i v K a A rfiHs v NOV 6 gl StocaiJn of Not Nam otic fa lire Aisled Itemed feverish Signature EXACT of I THAT THE IS OF WRAPPER OP EVER BOTTILE OB i14 It Bert alto nil jci flu jca or 1 Mutt mnu reiimjcaettoABTafcw teniae em Ion at general elected Hod Mr baring fcca tor ho for ft new noil Oca- op a politic ato log Id bed logoibar with the la tbaroom A wordr keep together filth at ha lop At leader la at Jimcj wa ot the root o too togolhtr- Wo may along hard ahead Of at Don In UoDtortMlyo In Toronto Ho of the la a matter of Mho moil bo vrhlob they Enade high muck ml ok thill or what do not Idea that of the and that muter Deri If bad wl In aoylbtng Ilka hem with being rudely bat politic and will toon to Till Yd tut cup in ifiurctjji 1 up cItJ A LIFE yAVED CHERRY PECTORAL i ji it tiller Iie I- It Ay By I iMl little I WJ I leaned wy Aitii Ave Ayer Cherry Pectoral Jh at 5ho holy all keep be foro At lot the temple ft Prom every known lend dftwnfor lie encllon and adornment and now It In all He heauty thing of to who lived end worked and to long for end One thing only lacking the In the of Hie people and of thin fill own to and Lake perl In the eolttnn ittne the do not merely the of trIUe and olden to bat every adult In vboctn to from Mb cutting of to river of Knyit ft bun en to that ftnrneme of wlih towerde the upon which king In all hi glory to Iced In the of II Kdual In the life eet the pooplo by the Temple arrangetqtntt ae great object Iho Holy Plaoe and the life gold and vviljjthe A of end all abundant liCj Go with of and ihinkuglying heart a Holy binding of lb net Ion Unity of would tend to unity In talent In In end In bo In prayer be rejoicing in end on earth when opiril temple le com It reported In Premier at AithebatkM that eetlUmcntllthus will continue to oxlil but a fortbo at well the French In where the majority French In French ere to bo employed In the majority- the chief of tbo Premiere wore the minority ai good majority It now out of pdlltlot llicro will of any Federal re medial lobulation eotltement will bo public ae ratified by Tjji So Topper Bert a loathing Me present Government for official by one of own doing tho when he was of after miking wrote to Mr father of the mio to low iy Dear fllr In to your tetter of tbo November and on of of your eon from Inter colonial I hove to auto that for tint ho open took a very acliro ptrt In opposition to Government general yon will nnder no bo permitted to do and your not bo pitted oyer yUrxle ihe and nfVxm the iiDfiurl foul ilrr Correct ing of ltoroMh curing Bill DjtMUli or Skin Drops Dim Jaun dice Salt Scrofula or Heart acdGeaaralBebUlly all to BURDOCK BLOOD lib TO WRIfX County AiiculiuMl It la will eta year of undontau wilt One war It will vil of coo ttaxEallrly ibt no Mat ioujpeMfpatIta vlat This effective Utile pit Is supplant ing ail the old school nauseous purg atives The demand is to keep up since placing It on Canadian market Take no tuie doses at Pharmacy Good of the with wuheiing saicasm am composed set I run When church I alius smiles an hows to An to up for good marines it duty to keep to me all seliinen CASTOR A THE EXP OF Ha a Goto From One who been released from of suffering Ii to ihe or the medicine that has been medium of release It Is therefore to lay that one of the met thankful in the of Mr Grant Day for past has a sufferer from but his been re leased from lit thraldom To a re porter Mr Day told hi as I hare been a sufferer from rheumatism for of years It usual attacked spring and fall and at times the pain en dured was Intense making It difficult for to obtain real at night From my down to my feet joint and every muscle appeared to be affected and the pain appealed to chase one another until I at time neatly wild and mind you this was my condition for upward of lwentyfie years During that period I tried many remedies and while I obtained temporary relief from some I could get nothing the way of permanent benefit But last year the pains did not come back and they have not returned since and this fa the way it came about One day while telling my neighbor Mr Swiircr how badly I was feeling laid Get half a dozen boxes of Dr Williams use them according to directions and you will find they will do jutt what they arc advertised to do cute you I know this from in my own family- Well I got the pills and used them and the rheumatism has been driven out of my syelcm and last winter and spring for the first lime In more than twenty year I was entirely free from my old enemy But there is one thing more Pink Pills did for me and which astonishes a little Over forty years ago I had a severe earache and used a liquid preparation in the hope of getting relief It neatly min ed my hearing and for ail the yean since I have been partially deaf After I took the Pink my hearing came back and my ear is now all right My wife and sister have also found much benefit from Pink Pills when run down by overwork and it is safe to say they will always he found in our house Dr Williams Pink Pills strike at the root of the disease driving it from the system and restoring the patient to health and strength In cases of paralysis spinal troubles locomotor ataxia sciatica erysipe las scrofulous trouble etc these pills are superior to all treat ment They are also a specific for the trouble which make the live of so many women a burden and speed ily restore the rich glow of health to pale and sallow cheek Men broken down by overwork worry or excesses will find in Pink Pills a certain cure Sold by all dealer or sent by mall postpaid at a box or six boxes for by- addressing the Dr Wil liams Medicine Company or Schenectady Beware of imitations and alleged to be ll Iho Sin of SCHOOL or 9 no Coonr It Iarulum wiiiio It 3r CcaUcn I flrJobn ml day Coojr John Gerald Pied Cooper A- HIT I Class Jr Tablet Illlran sicil A tie waa very little and his clothes were and his hands were red with cold whenever he came spinning around ihtjcorner and paused before the house across the way One funny thing about it was that he never came on pleasant days but I grew accustomed to tec him take up his position and call his paper while the snow swirled around biro and wind tried la best to take htm off bis feet At last I became curious and determined to out why be never came when sun shining and everything looked bright I bad only to beckon to him and he hurried across the with a cheerful Here you arc I A did you A moment later had him before the grate and his eyes resembled those of a great mastiff as the warmth penetrated his shivering body Its terrible I began yes rather but Ive seen it worse was the answer SHOOTERS J 1 in to era J will In it It it 4S Tl la llfaftfeiaiUflUtV1 mm quick and easy For cleanest aweetest and whitest clothe connection of Mr J A Barron with fen in Gov it is cm by It not A vtti6ot id of Booth worth webqQQd for ili Hit will in the flrt in nctxtoUr to to Hiding member Mr For Infanta and Children tt iryi a man OUIOINAL tl A Mm Iaiii1 EI to of lJht6l Ik to ill ite tor I MnrtcicotKt itc Ulttb4U Founder f Co HciiSto of tL Ixjt livii sVJt r l a Hon It Scott thoInUrIor tod J It bo fitttvoy Buff bob tit Well old a token of heir to A iota Sic report I know boutil ld I do think would tny of the ihoi fact Of from very omo1 all mean contemptible specimens of humanity who walk this footstool the dead best is the meanest of the lot It is a thousand times more honorable to go and steal deliberately than to refuse to pay your honest debt A thief Is an angel when compared with a man or woman who of honest Wilson Afar Mr Tonn of tho Itiilwoy the other York with olttuti tbtt olihoub now litvo ot tod tho no I will vvy it to running LIP Em for a For pepsin or Kldaey it Frio W eta Store finXLOHB It Mid on It cares Incipient It Cure- cent a SO lore ROOT great freshness and to potion 2 ell It la ft It ftOllJ i FOR SALE lKhTNK Tut of Jul lengthy of ft J tho of ft Till Hood for of Toronto tod tbo to fcnov that Copt hli to bo til tbero ttt no Iq thtt ted iririi onlbntltttfc found tud the ptot to friIUiit J What will or tbtir est in bill Li Huns a sermon that the viceroy delivered to one pretty young woman who told him that she wasnt A woman can to be as Jong as it young hut even American women beautiful as they are must eventually old Time creeps even in the cases of the fairest and when a reaches yars she will And she cannot make conquest she did at woman Marriage her and she ill he happier with a good husband alone wandering about he con as well as he can probe my This is one of ihe commonest tint It Is also one of the most sep- Many to whom gross present no attraction yield to till one almost without a It is unreasonable and when allowed to become a habit full of torment It spoils ones own peace and renders one a source of continual distress and toolbars Worrying is retting be cause matters have gone wrong or supposed to be destined to go wrong If the former be true worrying does no good even when we conscious of having been in fault Go to bravely and remedy what is amiss so as possible and what cannot be remedied bear with Christian patience and courage If tbe latter he true do not assume that your threatening evil must befall but do your best prevent or lessen it and remember that God allows evil a well as good to hppen that evil often re sults in and that should the worst come probably in lime you will find reason to thank God for it Another Ottawa Oct A valuable dis covery of a stone called corundum which is akin to emery has been made in the County of Hastings This stone is now imported from Car olina at a cost of about per ton Dr Dawson Director of the Geologi cal Survey has reported the import ant discovery Hon Scot act Minister the Interior Mr Scott learned that the land upon which the discovery was made be to the Crown lands which will make the owners wealthy Mr Scott was another discov ery In the Yukon district Mr of the Geological Survey who there at present Into the de limitation of the between Canada and the United States write to the Minister from Fort Cudahy which it is well known is within Can adian Mr reports large discoveries of gold on Bonanza Creek a branch of the River dike shown on the map as Diet Riv er which Joins the Yukon atye Reliance about miles east of Canadian boundary ft is described as the richest field yet discovered and claims have already been staked out and there Is ample room lor claims If properly prospected there is work for over men One roan found in an One nugget discovered on the surface was worth 2 This is an assurance of the richness of the field It is said that from to loo per day could he turned out if properly worked Mr Oilvie reques that some ar rangements be made for the laying out of claims in order avod future disputes The floods are increasing in the French rivers and there is great distress in the submerged districts The Ottawa ArnpHor Pans- Sound Railway ii completed from Ottawa to the waters of the Georgian May ha But dont you find hard selling papers this weather I continued Ycce then over there as fast a I can nodding at the house across the way f Why do your papers tell more readily neighborhood f No with a disgusted sniff at my evident lack of business intuition sell one here Why do you come then Do you want to know the real reason Yes Indeed I replied earnestly- Well One day pretty ago I was most done for couldnt tell any papers and was about froze and if Id known any place to go would have crawtcd off somewhere and give it all up While was thinking of all this a couple passed me and one of he Croetu now an think he was a beggar only a few year ago A beggar tother fellow Yes or what to pretty much the same thing a ncwiboyand Ive heard him say dozens of times that nothing but pluck and the grace of God would ever have brought him through An hli house is the next street you say Yes we go right past It followed era till they came to that house over there and when I stood looking at it something teemed to say to me that that man could build a bouse like that when hed begun being a I could too Then I wondered over what the men had said Theyd gone out of sight and I said dye and over Pluck and Grace of God Then I made np mind Id got the pluck all right and Id ask over and for the grace God I didnt know just what it was but every lime I was alone Id what I could re member of prayer and finish up with an give me the grace of God If youll believe it I begun to get along right away Im saving money now to go to school with and whenever I get discouraged its always on days you see come front of that house and think it all over and say Pluck and the grace of God over to myself a few times Then I go back and you wouldnt believe bow fast the papers cell after that He rose shook himself together tike a big dog and said 1 mutt hustle along and get rid of my pacers but Ill be round whenever Im down in the mouth for that is my bank and I come to draw on it when Im hard up I ex pect it a deal more comfort to me than to the man who built it and a moment later the youthful philosopher was shouting your papers titrate and nifin It tu Sing at Oct lepr iltmfcflis all In The following Harper envoi limber bill Ireland re pair to It WjniIrmwngnnlWeitTofollc256 repair to road tools SIM I col Bin con J A coo WatO Winter cedar bride Geo repair cod Fuller drawing lumber A reptlr lo cod JobnOHollcolMri W2M goods lor ClarkllQ2 Brown removing 2nd con repair coo Kitchen woodwork con to road Mca dog la Ktooedy Moved by JCbtrr y by A Mum and bo lo with Ur Jo road al- lowaoca across lot cod and to any ibsy Carried by J recODded by It thai Cooncll mend that Gba bo tor King of Council Carried and Cherry bo a to arrange in to Mr Ireland re fence at grave pis Carried Moved by A seconded by It of this Council bo held at Hotel King City on lo interfering with County Council Benton Carried EVERYTHING IN GOOD WORKING ORDER why Wagon calls for and Aurora Call Tuesday and deliver Thursday delivers all J Bradford Call Wednesday and deliver Friday EMBURY Proprietor Opposite House Lace Curtains done up equal to new Special terms for family GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Hi E Days wont matters you have that keeps vou warm in any weather Just a of Chamois through coats vest or wraps provides a healthful that will Jut all winter no matter how severe makes it impenetrable to rain or sleet its light weight leaves you free unburdened to that any exercise It possible and Its non conducting properties keep out every of cold air or frosty o wind It only costs a few extra cent to for health and comforts take have it put all ordered clothing and only buy the garment which bear the Fibre Chamois Label a Yard always find nil I I I p I is P 8 y A 9 I I J FOR OR TO Only rt It no that which we not the shape the boot should bo uncomfortable It coals mo ney to employ skilled makers but the result is a satisfactory tit Each year new patterns are added to fit all the latest shoeshape and Rubbers arc uptodate Tty are honestly made of pure Dont Draw the Feet light elastic durable thick at b and heel TWO TOWN LOTS tar Apply lo mi ARM TO RENT- SO RICH SO PURE SO WHOLESOME SO DELICIOUQ PURE CEYLON BUCK OR IN HALF AMD ONE POUND ONLY AT ALL GROCERS 40 so A lit ft PlillIPlIAOKLKir FOR IclSoSCca i CSltlfU2 ir J A CODY to tell FLORIDA GARDEN LAND CO- to ihil DAVIDSON HA CEYLON TEA- of nil inland at fcTEWAUT A lilt ON WANTED SALESMEN want or Id tub willing work c TV TOR ONTO If ARM RENT- SfiillA oh tor OF NEWMARKET TRY OUR PAILS TUBS Clothespins and Washboards W uei la it to Id It Pet WANS lUtli wccnM iciiith tiucct V- Building CYCLE r An who was a in a small way and kept a donkey and came on one oc casion to a bridge wheie a wis but to his found be had not enough pay it A bright thought him He unharnessed the donkey and put into the cart Then gelling the shafts himself pulled cart with donkey standing in on to the bridge In due course he hailed by the tollcollector Hey roan the latter ye tojl said the Irishman just ax the driver The Fountain of Youth ifcc ttory of of ftc ill ftTCjpiLhii id lei rch tin much It more itic lift for lift become a with and vigor elastic step and well covet Tee or dls ft it people be Fete it time not mult of blood When blood pure and body will be full of of people to youth tad found It ihroisfb ibt fierce perfectly ovarii of known to to Hood fall of ike td drive out build up aoHd AtA rd Il gift and foil and out hollow color It not mite flabby fat like cod It perfect for people It the feeding vitb blood be Dr axe olid and UtdTAl ItlitifC in world ibat do ibe ecu NEWMARKET A Stock of the just re ceived YBROUtJHTOH Night Bell WANTE ironworb ftj oat by on- or roucd Ooifll 1P Ior lM ALLEN NURSERY CO We flitted op a department a witb Shop for of ill kind in All CIalD2 and r f cr Ka Valuable Farm on Yooge Street For Sale or to Rent in let Cushion Tit TOicols All before colt ccir othr We are prepared lo raafca to any of Wheel deilrti We will have Wheel OLce of lbs very latest Call and eee it- TOE CANE SONS MFG CO NEWMARKET Society before foil ioroQTutJy I Kncarooiet 11 A Ever lit 3rd lo be fecctb Soort cub AO IT J la lojhe Ali Aurora la ttt la Monday iooctb Mosday of WedcevJar rtefwl Id KtUUbyEveiy rUbl HAS A RECORD YEAR50F SUCCESS IT ftatHTRY Cmoier lnrxfjTUii DUMMCH FOR TVENTYSIX YEARS we AKIN THECOOKSBEST FRIEND LARGEST III I Notice to Creditor NEWMARKET LATEST t MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES PONY JACIUOS WAYSIDE SONGS rcaiLUiLc It While of ft famine In centre hive potato crop of ihe of Waittedfln Idea Si Ming- Keiw La day at I pa ib John 10 tD7fCl i of Jell td IJ itt lilt ibt itty tie to 1M J be Ibo 164 of jt uf by and REDUCED TO 760 FOR DAYS irf3 or j ov A il Lin at frl tk hh Wo ell A I a Jrtly are la t e d4 Lll EI OS A 44 il uol4x it THIS AKfcr CO YciUoai FOR SALE Iho itj half lot con will cry acres lot con acres lots and 3rd con King acres South half lot 3rd con acres Part of lot 2nd con King acres Pan lot In the con of Whitchurch ircjxili to J JlQ St IT- A We do ui in ihfj line any On in or If you kind of Priming done see hav work and terms Cia get at the Office before order Our pro- JS JJ WAnM PATKUT Sfl A CO- ifl f J Mrs school English French and Music Ai am