Newmarket Era, 6 Nov 1896, p. 2

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71 JsL A j 4 NEWMARKET ERA NOV- orient A J It Dal J Art A Roll nar7 iff J UrOROTT9ltnlOnTAJI AMD WITH FrtnUd lions CM wnn FRIDAY NOV Toronto Despatch to Nov llit opts cd largHry wet ic by ipcrtf flwtga Ml In I ill on Maturity trek Anoh HI Hi- log Ml down a this Ha tor tho Oily ittlifiO from Mi of firm Hon fir to to Ultimo doty Art Mill Mr Mount lilt loOtUw It likely lit will In trying ft Of comldert wm In Ibt lit of El to pay In to it nm of ecu- by A an MUM ALOUTt A fctiUl that collector thtft ftt ftltlgfrf hit bit nil ran up Into It miking to of Monday In connection Hon Mr to tbtCaitotJit It thorough audit of the of til collcciortthrouKh- out tht will bo Controller of did not Jjiny rouiouri lopotilbV In tbt of villi to ill not known for Wiitf to Inflicting on riding on Of If furiii 1 1 til to ftolttr under- on tbt ft pivtcntritwUbln i of of At prohibition of Dr of In of tod of ltd tl bit homo In on Until tgi1 yttf 4i oat of tndtnoil ftmlliti of Qatbtc and In tod politic having for a of Iho and of Ietvct ft largo family Tor Jrj who In ft brief to of different lbttiftc4lbt to CM hi of Bid J of killing ft Ion In ft ft may it talon UMM1X4 AttlbtCtrdfftlt wpritKl Iht opinion thai In of ft It 10 ft it of mocb and lw pro It of all tola moil and trill act In to In Council merely for to In fttlnotrodctlft to good atofollof pro- lua following Toron to It worthy for by Ontario It It thai Iht from re If bo owl In Hud or any pari of ought to tapio paying lib- ertlly tnd tloci any limitation of Iho or any arbitrary of prtco At all hit iho fad product of to of Am answer given tht qatilfou drawer of Municipal tot of jijc of to our It of In Ontario power to volt at tftll at Iht Mayor ft and or 1JthT Tho of ft town may dt remuneration to paid to council but fi for any to a of council at inch fit S3 Con- Municipal and by reading acctlon il to far for both ftl council and In by omitting euch In fleo It It lhat power Intended bo given to town or It would alto town Council owet CO lo tiUear will AixoMot4 ft report from rnanchtmlat with Department at after carefully ft coal taken from of flod- cent by Mr Archibald of Ontario Dr having of coil It It not coat but rfpoftl- or In other ft carbon with or leu Impurity In ft It bat from of hat originally elm the It tffound Dawaon director of lunty at Ottawa that If ft bo oblalhod It can bo need at ft fctl bat Itvould bo a of ft vary Inferior on ftcoount of iho I aro proportion of ath which oonlalnt of Toronto letting It- it gave heat and burned with ft green top and bright clear heat below fil- of ft dart vltb llr of hart with lift Toronto and by nay of Chios Qmtitt of day Hot City foHovlftg It very pUutrt to ptocncon of of John A to rank of on lo hit fltm tjkon by wm ft right and oat and baa by bit firmly jit frill of eooUlt editor to QoMtt tht tvery ftdranwendHtttlDg ftddt on promotion of tit is I OAK for he arc ftDilouily J The toon completed s fair at Richmond About men being employed In its construction more being Things will boom when it The conceit proved very the choiring off under the training of Messrs and J Ballard left hit Friday for a deer hunt Beatrice hat been her Mrs at Jlciheida Mill Annie of calling on friends one day this week Mr If of the Fire it viiil- with his mother and brothers this week KING CITY A named Nelson Tree- man met with a painful accident here on Monday the southbound train on which be was working was the he thought he de tected inmeihinK wrong with the gear ing under one of the cut and went outside to Investigate He fell off the train crushing it so badly that it had to be amputated at the General he was immediately taken on the arrival of the train the City The injured man lias a wife and family of five small children The annual meeting of the King Township Reform Association will be held here on Friday Nov at pm in ball for the election of and other business This will be by a dinner which vll be served at oclock Several prominent speakers will be present and a full attendance is expected UNION I iz si for slioo In nitfa in Id V City li tt by l 1 the It J cow fcolDg To for km to bat jii4 bit iwvlcti ti fall bit term iuprUoomcQl lbs tlwlcn for ibs party rtviy litaalnthsooDtstl stored gold 1 J ilia lo lbs it gift lbs 170 There r si to bow torus the Hutu lodependont of ill mi- of lbs to Tut kit ii sod helpful so cot kit Toronto by of tsrj Mr A sd- work col only lo but Itnd lb put no count 111 lllo flSit rtw Bod The abbuld liidfl Win of wi a to til tntgblfict ci lo scdl- filljfl to every to to s4 to lits As our to- pcdjottorovtctocsiry work tbt to ft to bat tbt of lb iit i by stop of st s city tit proud of It r ft splccdid Sid wblcb ft circuit til fill ft Lit of lie pislU It Win ton A It lu week Mm Is her sitter Mm Mr Jebman Toronto lomtO Mm Webb viiltlng lo city for sod two city Mr all- log It very low and Mm Shepherd of tie Mm Peter Brown of Toronto It with Mrs Mm a mother Mrs to To- lay Mm wb ticoils a with her lbs Mrs to for ton Mr of during ft week Mr Jborupiou of Holland moved to Toon on Timothy Weil Mr snd Mrt vitltlog with J week Me and Mrs John of Hill were with tbtlr Mr J Q liulr Mid of fttldio of Mist Hell t y ftlto of Mr- for dt Co Tes Importers Ate It fl wife left or to of titter who of It rtctgt4 for for Ho of Vsrdeo of Mrs Or Toronto ftnd of tptnt ft few with Mm Mr left ftUat tbrts WboictAls tiboa firm scouts is Us tsir Mr Willis and wife of Whit- church spent last Sunday at Mr J Cowiesons Mr and Mrs J of Newmarket have been visiting at Rev aches On returning home from church list Sunday evening some very pro fane language was heard from the occupants of a buggy passing along the street The man was abusing his wife in a shameful manner His name is withheld on account of re spectable friends Mr Richard McCauley of New market is visiting at Mr John Morris Rev Mr Spencer conducted the services at the Methodist Church last Sunday evening A Urge and atten tive audience was present Miss Maud Culverwelt is about to from Ibis community She will be greatly misted by her numer ous friends and acquaintances AURORA Through the legal firm of Robin- ton Lennox It Is Mm Houlihan a widow raiding here legal rtImt Geo Kdter a firmer of King Towmhlp claiming tlon for alleged breach of promise of The defendant a of of 2C Mr has begun to rebuild recently burned and will be In the again shortly A miserable cur Into the and when ordered out temptcd to go through large plate window which lie broke Insurance Co it good J Lloyd made an auignment for the benefit of lib creditors The arc out on the annual deerhunt In C A principal of he was absent latter part of tuck attending the funeral of Mrs father J CrosIey in tonn and looks none for having much law in hind Farmer Vaiioo Klnj Township made defendant in a mil for unstated damages In stance of Robinson Lennox or Mac- on behalf of Mies A Rlack who had no authority to pull down the fences surrounding collar homo snd plow up field as an he Ms done thought he hid under a mortgage which he holds upon the property Mr Hill relurncd from on of last week after a six week trip He was de lighted with thecountry in and around where he spent the greater part of the time Mr Hill thinks its the place for a poor man lo go to make money Mr Wihnot of has been making his mother a visit for the last week or two Mr John and children of Thornton Mr Ed is improving since his fall and is able to move about lowly worth this village intend holding an At Home Mon day evening Nov AH invited Small fee Mr Frank Dunham has into the house lately occupied by Mr If lira Patsy is coming to the village to live and has tht house whero Mr Dunham has been living Any of good plowing should lake a look at the field opposite Mr John Moores on the farm Mr Thos Williams occupies Dont think it can be The ladies Home Mission meets at Mrs Dr car sons every Wednes day afternoon between three and four oclock Any ladies in the work are welcome White engaging in a little fun on Halloween one boy had the misfor tune break his leg We are pleased to hear he is doing nicely It is to be hoped it will be a lesson to more the boys who arc too fond of practical jokes IOIM Mi YOU IT But it will buy a pound of Drown Label treed 9br3VilRglDefs LEAD PACKETS ONLY BLACK OR MIXED Vc having fine ire at and tome of the opinion that it will fino all month Halloween pwtcd off very quietly around here Master fell off the wocdched at days sgo and broke hit arm below elbow alio dislocating his Over thirty of the pople in this vicinity assembled on the of last month Mrs and family before llictr departure North where Mr and part of the family have already Rmcrton will be greatly from our and her daughter Martha Sunday near Quccnsvillc Ifr snd Mrs Graves have been spending fl few days up North Miss May Graves has returned home again a couple of vacation among relatives MOUNT being made in The new shop a rushing teen in of last BETHEL CORNERS Our enterprising people are very anxious of becoming noted first the best looking young ladies in the Township and second for the num ber of fine intelligent young men We think while there are so many people it would be wise during the winter months lo organise an league or Christian En deavor Society to train the young up in chuich work instead of the ball room and card parties A number of our young people at tended the Halloween social at the Methodist Parsonage Sutton on Fri day evening Mr Powell is very popular among all classes and a good time is repotted We are pleased see Mr John Shcppatds smiling face again after his summers vioik Sutton also Miss Eliza Sheppard after a months visit in Mr and Mrs Matilon Mr and Mrs Smith and Miss Rush were visiting in our burg over Sunday Mr from for merly of this street has been renew ing old acquaintances Mr Ellis has leased his two hundred acre farm to Mr Fie wet to whom we extend a hearty welcome Mr Ma honey our school teacher Is spending a few weeks at Muslcoka hunting We ate pleated to welcome Mr Richardson who is supplying for Miss returned home after a three weeks visit at Sharon Miss accompanied her home Rid colds are very popular around the Corners What has become of Know All very Silo trtuUwla to sou Jut iti tll tick atu Medic fit cub tt uUoT lai- ftiliUw It tJohn Foley of was drowned by falling into a well bis premise from he was attempt- log to draw bucket of Flashes of lightning were the sky on Friday evening week The football match wc were look ing for here between Aurora and was rearranged and the Aurora team went to the latter number from bete attended the Baptist Harvest Home on Monday night of last week report it an excellent through out The S of T held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday of fast week- They are talking up their annual supper The ladies of the church intend having a Thanks giving Tea Further particulars next week Look out for the grand concert lo be held in the near luture under the auspices of the Sons of Temperance Mr J VS of Hamil ton spent a few days with in this vicinity the past week Wonder if the wedding bells will not be ringing on street before the sleigh bells Messrs Charles and Frank Lloyd and started on Friday last for Muskoka hunting grounds be ready for Mon day There are some fairly good yields and Urge ones Mr about acres took bushels although he does not mean to say that is the largest yield ever was we think it very good Mr Dales weighed some that only lacked a few ounces of ten pounds not a bad chunk of root Our correspondent to the in last week says that a sen took a notion lo remove the lime deposit in the family tea and found it weighed just six pounds We wonder how much lime has been during the time lhat amount has been accumulating per haps almost enough to have plastered the kitchen Mr Dales trapped mo foxes the fore port of this week He thinks they belong to the family that ate Ihelr whole flock of goslings in the early part of the Summer Halloween was duly celebrated here but nothing done beyond the removing of gates taking up planks in front of gates and building orna mental structures in the roads Wild geese and ducks have been going South the pan week Mr and Mrs started Tuesday for Michigan where ihey Intend staying till Spring with heir nephew Dr if Wat ion and visiting other relatives Our band boys have resumed prac tice after a long George Knight hotelkeeper has It has been decided to hold the next annual Convention of the in the Royal City of Coal nickel gold copper asbestos corundum mica and several minerals are found In abundance In Canada and are now being intatd The Is bright our sportsmen have gone North after deer Mr it building an other new house Mrs Stephen Terry who has been undergoing an operation at Toronto Hospital is getting better and will toon be home- Mr John is out again after being laid up for tome lime One case of diphtheria is reported In village but the patient it im proving Mr has started a chopping machine There is some talk of a new grist mill up Messrs Bros of Sutton were here looking for a lite A bus load of young people at tended a taffypull at Sutton on Thurs day night Rev Dewey has started a fourdays meeting revival services to follow One of the pioneers of the Town ship of Kast in the per son of Mr William Mainprire passed away on Oct at the age of years r months and days His funeral took place on Tuesday the from bis late residence on the Centre Road to the Christian Church Cemetery Franklin The deceased has been confined to his bed for some lime and became weaker and weaker passing peacefully away surrounded by his large family of ions and daughters Mainprise was a native of Yorkshire being born at Gambling in the son of George and Sarah Mainprise He emigrated to Canada in on board the ship WettiMrtond from Hull In this country he became engaged with Messrs Wilson and of Sharon with whom he re- for five year He next located on Iot Con East then called Rirchardiown being the fifth settler in the vicinity Shortly be was married to Miss Ann of by whom he had a family of all of whom survive his wife having died ten years ago The deceased was a good and re spected by all who knew him and his family mourn the loss of a good counsellor and a kind father Mr and Mrr J and daughter spent Saturday and Sunday In Mr is spend ing a few days with Wil- Great progress Is millinery line opened is doing nets One feature the Basket Social next Tuesday Is a Fancy Drill of school children It promi ses to be a great success The usual Is being mani fested at the Christian meeting It was propoed by some who do not regularly attend to the meetings for a time in order that other religious meetings could successfully conducted at Keswick This did not meet the approval of the members of the Society These meetings have from week- night prayer meetings held in private homes until now the large hall is to accommodate the congregations They arc not con ducted as a strife other meet ings but for the general good of the surrounding neighborhood Halloween was accompanied by the usual boyish tricks of hiding gales A Wave in AT THIS Buying Clothing for Spot Cash from the beat in and in enable to completely you buy good Clothing not pair of Mens Wool Tweed well pair of Went Stripe wool tweed Panto at 1 Kino of hair lino regular price at Stripo tnilormade at Mens Tweed or brewted coat ell around at our price all wool Tweed Suttti neat our at Worsted Veat to match all and a perfect fit our to order you cave See our Mens Overcoats at our immense stock of Boys fa Boys con- a a a The Chatham Fair it in finan cial and its mortgage Is Ivi A quantity of nets the 0- pcrly of American poachers seized by the Dominion hile set Canadian waters One Hundred and Id It rciaicf tt- Ajy yt No particular damage was done The bell on school can be beard a considerable distance Mr Ardill has rented Mr Manns farm Mr George his leased Mr Kllis farm for a term of years It will soon be time for surprise parties Miss Shaw of Mt Pleasant has been engaged as teacher in this school next year What the ladies would like to know Who will have the nicest basket Who will buy my basket How much it will tell for If the purchasers of baskets accompany the ladies home If the warm weather will continue until after houseclean inn What the gentlemen wish lo know If my basket will have chicken in it If the lady lives far from the village If she has another fellow that is go ing lo interfere with me If the women will Ret done tearing things to pieces before cold weather sets in to the very dark evenings last week nearly every vehicle was provided with a lantern Mr J no collided with Mr Roses in the village on Sunday even ing resulting in demolishing Mr Hoses TORONTO walk fitter Wo ftlFOUa direct A nil tort Out how Jlulftlt will it Yoart forttklc nMIORHTIiitfllTjAVnOIA to Notice to Creditors of aoorttO CAUTION A to FOR SALE A of JOSEPH MILLARD NOTICE It fctTKtrin no It hit All Km fodlrtr ihirclJt3 it HA L Leading Furniture Undertaking House hobgoblins were around Halloween night changing signs etc A number the members of St James Church congregated at ibe residence of Mr John on Friday evening last and presented him with a prayer and hymn boot at tokens of their appreciation services in connection with the church The ladies had prepared an excellent repast and a vciy enjoyable evening was spent The quarterly service of the Metho dist Church will be conducted by the US Matthews of Newmarket the church here at a pm on Sun day next Mr C Tench has returned from Manitoba where he spent the Sum mer He speaks well of the country and anticipates removing there neat Spring Our who the chari vari at Mr Aaron on Thurs day night on the event of the return of his eldest son from Sireetssille with his bride were regarded with three dollars with which they indulged in a sumptuous repast at the Mansion House We 9tt cay that the con duct of some of the small boys around our village is extremely disgraceful and parents are advised to keep their small boys off the streets at night if they dont want see them made an of our young ladies are in dulging in that prevalent pasttime bicycling this fine weather The now fence around grove in front of the Mansion House is a great improvement Miss of Button it visiting Miss Dean Miss of Newmarket was visiting Mill Phillips one day last week We bear of a wedding In our burg the near future Bible Class at seven oclock and Kpworth League at eight will be held in Church Tuei- evening during the Winter Mrs gone to Newmarket to spend the Winter is gradually re covering from her illness Mr removed to Rice Lake to carry on the Mr WN Brown of Norwood reported to the AttorneyGenerals a theft from thai town A and robe taken from the Methodist Church iked CORNERS The tamest men are so few in the world that their earnestness be comes at once the badge of their nobility and as men in a crowd in stinctively make room lor one who seems eager force way through it so mankind everywhere open their ranks to one who rushes zealously to ward some lying beyond hern is the time for doing something useful ibis leisure the diligent man will obtain but ihe man will never for a life of leisure and a life of larineas are two things Indian summer hat rendered one week of its glorious fine weather to us We hope it will continue for soma time as a number have not yet finished plowing and taking up Our usually quiet neigborhood was disturbed by a supposed hoodlum one night last week The entertainment which was to be held in the school house last Friday was postponed till some future The time is nigh hand when some of our young men who was seven months of manual labor wi be crowned wills title of Free Niggers On Sunday morn as we went to we noticed Halloween tricks such as gates exchanged for bain doors Quite a pleasant rivalry exists some men placing things in right order again Mr Nelson suffering intensely from a severe cough The faces of Mr George Lee and wife of Lexton formerly of North are en route to They intend spending two or ihree days here seems be the centre for a grain market as a number of people can be seen teaming there from East and North Gwillimbury Egypt and Jericho Mr Robert Rose has given up the notion of going to the city and in tends to remain on ihe farm The cheese factory at seems to be paying somewhat better than last year as we understand it will run about three weeks longer Mr John Curtey intends to start farming again Mr Joseph McNeil our County Constable is having a lengthy at the Fail Assises in Toronto item that appeared in the Era some time ago concerning Maud taking a long journey is not so It is a mistake only goes to Newmarket and other places to en joy a renewal of former acquaint ances Mr James will soon move in bis new bouse as it is nearly finished Mr Jamti Cowieson is on duty at tending municipal matters as usual Mr I Gilpin of is assisting Rev Mr Spencer in his re vivals at Chickens took a tumble one night but after they raised again The road hogs that the high ways be pounded as they are a perfect rootlog about Indigestion Is vanishing our sick work again Johanna Cunningham home Due A Air Brush Ink Portrait With every Purchase of Furniture CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN or Work JOHN 11 NEWMARKET A SPECIALTY to ftVT 47 IStJ Eleven till I ifctrtto Ltd LLOYD BY AUCTION Art win ctttr If at American lrArc 4th fim I of Hew of a ibi York Hue to a ttixz dwtilUy pomp alto of twit kx4 Liter of to bo jJCi to to it tali HILL Are still Culling prices in CHOICE MEATS At the Choice New Figs Natural Figs Basket Table Raisins Selected Valencia Raisins New Citron Peels New Orange Peels New Lemon Peels ALL CHOICE STOCK We have choice Comb Honey in Strained WTroTocalbidcfKotfci f of Vtbltdaarcb ihi t Ibo rK in a a a ad J Q ft ib by guobi to ill if fvo of iX bj iff if rOc of to Cbctf Tomb At Lke tbi Hid Vi lt ft J and tl ill it oclock id lotroaiat it WituONIo WliUiK4 a J UAtN T MOUTH sill prcrat Ill THE SURROGATE COURT owing rates Sirloin Hon Rib Roast Boiling Pork Pork Limb Front Quarter Lamb Hind Quarter We have made tbe foregoing cuh in prices on account of the hard times Coirs The Shop of to 3 lor for lbs for per lb LADIES MISSES AMD BOOTS I SHOKS AND Finest Quality New Styles Prices Crockery Glassware Dinner Sets Parlor Lamps A large variety ol Styles and beauty 11 the moderate prices c cr lit t Hi KbKtUrf to bit it to tow to bit it I lltci j til jcr titu lco til let yi PEPPiATr lit J if be f iMwlt to lb a unci itj Wittf li itd If FURNACE STOVE CHESTNUT FIRST CLASS Call tec rue Lumber Yard Loading Grocery Only First Quality of Spices Kept Our New Japan at 4 for A 11 Her 1r Ji2tiililwt lrik I WANTED LIA if to HEAVY DRAUGHT HOUSES r taitrf Ma Rittnzii For of Eia arranged the Clubbing Riles for Kra and Weekly Qlobo 100 f I I 1 if tc tea Kr lii CUitllV 1 1 it- ii II W OS to w 01 Oil lit it Oil 3d I it S I foiouto lluktlt I lubtl ILuU cf liiiU luiil- litiJ ticliirl Hi IC3 tut tcJ IUJ Jcf lb Kit ft OH 1 on it if W til to J a I I Otl 11 ii on tl to tn to ft ftfcj

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