Newmarket Era, 26 Mar 1897, p. 1

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I k INTELLIGENCER Give mo the to know to utter and to freely according to conscience above all other I AND No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in M Vol No Copies Cents Each J Newmarket Friday March r Terms put annum I LOO if j Paints Oils Glass Putty Having continued demand for Hardware Paints Etc we have decided to give it a fair share of our attention and will endeavor at all times to handle stock that will please both iu Quality and Price IN CHURNS BARREL DASH BROOMS POUND PRINTS BOWLS LADLES STAMPS WAXED PAPER Stoves Box Stoves mortgage on the Mary lots fclll fatted call cole day For last on Is wiped away I me right as right can ho Lot us laugh and sing together for the old farm is Dont all Fourth day of twas that son lit tip nations sky Why we then and this day neer forgot is thoro any freedom like oat of riz up many an hoar before son And night has overtaken mo before task was done When weary with my twas this thought nerved ray arm day of toil will help to pay the mortgage on farm And Mary you done your part in to shore and to tho little village store be Into and Dr Ellis is ho particular For a moment she hesitated there was an audience waiting her who with Gods help she must interest and yet this one must not bo left with out a word of comfort She hastily thrust a card into the girls band to gether with a shining silver piece and whispered hurriedly Come to me in morning at this and she was gone Something fluttered noiselessly to walk and the girl ran and picked it up it was a knot of white ribbon wants it she solilo quized I guess not Ill keep it be cause she dropped it She opened her hand and looked at the silver dollar lying within Now I can some supper she thought and sho hurried away in the direction the party had taken but they were well in advance of her After turning sev eral she found herself in front of a brilliantly lighted church and an illuminated card announced that Mrs J K Barney would give an address She stopped short that was name the lady had called her benefactor She looked at her card there it Repairing promptly done You did not spend your money in was up lor show Barney Supper was for- I I CN Barrister Notary Public c Office Newmarket 530000 to on good security Barrister etc Solicitor for Township of King Money in Division Court Building Ontario p Barrister Solicitor etc with Marsh Cameron c Toronto carefully managed and promptly made Money to loan at lowest rates Block M St Newmarke Barrister Reformer Block Money to Loan DENTAL T J Assignee and Commissioner MEDICAL A J and Aberdeen P 5 Member Medical Member University A Street a to and irto8p Dp JI Campbell a p OpfxceA Pharmacy to a 10 to and to p Night calls at residence Street two doors East of English Church R I Dentist Post Office- Block opposite the Methodist Church Air for Dentist Aurora Successor to the late Dr Robinson Offjce Dr Robinsons late Street Aurora Op Pearson DENTIST Over Dr Campbells Newmarket Every Friday and Saturday Gold and Porcelain Crown and Bridge Work Irregularities corrected Appointments may be made at the Drug Store Toronto Office Street AUCTIONEERS Auctioneer for York Co Farm and Chattel Sales will receive speoial attention Main Be- or Box Newmarket PO Duncan Licensed Auctioneer for Co of York Goods sold on commission Terms reason able Farm Sales attended to Street Newmarket Jfliss Who has received her tuition from tho Best Local Teachers and also from Signer of Toronto Conservatory of is desirous of procuring Pupils for Piano and Organ Niagara St Newmarket ft SINGING AND VIOLIN TEACHER But sang from morn till evening in laded calico And Bessieour sweet daughter God bless her heart The lad that her for a wife most be by nature smart gone without piano her hoars to To have a hand in paying off tho mortgage on the farm Ill build a little cottage soon to make your heart rejoice Ill buy a good piano to go with Bessies You shall not make with that up and down concern For Ill go this very day and buy the finest patent Lay by your faded calico and go with me to town And got and Bessie a new and shining gown Low prices for our produce need not give now alarm Spruce a little Mary no mort gage on the farm While our hearts are now so joyful Jet us Mary not forget To thank the God of heaven for being out of debt For he gave the rain and sunshine and pal strength into my arm And lengthened oat the days to sea no mortgage on the farm I ir a Formerly Km Assistant at Chelsea Hospital London England for Disease Recently- HouseSurgeon of Hospital for Sick Children Toronto Central to and to pm ti Alfred Newmarket Office of tho late Dr Rogers first door South of to P Ontario House Burgeon at the- Toronto Home tor mi and 1895J Keswick vw WVERY Opposite Hire Hail Main Street of House Main Street Vernons Turnout in Town Specialist for all VorcE Defects NEWMARKET Scotts Emulsion mifcea the blood richer and im proves the circulation It increases the digestion and nourishes the body It cor rects diseased action and strengthens the nervous sys tem In a word it places the in the best possible condition for preventing the germs of Consumption from beginning or continuing their work In that one sentence is the whole secret Book covering the subject very thoroughly sent free for asking SCOTT it Oat a R of White gibbon fell in a heavy mist and wind soughed mournfully through the trees sweeping the dead leaves in showers over the fast fading grass and wet pavements The street lamps gave out a faint flickering light and the pedestrians drew their wraps closer and shivered as they hurried along For an hour or more the figure of a woman might have been seen wander ing up and down the streets and the face upon which the light shone was that of a young girl scarce twenty The brown was pushed back from white face and a pair of dark hazel eyes looked with a frightened expression upon the passers by who did not seem to heed her presence in the least The girl leaned for a moment against the fence and a great tearless sob broke from her lips and at that moment a lady who had just passed with several others stepped and laid a gentle hand on the girls arm A voice sweeter than the sweetest to a troubled heart spoke and a face made beautiful by the love of God and humanity with the same love shining in the kindly blue eyes bent over her and asked Letme you are in trouble The girl looked up with a bewilder ed air such words she was not used to but in a moment she found voice to answer No you cant unless you give me work and my reference is I have been one week out of jail The lady gave a start and the girl continued with a laugh I knew you would turn away no less than a hundred have done the same thing the past Surely the sweet voice whispered you were hot guilty Yes she answered I to you I was guilty The noble loving heart gave a great throb of pity this was her work here was one of her chosen ones to whom she was devoting her life work A clear hold voice with a sound like ft bell on an icy morning broke the momentary silence UyiJeirMrs Barney dont you think you aw will gotten and sho went into the church and slipped into one of the back seats The Centre Church was crowded the organ played and choir gang the pastor gave thanks for blessings past and to come and at last gave way to the speaker of the evening and a slender little blackrobed lady with blue eyes shining like stars with their hope and earnestness arose before a church filled with a fashionable and critical audience to tell them what the mission of the white ribbon was and how it led her out into the by ways to search out the despised and forsaken and tell them of Christs love for he to save the fallen and as she went on the girl in the back seat clasped her ribbon closer and her eyes lost their and a look of con tent came into her face voice of the speaker rang clear and sweet to the- listeners as she spoke of enemy who stole away home and happiness and if he did not dark en their home someones household idol was sacrificed on the altar of mammon which they would in a measure be called to answer for as the professing christian people would pray Lead us not into temptation and then give their influence for that which destroyed both body and soul Thy kingdom come and thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven The voice was wonderfully pathetic as it repeated the precious words How can His kingdom come among such blighting sin and His will be done on earth because it is not in accordance with Gods will to ruin and here the speakers ice grew soft and pleading as she begged more to vote right to the standard of right for the boys to follow and she showed the truth for womens feet to tread to win many to the narrow way for Christs sake When at last the clear voice ceased and the speaker took her seat the Rev Dr Ellis arose and after a few com plimentary remarks in regard to Mrs Barney and a few more invoking Gods blessing the meeting was over and people were free to express their sentiments which they were not slow to do Some had gone out of curiosity some to please the noble earnest women who had instigated the meet ing and more because at the present time Dr Ellis church was very pop ular and as they looked at the address from different standpoints the com ments were of course somewhat varied There were many who simply admired the gifted speaker but there were a few who felt the responsibility of Gods work but among the number that felt the need of a Fathers strength and love was a girl in the back seat who clasped in her hands a bit of white ribbon One by one the people had left the or- stood in and talked over the meeting till at last the girl seemed to realize it was over and starting to her feet she glid ed away She walked swiftly along till she reached rather a neat looking lodging house and entered for the night She lay awake counting the hours as the bell in the adjoining steeple tolled them out till at last felt asleep to dream of sweet voices and fair feces The morning sunlight shone in at the window when at last she opened her eyes and springing up she made as neat a toilet as possible and de scended the stairs to the plain though comfortable diningroom and after a hurried breakfast made her way out upon the street in the given her The number brought her I to a residence and her courage seemed to leave her as she ascended the white marble steps and gave a timid pull at polished sil ver bell Tho smart maid in white cap and apron with flowing ribbons elevated her nose as she reluctantly permitted her to enter the hall while she went to inform Mrs Barney of her arrival she soon returned and direct ed her to follow As library door swung back and the slender grace ful figure and sweefc face of her new found friend appeared her hesitancy vanished but her eyes filled with tears as she the warm hand clasp and the thrilling gaze of the blue eyes Now my child said the lady tell mo all about it how it is you arc left to wander through fche world and thus early tread fche path of wrong There was no withstanding the kindly sympathetic voice and so seated close to the lady the girl told the old old story of love and sin old since the world began yet new to many a trusting girls heart that has no loving hand to guide the story of a womans love and a mans perfidy and when at last she found herself friendless and alone the wine cups ruddy light bade her find comfort there and so she had only to find the result which is always sure to follow So you see maam nobody will take a jail bird so there is no good word left for me she concluded While the story had been told the listeners heart had been lifted to God in prayer but she had not looked for an answer quite as soon as it was re ceived for as the girls words died away the curtains parted and the hostess stood re them her eyes filled with tears as she exclaimed Ob Mrs Barney I could not help but hear forgive me I will take her no one knows how much we shall have to answer for by turn ing a deaf ear to the cries for help which come beforeour christian people I will not stand back in work any longer And it was decided fchafc Mrs Judge was to take Nellie Harris in her employ and help her to do right Five times has summers sunlight shone over fche stately city of Elms and five times have the streets been wrapped in fcbeir snowy mantle and again the Center Church is crowded to listen to Mrs J K Barneys words which cannot fail to enthuse the hearts of her listeners but this time she has a warm place in the hearts of the people seventyfive earnest loyal wo men with Mrs Judge B at their The Banana Something over twenty yearn New England skipper ufted to make several trips a year from the north- ports of Jamaica and would re turn to Cape Cod Bay his fleet schooner laden with bananas for which ho found ready and remuner ative sale Other vessels were added to the business which grew and pros pered and soon become too important longer to depend upon the uncertain winds and steamers replaced the schooners Bananas were offered in quantities greater than our Yankee mariner with his limited means could handle arid a company was formed in 1877 with a Capitol of 200000 and two steamers and the business of systematically growing the banana for export the United States commenced From such smaH beginnings sprang the American com pany which now practically controls the fruit export trade of Jamaica Its present capital is 500000 and it has a surplus of and employs twelve steamers It ships to the United States every year about bunches of bananas besides upwards of cocoanuts and quantities of pimento allspice coffee cocoa and early vegetables It era- ploys nearly two men More than six hundred mules are daily in harness engaged in drawing to ports of shipment its varied product It owns and controls more than twenty estates comprising nearly acres Free schools are provided for the children of its employees It has brought great prosperity to a languish ing country and practically created an industry and its president the man whose foresight began all this great work and whose energy is now push ing it onward is commonly known among the as the Banana King Pumping COaehiacs Too many pumping machines at Claras a lady not allow my little boy to go there alone they quiz him like lawyers about our affairs Of course we have our little secrets that we like to keep in the family but what Henry knows they extract from him merely out of idle curiosity I hate to call there said a young lady alluding to a family in the town where she lived- Mrs and Madge are so inquisitive head are wearing the white ribbon for God and Home and- Native Land and this time she spoke for them Nellie Harris is still with Mrs Judge B and she has proved faithful and true and her name is known to every poor unfortunate one and many bless her but there are few who know of a little ebony bos in her room which contains a card and a little knot of white ribbon over which she shed many bitter tears for right first Tonight she too wears a white rib bon for the blood of Christ us from all sin and no one would re cognize in quiet ladylooking girl the wreck of five years ago But Mrs Barney remembers and her greeting is cordially as to a friend Mrs Judge has found by bless ed experience that a few words even on the busy streets will bring forth abundant fruit Dr Ellis prayer comes from the depths of his heart this night and his words are wonder fully tender for he knows the little story connected with the speakers last visit and when he ends with a blessing on the white ribbon which is fast the world and all mem bers of the there is a heart felt and earnest Amen Reader there is many a Nellie Harris in our crowded streets but there few Mrs Barneys let us all endeavor to live closer to the beautiful life from which she takes her example and in a consecrated work for God and humanity and rest- and bless ing of the promise Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these ye have done it un to me A couple of have been fined each for using cancell ed postage stamps Robbing Peter to pay Paul is said to have originated in an act of the government in England in 1650 At that time the Cathedral of St being out of re pair wad no funds available a portion of the income which consecrated to St Peter was di verted to the repair of Pads Theyll ask me where I got my dress how much much I paid a yard how many yards I had who made it and a dozen other questions about that and anything else new that I chance to have on And when theyve exhausted my clothing theyll take up mothers- in the same fashion We only go there once a year They havent half so many friends as they would have if they werent so inquisitive People dont- like pumping machines It is true that inquisitive people rarely have many friends Idle curiosity a desire to pry into the affairs of others begets repels even a child Aunt Caroline presses me awfully with questions declared a little nine- yearoldgirl the other day- How so inquired a friend she asks if papa and mamma get cross and if Aunt Frances is going to be married and everything like that and it makes me feel nervous- like I dont like to go there Aunt Caroline had thought to her with impunity But the little girl was quick to discern a pumping machine We might say that the machine ia a gossip in training Dont pry into other peoples personal affairs Dont wonder about them dont think about thorn talk about them Impertinent curi osity is almost the surest mark of a vulgar mind Mrs an old lady of Stratford was run over by a runaway horse and If illed Loo the fouryearold son of M J Casserly Tottenham fell from a table one day last week and broke his collar bone Violent gales prevailed all day night throughout Germany causing some loss of life and great of property Serious damage by floods is at and Ont In the United States vast tracts of country are under water the low of life properly and of the people being

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