i r j NEWMARKET ERA NOV IS OOIHO OH IK ABOUT Tilt Market result of Mr Trinity of groin ih prlw of op no from lbi Hut of Toronto New feci of ftfcir lor fire rifiJ tvl alt lb Arc- men oclock morning arc to It tat bo Ibo J Court It Jong docket for Iht Cowl hero Mi wo heir nUrciUn a bailiff will In Alderman A WiddiacldlbouBblUUIffWilUonhuaot In hit A Great Mc- Ron Uo Mortal ill from tying Far- Flooring wllb Factory Tfaoy en of highlit MtUfictioi ill work in J lie linn line In A A nun named from bo fore with loll tbi Bradford Tin tint did 1ml man of liitn drove through flopping to I thought ho had good a occurred on night of wm fined A named of own on afUr- ml alonit thooplnltoildo of villi a lit hand Mr- vrt in of up tit him but lh lemon want and a largo piDOOf In tho f tun until oclock on morn- frig and Chief Andorra tiro ipotal till kftir to politico of a goodly of and other boy lib Vitro In doing cutter up tin to ox Tor For the twb wcaki Mr J an am laid up very painful which by Iho in If of 4 and to httjl Plod- who world In Co WiiUld up over a with a of nerve fionday jTn of Toronto Vl morning ittalng New Stork Dr Campbell moving Into rrctk It a and do credit to ibot aro wllb a top border of glaif la flohhed lb birch It an of factory I capable timing Under Iho a at thi on of got Million Library In wnnccllon might ram under and will tboltigai for holding Library About 0gula a at Iho Mr Wm Second Bit to wlinwi df aldtat Laura to Mr young veterinary and coo of Mr J A of nuptial knot oclock Rev The bride and alio of honor atllrwi In to a wedding dinner and happy couple loft on craning train for the Booth honeymoon and may In about a the platform at for plentatlou Km Hi St vary wctther ho Town mil well filled on day aodlhe In aid of Hi Church a gnd iucceif the Mayor pretlded Mr of three aelellone and and whp altiaya wall to- tang Utter an attcactUo failure and their with grille and that much been In their training Mr Hewitt Ravi two character and brought down the Mill Parkins and eelwitlont Mr ft couple of retdlngi and a The pro- grain a hour by the from which The tffthe were In old meld carrying a band- and Individual parti ltd by Clara to At a local entertainment It Lett for a long You A new suit or made In and to abouldcallon Good bo an object to Methodist Church Subject of Quarterly In Church Par lor thli Foil attendance Mrt Cody tided at the meeting Sunday after noon and took charge of the organ Mr I naming to young into being an epitome experience la youthful to with great attention Mr Cowan by It A Wilton recitation by Hendry and reading by The Ban day will bo conducts by Did Endeavor Church Snow flakes arc email tbfogi but make for fly then day aro needed to the railing Huron Hi bridge Foundry half a car load of calling to a Toronto firm on goldin grain may bo literally to bee moved back to bit old location Jn the Don llt J A Allan making at October more dirk rainy a or known fn many yean until been delightful the bright warm will iborten the winter wonderfully The about flnlthed In the Church An anonyrnoue that walki arc like a barnyard running at large Complaint ihoutdbo direct to the Town the CuLVEHTThe employed of and are putting In a Water neck M Woncne Minion Auxiliary of the will meet at the Hot flolib report of branch at Celling wood citizen located In Aurora the of Or whOsi dentil card will to found q another column The Dr taken of latt ton and will redoubt do ft large local The Com- met On accounti acoamolated during the month of October to now men In Ihi Home which a greater number than while the women to Win tola number of In- The of met latVrlday night and of re Jttading ltoom to tent feci and A to gel an to rent light heat etc and to an adjourn moling of next Wednesday inht hoped that every member hi on action into dtbt or benefit of reeling public Four terrible Accident occurred In the factory of the Office tatty Co on of latt wetk A young named UUrt Allen WliO baa been In the employ of tho Co ill in will that in taking inch from the tail end of a iliaper ally too near the jiick as wink all and the man doing nicely but ha will be handicap jHd all life High School A meeting took place at the Secretary office on Wednesday afternooo C J and to the examined and attend to ttpatra to of amoka id tie for reduction on borrow money to par cent The three teacher offered re engagement reduced no flection that their not of merit but under the of lion and the value of lfcrit well by cert the Hoard fell that a lion W- Wid- and were appointed Treasurer account for the year School- Standing of Br HI total SHU Armiligo I It and A Hob orison MO Ieierman W K Ml C Meyer and Millard 329 313 A J A MB P Verhon Clay Jr Ill V Gray 8 I rhcnpat I Kennedy Fletcher V 331J 830T A Lloyd Hunt or A eon W alloy r CwheoourlJ K Miller SCO A Maun Ed I too 103 HI total No of Campbell A Wright It A eon 177 and fibopo Wiilay ICC W Hunter Ifunler 137 Lloyd 131 V Trent 129 J Duncan and l Brown Mo- Donald OBrien and E Glildlay Wright Wright ICO Ada Clay 161 162 160 J Trior Cane O A No Last Mondav night waa regular and though then were mat- with Lighting to tberi not enough prerenl up to to do for waut of a quorum following present Mayor and Councillor Hunter Cody and About Aro after In id and the Light held Spot toll pox yasd Wool and Mono Black Wool pair Wool in black Lining yd Go Having purchased from a large Manu facturer of ReadyMade Clothing evert gar- merit they had in Stock we are able to place it in stock and sell you Clothing at FIRE PRICES Remember bought these goods at cents on the Dollar so there arc Bargains for all always what and you know you can always depend on Goods you buy hero only Baking Powder mm IvttciKic Lighting The work iiitUUlng ihe tiro of lighting the arc for eriic fa drawing to a The engine and boll are and a The engine removed tbfi week the machinery located which an two The ii fine of with a iwtf ii placed on a ation It rnollou aud rum very The will to with COO light ate for and the hide fair to give liteUfioprotfmtnt to the expiration worbrvlU be welcome neat Week ax Work For dis orderly conduct of our Bounty liiuor Ariug pro- prictor in fiueaoflWaDd with cone the Major J lire the Inforuiatiuii of Die prompt action our for having a Jtghtfabfl after probihlUd aid that au Kelt SO for Liquor Act fcicpliig lookout though he ruOyci it that hi rally la the of conduct the to or Id of ate Lirred from a There are many per aoui even In our own Town have Utile conception of the work being and it he been by that the for Women Continually Trouble but a flight idea the yet none apprcctatise work of the Newmarket doting the put year bo obtained from a of Flower Report presented by the Superintendent Mm Win iho recent convection at QUI which of flowera among the lick dUtilhot4 among the lick literature die of canned frail The next event In will be York tionday School la to be held on Thurtday and of neat bo held In Church commencing at oclock and it earn that all delegated will be punctual in attendance at opening of each bo by J Cooper A Wright Fogg and This will be followed by a paper on and How by Mr York of Aurora The of for following Hun day Mr Ilra4ford an atlractlTo feature of la to bo III by caodeioent and a Mr Kill com- at The to Pro Convention at London lest week Mr of will give a report of that gathering A Union Choir of over voice with or will render a anthem and this will bo followed by speaker of evening Mr Adam of Toronto a popular pulpit orator who has a call to Hani I It on will open with a Prayer Milling from to in the Muter Hall Toronto A large attend ance of delegate and of la Two regular morning teuton will open at SO whin Mr Pike of the will Rivo a that perplexing Jfowtolteialo Senior will Separate Uonferencti building Mr A- of Aurora will take of Confer- nd Bible W- bar later of Bradford will Ictd and Duncan Toronto will conduct on Work The first two worker hot Mr Duncan li in litlto Introduction Kill be honor ary pical- debt of Toronto Primary Union and a her of the Committer of tho A a given her Royal or Wo that the Temp- Intend to hold a grand tea and lb Town Hell on How the of Council following to make all vis Her fitewart J J ft Hunter ert Hunter Bart Taylor Charlie and Holler Tbo Council looking forward to a time Iter If Mat fa appointed chairman and Mr Farm Tlicre was only a market last Hotter and the principal mind it lea tho from la lb and the at jcr butler and ffgfti told lojtthtr were at There not much poultry offered at per pair a livo at and cued chicken from to and re mains by the Fork Vi i from to per Fotatoea told from to bag and apples at W barrel ire Fi them We have still lots of Under Clothing at rices not even the smell of on Thousands to sell yet of Pairs of Boots and Shoes Hardware 4EA Wl BOO Good Hosiery rushing off have goods in town cents per lb All l 10 carde 17 of 17 i 451 11 of bread pftcea of duck dozeo and to of milk Borne butter flan of pillow til among collected for the a church among the lumbermen W baa alio mental with aulttaooo of the in very and Witrcctive lun throughout year There la a to all through which charitable of Toronto very have appealed to U for in collecting at the monthly meeting here XottJay A appointed to re and took after id io carry it at ball and will pay the appce tin bo put in well at barrel nd aWrektap Mill to halt a for If their who are will deliver each bcxaa of fruit at freight Saturday of Nov allbe toolbar and For a year and a half cervices to the Association of Ontario Honorary Primary Sccrolery Mra Duncan thoroughly in all mod primary and her bright tamest and clear her aobjtrtt alwaya a welcome convention program We are indebted to the for the ol the plato Duncan a and aide and the primary of who at- tend will never regret it after routine Iter Amos of Aurora will Introduce the Bible for At Da oca no Toronto will teach the Clast All pireule from age of send them to the Sunday School that may hear lady will In Church Rook Service at After introduction of the John of who each great acceptance at the latt week will ftive idea of the work by the Provincial The Union Choir and Ira will alao be prefect doling ad vill be given by Canon Grain of of whom Mr Day gen eral Secretary aye there not a greud work in part of the country Hit ii Pay Xhe Convention throughout to to the ever held York tioo It that every will be for be cent to Mr later than the may fcarrated in finding tenlay only teat io There that number at Hie charge preferred for throw iUj atone and hitting another Invettlgatod before Jackson on Friday Defendant guilty but let off a warning paying The lad to have been provoked to throw the atonOi but that it at complainant Jo the other from finding the charge withdrawn on defendant paying delivering judgment fa the forum tho took oration to remark reprcentatioDt made to of very unruly conduct being Indulged In nightly r the corner of Mil and Huron atresia Improper woa and from the country putlog in vehicle had been rudely atop pod by old only to bo laughed at for complying If bo him and found after this yarning he would feet it Mi doty mora than mete in at penal tie I In view of the quantity of that log to on of over- production it almost to con offering for the planting of Orchard but it must be that ii altogether year There are pltoci where never reached lociidetniod they are exporting of lame may bo of aecttooa oar province Within two of New market are from vbicb areuiailly ald 100 barrel and year they have probably or ftvo hundred to tell In of York Webb have com pleted their tour of and they report that and butbtle of Korchera applet left upon the ground to rot or to bo eaten up by the locfc the Hon Unlock Intimated to the of the Institute that be to offer for another con and vra give in ad vane to that there tWnklog of in Hoe may make due preparations Sizes m J J I I Fi j for for snd for a let Of GLOVK3 WOOL MITTS FEAT HICK YAHN COTTON HATS ETC ETC if Canada given HUGHES held at all The Clerk to notify Draper to hit the highway con forth with Hero half killed by claim Tan net re culvert on con Main cedar for culvert J I to of Worrell in Wc Ira Morton Pollock of way acrote Jure Cook for cohering for bridge The arrange with Vilajaaa to TownHue to be ty etch reported a mutual agreement North the half of Hue and Lake Shore and the half be by Council then day of December BULBS CHINESE SACREIJ LILIES ROMAN TULIPS DUTCH HYACINTHS NARCISSUS ic Might Bell J ID 111 I V The Fruit Stasia benefit thcio who have aluj over irrhcr aiillicnl year the or to ay liit and lor- left The- quantity Iiij Layer arc Choice an l I received New itui Also an Fi City Mitch inly a This Every match to arc down We are Riving Fine for and lbs Standard Granulated Suir for Bushel Root tiaic 15c each There arc only a evr left Come early Ijtfcre gone arc the ChtaU and hi Town A- ROBERTSON want d And big reduction to tub Uracil Lett atock of No lo fiy op own fiot yea look iQp up All other rojf A you Mrteokic Dismay About the middle of November tbi nil nearly the of fireQiu and world over arc pre paring to the ha Million la Lit end it it myriad a of will from the heat by friction with lOAtcerlia paint proceed for of their point of radiation alio to of tut tor a to ftoi ihe fact whether or not of or Vfbithtr both of of early tbero of year will meet of of ratUora Id lotion the tan lection of a of eight that it eight yun rjQirod for entlroalretm to a wo will meet ft in end when wo will portion which aboot Ihlckocii wo will Il- tho thirtytwo yean ago and great- tat for the yean to In will grow atraglir hie vhea it will to in return to time SCHOOL REPORTS iwiua icons or is it Br If CHh timer Nor man Jr Charlie Boyd Fred Boyd Lizard Barker Funk May fSfraio Lucy IIUaia Mary Mary Mew Season Teas Are on the Lead in the TEA BUSINESS any the most deltaic flivofd Teas and of Jr acitluitr IIcuie i I Hoy Jn Grrtt Ptfil SAWS AXES COW CHAINS HORSE BLANKETS GIRTHS PAINTS GLASS OILS AND PUTTY POWDER SHOT AND CARTRIDGES Tie Pickle Tea Ink cow fl iV is Peine of flUpksstoa Dw Jr HI Eictst Vuqoo Jr Ill Hill Jr II IjtokTite Etui EH Dew on Jr Put Ill Btnttr II I Roy Vwi Piok J The of lo cated in Vermont BOX STOVES COOK STOVES COAL STOVES FURNACES We dont time for Vancouver why cur cert an- the nJ they best on give them the most ad fliers in this to way of is the DAVISON V and Promptly and Neatly Done J A W ALLAN GO till control Toe of lbetetUU What about Uoloa 8k4 extremely i BEST STOVE AND FURNACE COAL Alio to TO LOAN At Hit DAVID YD x Notice of the Snaps which IJ n is giving at his CASH BOW SH011 I have a lot of Tar Goods which I am clearing out at and Below Cost alio some other Lines at the same rate I have a line of Mens Fine Hoots which I am at and Extra goo value Now as these Goods are very fast Rare Chance of the Bed Boot tujf 1 H Baa j lJ fc