THE ERA OIVK ME THE I1IHV Every Friday GEO STEAM Kit we 2000 suqcaiBuas lUfooa i TO KNOW TO OTTER AMD ACCORDING TO COHECIEHCB ABOVK AM OTHER LIBERTY YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER TORONTO CIJASlkOlLU No papers tent of Worth York unless paid Advance Vol No Single Copies J Cents Each Newmarket Out Friday November Terms Strictly in Advance I or at end of year Newmarket Branch A A Allowed DRAFTSISSUED AT ALA icdAtatrtcxa Drifts This Week Corsets for TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE 3 I The proper material been discovered for he manufacture of Castings for Stoves File j to r3 W roves Are Boat of Bakers They will not Warp or Crack Sec Samples Both in Coal and Wood at our Show Room Repairing promptly done A 1 r J on A Jr Meter lolio WOODCOCK Remember they arc priceless- Take care of them as no one will take care of them for you nil A J IlmruafcO ft 1 iMi ir Soul Windows funeed oftho or RyeGlasses call on us and 0 prices ATKINSON Jevccr and Optician Alain St Newmarket I Cor mi Oil- Dr ilil BR flMO R of up- til current AHficUli Discounting Notes AT We the Monsoon neglect all the for make ihc Vancouver and hem the our Japan i ihe China Teas Indian and Ceylon growth Teas of and arc i import direct by way of oil fragrant and economical Thats over all others in this market ISON CO mm DEPOT If I fit AJ J VilnlMtJ Airier AUIIOKA 10 Dr Tell meqUjc with the PASS THROUGH FREE AM 10 JOHKEbLIOlT ftcd And After lit SIT p A f J YOUR Our new Bake Oven Works complete Our new Baker knows how to do the Work Central Office Grand Convention llcvfliaitf Best Ever North York lRK8KH2 At anticipated in the lul of the the Convention here week was on unparalleled it being admitted thai for and it all the Convention ever held linccibedr- York for Sunday School work The opened in the Church on Thursday after noon in the chaff The attendance w Smith of Bradford led the devotional ifttcd Rev Rev J Rev If The President appointed lowing as a Nominating Committee Pearson P M Nereis ft York and Rev Mr Sturgeon Nut Ice of amendment to the Constitution Reports from ions were called for Mr- J Cooper President of King the organization of new school at Maple well the ol each of the the most of which arc working well though four close in winter Mr A M of Whit church reported schools in the township and all except a are doing good work The is well organised No child need away as everyone is miles of a school schools have a great many old people and the one at lie- iheioa is to be commended for its numbers A new was organ ised at Vivian with so small children Mr Wright for the fourth time reported the of East The work at a whole was in a very prosperous condition some outlying were not doing so well In these there were no helps and the workers had littfo assistance We school and some con version Quite a number of old people are now attending- In a very excellent manner Mr York of Aurora introduced the sub ject help and how to them Pointers It is an abuse of helps to take them into the class lo wholly depend upon them they de stroy independence of thought and cause of individuality Com mence early to study the read it over then read he par allel passages get historical setting lime place manners and customs from the helps and read knotty points in the critical notes Make a plan of the lesion and write out questions you intend to ask minutes on knees before to class A lively discussion followed Mr of Bradford con the study of the lesson for Nov The Nominating Committee report as follows Committee Messrs ft Wilson and A David- ion STARR ft KM If your Sight Tailing or your Eyes Trouble you come in and have them examined OR VKIlHOHdMVKItV cm CO IUHKIY CANADIAN COMPANY -OAPITAL-ANDKUKDS- DOLLARS IT COSTS YOU dr t PAINTING- mm i MRS K J tT- GROOME Painter It Childror over 12 years of age Insured Insur9l without extra charge j OK I- MUST AOeatUo ir4HCi4 with libldUgf is ft4juiH1 I We CANCER Oil THE LIP It pa turn I ir ij Li lUATIUAI list K and lofted ret A- A A HO JiJoelll of lectori lone t 10 VcICVHijfq In a a KC4uf- I A lid Lit It tic I at War Jit rjjri lOKHIiiil A VANZAM Of a selfhelp MR Singing and Violin Teacher for nil Voco Voices Tested TOWN CARTING utKwwuvMi An mod il it- You arc weak rundown health is gone Doctors call your case there is a fatfam ine in your blood Emul of codliver is the best foodmeans of getting your strength back your doctor will tell you that He also that when the digestion is weak it is better to break oil out of the body than to burden your tired digestion with it Scotts Emulsion does that Resolution Com Revs Smith and Hopkins Holland and Singing and the hour arrived for open- he church was filled and after packing and all the room in the vicinity of the doors many to admission The sinking by the Union Choir voices led by Mr A with orchestral accompaniment was ex cellent and not a liule to the pleasure of the Convention both evenings Mr S of Bradford gave a most excellent report of the London Convention The spirit of devoted- ne enthusiasm and ioterest retted Has exceptional and the ad- were Rev Adams of Toronto grand address on the for and it teach ing illustrating several points by incidents He aid ve take too much for in our leaching it should be removed from all inciii we should understand what we wish to convey lo the cStJren A good memory and a sharp intellect are not to be despised yet the lead ing qualification is a pure heart Teach ihe children to live for human iiy for eternity and for heaven word of divine in concrete form in the Son of Cod was signal in teaching the goodness of Cod to the than the law proclaimed from Mi Sinai amid thundering and lightnings Chldren believe in the teach goodness rather than in struction they give therefore as the see In us the reproduction of the Jesus Christ it Is a greater appeal for them to Jesus than anything we can teach Collection Benediction WORKING and attended the Sunrise PrayerMeeting in the Pres byterian and enjoyed a de lightful and Inspiring season The meeting led by Mr J- of Bradford assisted by Rev J lxfce of of shorn short and approbate addresses The session opened at in the chair After devotional exercises of Jletherda gave an ex- on How to Retain It was a sad re teaching that a question hit to be propounded parent for this were of and In and He re minded that example is Utter lhanprecept patents should go to rcliol with tbctr children fault a great deal in lack of interest by the parents Irregular teachers result of their labors by their classes leaving them Teachers the school and good teachers arc necessary to retain senior We cannot teach without knowing ihe pcrronal effect of con version teachers love the work should press the question upon pupils arc you a christian The Supt should be lively have the lesson well prepared and remember that there arc seniors in the as as juniors Ministers of the gospel can assist in retaining pupils by holding up the advantages of the before their congregations Legitimate at tractions good singing new frequently good papers and a good library Illegitimate attractions tea- meeting picnics Teacher should pray much and well be friendly and live what they teach In the discussion which followed the following points were brought out Good fiction It not objection able in a library good ground work in bible history important look ing after absentees by the Young teoulcs Societies names being given by the teachers of drawing pupils to Christ while The following were added to the Nominating Committee Mews A Yule Wilson I and The Convention then divided into two Conferences Over 40 followed Mr Yule to the Sunday School room while sufficient remained to nicely fill the of the church where Mrs Duncan and Mr Evans divided the hour and a half between the Primary and Intermediate work Mrs Duncan of Toronto was ex ceedingly interesting and had with her a number of models and objects used in primary leaching Her com parison of the teacher to the electric wire was good The way was to selec the best teacher for the bible class but now we look for best teacher in the primary The cations for a primary teacher were these Must know book must conWcraicd ihe work have a seme of its responsibility must grasp child development are not teaching the who must soon away young who are to take our placet in the business and muni cipal of Ihe future We must the and believe in must kno of every scholar must be and regular in attendance must be filled with the lesson know how to teach what to leach and when to stop Teach by the eye and through the eye never age rate but be simple in speech interest instruct impress Mrs Dun can answered numerous and delighted all who heard her Mr Evans of Bradford rnsde a very address showing thai it was in intermedi ate classes where the pupils dropped out of the S as a and the im portance of earnest and work here His replies to diffi culties were mentioned were very satisfactory and helpful In the conference Superintend ents and Bible Class Mr Yule of Aurora gave an excellent in troduction emphasizing the following points In selecting officers and teacher they should be those we have every confidence in watch drift as it is sure to degrade never shrink responsibility rule well but never speak of your authority executive ability comes from knowledge and ex perience and there is nothing honored more than courage Firmness received and adopted j Mr I cctlent Senior Sell flection on go to They an unconscious in fluence over other peoples children If IU4 of lie I luahiy self control and a dean char acter very essential for success It is a great mistake to work too hard and loo laic on With ily Ihe principal thought faith fulness to the Jesus Christ the teacher or bound to succeed In ihe discussion which followed the fallowing hints were dropped Cultivate the art questioning get scholars interested by giving them something to do for the following Sunday ihe pupils lo think fill the young people with ihe idea hy hive ability and only needs development by application pray for indvidual and get to pray for us the less the teacher talks himself and more he gets the to talk the most goo I will be done The greatest difficulty is because the lesson is net studied before coining lo school it is the work parents lo see that the child ren do dayschool at home and they should also see thai the work has attention at home Superintendents should frequently change the order of exerciser insist on older be brief in reviewing the lesson enquire of teachers spiritual growth and aid teachers in their difficulties Session closed in due form SESSION Session promptly on time the church being well filled Rev Mr of and Rev Mr of Aurora In The Treasurer presented his re port showing receipts from schools during the year sub scriptions a collections at the Bradford Convention The disbursements included to the provincial Association and for working expenses including prim ing and travelling expenses of speak ers at the Convention leaving a de ficit Report adopted An appeal for funds to carry on the work the year was wade by the and Rev Amos re sulting in pledges from Township as follows Kinft Whitchurch North GHiMmbury West Individual schools and personal subscriptions On motion the Convention assum ed the responsibility of the Secretly on behalf of Worth York towards the debt of Ibe Pro vincial in addition the usual giant of icjoti of the President- King A Yule Aurora Secretary I New market Treasurer Garrett Bradford Executive J John Hopkins John Wilson A Davidson Rev CMdlty Rev W Amos J Rev J Locke Rev ft Smith and Silas S The Consiitutlon was amended so that In future ihe President of each Township Association Is also a member of ihe County Executive The Presbyterian Church being filled to overflowing It was found necessary at this point to adjourn the Methodist Church for want of room Alter singing Precious Jewels Mrs Duncan taught a Primary Class of over scholars and the at tention which she commanded spoke volumes for her ability as a primary teacher Solomons glory was illus trated by pen pictures of the temple etc warnings illustrated by a light- bouse to which the bible was com pared necessity of keeping Gods laws shown by danger signal lo an engineer on the railroad and practical results incases of Daniel in Babylon and Joseph in Egypt and the promise of a crown to all who keep Gods laws was made prominent Collection After the children dismissed Rev Amos of Aurora the subject Systematic Reading He illustrated how thai trifling conversation was very preva lent but one way to retain what read is to talk about ii and in so do ing our dally convention would be greatly elevated This is of more than ordinary value in reading of the Word of A If we wish to comprehend what we read we must shut everything else out while so do ing and if any reading demands best attention it is the book that God has given us To read systematical ly is simply to follow some system for instance by books which should be read over and over again until one is able to think the separate book from beginning to end It would be found singularly profitable to do so The events of the bible ate a narrative of different perrons If we trace the causes we get a glimpse of the Hook as a whole Group the books in reading and keep up the continuity Another way lo read ihe is by subjects for example the Creation by the Third wa reading We gain largely by all methods and particularly in carrying on the read ing of all wgether Time would not permit of a dis cussion on this interesting topic Singi benedic IN A South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in to days- Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysteri ous It removes at once the cause and the disuse immediately dis appears The first dose greatly bene fits cents Sold Pharmacy A little annoyance is often harder to bear In the right spirit than a greater trouble Relief Six Distress ing Kidney and Bladder Diseases re lieved in six hours by the The South Ameiican Kidney Cure This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding prompt ness relieving pain in the bladder kidneys back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately you want quick relief and cure this is GREAT WORK DAY HE IS RELIEVING SUFFER- INOHUMAMllY WITH IMPROVED REMEDIES All 17 r IIMZ A YOURSELF Mary Saunders of it Toronto says suffered ter ribly with rheumatic paint indifferent Carts of my body tried all inds of remedies in an effort get relief In fact I spent all my savings in doctors bills When I suited Rheumatism Cure I had no faith whatever but decided to give it a fair In less than a week after I began using it I had not a or ache in my body Munyons Rheumatism Cure sel dom fails to relieve in one to three and cures in a few Price Munyons Dyspepsia Cure positive ly cures all forms of indigestion and stomach troubles Price 35 cents Cold Cure prevents pneu monia and breaks up a cold in a few hours Price Munyons Cough Cure stops coughs soreness and speed ily the lung Price Kidnty Curs speedily cures pains in the back groins and a forms of kidney disease Price cents Msinyonj Headache Cure stops in minutes Price Pile Ointment positively cures all forms of piles Price Blood Cure eradicates all impurities of blood Munyors Female It medics area to all women Asthma Remedies relieve and cure permanently Munyon Remedies never The Catarrh Cure price eradicates the the and the Tablets price cleans and heals ihe parts Munyons Nerve Cure is a wonder ful nerve ionic Price Munyons Vital izer restores lost vig or Price A separate cure for each disease At all druggists mostly Cents a vial Personal tetters to Prof Muryon and Albert St Toronto an swered free medical advice fir any disease T is tail fe Mr Frank pro wo of executor of the estate of the late John Ins dispoed of a looactc farm Stephen was ihe amount paid The Temper ance entertained over fcrtyfive brothers and sisters of Kettlcby at their hall here on Tuesday night After the business part of the war dispensed with and adjeurn- mint was made vrften vtcal and in- selections wire indulged in after which the visitors were enter tained at two tables heavily laden with the choicest of eatables provided by the sisters Scbomberg BRETON James Bell an of a member of a hunting party was on Thursday in the neighborhood of your remedy Sod at Burnleys Pharmacy Be a mm and you need no have much about ibis or any other life SO CIS CoXfcXIfATlON AND Liver Ills Dr Liver Pills are the most made and cute like magic Sick Headache Const Biliousness and all Liver cents a vial doses Sold at Pharmacy Faith is citing down our nets into the transparent deeps at divine command not whit we shall take Pile is Dr Annexs Ointment will cure all cases of Itching in from to nights One bring com fort For Blind and Bleeding Pi it is peerless Also cures Tetter Silt Rheum Eczema Itch and all eruptions of the skin Sod Pharmacy was the liule earolds first view of a with a on auntie she he a cult- little Hes going to play baseball Hay Flyer and Cava Rati 12EY2DIH to Mi Hints On- short puff of the breath through Blower supplied each bottle Dr Agnews Catarrhal Powder dif fuse this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages and de lightful to use relieves and permanently cures Catarrh Hay Fever Colds Headache Sore Throat and Deafness- Sold at Pharmacy account af the recent cases of hydrophobia at Paris any dog found at large during the neat six months will be shot at light Disease Relieved So Minuses Dr Cure for the Heart perfect relief in all cares Organic or Sympathetic Heart Dis ease In minute aod speedly ef fects cure It is a peerless remedy for Palpitation Shortness of Breath Smothering Spells Pain in Left Side and all symptoms of a Heart Oaedose connect La the reai basso had a voice so that on several occasions it cracked the window glass in room where he was practising KL A petition will fce presented the council at the next meeting of that body praying a bylaw be passed to prohibit horses cattle pigs sheep and poultry from running at large on highways of that township The new watch is to have a photograph hidden away and at the hour and at each quarter of an hour a tiny voice will be heard giving you the exact time- You will simply touch a spring hold the watch to your ear and the little fairy in Ihe will whisper the hour While ihe uptrain was near on Saturday evening engine struck a rig in which seat ed a young fanner named Green wood- Jh- back pan of ihe tig was smashed the man was thrown out and the horses ran away The train was stopped and the injured man brought 10 His injuries are net t bought to of a serious nature although he was badly shaken up The Council has accepted flee of ihe Peter- and Power Co to supply ire town eightyfive candle power arc lamps far the sum of per arc lamp per pay the sum of per year a rental for use of new contract is be for term o even years from st Additional lamps over eighty art be charged at the rale per year CAST For Infants and Children Sold at On the October a calttc drover nam d Stone a car load of from While standing in the yard a souna steer its way under aid became fast Mr Stone the test and never steer untd Toronto was reached Five days later at house was pasting the yard on duty and heard a moaning sound Upon investigation he discovered the steer but was un able to release it Procuring aid a portion of platform removed and the animal found lo be ravenous from starvation and It was lo stand and for iwo days was fed on milk had gained sufficient strength John Mainprise look it home where it has been cared for and is now convalescent About twelve oclock on Thursday night of list wcxk the of this place were aroused from their slum- by the dread alarm of fire The blare was a stable in rear of Mr John OBriens house By time and arrived stable was one mass flmes but ihe splendid stream of kept the fire from spreading The stable was full of and was only insured for The origin was a at the starr but did not re main long so The next morning some boys looking among the smoul dering straw came upon the remains of Owens a character known throughout this whole sec ion It appears thai he and Harry Fey had left Queens hotel about ten oclock on the night of the fire Fry having a lighted lantern Owen got possession of Ihe lantern in some way and ran off it Both and Fry been drinking ihe supposition is that made for ihe stable and laid down in the The lantern ihe re mains which were found in ihe ruins likely toppled over and started ihe fire was re cognition wnen found aria the flsh on his aims and legs was burnt bone UNION STREET for winter Hots it vfaiiicg ici in vicinity Mill in It Mill vi tit- log as Mr J It Mr Chapman ml tit to bii in rto Mr It Smith Mill list Moll Mount couple of dya hit wrk with Mr the Mr J- is hat running from the amp stable for she the winter It great seta wis ale eooojjb to swallow a The result cramps tot he luproog nicely What we like Who was wee dud by the gorilla night of the fire wtk revival will n- A lirtty lime Hay is now selling from to at ton at Pcnetang The distress in is in creasing There have been no rains in the famine districts price of grain is rising Ii is in Home ihat peace concluded between Italy and Abyssinia en terms very favorable the There were scents of en- Spain when the new lean as nearly all on Sunday the winter wheat at Hoc a in western pari he Province on Saturday rn of June it was selling at Brennao the slayer of Mr rathy at Barrie is to be in a very tow state and it is doubtful if he will live the day set for Ids hanging All of Queen Vicio-iasdaujh- lei were losnim hn very young The daughters Prince of could before could read An of about thirl dynamite at the rs of Niagara Mis Power Company killed iw men and fatally a third Alu tailing vessels of all kinds in ihe sea every year down icings and Involving a loss about ioocoooc many churches have in to loan St is one the few having all debts paid and money on hand A short lime ago the wardens let out church funds on a note and now find it impossible to enforce owing to the failure of the rower says HAVHO UPS I it tut fit Vceliji Wall or KiJcy IroaW fiaoHliEs CUKE It la the DfdgBlot She l l46VfeU pay i