Newmarket Era, 25 Dec 1896, p. 3

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mm y taal 1SCOIH0 OH ABOUT of PRESENTATION- The tntda of Other last Friday afternoon token of ft Pur- lWllwi0W1o of Model poll on tor fc The of entertain- if a of hi by Mumcipai The firtt of iht or Mill to held on Iht od Monday frj not third Count will on fourth la Jtntur Doc A very St do If to Mtootolfh tbtfolliu Lit tlaco A wilt do- animal Jul ivuh Mm chancel tppotrtDD Jl of Nut puior preach A In A Kong ll to held which to the lTOlffi Lib trad cod Of iAmlc3ihoooUcUoQ Aro noil who went Om A0 Hon worry tliyct J of folic Vie a Oil Ik Court or to At a oclock a It on of come Iroabtr ihi Iho Had In oaio hit Has At Ixo by A9lh0xllll Tea The Art of Beauty Ulavd room on wy of A Crowded Our For warn space too to to And acid Wbltchor The of St John of will foltowl people are pi bit owner Apirtfcotntbobolltr bo no Poll- Unlock It md of for mitl form lo lower a of fell od a rib neck bit Allho a will Format a cord for dry iho for Wr wo Ho It cow Moo Aod Town tpiad CbHilcnAo homo of foliar for In At lodtQ44 Ihtt W bi a their la Mr wbo In of Iho Model Mr for bit homo to day hit bo School In of being wlih and of ftreti Choir Mm wbcroitr ho Joctto County MjnutksTJic minutes Of of itit yojk 66 and tm of ho SOW lf by Tho for tbo tivoral to on The At Kvwmarkflj Model boy and are I ifrd Ola to JHld UorgW Per Vint ihc J o and iutfpU country old aiiIcI Mr of the r I hit a utntlly of holly inirtllotot dtcoralion ami and tea for Ratepayer a nolo of It thai oIflca Mayor for each Ward at well at Ihroo Town Monday at Moitfo Pretty retiring printed of And oipcndltorei for It now Jnotd And Of will mat Monday WoodWork Mr W of Canto Factory fnPttitlang Mod- dty contract for Interior work of a very reildenco The with lo rniiohj and alto Vlller I for two o their given tuch Work will probably thlt of noil month to keep up In the Court Hit Honor ft it loti In hero bat It a number of AW4 J by rfpiftt result woo thai finlthedlfao dkl ibreo oclock woo iioth I of public lmjyrtinco trAntptrlni The ftMti tool loaittiid lolitoowrn follow fiU Ho a in A- with ft8ciuriAn4 of whom faniilEfe Aaln lo lilt hut to tako of flaraineiital a oclock i Ion of her while tbo peat Moudoy flhrf for a tlarnp a loll Away And bo A pcit laid parte of hand io front of her When flnfihtd rAdfoi door of portoUat fiho told in port itii a n hot to Identify nit tfrcaily thai fa to a thing And wowtn their down In or pubtio NAKhOw JcaiX a J lor had a narrow lit ttom taint drowned hid rc- her and a placed near to rtotfio Co Ico lery to of and before plank ft It In up lo her neck- out but Ltd mother foot tho water would her over dropped bur but they vrcro ftoil day plank placed running water On aflerntfoir popllo of 3rd Model lion with A to od Bolter Koifo fltjgar Spoon oping toad by Tern- roako annual a Tea from to p In Hi- MArtafi lilW pruriM will by IliUnf Toronto Mil al vtH by a Auditnco And by Iter en ift of her with vocoif program ayl poUio Ato In ilo Relfionrificln and on ho owr4wi by their fltw year In a pruttatloa4aado by Violet Treat and AdhH it II It onco mora loa ctoto And band bringing hail to All Before wo for wo IbltoppOHonUy yon with theto fclight token of onr And oar appreciation of kind avo In oar pott On of wo oar host wlibeo thai yon may and thai Hew bring yon many blutlogOADd raacb lit Itct tbanko n reply after which a otcarHvdool And for vacation Municipal for loko Monday Clerk of it tho pre- a bo by to bo moved and Where elected by win polling tab- Monday of torn am to pm ft Clerk to gin cor a printed copy of Voter for the ward or polling tab for which ho It to Act which bo a that it It proper Volar Caodldateo may rbiUy At mooting alio by a to hour ihercafur fa Of A of month of I IViUto Ruby ft Allen rla CliantleJ- Frank Vortot It Mojo Frank Arthur Alt Jr mail IK Vint KiMds lM Mobil Potior naMr Miller Mercy Iryiot Willie Monday thti ppu of by prioifDliDg a band id by iifki- lib fell i Up for wo hand of the in It it cot or I hi I Oliti av at afloat to W if of a by iuU IboimtiiCM of iLt bat to Dial baft fcoudauarm at a tliti inay bo to tech A may and wo J poniu by ard lnJprttcdberputuro In a iy t A A Success In Tow a under of School proved a grand Tito Jul wot and everybody with Hoi the part and with and part to In the placo off clockwork con- upon bowed their by all did well and to prcrotntDt character login of but Milt At Quun Winter at alto Mr John at Will At Ago Portter Jack on I very pretty with a hid of o light Probably nothtng children at to climbing out of of iht erected on platform All vbllirrrjwor treats and iKcio Co the Clot with anorangt for tinging to At director Mr J Wat to while behind fa and platform a well at want to buy ft log And It big to They keep tarpon and Toronto- la on op Bullet whoett rnako Markkis a grand market bat of poultry brought forward not ratrkot year wo add that market at on and two ft grand for Hot- were picked and lb at at they to dock CO to per pair and from to or pair very told at per OWL Al and were drog At on market In by Mr of Sharon and Mr of Albert brought tokora Ihtt hatched iOO A high AtSJo paid for brat batter wat down to Ho per lb frggt lo 21c Iho and for lor- and tor In Any trying and 5c for choice and at bfgh at Ho tot with for a of Ink Merry to oil aro heavy It gone Did you get a new All men have Zero 18 on Hot oiiow for County PAHlOWPIJKD Mr K it homo for Mr Norman Rostra la from Toronto for Mllllo Howard It homo from for Mr John bear aick It getting Utter Mr A Btooffer family gono to BtODffflllo till flaurday for mat Vornon of Mr John Yoogo Mr Angot It homo from College for lUf Gardner and of aro homo a for Mr of Kfrwtan- I homo for XniAij hating day leave of Mr Will on for a Mr Coombt of the Korea at School Toronto wat frleodt In Town week Mr Frank Bain of got back from Now York woek and will probably re I in Mr Wall Sutherland been paM log a attack of pool or week proving fo on Monday ho fat hero about to govern meat gram for 11 ronton fat Cbrlttmat tlnoAttoMa ACOgC0miKflOO latter to lb holiday lo of who be lonloroumlnattonoAl Pharmacy wo netted Mr Kowmtrkel J w term Mr Br hat lb of the Baa for a fine Applet on If alto Ahgof variety to bo distributed among poor of at a Cbmtmaa treat Mr Frank SOU of Mr Dtteb of of ft at By Attempt to tome the and toil a thumb And l wo band got homo on after weeks in ft voo In employ of Mr Cook In that Mr not electloa at By a letter from wo learn tbal Mr Wright not been Accident ago coating They It of Oct when ft ttrelro day In tooceton down to from to below they have had floo wintry weather Jan uary thaw on ho two Carleiry SO Inchet thick to They haul block of ted for A loadiO or hat had a old of about fit dfep and place piled ten feci deep while other ore bate Bailor hero a pound A lb chick- tot la lb lb a WW foe acd ISM aiuf I pUoutllCO pork No I were who allowed aland viz Cheater Duncan and John No a three can in field viz A Willaon J and J No hat three candidal for J llollJ son No lMRllcft George A No 5 Jonathan Slater a Dr arc the nominee No Nomination when and Hiram Johnson were propped No King Nomination There it alto a trio running for vix Nor man J and Archibald Mo Galium al Sharon Candidates J A W nnd Woodcock No of Ibe at J I Davidson Thou Scon J An II J Steven and Stevenson Mc- and Scott have resigned con- sequent Davidson and Johnson arc elected by REGULAR Site -W- STOW KB TO Over Twelve Hundred Handkerchiefs to choose from The Trade would to buy them at double the price I am offering them at to the Public Uce only Powder like W A BRUNTON TZAW f CO It CI A 70 io Town Council ever Deputy Coin- ijjl -nil- to Col Win Win for il J Andrew Vita Jlock ft f 1 Utile carofcoil J llKktiaUl Coin I Jiy in t Co I It it for W Jos work at W W ijpjlj tut Town iiii Atkimou rent 1icd VMM A ko A Coin M Ilidi to Com to found corrCt J A A Co for ins of live Com ftiking for a of ibiu Mr WWdffitM on Mr bo for 3 cud tho of en lntf bft poUMWi d Tin bit moral support it Mi W lhM petition ha to live Mr for ma of a plt of floodln with Chief of Urfgada to he can allowed pro ptyue4a4 Ton Wmi ibat at iiiflniclaitorderaodiho halo and and do aud allowed Hooter between and X A tbaodof tha ad the laid he would call gel tha Com rpjtleJ of The and at the Light Station which a lb Comuiltte A That aoooonl of Ho a re ami nation he it Urn Ton no in as- ol Mm- DiDttk on lani Mr Kctmaiia property Timothy having in rpir That CO to altowad of WgU Heat aui Power I l That tha Com cot bo aieree lo land at Main aod Timothy in li lutpi out on iovutigattoa hat lbs property I That no Itken Jo fit ter Ity Co Mr beard with rfernea to St tot tolblcx piomiied The Cltrkaicilrcl3ta notify Iff Lemon woald col to year To an adrrca4 lill JJIffl Grtnobie Walnuts Sicily Filbirtt Home Made Mixture Royal Mixture Creams Chocolate make all our own Confectionery BOYSWcvconjraftir of ihoc Fine up if you one Boxes of Cindy left Raisins Currant and Beit Quality and Cheapen lead in Coffee and Teas Wishing our Many a Merry Chiisiinar A ROBERTSON TO suitable for iLTrj ON Reminding You That Prices here arc ALWAYS THE LOWEST We have for You Fancy Goods f all Kinds and Books a ROCHE The Great Slaughter Sale still on- Piles thai must be SoM your Fresh Rendered Leaf only els per lb lb Rvlltd for are Selling the Pure Windsor Salt all at leu thin Wholesale Prices Oranges Lemons Candies Peels Currants Spices Eta for at that lull the than ever in CLOTHING at BARGAIN HOUSES have up this a large and assorted Stock of SHES AND r no Many of and some of the older as well themselves stating during the mom- week Mr has been suffer- with but is getting We arc about lo lose two our young They going to The officer S ap pointed for It is occurrence as to have a large attendance S S if ac to have a Christmas tree or rnent The children ill and you could notice the difference io at- tendance of the older as could scarcely help being with ihc fact election was Hear ing to see the shaking hanls it is necessary to attend purpose how much more regularly and ing or encouraging way of life and receive well 3 F U mi AT Ti- CENTRAL PHARW1ACY I Groceries in the County Every article to be found in a Grocery Store you find on our Shelves You will find our Prices as low- and in some things lower than any house handling Groceries We ask for a trial order and we are sure that we will your patronage Thanking our old Customers for the past patronage trust we will be able to still serve them ing hans c attend for thai the need of I assist in leach- j j The Masters j LX THIS OPPORTUNITY his numerous Customers and Friends THERE are OTHERS HftPiiiDPnospoUFETYiAti MONTGOMERY THE CHEAP HUGHES This is 1 pit till hit Goods are showing Celluloid Goods Aluminium Mirks Mats Trays While Childs and Fork Set and Hand- Hand Mirrors Mirrors in While Frames Trays arid Pillows StampCMJncniiKiiit While Sideboard Covers Feather Mitts t reduced price c larcy SlLVUSVAIiK Cold SpfccrAciEs Who are Stocked with lifts as hut to the Public we em- state THERE ARE NO OTHERS Who show a belter I or 3fc doing month Spice will not ptr- 10 tell much about our prices it will Afld hop 1 to a the same fans been MY TAILOR kindly call shall be Moukico Boil us Silver at Etc Den pleased do so Ho we to be posted j in the qualities of all classes of goods bill we do know all about the lines we handle Wouldnt you rather buy from such a dealer Engraving free of charge on all goods bought here ATKINSON Jeweler and Optician Main St Newmarket In Order dear out before our J SxV of Goods HUGHES OF Boots Shoes Rubbers Trunks and Alio ie will Elegant GoldHated Watch or by uses SON it Are Stocked h in GROCERIES Valencia Raisins California CcnnoiscurCluiIer Currant Currants and Cross and Citron Peels Vanilla SheMt Grenoble Walnuts Tarragona Almonds and Beit Brand lard Study Is lo ibis the aod the buy DAVISON j Pine Cloves and Rove and Bitter Almonds Kcasttd Fed Nuts A

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