his finger on tin button and telegraphed back It will he for me justify an expenditure To this have been but Mr Gillies increased in his Just litre ex a sort of hiatus in negoti ations which tome soil of presture not must been brought bear upon Sir fir a few later he yielded to Mr Gillies request On Nov he authorized the ex penditure of which he de clared on Oct sand previously it was possible justify Thus nattier continued till lenders for ibis service were in but between ihe reception of the lenders the commence of service short at lo permit of no real The tenders received were as follows Morrison Subse quently whatever may be the reason Asked to be allotted to and Mr Gillies had the of that his friend Morrison got the job at The of the Department furnished the fact that on May Paint a former represen tative of Richmond made a setting forth how price of Monitout contract had been increas ed from year to year without com petition till it readied in present Healthy A BOOH AMD A TO From Its tangs Point the- V7 Pran The life of ihcdyapepUcis ft one cHcitlog Mot bo much because of actual of the ailment but largely because It projects in upon all the concerns of life and here they sit like a deadly Incubus upon every enterprise An Impaired digestion gives rise to that exposes Ihe person lo much annoyance be sides Icing extremely trying upon others We are all of tbc val ue of cheerfulness in life It ft flower of the rarest worth and est It Is a Ionic sick and a to healthy Those Ihings that destroy a mans habitual cheerfulness lessen his use fulness and therefore to be re sisted by some drastic and efficient The duties that devolve the average man and woman are invested in so much difficulty as to put a premium on hopefulness The relation between the prevailing moods of lie mind and the health of the digestive apparatus is close and and vital Hence it Is not surprising that many wouldbe sufferers from in- judging by results Dr Williams Pink Pills is a remedy unique in lis success therefore it confidently recommended as a safe and cure or acute dyspepsia This claim is substantiated by experi ence as the following facts will show Mrs McGimnion of Williams- town County suffered un told misery from a severe of dyspepsia which manifested itself tn many unpleasant ways for which dyspepsia is notorious at tempt lo take food was a menace to every feeling of comfort until the stomach was relieved of ils burden by vomiting When nut suffering from the presence of food in there were other more or less disagreeable consequent lo functional disturbance of the stomach such as impaired taste and appetite languor increas ing apathy and failing ambition Such an aggregation of the symptoms produced a trying stale of affairs and relief was eagerly sought One the best physicians of the hood was consulted He His medicine was taken and his direc tions followed but unfortunately three months of the treatment brought no substantial relief When Mrs Mc- expresses her intention of trying Dr Williams Pink Pills the doctor laughed and held the thought in However Mrs McCiim- non she could not afford to leave untried such a well recommend ed remedy as Dr Williams Pink Pills Hence she took a course of ibis med icine which alter a fair trial was emi nently successful From being only able to lake stale bread and milk or sod she became able lo lake a hearty meal of any variety without the painful effects that once asserted themselves after every meal It only remains to be said that Mrs Mc- improved in flesh and gen- comlorl from tho first taking of pills and at most anything going she could cat with impunity Dys pepsia became a ibing less dreaded largely belongs to the past It is wonder therefore that she urges Oar trials do not weaken They only show that we weak are A Of SMMIMAR is I if In all year In which even most Incredulous can be impress as at Halloween To the peeling of an apple a for the prophetic initial of husbands name ay she twirls It carefully times about her head on and watches It illume upon the floor Again she would put some apples tub of water naming each a male acquaintance and she succeeds In grasping In her teeth she Is bound marry The seeds of the she will stick master maybe induced to look over her shoulders should this fall she may name thistles cutting off their leathery tops and place them beneath her pillow The one shall grown out by morning the fates select for her hus band William of COS by of Urn It It Relieved Cored by lbs Great Booth Clare I was martyr Ism for All the known reme dies and best doctors were given a trial but nothing ever gave any permanent relief until I obtained great South American Rheumatic Cure It his done so much for me that I gladly give rny testimony that others suffering from the of rheumatism may lake my advice try this great remedy 1 am satisfied will cure as It has me Sold at Pharmacy who gives as much as he ought to give ever wants his money back Is the Dally Wall of roDlly at Wot roodfoai of Me bat Read What Ureal Booth American for Him I was greatly troubled with general nervous debility and sic epics nets I tried a number of cures and consulted best physicians without any benefit 1 was finally induced lo give South American a trial had heard of some great cures by if I took it got from my suffering and after using one bottle sweet sleep came to rnc I slept like a child Six bottles have completely cured me Sold at Hen- Pharmacy STOAT HI BUB SO Parry Star jail ftltilo- lis majority and Increases bright- both sod years roll aoood Its and Mr Will Ireland la a whom wsbaTO bo T I J V4J l I Newmarket Laundry ihe we of Dr Williams Pink Pills upon others similarly afflicted Williams Pink Pills create new blood build up the and lhu drive from the In hundreds of cases have cured all medicines had failed thus establishing Ihe claim that they are a marvel among the triumphs of modern science The genu me Pink Pills arc only m boxes hearing the full trade mark Williams Pink Pills for People Protect yourself from imposition by refusing any pill that does not bear he registered trade mark around box It Is now bat no farther be respecting a valatUe near Sudbury the village of Ad been Iq Toronto by to lttqalilTj who goodi- aboat per cent of lcul A per of cArbon log ft op of iper and The i by eyodlcate who ire sad ate ibty things which do most to make us happy cannot be had for money Healths Twenty From that Dread If6naw Trill Ihe World Willi Catarrhal Powder Has Done for A was year tried every known but got little or no relief Was troubled with dropping in the throat terrible in my head and my was very I was induced to give Dr Catarrhal Powder a the re- cult was magical Ihe first appli cation cleared my head instantly I persisted in ute and today I am a cured man and it affords me pleas my Sold Bout reported Mr joatmasUr at as an ho has an offer reward to any who bad a vote In election who can come toward and that lie a vote lor the Con- fa any to be found it will way of making fifty dollars hard times Mr Farrow it In are to the party they adhere to and to live It a by at the Post Office baa adopted a new rale fa regard to papers TtUgrem lbs the if follows Ai to sobicriUra are carried free A often a and a party to whom he may bo bis paper regularly at to whether Ibo latter Is or not a each Jo receive and joit as regularly decline to For some time past mails hove been marked not wanted many of which hare to the Letter the proprietors be kept to law vbeo a man refuses to be as a sab and are thrown back Post Office the publisher upon to pay cost of per order ma not be at a disadvantage by thooserugbt or country there be no about the notice being the beau the cue may be by a registered notification her and naming each the one that longest will be the or disappointed of supreme and all the old are brought to bar to control witches and on thatolgbt Fublytho that as Bums sang it For those who enough to a Jsrgcioomy house and an open fire place fun Is to be gathered but of The hours be fore raldolgnt Way glvea up to games and amusing way to choose la girls to wrap them selves up in sheets with masks or icique head and then sit all In row The gentleman enter one by one and try to guess the name of the be selects The tidies do not unmask until all arc choicn Another a mining plan for choosing the vegetable garden full of vcgetahlcsbecli car rots potatoes onions as many be gentlemen ii placed on a table A rd or slip of paper on which Is a gentlemans with an appropriate is tied with a gay abbot about each vegetable The ladies in turn are being led up to the table select a vegetable which de cides her partner for the garden may alto be a mean of the future for each guest a mystical prediction written upon card As the hour of midnight draws near the lights should be lowered and atmosphere as ghostly as possible prevail to make the various tea for the future as serious a can be A row of chcsnuis is placed in the fire and each one is named which crack suddenly and hop about have inconstant hearts but if they burn and brightly they embody all that is good and true Two nuts which burn closely side by tide if named for a and gentle man will be joined marriage be fore year is out Again we recall mams for October si the last number to be toforo the presidential election will largely do- to the political will a the the for campaign of both partita marked first fn a writs Africa by from malarial gathered by author This paper will bo followed In December with a Strongest man In Soulb hit striking to an American EVERYTHING IN GOOD WORKING ORDER Why- STofe Some iVasky Wagon calls or and I Aurora- Carl and deliver Thursday delivers all Bradford Call and deliver Friday EMBURY Proprietor Opposite Curtains done up lo new Special for family washing Hal- A Coming Writing to a Mr Weir the poet jays he has had privilege of seeing the new premium picture in tended for subscribers ihe Family Wittily of Montreal The Orphans Prayer Mr Weir iys the picture is one of rare traction and sure to si first sight There is a great anxiety to the picture and Herald and Star subscription busi ness teems to be mote than It booming We hear thst both the Orphans Prayer and Family for one year can be had for only one dollar S one of the oldest residents and a munici pal man since it dead CASTOR I A Children Hums in his excellent on gQlldwIftVj well wits Are roand divided An uoosy tads and And ihtre thai Home kindle aide by And born trimly atari wi oat She cblmllo Most of the old tricks are familiar like naming a lot of ral- and dropping them into of alcohol When it is on fire and naming the raisin that is out without burning one fingers will be the partner for life Then lighted candles are placed in a row upon the floor a few feet apart candle is named and girls over thctn in turn The candle that is not put out by Ihe swish of the skirls will mark the faithful lover Aler all tricks and have played the guests adjourn to supper which may include oil the old fashioned viands of colonial days by soft candlelight and the festivities should tire the maiden retires for the night she must stand for twenty minutes before the mirror holding a lighted candle when her future locj war to I go to rctcb the of ibe up lo When he looks for fc be expects a good deal Prob ably he more be stnes He svaots goo good good health An liaa learns woman is and and 10 is like to too temper is by A nerves are by draios land cannot or tippy wife is totally a lagcly became of careless- and There Is no reat need of Favorite Prescript tea I a MSiitve specific for ibe and of the fccilninc cures radically aod It facala acid It Is for Ibis by an It reports In Toronto that to get clerkship held by late Hon and thai Mr Joseph Tail will to ahlp of lbs Court made by the of late J Gordon Drown Ho these latter bare on same we dont wby all fat place of arc to bo Chan lo city men remain who can recall enthusiasm which attended Oral In tea in old Castle In Whan arrived from England people were at dock to great That her In front of her hotel Stats for concert sold at On lbs of her first people had gathered before Castle by all oclock concert did not until Vben lbs doors were optn4 was terrible and filtoD minotei available Inch room other than were occupied and were unable to get Id every steamer which bo Into service was engaged to ay In water old Garden Hal crowded with people who go only bear the strains of Jennys It floated tbroogbtho open baa now re- pictured by Hon A Halt Ex- Mayor of York City and be gives a recital of event Heme Journal Jenny her firttsoog to her of la shown In a copied by from a photograph made at time Whod Wear Two Coats when one Is if the one is interlined Fibre It giii comforting vatmth without bulk that you can enjoy outdoor exer cise or labor as much again as if you were all muffled up Besides you know it is only a matter of time till the piercing vind gets at you even through three ordi nary coats while neither the frostiest winds nor rain nor sleet can penetrate invalu able Fibre Chamois See that it is put in your ordered clothing and find the Chamois Label on every re garment you buy Then youre sure of perfect satisfaction SELLS FOB A A I IF On a s- I It a so a FOR AND THAT YOU GET rf i H A LEAD PACKETS ONLY- I roil BALE OR LET TWO TOWN LOTS lLJACKflOif NT Ceylon Direct from Tea Garden from Twenty Blende by the world as Its Porest HELL IT SO W and CO rairraat DAVIDSON HAY Ltd TOnOrTO r Honestly made of Rubber Thin Light Elastic Stylish Durable FOR SALE la a to JACODY fita7tcr0t PO LET Key ewes a U- ircKinnov RENT Modelled each year to fit all the latest shoe Extra thick ball and heel fiatd everywhere They Wear like Iron CEYLON TEA fa Tea a IB or atl A WANTED SALESMEN Wo or v raeo for fare tot work Wo a of HAWKS CO PAILS OUR TUBS HNS OF NEWMARKET Building Material BICYCLE EPA IRS v fill aHUziraeirett Ifsw Hen FOR 8 ALE- FLORIDA GARDEN LAND CO- v it PASTURE TO RENT kh It TO ileitis Kim iihiiiiubjfj ii It r by It is only ilbtrbood and MUi Box I dludEllnucd 1 up a trirtcl In villi Knit A I Color J Repairing with Tire J 1 nf loo tiPa I Between a Death Pot 25 Mr J of Part of Dr Cora for Hear lbs For iwehtyfive years I have been a great sufferer from heart disease pal pitation dirtiness and severe head aches saw Dr Cure for the advertised and determined to try it Two bottles have done woo- for The and palpi tation are gone ihe headaches have I never cease telling my friend the wonderful benefit this great cure has been to me and I cheerfully recommend it any and Sold at Phar macy When one man beating a furnace for another he never thinks about the price of coal Jilts la to Ointment will cure all cases of itching piles in from to One application For blind and bleeding piles it is peerless Alio cures Tetter Salt Rheum Eczema Barbers Itch and all of ibe at Ht4ixtoa wll core if I all anjr It fir tad uJD I Loo your ret- who or wjr say tit fwj tot but bat wit tcr the It a do I I bad a lifetime of In eld His took Tbc Peoples Conjaoo lS vcnj devoted to sptclil to pay St of u y Address Worlds paui7 A paperbound copy Of if stamt MITCHELLS QRiaiNAL Ltd ttSt a if vtcJ jo eUe tot is it lo utat a or I fly rifu Aolah lo o a icltvolii i if Hi uLli NEWMARKET A Full Stock Of the Best just re ceived Night Bell MICK FOR SALE lis lit a wl towtit It is lliojght by that at Spsrrovr will have to be to prevent backwater in the spring The by which the air brake factory will established in Hamilton has been definitely concluded fcu Farmers sons make great now running into ihe fessions Hard times as our farmers have they are better off than many in the professions Faim israpidly becoming scientific work and with good roads and increased means of access to centres of popula tion the lonesomeneis of the country may be overcome The prospects at present indicate that ill hereafter be mere remunerative and it would be well for sons of farmers to think seriously before leaving the farm At any rate they should keep out of the professions a enquiry were made it would be found that where typhoid fever has broken out so the rural dis- it can be traced to the drinking of impure Many people arc very careless of the of water for their family their animals They allow both sources to become tainted and then wonder why and bad health prevails Cause must follow effect a man cannot from a foul well and hope to escape immunity frco dis ease He cannot compel bis cow to d link from a polluted stream and to remain in good condi tion and give a satisfactory supply of I Cctaf The into All Vhi ahali arteiejt are to tocrdtr will a at lha 0cj cf it lafit Call li it THE CANE CO Oa it ictai 4wtMrj V FARM SALE J- All 1 FOR TVENTVSIX YEARS FRIEND IN CANADA r vo ted to q 111 iiMluw Cilfjjo More than sixty been cancelled by Postmaster- General of gill nesting wis Tuesday in the vicini ty of Island by the is MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES it POKY- We do not any file to outdo us in this lice either in style or price If you want any kind of done see what work and terms can get at the Eva before you order Our promptness is pro verbial V rv4 Dons try lo the Hue your ship lo be its wis by it PICTURES FOR I SOAP kr Ccorcd Picture or tvtry Picture well sr- Lift buoy LEVER ltd Li t Mil l SALESMEN ILJi lcC I ALLEN NURSERY CO sas Baylys Scliai English and iJiHUd aaift

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