ft ERA FRIDAY MARCH 12 leeks eras WHAT GOING ON IN ABOUT TOWN Mr for Montreal Ho la to bo hero to buy tomorrow gale of in part of among that ftro taking le one at next Friday of Mr It J No doubt it will bo attended and many a man will up a bargain Good Wo arc to that the cam paign in and North York of Mr A Campbell Commissioner of Good Roads will open tho tatter part thin mouth commencing in flat fill am and places will bo announced for North York as Mr Campbell can Vegetables Last Fall Mr J Billing of a In Aurora of which that on ho was lettuce in Town and from loft at Em office pronounce it excellent Mr Billing that ho has just about ready tablo Out for Them wo would upon our read especially in country ncocwity of keeping a look out for fifty and twentyNY JJjlforont localities in the County mdusnte arc thorn and now prevails that tiro being in homo part of of Toronto Officer said to ho on trying to discover Driving Houses Chanted Mr I secured position of of Horse Carriage and is next month firm largest dealers in homes ami carriages in Canada Before leaving Mr to bo Saddle and Driving anil has announced his in tention by pouters of being at Forsyth House on Saturday to fill bill Bring along your Roiluiay tickets While railways discontinued the issue of commutation than nam and which abused by a large per thoy now adopted a newtariff They now issue a tic ally single fare rate and tickets will he Rood for aim any per son or per ho us accompanying and will also bo good for from ditto of sale The tickets provide for passengers who ate travelling daily and on a liberal basis while -1G- ride ticket will moot the requirements of scholars travel ling days in week to Central High or city institutions Both end the P have adopted uni form Tha of Management of Libra rv mot on Wednesday passed account Messrs David ton wore appointed CoTjuoil to grant and also a loan for six months purchase of now Totem Band Election election of at annual mooting of tost malted as follows President fioorotary Auditors Bunn and and Mo- Donald Big OPder Last Friday Millards Furniture shippod two moose loads of dress- spring beds to a new Boarding at Jacksons Point to bo run by Mr This was a contract order In competition with Toronto and shows that Newmarket can compote with any in country when it cornea to prices flg Society At iho meeting of last Monday Mr Keith was appointed for present year Messrs J and J woro appointed to interview the Minister of the viov of changing suoh that number of could increased to 18 if desired Board was of the opinion that if thoro npon it a could bo srouood in its operation i Last morning pastor preach ed an able her in on on subject of Loyalty or show your Colors taking for his text chapter vorae Who on the In pulpit was occupied by Rot Mr Will of Toronto who delivered a practical and discourse During this week a of special ser vices arc being held interest manifested and wilt probably be con tinued next week Meetings even ing except Saturday All cordially in- Finest lot in Town Toronto Prices YoBterday morning Dr fitopbons loft bis street without tied iviunawftyonfllhe oar J The last Sunday were exceedingly satisfaotory The Trus tees asked for a freewill offering of towards debt without the trouble up a TeaMeeting and result was that over were put up on the collection plates while the collec tion at tb on Monday brought within of what was asked and which has since been donated The sermons by Rev- Adams of Toronto were eloquent expositions of Word of God- His morning subject was Immortality of Soul sermon full of comfort for believers based on reasonable arguments and very cap The evening subject was a very peculiar one Womens Hair and Lions Teeth taken from the verse of the chapter of The Rev gentleman referred to the apostle as speaking in poetical figures and ho very forcibly argued that evils of the world were presented in most attractive form but having secured its viotims it only resulted in their eternal destruction The congregations were large both morning and evening and sermons were greatly ap preciated On Monday evening notwithstanding weather the was rilled to hear Rev Mr Adams on Grip end Get proved be a masterly effort For over an hour and half was wrapt attention and there was just enough humor with the hard fflots of life to give spice to lecture Mr Adams has the peculiar faculty of telling a good story in an excellent manner and he has a lot of good ones speaker show ed In several ways that grip work but by a firm and fixed purpose success In life la assured Lord Dr Dr Adam Clarke and many other distinguished personages were referred to not forgetting the noble vote of thanks was richly deserv ed and everybody was delighted Rev Matthews presided and the church contributed a couple of excellent anthems A statement of the Trust Fund was pre sented by the Treasurer showing that alt had been paid and a balance- still on hand of ftl87 The debt on Uio church la now and Trustee ex pect to It at the next payment Convention A special Sunday Convention will bo held in the Methodist Church at Holland Larding on Wednesday afternoon and evening of week tho under of the East Association The following persons promised to take part in tho program F Smith and Rev J Bradford Rev J Sturgeon and T Leonard of and County Secretory A number of Superin tendents and teachers also expected to toko part A very profitable time may be Everybody interested in ft work is invited to attend and take part in the The President of tho Association will preside p- Last Friday Major Lloyd Veterinary Inspector for West Ontario was exhibit ing a liver taken from a cow or dered to be killed the day before because believed it to be seriously affected with tuberculosis The naked eye required no magnifying glass to observe how that the microbes getting in their deadly work and milk of this animal has been used right along for the manufacture of butter No blame can he attached to the owner only this far it was known that cow was not in a healthy condition and her milk should not have been mixed with that of other cows for purposes Wo are told that the veigbed at least lbs and was simply a of sore No wonder the of Toronto demand that no milk shall he shipped into the city without the cows being examined by a professional veterinary Under ouch Cir cumstances it would not be too much for Council of Newmarket to demand that the cowsof milk vendors should pass in spection fen months for there is nothing that will convoy quicker than the ftuid Gospel Temperance The flail even to the gallery last Sunday and a very in teresting meeting it was His Worship Mayor Cane and made a neat speech urging overy legitimate means to be employed in the for pro hibition when takes place on Mr plebiscite for the Dominion Mrs Jackson presided at the organ and Rev Matthews assisted the de votional exercises Mies York sang a beautiful solo and the Misses a lovely but the chief feature of the hour was the stirring address by Adams of Toronto He paid a high compliment to large number of people present The drinking ore the of land even though Canada ia in front rank of temperance movement He told in language of many touching incidents that had come under his personal notice which was en ough to make all his hearers resolve to bo constant to the traffic He strong ly denounced the political in connection with proposed amendments to the Liquor Act and fully expected that the of Ontario would have had more for their pledges after in favor of prohibition in thla Province The meeting next Sunday to conducted by Endeavor of finnivetiBCirfy Newmarket Junior wilt com- their In tho Town Hell on Friday of week by a unique entertainment kindergarten songs A special feature will bo Empire Drill by young ladies Mayor to occupy chair and as proceeds in aid of Hospital for Children a good attendance la anticipated Dime admission only Wednesday is fit Patricks day in morning regular meeting T takes place at of Mrs Ban- next Tuesday afternoon Regular mooting of Town Council- Monday evening A wire woe all the arc lights being out Friday night first complaint for a long time Ono of large plate windows in store which was cracked by heat of a lamp while trying to keep it of frost a few weeks ago was replaced by a now one last Friday Tho Novelty llats were covered with water on Wednesday but la so near all that no by Hood is anticipated There to bo a regular Manitoba fever in this part of the country Armenian pedlar has the Town past or four days- A load of straw down in front of Dr yesterday You Them Cleveland and Orescent For reference ask those who ride them Bee l37 samples at A Prices to meet pockets SCO Induction Service Tuu Presbyterian Church was well filled on Thursday afternoon of last week by an attentive audience to witness indue of Rev Mr of to this charge Previous to entering upon tho solemn service a meeting of the Presbytery took and was attended by the following Roy Mr Milne Moderator of tho Toronto Clerk of To ronto Presbytery Rev J A Grant Rich mond Hill Rev A Toronto Rev Amos of Aurora and Rev J Sturgeon of Promptly at the appointed the Moderator took charge of the induotion service after exorcises Mr Sturgeon an excellent sermon on Tho higher life Clerk of the then announced steps lead ing to cell of Mr and the Moderator obligated tho pastor After special prayer invoking divine blessing op en the candidate Mr was duly inducted as pastor of Newmarket Presby terian Church and received congratu lations of the ministerial brethren present including Eld The duty of addressing the Minister was laid upon Rev Mr Amos and in a very unassuming manner bo gave much sensible advice laying special stress upon the necessity of divine power Having given good proof of his ministry ho bad every confi dence that new pastor would be emi nently helpful to people immediately committed to hie cave and tho town at large Rev Mr then addressed the congregation showing tho necessity of sympathetic communication with the pastor and various oblinations they were under tovards him His address was very kindly received after which Rev Mr Amos and Mr A Davidson the pastor to tlio congregation All were then invited to partake of tea which the ladies had very kindly prepared the basement The spread was an ex cellent one and the sociality of the occa sion was much enjoyed The Board of Managers were greatly encouraged by unanimity and hearty operation of the congregation on the occasion After as sembling in the basement Mr J on behalf of the congregation present ed Rev Amos with a token of esteem in recognition of his services as moderator for the Newmarket during Ions period that they were without a pastor Rev Mr MoNabb outers upon work here a week from Sunday I Just received Very Latest shown by any other house in Town Gold- Tinted Draperies and Art Muslins The Best Qualities and Lowest Prices for Spot Cash All good cooks use Baking Powder CORNER moans a Saving to your pocket book Oats box Sale White pure a out In Ontario See On Kxperiijientnl Union He bush clean best white Hoe Our Model nun Oris for U5 and Sua Con Aurora P BAKERY florin York Lftfense District In above will Br on Tuesday the 10 m- Its In by April 1st AJ Inspector lKi7 I J r CHINA HALL We have this week FRESH MANITOBA WHITE FISH FRESH TROUT FRESH HADDIE Smoked FRESH BULK OYSTERS FRESH SEA HERRINGS- Wedding Cakes a specialty We just received a barrel of Onions IVE yiVvJ Shades In all colors fringe end plain Cornice Poles and Trimmings at A Sale March Mr J will have a very extensive and unreserved of stock Implements etc Including head of cattle on the premises Terms Credit till Nov over except for hay or per cent off for at if oclock sharp lunch at noon Auet Monday March Mr Arthur retch will of farm ice Including bush White Siberian Oats and Canadian Beauty Terms hay grain and sums of leash over that amount months credit at oclock Mr will havo an and sale of high class stock now implements etc on East Half of lot In tho of Whitchurch Termsoredlt till Nov on sums over or cent off for cash Sale at one oclock sharp smith Evaporated Evaporated Peaches Very Fine French Plums Evaporated Bosnia Prunes lb Good Cooking Figs 5c lb DP ACT Finest Quality only in with oi without Cut Glass Stoppers at and Bottles with or without Cut Glass Stoppers at and Do you want a snap in Vase Lamps at and worth about double Our Japan Tea at is giving splendid satisfaction in flavor strength and value In Ceylon and Assam at and we find a constantly increasing demand Our Package Teas are the choicest in the worlds market- the at and the Monsoon at Pun and Fragrant the most delicious of alijpackage Teas We solicit an early trial of these goods In all the Latest Novelties For Suitings and Trouserings When you want come and see ours We have more than double variety of Styles and Patterns of any house in Town and range in price from for Complete Sets Shoes SPECIAL VALUE Wo handle the Rubbers the best fitting and most satisfactory to wearer A The Leading Grocer At Hanover a span of horses owned by Mr J J Hillia ran away The animals got caught between ears Cof Ma Timothy StsV of a moving train and were killed j W W W 1 In buying from us you have our name and our guarantee backed up by a Reputation of fair dealing Goods and Serges our Specialty A continuation of your patronage solicited MY TAILOR Exaggerations and not in our line GOOD AT Old Stock on hand STORE 3