THE If ERA Friday GEO JACKSON And SUBSCMBBftS I NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER A4rfilnff NO lutein Single Lopes Cents bach Newmarket Friday November 6 Mo papers tent outside of North York in advance NEitEiARser Branca A OKI CX- TKAH8AC7SD Interest Allowed DRAFTS ISSUED Terms 00 Strictly in Advance within mos or at end of year AT Hi id Aeifea ted Hotel ilesijjoapJfaltesSeaio SIP in Mb Week I The proper material has been discovered for the manufacture of Castings for Stoves Etc MO Fairs Corsets for TORONTO HOUSE 11 imwru EL STIVE Are Boat of They not Warp or Crack Sec Samples Both in Coal and Wood at our Show Room Repairing promptly done tiVff i rfffrtr rr Or ricUMiiHfl ETC for Kit a o to J Remember they arc priceless Take care of them as no one will lake care of them for you lloUf J a Yt ft I Windows of Soul I If you need Spectacles or get call on us and Jour prices An and Nice Black or Suit They hero in great variety Serges Cheviot and Twills Every thing HighClass but the mid that Lower than you ever bought ail good good if at your order early and Run avoid I ATKINSON Jeweler and Optician SB Main St Newmarket IK it llArci Si tek of lrt fOKOKiO fiith ink rtirly A IV if lit icf ltoilUlff dr Aij it it Wo to ll BRADFORD Ke IS j- rf J I ill i Ell AT WAN ftt lli iff Discounting Farmers Holes AT HATES lie ltd lL PASS THROUGH FREE joinnfxtniT at intdg ihl p YOUR Next lo Careful bujUhif makes easy selling W IV A DEPOT Our new Bake Oven Works complete Our new Baker knows how to do the Work Office W STARR JAC4aitbtFoilome CANADA CANADIAN OAPITAL AND- FUNDS- 14000 DOLLARS If your Sight Tailing or your Trouble you come in and have them examined rrr Main OR irr VKHHONUMVKHY IT COSTS YOU NOTHING I IH18 a If dr hi tf i A a I SIMPSON 86 Main iK CW r over years of age Insured Females Insured without extra charge J A IKCIAL lr lte A- A lit A Aticdil to tl M M lh flfc tfCrfd to do a 1 in lit Ken No Other Medicine A3 I li A vtos from hi ML OK Ai0TJONKKI8 I m m m I AJ -p- Id i S3 l0- 1 J 1W0 Vlfcllttd AlrfuvPAlulsKiliclfiu tilUAVIi I HAMoojAemiuM WOKHct a M41IM l VclVlirc VO AiutilcAU 0 0td I ontudicluiirU4 Midi If AVERS RtaUtacutofaWcll Known Doctor Ihll I I fic4 tttci it Iff to Ad the unfortunate Im know lihgogb ha Ii fco felloe It Id to I ft a Jon fttoo It ft Huh box with or jcar haste joq not In It op Iff at If It A gold mint It lighter than to Albt I It X fell ftlp fttlcp and Of courts It by our gut f rem Hut and come j I And scaled tit a tabic in hit home near hc Hudson river preparing his lesson next school He a handsome lad of fouitcin years generous and forbearing o the others and withal to and honorable himself that it was no wonder he was a favorite wiih both teachcisand schoolmates Nor wc wondtr that his mother who sat on the opposite side of the with her should so often cast at him glances of loving She had to often been heard to say is a great comfort to me He never me an uneasiness The were ho had settled in America in the middle of the eighteenth century and who had prospered in their new home almost beyond their sanguine expectations Many fertile acres lay around the comfortable farm house a snbstaniial structure of wood both within ard without was suggestive of peace and plenty presently some queer thinftS Here is one Sweet arc the uses of Now who would ever think of finding fiweetness in adversity you ton Shakes does not say that adversity is sitit but that the of adversity the mother yes said so riddle Out it A1 is like the strong came forth Mi said j1 i holy Codliver oil suggests consumption which most unfortunate Its best use is before you tear consumption when begin to get thin weak down j then is the pru several other passages of such as AIL things work together lor good to them that love Owl Indeed critics have discovered lhat the perfectly Well said Jlenjamin I think I should rather forego the even if I do thus lose the sweetness of its uses It is a thing that we do not have to choose for ourselves said the mother otherwise there would be many mistakes made on this very and the upbuilding of our characters would thereby greatly retarded In my own short experience I have known many who have came through seasons of severe trial and in the end could thankfully say It is good for me to have bun afflicted thoughtfully resumed his studies and his mother went on her work until bed time arriving they with the jest of the family retired to rest littte their season of adversity was begin on the row What can be keeping late tonight said his mother at the next day Oh he and the other boys are probably chasing squirrels on their way home said Isaac the elder ton The mother said nothing more and all the member of the family except the Benjamin sat down to Mppff but in her there arose that ticker- i rig dread that sometimes foreihadovts a A little later the father and brother now quite alarmed set out in of missing lad returning laic in the night stiih no tidings except that he with four companions left at the usual hour and that no one of hem had seen since Next day a neighbor repotted that bind of Indians had been seen in the neighborhood on the previous and as time went on and all their searching proved fruitless conjecture became and the unfortunate lads mourned victims of the savage cruelty the Indians This happened in the of and soon the family every member of was a devoted to leave the pleasant home that had been theirs so Ion- and move with what hey carry to the then unsettled parts of ftttcutla Autvfl a itrrn dent time to begin to take MR A care the best way to Singing and violin Tcacner care is to supply the system with needed fat and Idea fe Voices Tested 1 c of Oil with hypo- phosphites will bring back TOWN CARTING fcp a tic where raw wou be a burden 1 what the city of Bunt- were tired and a so many done set about the task of a ntw in the heart of the forest Isaac the first vhite wan to cross the Grand that part of the country occupied only by Indians The Indians were friendly hoveser and enced no tuore losses at their During this not one word that could indicate the ever heard and the he bad been given up for dead Only his mother mothers wilh went hoping that tome day in the good time he would be restored to Ibem She was much comforted by a dream teemed to tee him In truly but not any I Ittreatment and ho Mother be patient a longer and shall that aneet are the uses of adversity Sbc had often reflected on her con- venation with her boy and if ho too remembered it The year of the American War of Independence after which the Imperial Government turn ed its attention to the alleviation of the United Empire Loyalists Among things they offered rewards to the Indian who should bring to Kindlon captives taken from the families of their subjects Who shall how many loyal ist hearts were stirred with hope when these tidings spread Abroad- It spread slowly of necessity for and letter were almost to the hardy settlers of the backwoods and bo it came to that when one glad Benjamin was numbered the cap tives brought up by the government his parents knew nothing of it and he still hundreds of miles Worn home and in doubt at to where to look for his friends He was placed at school by the government until search could be made tor the family and at last ft was found that people of that name had on the Grand River Then how quickly he to them and who abatl describe the transports of Joy in that reunited fam ily as hand hurt to heart log Xbfl put with all sorrows Its Jonely weary vein In 111 of after night as the family sat around the wide fireplace in their tea house related the inci dents of his capture and seven yean captivity The five lads on their way home from been suddenly surrounded by Indians who dragged them many through the forest before camping for the night The day the band separated and what became of his companions jamin never knew He never tried to hut endeavored to adapt hrnsrlf to the Indians manner of life and to bear with cheerful fortitude the hardships that unavoidable always cherishing a hope that some day he would be restored to his fam ily and that he would yet sec the of this adversity that had come upon him For he loo remembered that seemingly prophetic conversation with his mother and often while lying wake the silent watches of the night the Haves corned to whisper those magic words about winch they had talked lie was never abused by the In dians but treated much re spect and on his restoration to his family no finer example of strong and handsome young manhood could be found In his captivity be learned to speak no less than seven Indian Ian- The government yranted him eight hundred acres of land and on which he erected a sawmill and settled in marriage in with the daughter of Col Hare Years rolled on carrying the eigh teenth century into the past and bringing us to another never to be forgotten date in the history our country And now the uses of that long cap tivity among the Indians became apparent when Benjamin was appointed Indian interpreter to the Governor Gen Brock and served his country in this capacity both during ihe war and alterwards The Indians trusted him perfectly and submitted to whatever he said Chiefs Johnson and III ant were his personal friends Alter holding the position for many yea re be retired on a pension living at Niagara where now in old St Marks churchyard his mortal re mains rest while his arc learning the old lesson Sweet arc the uses of adversity Missts- in Pott Dont Worry Konow Take therefore no thought for the morrow is one of the passages lhat Mr Robert reads and pro nounres folly But is it rather one of the wisest sentences ever utter ed The means Take no anxious thought or in language every day life Dont worry applies it to the future to food drink and shelter and raiment saw clearly that the anxiety about the evils of tomorrow that never come upon us cause a million- told more suffering and death than the evils that come He saw that multitudes perish of about the hunger and thirst and exposure Christ showed his infinite wisdom in the extreme of Mr InRcrsoll and saying Dont worry instead of hunger or He at the same lime show ed bis infinitive beneficence in reveal ing that universal and loving provi dence in which will seek first the kingdom of God can find refuge from the dread and the worry Is there any lesson that ft hurrying worrying world so needs to learn as this one of safety and peace from the lips of Jesus Is not this a great with promise Dont perish of or cold or ex Owing to the existing depres sion in leather a fifteen per cent reduction has been made in the ages of all workmen of the Acton Tanning receiving over a neck On crest of Ihe wave of success is Parity litrali Star Montreal 100 well known to need any description The Family JFmAiV Star has ft sweetly beautiful ptemium pic ture ibis season for all new and re newal subscribe It The Orphan iljf Star together with the Era and the premium plate by a f by in which she I l0 A Mr M A- Tames editor of the an Presi dent of the West Durham Farmers Institute took a drive through iho Township of Whitchurch last week and has this to say bit trip About pm we bade adieu to our hospitable Oxbridge friends and drove directly west fourteen mites into Whitchurch We noticed several very good farms immediately after leaving with large residences and modern farm buildings clean weltcult I vat fields and many evi dences of being a progressive district Farther west struck the sand ridges and if the Arabian or Sahara deserts are worse to travel over than five or six of the roads we pass ed over lhat day pity the camels or beasts of burden that travel them Not only are the roads sandy but hilly as well therefore right glad were wo and our horses too when we the Township of Whitchurch On the way from we passed the villages of Vivian Old and New Pine Orchard A singular coincidence was lhat we drove up to ihe door of Mr Joibua Oliver beau tiful firm residence within of the that we reached there by another road exactly years ago that very night What a change had taken place in that since then I- Mr- Olivers children have grown to manhood and woman- hoon two married and settled in com- homes of their own The eldest son George lives near Vandorf where we made a brief visit next day Sophia is now Mit Sproxon on an farm her parents Dorcas sister of Mrs Oliver is now the wife of Prof Edward Principal Highland School Boulder Col Her younger sister who also lived there then is now Mrs J with four lively children who call her mother Their farm is also quite near by Mr Olivers We made short but pleas ant visits to all of these excepting of course Mrs Although this article is already more like a family letter than an article for public perusal we cannot refrain from a few compli mentary things about Mr Olivers home and farm We do admire a neat tidy well arranged farm and seldom if ever have we seen a better example of our beau ideal of a farm stead than his First of all it is fairly good soil a light loam and very easy to cultivate But what we so much admired was the condi tion the premises the en trance to the lane leading to the brick residence by the gate on which we noticed his name painted to the remote corner of this mode- farm we saw scarcely a stick or stone out of its proper The fnccs were in the best possible condition not a out of its place wellcon structed gates or bass by which to enter every field the lanes were de void of rubbish so often seen on farms Even the bush or woods looked tidy with its erectid purpose for everything was in ils place Not only is Mr Oliver a model farmer but his wife is a model house keeper We noticed also that an abundance of good wholesome read ing matte was provided for family One structure seldom seen on farms was a with steps built into the fence by the front gate for convenience in in and out of a carriage The outbuildings were not in keeping with everything else on this farm being old and too much scattered or rather covering too much ground for convenience but buildings are as they have been built from time to time com modious enough and in state of repair but the cost of keeping such expansive roofs and the several order must be great Hut no doubt high barn with stone stables and under the same roof as we find them in many parts of this district will corns in time Betides the things we have noted we observed that Mr Oliver keeps good horses cows sheep and swine and carries a mixed farm ing or diversified agriculture as Aberdeen terms it Truly a visit to a farm like this one is an in spiration almost as beneficial as a trip to the real Model Farm in connection with ihe Agricultural Colege at The tosnshipof Whitchurch con tains many valuable and well farms and so far as our observations extended a great deal of attention is given to home comforts and pleasing surroundings Where such conditions exist and farm life is made as interest- inz and enjoyable as possible we do not expect to hear many complaints about boys wanting to leave farm Ooe thing we can assnre our readers namely that boys we found on the farms we visited on this trip were enthusiastic and industrious farmers and seemed to have an especial per sonal interest In the operations took the lead in the work and did not stand round till their father was ready to them but went about the work in hand as if the re sponsibility of it was an individual matter We repeat where farm life is relieved as much as possible of its drudgery home comforts provided the surroundings made attractive and the boys are given a personal interest and responsibility in the business operations therewill not be much de- lire on their part to get away from the farm After enjoying Mr and Mrs Olivers hearty hospitality for including part of the forenoon occupied in us around neighborhood calling on the friends mentioned and showing us a cumber excellent farms we set out for a aj mile drive South and patt ing out of Whitchurch iclo Sunday afternoon fire destroy ed the barn of Mr Paradise about four Miles South of Tavistock Our Mr con burned death in trying its tort out of the bam 5 tet tai The Sons of Temperance society of this place is booming at present The member Division to the number of twentyfive visited the Division on Tuesday evening oflast week and assisted in the of A bus load of the membeis attended a ses sion of the North York Division at Keswick and report a splendid meet ing and a very pleasant time SUTTON P S Inspector Davidson is our Mrs- of Newmarket is visit ing at Mr R License Inspector Hughes was here yesterday Mr spent Sunday Monday in Newmarket The was the third anniversary the of Mr and Mrs John Boyd of Roach As this gath ering has become a fixed day of the many friends of charming couple met enjoy the hospitality which trie host and hostess of so gladly extend to them Atalatehour all expressed their thanks to Mr Sand Boyd hoping it would be their lot to meet them on many future occasions on the of Oct Mr Hugh an old and highly respected resident of King Township died at his residence at Linton on Wednesday of last week at the advanced age of years A very happy event took on Monday ihe in the Catholic Church Schornberg at oclock ain The occasion was the of Mr Doyle to Miss C Catscrly both of The knot was successfully tied by Rev Father Car- berry and after being congratulated by a number of friends the happy- couple left for Lloydtown where a wedding dinner awaited them The young couple left on Tuesday morn ing on a tour and will be gone about three weeks The anniversary services of the Baptist Church here took place on Sunday last and was well attended the chufch crowded in day time and in the evening filled to over- numbers being unable 10 gain admittance The Rev C A Newmarket conducted the services in the morning and even and Rev J Cameron of Master Hall conducted the afternoon service The church choir was assisted during the day by the follow ing talent Mr Cohoc and Mus Scott of the Conservatory of Music and Misses and Emma oft this place On Monday evening follow a fowl supper was served in the Music Hall to a very after which an excellent provided in Ihe church following talent taking part Mrs Weston Miss Scott Toronto Mis Winter Mr Rev W A and W P Cohoe of Maiser Hall were given by Miss land Miss Annus and Mr of Hall Short addresses were delivered by a num ber of clergymen after which pro ceedings were brought to a close Oar Own Dominion The Bishop of Niagara preaching in Holy Trinity the of General Synod the Church of England referred to the church missionary operations in the foreign field among tbe heathen the ancient in Inoii China and Japan He then with the colonic and finally with the Dominion of Canadx The Bishop aid It is only when we may journey from east to west that we at all begin 10 realize the inheritance hat is ours in this great country We need another Moes to stand and to the Canadian people Ye shall bless the Lord your God for the good land He huh given you The great est railway in up the full extent of this land carries us from ocean to ocean from coast to coast through the most majestic the roost astounding scenery on earth over the inland teas that we call lakes the boundless prairies the mountains iful gorges aptailing precipices rolling floods yawning chasms filling rivers writhing with the everlasting hills boring through the rocks jump ing interlining playing curves flying over the crossing the depths shooting out again on the plains battling with the opposing forces tht nature through bygone centuries has piled up marvelous engineering feats aod eluding overcoming bearing down making all sub servient to the mans till at last we come face to face with the great Pacific All of this Is with a luxury so great such an abundant provision far eating drinking for rest and easygoing seepeis superb dining cars beautiful hotels nestling among the eternal mountains and standing but in the coast cities and undoubt edly constitutes trip one of the most enjoyable lhat it is possible to make and the great railway and its management throughout all ill details the wonder and admiration of ihe traveling world and incomparably ibe mightiest undertaken accom plished for the exploration and development of Canada id- iWe Vera The- farm residence of Mr Alfred Cordon at Brook on Monday but nogs A ftou the thiol- the No NEWSY FROM OUR A of two stores and six dwellings was burned at Clinton Good two foot wood i now selling in at a cord There are many and down In all lines Of business and the apple pickers their share Wheat has advanced and Turkey has yielded- There stuffing for our Thanksgiving birds John Barron it is said will be tendered the position of Commissioner of Patents at Ottawa The Board of Director of Brampton Show have decided upon a per cent reduction of money tot this year A doctor lay that probably half the deafness prevalent at the present lime the result of children having their ears boxed KS- A simple accident happened to Mr Robert OHare of the con of Scott on night being dislocation jaw while Violent have prevailed upon the Portugal coasts A fishing boat foundered In the Bay of and of fourteen men were drowned- Peregrine East died last summer own ing acres of land worth and usin personalty his willed to his family EST See that your cellar is put in the best of order in the fall as well as in spring of the year Do not forget that fresh lime absorbs the freshen a cellar Cocoa butter which has hitherto been on the free list in Eng land has been made subject 10 the same duty as chocolate as it is im ported in quantities for manu facture of chocolate understand the owners of the pond at Lemonville intend to construct another there as the cannibalistic proclivities of the large are likely to prove the utter destruction of the fry Nearly every at a Nor- wegianweddinjt bring a present to the bride The gifts are moily of a useful character such as clothing and provisions Kegs of butter are the presents which find favor Oct The body of Mr whose disappear ance a short time ago was such a mystery has been found by his brother George aling in Like last off Strawberry Maud The jury in ihe murder case after lock- el up all night returned a verdict ibis morning finding Michael of murder Chancellor Boyd sentenced him 10 be hanged on Janu ary of celluloid buttons their and often im moral reading an exchange says it has got jo tfyst you can now up a by the number suh he more buttons ihe It is staled lhat among late lions is a new has bulb in the in- of ilclocr pari and ihe is cut obliquely It is claimed that th shape makes it to blow nut the luht while flame is heiig im proved by taller and steadier A feature of the Paris of a voted lo the history from ihe to present day with sent a lions of the Tem ple of the scenes of the life of Christ Pagan and Christian jfjonitantinople and the lives of the faints The states that several miners received a hint that on Sixteen Mile Creek at the head of ihe Wild Horse Creek lay a rich deposit of quart This they went to discover and after ten days of diligent were rewarded by making a find They looted a group of seven claim which they named the Flora McDonald From assays made returns were ounces in silver in and per cent copper Oct an nual match of the Township of held yesterday on the farms of Edward and David hear Churchill was attended by a sad circumstance After the much and after dark several young men galher- at the Churchill hotel and a quar rel ensued which resulted in Samuel bis right leg broken He was removed to his house the tenth concession A to formidable proportions has sprung up in India It is manu facture of Rhea fibre Tbe Indian Government has long been aware ibat this plant which is widely spread through ibis country could be Rreat effect Bui lre offer of Urge premiums and many attempts had up to lately failed to produce a process which would extract fibre cheaply enough to make it of com mercial value One at last been found kno a Comets and a company bis been formed to cany on its manufacture Rhea fibie can be Into iauy form from tope and sail to goods silks and plushes It and lighter lineo Rhea cloth unrolled fiom the KRjptiJA mummlcf and the burial of Hie net and lines spun it- bad for strength fineness and durability no anion the fishemeu of Bcnail the Malay AicbipsUgo Bui old method of the fibre laanual labor it loo for lb it Jiftj A A I